Chapter 6. Microdata and Custom Data

Kimberly Blessing


One of the primary benefits of web standards, promoted for over 10 years by standards evangelists, was that more semantic markup would provide greater context and meaning to content.

By the mid 2000s, web standards were catching on, but the “standardistas” recognized that semantic markup alone was not enough to convey all meaning related to content—for example, that some content is personal data or that links may represent relationships.

To solve this problem, first came XFN (XHTML Friends Network, see, and then microformats (see Both of these solutions relied on the class and rel attributes—both valid (X)HTML—but, because those attributes had more appropriate uses, some web professionals felt that using them to convey additional semantics was somewhat of a hack.

At about the same time, the W3C XHTML 2 Working Group created the RDFa specification, based on the Resource Description Framework, to enable reuse of existing XHTML attributes—and the addition of some new ones—to support structured machine-readable data.

Microformats, in particular, caught on quickly with web professionals. Web builders started using them to mark up personal information, resumes, event data, and even cooking recipes. Search engines picked up on this and began parsing the additional data found in microformats and RDFa to improve search results.

With HTML5, the web community has a renewed focus on strictly adhering to the specification. Rather than continuing to extend—some would say abuse—the class and rel attributes, HTML5 (at least via the WHATWG spec) introduces microdata, which gives us a new syntax for marking up these additional structured semantics.

In addition, HTML5 allows for custom data attributes, which further give web professionals a standards-compliant way for embedding additional data in their markup.

The markup aspects of these features work in browsers today, but the associated DOM APIs to interact with them are not yet (microdata) or widely (custom data) supported by user agents. Still, given that it is possible to write JavaScript to interact with the additional data, there’s little reason not to use them.

When to Use Microdata Versus Custom Data

Similar to microformats and RDFa, microdata is used to mark up structured data. It introduces new attributes that can be applied to any element in order to identify scoped name/value pairs. As with microformats, shared vocabularies are emerging to standardize how data is marked up, so microdata can be used to share data across websites and applications.

Custom data attributes are just that: custom. You, the programmer, create attributes using the data- prefix and assign them values. The name/value pairs are related to the displayed content, but are not themselves displayed. Because you define the attributes according to the needs of your website or application, these are not to be used to exchange data with another site, nor do public search engines consume them.


Should you use microdata or RDFa for your structured data? Ongoing W3C discussions about whether or not two overlapping standards should exist have some concerned about the future of these specifications. Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo!, meanwhile, are promoting microdata and have teamed up to create, a shared vocabulary of data structures that allows their search engines to extract more meaning from your data.

For an excellent comparison of microdata, RDFa, and microformats, read Manu Sporny’s detailed analysis at

6.1. Adding Microdata to Markup


You want to add microdata to convey additional meaning or semantics about your content so that machine-parsing tools can access this information.


Use the itemscope and itemprop attributes, along with descriptive property names, to label your content:

<p itemscope>
    <span itemprop="inventor">Tim Berners-Lee</span> created the
    <span itemprop="invention">World Wide Web</span>.


The itemscope attribute is used to identify the scope of the microdata item—an item being a set of name/value pairs. The itemprop attribute values define the property names and their associated values—in this case, the contents of the span tags. Thus, this example yields the following name/value pairs:

  • Inventor: Tim Berners-Lee

  • Invention: World Wide Web

This is a very basic example. In the next recipe, we’ll look at an example that implements a standardized vocabulary.

See Also

The itemprop attribute in the HTML5 specification at

6.2. Using Microdata and


You want to convey additional meaning about your content—for example, that the content identifies a person—so that popular search engines can extrapolate this data.


In addition to using the itemscope and itemprop attributes, specify an itemtype and apply the appropriate property names from the vocabulary:

<section itemscope itemtype="">
    <h1 itemprop="name">Tim Berners-Lee</h1>
    <img itemprop="image"
        <span itemprop="jobTitle">Director</span>,
        <span itemprop="affiliation" itemscope
              itemtype="" itemprop="name">World Wide
              Web Consortium</span>
    <p itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="addressLocality">Cambridge</span>,
        <span itemprop="addressRegion">MA</span>
    <a itemprop="url" href="">Website at


The start of this microdata item is again indicated by the use of itemscope on the section element, but also added to this element is the itemtype attribute. Use itemtype with a URL in order to identify the item data type. In this case, we’re using the structure to identify a person.

As in the previous recipe, the itemprop attribute is applied with property names to give meaning to the content in the markup. By looking at the properties and pairing them with the content, we can tell that “Tim Berners-Lee” is a person’s name and that this person’s job title is “Director.”

The use of itemprop for both the image and URL properties works a bit differently: the corresponding values in these cases are the src and href attribute values, respectively. If you’ve worked with microformats in the past, this concept won’t be new to you.

A final special case in this example can be seen with the affiliation and address itemprop attributes. Here, new items are nested inside of the main item. In both cases, the itemprop not only identifies the property that is directly related to the person item but, within the same tag, also establishes the property as an item itself with the itemscope attribute. Going one step further, itemtype is also applied to indicate the URL that describes the item data type.

While this might seem a bit complicated at first, it’s not much different from combining multiple microformats (like hCard and hCalendar on a resume) or creating an XML object to represent nested data.

Whether you’ve worked on projects like this before or not, there is an easy way to check to see that you’re making progress in applying the vocabularies: you can use the Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool (available at to validate that your structured data markup can be parsed, as shown in Figure 6-1.


Before Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! created, Google was promoting Rich Snippets based on its own vocabulary at Google’s documentation for Rich Snippets is still live, but every page features a link to

Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool results
Figure 6-1. Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool results

See Also

For additional data types that are recognized by search engines, along with sample code, see To learn more about microdata, see HTML5 Doctor’s Microdata article ( and Mark Pilgrim’s chapter from “Dive Into HTML5” (see, which also details Google Rich Snippets.

6.3. Adding Custom Data to Markup


You want to attach additional data to your content that is not displayed to the user.


Define your own data- attributes to name and store the information:

<h1>My Volkswagens</h1>
    <li data-year="1996" data-color="white" data-engine="VR6">Cabrio</li>
    <li data-year="1993" data-color="purple" data-engine="VR6">Corrado</li>
    <li data-year="2008" data-color="red" data-engine="2.0T">Eos</li>
    <li data-year="2003" data-color="blue" data-engine="W8">Passat</li>


Since not everyone cares about VWs or cars, there’s a lot of detail we need not provide—like the year, color, and engine type of each VW. With custom data attributes, we can include such extraneous data in the markup without requiring readers to look at it.


The data is now stored in the HTML; read the subsequent recipes in this chapter to learn what else you can do with this data.

In order to store the year, color, and engine type of each car, in this example we created three custom data attributes: data-year, data-color, and data-engine.

As you can see, they all start with data- followed by at least one character. The name you define may not include uppercase letters, but it can include hyphens. You could, for example, define a data-model-year attribute, but data-modelYear would not be allowed.


If your custom data attributes have additional hyphens in the name, you need to convert them to camel case names when using the dataset API—for example, data-foo-bar would be referred to as dataset.fooBar. But if you’re using getAttribute() or setAttribute(), you will still reference it as data-foo-bar.

Even though we use the three custom attributes consistently in this example, we haven’t created any special relationships by using them together—for example, we could list another car and apply only a data-color attribute, or we could go on to list airplanes that we’ve flown and reuse the data-engine attribute. It’s up to you, the programmer, to maintain structure or define the namespace you need for your website or application.

See Also

HTML5 Doctor’s discussion about custom data attributes at

6.4. Accessing Custom Data with JavaScript


You want to access the custom data in your page and execute some logic based on the data.


Start with the same markup as that in Recipe 6.3, but add a paragraph for JavaScript output:

<h1>My Volkswagens</h1>
    <li data-year="1996" data-color="white" data-engine="VR6">Cabrio</li>
    <li data-year="1993" data-color="purple" data-engine="VR6">Corrado</li>
    <li data-year="2008" data-color="red" data-engine="2.0T">Eos</li>
    <li data-year="2003" data-color="blue" data-engine="W8">Passat</li>

Access the custom data using the dataset API:

    var cars = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
    var output = "What color are Kimberly's cars? ";

    for (var i=0; i < cars.length; i++) {
        output += cars[i].dataset.color;
        if (i != (cars.length-1)) {
            output += ", "

    document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML = output;


With the introduction of custom data attributes, HTML5 also defines the dataset DOM API. This is a simple and easy way of accessing any custom data associated with any element.

The JavaScript is straightforward: we create an array of all list items (cars), and we create a string that is inserted into the paragraph (output). As we iterate over the cars array, we use dataset.color to access the value of each data-color attribute and append it to the output variable. The end result is the phrase “What color are Kimberly’s cars? White, purple, red, blue” being added to the paragraph at the end of the list.

Not all browsers yet support the dataset API (see Table 6-1), but accessing custom data attributes in all browsers is easy. Where dataset is not supported, simply use getAttribute(). Here’s the for loop using fallback logic and getAttribute() when necessary:

    for (i=0; i < cars.length; i++) {
        if (cars[i].dataset) {
            output += cars[i].dataset.color;
        } else {
            output += cars[i].getAttribute("data-color");
        if (i != (cars.length-1)) {
            output += ", "
Table 6-1. Dataset API support













To keep up with dataset API support, check regularly.

See Also

The itemprop attribute in the HTML5 specification at

6.5. Manipulating Custom Data


You want to manipulate existing custom data in your page or add custom data to your page.


Let’s build on the code from Recipe 6.4. We’ll use the same markup to start:

<h1>My Volkswagens</h1>
    <li data-year="1996" data-color="white" data-engine="VR6">Cabrio</li>
    <li data-year="1993" data-color="purple" data-engine="VR6">Corrado</li>
    <li data-year="2008" data-color="red" data-engine="2.0T">Eos</li>
    <li data-year="2003" data-color="blue" data-engine="W8">Passat</li>

and use the dataset API to modify and create our custom data, along with setAttribute() for fallback support:

    var cars = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
    for (var i=0; i < cars.length; i++) {
        if (cars[i].dataset) {
            cars[i].dataset.color = "yellow";
            cars[i].dataset.rating = "awesome";
        } else {
            cars[i].setAttribute("data-color", "yellow");
            cars[i].setAttribute("data-rating", "awesome");

    var output = "What color are Kimberly's cars? ";

    for (var i=0; i < cars.length; i++) {
        if (cars[i].dataset) {
            output += cars[i].dataset.color;
        } else {
            output += cars[i].getAttribute("data-color");
        if (i != (cars.length-1)) {
            output += ", "

    document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML = output;


Once you know how to access custom data, manipulating it is pretty easy. If you can use the dataset API, just assign the new value to the desired attribute; otherwise, fall back to using setAttribute(). This same method allows you to add new custom data attributes, as well.

In this example, we’ve decided to repaint all of the cars yellow using JavaScript. Looping through the list items, we access dataset.color (or use setAttribute() to access data-color) and assign a new value of "yellow".

We also use JavaScript to add a rating for each of the cars. In that same loop, we create data-rating by applying a value of "awesome" to dataset.rating (or use setAttribute() to do the same).

If you need to remove a custom data attribute, you can do so by setting its value to null. You can verify that the DOM is being manipulated by using a tool such as Opera Dragonfly, as shown in Figure 6-2.

See Also

The dataset specification at

Dataset modification in Opera 11.1 with Dragonfly
Figure 6-2. Dataset modification in Opera 11.1 with Dragonfly

6.6. Example: Creating a Map Application Using Custom Data


You want to generate markers on a map using custom data attributes.


Store the latitudes and longitudes of the locations you wish to show on the map in separate custom data attributes. Then write JavaScript to access those datasets and render markers on the map:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Map example</title>
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <style type="text/css">
        #map { height:500px; width:500px; border:1px solid #000; }
<h1>Ice Cream in Philadelphia</h1>
    <li><a data-lat="39.9530255" data-long="-75.1596066"
           href="">Bassetts Ice Cream</a></li>
    <li><a data-lat="39.949888" data-long="-75.161717"
           href="">Capogiro Gelateria</a></li>
    <li><a data-lat="39.949556" data-long="-75.1428795"
           href="">Franklin Fountain</a></li>

<div id="map"></div>

    var map_options = {
        zoom: 15,
        center: new google.maps.LatLng(39.95, −75.152),
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID

    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), map_options);

    var locations = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
    for (var i=0; i < locations.length; i++) {
        var latitude, longitude;
        if (locations[i].dataset) {
            latitude = locations[i];
            longitude = locations[i].dataset.long;
        } else {
            latitude = locations[i].getAttribute("data-lat");
            longitude = locations[i].getAttribute("data-long");
        locations[i][i] = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude),
            title: locations[i].innerHTML,
            map: map


You already know how to define custom data, so the list of anchors containing data-latitude and data-longitude attributes should be old hat by now.

Creating a Google Map using the Google APIs is very easy—just call the API in the document head, create an element to house the map in the body, then call a script that defines your map options and triggers its rendering.

After the script triggers the drawing of the map, it then accesses the latitude-longitude positions and uses them to render markers on the map.

Example: The jQuery data() method

The jQuery library has provided support for accessing and manipulating custom data since version 1.4.3. This support was updated in jQuery 1.6 to conform to changes in the HTML5 specification; use this version of jQuery if possible (see

Using the jQuery data() method is straightforward. Let’s return to an earlier example to see how it works:

    <li data-year="1996" data-color="white" data-engine="VR6">Cabrio</li>

    alert($("li").data("year"));   // alerts "1996"
    alert($("li").data("engine")); // alerts "VR6"

    // let's repaint the car again
    $("li").data("color", "yellow");

    // and add the rating data
    $("li").data("rating", "awesome");

The jQuery data() method successfully reads the data-year and data-engine attributes defined in the markup, but if you access data-color via the dataset API or examine the DOM object, you neither see its value turn yellow nor find a data-rating attribute, as you did in Recipe 6.5:

    alert($("li").data("color")); // alerts "yellow"
    alert(document.getElementsByTagName("li")[0].dataset.color); // alerts "white"

While jQuery reads in the data from the custom data attributes, it does not write this data back to the DOM; instead, it stores the data in a JavaScript object. This speeds up applications where a lot of data access or manipulation is performed. However, if you forget this difference and try to also use the dataset API in your application, you will encounter some unexpected results.

See Also

A small sampling of applications utilizing microdata:

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