Chapter 14. Raspberry Pi Minecraft Server

Minecraft, a sandbox construction game originally created by the Swedish programmer Markkus “Notch” Persson ( and later absorbed by Notch’s company Mojang AB (, is more than a game: It is a phenomenon. In a gaming context, “sandbox” means that the game has no defined storyline; instead, players can roam around the game world and do pretty much whatever they want (see Figure 14.1).


FIGURE 14.1 Minecraft 1.5.2 for Microsoft Windows

As a game developer you know you are onto something when your product is used in school as well as home, and gamers collaborate with each other and lose sleep playing it.

Retro video game nerds such as myself deeply appreciate the chunky 8-bit graphics. In fact, the visual presentation of Minecraft reminds me of a cross between Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo Entertainment System and Doom for the PC.

As the game title suggests, the two main tasks in Minecraft are mining, which involves breaking various and sundry ore blocks in search of useful raw materials, and crafting, which means taking mined raw materials and fashioning tools, weapons, furniture, name it.

Minecraft includes two primary game modes:

Image Survival: The player’s avatar can die, and the world is inhabited by enemy nonplayer characters (NPCs) called mobs that can destroy the player. The player also starts with no tools or raw materials but can install other user-made modifications (mods) to change how the game world works. The focus on this mode is on exploration, combat, resource gathering, and construction.

Image Creative: The player’s avatar cannot die and is capable of flight. No mobs exist in this world. The player’s inventory includes all items found in the game, including materials, eggs, potions, and so forth. Because Creative mode involves no combat and has no need to forage for tools and resources, the focus here is on creative construction.

Minecraft includes two additional gameplay modes, Adventure and Hardcore, that aren’t completely fleshed out as of this writing in summer 2013. You can read more about Minecraft game modes by visiting the Minecraft Wiki at

Note: Learn How to Play Minecraft

In this chapter, I provide only the most cursory of introductions to Minecraft and assume you have at least a passing familiarity with its gameplay. For a complete introduction to the game, please read my Pearson colleague Stephen O’Brien’s excellent book (which I tech-edited it, in fact), The Ultimate Player’s Guide to Minecraft (

In general, I think the main reasons why Minecraft is so popular are the following:

Image Players can assert and flex their creativity.

Image The game enables players to create objects and share them with other players around the world.

Image The game is extensible, allowing proficient players to broaden and deepen the game world.

Minecraft is also used in primary, secondary, and higher education. Why? Let’s count some of the ways:

Image The game teaches problem-solving skills in a manner that is engaging and fun.

Image It teaches players how to use code to modify the behavior of a system (modding; more on that subject later).

Image The game itself can be used as an instructional tool. For instance, a teacher can build lessons inside a shared Minecraft game world, and the students can interact with the lesson as avatars.

The Mojang business model for Minecraft is to give players what they want and port the game to as many different computing platforms as possible. Check it out:

Image Minecraft: The original game is coded in Java and runs on Windows, OS X, and Linux.

Image Minecraft-Pocket Edition: This is a heavily scaled-back edition of Minecraft that is coded in C++ and runs on iOS (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad) and Android.

Image Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition: This is not only the full version of Minecraft, but the game also includes several features that are specific to the Xbox 360 port, such as simpler crafting mechanics, in-game tutorials, and robust split-screen and Internet multiplayer gaming.

Image Minecraft: Pi Edition: This is an educational Minecraft port that is largely unlocked and allows the gamer much greater control over the game world compared to the other editions of the game.

Naturally, this book is all about the Raspberry Pi, so I am constraining the discussion in the remainder of this chapter to Minecraft: Pi Edition.

The Minecraft server forms the basis of the multiplayer aspect of the game. Therefore, I also cover how to build a Raspberry Pi-powered Minecraft game server.

Let’s get to work!

Installing Minecraft Pi

According to the documentation at the Minecraft Pi website (, Minecraft Pi has been optimized to run under the official Raspbian Linux distribution. Therefore, if you haven’t already flashed your SD card and gotten your Raspbian-based Pi up and running, please do that first before proceeding. Remember that we learned how to flash SD cards in Chapter 4, “Installing and Configuring an Operating System.”

Before you begin, it’s important to note that Minecraft Pi doesn’t work over a VNC connection, so make sure you boot your Pi with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse attached.

Notice that in Linux, you run executable programs from the current working directory using the dot slash notation. This shorthand notation enables you to run programs without (a) having to supply the entire path to the executable, or (b) having to put the app path in the system’s PATH environment variable.

Minecraft’s Home menu screen is displayed in Figure 14.2.


FIGURE 14.2 Minecraft Pi Edition

To play, click Start Game and click Create New to build a new world. Here are your basic controls (you can also read ~/Minecraft/mcpi/CONTROLS.txt):

Image Mouse: Turn your avatar.

Image Left Mouse Button: Remove block.

Image Right Mouse Button: Place/hit block.

Image Mouse Wheel: Select inventory item.

Image W, A, S, D: Move your avatar forward, backward, left and right, respectively.

Image SPACE: Jump.

Image E: Open inventory.

Image 1-8: Select inventory slot to use.

Image ESC: Show or hide game menu.

Image TAB: Release mouse.

Minecraft Pi Edition is built from the Minecraft Pocket Edition code base, so if you played Minecraft on your iOS or Android device, then you pretty much understand how the game works on the Raspberry Pi. One significant limitation of the Minecraft Pi Edition, at least in the initial 0.1.1 release, is that the game supports only the Creative game mode.

Accessing the Python API

An application programming interface (API) is a set of rules that define how a user can access and potentially modify the default code base for an application. As I said earlier, Minecraft Pi Edition was developed as a way to teach people how to learn computer programming in the context of game development. Accordingly, the good people at Mojang include class libraries for both Python (located in ~/Minecraft/mcpi/api/python/mcpi) and Java (located in ~/Minecraft/mcpi/api/java) programming languages.

Note: Head of the Class

In object-oriented programming (OOP) terminology, you can look at a class as a template that describes the attributes (properties) and behaviors (methods) of an object. All objects in Minecraft are originally defined as classes. A class library is simply a code file that is filled with class (object) definitions.

The Python class libraries are Python 2, not Python 3, but don’t worry about that; everything you learned in Chapters 10, “Programming Raspberry Pi with Python—Beginnings,” and 11, “Programming Raspberry Pi with Python—Next Steps,” still applies. I’m just speculating, but I believe that Mojang chose Python 2 over Python 3 because they wanted the class libraries to reach the widest possible audience. After all, most OS X and Linux distributions include Python 2 by default.

In short, you have a handful of Python and Java scripts that provide the Minecraft player with tools to control the game world. This is pretty cool stuff, so let’s dive right in, shall we?

The overall Minecraft Pi Edition Python API specs can be found in the file ~/Minecraft/mcpi/api/spec/mcpi_protocol_spec.txt. This file explains how all of the API functions work. It’s recommended reading, for sure.

How about another example? Note that the player’s avatar coordinates are displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen. Check out Figure 14.4 for a visual explanation of what these coordinate values mean.


FIGURE 14.4 Minecraft Pi Edition displays the player’s location onscreen by using x, y, and z coordinates.

As you can see by studying Figure 14.4, coordinates denote an object’s specific location within the Minecraft world.

How about we do one more quick example, this one demonstrating how you can alter the mining and crafting aspects of the game.

You learned in the previous example that mc.player.getPos() determines the current coordinates of the player.

The PlayerTilePos variable determines which tile the player is currently standing on.

The setBlocks function is pretty robust; be sure to read the documentation to get the names of all the block types. The generic formulation of the function is

setBlocks(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, blockType, blockData),

This code takes two sets of coordinates and fills the gap between them with a particular block type. In this case it creates 25 diamond blocks in front of, behind, to the left, and to the right of the player, which places the player directly in the center of a big, diamond square. Pretty cool, eh?

Building a Minecraft Server

At its core, Minecraft is a single-player game. However, multiplayer functionality is built into the platform, which enables more than one player to coexist in the same game world. What’s different about Minecraft multiplayer from, say, Call of Duty, is that in Minecraft players tend to work cooperatively in building things rather than against each other.

Numerous public Minecraft servers are available for connection, and you can always download the free Minecraft Multiplayer Server software for Windows, OS X, or Linux at

The challenge to making your Raspberry Pi a Minecraft server is, naturally, the board’s hardware resource limitations, but also the heaviness of Java. As it happens, the multiplayer server software is a Java server application, so you need to do some extra homework to make this happen using your battle-weary Pi.

To prepare your Pi for duty as a Minecraft server, make the following tweaks to your system:

Image If you can, use your Ethernet cable to connect to your local area network instead of a Wi-Fi dongle. You’ll get more reliable data transmission and speed.

Image Run sudo raspi-config and adjust the CPU/GPU memory split in favor of the CPU. Some server operators suggest setting the GPU to only 16MB. Then overclock the Pi as much as you dare.

I cover the CPU/GPU split and overclocking in detail in Chapter 18, “Raspberry Pi Overclocking.”

Image Make sure your system is current by running

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Image If you’ve installed applications and services that run in the background, consider reflashing that SD card or loading up another card with a pristine install of Raspbian. You don’t need unwanted cruft slowing down your Minecraft server.

You have the decision whether to install a stock Minecraft server using the installer provided by Mojang or to install a modified version. The two most popular Minecraft server alternatives are

Image CraftBukkit ( Modified version of the Mojang Minecraft server file; allows for plugins and various other extensions to the Minecraft server environment. Specifically, CraftBukkit is the Bukkit server executable, and Bukkit represents the programming API.

Image Spigot ( Modified version of the Bukkit API; optimized for smaller servers (like the Raspberry Pi!).

In this chapter I take you down the Spigot route. That won’t exempt you from the Java requirement, but you’ll have a much leaner, cleaner, meaner, and better performing Minecraft server.

Note that if you want to advertise your Minecraft Pi Server to the Internet, you need to configure your router to forward traffic on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 25565. You can learn how to configure an internal network device with a public IP address by reading Chapter 15, “Raspberry Pi Web Server.” You can learn how to configure port forwarding on your router by visiting (

Administering a Minecraft Server

Minecraft server administration is an art and science unto itself and is therefore far outside the scope of this book. Nevertheless, I want to give you the core need-to-know information.

In the Terminal window from which you started the Minecraft server, type help to get a list of Minecraft server commands.

A Minecraft server operator is known as an op (pronounced op or oh-pee, and sometimes stylized as OP). Before you start issuing online commands, however, you should learn how to modify the Minecraft server configuration file.

Type stop in the Minecraft Server console to stop the server. Next, open the config file, which is located by default in your home directory:

sudo nano

The file consists of simple key/value pairs; the trick is learning what each property means. I suggest you review the list at the Minecraft Wiki (

Visually, the file isn’t much to look at; it’s just a typical plain text configuration file. For instance, here are the first few lines of a sample file:

#Minecraft server properties
#Wed May 22 21:15:19 EDT 2013

Note: Operating a Minecraft Server

In Minecraft server nomenclature, an operator, or OP (oh-PEE, or ohp) is a superuser who has full control over the entire server. Obviously, you as the server owner should have OP privileges, but you should be very careful before assigning OP to any other Minecraft users.

Make your Minecraft user an OP by typing the following command in the server console:

op <username>

You see this feedback display onscreen directly in your game session. To issue a server command in the game, precede the command with a slash (/). For instance

/me <message>

This command sends a status message to all connected players on the server. You can use /tell to send private messages to individual users. The in-game multiplayer experience is represented in Figure 14.7.


FIGURE 14.7 You can issue player or op commands directly in the game.

If you find the Minecraft server command syntax similar to that of Internet Relay Chat (IRC), then good for you—that’s exactly what it feels like.

As an OP, you have godlike control over the server-spawned Minecraft world. For instance, if it’s nighttime and you want to jump time to dawn, try this from the game:

/time set 0

A time value of 12000 takes you to dusk. provides a good, comprehensive list of Minecraft player and op server commands at The trusty Minecraft Wiki is also helpful (

Minecraft Plugins

Finally, we come to the subject of plugins, which are add-ons to the Minecraft server that enable you to vastly extend your control over the multiplayer gaming environment. Many Minecraft OPs search for plugins by browsing the Bukkit website at Here is the high-level installation overview:

Image Download the plug-in .JAR file to your server.

Image Place the .JAR file in your plugins directory.

Image Stop and start the server.

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