

Accessories command (LXDE main menu), 93

Acorn BBC Micro personal computer, 7-8

Acorn RISC Machines (ARM) processors, 8

add-ons, media centers, installing, 197-198

addresses, static IP, setting, 106

advanced options, Raspo-Config utility, 84

AlaMode (Arduino), 324-325, 332-335

Amtel microcontroller, programming with, 354-357

analog versus digital signals, 317

analogWrite() function, 331

Android Device, 2

Apache, 235

APIs (application programming interfaces), 10, 221-226

Apple OS X, 49

Application Launch Bar (LXDE), 92

application layer (OS), 48


creating, 129-132

Dogeball Challenge, 137-149

Pi Store, downloading, 97

Python, writing, 158-160

remixing, 151

uploading, 149-151

writing simple, 168-170

XBMC, 181

apt-get parameters, 313

Arch Linux ARM, 54

Arduino, 315, 317-319

AlaMode, 324-325, 332-335

connecting, 321-323

development workflow, 323-332

Esplora, 316

IDE, 323-332, 355-357

LEDs, fading, 330-331

LilyPad, 315-316

Mega 2560, 316

microcontrollers, 10-11, 14

PAPERduino, 315

Playground, 321

shields, 317

starter kits, 319

Uno, 315-321

ARM11 processors, 8, 20

ARM (Acorn RISC Machines) processors, 8

Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS), 199

Atmel ATmega 328P AVR microcontroller (Gertboard), 339

Atmel RISC chip, 10


HDMI cables, 26

Model B boards, 27-29

Audio Book Player, 2

autoclean parameter, 313

Automated Chicken Coop Door, 2

autoremove parameter, 313


Bald Wisdom blog, 324

Banzi, Massimo, 315

BASIC programming, 7

batteries, webcams, adding to, 273-274

BBC Micro personal computers, 7-8, 12

BeagleBone, 40-41

benchmarking, 305-307

bilaterally symmetric breadboards, 35

binary large object (BLOB) driver, 15

bin directory, 70

black boxes, 9, 17

Blendtec, 181

BLOB (binary large object) driver, 15


Scratch, 127-129

unlinking, 131

Blocks palette (Scratch), 125, 127

Blum, Richard, 154


audio, 27-29

breadboards, 34-35

breakout, 36

daughterboards, 38-39

Gertboards, 38-39

networking, 27

single-board microcontrollers, 37-38

video, 27-29

Boolean blocks, 129

Boolean data type (Python), 172

boot behavior, adjusting, Raspi-Config, 88

boot directory, 70

boot partition contents, 310

breadboarding, 350-354

breadboards, 34-35

breakout boards, 36

Bresnahan, Christine, 154

bridges, 35

Broadcom BCM2835 system-on-a-chip, 10

Broadcom VideoCore IV GPU, 179

browsers, 289

browsing Internet, proxy servers, 278-280

bs command, 60-63

building Minecraft servers, 226-231

bus strips, 35

BYTEmark (nbench) benchmark, 307

Bytes data type (Python), 172


cables, 25-26

Ethernet, 24-25

ribbon, 35


enabling, 82

Model B board, 30

Camera Board, 253-256, 259

capturing still pictures, 259-263

installing, 256-258

interface, 254

recording video, 263-266

specifications, 255

Camera Serial Interface (CSI) connectors, 30

Campidoglio, Enrico, 302

CanaKit Raspberry Pi Complete Starter Kit, 44

capacitors, PCBs (printed circuit boards), 17

Cap blocks, 129

Cartesian coordinate system, 130

cases, 32

C blocks, 129

cd command, 63, 72-73

Cheese-Powered Radio-Controlled Car, 1

chipsets, 31

Chrome web browser, 289

Chromium web browser, 120

Chun, Wesley, 178

circuit prototyping equipment, 34-37

classes, 221

classes, SD cards, 23

class libraries, 221

clients, Hamachi, installing, 284-285

codecs, XBMC, 181

command prompt, Raspbian, 67-69


bs, 60-63

cd, 63, 72-73

cp, 77

dd, 60-62

if, 60-63

ifconfig, 104-105

Is, 71-72

LXDE main menu, 93

man, 75-76

mkdir, 77

mv, 77

nano, 74-75

of, 60-63

passwd, 74, 81

pwd, 70-73

Raspi-Config, 80-85

rm, 77

rmdir, 77

shutdown, 76-77

startx, 69

sudo, 60-62, 73-74

Terminal, 69-77


Raspberry Pi, 357

Scratch, 123-124

computer science, 9

concatenation, Python, 173


Arduino IDE, 324-327

GPIO-based IR receivers, 190-192

headless (q) Raspberry Pi, 110-117

Joomla, 245-248

LXDE UI, 98-102

phpMyAdmin, 243-245

Raspbmc, 184-185

RetroPie, 201-202, 208-209

SimpleCV vision library, 274-276

third-party USB webcams, 267-274

web servers, 240

wired Ethernet, 104-107

wireless Ethernet, 107-110

XBMC, media detection, 194-196

connecting Arduino

Arduino, 321-323

Gertboard, 341-343


CSI connectors, 30

RCA, 28

versus ports, 25

console video game emulation, RetroPie, 199-200

configuring, 201-202

installing, 200-202

joysticks, 208-209, 212-215

playing games, 209-210

setting up controls, 206-207

transferring ROMs to, 203-206

content, web servers, transferring to, 240-243

Control blocks (Scratch), 127

controls, RetroPie, setting up, 206-207

cp command, 77

CPUs (central processing units)

ARM11, 8

verifying status, 303

CPU Usage Monitor icon (LXDE), 92

CPU/GPU memory splits, adjusting, 307-311

CraftBukkit, 227

CrazyWorms2, 97

Creative Commons, 151

Creative mode (Minecraft), 218

cron utility, 271

CSI (Camera Serial Interface) connectors, 30

Cyberduck, 204


data processing tasks, personal computers, 9

data types, Python, 172

daughterboards, 38-39

Dawson, Anne, 163

dd command, 60-62

Debian, 52

Debian Linux

command prompt, 67-69

GUI. See GUI (graphical user interface)

Raspi-Config utility, 80-85

Terminal, 68-77

updating software, 77-80

Debian Reference icon (LXDE), 89

debugging Dodgeball Challenge, 147-149

dedicated audio, HDMI cables, 26

default gateways, 106

deleting software, 94-95


changing background, 98

enabling boot to, 82

LXDE (Linux X11 Desktop Environment), 87-94, 98-102

desoldering braids, 43

dev directory, 70

development workflow, Arduino, 323-332

DeviantArt Picture Frame, 1

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 104

dialog boxes

Import Background, 130

Internet Properties, 289

Panel Preferences, 100

Dictionaries data type (Python), 172

Digital Clock icon (LXDE), 92

digital multimeters, 41-43

digital versus analog signals, 317

Digital Video Interface (DVI-D), 27

digitalWrite() function, 329

diodes, PCBs (printed circuit boards), 18

directories, 70-71

discussion forums, 102

displays, 25

Display Serial Interface (DSI), 28

Dive into Python 3, 178

DIY Arduino, 319

Dodgeball Challenge, 137-138

building, 139-149

debugging, 147-149

setting up screens, 140-143

troubleshooting, 147-149

uploading, 149-151

dongles, 108

Doom, 217

downloading apps, Pi Store, 97

drivers, 15, 48

DSI (Display Serial Interface), 28

DVI-D (Digital Video Interface), 27

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 104


Eames, Alex, 344

Education command (LXDE main menu), 93

electrostatic discharge (ESD), 27

emulation, 200

Emulation Station, 200-202

encoding raspivid video files, 265-266

ESD (electrostatic discharge), 27

Esplora, 316

Esplora (Arduino), 316

ES-Scraper, installing, 211-212

etc directory, 70

Ethernet, 103

configuring wired, 104-107

configuring wireless, 107-110

Ethernet cable, 24-25

Ethernet Shield, 318

exiting LXDE, 88

expansion, Model B board, 31-32


Fedora Remix, 54

file extensions, Windows, showing in, 206

file system, expanding, 81

FileZilla, 204, 241-242

Firefox web browser, 289

firmware, Linux, 53

FM Radio Transmitter, 1

forked distributions, 52

forums, 102, 357

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), installing and testing, 243

functions, 329-331


Gaddis, Tony, 178

gamepads versus joysticks, 212

games. See Minecraft; Minecraft Pi; RetroPie

game screens, setting up, 140-143

gateways, VPN, building, 280-285

General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pinout (Gertboard), 339-341

-based IR receivers, configuring, 190-192

interface, 31-32

lighting LED directly from, 351-352

module, loading in Python, 176-177

pins, 35, 350-351

schematic, 215

Gertboard, 38-39, 337-339

Amtel microcontroller, programming with, 354-357

breadboarding, 350-354

connecting, 341-343

GPIO pinout. See General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pinout

input/output (I/O), testing, 349-350

installing and testing software, 343-346

LEDs, testing, 346-349

Git, 311

Gnash player, 119

GNOME Linux GUI, 88

GNU General Public License, 15

GNU (GNU’s Not Unix), 15

GPIO pinout. See General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pinout (Gertboard)

GPU/CPU memory splits, adjusting, 307-311

Gralla, Preston, 234

Graphics command (LXDE main menu), 93

GSM Shield, 318

GtkPerf benchmarking utility, 305

GUI (graphical user Interface)

accessing Pi Store, 95-97

configuring, 98-102

installing, updating and removing software, 94-95

LXDE, 87-94

Raspbian, 87


Hamachi clients, installing, 284-285

Hamachi VPNs, building, 280-284

HardInfo benchmarking utility, 305


cables, 24-26

circuit prototyping equipment, 34-37

digital multimeters, 41-43

Gertboards, 38-39

Model B board, 27-31

monitors, 25

open source, 14-16

power supply, 21-23

printed circuit boards (PCBs), 17-20

Secure Digital (SD) card, 23-24

single-board computers, 40-41

single-board microcontrollers, 37-38

starter kits, 43-45

USB hubs, 24

USB keyboards and mice, 26-27

hardware layer (OS), 48

Hat blocks, 128

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) cables, 26

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) ports, 27

“headless” Raspberry Pi, configuring, 110-117

hidden costs, 20-27

home directory, 70

Hostname option (Raspi-Config), 84

How the Internet Works, 234

HTTP servers, 233

Hypertext Pre Processor (PHP), 235


icons, LXDE, 89-92

ICs (integrated circuits), 18

IDLE 3 icon (LXDE), 90

IDLE icon (LXDE), 90

IDLE (Integrated DeveLopment Enviroment), Python, 154-156, 165-168

if command, 60, 63

ifconfig command, 104-105

Import Background dialog box, 130

input, 9

input/output (I/O), Gertboardtesting, 349-350


Arduino IDE, 324-327

Camera Board, 256-258

ES-Scraper, 211-212

FTP, 243

Hamachi clients, 284-285

Java, 227-230

Joomla, 246

LAMP stack, 236

media center add-ons, 197-198

Minecraft Pi, 219-221

nbench, 306-307

operating systems, 63-65

phpMyAdmin, 244

Raspbmc, 182-184

RetroPie, 200-202

software, 94-95

web servers, 235-240

integrated circuits (ICs), 18

internationalization options, Raspi-Config utility, 82

Internet command (LXDE main menu), 93

Internet connections, encrypting, 277-278

Internet Properties dialog box, 289

Internet Protocol (IP), 103

interpreter, Python 3, interacting with, 156-158

I/O (input/output), Gertboard, testing, 349-350

IP (Internet Protocol), 103

Is command, 71-72


jacks, 25

Java, installing, 227-230

joystick control mappings, RetroPie, configuring, 208-209

joysticks, 212-215

jumper wires, 35

KDE Linux GUI, 88

kernel, Linux, 53

keyboards, USB, 26-27

key words, Python, 171

KindleBerry Pi, 1


L6203 motor controller (Gertboard), 339

LAMP stack, 234-236

layers, operating systems, 48

Learning Python, 163

LEDs (light emitting diodes), 29-30

fading, Arduino, 330-331

Gertboard, testing, 346-349

GPIO, lighting directly from, 351-352

lib directory, 70

LibreOffice, 51

licenses, open source, 15

light emitting diodes (LEDs), 29-30

LilyPad (Arduino), 315-316

LinApple Apple II emulator, 206

Linux, 49-52, 235

Arch Linux ARM, 54

disadvantages, 51

Fedora Remix, 54

firmware, 53

Occidentalis, 54

Raspbian. See Raspbian

Red Hat, 49

runlevels, 312

Ubuntu, 49-50

Lists data type (Python), 172

Logitech Rumblepad 2 joystick, 212

Logout command (LXDE main menu), 94

Logout icon (LXDE), 92

Looks blocks (Scratch), 127

loop() function, 329

lost+found directory, 70

Lutz, Rick, 163

LXDE (Linux X11 Desktop Environment), 68, 87-94

configuring, 98-102

icons, 89-92

main menu, 92-94

starting and exiting, 88

LXPanel, customizing, 100

LXPanel icon (LXDE), 92

LXTerminal, customizing, 99

LXTerminal icon (LXDE), 90


Main Menu icon (LXDE), 91

main menu (LXDE), 92-94

Maker Shed Raspberry Pi Starter Kit, 44

man command, 75-76

manually adjusting memory splits, 309-311

manual method, overclocking, 304

Marriott, Jennifer, 246

MCP3002 Digital-to-Analog (D2A) converter (Gertboard), 339

MCP4801 Analog-to-Digital (A2D) converter (Gertboard), 339

media centers

add-ons, installing, 197-198

Raspbmc. See Raspbmc

scraping media, 194-196

XBMC, 179-181, 196-197

Media Companion, 195

media detection, XBMC, configuring, 194-196

media directory, 70

media scrapers, XBMC, 181

Mega 2560 (Arduino), 316

Memory Split option (Raspi-Config), 84

memory splits, adjusting, 307-311

Menu Bar (Scratch), 125

mice, USB, 26-27

microcomputers, Arduino, 14


Raspberry Pi-compatible, 11

single-board, 37-38

versus personal computers, 9-11

Microsoft Office, 51

Micro USB power ports, 29

Midori icon (LXDE), 89-91

Midori web browser, 118-120

Minecraft, 217-219

building servers, 226-231

game modes, 218

learning to play, 218

platforms, 219

plugins, 232

popularity, 218-219

Minecraft Pi

accessing API, 221-226

installing, 219-221

Minimize All icon (LXDE), 91

mkdir command, 77

mnt directory, 70

Model B board, 27

audio, 27-29

camera, 30

expansion, 31-32

networking, 27

power/status information, 29-30

processing, 31

storage, 29

video, 27-29

models, 11-14


Minecraft, 218

overclocking, 302

ModMyPi cases, 32

modules, Python, 173-177

monitors, 25

motherboards. See boards

Motion blocks (Scratch), 127

multimeters, 41-43

mv command, 77

MySQL, 235, 239


nano command, 74-75

Nazarko, Sam, 182

nbench utility, 305-307

NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), 199

networking, 103-104

Ethernet, 103-110

headless Raspberry Pi, configuring, 110-117

Model B board, 27

virtual private networks (VPNs)

building gateways, 280-285

encrypting Internet connections, 277-278

New Out Of Box Software (NOOBS), 63-65

NICs (network interface cards), 47

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), 199

nodes (Tor), 295

NOOBS (New Out Of Box Software), 63-65

Numbers data type (Python), 172


O’Brien, Stephen, 218

Occidentalis, 54

OCR Resources icon (LXDE), 90

of command, 60, 63

Office, 51

Office command (LXDE main menu), 93

Official Joomla! Book, The, 246

Openbox Configuartion Manager, 100-101

OpenELEC, 54, 179

OpenOffice, 51

open source, 14-16

operating systems, 47-49, 54

Arch Linux ARM, 54

Fedora Remix, 54

installing, 63-65

layers, 48

Linux, 49-53

Occidentalis, 54

OpenELEC, 54

Raspbian. See Raspbian

RaspBMC, 54


Operators blocks (Scratch), 127

Opera web browser, 289

opt directory, 71

Osborn, Kevin, 324

OS layer, 48

Other command (LXDE main menu), 93

output, 9

overclocking, 83, 299-300

manual method, 304

modes, 302

Raspi-Config method, 302-303

warranty implications, 300-301

Overscan option (Raspi-Config), 84


Panel Preferences dialog box, 100

PAPERduino, 315

parameters, apt-get, 313

passwd command, 74, 81

passwords, changing, 81

PCBs (printed circuit boards), 17-20

PCManFM icon (LXDE), 91

Pen blocks (Scratch), 127

PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal), 163

peripheral devices, 33

circuit prototyping equipment, 34-37

digital multimeters, 41-43

Gertboards, 38-39

single-board computers, 40-41

single-board microcontrollers, 37-38

starter kits, 43-45

Persson, Markkus PNotchN, 217

PetRockBlog RetroPie GPIO Adapter, 214

PHP (Hypertext Pre Processor), 235-238

phpMyAdmin, configuring, 243-245

Picade Arcade Cabinet, 1

Pi Cobbler board, 36

PicoBoard, 132-136

pictures, capturing, Camera Board, 259-263

Pi Hut cases, 32

Pi in the Sky, 1

Pilgrim, Mark, 178

pinMode() function, 329

Pi-Powered Bitcoin Miner, 1

Pi-Powered Motion Detector, 1

Pi-Powered Weather Station, 2

Pi Store

accessing, 95-97

downloading apps, 97

Pi Store icon (LXDE), 89

platforms, Minecraft, 219

Playground (Arduino), 321

playing content, XBMC, 196-197

playing games, RetroPie, 209-210


Minecraft servers, 232

XBMC, 181

plugs, 25

ports, 25-29

power/status information, Model B board, 29-30

power supply, 21-23

Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, A, 74

Preferences command (LXDE main menu), 94

printed circuit boards (PCBs), 17-20


installing and configuring, 286-287

testing configuration, 287-291

proc directory, 71

processing, 9

processing, Model B board, 31


Amtel microcontroller, 354-357

Python. See Python

Scratch. See Scratch

Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 327

Programming command (LXDE main menu), 93


Dodgeball Challenge, 137-149

remixing, 151

uploading, 149-151

Projects website, Scratch, 126


SSH (Secure Shell), 112-114

VNC (Virtual Networking Computing), 110-117

stacks, LAMP, 234

Proto Shield, 318

prototyping, 34-37

proxy servers

browsing Internet, 278-280

building, 286-287

pointing workstation computers at, 289-291

Tor, building, 294-297

pwd command, 70-73

Python, 121, 153-154, 165, 171-178

concatenation, 173

data types, 172

IDLE, 154-156, 165-168

interacting with interpreter, 156-158

keywords, 171

modules, 173-177

programs, writing, 158-160, 168-170

running scripts, 161-162

sample code repositories, 163

type casting, 171-173

variables, 171

Python API, Minecraft, accessing, 221-226

Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP), 163

Python Fundamentals LiveLessons, 178

Python Games icon (LXDE), 90

Python programming language, 9

Python test suite, installing and testing, 344-346

Python Tutorial, 178


Quake III Arena timedemo, 305

Raspberry Pi, 7

benefits, 8-9

configuring headless, 110-117

hidden costs, 20-27

models, 11-14

naming of, 9

open source, 14-16

orgins, 7

purchasing, 16

Raspberry Pi Enhanced Bundle, 44

Raspberry Pi Foundation, 7

Raspberry Pi Keyboard Computer, 1

Raspberry Pi Media Center, 182

Raspberry Pi Robot, 1

Raspbian, 52, 55-57, 200

command prompt, 67-69

GUI. See GUI (graphical user interface)

Raspi-Config utility, 80-85

SD cards, 55-63

Terminal, 68-77

testing image, 65

updating software, 77-80

XBMC media center, 180-181

Raspbmc, 54, 179, 182-185

configuring, 184-185

controlling from web browser, 189

installing, 182-184

installing add-ons, 197-198

remote controls, 186-192

requirements, 182

scraping media, 194-196

transferring content to PI, 192-193

Raspi-Config utility, 80-85

adjusting boot behavior, 88

adjusting memory splits, 308

advanced options, 84

internationalization options, 82

overclocking, 302-303

raspistill, capturing still pictures, 259-262

raspivid, 259, 263-266

RasPlex, 179

Rastrack database, 83, 292-294

RCA connectors, 28

RCA video cables, 26

rechargeable batteries, webcams, adding to, 273-274

recording video, Camera Board, 263-266

Red Hat Linux, 49

Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) processing architecture, 8

Relay Shield, 318

remixed distributions, 52

remixing projects, 151

remote controls, Rasspbmc-compliant, 186-192

remotely connecting to Raspberry Pi, 110-117

Reporter blocks, 129

resistors, PCBs (printed circuit boards), 17

RetroArch, 200

retroarch.cfg file, 207

RetroPie, 199-200

configuring, 201-202

ES-Scraper, installing, 211-212

installing, 200-202

joystick control mappings, configuring, 208-209

joysticks, 212-215

playing games, 209-210

SD card image, 200

setting up controls, 206-207

transferring ROMs to, 203-206

RetroZone, USB adapters, 213

ribbon cables, 35


RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) processing architecture, 8

RJ-45 Ethernet jacks, 24-25

RJ-45 Ethernet interface, 27

rm command, 77

rmdir command, 77

ROM (read-only memory), RetroPie, transferring to, 203-206

root directory, 71

Rossum, Guido van, 154

RPi.GPIO library, 344

rpix86 DOS 5.0 emulator, 206

Run command (LXDE main menu), 94

run directory, 71

runlevels, Linux, 312


Safari web browser, 289

sample code repositories, Python, 163

Sams Teach Yourself Python Programming for Raspberry Pi, 154

sbin directory, 71

scraping media, 194-196

Scratch, 122-124, 137-138

applications, creating, 129-132

blocks, 127-129, 131

Cat, setting up, 143-144

community, 123-124

Dodgeball Challenge, 137-149

PicoBoard, 132-136

Projects website, 126

remixing projects, 151

uploading projects, 149-151

user interface, 124-129

versions, 122-123

Scratch Cat, 130

Scratch icon (LXDE), 89

Scratch programming language, 121

Screenlock icon (LXDE), 92

Scripts Area (Scratch), 125

scripts, Python, running, 161-162

SD (Secure Digital) cards, 23-24, 55-56

SD card slots, 29

SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity) cards, 24

SDXC (Secure Digital eXtended Capacity) cards, 24

Secure Shell (SSH), 110-114

security and privacy device, 277

browsing via proxy server, 278-280

building proxy servers, 286-287

Privoxy, 287-291

proxy servers, Tor, 294-297

Rastrack, 292-294

virtual private networks, building gateways, 280-285

virtual private networks (VPNs), encrypting Internet, 277-278

selinux directory, 71

Sensing blocks (Scratch), 127

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), enabling, 344-345

Server Outdated, 229


Minecraft, 226-232

proxy. See proxy servers

web. See web servers

Sets data type (Python), 172

setup() function, 329

SFTP, transferring content to web servers, 241

sharing projects, 149-151

shields (Arduino), 317

shutdown command, 76-77

SimpleCV vision library, 274-276

single-board computers, 40-41

single-board microcontrollers, 37-38

SMSC LAN9512 Ethernet controller, 21

Sobell, Mark, 74


installing, updating and removing, 94-95

open source, 14-16

updating, 77-80

soldering irons, 42

Sound blocks (Scratch), 127

Sound & Video command (LXDE main menu), 93

Spigot, 227

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), enabling, 344-345

Sprite Header Pane (Scratch), 125

Sprites Pane (Scratch), 125

srv directory, 71

SSH option (Raspi-Config), 84

SSH (Secure Shell), 112-114

Stack blocks, 129

Stage (Scratch), 125

starter kits, 43-45

starter kits, Arduino, 319

starting LXDE, 88

Starting Out with Python, 178

startx command, 69

static IP addresses, setting, 106

still pictures, capturing, Camera Board, 259-263

storage, Model B board, 29

Streaming Music Jukebox, 1

Strings data type (Python), 172

Stuff About Code website, 252

“Style Guide for Python Code,” 163

subnet masks, 103

sudo command, 60-62, 73-74

Super Mario Brothers, 210, 217

Survival mode (Minecraft), 218

sys directory, 71

System Tools command (LXDE main menu), 93

sysv-rc-conf utility, 311-312


temperature, verifying status, 303


commands, 69-77

starting sessions, 68-69

updating software, 77-80

terminal strips, breadboards, 35


FTP, 243

voltage, 41

third-party USB webcams, 266

configuring, 267-274

SimpleCV vision library, 274-276

time-lapse webcams, setting up, 270-272

tmp directory, 71


multimeters, 41-43

soldering irons, 42

Tor proxy servers, building, 294-297

Tor routers, 295

Torvalds, Linus, 49

traces, PCBs (printed circuit boards), 17

transistors, PCBs, 18

troubleshooting Dodgeball Challenge, 147-149

Tuples data type (Python), 172

typecasting Python, 171-173


Ubuntu Linux, 49-50

UI (user interface) Scratch, 124-129

ULN2803a open collector drivers (Gertboard), 339

Ultimate Player’s Guide to Minecraft, The, 218

unlinking blocks, Scratch, 131

Uno (Arduino), 315-321

Update option (Raspi-Config), 84

updating software, 77-80, 94-95


media content, 192-193

projects, 149-151

Upton, Eben, 7, 16

USB hubs, 24

USB keyboards, 26-27

USB mice, 26-27

USB webcams, 266, 274-276

Useful Modules list (Python Wiki), 175

user layer (OS), 48

user passwords, changing, 81

usr directory, 71


van Loo, Gert, 38, 337

var directory, 71

variables, 128, 171

Variables blocks (Scratch), 127

versions, Scratch, 122-123

VGA (Video Graphics Array) ports, 28

vias, PCBs (printed circuit boards), 17


Model B boards, 27-29

recording, Camera Board, 263-266

VideoCore graphics processing unit (GPU), 15

video game emulation, RetroPie, 199-200

configuring, 201-202

configuring joystick control mappings, 208-209

installing, 200-202

installing ES-Scraper, 211-212

joysticks, 212-215

playing games, 209-210

setting up controls, 206-207

transferring ROMs to, 203-206

Video Graphics Array (VGA) ports, 28

Virtual Desktops icon (LXDE), 91

Virtual Networking Computing (VNC), 110-117

virtual private networks. See VPNs

VNC (Virtual Networking Computing), 110-117


testing, 41

verifying status, 303

VPNs (virtual private networks)

building gateways, 280-285

encrypting Internet connections, 277-278


Walmsley, Ryan, 292

Waring, Elin, 246

warranty implications, overclocking, 300-301

web browsers, 289

Chromium, 120

Midori, 118-119


adding rechargeable batteries to, 273-274

Camera Board. See Camera Board

setting up, 269

SimpleCV vision library, 274-276

third-party USB, 266-274

time-lapse, setting up, 270-272

web pages, 233

web servers, 233-234

configuring, 240

content, 233, 240-243

installing, 235-240

Joomla, setting up, 245-248

LAMP stack, 234-236

phpMyAdmin, configuring, 243-245

placing on public Internet, 249-252

WiFi Config icon (LXDE), 89

Wi-Fi Shield, 318

Windows, showing file extensions, 206

wired Ethernet, configuring, 104-107

wireless Ethernet, configuring, 107-110

WiringPi library, 344

workstation computers, pointing at proxy servers, 289-291


Xbian, 179

XBMC, 179-181

applications, 181

codecs, 181

configuring media detection, 194-196

installing add-ons, 197-198

media scrapers, 181

playing contents, 196-197

plugins, 181

scraping media, 194-196

XBMC Media Center, 181

XFCE Linux GUI, 88

“Zen of Python, The”, 163

Zeroconf (Zero-Configuration Networking), 186-187

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