Chapter 4. Native Audio

Emily Lewis


You already deal with embedded contentcontent that is imported or inserted into a web page—almost every day (see Think about the img element. It inserts content—the image—into your web page via the src attribute.

With HTML5, we now have many more options for embedded content, including native audio via the new audio element (see

Native? Yes. That means no more ungainly object and embed. No more need to deliver audio with a third-party plug-in and, as such, no more design headaches with dynamic layouts or drop-down menus.

With audio in our arsenal, not only can we deliver audio files directly through the browser, but we can style and manipulate the element and its attributes via CSS and JavaScript.

4.1. Adding HTML5 Audio


You want to play native audio on your web page.


Add the audio element, with the src attribute referencing the location of your audio file and fallback content for older browsers:

<audio src="audio.ogg" controls>
    Download <a href="audio.ogg">episode 42 of Learning to Love HTML5</a>

Also be sure to include the controls attribute if you want browsers to display a default control interface for your audio (see Figure 4-1):

<audio src="audio.ogg" controls>
Default audio controls in Chrome 9 include play/pause, a progress bar, and volume/mute
Figure 4-1. Default audio controls in Chrome 9 include play/pause, a progress bar, and volume/mute

The audio file in this example uses Ogg Vorbis (.ogg), which is a royalty-free, open source codec (see However, there are many other audio formats for the Web (see Table 4-1), which is one of the biggest challenges in implementing HTML5 audio.


A codec is a technology used for compressing and decompressing data. Audio codecs compress and/or decompress digital audio data into different formats that aim to retain the highest level of quality with the minimum bit rate.

Multiple audio codecs

The HTML5 specification does not dictate or make any recommendations about what audio codecs should be supported. And since it would make far too much sense for browser makers to agree (see, there isn’t a single format that works in all browsers, as you can see in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Current browser support for HTML5 audio formats


AAC (.aac)

MP3 (.mp3)

Ogg Vorbis (.ogg)

WAV (.wav)

WebM (.webm)

Chrome 6+






Firefox 3.6+











Opera 10.5+





Safari 5+






Let’s take a closer look at these formats:


Lossy compression scheme developed as an improvement over MP3, with similar bit rates but better sound quality


Patented yet popular format that uses lossy compression to achieve file sizes one-tenth of noncompressed


Open source alternative to .mp3 that also uses a lossy compression format


Proprietary format for audio that does not utilize any compression


Google’s open, royalty-free media format, which relies on the Vorbis audio codec for compression

Integrating multiple sources

In terms of which format to choose, the reality is that if you want your content to reach the widest possible audience you have to encode and include multiple audio files in your HTML5 audio element. Fortunately, HTML5 does allow this.


When using the source element in audio, the src attribute is dropped. src only comes into play (pun intended) if you are referencing a single audio format.

In terms of best practices, it’s recommended that you minimally include the .ogg royalty-free format and either the .mp3 or .wav format. This type of approach should cover your bases with the latest browsers:

<audio controls>
    <source src="audio.ogg">
    <source src="audio.mp3">
    Download <a href="audio.ogg">episode 42 of Learning to Love HTML5</a>

Preloading the audio

audio has several attributes that allow you to configure your audio implementation.


For a full description of the attributes available for HTML5 media elements, see the WHATWG standard:

The preload attribute allows you to hint to the browser when it should begin buffering the audio:

<audio controls preload>

While preload currently has limited browser support, it seems useful for optimizing the download process. You can simply specify preload and leave it to the browser to decide the appropriate action, or you can choose from three defined preload values:


Is the same as a Boolean preload, and suggests that the browser should begin downloading the file but leaves the ultimate action up to the browser. So, if it is a mobile situation or a slow connection, the browser can decide not to preload in order to save bandwidth.


Hints that the browser shouldn’t buffer the audio itself until the user activates the controls, but that metadata like duration and tracks should be preloaded.


Suggests that the audio shouldn’t be downloaded until the user activates the controls.


In addition to the browser inconsistencies with audio formats, there is a bit of inconsistency in the support for audio itself. There are browser bugs, quirks, and oddities that will hopefully be addressed by the browser makers in the near future, but until they are it is up to us designers and developers to remain informed.


24Ways provides a list of some of these browser issues:

Creating fallback content

As you saw in the first example of this recipe, audio allows us to include fallback content. What this means is that if a user is on a browser that doesn’t support HTML5 audio, he will instead see some replacement content (see Figure 4-2).

Fallback content displayed in IE8, which lacks HTML5 <audio> support
Figure 4-2. Fallback content displayed in IE8, which lacks HTML5 <audio> support

The HTML5 specification says that all child elements of audio other than source should be ignored. This means that providing additional fallback content won’t result in any negative consequences for a user on an HTML5-capable browser.

For example, you could include fallback Flash:

<audio controls>
    <source src="audio.ogg">
    <source src="audio.mp3">
    <object data="player.swf?audio=audio.mp3">
        <param name="movie" value="player.swf?audio=audio.mp3">
        Video and Flash are not supported by your browser.

Or you could simply describe what the audio file contains and include a link to the file for a user to download and play on his device’s media player (along with some gentle encouragement to upgrade to a new browser):

<audio controls>
    <source src="audio.ogg">
    <source src="audio.mp3">
    Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. You should upgrade. In the
    meantime, download <a href="audio.ogg">episode 42 of Learning to Love

Accessible alternatives

Another challenge with HTML5 audio is that alternative content for multimedia doesn’t quite exist in practice. Theoretically, accessibility would be delivered through two steps: first, multimedia authors include a subtitles file in the container .ogv or .mp3, and then browsers give users an interface to access those subtitles and captions.


Using the alt attribute with img isn’t a practical solution. It isn’t what the HTML5 specification intends, and, more important, assistive technologies don’t process audio fallback content in that fashion.

For now, there’s not much more than a few experimental approaches you can try:

You may note that some of these resources reference video. That’s because HTML5 audio and video are so similar that the approaches described can be applied to both (as discussed in Chapter 5).

Beyond issues with captioning, audio support in general is inconsistent among assistive technologies. For example, some screen readers don’t recognize the element at all and simply skip it.

Further, audio accessibility, like keyboard support, is inconsistent among browsers. As this is the case for HTML5 across the board, we recommend staying updated at

Intellectual property rights

You may have already figured out that HTML5 audio isn’t a “one size fits all” solution. But it isn’t just the need for multiple file formats or inconsistent browser support that’s at issue: HTML5 does not offer any copy protection.

audio (and video, see Chapter 5) is as easy to save to a user’s hard drive as img and, therefore, isn’t a good fit for all use cases. If Digital Rights Management (DRM) is needed, a plug-in, not audio, is likely a better solution with how copy protection stands today.

See Also

For more about HTML5 multimedia accessibility, the W3C wiki offers an in-depth view of known issues and proposed solutions:

4.2. Manipulating the Audio Stream


You want to be able to control and manipulate how your HTML5 audio plays in the browser.


As part of the specification, audio has a few attributes that give you simple and instant control over your playback:


Tells the browser to start playing the audio as soon as the page loads.


I hesitate to even mention this attribute because it does exactly what it says, and is one of the most annoying, non-user-friendly things on websites ( So, while autoplay is available, don’t use it. Seriously. Don’t.


Another self-descriptive attribute, loop tells the browser to loop the audio when playing forward.


This is less offensive than the autoplay attribute, but it should still be used with discretion.

Like controls, both autoplay and loop are Boolean attributes, so you simply include them in the opening audio tag when you want them:

<audio controls loop>


What if you want more control than these basic attributes provide? Fortunately, audio and video have attributes, events, and methods you can manipulate with JavaScript to create custom controls, including:


Returns a string indicating whether the browser can play a particular type of media


Indicates the current playback position, denoted in seconds


Gives the length of the audio file in seconds


Starts playback at the current position


Pauses playback if the audio is actively playing

For example, suppose you want to include controls that allow the user to jump to a specific time in the audio file. You can add this functionality with a button and a dash of JavaScript to manipulate the play() method based on the read/write property currentTime:

    <source src="audio.ogg">
    <source src="audio.mp3">
<button title="Play at 30 seconds" onclick="playAt(30);">30 seconds</button>
    function playAt(seconds){
        var audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];
        audio.currentTime = seconds;;

There is no stop method, but using the same approach as in the example above, stop functionality can be mimicked by using the pause(); method to return to the beginning of the audio file via currentTime:

    <source src="audio.ogg">
    <source src="audio.mp3">
<button title="Play at 30 seconds" onclick="playAt(30);">30 seconds</button>
<button title="Stop Audio" onclick="stopAudio();">Stop Audio</button>
    function playAt(seconds){
        var audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];
        audio.currentTime = seconds;;
    function stopAudio(){
        var audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];
        audio.currentTime = 0;


Note that when creating your own custom controls, you drop the controls Boolean attribute from audio.

For more information on creating custom controls, see Recipe 4.5.

See Also

For a much less rudimentary approach to manipulating the audio playback with custom controls, see Opera’s “Everything You Need to Know About HTML5 Video and Audio” at

4.3. Generating <audio> Using JavaScript


You want to generate real-time audio on your web page.


You can generate audio on the browser without the src attribute or source elements by using methods defined by the Mozilla Audio Data API (

mozSetup(channels, sampleRate)

Defines the channels and sample rate for the generated audio stream


Writes the samples, from an array, for the generated audio


Gets the current playback position of the audio, denoted in samples


This particular implementation of audio has somewhat limited support. In fact, only Firefox 4+ and Chrome Beta currently support it. As such, it is more an experimental approach than something geared for mainstream use.

If you happen to be the experimental type, though, check out this short video presentation of what is possible with the Mozilla Audio Data API:

See Also

The transcript for the “jasmid—MIDI synthesis with JavaScript and HTML5 audio” talk from Barcamp London 8 provides a very high-level discussion about the challenges and practical implications of generating audio on the fly, in the browser:

4.4. Visualizing <audio> Using <canvas>


You want to create a visualization of your HTML5 audio using canvas.


This example delivers a rudimentary canvas implementation that visualizes audio with waveforms (see Figure 4-3):

<audio src="audio.ogg"></audio>
<canvas width="512" height="100"></canvas>
<button title="Generate Waveform" onclick="genWave();">Generate Waveform</button>

    function genWave(){
        var audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];
        var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];
        var context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
        audio.addEventListener("MozAudioAvailable", buildWave, false);
        function buildWave (event){
            var channels = audio.mozChannels;
            var frameBufferLength = audio.mozFrameBufferLength;
            var fbData = event.frameBuffer;
            var stepInc = (frameBufferLength / channels) / canvas.width;
            var waveAmp = canvas.height / 2;
            canvas.width = canvas.width;
            context.moveTo(0, waveAmp - fbData[0] * waveAmp);
            for(var i=1; i < canvas.width; i++){
                context.lineTo(i, waveAmp - fbData[i*stepInc] * waveAmp);
            context.strokeStyle = "#fff";
Wave visualization of audio via canvas in Firefox 5
Figure 4-3. Wave visualization of audio via canvas in Firefox 5

In this solution, we combine what is discussed about canvas in Chapter 9 with some methods from the Mozilla Audio Data API. Let’s break it down piece by piece, starting with the core audio element, canvas, and a button to trigger the visualization:

<audio src="audio.ogg"></audio>
<canvas width="512" height="100"></canvas>
<button title="Generate Waveform" onclick="genWave();">Generate Waveform</button>


For brevity’s sake, I’m using the src attribute for audio in this example, but this would also work with multiple source elements.

Next, add a background color via CSS to indicate a simple presentation for the canvas:

    canvas {background: #000;}


Note that the width and height values in canvas are DOM attributes, not style attributes. As such, you need to specify them in the markup, not the CSS, so that the browser knows the dimensions of its drawing space. See Chapter 9 for more on canvas.

And now for the JavaScript. First, set up an overall function to generate the wave:

    function genWave(){

Inside that function, get both the audio and canvas elements:

        var audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];
        var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];

Then set up canvas with its drawing context (see

        var context = canvas.getContext('2d'),

Next, add an event listener to gather data about the audio file using methods from the Mozilla Audio Data API (

        audio.addEventListener("MozAudioAvailable", buildWave, false);

Then, include a private function to build the canvas wave drawing, and get the number of channels and frameBufferLength:

        function buildWave (event){
            var channels = audio.mozChannels;
            var frameBufferLength = audio.mozFrameBufferLength;


Note that you need to divide frameBufferLength by channels because frameBuffer contains an array of audio samples that are not separated by channels, but are all delivered together.

Get the frameBuffer data:

            var fbData = event.frameBuffer;

Set the step increment:

            var stepInc = (frameBufferLength / channels) / canvas.width;

and set the wave amplitude:

            var waveAmp = canvas.height / 2;

Next, reset canvas so the strokes don’t build on top of each other:

            canvas.width = canvas.width;

Finally, build the stroke and set stroke properties:

            context.moveTo(0, waveAmp - fbData[0] * waveAmp);
            for(var i=1; i < canvas.width; i++){
                context.lineTo(i, waveAmp - fbData[i*stepInc] * waveAmp);
            context.strokeStyle = "#fff";

Add the stroke to canvas:


and play the audio:;


Just as generating real-time audio with JavaScript (see Recipe 4.3) is limited to Firefox 4+, so is this method of audio visualization with canvas. This is because only the Mozilla Audio Data API allows you to access the key audio data (in this example, frameBuffer) necessary to create the canvas drawing.

Further, this method of audio visualization must run on a web server, and it requires that the audio file reside on that same server due to Firefox security measures (


While this recipe makes use of the Mozilla Audio Data API, browsers (including Firefox) may support the Web Audio API from the W3C. For more information, see the specification at

See Also

For a far more sophisticated and interactive use of audio and canvas, see the project from 9elements at

4.5. Sample Design: Custom Audio Player


You want to design your own custom audio player.


In this sample design, we’ll extend the concepts of Recipe 4.2, to create a custom audio player (see Figure 4-4), rather than relying on the default controls attribute.

The final design for the custom audio player as displayed in Safari 5
Figure 4-4. The final design for the custom audio player as displayed in Safari 5

Define <audio> and player structure

We’ll start with the markup for our HTML5 audio and player controls:

<div id="player">
    <audio src="media/audio.mp3"></audio>

    <div class="playerControls">
        <button id="audioPlay" title="Play"
        <button id="audioPause" class="hidden" title="Pause"
        <button id="audioStop" title="Stop" onclick="playStop();">&#x25a0;</button>

        <div id="audioSeek">
            <div id="audioLoaded"></div>

        <ul id="audioTimes">
            <li id="audioElapsed">00:00:00</li>
            <li id="audioDuration">00:00:00</li>

For the purposes of simplicity, this example includes only a play/pause toggle, a stop button, and a progress bar.


The choice of the button element for the player controls is simply a semantic and accessibility preference, not a requirement.

JavaScript API

Next, we turn to the powerful DOM API to deliver functionality to the player markup.


For a more usable, accessible experience, you can also use detection (see for HTML5 audio. Then, only if it is supported will the player markup and audio element be inserted. This means browsers that don’t support HTML5 audio won’t see a player they can’t use. Modernizr (see can aid in this detection.

First, declare the audio element and player controls, making sure the script appears after the audio element in the source:

    audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];
    audioDuration = document.getElementById("audioDuration");
    audioElapsed = document.getElementById("audioElapsed");
    audioPlay = document.getElementById("audioPlay");
    audioPause = document.getElementById("audioPause");
    audioStop = document.getElementById("audioStop");
    audioLoaded = document.getElementById("audioLoaded");

Then determine eventful information about the audio file:

    audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", setDuration, false);
    audio.addEventListener("timeupdate", setElapsed, false);

Next, define the functions driving the progress bar:

    function setDuration(event) {
        audioDuration.innerHTML = timeFormatter(audio.duration);

    function setElapsed(event) {
        audioElapsed.innerHTML = timeFormatter(audio.currentTime);
        amountLoaded = (audio.currentTime/audio.duration)*100; = amountLoaded + 'px';

and the function to toggle play and pause:

    function playPause() {
        if (audio.paused){
            audioPlay.className = 'hidden';
            audioPause.className = '';
        } else {
            audioPlay.className = '';
            audioPause.className = 'hidden';

Then define the function for the stop, which is based on Recipe 4.2:

    function playStop() {
        audioPlay.className = '';
        audioPause.className = 'hidden';

and the function to format the time for the progress bar:

    function timeFormatter(seconds){
        function zeroPad(str) {
            if (str.length > 2) return str;
            for (i=0; i<(2-str.length); i++) {
                str = "0" + str;
            return str;
        var minute = 60,
            hour = minute * 60,
            hStr = "",
            mStr = "",
            sStr = "";

        var h = Math.floor(seconds / hour);
        hStr = zeroPad(String(h));

        var m = Math.floor((seconds - (h * hour)) / minute);
        mStr = zeroPad(String(m));

        var s = Math.floor((seconds - (h * hour)) - (m * minute));
        sStr = zeroPad(String(s));

        return (hStr + ":" + mStr + ":" + sStr);

CSS for style

Finally, we’ll style our player so it doesn’t look quite so plain (see Figure 4-5). We’ll start with styles for the dimensions of the player and how the buttons should appear:

#player {
    height: 50px;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 300px;

button {
    background: #666;
    -moz-border-radius: 5px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    bottom: 10px;
    color: #fff;
    padding: 5px;

#audioStop {
    left: 65px;
    line-height: 11px;

Then we’ll add styles that help with the play/pause toggle:

#audioPause.hidden { display:none; }

#audioSeek {
    background: #ccc;
    border: 1px solid #000;
    -moz-border-radius: 10px;
    border-radius: 10px;

and styles for the green progress bar:

#audioLoaded {
    background: #0c0;
    border: 1px solid #0c0;
    -moz-border-radius: 10px;
    border-radius: 10px;

And, finally, styles for the time counters:

#audioTimes {
    margin: 5px 0 0;

#audioTimes li {
    font:bold 13px Arial, Helvetica sans-serif;
    float: left;

#audioTimes li:first-child {
    border-right: 1px solid #000;
    margin-right: 15px;
    padding-right: 15px;
Unstyled audio player as viewed in Safari 5
Figure 4-5. Unstyled audio player as viewed in Safari 5


Not into rolling your own? There are a few prebuilt solutions you can consider for customized player controls, including playlist features:

See Also

The “Creating Your Own Accessible HTML5 Media Player” tutorial at

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