Multi-homing readers (Continued)
demand with observed ad levels, 7174
heterogeneous advertisers, 7476
incremental pricing of ads, 6871
incremental pricing principle, 67
information congestion, 7677
newspapers and magazines, 425426
second impression, 67
take-aways and ways forward, 7778
Multi-Program Video Distributor (MVPD), 278
Music industry, 384391
Mutual Broadcasting System, 345346
Nash price setting equilibrium, 112
National Public Radio (NPR), 348349
Negative preference externality, 1617
Nelson effect, 172
Net neutrality
Internet, 468470
online video, 331332
New media business models, 215217
News aggregators, 462466
Newspapers and magazines
advertising, 422427
antitrust issues, 427433
cross-externalities, 417418
data sources, 408409
economic forces, 398
electoral process, 404405
high-speed printing technology, 402
Internet, 433437
joint operating agreements, 398399
mailing rates, 401
market structure, 409416
Newspaper Preservation Act of 1970, 398399
partisanship, 403404
photocomposition and offset printing, 402 403
pricing issues, 421422
pricing model, 400401
research, 437440
stylized facts, 405408
technological changes, 402
two-sided markets, 400, 418421
New York Times, 405
Non-commercial vs. commercial broadcasters,
Nonlinear tariffs and insulated equilibrium, 6366
Observational learning, 491492
Oligopoly, 295296
One-sided markets
possible price effect, 251253
price and quantity effects, mergers, 229230
Online video distributors (OVDs), 327
Online video markets
net neutrality and foreclosure, 331 333
online video facts, 329331
Optimum media diversity, 2122
OTT Internet television, 329
OTT video services, 211
Over-the-top (OTT) aggregators, 330
Own-group preference externality
market size and consumption, 32
market size and entry, 29
market size and quality, 3031
market size and variety, 2930
Pairwise monotonicity, 158159
Pareto-dominated equilibrium, 174
Payola, 387388
Pay television
distribution, 276278
program production, 278 284
PeopleMeters, 209
Per-click price (PCP), 482483
Performance-based ad pricing, 457, 458f
Persuasive advertising, 190
Pilkington Committee, 304
Portable People Meters (PPMs), 353354
Positive within-group preference externality, 28
Possible non-price effect, 257258
Possible price effect
empirical studies, 255257
one-sided market approach, 251253
two-sided market approach, 253255
Preference externalities
advertiser finance, 910
change in costs over time, 10
cross-group externalities, 2223
duopoly, 1720
efficient entry, 3536
fixed costs, 6, 3638
lowest common denominator, 1416
market size and equilibrium media diversity,
markets with few products, 3234
markets with many products, 3435
media markets, 45
media products, 56
monopoly, 1617
multiple stations, 25 28
optimum media diversity, 2122
own-group, 2528
preference heterogeneity, 78
second-choice products, 9
Steiner and Beebe models, 1113
technological change, 36 38
Tyranny of the Yuppies, 1314
variety, 2325
Preference heterogeneity, 78, 316321
Premium programming networks, 278280
Price advertising
price dispersion, 131134
product differentiation, 137 142
Price and quantity effects of mergers
one-sided markets, 229230
semi-collusion effects, 235236
two-sided markets, 230235
Price discrimination, 60
Pricing issues, newspapers and magazines, 421422
Principle of incremental pricing, 69
Print media industry. See Newspapers and magazines
Product advertising
credibility, 165
empirical evidence on advertising content,
forced disclosure laws, 165
match advertising, 146154
match information, 165
misleading advertising, 161164
Nelson’s question, 143144
product attributes, 154 161
Product attributes
competition and disclosure, 159161
disclosure of horizontal match attributes, 156
monopoly model, 154155
private information, 154
unraveling of quality information, 155156
Product differentiation, 137142, 364369
Program Access rules, 325326
Program Carriage rules, 325326
PSBs. See Public Service Broadcasters (PSBs)
1967 Public Broadcasting Act, 348349, 382
Public Service Broadcasters (PSBs), 269270
core purposes, 271273, 274f
effects, 305306
history, 302304
locally and nationally produced programming,
public funding, 274275, 275f
response to market failure, 304305
two-sided TV market, 272f, 274
advertising market, 360364
advertising revenues, 342
Arbitron, 353
BIA database, 352353
Biltmore program, 346347
chain broadcasting, 347
challenges, 342343
Citadel Broadcasting, 351
commercial religious programming, 348349
conferences, 345
contemporary music, 386391
daytime programming, 348
Duncan’s format classification, 354355
economies of scale and scope, 373375
electronic Portable People Meters, 353354
excess entry, 375376
industry consolidation effects on market
outcomes, 356359
KDKA, 345
listeners and advertisers, 369372
local programming, 344
maritime and military purposes, 345
Mediabase, 355356
network programming, 346
non-broadcast sources, 351352
non-commercial vs. commercial broadcasters,
oligopoly structure, 350
payola scandals, 348
politics, 385386
portability, 343344
product differentiation and variety, 364369
product variety and deregulation, 342343
1927 Radio Act, 343
Radio (Continued)
radio transmission, 347348
Red and Blue networks, 345346
SQAD, 355
strategies for retaining listeners, 376381
syndicated programming, 356
1927 Radio Act, 343
Radio Act of 1912, 345
Radio Act of 1927, 345
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 345
Regional Sports Networks (RSNs), 278280
Repeat purchase and money burning, 171173
Representative consumer models, 5556, 99
Retail (distribution) markets, 313315
Robot journalism, 437
1999 Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act, 276
Satellite radio, 351352
Screen proliferation, 212
Search advertising, 456
Search engines
media content, 466467
search bias, 481 491
Second-choice products, 9
See-saw effects, 5859
Semi-collusion effects, 235236
Set-Top Boxes (STB), 209
Single-homing consumers, 230231
Single-homing viewers
ad-finance game, 48
ad revenue/subscription revenue balance, 5155
competitive bottlenecks, 5657
consumer information, 6263
free-to-air low-quality media platform, 50
heterogeneous ad-nuisance costs, 60
logit model, 4849
market failures in advertising finance, 6061
nonlinear tariffs and insulated equilibrium, 6366
oligopoly analysis, 49
platform’s profit, 47
price discrimination, 60
price vs. quantity, 6162
profit function, 49
pure ad finance, 47
representative consumer models, 5556
see-saw effects, 5859
standard Lerner/inverse elasticity conditions, 49
standard symmetric oligopoly model, 4849
TiVo, 60
vertical product differentiation, 50
Single-parameter nested logit, 100101
Socially-targeted ads, 505
Static quality signaling, 168170
Steiner and Beebe models, 1113
Steiner’s duplication principle, 7980
Targeted advertising, 180182
ambulance-chasing behavior, 504505
consumer product valuation, 503
consumer segments, 495496
efficiency effect, 497
geo-targeting, 496
imperfect competition, 495496
market-clearing condition, 501
online vs. offline media, 502
price discrimination, 498
product differences, 499
profit function, 497, 501
scarcity effect, 497
socially-targeted ads, 505
Technological change, 3638
1996 Telecommunications Act, 276277, 349
Television industry
bargaining, 306308
barriers to entry, 308316
baseline model, 292299
broadcast, 270275
cross-platform television statistics, 285291
DTT, 284285
open policy issues, 321327
pay, 275284
preference heterogeneity and bundling,
public service broadcasters, 302306
simple model evaluation, 299302
TiVo, 60
Tracking and personalized offers, 512522
Two-channel monopoly, 232233
Two-sided markets
multi-homing consumers, 231235
newspapers and magazines, 416422
possible price effect, 253255
single-homing consumers, 230231
Upward pricing pressure (UPP), 246
US Newspaper Preservation Act of 1970, 398399
US pay-television industry, 276
US programming market revenue, 288, 289290f
Vertically differentiated duopoly, 159160
Vertical merger review, 326327
Vertical price restrictions, newspapers and
magazines, 432433
VickreySalop circle model, 4546
Video-sharing websites, 491
Welfare effects of à la Carte, 319321
Wholesale (programming) markets, 309313,
Yellow Page industry, 415
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