Chapter 15. Raspberry Pi Web Server

A web server is a computer that serves content by using standard Internet protocols. The word standard is key here because web communications are shared seamlessly across any kind of device, from desktop computers to video game consoles to tablets and mobile phones.

Any device that can (a) connect to a local area network or the Internet, and (b) has a web browser or web-aware application installed makes use of these standard protocols. The content that is served by a web server consists of the following media types at the very least:

Image Web pages: Text that is formatted with hyperlinks, pointers to other content on the same page, the same website, or a different website (representative file types: .htm, .html, .php, .aspx).

Image Images: These can be static or animated pictures of the bitmap or vector variety (representative file types: .gif, .jpg, .png, .svg).

Image Audio: These can be background clips or full songs (representative file types: .mp3, .wav, .m4a).

Image Movies: Video segments of any length, displayed in either standard or high definition (representative file types: .mov, .mp4).

Image Interactions: These can be games, tutorials, simulations, and so forth (representative file types: .swf, .xap).

I mentioned that the universality of web servers lies in their use of standard web protocols. What are these? Well, the first thing to know is that a network protocol is essentially a set of rules or conventions that allows two computer systems to recognize each other and to meaningfully exchange data.

Specifically, web servers are called HTTP servers because they use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as their base network protocol. Many other protocols are involved in delivering web content, of course, including Internet Protocol (IP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

Note: Learn More About Protocols

The subject of networking protocols is far too broad and deep to cover thoroughly in this book. For more information, please check out How the Internet Works by my Que Publishing colleague Preston Gralla ( In contrast to the rapid rate of change with most technologies, the Internet, for the most part, works the same way today as it did when this book was published in 2006.

Okay, then. Now that we understand a bit about what web servers are, why are they so important to us as Raspberry Pi hackers?

To answer that question, think to yourself how often you turn to a web browser to get any particular electronic task done. You can use a fully-fledged browser such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome, or you can use a line-of-business (LOB) application that makes use of web standards to retrieve content from a web server.

For instance, you can make your Raspberry Pi a web server to accomplish any of the following goals:

Image WordPress blog

Image Joomla content management server

Image Webcam control center

Image Minecraft server

The list of potential projects that take advantage of an HTTP server goes on and on. The bottom line is that HTTP is a lightweight and convenient way to present online content, so why not make use of this wonderful, extensible platform on your Raspberry Pi devices?

What Is the LAMP Stack?

In web development terminology, a protocol stack is a suite of related networking protocols and technologies that fit together like finger in glove to accomplish particular kinds of work. There was a time, not too many years ago, when websites were simply static collections of manually created HTML web pages.

On the off chance this escaped your notice, I’m here to tell you that static websites have largely gone the way of the dodo. Nowadays, any web developer or designer worth his or her salt needs dynamically generated web pages that pull data from a database such as MySQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server. These dynamic websites are called data-driven web applications.

I whipped up a schematic diagram of web communications in Figure 15.1 that I hope makes this situation clearer.


FIGURE 15.1 The basic elements of web communications

In Linux, the reference standard for an open source web development protocol stack is LAMP. LAMP in this context is an acronym for

Image Linux: This is the base operating system for the web server.

Image Apache: This is the world-standard open source HTTP server software.

Image MySQL: This is the world-standard semi-open source Structured Query Language (SQL) relational database management system (RDBMS).

Image PHP: This is the world-standard open source web development programming language. Incidentally, PHP is a strange acronym that stands for Hypertext Pre Processor.

If all this sounds like Greek to you, don’t get too stressed out, now—I know I am throwing a lot of technologies and acronyms at you. Let’s just take things one step at a time, and more will become clear, including how all this relates to your use of the Pi.

Installing Your Web Server

In terms of HTTP Server software, these are the major players in the world as of spring 2013 according to Netcraft (

Image Apache, by the Apache Software Foundation:

Image Internet Information Services (IIS), by Microsoft:

Image nginx (pronounced engine ex), by Igor Sysoev:

Of the preceding software, only IIS is proprietary. In addition, IIS is the only web server software that is platform-dependent. By contrast, Apache and nginx have software variants that run on Windows, OS X, and Linux.

Note: Etymology of Apache

Officially, the name Apache in Apache HTTP Server was chosen out of respect for the Native American tribe of the same name. Unofficially, some people submit that Apache stands for “A Patchy,” as in “Apache is continually patched and updated; therefore, it is a patchy server.”

In this book, we standardize on Apache 2 as our web server of choice for the Raspberry Pi. To that point, if you’re concerned that Apache might be a bit too heavy for your Raspberry Pi, lighter-weight Apache distributions are available. For instance, check out the Cherokee project ( Frankly, I was going to use Cherokee for this chapter, but I don’t feel the software is quite stable enough to recommend to you yet.

Lighttpd (pronounced lightly) is another example of a quality, lightweight web server. Visit the project home page at

If you don’t see the output shown in Figure 15.4, don’t panic. In a worst possible case scenario, you can re-flash your SD card with Raspbian and start over from scratch. Failing that extreme measure, you can turn to the good folks at the Raspberry Pi Forums for assistance. Here is a link to a discussion thread that covers just this topic:

Tweaking Up Your Web Server Settings

Awesome—you have your LAMP stack installed, albeit with from the factory defaults. Next, you need to get in there and make sure that the software is configured to your liking.

Apache is considered by many to be the world’s best web server for many reasons, but not the least of which is that the server ships with strong and secure default values. Nonetheless, some of the most common Apache tweaks that some admins make to their default installations include

Image Changing the location where web content files are stored

Image Changing the default TCP port

Image Modifying security and performance settings

Image Adding module packages to extend the capabilities of the server

As it happens, Apache 2 stores its configuration files in the directory /etc/apache2. Specifically, the primary Apache2 configuration file is named apache2.conf, and stores general configuration parameters. Another key Apache 2 configuration file is ports.conf, located in the same directory. The ports.conf file stores TCP/IP connection settings.

You can use any text editor you want (for instance, nano from the Terminal or Leafpad from LXDE) to edit the files.

MySQL stores its configuration settings in /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

PHP stores its settings in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini.

Transferring Content to Your Web Server

When it comes to actually authoring your website, workflows vary among developers. For static websites, all you truly need at minimum is a plain text editor to create your HTML files. For data-driven applications, such as PHP apps that read from and write to a MySQL database, a more comprehensive web authoring tool (or tools) might be more relevant.

Certainly, the subject of web development and design in itself is far outside the scope of this book. For now, let’s focus on the easiest way to transfer web content from your development workstation (which I presume for now is not your Raspberry Pi) to the Pi itself.

Recall that Secure Shell (SSH) is enabled by default in Raspbian. Therefore, you can make use of the remote file-copy functionality, called Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), that is part of the SSH standard to transfer your content to the Pi. This method is admirable because of its security; all session data over SSH is encrypted and consequently safe from malicious individuals.

Back in Chapter 7, I recommended FileZilla ( as a stable, reliable (and free) SFTP client. Recall that FileZilla is available on Windows, OS X, and Linux. Let’s learn how to use FileZilla to move web files from a remote host to your Raspberry Pi web server.

Some long-time web users insist on using traditional FTP for transferring web content. FTP is cool because it is ubiquitous, but it has a nasty downfall: All data transmitted between the FTP server and the FTP client is clear text. That includes passwords and any other sensitive data!

Therefore, I strongly suggest you stick to using SFTP, as it employs the same command set as unencrypted FTP, has no noticeable performance penalty, and is already enabled on the Pi.

If you insist on investigating an FTP solution for your Pi, I recommend you go with vsftpd (

Alrighty then! Now that you have verified your Raspberry Pi web server is fully functional and you understand how to manually populate content, let’s use a couple representative example web apps as a case study in discerning what a Raspberry Pi web server is capable of.

Setting Up phpMyAdmin

If you’ve had a chance to play with MySQL at all to this point, you’ve discovered that MySQL does not include any graphical management tools by default. As it happens, Oracle does provide a GUI toolkit called MySQL Workbench ( However, these Java-based tools are considered by most to be too resource-intensive for the Raspberry Pi.

Thus, kind and gentle reader, I introduce you to phpMyAdmin. phpMyAdmin ( is an open source PHP web application that provides you with a graphical front-end interface to MySQL (see Figure 15.6). Because phpMyAdmin is a web browser–based tool, you can run it on the Raspberry Pi with little to no performance impact.


FIGURE 15.6 phpMyAdmin, a web-based MySQL administration tool

Note: For Further Learning

Packt Publishing has released a series of books on how to use phpMyAdmin; check them out at

You know, as much as I like the idea behind Midori as a minimalist web browser, I haven’t had much luck running anything but the most bare-bones of web apps from this tool. For instance, phpMyAdmin displays all these distressing artifacts on screen.

As an alternative, you might want to consider installing Iceweasel (, the Debian port of the Mozilla Firefox web browser. Run sudo apt-get install iceweasel, confirm the installation, and check the Internet folder in LXPanel menu—you might love it!

Setting Up Joomla

Joomla ( is a leading content management system (CMS) platform. Many businesses build their corporate websites on Joomla because Joomla is open source, free, and eminently flexible. Under the hood, Joomla is a PHP/MySQL-based web application, so it functions perfectly well in a LAMP stack environment. I show you the Joomla default Home page in Figure 15.7.


FIGURE 15.7 Joomla is an awesome content management platform.

You can also use Joomla as a blog or as an online photo/video gallery...the list is almost limitless.

Note: More on Joomla!

For step-by-step instructions on how to use Joomla to build dynamic websites, please read The Official Joomla! Book by Jennifer Marriott and Elin Waring (

Despite its richness and robustness, Joomla runs reasonably well on the Raspberry Pi. Let’s learn how to install the platform.

Putting Your Web Server on the Public Internet

The final subject I cover in this chapter is how to put your Raspberry Pi web server on the global Internet. Inside the vast majority of private homes and businesses, computers use private, nonroutable IP addresses dispensed by a DHCP server. These internal IP addresses are fine for communications within the home or organization, but they don’t allow people on the Internet to connect directly to those hosts.

Why would you want to expose your Raspberry Pi to the wild and wooly jungle called the World Wide Web? Here are some valid reasons:

Image You can consume public web services such as Dropbox and Spotify.

Image You can communicate with other Internet users.

Image You can test out location services and other Internet-dependent applications.

On the other hand, you need to be mindful of some clear and present dangers associated with placing any computer within reach of systems located around the globe:

Image A malicious user or application can infiltrate your Raspberry Pi.

Image You may unintentionally expose private data.

Image You may unknowingly consume network bandwidth (relevant for users with metered Internet connections).

Thus, my suggested workflow for putting your Pi on the Internet is to

Image Configure your Pi with a static IP address. (I showed you how to do this in Chapter 7).

Image Use a dynamic DNS service.

Dynamic DNS services are necessary because DHCP is a lease-based protocol. In other words, your host computers periodically receive new and different IP addresses from their servers, which makes reliable connections to computers unreliable.

Configuring your Raspberry Pi with a static private IP address is fine; this means you’ll always be able to connect to the device from within your LAN by using that IP address. Dynamic DNS services come into play because they allow you to map an internal network device with a public Domain Name System (DNS) name.

In my experience, the two major players in the dynamic DNS space are

Image No-IP (

Image DynDNS (

Both of these services offer entry-level features for free and more advanced capabilities for a subscription fee.

First, you need to visit the No-IP website and create a free account. After you’ve done that, you can manage your host/domain name mappings. By default, your DNS host names will use the suffix If you own a domain of your own, you can become a paying subscriber to access those additional features.

Second, you need to determine whether your Pi connects directly to your ISP and has a public IP address or if the device resides behind your router and receives a private IP.

The former case is the easiest; you see your ISP-given public IP and associated default hostname in your No-IP control panel as shown in Figure 15.9.


FIGURE 15.9 You can adjust your host-DNS name mappings in the No-IP Control Panel.

If your Pi is one of several hosts behind your single Internet connection, don’t sweat it because the No-IP client that you’ll install on your Pi is intelligent enough to sort it all out.

If your Raspberry Pi exists as a DHCP client on your internet network, you have one more step to do. You need to log into your router and set up port forwarding to allow traffic on TCP port 80 (HTTP) to transit to your Raspberry Pi’s internal IP address. The setup on my Comcast IP Business Gateway is shown in Figure 15.10.


FIGURE 15.10 I need to set up port forwarding to my internal Raspberry Pi.

To test that the public IP works, fire up a web browser on another computer, preferably on a remote network, and see if you can load the Joomla site you just created. For instance, my No-IP DNS name is, so in my browser I type

You will be unpleasantly surprised, I’m sure, to learn that the No-IP dynamic update client does not run automatically at startup by default. Never fear, however. You can find an excellent, step-by-step tutorial for doing this at the Stuff About Code website (

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