Superheaters and reheaters

Shaun P. Hennessey,    Nooter/Eriksen, Inc., Fenton, MO, United States


This chapter deals with the special nature of the thermal/hydraulic and mechanical/structural designs of superheaters in the HRSG setting. Superheaters come in many forms within the typical three-pressure plus reheat HRSG. Requirements associated with the various hot end high-pressure superheaters and reheaters are discussed and contrasted to the needs of intermediate-pressure and low-pressure superheaters typically found in the cooler portions downstream of the high-pressure evaporator. Overviews of potential coil layout and design considerations used when selecting the optimum superheater mechanical/structural arrangement relative to the needs of the thermal/hydraulic process design are presented. The general natures of startup, shutdown, and highly cyclic service considerations are covered as are condensate management, outlet steam temperature control, gas and fluid side flow distribution, pressure part materials, and common failure mechanisms. Finally, some special considerations related to current and future integration of combined cycle plants in a load following role to renewables generation are presented.


HRSG; superheater; reheater; desuperheater; attemperator; fast start; distribution; quenching

6.1 Introduction

The superheater and reheater sections of the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) both add sensible heat to steam. The steam may be generated within the HRSG or can be from another source. Superheaters are used to elevate the temperature of the saturated steam generated in the attached evaporator to the desired level of superheat above the saturation temperature. Reheaters are similar in that they elevate the temperature of the entering steam but the steam source is typically the high-pressure steam turbine exhaust. The pressure losses of the superheater heating surface, piping, valves, and trim must be included to deliver the steam to the terminal point of supply and/or the receiving device or process at the desired conditions of temperature and pressure. Steam can be used as the motive fluid for turning a steam turbine and/or to provide heat to or extract heat from a process. An example of the latter is the use of steam to remove heat from certain of the gas turbine’s cooling systems in integrated steam/water cooled gas turbine cycles. Steam is typically generated in multiple pressure levels within a given HRSG. Each pressure level can have a specific purpose other than power production and/or be intended to blend into a steam turbine at the appropriate stage. Steam is required at a nearly infinite combination of pressures and temperatures, from saturated to highly superheated depending on the specific steam consumer. Even saturated steam processes typically require a small amount of superheat to be added to overcome heat and pressure losses in the piping between the HRSG and the consumer. The following discussions provide information toward understanding how superheaters and reheaters are designed, operate, and fit into the HRSG train.

6.2 General description of superheaters

Superheaters are used to elevate the temperature of steam above its saturation temperature. The steam typically enters the superheater dry and saturated via saturated steam piping from the evaporator/steam drum exit to the superheater inlet header. From there, heat is absorbed from the turbine exhaust gas into the heating surface and then into the steam, and the steam temperature increases. At the same time the steam flowing through the heating surface, headers, and interconnecting piping loses pressure. The heating surface is designed to deliver the required steam pressure/temperature conditions at the scope of supply terminal point or at the steam consumer. In general, the pressure loss should be minimized while maintaining strong cooling of the tubes as the saturation pressure in the evaporator increases with increasing superheater pressure loss, and the steam flow then decreases.

6.2.1 Process steam

In process applications, the HRSG generally produces steam at the fixed pressures of the process steam system headers. Many refineries, for example, utilize steam systems where several steam producers maintain the header at a constant pressure. Here the HRSG(s) might produce steam at one or several of these header pressures depending on the need. The superheaters often have to handle some level of supplemental firing to generate additional steam flow but typically the outlet pressure is fixed over the entire range. These units also tend to function for long periods of time at relatively stable loads and pressures so that on/off cycling can be a minimal concern.

6.2.2 Power plant steam turbine

In contrast, HRSGs designed specifically for power generation typically are designed for maximum efficiency. There are generally multiple pressure levels of superheated steam generated for use in a steam turbine and/or in cooling streams for various combustion gas turbine components, and can also include steam generation for extraction to another process.

6.2.3 Steam purity vs various applications

Required steam purity is generally a function of the consumer of the steam. Steam turbine suppliers typically require the superheated steam to be of very high purity to avoid a loss of efficiency due to fouling, erosion, and/or corrosion of the steam turbine internals. Processes can generally accept steam of lower purity.

6.3 Design types and considerations

Like other components of the HRSG, superheaters and reheaters are fabricated of tubes, headers, return bends, etc., in the form of tube coils. A coil generally consists of transverse and longitudinal rows of tubes relative to the turbine exhaust gas flow as shown in Fig. 6.1.

Figure 6.1 Typical HRSG sectional elevation indicating a shipping bundle versus an individual coil.

6.3.1 Tube External/Outside Heating Surface

As discussed in Chapter 3, Fundamentals extended heating surface in the form of finned tubes is used in HRSGs. In high-pressure superheaters and reheaters the addition of external finning greatly increases the tube metal temperature. Higher fin density and/or thicker fins lead to higher tube metal temperatures. Varying the amount of finning added therefore has a significant impact on the tube material selections. This allows the tailoring of different alloy materials up to each material’s maximum temperature for continuous use before stepping to the next higher grade material. In cases of supplemental firing, the radiant heat flux to the first longitudinal rows of tubes downstream of the burner can cause a significant increase in tube metal temperatures. In these cases, it is typical to utilize one or more rows of bare tubing immediately downstream of the burner to maximize radiant absorption while minimizing the resulting increase in tube metal temperature. Thereafter it is typical to find external finning but perhaps at a reduced fin density and fin height, again to limit tube and fin metal temperatures and required metallurgy.

6.3.2 Staggered/inline

Depending on gas side pressure loss, layout, etc., there can be a benefit with respect to enhancing turbine exhaust gas flow distribution when using the staggered layout. At the hot end, where the high-pressure superheaters and reheaters are usually located, this flow distribution effect can be used to improve turbine exhaust gas velocity distributions to supplemental firing equipment, catalyst beds, and other components downstream of the superheater and reheater when required.

6.3.3 Countercurrent/cocurrent/crossflow

The use of the proper flow arrangement is critical to achieve required performance at minimum cost and maximum reliability. Superheaters and reheaters are no different in this respect. For optimum heat transfer, the countercurrent arrangement is preferred. This typically maximizes the effective temperature difference and therefore minimizes heating surface. Crossflow is generally used for single-row and single-pass (can be multiple rows in parallel; see Section 6.3.5) coils. Here, single-pass refers to the working fluid making one pass across the turbine exhaust gas flow before exiting the gas path for the terminal point or reentering the gas path at some other location (Fig. 6.2).

Figure 6.2 Example flow arrangements: (A) countercurrent, (B) cross, (C) cocurrent.

Cocurrent can be a useful arrangement to minimize temperature excursions and provide some temperature control by using the natural pinching effect (gas temperature leaving versus steam temperature leaving) at the coil steam outlet. In some instances, cocurrent arrangement can also be used to optimize metallurgy by placing the coolest steam with the hottest turbine exhaust gas and the hottest steam in a cooler turbine exhaust gas zone. Note that a cocurrent arrangement typically maximizes heating surface and therefore first cost. However, the increase in heating surface may not be significant if temperature difference between turbine exhaust gas and steam is substantial (note that in this case the desired “pinching” effect will be reduced).

6.3.4 Headers/jumpers vs upper returns

Several different typical coil configurations are common in the HRSG industry. The simplest is a single row of tubes installed into an upper header and a lower header. Connecting piping then attaches to the nozzles on each header. It is thus possible to assemble individual single-row panels into a coil with the use of jumper pipes between the headers. The coil can be drained from the lower headers. For multiple row coils it is also possible to use return bends between individual tubes in neighboring rows for the intermediate upper row-to-row crossovers between the inlet and outlet header connections. It is imperative with any construction to properly manage internal stresses due to differential thermal growth from row to row, as well as temperature differences between adjacent tubes within a row in the coil assembly. This is especially true in high-pressure superheaters and reheaters located at the hot end of the HRSG. The use of return bends at the top of intermediate row-to-row connections provides additional flexibility between adjacent tubes within a row. In turndown cases, for instance, where greatly reduced steam flows can result in poor distribution through these hot end tubes, a “starved” hairpin that heats and grows more than its neighbors will simply lift off its upper support basically stress free. When steam flow increases and the tube receives better-distributed flow it cools and settles back onto the upper support with its neighbors.

6.3.5 Circuitry

The steam flow through a coil is directed to follow a predetermined path in each pass across the turbine exhaust gas that is set by the tube and header arrangements. Each flow path is referred to as a circuit or parallel path within the tubes in each pass. Several sample circuitries are shown in Fig. 6.3.

Figure 6.3 Example flow circuitries: (A) single-/full-row circuitry, (B) multiple-row full circuit with return bends, (C) multiple-row full circuit with headers and jumper pipes, (D) double-row circuitry.

The designer uses a combination of flow circuitry and tube diameter to optimize performance of the superheater and reheater as well as the other heating surface. By manipulating these parameters, it is possible to find workable combinations of tube flow area that satisfy pressure loss requirements and still provide effective cooling of the tube metal. For example, in the case of the high-pressure system, pressure loss is important for minimizing pressure part thickness but has a much smaller impact on steam generation than in lower-pressure systems. Pressure part thickness is also affected by tube diameter; the smaller the diameter, the thinner the tube. Thus high-pressure superheaters tend to utilize smaller tube diameters, which can be further reduced by utilizing multiple-row circuitry. In contrast, reheaters operate at much lower pressures (pressure of the high-pressure steam turbine exhaust) but typically at temperatures and mass flows similar to the high-pressure superheaters. Reheater tubes therefore carry steam of a much lower density (or higher specific volume) than the high-pressure system. This is compounded by the relatively high superheat remaining in the cold reheat return from the high-pressure steam turbine exhaust. Reheater pressure loss should be minimized as the steam turbine efficiency is sensitive to reheat loop pressure loss. Flowing reheat steam with little pressure loss requires a significant steam flow area relative to the high-pressure superheater, for example. This generally forces reheaters to utilize multiple-row circuitry and larger tube diameters. The intermediate-pressure and low-pressure system steam outputs are very sensitive to their respective superheater pressure drops. In combined cycle systems, the intermediate-pressure steam generated is typically combined with the cold reheat return and sent to the reheater sections of the HRSG rather than going directly to the steam turbine at the appropriate stage/admission port. The intermediate-pressure superheaters and low-pressure superheaters, which are located downstream of the high-pressure evaporator in most cases, tend to use larger tube diameters to minimize pressure loss. The intermediate-pressure superheaters add superheat to the intermediate-pressure steam prior to combining with the cold reheat steam to enter the reheater. This is to maximize the high-pressure steam generation and overall cycle efficiency. In Fig. 6.4 this can be seen as the split sections of the intermediate-pressure superheater. The intermediate-pressure system of Fig. 6.4 fits into the high-pressure system of Fig. 6.4 with the hot stage of the intermediate-pressure superheater located downstream of the high-pressure evaporator.

Figure 6.4 Example HRSG system intermingling (A) HP system breakout, (B) IP system breakout.

Location of intermediate-pressure superheaters or low-pressure superheaters upstream of the high-pressure evaporator is discouraged since steam generation from these systems lags far behind in time during cold starts. By the time significant cooling steam arrives the tubes would be at the temperature of the hot end exhaust. Even with some prewarming in stages downstream in the turbine exhaust gas path of the high-pressure evaporator the thermal shock entering the portion in the hot end would still lead to low cycle fatigue failures.

6.3.6 Sliding/floating pressure operation

Sliding or floating pressure operation refers to operation of the steam turbine in a “valves wide open” type configuration allowing the steam turbine inlet pressure to change up or down with increasing or decreasing steam flow relative to the anchor pressure in the condenser. This operation can have a significant impact on the envelope of operating conditions that an individual superheater will experience. In the case of a 1:1 configuration, i.e., one combustion gas turbine/HRSG to one steam turbine, the maximum heat input to the system is typically at base load of the combustion gas turbine yielding the highest steam flows and therefore the highest pressures at the steam turbine. As the combustion gas turbine load is reduced, the steam mass flow and therefore pressure fall in tandem. This generally has a small impact on the design of the HRSG, typically raising the metal temperatures somewhat due to the reduction of steam flow while the turbine exhaust gas temperature remains high. Moving on to configurations with multiple combustion gas turbine/HRSGs feeding a single steam turbine (e.g., 2:1, 3:1, etc.), inflow and pressure increase. The case with all combustion gas turbine/HRSGs operating to generate the maximum inflow sets the maximum steam flow and therefore pressure to the steam turbine. As any individual unit is removed from service, the remaining combustion gas turbines can still be operated at base load. This results in maximum combustion gas turbine heat to each still-operating HRSG but at reduced overall mass flow and therefore pressure at the common steam turbine. The result is that each HRSG can generate its maximum steam flow at greatly reduced pressure such that steam velocities and pressure losses increase substantially.

6.3.7 Unfired/supplemental fired

Supplemental firing is generally located in the hot end of the system in order to minimize emissions and maximize the high pressure and reheat steam flows. This means that the high-pressure superheaters and reheaters can see greatly elevated gas temperatures when firing relative to the unfired operating cases. Since it is usually desirable to maintain the high-pressure superheater and reheater outlet temperatures (main steam and hot reheat, respectively) when the burner is not operating, the tube metal temperatures can greatly increase when firing due to the increased gas temperature. Burner in inlet duct

Locating the burner in the combustion gas turbine exhaust and firing directly into the high-pressure superheater and/or reheater results in a large additional heat flow to the high-pressure superheaters and/or reheaters. The temperature of the turbine exhaust gas can be raised from the unfired 1100–1200°F typical of today’s machines up to 1600–1800°F, resulting in a temperature increase of 400–600°F to the hottest superheater rows. If the steam temperature is to be maintained at the terminal point some form of steam temperature control will be required (see Section 6.4). If these temperatures and the requisite metallurgy to accommodate them result in cost-prohibitive results, there are two major options to consider. Split superheater/reheater

The optimum solution for a wide range of supplemental firing coupled with today’s elevated high-pressure main steam and hot reheat temperatures is to split the high-pressure superheater and reheater and place the burner in the resulting cavity to reduce the outlet steam temperature when firing, provide a relatively flat steam temperature profile across the firing range, and avoid the need to use high-alloy materials (mainly austenitic stainless steels). Lower alloy, 9–12% chrome type materials are usually then adequate. It is often desirable to have some steam temperature control so that the outlet temperatures can still be met as the ambient temperature is increased. Screen evaporator

A second solution is to attempt to locate a screen boiler (evaporator) section between the burner and the high-pressure superheater and reheater surface to reduce the radiant heat flux and the bulk turbine exhaust gas temperature prior to entering the superheater/reheater surface. The major limitation to this type of configuration is that any attempt to reduce the turbine exhaust gas temperature in the fired case and limit the superheater outlet steam temperatures generally results in the unfired case steam temperature being also reduced due to the similarly reduced turbine exhaust gas temperature there. There is usually insufficient heat in the unfired hot end to allow a sufficiently sized screen boiler to be placed upstream of the superheaters for the fired operation and still meet the required unfired steam outlet temperature. A combination of screen evaporator and split superheater design is useful in some cases. Supplemental firing at combustion gas turbine part load

It is most common for supplemental firing to be used only at base load of the combustion gas turbine. In some applications, such as certain process steam generators, it can be desirable to maintain steam production but minimize power production by operating the combustion gas turbine at a reduced load. As the combustion gas turbine load decreases, the turbine exhaust gas temperature remains high, while the turbine exhaust gas flow decreases. This combination drives the steam flow down due to the decreasing turbine exhaust gas flow. The steam temperature will increase at an accelerated rate due to the high turbine exhaust gas temperature coupled with the decreased steam flow. Add supplemental firing to this mix, especially in the inlet duct, and the steam temperatures can run away from the desired value quickly. If supplemental firing at part loads of the combustion gas turbine is desired, it is imperative to incorporate this in the initial design of the HRSG. Supplemental firing impact downstream of the high-pressure evaporator

Downstream of the high-pressure evaporator, there can also be significant impacts due to supplemental firing. In highly fired systems, the intermediate pressure superheaters can have little to no cooling steam flow and will soak to the local turbine exhaust gas temperature at their locations. As the supplemental firing is later reduced the intermediate pressure steam flow will return.

Similarly, if the low-pressure steam drum/low-pressure evaporator is the source of the high-pressure and intermediate-pressure boiler feedpump suction and/or incorporates a deaerator function, then in heavily fired systems the heating requirements for the fired combined high-pressure and intermediate-pressure feedwater flow can exceed the heat contained in the generated low-pressure steam and the low-pressure system will bottle up (not generate or export steam). As with the intermediate-pressure system, as the supplemental firing is later reduced the low-pressure steam flow returns once again.

6.3.8 Bundle support types

Superheaters and reheaters in horizontal gas flow, natural circulation HRSGs are generally top supported, allowing them to grow thermally down, freely hanging in tension. An alternative bottom-supported design with the superheater/reheater tubes growing vertically up in compression and carrying the additional load of piping, etc., at the top of the unit is possible but is uncommon due to the additional stresses imposed on the bottom-supported tubes. Even for the vertical top-supported tubes in a multirow coil configuration it is necessary to maintain good coil flexibility between the inlet and outlet headers.

6.3.9 Tube-to-header connections

The high-pressure superheater/reheater surfaces at the hot end of the HRSG are exposed to very large temperature gradients during transient operations such as startup, load changes, and shutdowns. For this reason, the tube-to-header connections in this part of the system are critical. Practical steps to minimize the introduction of additional stress include (1) eliminating bends in the tubes near the header as these increase stress due to the moment generated near the bend; (2) using tube-to-header connections, which provide the best reinforcement of the header at the connection; and (3) using the best inspection practices to minimize header thicknesses due to the connection. Hillside tube-to-header connections as shown on Fig. 6.5 can be used to minimize the impact of tube bends. The tube-to-header joint requires a high-quality weld.

Figure 6.5 Example of Hillside stubs on a reheater header.

6.4 Outlet temperature control

HRSGs respond to changes in the energy contained in the turbine exhaust gas. The gas turbine is a constant volume machine so turbine exhaust flow decreases and temperature increases with increasing ambient temperature. The high-pressure superheater/reheater portion of the system will respond to these differences by providing in general higher steam flows at lower steam temperatures on cold days and lower steam flows at higher steam temperatures on hot days. The steam temperature could thus exceed requirements on a hot day. To prevent this occurrence, the high-pressure superheater/reheater portions of HRSGs are provided with one of two types of outlet steam temperature control mechanisms: spraywater desuperheaters and steam bypass attemperators. If the steam outlet temperature control is lost the combustion gas turbine may trip or be forced to operate at reduced load until the steam outlet temperatures are acceptable.

6.4.1 Spraywater desuperheater

The basic function of a spraywater desuperheater is to atomize liquid water into a superheated steam line such that the heat required to evaporate and superheat the water is taken from the incoming superheated steam. The result is a blended steam temperature at the outlet equal to the desuperheater’s outlet steam temperature control set-point. There are many types of spraywater desuperheaters utilizing single or multiple atomizing nozzles. A few typical desuperheaters are shown in Fig. 6.6.

Figure 6.6 Examples of ring type and insertion type desuperheaters. Both utilize separate spraywater control valves.

Desuperheaters operate under severe conditions with the spray nozzles seeing temperature differences of several hundred degrees—full local steam temperature when not spraying to perhaps a few hundred degrees of subcooling when spraying. In its simplest form the spraywater desuperheater is located on the superheater outlet as a “terminal point desuperheater” and controls the final steam temperature to the desired level. There is the remote possibility of water induction into the steam turbine or process due to unevaporated spraywater. Many codes and standards contain requirements intended to prevent the induction of liquid water into a steam turbine so that this “terminal point spraywater desuperheater” can be an acceptable option. However, many owners and steam turbine suppliers still prefer to use an alternate configuration with the spraywater desuperheater located between two superheater coils or stages typically referred to as an “interstage spraywater desuperheater.” Interstage

An interstage spraywater desuperheater is simply a spraywater desuperheater located in the piping between two stages of superheater heating surface. The set-point temperature measurement, which is typically located at the HRSG outlet, is thus far downstream from the interstage spraywater injection point. The perceived advantage of the interstage location is that any unevaporated spraywater must be heated as it passes through the heating surface downstream of the desuperheater thereby making the chance of liquid water being inducted into the steam turbine or process negligible. When an interstage desuperheater is used, the heating surface absorbs additional heat and thus uses additional spraywater flow relative to the terminal point desuperheater. Steam purity can suffer if the spraywater purity is not comparable to that of the steam. In cases where the steam flow is small compared to normal operation, for example during startup and/or low load operation, the interstage desuperheater may not be able to supply enough water to overcome the very high heat absorption of the superheater or reheater. In these instances, the spraywater flow is typically limited to maintain a minimum amount of remaining superheat in the mixed steam conditions immediately downstream of the desuperheater and the spraywater is generally locked closed until some minimum percentage of normal operating steam flow is achieved to ensure sufficient velocity to carry the atomized spraywater. To overcome this, it is necessary in those affected modes to either limit the turbine exhaust gas temperature for steam temperature control, or provide an additional “terminal point desuperheater.” Water source vs steam purity

The source and purity of the spraywater can have an impact on final steam purity. In process units the feedwater can be very impure. Controlling the temperature of very clean steam with atomized impure water is counterproductive. If spraywater of sufficient purity cannot be ensured and maintained, one possible solution has been referred to as a “sweetwater condenser desuperheater.” Here a portion of the clean steam generated in the HRSG is condensed and pumped into the spraywater desuperheater as the spraywater source. Since the condensate is created from clean steam, the purity should be the same as the generated steam and therefore have no negative impact on the final steam purity. In most HRSGs currently used in combined cycle power generation, the feedwater purity is excellent since it results from nearly 100% recycled condensate from the steam turbine. Typically, there is a very small amount of demineralized makeup water due to blowdown, leaks, etc. This potential source of steam purity issues is thus generally mitigated in today’s combined cycle HRSGs.

6.4.2 Steam bypass attemperator

One of the highest-frequency causes of high-pressure superheater/reheater pressure part failures is improper use and/or control of spraywater desuperheaters. Spraying typically highly subcooled liquid water into high-temperature steam contained in high-temperature metal pressure parts provides multiple opportunities for high stresses, component failures, and sufficient reason to consider options. An alternative type of steam temperature control is the steam bypass attemperator. In its most common form, a portion of the incoming stream is bypassed around the heating surface in a single-valve bypass arrangement and is then blended at the outlet with the portion of the steam that was heated by flowing through the heating surface. See Fig. 6.7.

Figure 6.7 Highlighted is the reheater steam bypass attemperator piping and control valve.

The blended steam temperature is controlled to the desired set-point. Since no additional fluid (i.e., subcooled water) is being added and evaporated there is a performance gain in operating modes requiring temperature control. No heat is lost from the high-temperature portion of the system (hot end high-pressure superheater/reheater area) to perform low-grade heating of desuperheater liquid. In fact, since some of the high-pressure superheater/reheater steam flow is bypassed, tighter pinches are created and the heating surface efficiency is decreased thus decreasing heat absorption. The result of these changes is that more heat is available to the high-pressure evaporator to raise steam thereby raising the performance of the entire process. This is a relatively small but real performance gain in the high-pressure superheater. In the reheater, however, evaporating a mass unit of spraywater results in a nearly one-to-one mass unit loss of HP steam flow since the water is evaporated in the reheater (after the HP steam is expanded in the steam turbine) upstream in the turbine exhaust gas flow of the high-pressure evaporator outlet pinch. Thus using the steam bypass attemperator in the reheater represents the majority of the performance gain in modes requiring steam temperature control. Fortunately, utilizing steam bypass attemperation in the reheater is generally practical to accomplish.

Intermediate-pressure superheaters and low-pressure superheaters do not generally require steam temperature control since they are located downstream of the high-pressure evaporator pinch and the typically tight temperature pinches on all the surfaces in the colder portions of the system keep the intermediate-pressure and low-pressure steam temperatures from increasing beyond the desired range. However, when intermediate-pressure and/or low-pressure steam outlet temperature control is necessary the preferred method is the steam bypass attemperator.

6.4.3 Mixing requirements for each

The manufacturer of a spraywater desuperheater should determine the amount of piping required for full evaporation of the atomized spraywater flow. A good rule of thumb is 10 pipe diameters. For steam bypass attemperation the mixing distance is a function of the relative heated and bypass steam flows and conditions, the piping geometry approaching and leaving the mixing point, etc. Here also a good rule of thumb is 10 diameters for good mixing.

6.5 Base load vs fast startup and/or high cycling

When considering the arrangement and details to utilize in the design of a high-pressure superheater/reheater it is of primary importance to understand the cyclic nature of the anticipated service. Cyclic operation can generate a large number of significant temperature and/or pressure cycles in a relatively short time with a tremendous impact on the design and/or the life cycle of the HRSG.

This is particularly important in the high-pressure superheaters and reheaters, high-energy piping, and the high-pressure steam drum.

Superheaters and reheaters must withstand large thermal gradients generated by absorbing large amounts of energy quickly without generating low cycle fatigue failures. The components in the high-pressure superheaters and reheaters must be particularly flexible to minimize stresses due to these severe operating modes. As discussed earlier the overall temperature rise within a given high-pressure superheater/reheater coil can be several hundred degrees, yielding row-to-row temperature differentials over 100°F. Solutions to minimize stresses and provide flexibility are described in Chapter 10, Mechanical design and Chapter 11, Fast start and transient operation. For multirow high-pressure superheaters/reheaters, row-to-row differential growths due to the temperature differences can lead to high internal coil stresses if both the inlet and outlet headers are fixed points. One possible remedy is to fix one header and allow the other to move on spring-can supports. Stresses can also occur due to inadequate flexibility in external piping connected to the headers. Pressure part thicknesses should be minimized for highly cyclic units. The thickest pressure parts in a typical HRSG tend to be the high-pressure superheater and reheater coil headers, the high-energy piping, and the high-pressure steam drum. Proper material selection is critical for tubes and piping. Header thicknesses can be minimized with proper material selection and the utilization of multiple nozzles to minimize header diameters.

6.6 Drainability and automation (coils, desuperheater, etc.)

ASME Section I Code requires automated draining of high-pressure superheaters/reheaters. Draining of these components during operation as well as during shutdown and restart is very important to prevent quench cooling of the lower headers and drains and/or poor steam flow distribution as discussed in the next section. There are many ways to control this drain automation. Some typical configurations are presented in Fig. 6.8.

Figure 6.8 Various drain condensate level sensing methods.

6.7 Flow distribution

6.7.1 Steam side

Good steam side flow distribution in the tubes of the high-pressure superheater/reheater is critical to properly cool the metal pressure parts. Flow distribution is a function of the flow area within the headers and the pressure loss in the tubes between the headers. Larger header diameters and/or higher tubeside pressure loss create better distribution. There is a balance to be considered between the minimum pressure loss to create proper flow distribution and the impact of that pressure loss on the potential steam generation as discussed earlier. Additional concerns arise in supplemental fired HRSGs with all or portions of the high-pressure superheater/reheater downstream of the burner. Here it becomes necessary to consider the impact of the flame/heat distribution in addition to the steam distribution based on header and pressure loss impacts. If the flame distribution is not adequate uneven heating will occur and portions of the high-pressure superheater/reheater face area will be heated to levels higher than accounted for in the design process. Duct burners as described in Chapter 7, Duct burners are generally one of two configurations: fuel element runners that traverse the entire gas path or cylindrical cans (somewhat similar in form to register burners) that contain fuel nozzles in their center and typically fire directly downstream. These effects can often be seen in differential steam temperatures at the downstream coil exit nozzles especially if multiple outlet nozzles exist on the same tube coil. The runner style lends itself to more even heat input across the coil face by arranging the burner element axis normal to the axis of the downstream tubes. In this way all the tubes see an even heat input if the fuel distribution is correct. Burners of the cylindrical can style can result in relatively uneven temperature distributions. Great care must be taken to have sufficient coverage of the overall duct area to avoid serious issues in the downstream high-pressure superheater/reheater heating surface. Uneven heating of the turbine exhaust gas can lead to large temperature imbalances across the high-pressure superheater/reheater coil face resulting in significant differential thermal growth between heating surface tubes connected to common upper and lower headers. This can result in low and/or high cycle fatigue issues depending on the magnitude of the differential growth. Local overheating can lead to catastrophic damage to the downstream high-pressure superheater and reheater.

6.7.2 Gas side

Turbine exhaust gas distribution coming from the combustion gas turbine is generally highly nonuniform and varies with the type of combustion gas turbine model. Peak velocities can be as high as 600 ft/s and pressure pulsations can be 60-in. W.C. or more. Axial machine swirl can make the turbine exhaust gas profile equivalent to containing a 1000–1200°F×F2–F5 tornado. Significant reinforcement in first heating surface in the gas path is often required. The turbine exhaust gas flow distribution can be improved by flow distribution devices such as a distribution grid, “egg crate” baffles, etc., as described in Chapter 12, Miscellaneous ancillary equipment. These devices first must be designed to survive the already noted severe service. They also generally contribute to the turbine exhaust gas pressure loss/combustion gas turbine backpressure. As the flow passes through the heating surface, areas of higher temperature transfer more heat due to the larger temperature difference and the fact that cooler areas transfer less heat. The temperature peaks and valleys smooth very quickly over the first row(s) of the heating surface. The mass flow deviations are more severe. As the flow approaches the face of the first heating surface (or distribution grid) it sees the backpressure of the entire remainder of the HRSG gas path. The effect is to force the turbine exhaust gas flow to distribute from high-velocity areas toward low-velocity areas. Since there is very little vertical or side/side distribution within the heating surface due to the close tube spacings, acoustic baffles, and vibration supports, the flow distribution within the coil at the outlet row is very similar to the inlet distribution. Thus there will be small penalties on both heat transfer in the low-velocity areas and pressure loss in the high-velocity areas. As mentioned previously the structural/mechanical design in the first hot end coil/bundle is a major challenge. Solutions such as additional vibration supports, installing coil bumpers upstream and downstream of the first bundle/module, or tying the first two bundles together with field installed bracing have been required at various times.

6.8 Materials

In general, intermediate- and low-pressure superheaters are located downstream of the high-pressure evaporator in the turbine exhaust gas path where turbine exhaust gas temperatures cannot exceed material temperature limits for these typically carbon steel components. Design conditions for pressure, temperature, and resulting pressure part thicknesses can still be exceeded in some instances and should be monitored carefully.

High-pressure superheaters and reheaters at the hot end of a HRSG utilize low-alloy materials with increasing chrome content from T11 through T22/T23, and up to T91/T92 material. Oxidation resistance increases as does the cost. A step toward austenitic stainless steel has generally been made with materials such as 304H, Super 304H, 321H, 347H, etc. These austenitic materials are generally able to cover the maximum range of pressure and temperature being used in HRSGs today and for the foreseeable future. It is common to find rows of T11, T22, and T91 tubes all within the same high-pressure superheater/reheater. This is to minimize costs and provide adequate oxidation resistance for the life of the HRSG. In some recent units the use of austenitic stainless at the hottest rows of both the high-pressure superheater and reheater has been required for both turbine exhaust gas side and steam side oxidation resistance. Fin material selection is based on oxidation resistance at the calculated fin tip temperature and compatibility of thermal growth of fin material with that of the tube material. If the fin material is not close in thermal growth to that of the tube material the fin material must be changed to be compatible while still meeting the required oxidation temperature limits. In general, for high-pressure superheaters/reheaters in the hot end this means that 300 series fin material must be used with 300 series tube materials. Fins on the lower-alloy T11, T22, and T91/T92 tubes can generally be available as ferritic and ferritic stainless materials such as 409 stainless steel or a strip of the same material as the base tube. If a proper combination of tube and fin materials cannot be achieved, then the fin is likely too hot and the fin geometry is adjusted to be shorter and/or thicker to compensate until an appropriate material combination can be achieved.

6.9 Conclusions

Superheaters and reheaters are complex mixtures of mechanical, structural, and thermal engineering opportunities. With proper consideration of fundamentals and good detailed designs it is possible to meet the current and future demanding challenges of daily start/stop operation, highly cyclic service, and fast startup requirements.

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