Chapter 20. Raspberry Pi and the Gertboard

Fans of the Gertboard claim that the device is the ultimate expansion board for the Raspberry Pi. Having spent quite a bit of time with the Gertboard, I can tell you that there is indeed substance to that claim.

Gert van Loo (pronounced van LOW) is a Broadcom engineer who also happens to be one of the principal designers of the Raspberry Pi. As I’m sure you can correctly guess, Gert also invented the Gertboard.

Formally defined, the Gertboard is an expansion board, also called a daughterboard, that connects to the Raspberry Pi GPIO headers and gives you instant access to a tremendous variety of input/output options.

You can look at the Gertboard as an activity center or toybox with which you can experiment with motors, switches, buttons, and even an onboard Arduino microcontroller.

Basically, the Gertboard extends the Raspberry Pi to the real world, allowing you to sense temperatures, detect sounds, drive motors, and so forth.

Take a look at Figure 20.1 and the following descriptions for a tour of the PCB’s major components.


FIGURE 20.1 The Gertboard is a multipurpose expansion board for the Raspberry Pi.

1: 12 LEDs

2: 3 momentary button switches

3: Motor controller

4: 6 open collector driver inputs


6: Atmel ATmega chip

7: 10-bit Analog-to-Digital and 8-bit Digital-to-Analog converters

The L6203 motor controller drives brushed DC physical motors, including servos and steppers.

The ULN2803a open collector drivers enable you to turn devices on and off, especially those that use a different voltage than the Gertboard itself or those that use more current than the Gertboard can supply.

The Atmel ATmega 328P AVR microcontroller gives you built-in Arduino prototyping capability. One important note about this on-board Arduino chip is that it runs at 3.3V instead of the standard 5V Arduino voltage.

The MCP4801 Analog-to-Digital (A2D) and MCP3002 Digital-to-Analog (D2A) converters, as you’d expect, enable you to process both analog as well as digital audio signals. This hardware is especially useful if you want to, for instance, detect an input volume for an alarm system.

You learn more about the LEDs, button switches, and GPIO pins momentarily. In the meantime, you are probably wondering where you can purchase a Gertboard.

Originally, the Gertboard was sold in an unassembled state that required soldering. Fortunately, Farnell/Element 14 now sells an assembled model that is ready to rumble for $49 USD, as of this writing. Go purchase a Gertboard at

The assembled Gertboard is called “revision 2” and is physically much different (and improved) from revision 1. For instance, the revision 1 didn’t have an Arduino-compatible Atmel controller, and the board was much more cluttered than the revision 2 model.

Gert himself posted an excellent walkthrough of the Gertboard revision 2 changes in a video on his YouTube channel at

Anatomy of the GPIO

The Raspberry Pi General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) is a 26-pin expansion header that is marked on the PCB as P1 and employs a 2x13 copper pin strip. I provide the GPIO pinout in Figure 20.2.


FIGURE 20.2 The Raspberry Pi GPIO pinout

The pins that you see here are arranged into four basic functionality groups:

Image 2 +3.3V voltage pins

Image 2 +5V voltage pins

Image 5 Ground pins

Image 17 GPIO pins (access to I2C, SPI, and UART)

Raspberry Pi PCBs fabricated after September 2012 are called “revision 2” boards. As it happens, the Foundation changed the function of three GPIO pins between revision 1 and revision 2; for more information, read the article at the Embedded Linux Wiki (

The bottom line, friends, is that unless you’re using Ethernet, the GPIO represents the only way to interface your Raspberry Pi with other device hardware. The GPIO header pins are amazingly flexible; they can be reprogrammed to support input or output, and they can be selectively enabled or disabled.

One important note that I’ve mentioned before that bears repeating: although the GPIO has two 5V pins, the GPIO voltage levels are tolerant only of 3.3V signals, and there is not built-in overvoltage protection on the Raspberry Pi. Consequently, if you are not careful you can fry your Pi.

The 5V pins at P1-02 and P1-04 on the Model B board support a maximum current draw of 300mA.

The official name for the Raspberry Pi GPIO is “The GPIO Connector (P1).” Individual pins on the GPIO header are referred to with the P1 prefix; for instance, P1-01, and so forth.

Okay—enough background information. Let’s connect the Gertboard to your Raspberry Pi and begin some serious experimentation!

Connecting Your Gertboard and Raspberry Pi

The Gertboard connects to the Raspberry Pi pin-for-pin by using the GPIO headers. You can either (carefully) mount the Gertboard directly on top of the Pi board, or you can use a 26-pin ribbon cable. You can see a Gertboard/Raspberry Pi sandwich in Figure 20.3.


FIGURE 20.3 The Gertboard connects to the Raspberry Pi board by using the GPIO header.

It’s important to be careful when you connect the Gertboard and the Raspberry Pi. You need to line up every male GPIO pin on the Pi with the corresponding female socket on the underside of the Gertboard. To make this process simpler, you can use the plastic standoffs that ship with the Gertboard to create a more stable surface for the board.

If you want to use a GPIO ribbon cable to make the connection, then you need not only the cable (, but also a female-to-male converter (

Note: On Jumpers and Gender

With jumper wires, or any connection cable for that matter, the male end of one wire or cable inserts into the female (recessed) end of another wire or cable. As you might surmise, this gender-related nomenclature is intimately associated with human reproduction.

Now about power. As long as your Raspberry Pi power supply can give at least 1A, you can power the Gertboard directly from the Pi. The incoming power from the Pi operates at 5V, and the Gertboard uses either 5V or 3.3V depending on which components you use.

In practice, we make connections within the Gertboard and between the Gertboard and the Raspbery Pi by using the straps and jumpers included in the assembled Gertboard kit.

The female-to-female straps enable you to connect pins located in different locations on a board or between boards. By contrast, shunt-type jumpers connect immediately adjacent pins. I show you what these connectors look like in Figure 20.4.


FIGURE 20.4 Traditional shunt-type jumpers along with several types of jumper wire straps (male-to-female, female-to-female, and male-to-male)

Now I’m about to save you a lot of troubleshooting time: Make sure to place a jumper on the two J7 header pins, as shown in Figure 20.5.


FIGURE 20.5 You can add 3.3V of power to the Gertboard components by adding a jumper to the two pins of header J7. The J7 header has three pins, and the jumper covers the top two when the Gertboard is viewed “right-side up.”

By adding this jumper to the Gertboard, you allow 3.3V of power to flow to all of the Gertboard’s components.

Installing the Testing Software

Gert wrote a suite of small C programs that test various Gertboard components. However, we’ve focused on Python in this book, and I’ll continue that here by using the Python Gertboard code modules.

Note: For You C Programmers

To be honest, Gert’s C test suite accesses the Gertboard hardware more directly than does the Python test suite. If you want to download the C code, feel free to do so at

The Python test suite was created by Alex Eames of Raspi.TV. Alex wrote the software in Python 2.7, but you’ll recall that Raspbian includes both Python 2 as well as Python 3.

To access Alex’s code in its entirety, you need to have the RPi.GPIO and WiringPi libraries installed. Raspbian, as of September 2012, includes the RPi.GPIO library by default, but you need to install WiringPi ( yourself. Take a moment and run the following commands from a shell prompt on your Raspberry Pi:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip
sudo pip install wiringpi

Note: GPIO Libraries

The RPi.GPIO and WiringPi libraries both perform the same actions; namely, allowing programmatic access to the Raspberry Pi GPIO header. Alex Eames wrote versions of his Python Gertboard test suite to accommodate both libraries because neither library offers a fully complete set of capabilities. You can read a nice discussion of RPi.GPIO versus WiringPi at the Raspberry Pi forums at and

Although the previous procedure was a bit tedious, the joy that you’ll receive in accessing the Gertboard’s D-to-A and A-to-D converters should make your effort worthwhile.

Now let’s turn our attention to loading the Python Gertboard test suite.

Testing the LEDs

Your first test lights up the light emitting diode (LED) panel on the Gertboard. You can use either the or the script in this case; the RPi-GPIO and WiringPi libraries can both handle this exercise with no problem.

If you examine the source of the script, you see that Alex documented it pretty well, including giving abbreviated directions for how to wire up the Gertboard. Check out the first few lines:

pi@raspberrypi ~/GB_Python $ sudo python
These are the connections for the Gertboard LEDs test:
jumpers in every out location (U3-out-B1, U3-out-B2, etc)
GP25 in J2 --- B1 in J3
GP24 in J2 --- B2 in J3
GP23 in J2 --- B3 in J3
GP22 in J2 --- B4 in J3
GP21 in J2 --- B5 in J3
GP18 in J2 --- B6 in J3
GP17 in J2 --- B7 in J3
GP11 in J2 --- B8 in J3
GP10 in J2 --- B9 in J3
GP9 in J2 --- B10 in J3
GP8 in J2 --- B11 in J3
GP7 in J2 --- B12 in J3
(If you don’t have enough straps and jumpers you can install
just a few of them, then run again later with the next batch.)
When ready hit enter.

In this documentation, the Bs and GPs refer to marked locations on the Gertboard. Don’t worry—Gert himself provides excellent board diagrams that show exactly where you should put the jumpers and straps for each of the tests in his suite.

To view the wiring diagram for this test (and for all the other tests, for that matter), download and view the Gertboard user manual at To save you the download, you can see the wiring schematic in Figure 20.6 as well.


FIGURE 20.6 The wiring diagram for Gertboard LED test

Figure 20.7 shows you what my lab setup looks like while the test is running.


FIGURE 20.7 My Gertboard/Raspberry Pi setup for the LED test. I hooked up only the first six LEDs.

You need to use sudo when you run the script, and remember that these scripts were written in Python 2, so make sure you invoke the Python interpreter instead of python3.

When you run the script, observe that the Gertboard’s LEDs flash in three discrete patterns. Don’t worry if you don’t have enough straps and jumpers to wire all 12 of the LEDs; hook up as many or as few as you want, and the script will ignore any unconnected LEDs.

Note: Power On or Power Off?

I’m sure you’re wondering, “Do I need to unplug the Raspberry Pi every time I adjust a strap or jumper on the Gertboard?” Although the politically correct answer is yes, I have experienced no strange behavior, nor have I damaged either the Gertboard or the Raspberry Pi by moving from test to test while keeping both boards powered up and online.

To customize the behavior of the LED flashes, open the script in nano or your favorite text editor and play around with the led_drive() function; this is the primary “engine” of the script.

Specifically, the reps parameter defines how many times to run the test. The multiple parameter specifies whether or not to switch off an LED before proceeding to the next one. Finally, the direction parameter defines, well, the directionality of the LED actions, either left-to-right or right-to-left.

Thus, to run the test 10 times in the reverse direction, change the led_drive definition to match the following:

led_drive(10, 0, ports_rev)

Testing Input/Output

The LED test that we just finished tested only the Gertboard’s ability to render output. By contrast, the button/LED test enables you to send the output of a button press to a particular LED as input.

For this test, use the script because, as of this writing, the test works only with the RPi.GPIO libraries. The file name here is illustrative; it stands for but(ton) and, of course, LED.

The wiring for this test is more straightforward than for the LED test (by which I mean the test requires fewer straps and shunt jumpers). You can view the schematic in Figure 20.8.


FIGURE 20.8 The wiring diagram for Gertboard Input/Output test

Run the test by issuing the command

sudo python

You see output on your screen as you press the S3 button on the Gertboard, and you also see the BUF6 LED respond to each button press. The screen output cycles between binary 11 (button not pressed, 3.3V voltage (HIGH state) and binary 00 (button pressed, 0V current, LOW state).

I challenge you to figure out how to activate the other two button switches and link them to two additional LEDs. Have fun!

A Couple Quick Breadboarding Exercises

In Chapter 3, “A Tour of Raspberry Pi Peripheral Devices,” you learned what a breadboard is and how important the tool is in prototyping hardware. I wanted to devote a bit of space in this book to showing you a couple of breadboarding experiments that you can undertake with your Raspberry Pi.

Both experiments execute as simple a task as possible: lighting an LED. However, I want to show you how you can run the experiment by using a breadboard and the naked Raspberry PI GPIO pins as well as how you can do the same thing with the Adafruit Pi Cobbler that I told you about in Chapter 3.

Accessing the GPIO Pins Directly

Let’s begin by looking at a shopping list of parts that you need to complete this introductory prototyping experiment:

Image 1 standard breadboard

Image 1 LED

Image 1 resistor in the 270–330 ohm range

Image 2 male-to-female jumper straps

You can find all of these parts at your local RadioShack or electronics shop. Alternatively, I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of electronics prototyping kits. To that point, here are some suggestions I’ve found useful:

Image Sparkfun RedBoard Breadboard Kit (

Image RadioShack Breadboard and Jumper Wire Kit (

Image MakerShed Mintronics Survival Pack (

Note: Sometimes “Dish” Is Not Related to Gossip

Adafruit sells the wonderful Pi Dish ($22.50, that enables you to secure a Raspberry Pi and a standard breadboard in an attractive, clear, and sturdy package. An accessory like this makes Raspberry Pi breadboarding infinitely cleaner and easier than dealing with free-floating PCBs, straps, and jumpers.

Accessing the GPIO Pins via the Pi Cobbler

The Adafruit Pi Cobbler ( represents a more elegant way to make the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins accessible to you and your projects. Instead of wiring individual jumpers from the GPIO pins to the breadboard, you can break out from the GPIO header directly to the breadboard and then access GPIO from there.

Adafruit sells the Pi Cobbler either unassembled or assembled; I leave it up to you and your tolerance for pain (just kidding) in deciding which product to purchase. In addition to the Pi Cobbler breakout IC, you also get a ribbon cable.

To mount the Pi Cobbler, you first must connect the cable to the Cobbler board itself. Adafruit was nice enough to add a notch in the 26-pin ribbon cable, so it is impossible to insert the cable into the Cobbler incorrectly.

You can potentially get into trouble by inserting the other end of the ribbon cable into the Raspberry Pi GPIO header, though. Locate the colored edge wire of the ribbon cable; this is pin #1 and needs to be inserted into the GPIO on the side closest to the SD card slot and where P1 is marked on the Raspberry Pi board.

You also need to take care to insert the Pi Cobbler in the breadboard such that the Cobbler straddles the bridge or center line. Be sure to press the Cobbler all the way into the breadboard. You can see a close-up of my installed Pi Cobbler in Figure 20.10.


FIGURE 20.10 The Pi Cobbler is simultaneously connected to the breadboard and the Raspberry Pi and serves to extend the GPIO to the board. The markings above each Cobbler pin match each corresponding GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi.

Whew! Now that you have that out of the way, what can you actually do with the Pi Cobbler?

Well, look closely at the perimeter of the Cobbler—you should see markings that correspond to each of the 26 pins of the Raspberry Pi GPIO.

You can easily repeat your initial LED experiment by inserting male-to-male (note that you need male ends when your connection begins and ends on the breadboard) jumper straps in the same breadboard row as the corresponding GPIO header.

The only change I make, as noted in Figure 20.11, is that I used a GPIO ground pin on the same side of the breadboard as the power pin.


FIGURE 20.11 A replication of the earlier breadboarding experiment, this time by using the Pi Cobbler breakout board

Programming the Atmel Microcontroller

That long, 28-pin DIP you see soldered in next to the left of the Gertboard logo on the PCB is none other than an Atmel AVR ATmega328p microcontroller, the same chip that you experimented with in the previous chapter.

Note: Subject to Parts Availability...

Take a moment to read the identification information on the surface of your Gertboard’s Atmel chip. Gert states that due to parts availability, the Gertboard may be equipped with either the ATmega 328 or 168.

This means you can perform Arduino experiments by compiling sketches on the Raspberry Pi and sending them to the ATmega directly. Now then, recall that the Arduino operates at 5V, and the Raspberry Pi operates at 3.3V. The upshot of this situation for our purposes is that the Gertboard’s ATmega runs at a slower clock speed (12MHz instead of 16MHz).

Thus, if you plan to reuse some of your sketches from Chapter 19, “Raspberry Pi and Arduino,” you need to adjust any references to +5V or you may very well fry the Gertboard’s ATmega chip. You also may need to adjust the timing of your sketch code to account for the Gertboard’s slower clock speed.

Final Thoughts, and Thank You

Well, congratulations! You’ve reached the end of this book. We’ve certainly come a long way, haven’t we?

By way of a take-home message, I encourage you to stay current with all things Raspberry Pi-related by plugging into and participating in the community. The most direct entry points into the Raspberry Pi community are as follows:

Image Official Raspberry Pi Community Forum:

Image Google+ Raspberry Pi Forum:

Image Stack Exchange: Raspberry Pi:

Image RPi Community Links at

If you completed even the majority of tasks in this volume, then you have an excellent grasp of the fundamentals of hardware and software hacking. Should you have any questions, or if you want to share your experiences all the way, I’m all ears. You can reach me directly at [email protected].

Thank you so very much for purchasing this book and for learning more about the Raspberry Pi. It is people like you who keep information technology relevant and growing over time.

Happy hacking!

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