Chapter 7. Networking Raspberry Pi

Basic Networking Concepts

Ethernet is the de facto networking standard nowadays. It’s a protocol (set of protocols, actually) that represents an agreed-upon set of rules that computing devices use to establish digital communications with each other.

The good news is that any self-respecting local area network (LAN) and certainly the Internet all use Ethernet, so there really isn’t anything more we need to discuss at that level.

More granularly, Ethernet hosts (that is to say, any device that has a network interface card [NIC] installed and is configured for Ethernet networking) must have a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address to be able to send and receive data meaningfully.

There are two versions of IP in use in the world today: IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6). Because IPv4 is the current standard and the state of IPv6 remains somewhat in flux, this book focuses solely on IPv4.

An IPv4 address looks like this:

The IPv4 address is a “dotted decimal” representation of 32 binary digits, or bits. At base, you need to know that each of the four decimal numbers ranges from 0 to 255 and that each host on a network must have a unique IP address.

The other 32-bit number that is used in conjunction with the IP address is called the subnet mask. For instance, a typical subnet mask that is used on many home networks is

The “mask” in “subnet mask” is used to differentiate the shared network portion of the IP address from the computer-specific host portion. For instance, the IP address/subnet mask combination means that this host resides on the network, and the station’s unique identifier is 204.

Actually, it is useful to compare the network and host portions of an IP address to a street address. If my mailing address is 110 Smith Street, then “Smith Street” represents the shared network portion (on which other houses reside), and “110” represents my unique host ID.

The Raspberry Pi will in all likelihood receive its IP address automatically from a router or dedicated server running the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service. For instance, in my home office my Comcast Business Gateway (a fancy term for a combo cable modem and router) leases IP addresses to all of the hosts in my network. This all happens automatically and, usually, without any need for me to get involved.

Note: More on Hosts

Remember that any device with an installed NIC that communicates on an Ethernet network is known as a host. This includes PCs, Macs, network printers, “smart” switches, game consoles, Internet-capable TVs and DVD players, mobile devices—the sky is almost the limit. And being TCP/IP hosts, each host needs some method for obtaining a unique IP address.

Thus, it is possible to assign specific IP addresses to your Internet-enabled devices or to use dynamic IP configuration. By the conclusion of this chapter, you’ll understand how to use both IP addressing methods.

Configuring Wired Ethernet

If you have any interest in having your Raspberry Pi communicate with other hosts on your home network, or perhaps with Internet-based resources, then you need to know how to configure networking.

The Raspberry Pi (depending upon the revision, whether A or B), supports both wired and wireless Ethernet. To be a well-rounded Raspberry Pi power user, you should understand how each method works.

Let’s start with wired Ethernet.

Before you put down the Raspberry Pi Model A for not having an RJ-45 port to support traditional wired Ethernet, remember the purpose of the Model A: to provide a stripped-down computer with a minimal power footprint. If you need Ethernet on the Model A, you can pop in a USB Wi-Fi dongle and go about networking that way. I talk about Wi-Fi more in a little while.

For those who have a Model B, it’s time to plug in a standard Ethernet cable into the RJ-45 jack and power the device on. As I said earlier, the Pi should pick up an IP address that is valid for your network from a DHCP server. This DHCP server can be a wired router, a wireless router, or a dedicated server.

Take a look at Figure 7.1, which shows the TCP/IP configuration on my Pi. I use the ifconfig (pronounced eye-eff-config or ihf config) command for this purpose.


FIGURE 7.1 You can use ifconfig and route to view TCP/IP client configuration on your Raspberry Pi.

Using the annotations on Figure 7.1 as our guide, here’s what all that output means:

1: These are network interface IDs. The eth0 interface refers to the RJ-45 wired Ethernet interface on the board. The lo interface represents the loopback interface, which is used for testing and diagnostics. If you have a Wi-Fi interface, you’ll see an entry called wlan0.

2: The HWaddr refers to the network interface’s media access control (MAC) or hardware address. This is a unique identifier that is permanently “burned” into the network interface by the manufacturer.

3: The Mask, or subnet mask, is a string of binary zeros (255 when translated into decimal notation) that serves to separate the network portion from the host (unique) portion of an IP address. If you didn’t know that an IP address consists of two (and often three) parts, then I guess you just learned something new!

4: The Up or Down status notifications are useful for troubleshooting purposes.

5: This is Send/Receive metadata that is most useful when tuning network performance or undergoing diagnostics.

Besides the IP address proper and subnet mask, another important IP address you should know is the default gateway. This is the IP address of your router; the router is the device that gets your Pi out from your local area network (LAN) to the Internet.

You can view your Pi’s current default gateway by issuing the route command from a Terminal session. You can see the route command output in Figure 7.1 as well; specifically, look for the IP address under the Gateway column.

Note: The Heart of Pi’s Wired Networking

Be careful to differentiate the RJ-45 “ice cube” port on your Raspberry Pi and the actual network interface circuitry. The Ethernet engine on the Model B board is the LAN9512 IC that is located on the PCB directly behind the USB port stack.

Another way to view your Pi’s TCP/IP configuration information is to issue the command ip addr show. The ip command is pretty robust; run man ip to view the man page.

Let’s set a static IP address for the wired Ethernet interface on the Pi just for grins.

A comprehensive discussion of network addresses, broadcast addresses, and default gateways is well outside the scope of this book. Suffice it to say that you need to have at least a good solid knowledge base in networking before you undertake static IP configuration.

One more thing before you switch gears from wired Ethernet to wireless Ethernet—remember that the Pi board contains status LEDs. Pay particular attention to the FDX, LNK, and 100 lights. The FDX and 100 LEDs should glow solid, and the LNK light should flash as data is sent from and received by the Ethernet interface.

Configuring Wireless Ethernet

The wired Ethernet capability of the Model B board is all well and good. However, what if your Raspberry Pi project won’t work with a network cable? For instance, what if you want to mount a security camera in your driveway? Do you really want to run Ethernet cable from your router out to the Pi? I don’t think so.

Thus, you can configure wireless Ethernet (Wi-Fi) for both the Model A and Model B boards. You can find tiny USB Wi-Fi dongles all over the Internet; I recommend purchasing yours from Adafruit (I own this dongle, and it works great). You can see what it looks like in Figure 7.2.


FIGURE 7.2 Adafruit sells very reasonably priced USB Wi-Fi dongles. Regarding the annotations: 1 shows the Raspberry Pi in a nice case; 2 shows the two USB ports on the Model B board; 3 shows my Adafruit Wi-Fi dongle.

1: Raspberry Pi

2: USB ports

3: Wi-Fi dongle

Note: What Is a Dongle?

A dongle is a small piece of hardware that plugs directly into a computer, usually via USB. The dongle typically provides either copy protection for software or access to Wi-Fi networks.

Typically, configuring Wi-Fi under Linux is a nightmare. The good news is that the Raspberry Pi Foundation knows all about this problem and includes the wonderful WiFi Config utility for Raspbian. Without any further ado, let’s set up Wi-Fi!

Configuring “Headless” Raspberry Pi

I’ve used the term “headless” Raspberry Pi a few times in the book so far. Just what the heck do I mean? Well, here’s the deal: Computer monitors take up quite a bit of desk space. For instance, I have six monitors—big ones, too—in my home office! I don’t want to stand up a seventh monitor to fire up my Pi.

“Headless” simply means that you connect to the Pi remotely without the necessity of an external monitor or television screen. You can use a couple networking protocols to make the remote access happen:

Image Secure Shell (SSH): This protocol gives you secure (encrypted) remote access to the Pi command prompt.

Image Virtual Networking Computing (VNC): This protocol gives you unsecure (unencrypted) GUI remote access to your Pi.

Before we get to using SSH and VNC, here’s an initial prerequisite: You must have the Pi’s IP address. How can you obtain this address, though, when you don’t have a monitor available?

Your best bet is to download a freeware or shareware IP scanning tool. For Windows, I recommend the Advanced IP Scanner ( This tool, which is shown in Figure 7.5, is extremely easy to use.


FIGURE 7.5 You can use an IP scanner to determine your Raspberry Pi’s IP address.

The Advanced IP Scanner Tool parses the firmware metadata of any detected network interfaces; thus you can easily spot the RPi by looking for the entry with the Manufacturer entry of Raspberry Pi Foundation as shown in Figure 7.5.

On Apple OS X systems (and Windows and Linux computers as well, for that matter), I recommend Nmap ( The Nmap toolset does a whole lot more than simply scan IP addresses; you can actually perform a lot of information security tasks with these programs.

Nmap can be run either from a command line or by using the built-in Zenmap graphical interface (the latter is shown in Figure 7.6). Note in the figure that Zenmap shows us the Pi both as a Linux box (which it is) and the Manufacturer field of the Pi’s network interface.


FIGURE 7.6 The Nmap/Zenmap toolset is a comprehensive suite of TCP/IP utilities for Windows, OS X, and Linux.

Now let’s turn our attention to how you can actually use the SSH and VNC protocols to remotely connect to your Raspberry Pi.

Secure Shell (SSH)

Secure Shell (SSH) is a Unix/Linux client/server network protocol you can leverage with the Raspberry Pi to support secure command-line remote access. Raspbian includes an SSH server and enables it by default. You can verify the SSH server status by opening Raspi-Config and checking the ssh (Enable or disable ssh server) option.

So the Pi is already set up as an SSH server. Now to establish a remote connection to the headless RPi, you need to use an SSH client. Unfortunately, Microsoft has never included SSH software in their operating systems.

Most people use PuTTY for Windows (, which you can check out in Figure 7.7. PuTTY is really simple to use; just fire up the tool, pop in the Pi’s IP address in the Host Name field, and click Open.


FIGURE 7.7 On Windows systems, PuTTY presents a low-overhead way of connecting remotely to a “headless” Raspberry Pi.

The chief advantages to SSH-based remote access to the Pi are

Image The client-side setup is quick and easy.

Image You have full Terminal access to your Pi up to any restrictions that might be set on your connecting user account.

Image All data transmitted between your remote workstation and the Pi is encrypted.

On the other hand, SSH remote connections to the Pi have one chief downfall—no GUI access. If you need to display an X Server desktop remotely, you need to turn your attention to setting up VNC.

Virtual Network Computing (VNC)

VNC is a high-performance and convenient method for sharing GUI desktops across a network. The two downsides to using VNC for our purposes are as follows:

Image By default, VNC transmits all data between the client and the server in plain text. Therefore, if you have need for data confidentiality, you need to select an appropriate VNC server and client software package.

Image By default, Raspbian does not include a VNC server. I show you how to address this issue immediately, so don’t be overly concerned.

The VNC setup workflow consists of three steps: (1) installing a VNC server on the Pi; (2) installing a VNC client on your remote system; and (3) making the remote connection. Let’s do this!

Let’s finish this section with a quick procedure on configuring your Pi to run the VNC server automatically at startup.

On Browsing the Web with the Pi

Midori ( is the default web browser that the Foundation included in Raspbian (see Figure 7.11). I’m sure that the Foundation selected Midori because it is known as a “lightweight, fast, and free” web browser.


FIGURE 7.11 Midori is a good choice for the Raspberry Pi due to its low system resources footprint.

Here are some of the specific advantages of Midori as a Pi web browser:

Image Highly adherent to web standards (although HTML5 support needs some work).

Image Emphasis on security and user privacy.

Image The Preferences panel allows you to suppress images and media from web pages, which improves browsing speed.

Image Extensions support—extensions are browser add-ons that can greatly expand the capabilities of a web browser.

Frankly, the main limitations to Midori aren’t really limitations of any web browser, but are more of a function of the Pi’s own limited hardware resources and ARM processor architecture.

For instance, take Adobe Flash. Love it or hate it, there is much multimedia online that is viewable only if your browser supports the Adobe Flash Player plug-in. Unfortunately, Adobe abandoned Flash support for ARM processors quite a while ago. Therefore, out of the box, you can’t view Flash (which includes YouTube) on the Pi. Bummer, right?

For hardcore Flash fans, you can try to hack around with the open source Gnash ( player. You’ll find that Gnash enables you to play Flash versions 7, 8, and 9 media objects, although you might be disappointed at the performance.

If you are as big of a fan of YouTube as I am, you’ll be pleased to know that there are some Pi-specific options. Your best bet is to fire up your favorite search engine and perform a search for play youtube raspberry pi or something similar.

In Chapter 12, “Raspberry Pi Media Center,” you learn how to build a Raspberry Pi media center by using the wonderful Xbox Media Center (XBMC) software.

Finally, if you tried Midori and simply concluded that you don’t like it, you can certainly install an additional web browser. For the love of all that is holy, don’t install a “full-sized” web browser like Mozilla Firefox on your Pi—you will live to regret it, I assure you.

Chromium (, the open source fork of Google’s Chrome browser, is a good choice for the Pi in my experience. Mozilla Firefox fans might want to take a look at Iceweasel (; in fact, I’ll be using Iceweasel as the default browser for the remainder of this book.

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