Creating Traffic Manager profile

To get the Traffic Manager up and running properly, you need to build a profile and specify its routing method and endpoints. Within this section, you will learn how to create a profile with the desired routing method. Without further ado, let's get started.

  1. Navigate to Azure portal and search for traffic manager, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 7.1: Searching for Traffic Manager profiles
  1. Click on Traffic Manager profiles, and a new blade will be opened displaying the current profiles (if any), and from it you can add new Traffic Manager profiles by clicking on Add, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 7.2: Traffic Manager Profile Blade
  1. Once you click on Add, a new blade will be opened asking you to specify the following:
    • Name: This will be the name for the Traffic Manager.
    • Routing method: This is where you need to specify the routing method that would fulfill your needs according to what you have understood throughout the chapter.
    • Subscription: This is where you need to specify the subscription that will be charged for using this service.
    • Resource group: This is where you need to specify the resource group within which this service will exist as a resource.
    • Resource group location: The location of the resource group in which the traffic manager will exist as a resource not as its location, because Azure Traffic Manager is a global service and not bounded to a specific region. However, like all Azure resources it needs a resource group to be stored in logically.
Figure 7.3: Create Traffic Manager profile
  1. Once you click on Create, the profile will be created within a minute
  2. Finally, you can create other Traffic Manager profiles with different routing methods, by following the same steps but changing the routing method to the one that fulfills your needs and suits your scenario
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