Chapter 9. <canvas>

Kyle Simpson


One of the most exciting additions to web pages to be standardized by HTML5 is the canvas element:

<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>

This simple element allows users to draw graphics such as lines, circles, and fills directly into a rectangle-shaped block element that appears on the web page.

There are numerous features associated with the canvas element. For example, in addition to drawing images manually, browsers can take raw image data from an external image file and “draw” it onto the canvas element.

You can also erase and redraw all or a portion of the canvas image. The ability to edit canvas images lends itself to the creation of animations, where you appear to move elements around by drawing and redrawing them in varying positions.

In addition, canvas elements can have transparency, which means they can be layered or stacked on top of each other to create more sophisticated graphical images/effects. There are also a number of transformations and effects that you can apply to your canvas drawings. In essence, a canvas image is a dynamic image, unlike a static PNG or JPEG file.

In much the same way that you might draw an image using a graphics program like Adobe Photoshop, save it to a file, and load it into a web page, with canvas you can automate the drawing commands through code and immediately see the results on the page, without the need for loading an external file.

This capability allows you to do many sophisticated things that were once difficult or impossible to do, such as dynamically creating preview images.


While it is very helpful to understand the nuts and bolts of working with the canvas API, which this chapter will help expose you to, most practical projects use libraries that automate the usage of canvas for various tasks. As you will see, some of the tasks can be quite tedious, so using a helper library can be the key to keeping you productive and sane.

9.1. Drawing on a <canvas>


You want to draw graphic elements on your page rather than including them in as an external image with the img element.


Use the canvas element in your markup:

<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>


The canvas element can have “fallback” content inside the tag, which the browser will render only if canvas itself is not supported. While not a strong feature for accessibility purposes, this does provide a modest mechanism for alternate content that screen readers can make available to the user. (For more on accessibility, see Chapter 7.) Another approach would be to insert the canvas element inside figure element and provide alternative text through the figcaption (See Recipe 1.15). For more information on providing fallback content for canvas, see

Alternatively, you can create a canvas element dynamically, append it to the page, and then use CSS to position it where you need it:

var mycanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); = "mycanvas";

To draw into the canvas element, first get a reference to the canvas element’s context and then issue drawing commands against that reference:

var mycanvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
var mycontext = mycanvas.getContext("2d");

mycontext.moveTo(10, 10);
mycontext.lineTo(35, 35); // draw a line path from (10,10) to (35,35)

mycontext.strokeStyle = "#000";
mycontext.stroke(); // draw the line

mycontext.arc(35, 35, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // draw a circle

mycontext.fillStyle = "#f00";
mycontext.fill(); // fill the circle solid

Figure 9-1 shows the result of this code.

A <canvas> element on the page, with a black line and a red circle drawn on it
Figure 9-1. A <canvas> element on the page, with a black line and a red circle drawn on it


In canvas, the order of how you draw things is important, as the last drawing operation for any pixel is the one that is visible. Here, we drew the line first and the circle second.

The canvas API

Here are some commonly used drawing commands in the canvas API:


Start a path segment definition, to be used by a rendering operation like stroke() or fill().


Close the path by adding a line segment from the end of the path back to the beginning of the path.

moveTo(x, y)

Move the registration point for the next relative drawing operation.

lineTo(x, y)

Create a line path from the current registration point to (x,y).

rect(x, y, width, height)

Create a rectangle path where (x,y) is one corner, and the diagonally opposite corner is (x+width,y+height).

arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadians, endAngleRadians, antiClockwiseDirection)

Create a circular arc path (up to a full circle), where (x,y) is the center of the arc and the arc starts and ends at the given angles (in radians) and moves in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.


Fill in the most recently defined path segment.


Stroke (i.e., render, make visible) the most recent path segment.

drawImage(image, ...)

Draw an image into the canvas area.


Add text to the canvas.

clearRect(x, y, width, height)

Clear a rectangular portion of the canvas from (x,y) to (x+width,y+height).


Set the color/style attributes for strokes or fills, respectively.


The canvas API for 2D drawing is standardized in HTML5 (see In large part, canvas works the same way across all the modern browsers, which all now support it. However, be aware that there are some subtle differences between the browsers’ implementations.


Because these quirks in behavior between different browsers/versions are generally outside the specification and are more implementation-specific, detailing or predicting them is futile.

As such, we do not cover those quirks in depth; instead, the reader is implored to carefully test the usage of canvas and its API in all relevant browsers to avoid pitfalls.

The canvas element is specified to have a couple of rendering contexts, which is basically a fancy way of saying “coordinate systems.” At this time, the only useful (implemented) rendering context is 2d, which defines a flat, two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system with (0,0) at the top-left corner (thereby matching the coordinate system style in web pages). Practically all canvas API calls are made against the context, rather than the canvas itself.

Assuming you have a reference to a canvas element, to get a reference to its 2d context, use:

var mycontext = mycanvas.getContext("2d");

Once you have the context, the canvas API commands listed in the previous section are all available to be called. The shape-drawing commands in the canvas API are all path-based. This means that you first “draw”—or define, but not visibly—a path (one or more straight or curved edges) that represents the shape (line, arc/curve, rectangle, etc.), and then you specify what you want done to the path.

Typically, you stroke the path, drawing a line along its boundary edges, and/or fill the path, filling its interior with a color or pattern.

Because you essentially render a path only after that path is defined, you will often end up needing to create many separate path segments in your drawing, and you will apply different strokes/fills/etc. to render each of the segments as you define them.

The first step in defining a path segment is always to call beginPath():

mycontext.moveTo(10, 10);
mycontext.lineTo(30, 30);


If you call closePath() before you call a rendering command like stroke() or fill(), the path literally is “closed,” in that the beginning point of the path is automatically joined with the end point of the path, with a final line segment.

After defining your path segment, call a rendering command, such as stroke() or fill(). Those commands act upon that most recently defined path segment—whatever has been defined since the most recent beginPath() call—and then subsequently that path is no longer active or available:

mycontext.moveTo(10, 10);
mycontext.lineTo(30, 30);

Keep in mind that if you draw more than one shape in the same path segment, generally speaking, the canvas interprets the paths as being connected. In this sense, “connected” means that there is an edge from the end of one shape to the beginning of the next. This is not always true, though; some shape definition commands imply their own independent or not-relative segments.

Again, it’s best practice to explicitly define your path segments, to avoid such pitfalls. One explicit way to avoid segments being connected is to use moveTo(...), which conceptually “picks up the pen” and moves it to a new location before setting it down, rather than acting like the pen has drawn a connecting line from the previous location to the new location.

Vectors versus bitmaps

You may be familiar with the concept of vector drawing as opposed to bitmap drawing. Vector drawing is essentially describing an image as a series of shapes using equations, such that the shapes (the vectors) can be modified (rotated, scaled, transformed, etc.) without any loss of quality.

Bitmap drawing, on the other hand, is specifically constrained to painting a color into one or more individual pixel locations. Transformations against bitmaps are “lossy” in that you get some fuzzy or blurry artifacts along color boundaries as you make the transformations, because what might have been a clear color boundary from one pixel to the adjacent pixel in the original orientation of the drawing is now not a clear boundary between two pixels, but a mix of colors between the two pixels.

It is important to keep vector and bitmap ideas clear and separate in your mind as you work with the canvas element. The paths that you draw with API commands like lineTo(...) are like vectors: they can be defined and then modified using various transformations, without any loss of quality. Once you have the path in the state that you want, you then render that path, which creates visible pixels in the bitmap output of your canvas element. If you were to then apply more transformations to your bitmap, such as rotating the entire element, you would be subject to potentially “lossy” transformations, as described above.

To put it more plainly, think of your path definitions as vector equations—which are invisible and, until rendered, can be changed at will—and think of the stroke and fill operations that you perform against a path as pixel bitmap rendering. In principle, this is no different from how a vector image editing program would operate.


If you draw a shape (or modify a shape’s location or dimensions) where it overlaps only part of a pixel, such as a line from (10.5,20) to (10.5,50), each half-pixel will be partially rendered (anti-aliasing), which may produce fuzzy line effects.

There are, of course, operations that you explicitly want to perform only against the final rendered output (such as color mutations), but these operations are bitmap-based, as opposed to the geometric transformations you perform against paths.

See Also

For more information on how to use canvas, see this canvas tutorial on MDC:

9.2. Using Transparency


You want to draw shapes in the canvas element which have some transparency, so they allow content from beneath to show through.


The canvas element is, by default, transparent, which means that it will show any content that is stacked beneath it. You can control what pixels are transparent or not simply by what you draw onto the canvas element.

If we position a red circle drawing (like the one from the previous recipe) over the top of some text, the portions of the canvas element not drawn on by the circle will remain transparent, and the text from beneath will show through, as illustrated in Figure 9-2.

Drawing a circle on top of text in a page, with transparency showing the not-covered text from beneath
Figure 9-2. Drawing a circle on top of text in a page, with transparency showing the not-covered text from beneath

Further, you can ensure that a pixel you have drawn on the canvas element retains partial transparency by manipulating the alpha channel of the color used to draw the pixel. Partial transparency means that what the user sees for each pixel is the combination of the color at that location below the canvas element and the color shown for that pixel in the canvas element.

For example, if we were to make the red circle from the previous example partially transparent, it would appear as shown in Figure 9-3.

The red circle with partial transparency, showing text from underneath
Figure 9-3. The red circle with partial transparency, showing text from underneath

The partially transparent color is useful not only for content that appears on the page beneath the canvas element, but also for content that has already been drawn onto the canvas element itself:

mycontext.arc(40, 40, 25, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // draw a circle

mycontext.fillStyle = "#f00";
mycontext.fill(); // fill the circle solid

mycontext.arc(70, 40, 25, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // draw a circle

mycontext.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,255,0.75)";
mycontext.fill(); // fill the circle solid;

In the above code snippet, we draw a partially transparent blue circle overlapping part of a red circle. The portion of the circles that overlaps will produce the color purple from the mixing of the blue with the red, as seen in Figure 9-4.

Applying partial transparency to the blue circle so its color mixes with that of the red circle in the overlap
Figure 9-4. Applying partial transparency to the blue circle so its color mixes with that of the red circle in the overlap


In general, a canvas element starts out with all its pixels being completely transparent. Any pixel that is drawn with a fully opaque color will no longer have any transparency, whereas any pixel that is drawn with a partially opaque color will retain partial transparency. The default is fully opaque with no transparency. You generally define the alpha transparency of a color with "rgba", in the same way that you specify CSS3 color values (see, like so:

mycontext.fillStyle = "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)";

Here, the 0.5 specifies a 50% opacity for the red color, meaning all pixels that are drawn with that color style will have 50% transparency and thus that the content from beneath will partially show through, as shown in Figure 9-5.

The other way to affect the transparency of rendered pixels is to set the globalAlpha property, with a value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

Applying 50% transparency to the color used to fill a red circle, partially revealing the previously drawn black line below it
Figure 9-5. Applying 50% transparency to the color used to fill a red circle, partially revealing the previously drawn black line below it

When a pixel is drawn with partial transparency, the default composite operation is to take that pixel’s existing rendered color definition, if any, and combine it with this new color definition to produce the new pixel color. That’s how the black line appears to be below the partially transparent red dot in Figure 9-5.

Keep in mind, though, that there are not two actual layers of shapes here (as you might be used to with digital imaging software), even though it appears that way. The pixels that were rendered were composited together, combining what was already there in the first path with what’s drawn by the second path. The final result is still one single-layer bitmap rendering in your canvas element. This means that once these two shapes have been rendered on top of each other, they cannot be moved or changed independently, since there’s just one bitmap.

However, since pixels in a canvas element can have transparency, it is possible to emulate separate layers by simply stacking canvas elements, and drawing different shapes into each. In this case, there is not really canvas-level compositing going on between the two independent layers (they are separate elements, although obviously your browser, operating system, and computer screen are doing the compositing), so the two elements can be moved, modified, erased, etc., independently of each other. See Recipe 9.10, for more on this subject.

See Also

For more information on transparency, see this canvas “styles and colors” tutorial on MDC:

9.3. Setting <canvas> Dimensions


You want to explicitly specify the width and height of your canvas element to be different than the default dimensions.


Add the width and height attributes, and their corresponding values, to your canvas element:

<canvas id="mycanvas" width="200" height="200"></canvas>

You may also want to change the width and/or height of your canvas element with JavaScript. If you want to change how much width or height (i.e., pixels for rendering) is available in your canvas element, you must change the attributes of the canvas element (not the CSS style properties of width and height, as you might assume):

mycanvas.setAttribute("width", "200"); // will change the bitmap dimensions
mycanvas.setAttribute("height", "200");

You can also set the width and height properties directly on the element:

mycanvas.width = 200; // will change the bitmap dimensions
mycanvas.height = 200;

Either approach will allow your canvas element to use 200 pixels in the horizontal direction and 200 pixels in the vertical direction.

By contrast, controlling the size of your canvas element with CSS—either with CSS rules or by directly setting CSS properties in JavaScript— does not affect the bitmap dimensions of your canvas element, but rather takes the existing canvas element (at its existing bitmap dimensions) and stretches or shrinks its physical dimensions, as necessary: = "200px";  // will shrink the horizontal rendering = "200px"; // will stretch the vertical rendering


The default dimensions of a canvas element are 300 pixels wide by 150 pixels high. In practice, you’ll usually want to define different dimensions for your canvas element.


As with all block-level HTML elements, if you make your canvas absolutely positioned, it does not necessarily default to having any physical dimensions to render. You need to explicitly define the physical rendering dimensions via CSS, in addition to the bitmap pixel dimensions. To keep a consistent rendering ratio, make sure the physical dimensions match the bitmap pixel dimensions.

You can specify the bitmap pixel dimensions using attributes on the canvas element, either in the markup or with a setAttribute(...) call. You can also resize the canvas element by using CSS styling on the width/height, but this has the effect of shrinking or stretching the canvas element while keeping the existing pixel dimensions, rather than actually changing them.

For instance, let’s say you wanted a full-page canvas element that resized itself with the window. If you want that sizing to be achieved by stretching or shrinking the canvas element while maintaining the same pixel dimensions, use CSS, like this:

#mycanvas { width:100%; height:100%; }

However, if you want a canvas element that keeps resizing its bitmap pixel dimensions along with the dimensions of the browser window, you need to use JavaScript:

window.onresize = function() {
    mycanvas.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    mycanvas.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;

You can resize the canvas element as often as you like. However, each time you resize it, the drawing space will be cleared. This is actually a useful trick, as you can quickly clear the canvas by simply setting its width to be the same as its current width:

function clear(mycanvas) {
    mycanvas.width = mycanvas.width;

See Also

For more information on how to use canvas, see this canvas tutorial on MDC:

9.4. Using Gradients, Patterns, and Line Styles


You want to create gradients and other drawing styles.


Each time you render a path to the canvas element, the color and style for that drawing are picked up from the currently set stroke and fill styles.

For instance, to vary the way that line segments are drawn on paths, you can control the stroke styles with lineWidth, lineCap, and lineJoin:

mycontext.lineWidth = "12";
mycontext.lineJoin = "round";
mycontext.moveTo(20, 20);
mycontext.lineTo(50, 50);
mycontext.lineTo(20, 70);

The result is shown in Figure 9-6.

Applying the lineWidth and lineJoin stroke styles
Figure 9-6. Applying the lineWidth and lineJoin stroke styles

To vary what is painted inside the paths you draw, you can control the fill styles to create gradients or image patterns (Figure 9-7):

var lingrad = mycontext.createLinearGradient(20,20,40,60);
lingrad.addColorStop(0.3, "#0f0");
lingrad.addColorStop(1, "#fff");
mycontext.fillStyle = lingrad;

mycontext.moveTo(20, 20);
mycontext.lineTo(50, 50);
mycontext.lineTo(20, 70);
Linear gradient filling a shape
Figure 9-7. Linear gradient filling a shape


There are several different ways to control the style of how your paths are rendered. For instance, for lines (strokes), you can set the lineWidth property to vary the width of the lines used to stroke. In addition, the lineCap property controls how the cap/end of a line segment is rendered (squared off, rounded, etc.), and the lineJoin property controls how the connection (or joint) between two line segments is drawn. Figure 9-8 shows a few different line styles.

In addition to line styles, you can define custom color styles for both lines and fills. There are two options: gradients and patterns.

Gradients are a gradual progression from one color to another color (or colors). They can be linear (progressing in a straight line) or radial (progressing radially/circularly from a central point). To use them, you create a gradient object, set one or more color stops on it, and then use that object as the strokeStyle or fillStyle.

Patterns are essentially created by taking an existing image (even another canvas element) and using that as the “color” for a line or fill, repeating the image in question as necessary to fill the space required of the color. To use them, you create a pattern object, specifying which image to use and how to repeat it, and then use that object as the strokeStyle or fillStyle. Figure 9-9 shows the results of a few different fill gradients and patterns.

Various line styles
Figure 9-8. Various line styles
Various fill gradients and patterns
Figure 9-9. Various fill gradients and patterns

Pattern fills also allow you to tile (or repeat) an image. The canvas API command createPattern(...) takes as its second parameter a string value to control the tiling. For no tiling, use no-repeat. Currently, the only tiling value supported consistently is repeat, which defaults to repeating the image both horizontally and vertically, as shown in Figure 9-10:

var img = document.getElementById("my_fish_image");
var imgfill = mycontext.createPattern(img, "repeat");
mycontext.fillStyle = imgfill;
mycontext.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200);
Tiling an image using a fill pattern
Figure 9-10. Tiling an image using a fill pattern

See Also

For more information on line styles, gradients, and pattern fills, see this canvas “styles and colors” tutorial on MDC:

9.5. Pulling External Images into a <canvas> Drawing


You have an existing image (graphic, icon, photo, etc.) in an external file that you want to put into a canvas element, so that you can then manipulate or embellish it with canvas API drawing commands.


First, either load the image in question using an img tag in your markup and get a reference to it, or create an Image element dynamically in your JavaScript code:

var img = new Image();
img.src = "http://somewhere/to/my/image.jpg";

Next, once the image is loaded, draw the image onto a canvas element:

var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
    // note: we're calling against the "2d" context here
    mycontext.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // draw the image at (0,0)
img.src = "http://somewhere/to/my/image.jpg";


The image object you pass as the first parameter to drawImage(...) can actually be a real image, another element, or a video element (achieved by capturing a frame of video into your canvas).

This assumes that your canvas element is already properly sized to be able to handle the image that you’re trying to draw into it. If it’s too small in either dimension, clipping occurs, with the image being cut off on the right or bottom edge, respectively.


The canvas API gives you the drawImage(...) command to let you capture image bitmap data from another source (an image, another canvas element, or a video element) and draw it directly into your canvas element.

There are three ways to call drawImage(...). The simplest form, shown above, takes an element to capture the bitmap image data from and two coordinates, the (X,Y) location inside your canvas element at which to place the top-left corner of the image.

The second form takes an additional two parameters, (dw,dh), which are the width and height of the area from the original image that you want to capture and copy to your canvas element.

The third form of the call takes quite a few more parameters than the second form. The first four numeric parameters, (sx,sy,sw,sh), specify the top-left location and the width/height of the area from the original source image data to capture, and the last four parameters, (dx,dy,dw,dh), represent the top-left location and the width/height of the area where the image data will be copied to in your canvas element:

function createCanvas(id, width, height) {
    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); = id;
    canvas.setAttribute("width", width);
    canvas.setAttribute("height", height);
    return canvas;

var small_canvas = createCanvas("small", 100, 100);
var large_canvas = createCanvas("large", 300, 300);
var small_context = small_canvas.getContext("2d");
var large_context = large_canvas.getContext("2d");

var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
    // note: using different (sw,sh) and (dw,dh) dimensions here shrinks the image
    small_context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 300, 300, 0, 0, 100, 100);
    // just grab the top-left 300×300 area from the image
    large_context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 300, 300);
img.src = "http://somewhere/to/my/image.jpg";

Figure 9-11 illustrates these parameters.

Explaining the (dx,dy,dw,dh) and (sx,sy,sw,sh) parameters of drawImage(...)
Figure 9-11. Explaining the (dx,dy,dw,dh) and (sx,sy,sw,sh) parameters of drawImage(...)

Once you’ve drawn an image into your element, that image data is no different from any other bitmap image data that you could draw. This means that you can easily draw over the top of your drawn image, using all the same capabilities as previously discussed.

See Also

Tutorial on pulling an image into canvas with Ajax:

9.6. Setting Color Transformations


You want to apply a color transformation (like grayscale or invert) to an existing canvas drawing.


The canvas API provides a command called getImageData(...) that grabs all the pixel color data from the canvas element, handing it to you in one long array:

var drawing = mycontext.getImageData(0, 0, 200, 200);


The array you get from getImageData(...) is not in quite the format you’d generally expect. First, it’s not a two-dimensional array, with width and height dimensions. Instead, it is a linear single-dimension array, where the values wrap from one line to the next, like a big long string of text that you paste into a text editor.

Second, there are four consecutive entries in the array for each pixel, each entry corresponding to a color component for a pixel. So, each pixel takes up four entries in the array, in the form of [..., red, green, blue, alpha, ...].

Once you have the image data captured, you can manipulate that data using any transformations you please and then write it back to the canvas element.

To grayscale the drawing, the simplest algorithm is to take the average of the red, green, and blue color components and set all three to that average value:

var avg;
// skip 4 entries (1 px) at a time
for (var i = 0; i <; i = i + 4) {
    avg = ([i] +[i+1] +[i+2]) / 3;[i] =[i+1] =[i+2] = avg;

To color-invert the drawing, the simplest algorithm is to take each color component value, subtract it from 255, and set that color value back:

// skip 4 entries (1 px) at a time
for (var i = 0; i <; i = i + 4) {[i] = 255 -[i]; // invert red[i+1] = 255 -[i+1]; // invert green[i+2] = 255 -[i+2]; // invert blue

Now that the data has been modified, we simply write it back to the canvas element, using the putImageData(...) command:

mycontext.putImageData(drawing, 0, 0); // put the image data back at (0,0)


As we discussed in Recipe 9.1, the image that is rendered visible on the page is the bitmap data rendering of the paths and styles (or vectors) that you defined while drawing your image.

Fortunately, the canvas element allows us to access and modify some or all of the pixel color data in the element. This means that any manner of sophisticated bitmap transformations can be accomplished. In addition to applying color transformations, as we did here, you could apply algorithms to blur the image, pixelate it, zoom it, etc. Those various algorithms are beyond the scope of this chapter (and this book), but the process would always be the same as that outlined in this recipe: first get the bitmap image data array, then process the individual color component (red, green, blue, alpha) entries for each pixel, and then write some or all of that data back to your canvas element.


If you write an external image to a canvas element that comes from a different domain than the page’s domain, the canvas is marked as “unclean” (meaning it’s not abiding by the same-origin security policy), and thus you are not able to call getImageData(...) to retrieve that data.

You can always write to the canvas element, but you can only read data from it if all the data in the canvas originated from the page’s domain.

See Also

This recipe only briefly touched on basic ways to manipulate the colors in your canvas images and drawings. For much more complex effects that you can apply to your canvas element, check out PaintbrushJS:

9.7. Working with Geometric Transformations


You want to apply some transformations to your drawing commands, such as scaling, rotation, skewing, etc.


The canvas API provides several commands for transforming your canvas drawing actions:

translate(x, y)

Move/skew the location of the origin point for the coordinate system from (0,0) to (x,y).

scale(x, y)

Scale the units of the coordinate system in the x and y directions, independently.


Rotate the coordinate system about the origin point, (0,0), by the angle (moving in a clockwise direction) specified in radians.

When you start combining multiple transformations, it is often easier to manage the state of the canvas element on a stack, where you can simply revert back one level to undo all transformations (and other state, like style/color settings) with one command. The canvas API provides two commands for managing your state stack, save() and restore():;              // save the current state of the canvas
mycontext.translate(10, 10);   // move the origin point to (10,10)
mycontext.arc(0, 0, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // draw a circle
mycontext.rotate(Math.PI / 4); // rotate 45 degrees clockwise
mycontext.moveTo(0, 0);
mycontext.lineTo(10, 0);

In both these transformations, the action taken could easily be reversed. That is, we could easily translate back to our original origin point with translate(−10, −10), or back to our original rotation with rotate(Math.PI / −2).

However, as soon as you start combining multiple translations at once, or nesting translations into multiple steps or layers, stack management becomes quite necessary. It is best practice to always use stack management for your canvas element’s state as you make style changes or transformations.


The concept of using transformations to adjust your drawing commands is probably going to be a bit strange to you at first. Most developers are initially a little confused by this idea. Don’t worry, though; after you’ve done it a few times you’ll get more comfortable with this new mindset, and it won’t seem quite so foreign.

To get started, here’s what you need to know: transformations do not actually affect your drawing commands or what’s currently in the canvas element. Instead, transformations affect the coordinate system, so that all the coordinates that you use in your subsequent drawing commands are automatically interpreted in the transformed coordinate system, instead of the original coordinate system.

Say what?! Okay, let’s try a different approach. Think of these transformations as keeping your pen in the same location, but (without the pen touching the paper) moving the paper underneath your pen to a different location or rotating it at an angle, then drawing what you planned as if the paper hadn’t moved, and then moving the paper back to its starting position on the desk.

Re-read that last paragraph again, to make sure you understand how coordinate system transformations affect how you draw into the canvas element.

If you translate (or move) the coordinate system 10 pixels to the right and draw a shape at (0,0) relative to the now-moved coordinate system, the shape actually appears at (10,0) in the absolute coordinates relative to your canvas element container.

So, translating the coordinate system 10 pixels to the right and drawing a shape at (0,0) is basically the same as not translating the coordinate system at all and simply drawing the shape at (10,0):;
mycontext.translate(10, 0); // move coordinate system 10 pixels right
mycontext.moveTo(0, 0);
mycontext.lineTo(50, 0);    // line actually appears from (10,0) to (60,0)

mycontext.moveTo(10, 0);
mycontext.lineTo(60, 0);    // same line, basically

The same goes for rotation, although the math is a little trickier. If you rotate the canvas by 30 degrees clockwise and draw a shape at (50,0), it’s actually drawn at a relative location that appears to be 30 degrees down from its horizon:;
mycontext.rotate(Math.PI / 6); // rotate 30 degrees clockwise
mycontext.moveTo(0, 0);
mycontext.lineTo(50, 0); // line actually angles 30 degrees down from horizontal

At first, you may wonder why translations and rotations are even necessary. After all, can’t you just draw your line or circle at the proper location and in the proper orientation, and not worry about complexity of the transformations?

For some tasks, yes. But again, for more complicated tasks, it’s almost imperative that you transform your coordinate system so that your use of the drawing commands (and, in particular, which numbers you use for the parameters) is more sensible and semantic.

How would you draw a rectangle at an angle? Well, you could calculate the vertices using geometric calculations and then manually draw the four sides as individual lines. But who wants to do it that way? Instead, rotate the coordinate system and call the rect(...) command; it’s as simple as that.

Scaling is another example of something that almost always requires transformations to work properly, specifically because scaling can be done independently in both the x and y directions. What scaling amounts to is saying that if you scale the x direction of your coordinate system to twice as large, and you draw a line that is supposed to be 50 units (pixels) long, it actually is rendered as twice as long (100 pixels):;
mycontext.scale(2, 1);    // scale x direction units by a factor of 2
mycontext.moveTo(0, 0);
mycontext.lineTo(50, 0);  // line actually appears to extend to (100,0)

mycontext.moveTo(0, 0);
mycontext.lineTo(100, 0); // same line, basically

Other tasks—rotating an image, for instance—also beg for transformations, because it would be very difficult (and certainly, performance-wise, impractical) to manually transform the raw bitmap image data array yourself. Instead, you simply rotate the coordinate system and draw the image into it, and the canvas element does the hard work for you:;
mycontext.rotate(Math.Pi / 4);  // rotate 45 degrees clockwise
mycontext.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // draw the image at (0,0)
                                // in the rotated coordinate system

Finally, let’s take a look at nesting transformations, to reinforce why transformations and stack management of the canvas element’s state are helpful (as shown in Figure 9-12):

mycontext.strokeStyle = "#f00"; // red color
mycontext.translate(20, 20);    // move the coordinate system to (20,20) origin
mycontext.moveTo(0, 0);         // actually (20,20)
mycontext.lineTo(80, 10);       // actually (100,30)
mycontext.stroke();;               // save <canvas> state

mycontext.strokeStyle = "#00f"; // now blue color
mycontext.rotate(Math.PI / 4);
mycontext.moveTo(0, 0);
mycontext.arc(0, 0, 52, Math.PI / 3, Math.PI / 6, true);
mycontext.closePath();          // connects back to the start of the path

mycontext.restore();            // back to previous <canvas> state

mycontext.moveTo(80, 10);
mycontext.lineTo(14, 50);
Coordinate system transformations and stack management of the canvas state
Figure 9-12. Coordinate system transformations and stack management of the canvas state

See Also

See the W3C specification for canvas transformations at

9.8. Placing Text on a <canvas>


You want to include text directly in your canvas drawing.


The canvas API provides two commands for rendering text in your drawing: fillText(...) and strokeText(...). Both commands take the same parameters: (stringToRender, x, y[, maxWidth]). The only difference is whether the text is filled in or simply outlined.

To set the font style (font face, size, etc.), use the font property:

mycontext.font = "25pt Arial";

Now, simply call the appropriate text command:

mycontext.fillText("Hello World", 0, 25);
mycontext.strokeText("Hello World", 0, 75);

The result of this code snippet is shown in Figure 9-13.

Filled and stroked text
Figure 9-13. Filled and stroked text


The fillText(...) and strokeText(...) commands use the font styling specified in the font property. The available settings (font face, style, size, etc.) are defined to be the same as what would be available to CSS font style rules. The colors used are, of course, controlled by the fillStyle and strokeStyle properties, respectively. The same goes for the stroke line width.

See Also

For more on drawing text on a canvas, see

9.9. Clipping <canvas> Drawings


You want to use a drawing command, but you want to clip the drawing by some other shape that you define.


The canvas API provides the command clip(...), which will take the currently defined path and use that as a clipping mask for subsequent drawing commands. This means the canvas element will only draw inside the defined clipping mask boundaries and will discard any drawing outside the path.

To add the text of the letter “H” but clip it by a circle, you would do this:

mycontext.arc(50, 50, 25, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // circle path
mycontext.clip(); // make the path our clipping mask

mycontext.fillStyle = "#f00";
mycontext.font = "50pt Arial";
mycontext.fillText("H", 25, 75);

The result of the circle-clipped “H” is shown in Figure 9-14.

Clipping a text command with a circle path
Figure 9-14. Clipping a text command with a circle path

As you can see, the circle itself was not drawn; instead, it was used as the clipping path for the subsequent fillText drawing command.


The canvas element’s state defaults to a clipping mask that comprises the entire visible area of the canvas element. Once you define a clipping mask using the clip(...) command, that clipping mask will remain in effect for all future drawing commands, until you change or reset it.

Just as we saw in Recipe 9.7, you can use stack management of the element’s state to make a temporary clipping mask change, and then roll it back to the default (entire element), as shown in Figure 9-15:;
mycontext.arc(50, 50, 25, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // circle path
mycontext.clip(); // make the path our clipping mask

mycontext.fillStyle = "#f00";
mycontext.font = "50pt Arial";
mycontext.fillText("H", 25, 75);
mycontext.restore(); // back to default <canvas> state (including clipping)

mycontext.font = "25pt Arial";
mycontext.fillText("ello World", 70, 70); // black text, not clipped
Rolling back to previous clipping mask state
Figure 9-15. Rolling back to previous clipping mask state

See Also

The W3C specification on clipping at

9.10. Animating <canvas> Drawings


Drawing static shapes into the canvas element is fine, but now you want to make the shapes move around.


Animation with the canvas element boils down to drawing a frame of your animation and then, a few milliseconds later, erasing that drawing and redrawing the next frame, probably with some elements slightly moved or otherwise changed. If you animate by showing the frames fast enough—around 20–30 frames per second—it generally looks like a smooth animation of your shapes.

In this chapter, we’ve already covered how to draw various things into your canvas element. We also briefly mentioned one way to clear your canvas element (resetting the width). To fire up some animation, all we need to do is put those two concepts together.

Here’s a basic example of a moving red dot (which is shown in Figure 9-16):

function draw_circle(x, y) {
    mycontext.fillStyle = "#f00";
    mycontext.arc(x, y, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);

function erase_frame() {
    mycanvas.width = mycanvas.width;

var ball_x = 50;
var ball_y = 50;
var delta = 3;

draw_circle(ball_x, ball_y);

    if (ball_x > 100 || ball_y < 15 || ball_x < 15 || ball_y > 100) {
        delta *= −1;
    ball_x += delta;
    ball_y += delta;
    draw_circle(ball_x, ball_y);
}, 35);
Animating a red circle in the canvas
Figure 9-16. Animating a red circle in the canvas


Depending on the setup of your animation frame, you may need to employ various methods to get the most efficient drawing (and erasing) of your shapes and/or images. We’ll now cover several different approaches to drawing and erasing to accomplish animations with the canvas element.

If you have a transparent background and one shape (like a circle) bouncing around in your canvas, as in the example code above, you don’t need to erase the whole canvas element before drawing the next frame; you only need to erase the small portion of the element that has something drawn in it (i.e., the circle).

That is, all you need to do is erase the part of the canvas element that you drew onto in the previous frame. Especially for larger dimensions, this technique can enhance performance significantly.

To erase only part of the canvas element, use the canvas API command clearRect(...):

function draw_circle(x, y) {
    mycontext.fillStyle = "#f00";
    mycontext.arc(x, y, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);

function erase_circle(x, y) {
    mycontext.clearRect(x-10, y-10, 20, 20);

var ball_x = 50;
var ball_y = 50;
var delta = 3;

draw_circle(ball_x, ball_y);

    if (ball_x > 100 || ball_y < 15 || ball_x < 15 || ball_y > 100) {
        delta *= −1;
    erase_circle(ball_x, ball_y);
    ball_x += delta;
    ball_y += delta;
    draw_circle(ball_x, ball_y);
}, 35);

This technique of drawing the entire frame and then erasing it and redrawing it with some things moved or changed works fine, but in certain circumstances, it’s not ideal. For instance, if you are animating a shape like our red circle on top of a static drawing (or an image/photo/etc.), it’s quite a waste of resources to redraw the unchanging background image 30 times per second, simply because the foreground shape (the red circle) has moved and needs to be redrawn.

One solution to this problem is to use two canvas elements, stacked on top of each other. In the background canvas element, you draw your static scene image, and in the foreground canvas element you do your animation of the red circle, as above. This way, the background image is only drawn once, not every time you redraw the layer with the moving red circle, as shown in Figure 9-17.

In this example, drawing and redrawing the entire canvas just to show the same red circle in different positions doesn’t seem strictly necessary. However, in practical cases, you may be animating more than just the position. For instance, you may animate an object by moving its position and rotating it at the same time. In such cases, the draw/redraw method of animation is most appropriate.

For this simple case, another option would have been to have a canvas element in the foreground that was only big enough to contain the red circle (20×20 pixels), and simply to move that element itself around, using CSS positioning on the page. Especially for that case, having the red circle separate from the background image is quite helpful, so that the two elements can be positioned independently.

See Also

Basic canvas animation tutorial at

A background canvas with an image and, stacked on top of it, a foreground canvas with the animated red circle
Figure 9-17. A background canvas with an image and, stacked on top of it, a foreground canvas with the animated red circle

9.11. Drawing Graphs with <canvas>


You have some data that you want to plot in a graph using a canvas element.


All of the canvas API commands discussed in this chapter, plus other advanced commands (for complex curves, etc.), can be combined to create very nice-looking graphs that visualize data, either as line, pie, or other types of charts.

As you can probably imagine, the complexity of such a task is quite high. So, we will not discuss specifically how to draw your own graphs, but will instead show how to use a simple, free graphing library (which does the hard work for you!) called flot.

The flot library uses jQuery, so you need to load a recent version of jQuery first, and then the latest release of the flot library:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.flot.js"></script>

Next, you need to create a placeholder element in your page, into which flot will render the canvas graph. The flot library will automatically match the bitmap rendered dimensions of the canvas element to the size of the placeholder element that you specify:

<div id="my_graph" style="width:600px; height:300px"></div>

Now, you need to set up the data that you will plot onto your graph. You can either load this data dynamically, using Ajax, or include the data inline in your script code, as shown here:

var graph_data = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [8, 5], [9, 13]];

The format of the data is an array of [X,Y] pairs for each data point, representing values for the x- and y-axes for each point, respectively.

Once you have the graph data, if the default graphing options are acceptable, simply call the flot graphing API directly, passing it your data:

var my_graph = $("#my_graph");  // get a reference to the placeholder
$.plot(my_graph, [graph_data]); // pass the graph data as one data series

You will notice that we passed the graph data inside [], meaning we actually passed an array wrapped around our graph data. The flot graphing API supports graphing multiple data series at a time on one graph. In our example, our graph data was only one such data series, but you could pass other data series as desired. The default options and styles will result in a nice-looking graph, as shown in Figure 9-18.

Using flot to graph some data with a <canvas> element
Figure 9-18. Using flot to graph some data with a <canvas> element

As you can see, with just a few lines of code we were able to leverage the power of the flot library to generate a professional-looking graph, instead of having to write hundreds of lines of our own canvas API code.


As an interesting exercise, take your knowledge of the canvas API from this chapter’s recipes and see if you can reproduce the same graph without using the flot library.

The flot library API allows you to manually generate and display labels for the x- and y-axes, control the minimum and maximum range for each axis, manually define the grid step size for each axis, control colors and line styles, and much more.


The flot library is very flexbile and powerful. It has a multitude of options for controlling how graphs are drawn. We will not cover the details of the flot API here, but you’re encouraged to explore the API and configuration options here:

In addition to the built-in graph options, flot features a plug-in system that allows others to create extensions to its capabilities. This makes flot a very capable browser graphing solution for your sites. Several useful plug-ins are included with the flot distribution, and many others are available for optional usage.

There are, of course, dozens of other canvas graphing libraries available as well, some free and some for license. These options have a wide range of capabilities, so be sure to explore what’s available.

See Also

For more information on using flot to plot graphs in a canvas element, see the flot home page at

9.12. Saving a <canvas> Drawing to a File


You want to save the current drawing in a canvas element to a file.


The canvas API provides the command toDataURL(...), which will extract the image data from the canvas element into the specified image format. For instance, to extract the image data for a graph generated by flot (see Recipe 9.11) as a PNG format file, you would do this:

var canvas = $("canvas", my_graph)[0];
var image_data = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

Now that you have the raw image data, you can save the image data as you please.

For instance, to send the image data to a server via Ajax, using jQuery, you might use:

$.post("http://location/path/to/upload", {data: image_data});


The easy part is extracting the raw image data from the element. The hard part is saving that raw data to an actual file.

If you want to save the file back to a server, you can easily send the data to the server as a string value using Ajax. Once the data arrives on the server, you have to parse out the dataURI format, base64-decode the image data, and save that information to a file.

If you wanted to then let a user save that file to his computer, you could tell the browser to download the file you just created, which would then prompt the user to save the file on his system.

Some very recent releases of browsers are supporting local file access, so that you can (in theory) allow a user to save the image to his own computer without needing to first upload it to a server and then re-download it.

Because the process of actually handling these files in this way is rather complex (and beyond the scope of this chapter), you may want to instead use a tool like Canvas2Image, which takes care of much of this difficult stuff for you:

See Also

For more information on saving canvas images to a server (using PHP) and then making them available for users to download and save, see this blog post:

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