Chapter 1. Fundamental Syntax and Semantics

Emily Lewis


This chapter is designed to get you up and running with HTML5 basics. Covering the fundamental recipes, from declaring the DOCTYPE and character set to dealing with ambiguities of the new HTML5 semantics, it helps lay the groundwork for the rest of the book.

1.1. Specifying the DOCTYPE


You want to create an HTML5 page.


Specify the HTML5 DOCTYPE at the very beginning of your page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>HTML5, for Fun &amp; Profit</title>


Note that the DOCTYPE is not case sensitive. Feel free to go CaMeL cAsE with the characters.


The Document Type Definition, or DOCTYPE, tells browsers and validators what version of HTML the page is written in. Previous versions of HTML specified the version number, such as the DOCTYPE for XHTML 1.0 Strict:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

With HTML5, the version is dropped from the DOCTYPE. This allows HTML5 to be backward compatible in terms of syntax and hopefully makes the transition to HTML5 easier.

Let’s say you have a site that is valid HTML 4.0, but you want to transition it to HTML5. All you have to do to make this a valid HTML5 site is make this DOCTYPE change.

Additionally, all browsers recognize the shortened DOCTYPE and render in strict standards mode.


There are some elements that have changed between HTML4 and HTML5, so you will need to watch for elements that have been removed or deprecated. For example, center might not technically validate as HTML5.

See Also

The W3C Working Draft discussion on differences between HTML4 and HTML5 includes DOCTYPE at

1.2. Specifying the Character Set


You need to define the character encoding of your web page.


In your document head, add a meta declaration for the character set:

<meta charset="UTF-8" />


The character encoding instructs browsers and validators what set of characters to use when rendering web pages. If you do not declare the character set in your HTML, browsers first try to determine the character set from your server’s HTTP response headers (specifically, the Content-Type header).

The character set declared in the response headers is generally taken in preference over the character set specified in your document, so the headers are the preferred method of communicating this information. However, if you cannot control what headers your server sends, declaring the character set in your HTML document is the next best option.

If a character set is declared neither in the document nor in the response headers, the browser might choose one for you, and it may be the wrong one for your site’s needs. This not only can cause issues with rendering, but also poses a security risk.


Several years ago, a cross-site scripting vulnerability was discovered at Google that demonstrated the importance of character encoding:

In previous versions of HTML, the character set needed to be declared with additional attributes and values:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

But, as with the DOCTYPE, HTML5 only needs the minimum information required by browsers. Again, this helps with backward compatibility and makes it easier for authors to implement.

Special characters

Unicode (UTF-8) is a versatile encoding that covers most web builders’ needs. Sometimes, though, you need to include a character that is outside the UTF-8 encoding.


A great resource for character entities is at It includes the numeric, named, and Unicode references for many of the more common characters allowed in HTML.

You can specify such characters with Numeric Character References (NCRs) or as named entities in order to help browsers render them correctly. If you wanted a copyright symbol, for example, you could include it in your HTML as an NCR:


or you could include it as a named entity:


See Also

Mark Pilgrim’s “Dive Into HTML5” discussion about character encoding at

1.3. Specifying the Language


You want to specify the primary language of your web page.


Add the lang attribute and appropriate value to your opening html element:

<html lang="en">


Browsers, screen readers, and other user agents use the lang attribute to determine the language in which the content should be interpreted. The example above specifies English via the en value.

Declaring a document’s primary language isn’t a requirement for HTML5 (or any of the previous versions, for that matter). It is, however, a good practice for both usability and accessibility.

See Also

Mark Pilgrim’s “Dive Into Accessibility” discussion about identifying your document language at

1.4. Optimizing <script>s and <link>s


You want to reference JavaScripts and include links to external CSS files in your web page as simply as possible.


Include script and link declarations, but without the type attribute:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
<script src="scripts.js"></script>


HTML5 requires only the minimum amount of information needed for user agents. In previous versions of HTML, both CSS links and scripts required the type attribute to indicate the language. If you forgot to include type, though, most browsers assumed the correct value.

HTML5 makes type officially optional, but still validates older documents that do include the attribute. This makes sense, as there is really only one standard scripting language and only one styling language for the Web in use today.

See Also

The W3C Working Draft discussion on differences between HTML4 and HTML5 includes changed attributes at

1.5. Adding Document Structure with HTML5’s New Elements


You want to define your document structure with the new header, footer, nav, aside, section, and article elements.


Examine your content and document structure to determine which of the new elements work with your page:


Is used to contain the headline(s) for a page and/or section. It can also contain supplemental information such as logos and navigational aids.


Contains information about a page and/or section, such as who wrote it, links to related information, and copyright statements.


Contains the major navigation links for a page and, while not a requirement, is often contained by header.


Contains information that is related to the surrounding content but also exists independently, such as a sidebar or pull-quotes.


Is the most generic of the new structural elements, containing content that can be grouped thematically or is related.


Is used for self-contained content that could be consumed independently of the page as a whole, such as a blog entry.

A simple blog structure, with a headline, navigation, a sidebar, blog posts, and a footer, could be marked up in HTML5 as:

    <h1><abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr>5, for Fun &amp;
            <li><a href="/Archive/">Archive</a></li>
            <li><a href="/About/">About</a></li>
    <h2><code>nav</code> Isn't for <em>All</em> Links</h2>
    <p>Though the <code>nav</code> element often contains links, that doesn't mean
       that <em>all</em> links on a site need <code>nav</code>.</p>
    <h2>You've Got the <code>DOCTYPE</code>. Now What?</h2>
    <p>HTML5 isn't an all or nothing proposition. You can pick and choose what
       works best for you. So once you have the <code>DOCTYPE</code> in place, you
       should explore.</p>
    <h2>HTML5 Elsewhere</h2>
    <p>Feed your HTML5 fix with resources from our partners:</p>
        <li><a href="">Loving HTML5</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Semantic Sally</a></li>
    <p>Copyright &copy; 2011 <a href="">HTM5, for Fun
       &amp; Profit</a>. All rights reserved.</p>

And, with the right CSS and supporting HTML, this markup could render on the browser as shown in Figure 1-1.

Sample rendering of a simple blog structure using HTML5’s new elements
Figure 1-1. Sample rendering of a simple blog structure using HTML5’s new elements


These new structural elements were developed based on actual practices. A review of over a billion web pages (see revealed the naming conventions markup authors were already using to structure and describe their content via class and id, including:

  • header

  • footer

  • nav

The new elements in HTML5 simply attempt to reflect what authors are already doing.

Structural elements

Using these structural elements helps you make your markup more semantic, but they also help define the main landmarks in the document.

Consider how important it is for screen reader users and folks who navigate with the keyboard to be able to skip to different areas of the page, like the navigation. Previously, we’ve tried to provide such functionality via “skip links” and shortcuts (see, but HTML5 establishes formal landmark elements that can be used instead. In fact, the Web Accessibility Initiative’s Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) specification already addresses how to use HTML5 with ARIA landmark roles (see Chapter 2) for this very purpose.

That said, this is still a hypothetical. As of this writing, no browsers or assistive technologies reference the structural elements for any navigational purposes.

When to use structural elements

How do you know when to use these new elements? Again, focus on your content and consider the semantics of each element. For example, most web pages have an area considered a “header,” composed of a logo, maybe the company name, and a tagline. And that certainly sounds like a good case for header. You may also have a section or aside in your document with its own set of headlines and navigation, which may also be contained in a header.

The same holds true for footer. While most pages have content appropriate for the new footer element, perhaps regarding the author, copyright, and related information, sections, articles, and asides can feature the same information—and, in turn, can also include a footer.

Finally, consider nav. You may have many groups of links on your site, some of which are for navigation, while others are external.


nav is only appropriate for major site navigation, not search results links or a blogroll.

When to use <div> elements

As you can see from the blog markup example, the new structural elements can replace many of the non-semantic container divs that you may have grown accustomed to using. But div still has a place at the HTML5 party.

If you ever need a containing element strictly for style purposes, div is the element to use. You don’t want to use one of the new structural elements just to serve as a hook for your CSS. That is not what semantic markup is about.

Just remember to focus on your content and avoid unnecessary use of div, such as when another element is more semantic. For example, if you have a paragraph of text, use the p element, not div. Both give you block-level formatting, but p is more semantic for that particular purpose.

Styling structural elements

All of today’s browsers render the content contained by these new elements. However, some browsers don’t recognize them and, as such, treat them like inline elements. This default rendering can cause some serious problems with styling.

Fortunately, it doesn’t take much to fix. The current cast of browsers simply needs to be told to treat the elements as block-level elements:

header, footer, nav, article, aside, section {
    display: block;

With that single CSS declaration, you can happily style the structural elements—well, almost. In versions of Internet Explorer (IE) prior to IE9 you have to add a bit of JavaScript to your document so IE recognizes the elements and allows you to style them:


If you want cooperation from an earlier version of IE, any time you add a new HTML5 element to your document you’ll need to add the corresponding document.createElement. See Chapter 2 for a more detailed discussion of using JavaScript with IE.

See Also

Script Junkie’s article “Using HTML5’s New Semantic Tags Today” at

1.6. Choosing Between <article> and <section>


You don’t know whether article or section is the most appropriate element to use on your web page.


Focus on your content and the semantic definitions of article and section (refer back to Recipe 1.5).


article can be considered a specialized form of section. It is intended for content that could stand on its own, outside of all surrounding content, such as “syndicatable” content like blog posts.

article is suitable for other types of content, including:

  • Video and accompanying transcript

  • News articles

  • Blog comments


Often the name of an article or a blog post is in the title of the URI. If that’s the case with a page you are working on, that content should be wrapped in an article element.

In the code example in Recipe 1.5, we used article to contain the individual blog posts:

    <h2><code>nav</code> Isn't for <em>All</em> Links</h2>
    <p>Though the <code>nav</code> element often contains links, that doesn't mean
       that <em>all</em> links on a site need <code>nav</code>.</p>
    <h2>You've Got the <code>DOCTYPE</code>. Now What?</h2>
    <p>HTML5 isn't an all or nothing proposition. You can pick and choose what
       works best for you. So once you have the <code>DOCTYPE</code> in place, you
       should explore.</p>


section is the most generic of the new structural elements, intended to simply group related content. However, it is not a generic container element like div. The content it groups must be related.

Applying this definition to Recipe 1.5, we might want to add section as the parent element for both instances of article:

        <h2><code>nav</code> Isn't for <em>All</em> Links</h2>
        <p>Though the <code>nav</code> element often contains links, that doesn't
           mean that <em>all</em> links on a site need <code>nav</code>.</p>
        <h2>You've Got the <code>DOCTYPE</code>. Now What?</h2>
        <p>HTML5 isn't an all or nothing proposition. You can pick and choose what
           works best for you. So once you have the <code>DOCTYPE</code> in place,
           you should explore.</p>

This example meets the core criterion for section: the grouped content is thematically related.

But wait! The spec (see further clarifies:

A general rule is that the section element is appropriate only if the element’s contents would be listed explicitly in the document’s outline.

The document outline refers to HTML5’s new sectioning content model, where each of the new structural elements creates its own self-contained outline. This outline is generated by the headings (h1h6) contained in each element (see Recipe 1.7).

So, if you want to use section, the content should have a natural heading. Given this additional clarification, let’s modify the markup from Recipe 1.5, to include a heading for our section:

    <h1>Most Recent Blog Posts</h1>
        <h2><code>nav</code> Isn't for <em>All</em> Links</h2>
        <p>Though the <code>nav</code> element often contains links, that doesn't
           mean that <em>all</em> links on a site need <code>nav</code>.</p>
        <h2>You've Got the <code>DOCTYPE</code>. Now What?</h2>
        <p>HTML5 isn't an all or nothing proposition. You can pick and choose what
           works best for you. So once you have the <code>DOCTYPE</code> in place,
           you should explore.</p>


The difference between section and article can be confusing, and as the spec evolves, the path doesn’t seem to be getting much clearer. For the majority of use cases, though, considering these guidelines should help:

  • Do not use section simply as a styling hook. Use divs and spans instead.

  • Do not use section if header, footer, aside, or article is more semantically appropriate for your content (see Recipe 1.5).

  • Do not use section unless the content has a natural heading.

See Also

HTML5 Doctor has a handy flow chart to help you choose the right HTML5 structural elements at

1.7. Checking Your Document Outline


You want to view your document’s content outline.


Run your page through the HTML5 Outliner tool:


HTML5 has an outline algorithm that calculates the structure of a web document. This algorithm is based on sections defined by the new structural elements.

For the main document outline, section and aside each introduce a new section in the outline, while the heading(s) within each form the outline content. This is known as explicit sectioning.

Let’s examine the following markup example:

    <h1>Most Recent Blog Posts</h1>
        <h2><code>nav</code> Isn't for <em>All</em> Links</h2>
        <p>Though the <code>nav</code> element often contains links, that doesn't
           mean that <em>all</em> links on a site need <code>nav</code>.</p>
        <h2>You've Got the <code>DOCTYPE</code>. Now What?</h2>
        <p>HTML5 isn't an all or nothing proposition. You can pick and choose what
           works best for you. So once you have the <code>DOCTYPE</code> in place,
           you should explore.</p>

This markup would generate the following document outline:

1. Most Recent Blog Posts
1.1 nav Isn’t for All Links
1.2 You’ve Got the DOCTYPE. Now What?

Heading levels

Regardless of version, headings in HTML are ranked, with h1 being the highest and h6 being the lowest.

Before HTML5, this ranking helped structure the document outline. However, with HTML5, the importance of heading rank in determining the outline is trumped by the sectioning elements.

Let’s modify the previous example to reflect h6 as the primary heading of section and h1 as the primary heading of article:

    <h6>Most Recent Blog Posts</h6>
        <h1><code>nav</code> Isn't for <em>All</em> Links</h1>
        <p>Though the <code>nav</code> element often contains links, that doesn't
           mean that <em>all</em> links on a site need <code>nav</code>.</p>
        <h1>You've Got the <code>DOCTYPE</code>. Now What?</h1>
        <p>HTML5 isn't an all or nothing proposition. You can pick and choose what
           works best for you. So once you have the <code>DOCTYPE</code> in place,
           you should explore.</p>

Because HTML5 uses the structural elements section and aside to know when a new outline section begins (not the headings), we still get the exact same outline as in the original example:

1. Most Recent Blog Posts
1.1 nav Isn’t for All Links
1.2 You’ve Got the DOCTYPE. Now What?

Implicit sectioning

Since structural elements aren’t required in HTML5, heading rank does still affect the document structure if sectioning elements aren’t used. This is known as implicit sectioning. Further, implicit and explicit sectioning can be used together to form the document outline.

An implicit section starts with a new heading and is positioned in the document outline according to that heading’s rank in relation to a previous heading. If a heading is a lower rank than its predecessor, it opens a new subsection in the outline. If a heading is a higher rank, it closes the previous section and opens a new one.

Let’s create a new example to see how heading rank supports implicit sections:

    <h1>You've Got the <code>DOCTYPE</code>, Now What?</h1>
    <h2>Simplified <code>link</code>s and <code>script</code>s</h2>
    <p>HTML5's more flexible and simplified syntax ...</p>
    <h2>Block-Level Links</h2>
    <p>With HTML5, <code>a</code>s can contain block ...</p>
    <h3>Looking Back</h3>
    <p>In earlier versions of HTML, you had to ...</p>
    <h2>Add Structure</h2>
    <p>HTML5 gives us several new elements to add ...</p>

This example utilizes heading rank, rather than explicit sectioning elements, to generate the following outline:

1. You’ve Got the DOCTYPE, Now What?
1.1 Simplified links and scripts
1.2 Block-level Links
1.2.1 Looking Back
1.3 Add Structure

Why is this important?

Knowing what your document outline looks like can help you decide not only which heading levels to use, but also which structural elements to use. Remember how we said that a section should have a natural heading (Recipe 1.6)? Checking your document outline will show you if you have neglected to include a heading, which may prompt you to reconsider whether that element was the most appropriate one to use for your content. Additionally, a document outline that accurately reflects your content hierarchy can help users of assistive devices navigate your site.

Unfortunately, no browsers have implemented this outlining yet, nor do any assistive technologies utilize it for navigation. Still, checking the document outline should be a part of the development process, and it helps significantly when considering which elements and heading levels to use.

See Also

For an extremely detailed look at the outline algorithm and sectioning, the Mozilla Developer Network at is an excellent resource.

1.8. Modifying the Document Outline


You have a primary page title and tagline marked up with headings (h1 and h2, respectively), but you don’t want the tagline included in your document outline.


Contain the both headings with the hgroup element:

    <h1>HTML5, for Fun &amp; Profit</h1>
    <h2>Tips, Tricks and Resources</h2>


hgroup hides all headings except the highest ranked from the document outline. In the above example, the only content that would appear in the document outline is “HTML5, for Fun & Profit” from the h1.

Even if we reverse the source order of the two headings, only the highest-ranked (h1) content will be pulled into the document outline:

    <h2>Tips, Tricks and Resources</h2>
    <h1>HTML5, for Fun &amp; Profit</h1>

See Also

Emily Lewis’s in-depth discussion of headings, hgroup, and the HTML5 outline at

1.9. Emphasizing Text


You want to add emphasis or emphatic stress to text content.


Contain the text to be emphasized with the em element:

<p>My name is <em>Jane</em>, not John.</p>


After looking at this example, you may be wondering what is new here, since em has been around since HTML4. The difference is that HTML5 slightly redefines em for text with “emphatic stress,” which I translate as any text that, when spoken, I would verbally emphasize.

Redefining <i>

Another change in HTML5’s text-level semantics is that the i element is no longer considered presentational. You can now use i to indicate text that is in an alternate voice or mood, or somehow offset from the normal prose; for example, a taxonomic designation, a technical term, a thought, an idiomatic phrase, or some other text whose typical typographic presentation is italicized:

<p>Sally thought to herself, <i>when will IE6 die?</i></p>

Despite the new semantic distinction, browsers typically render both em and i in italics (see Figure 1-2). Of course, you can change the default styling of either element with CSS.

Browsers render both the <i> and <em> elements in italics
Figure 1-2. Browsers render both the <i> and <em> elements in italics

See Also

HTML5 Doctor’s article “The i, b, em, & strong elements” at

1.10. Adding Importance to Text


You want to indicate a span of text that is important.


Contain the important text with the strong element:

<p><strong>Registration is required</strong> for this event.</p>


In previous versions of HTML, strong was used to indicate strong emphasis. In HTML5, strong indicates importance and is typically used for alerts and warnings.

Redefining <b>

Like its shunned sibling i, the b element makes a comeback in HTML5. No longer considered a presentational element, b is used to stylistically offset text from the normal prose without conveying any extra importance.

For example, b could be used for keywords, product names, or other content whose text would typically be unique compared to surrounding text, such as a paragraph lead:

<p><b>Once upon a time,</b> there was a man who lost his mind.</p>

The difference between strong and b is now more semantically clear, but both are typically rendered in browsers with a heavier font weight (see Figure 1-3). Of course, CSS lets you change the default styling as needed.

Browsers render both the <b> and <strong> elements in bold
Figure 1-3. Browsers render both the <b> and <strong> elements in bold

See Also

The author’s article “The Beauty of Semantic Markup, Part 2: <strong>, <b>, <em>, <i>” at

1.11. Highlighting Text for Reference


You want to highlight the search term(s) in a list of search results.


Contain the search term with the mark element:

<p>Your search for <mark>awesomesauce</mark> resulted in 923 entries:</p>


mark is an entirely new element in HTML5. While the most common scenario for its use is likely for search terms, according to the spec it can be more broadly used for text that is “marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another text.”

mark adds no additional semantic importance or emphasis to the text it contains, but current browsers (that doesn’t include IE before version 9) do display the content with a yellow background by default (see Figure 1-4), which you can change with CSS.

Browsers render the <mark> element with a yellow background by default
Figure 1-4. Browsers render the <mark> element with a yellow background by default

See Also

HTML5 Doctor’s article “Draw attention with mark” at

1.12. Marking Up Small Print


You want to offset a legal disclaimer and copyright statement as small print.


Contain the small print content with the small element:

<p><small>The owner of this blog is not responsible for mind blowage. Please
   consume at your own risk.</small></p>
<p><small>Copyright &copy; 2011 Awesomest Blog. All rights reserved.</small></p>


HTML5 redefined the previously presentational small as semantically appropriate for content typically considered “small print,” such as legalese, disclaimers, terms, conditions, and copyrights. And though small is supposed to indicate semantics only, browsers do display this content a bit smaller by default (see Figure 1-5).

The first sentence does not contain the <small> element, while the second does; note the slightly smaller font size in part of the second sentence
Figure 1-5. The first sentence does not contain the <small> element, while the second does; note the slightly smaller font size in part of the second sentence

See Also

The W3C Working Draft discussion of text-level semantics in HTML5 includes the small element at

1.13. Defining Acronyms and Abbreviations


You want to provide expanded definitions for acronyms and abbreviations.


Contain the abbreviation or acronym with abbr, and include the definition as the title value:

<abbr title="Accessible Rich Internet Applications">ARIA</abbr>


In previous versions of HTML we had both the abbr and the acronym elements. Not surprisingly in the always-ready-for-a-debate web world, these two elements caused much controversy.

Part of the issue is that prior to version 7, IE didn’t display the title value of abbr as a tool tip (see Figure 1-6). To get around this usability limitation, authors simply started using acronym, regardless of whether the content was actually an acronym.

Default rendering of <abbr> tool tip in Firefox 5.0
Figure 1-6. Default rendering of <abbr> tool tip in Firefox 5.0

Another part of the issue was the argument about what was an acronym versus what constituted an abbreviation.

Today, the debate is over (at least for practical purposes), as acronym has been dropped completely from the HTML5 specification. The reasoning is that all acronyms are shortened forms of words or phrases, which is the very definition of an abbreviation.

See Also

WHATWG’s Living Standard’s section on text-level semantics includes abbr at


You want to wrap your site logo and main heading with a single hyperlink.


Contain both the logo image and the heading with the a element:

<a href="">
    <h1>HTML5, for Fun &amp; Profit</h1>
    <img src="logo.png" alt="HTML5 for Fun and Profit" />


Previous versions of HTML restricted a to inline content. So, if you had different elements that all needed to be linked to the same resource, you had to individually specify the a for each:

<h1><a href="">HTML5, for Fun &amp; Profit</a></h1>
<a href=""><img src="logo.png" alt="HTML5 for Fun and
   Profit" /></a>

Now, with HTML5, a elements can contain block-level elements. You can also still use a as in the past, for containing inline content. The only thing you can’t nest inside an a is another a.


Wrapping links around block-level elements is justification enough for using the HTML5 DOCTYPE.

See Also

HTML5 Doctor’s article “‘Block-level’ links in HTML5” at

1.15. Marking Up Figures and Captions


You want to include an illustration with a caption on your web page.


Contain the illustration image with the figure element, and include the caption text within figcaption:

    <img src="chart.png" alt="Chart of increasing awesomeness" />
    <figcaption>The increasing amount of awesome that this blog


figure and figcaption are two new elements introduced in HTML5. Though the above example references an illustration (img), figure is not restricted to that type of content. It can be used to specify code examples, photos, charts, audio, and data tables, to name just a few of the options.

Why so many different types of content? Because the spec defines figure ( rather broadly, as:

a unit of content, optionally with a caption, that is self-contained, that is typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document, and that can be moved away from the main flow of the document without affecting the document’s meaning.

If you’ve been paying attention, it might’ve occurred to you that this definition sounds quite similar to that for aside ( To know which element is most appropriate for your content, consider whether the content is essential for understanding the surrounding content. If it is not essential, only related, then use aside. Otherwise, figure is appropriate.

And keep in mind two things:

  • figcaption is optional and can reside anywhere within figure, whether before or after the figure content.

  • Just because this recipe’s example uses an image doesn’t mean all images need to be contained by figure.

See Also

HTML5 Doctor’s “Simplequiz #4” on figures, captions, and alt text at

1.16. Marking Up Dates and Times


You want to encode date-time content for machines, but still retain human readability.


Wrap the human-friendly date-time information in the time element, and specify the machine-readable information via the datetime attribute:

<p>Published: <time datetime="2011-01-15">January 15, 2011</time></p>

Depending on the date and time you are trying to specify, the following approaches are also valid:

Time only
<p>The class starts at <time datetime="08:00">8:00 am</time>.</p>
Date and time (requires time zone specification)
<p>Registration opens on <time datetime="2011-01-15T08:00-07:00">January 15, 2011
   at 8:00 am, Mountain Time</time>.</p>
Visible machine-readable format (no date-time required)
<p>Published: <time>2011-01-15</time></p>


Before we discuss this new element, let’s first address machine readability. This is simply the notion of enriching your web content with additional, semantic information that machines (search engines, user agents, etc.) can parse to glean more meaning from your content.


We’re not aware of any machines that are currently parsing the datetime information from time, but we can imagine this soon to be on the horizon, particularly for search engines that want to accurately display time-sensitive results for news queries.

Next, let’s talk date-time information on the Web. For machine readability, date-time information has to be specified in the international standard format, ISO 8601. For dates, the format is YYYY-MM-DD. For times of day, the format is hh:mm:ss. And when combining dates with times, you join the numeric representations with a T: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.

Okay, back to the new time element. As you can see from the examples, you can specify dates, times, and date-times. What the human user experiences is the content contained by time. What machines read is the datetime ISO 8601 value.


One limitation of time that is worth mentioning is that it can’t be used for imprecise dates, such as “August 2011.” It does require, minimally, the day, month, and year for dates.

What about microformats?

By this point, you may be wondering about microformats (, which are HTML-based design patterns for expressing machine-readable semantics. The hCalendar ( microformat, for example, is used for indicating date-time information.


Want to learn more about microformats? Check out Emily Lewis’s Microformats Made Simple (New Riders, for lots of practical examples and easy-to-understand explanations.

Neither HTML5 generally nor the time element specifically negates the use of microformats. You can still use them. In fact, the time element would make a great semantic hook for adding hCalendar. However, current microformats parsers don’t recognize the time element, so the two can’t be used together.

This is unfortunate for a POSH and microformats devotee, but it is the reality of this industry. As new technologies evolve, older technologies respond, and we designers and developers have to weigh the pros, the cons, and the future.

Publication dates

Another new date-related feature in HTML5 is the pubdate attribute for time. Adding this attribute indicates that the time is the actual publication date-time for a web page or an article (such as a blog post) on a page:

<p>Published: <time datetime="2011-01-09" pubdate>January 9, 2011</time></p>

This helps differentiate publication dates from other instances of time on a page or within an article.

See Also

Mark Pilgrim’s “Dive Into HTML5” discussion on dates and times at

1.17. Setting the Stage for Native Expanding and Collapsing


You want to provide content that can expand and collapse with user focus (once browsers support it).


Contain the full content with the details element and indicate the content area that is “focusable” with summary:

    <summary>Upcoming Topics</summary>
    <p>For the new year, we have a great line up of articles!</p>
        <li>Understanding the Outline Algorithm</li>
        <li>When to Use <code>hgroup</code></li>
        <li>Machine Semantics with Microdata</li>


This recipe sets up a solid semantic structure for a very common behavior that we currently have to use JavaScript to achieve. The summary element indicates which content is the “control” that expands or collapses the full details content upon user focus (see Figure 1-7). And, if you want to ensure that details is expanded by default (see Figure 1-8), you can add the open attribute:

<details open>

Only Chrome currently supports this behavior. For the other browsers you still have to use JavaScript to create expanding/collapsing content, because none of today’s browsers support the functionality of details and summary.

Default display of <summary> in Chrome 13 with collapsed <details> content
Figure 1-7. Default display of <summary> in Chrome 13 with collapsed <details> content
Default display of <summary> in Chrome 13 with <details open>
Figure 1-8. Default display of <summary> in Chrome 13 with <details open>

See Also

Remy Sharp has put together a nice little script that forces browsers to apply the expanding and collapsing behavior to details at

1.18. Controlling the Numbering of Your Lists


You want an ordered list to have numbering different than the default of starting with 1.


Specify one of the semantic control attributes on the ol or li. For instance, to start a numbered list at 3 (see Figure 1-9), include the start attribute in your ol and specify 3 as the value:

<ol start="3">
Default rendering of <ol start=“3”> in Firefox 5.0
Figure 1-9. Default rendering of <ol start=“3”> in Firefox 5.0


start has been around for a while, but was deprecated as presentational. HTML5 now recognizes the semantic value of controlled numbering and welcomes it back. This “reordering” via start works the same across all browsers, IE6 included.

Reversed attribute

Another attribute for controlling the numbering of an ordered list is the reversed attribute, which reverses the order of a list (e.g., for a countdown from 10):

<ol reversed>

Unfortunately, none of the current browsers support this attribute yet.

Value Attribute

You can also specify the exact number value for each li, which can come in handy if you are ranking something and there is a “tie” (see Figure 1-10):

<p>The results are in for your favorite fruit, and we have a tie for first place!</p>
    <li value="1">Bananas</li>
    <li value="1">Oranges</li>
    <li value="2">Apples</li>

All current browsers support the value attribute for li.

Ordered list with specified <li> values
Figure 1-10. Ordered list with specified <li> values

See Also

The W3C’s Working Draft about grouping content includes the ol element at

1.19. Hiding Content to Show Later


You have content that you want to hide until after a user logs in.


Add the hidden attribute to the element containing the content to be temporarily hidden:

<p hidden>As a special deal for members, use discount code AWESOMESAUCE and save
   10% off all purchases from these vendors.</p>


The hidden attribute is one of the more controversial additions to HTML5. As the spec defines it, hidden should be applied to content that is not yet or no longer relevant to the current user view and, as such, should not be rendered by browsers.

The Document Object Model (DOM) and machines like search engines, though, can still access the content. This means that if the content does become relevant to the user view, it can be targeted via JavaScript, for example, and displayed by removing the attribute.

Where the concerns lie is in the misunderstanding and abuse of this attribute. It is not to be used for the temporary show/hide that you may encounter with tabbed content and the like. Further, we already have CSS solutions that address the display of content, such as display: none and visibility: hidden.

There is semantic value in hidden, though, especially compared to the CSS alternative. If this attribute remains in the specification, over time the concerns may prove unwarranted.


Just remember: do not use hidden for presentational purposes and don’t rely on browsers to actually hide the content. Use it only for semantic purposes and use CSS to control presentation.

See Also

Peter Beverloo’s article “Thoughts on the HTML5 hidden attribute” at

1.20. Making Portions of a Page Editable


You want to allow users to directly edit content in the browser.


Add the contenteditable attribute to the element containing the content to be edited:

<article contenteditable>
    <h2>Stop <code>section</code> Abuse!</h2>
    <p>As the most generic of the HTML5 structural elements, <code>section</code>
       is often incorrectly used as a styling container, when <code>div</code> is
       more appropriate.</p>


This attribute is well supported by today’s browsers, including IE6. In fact, contenteditable first appeared in IE 5.5 and has since been incorporated by other browsers. It was originally intended to support in-browser editing such as a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor.

However, on its own, it only allows users to edit content. It does not have any functionality to save those edits, nor does it generate editing controls commonly seen in WYSIWYG editors. For that type of editing, you need to incorporate JavaScript and utilize the local storage Application Programming Interface (API) (see Chapter 8).

A good example of when to use contenteditable is for demonstrating how text should look when styled with CSS rules or set with a certain typeface, while allowing users to edit their own text (see Figure 1-11).

Once focus is set on an element assigned contenteditable, Firefox 5.0 displays a gray dotted line around it, indicating the area that can be edited
Figure 1-11. Once focus is set on an element assigned contenteditable, Firefox 5.0 displays a gray dotted line around it, indicating the area that can be edited

See Also

The W3C Working Draft discussion on user interaction includes the contenteditable attribute at

1.21. Setting the Stage for Native Drag-and-Drop


You want to allow users to drag and drop content on your web page.


Add the draggable attribute to the element that should be draggable:

<h2 draggable>Block-Level Links</h2>


draggable, like contenteditable, has good browser support and was originally introduced for IE (by default, certain elements are already draggable: a and img). However, the simple addition of draggable to your elements does not create the drag-and-drop functionality on its own. draggable simply allows you to specify the elements that can be dragged.

To achieve the desired drag-and-drop functionality, you need JavaScript to:

  1. Tell the browser where the draggable element can be dropped (the drop “zone”).

  2. Tell the browser what to do with the element once it has been dropped.

See Also

WHATWG’s Living Standard addresses the draggable attribute at; there is a simple, straightforward tutorial on implementing basic drag-and-drop at See Recipe 10.3 in Chapter 10 of this book for more on implementing drag-and-drop functionality.

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