Chapter 3. Forms

Kimberly Blessing


Forms are the workhorse of any web application. Whether you are updating your Facebook status, paying a bill online, or remotely programming your DVR, forms are what make the magic happen.

Currently, making that magic both robust and seamless requires some interesting and tricky uses of HTML and JavaScript. HTML5 makes much of this work far simpler—and even where browsers aren’t yet supporting the new HTML5 form features, it’s easy to use these as building blocks and add support with JavaScript.

HTML5 gives us new elements and new attribute values for the input element to yield new form fields, as well as some new attributes that allow us to remove many lines of JavaScript. However, since not all browsers yet support these new features, it is still necessary to use some JavaScript to ensure cross-browser compatibility.

3.1. Displaying a Search Input Field


You want to present a user with a search form field.


Use the input element with an HTML5 type value of search:

    <p><label>Search <input type="search" name="query"></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


The search input type displays a text input field that may visually differ from that of a regular text field, based on the stylistic conventions of the platform.

For example, Safari on Mac OS displays the search field with rounded (instead of square) corners, as shown in Figure 3-1. Both Safari and Chrome display an icon within the field to delete the current value, as shown in Figure 3-2.

Some user agents will display a plain text input field for the search input type, so support cannot be determined by visual appearance alone.

Testing browser support

To accurately test a browser’s support of the search input type (see Table 3-1 for a listing of compatible browsers), load Mike Taylor’s support test page at The page shows not only support for the search attribute value, but for other attribute values for input as well.

Table 3-1. Browsers supporting the search input type








10 Platform Preview 2





If a user agent does not support the search input type, it will revert to displaying a text input field. What is the value in having a separate input type for search, when only some user agents will render a visually different input field? There are a few answers to this question.

First, enabling visual styles reminiscent of an operating system in the browser can make for a better user experience. Second, designating a search input field as such may help assistive devices more correctly signal users as to the purpose of the field or form.

Finally, the search input type gives us a more semantic input type value to use in our forms and gives us a better hook for our CSS, as compared to using a class or ID. The following CSS applies rounded corners to the search input field for all user agents that support the border-radius property:

input[type="search"] {
    border-radius: 10px;

See Also

For more information on search inputs in WebKit browsers, including Chrome and Safari, see

A blank search input field in Safari 5
Figure 3-1. A blank search input field in Safari 5
A search input field with content in Chrome 12
Figure 3-2. A search input field with content in Chrome 12

3.2. Contact Information Input Fields


You want to present a user with a form to provide contact information, such as an email address, a URL, and a telephone number.


Use the input element with HTML5 type values of email, url, and tel:

        <legend>Contact Information</legend>
        <p><label>E-mail address <input type="email" name="email"></label></p>
        <p><label>Web site <input type="url" name="website"></label></p>
        <p><label>Telephone number <input type="tel" name="phone"></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


How many times have you created text input fields to collect data like an email address, and then had to write JavaScript to validate the input? You won’t have to do this with the new email and url input types.

These restrict the value entered to a valid email address or absolute URL. If the user enters a value that is not valid, the user agent warns the user and the form data is not submitted (see Figures 3-33-6 for examples of this across various browsers).

The tel input type does not enforce any particular syntax, due to the variety of telephone number formats used around the world. The new pattern attribute can be used to enforce a particular syntax, however. For more information, see Recipe 3.12.

User agents vary in terms of the feedback provided to the users as they complete the form. At the time of this writing, some browsers are starting to visually highlight fields that do not validate on blur when the user exits the input field, but do not display the error message until the form is submitted. Other browsers provide no feedback until the form is submitted. See Table 3-2 for a browser support chart.

Table 3-2. Browsers supporting the email, url, and tel input types








10 Platform Preview 2





The email input field error messaging in Firefox 4
Figure 3-3. The email input field error messaging in Firefox 4
The email input field error messaging in Chrome 12
Figure 3-4. The email input field error messaging in Chrome 12
The url input field error messaging in Firefox 4
Figure 3-5. The url input field error messaging in Firefox 4
The url input field error messaging in the second Internet Explorer Platform Preview
Figure 3-6. The url input field error messaging in the second Internet Explorer Platform Preview

Customizing the default error message

If you look closely at Figures 3-5 and 3-6, you’ll notice that the default error message varies from browser to browser. You can specify your own language by adding a title attribute to each input field:

<input type="url" name="website" title="That doesn't look like a valid web

As with search, it’s visually difficult to determine whether or not a user agent supports email, url, or tel. Mike Taylor’s support test at is useful here, too. Browsers that do not support these new input types display a text input field.

On some touch-screen devices, the user agent will display a custom on-screen keyboard for these fields. For example, if the email input field is selected, the keyboard shows not only letters but also the at sign (@) and a period, as seen in Figure 3-7. Cool, huh?

The at sign and TLDs are easily in reach on the iPad keyboard
Figure 3-7. The at sign and TLDs are easily in reach on the iPad keyboard

See Also

For more about on-screen keyboard configurations for these fields, see Mark Pilgrim’s “Dive Into HTML5” online book at and

3.3. Utilizing Date and Time Input Fields


You want to provide a user with a form to specify a date and/or time—for example, when scheduling an appointment.


HTML5 provides a number of new input types to assist in date and time entry.

This first solution uses the input element with the HTML5 type value of datetime to display both a date-picker widget and a time spinner control in combination, as shown in Figure 3-8:

    <p><label>Appointment Date and Time <input type="datetime"
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>
The datetime input field renders a date-picker widget and time spinner control in Opera 11.5
Figure 3-8. The datetime input field renders a date-picker widget and time spinner control in Opera 11.5

To present the date and time input fields separately, as shown in Figures 3-9 and 3-10, use separate input fields with the HTML5 type values date and time:

        <legend>Appointment Request</legend>
        <p><label>Date <input type="date" name="date"></label></p>
        <p><label>Time <input type="time" name="time"></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>
Date and time input fields in Opera 11
Figure 3-9. Date and time input fields in Opera 11
Date and time input fields in Chrome 12
Figure 3-10. Date and time input fields in Chrome 12


The datetime, date, and time family of input types, which also includes month, week, and datetime-local, are excellent proof that new features in HTML5 are based on what web designers and developers have been doing for years with various JavaScript libraries and other solutions.

Opera has been the leader in generating date and time controls, rendering a calendar-based date-picker control for date and a time spinner control for time, and many expect other browsers to eventually follow its lead.

Webkit-based desktop browsers recently introduced support for these input types, using spinners for both. User agents that do not support these input types revert to a text input field.

For a look at browser support for the date and time input types, see Table 3-3.

Table 3-3. Browser support for the date and time input types














For tips on delivering a more consistent cross-browser experience, see Recipe 3.13.

Like all other form inputs, you can specify a value to be displayed when the page is rendered. The value for the date input type must be a valid date string, such as 2010-12-31, which represents December 31, 2010.

The value for the time input type must be a valid time string, such as 23:59:59, which represents 11:59 P.M., one second before midnight.

Finally, the value for the datetime input type must be a valid global date and time string, such as 2010-12-31T23:59:59Z, which represents one second before midnight UTC on December 31, 2010.

Additional features

Two new input element attributes, min and max, can limit the range of dates and times that users can select. This is useful in cases where you don’t want users to select appointment dates or times in the past or select birthdates in the future, as shown in Figure 3-11:

        <legend>Appointment Request</legend>
        <p><label>Date <input type="date" name="date" min="2011-03-15"
        <p><label>Time <input type="time" name="time" min="08:00"
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>
Dates prior to March 15, 2011 are not selectable when the min attribute is used in Opera 11.5
Figure 3-11. Dates prior to March 15, 2011 are not selectable when the min attribute is used in Opera 11.5

See Also

For more information on valid date and time values, see the HTML5 specification at

3.4. Number Inputs


You want to present a user with a form in which to enter a number—for example, to enter the quantity of an item in an order form.


Use the input element with the HTML5 type value of number:

    <p><label>Quantity <input type="number" name="quantity"></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


As you may have guessed, the number input type restricts the value to a valid number—a floating-point number, to be specific.

If the user enters a value that is not valid, the user agent warns the user, and the form data is not submitted, as shown in Figure 3-12.

A number spinner control in Chrome 12
Figure 3-12. A number spinner control in Chrome 12

Some user agents display this form field with a spinner control next to the field, while others do not. On some touch-screen devices, the user agent displays a numeric on-screen keyboard for this field.

For a browser support reference on the number input type, see Table 3-4.

Table 3-4. Browser support for the number input type








10 Platform Preview 2





User-friendly input fields

As always, it’s important to think through the user experience when implementing the number input type. For example, if you’re asking for a US zip code using the number input type, presenting a spinner control might confuse the user, since its purpose isn’t well known yet. On the other hand, you can’t rely on all browsers displaying a spinner, so take care in crafting instructional text—don’t reference the spinner arrows, in case they’re not there!

Load Mike Taylor’s support test (see to determine what level of support a particular browser has for this input type. If a user agent does not recognize the number input type, it will display a text input field.

Additional features

The min and max attributes can be used with the number input type to limit the values that can be entered. In addition, you can use the step attribute to specify the amount by which the value should be incremented. In this example, a customer must order in pairs, so the minimum quantity is 2 and the step value is 2, as shown in Figure 3-13:

    <p><label>Quantity (must order in pairs of 2) <input type="number"
        name="quantity" min="2" max="20" step="2"></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>
Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 2 uses a text entry field for the number input type, but it honors the min, max, and step attributes and will display an error if necessary
Figure 3-13. Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 2 uses a text entry field for the number input type, but it honors the min, max, and step attributes and will display an error if necessary

For a screenshot of an on-screen keyboard configuration for number, see Figure 3-14.

The number keyboard is displayed when number is the input value
Figure 3-14. The number keyboard is displayed when number is the input value

See Also

See Mark Pilgrim’s writeup on the number input type at

3.5. Selecting from a Range of Numbers


You want to present a user with a form to select a number from a range—for example, to adjust the volume on a video.


Use the input element with the HTML5 type value of range:

    <p><label>Volume <input type="range" name="volume"
        min="0" max="10" step=".5" value="5"></label></p>


The range input type is like number in that it restricts the value to a valid floating-point number, but it has the added caveat that the exact value is not important.

Exact values are important on product order forms and the like, for values like quantity, so number should be used in those cases. The range input type is useful in cases of relative or subjective input, such as assigning a rating to an event or product. To emphasize this point, the specification requires that the control be rendered as a slider or similar control, as shown in Figure 3-15.

The range input type in Opera 11.5
Figure 3-15. The range input type in Opera 11.5

Webkit-based browsers and Opera render a horizontal slider control for the range input type. If a user agent does not recognize this input type, it displays a text input field instead.

For a browser support reference on the range input type, see Table 3-5.

Table 3-5. Browser support for the range input type














For tips on delivering a more consistent cross-browser experience, see Recipe 3.13.

Additional features

As with the number input type, you can specify minimum and maximum values using the min and max attributes and an increment value using the step attribute. These could be used with range to replace the radio buttons commonly used for scaled ratings, such as satisfaction rankings.

See Also

The W3C specification on range at

3.6. Selecting Colors


You want to present a user with a form to select a color—for example, to customize the look of a web page.


Use the input element with the HTML5 type value of color:

    <p><label>Background color <input type="color" name="bg"></label></p>
    <p><label>Foreground color <input type="color" name="fg"></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


The color input type restricts the value to a valid RGB value in hexadecimal format, including the number sign or octothorpe, #, displayed before the six digits.

The HTML5 specification prescribes a color-well control for this input type, but so far only Opera has implemented this control. Webkit-based browsers that support color, like Chrome and Safari, render a text input field but successfully validate entries and prohibit form submission if the value is not valid, as shown in Figures 3-16 and 3-17.

If a user agent does not support the color input type, it will display a text input field instead.

For details on browser support of the color input type, see Table 3-6.

Table 3-6. Browser support for the color input type














For tips on delivering a more consistent cross-browser experience, see Recipe 3.13.

See Also

“Octothorpe” is a good word and bears repeated mention in polite company; see

The color input type in Opera 11.5
Figure 3-16. The color input type in Opera 11.5
The color input type in Chrome 12
Figure 3-17. The color input type in Chrome 12

3.7. Creating an Editable Drop-Down


You want to give the user the ability to enter text but also prompt her with some suggestions to choose from. This is sometimes known as an editable drop-down or a combo box.


Use the HTML5 datalist element to create a list of suggestions using the option element, and associate the list with an input element via the list attribute:

    <p><label>Donation amount <input type="text" name="donation"
    <datalist id="donations">
        <option value="10.00">10.00</option>
        <option value="25.00">25.00</option>
        <option value="50.00">50.00</option>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


The datalist element is used to define a list of suggested values for other input controls—it is not a form input or control itself.

The suggested values are specified using option elements, just as they would be for a select element, but nothing renders on the screen until the datalist is associated with an input element. Binding a datalist to an input field is done by specifying an id on the datalist and using this as the value of the list attribute on the input element.

The result is a control that both accepts user input and presents a list of options for the user to choose from. This is not unlike the type-ahead or autocomplete functionality implemented in many browsers and on most search websites, as shown in Figures 3-18 and 3-19.

An editable drop-down rendered using input and datalist in Firefox 4
Figure 3-18. An editable drop-down rendered using input and datalist in Firefox 4
An editable drop-down rendered using input and datalist in Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 2
Figure 3-19. An editable drop-down rendered using input and datalist in Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 2

For browsers that have not yet implemented datalist, the above solution results in the display of the text input field, but not the list of suggestions. In a few cases, older browsers may display the option labels.

For a reference on datalist browser support, see Table 3-7.

Table 3-7. Browser support for the datalist element








10 Platform Preview 2







A datalist workaround

Web developer Jeremy Keith has proposed the following implementation, which works with both modern browsers that support the HTML5 datalist element and those that do not:

    <p><label for="donation">Donation amount</label>
    <datalist id="donations">
        <select name="donation">
            <option value="10.00">10.00</option>
            <option value="25.00">25.00</option>
            <option value="50.00">50.00</option>
        If other, please specify:
    <input type="text" id="donation" name="donation" list="donations"></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

The result is valid, semantic, and elegant: in the former case, the editable drop-down is rendered, but in the latter case, a select drop-down is rendered next to the text input field, as shown in Figure 3-20.

Jeremy Keith’s datalist fallback solution in Chrome 12
Figure 3-20. Jeremy Keith’s datalist fallback solution in Chrome 12

See Also

Read Jeremy Keith’s full post on the datalist solution at For updated information on datalist support, see

3.8. Requiring a Form Field


You want to require a form field’s completion prior to form submission.


Apply the HTML5 required attribute on any form field that must be completed in order to submit the form:

        <p><label>Username <input type="text" name="username" required></label></p>
        <p><label>Password <input type="password" name="pwd" required></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


The required attribute may be specified on zero or more form elements in a form.

When the user submits the form, any required field that has been left blank will cause the browser to stop the submission and an error message will be displayed. The visual display of the error varies from browser to browser, as shown in Figures 3-213-24.

If a user agent does not recognize the required attribute, it will be ignored. You can still craft JavaScript to perform this validation using this attribute, however. See Recipe 3.14, for details.

For a reference on required attribute support in browsers, see Table 3-8.

Table 3-8. Browser support for the required attribute








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See Also

Check browser support for form field validation at

required attribute error messaging in Firefox 4
Figure 3-21. required attribute error messaging in Firefox 4
required attribute error messaging in Chrome 12
Figure 3-22. required attribute error messaging in Chrome 12
required attribute error messaging in Opera 11.5
Figure 3-23. required attribute error messaging in Opera 11.5
required attribute error messaging in IE 10 Platform Preview 2
Figure 3-24. required attribute error messaging in IE 10 Platform Preview 2

3.9. Autofocusing a Form Field


You want to place the focus in a particular form field when a page loads.


Apply the HTML5 autofocus attribute to only one form field:

    <p><label>Search <input type="search" name="query" autofocus></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


Autofocus behavior on the Web is alternately loved or hated. It’s great when the search box on Google is autofocused, but it’s roundly hated when the user expects to be able to scroll a page by pressing the down arrow key but the page has autofocused in a field.

A native solution both eliminates the need to write JavaScript and is potentially more accessible. When implementing the autofocus attribute, remember that it may be specified only once per document, not per form! To maintain accessibility, a user agent may honor a user setting or action that would override the focus action.

If a user agent does not recognize the autofocus attribute, it will be ignored. You can still use JavaScript to autofocus a field.

For a browser support reference of autofocus, please see Table 3-9.

Table 3-9. Browser support for the autofocus attribute








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See Also

See Recipe 3.14, for details.

3.10. Displaying Placeholder Text


You want to display some hint or help text within a form field.


The HTML5 placeholder attribute is used to specify instructional text when the user is not focused in the form field:

        <legend>Contact Information</legend>
        <p><label>E-mail address <input type="email" name="email"
            placeholder="[email protected]"></label></p>
        <p><label>Web site <input type="url" name="website"
        <p><label>Telephone number <input type="tel" name="phone"
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


Usability experts and user interface designers have been trying to solve the problem of displaying unobtrusive instructional text to users in forms for a long time.

Over the past five years, placeholder text within an input field has become a standard design pattern, and now we have a standard way of implementing this solution. When a placeholder attribute is specified on an input element, a user agent will display the value of the placeholder attribute in the rendered form field.

The placeholder text can then be toggled off and on, depending on which page element has focus and whether or not there is data in the form field: when the user is focused on the field, the placeholder text will disappear; if the user leaves the form field blank and leaves the field, the placeholder text will reappear, as shown in Figure 3-25.

While the placeholder attribute helps make a form more usable, its purpose is to provide an additional hint to the user. Do not omit the label element, which properly captions a form control.

If a user agent has not implemented support for the placeholder attribute, the attribute will be ignored.

For a reference chart on placeholder attribute support, see Table 3-10.

Table 3-10. Browser support for the placeholder attribute








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See Also

To deliver a more consistent experience to both browsers that support it and those that do not, see Recipe 3.13.

Placeholder text in Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 2
Figure 3-25. Placeholder text in Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 2

3.11. Disabling Autocomplete


You want to prevent autocompletion tools from populating a form field.


Set the HTML5 autocomplete attribute to "off" for any individual input field, such as a password field:

        <p><label>Username <input type="text" name="username"></label></p>
        <p><label>Password <input type="password" name="pwd"
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


The autocomplete attribute was introduced by Microsoft Internet Explorer in 1999 and was adopted by other browsers, although it was not part of any previous HTML or XHTML specification.

By default, autocomplete is enabled (on) for all form fields. You may currently rely on your browser’s ability to remember your passwords and autocomplete functionality to log in to many of the websites you visit. If, however, you specify a value of off for this attribute, you will disable this functionality.

In addition to disabling autocomplete at the individual input field level, you can also disable it at the form level. If you disable autocomplete at the form level, you can re-enable it for an individual form field by setting autocomplete="on".

While many security experts suggest applying autocomplete="off" to form fields that contain sensitive data, you should keep in mind that this is not a particularly effective security measure. Some browsers do not yet support autocomplete, and since so many tools exist to circumvent autocomplete="off"—tools that still auto-inject a user’s stored password—it’s often security theater or simply a false security measure.

Those browsers that do not support autocomplete simply ignore the attribute altogether.

For a browser support reference on autocomplete, see Table 3-11.

Table 3-11. Browser support for the autocomplete attribute
















In Table 3-11, “Yes” indicates that the browser has implemented autocomplete in a pre-HTML5, nonstandard way. Use Mike Taylor’s input and attribute support page at to determine when a browser has implemented it per the HTML5 standard.

See Also

The autocomplete attribute in the WHATWG HTML specification at

3.12. Restricting Values


You want to restrict the value of an input field according to a set of rules you specify.


Use the HTML5 pattern attribute to specify a regular expression that will be used to validate the user’s input:

    <p><label>Telephone number <input type="tel" name="phone"
        title="North American format: XXX-XXX-XXXX"></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>


For years, web professionals have been writing validation scripts to check user data prior to form submissions—and most of us would likely say that we have hated it.

With HTML5, we have a method for checking form input that doesn’t rely on JavaScript: regular expressions.


Regular expressions are very powerful and fun to write, once you get the hang of them. You don’t need to pore over a big book like O’Reilly’s Mastering Regular Expressions, by Jeffrey Friedl. Instead, the Regular Expressions Cookbook (also from O’Reilly) will help you to figure out how to define some common expressions. Then you’ll be ready for that big book in no time.

The HTML5 pattern attribute allows you to specify a regular expression for an input field. On blur of the input field or on submit of the form (browser implementations vary), the user’s input will be validated against the pattern; if it does not match, an error will be displayed and the form will not be submitted, as shown in Figure 3-26.

Regular expressions for pattern must use the same syntax as in JavaScript. Keep in mind that the pattern attribute must match the entire value, or else the user will see the error message.

When the pattern attribute is used, you should also specify a title attribute to describe the pattern. The user agent may display this text to the user as a tool tip or as an error if the submitted value does not match the pattern, as shown in Figure 3-27.

Pattern mismatch on blur of input field in Firefox 4: an error “bubble,” similar to those seen elsewhere in this chapter, will be displayed on form submit
Figure 3-26. Pattern mismatch on blur of input field in Firefox 4: an error “bubble,” similar to those seen elsewhere in this chapter, will be displayed on form submit
Title rendered as tool tip in Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 2
Figure 3-27. Title rendered as tool tip in Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 2

If a user agent cannot compile the regular expression, it is ignored and no validation will happen on that input. If a user agent does not recognize the pattern attribute, it, too, is ignored.

For a browser reference chart for pattern attribute support, see Table 3-12.

Table 3-12. Browser support for the pattern attribute








10 Platform Preview 2








For tips on delivering a more consistent cross-browser experience, see Recipe 3.14.

See Also

As with the required attribute, to keep up with browser support for pattern, check For a list of commonly used regular expressions, see

3.13. Making HTML5 Work in Older Browsers


You want to make HTML5 input types and attributes work in browsers that do not support HTML5.


Use the Modernizr JavaScript library (see to detect support for specific HTML5 attributes, then develop or use alternate solutions, such as jQuery UI (see, for instances where features are not supported.


Modernizr is a small, open source JavaScript library that detects native implementations of HTML5 and CSS3 features in browsers. Instead of performing browser detection in order to determine support, Modernizr performs individual feature detection. Modernizr is a very reliable way to detect support for HTML5 form features.

jQuery UI is a library of user interface design pattern implementations. It is based on and requires the jQuery JavaScript library, which is used by many of the top sites on the Web, including Google, Amazon, Twitter, and Microsoft. jQuery makes manipulating the DOM easy, and jQuery UI gives you easy-to-implement, themeable widgets.

Example 1: Supporting the autofocus attribute

Save Modernizr locally and call it in the head of your document:

    <script src="modernizer.js"></script>

Code your form using the autofocus attribute:

    <p><label>Search <input type="search" name="query" id="query"
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

Write a script to detect support for autofocus and, if it is not available, use JavaScript to focus on the element. This script can appear immediately after your form, to trigger the focus event as quickly as possible:

    if (!Modernizr.input.autofocus) {

Example 2: Supporting the placeholder attribute

Call Modernizr and jQuery in the head of your document:

    <script src="modernizer.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery.js"></script>

Code your form using the placeholder attribute:

<form id="search">
    <p><label>Search <input type="search" name="query" id="query" value=""
        placeholder="Enter query"></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

Write a script to detect support for placeholder and, if it is not available, use JavaScript to toggle the display of the placeholder text in the input field:

    if (!Modernizr.input.placeholder) {
        $("#query").focus(function() {
            if ($("#query").val() == $("#query").attr('placeholder')) {
        $("#query").blur(function() {
            if ($("#query").val() == "") {
        $("#search").submit(function() {
            if ($("#query").val() ==
        $("#query").attr('placeholder')) {
            return false;

Even if you’ve never seen jQuery before, the above code is probably very easy to read. jQuery uses CSS selector syntax to refer to elements in the DOM, so $("#query") refers to the search input field with an id of query. The focus() and blur() methods are chained onto the search field, thus creating event handlers for when the field gains and loses focus. Finally, when the search form is submitted, the value of the search field is checked to ensure it’s not the same as the placeholder copy; if it is, the form is not submitted.

When the blur event is triggered, the value (val) of the search field is set to the placeholder attribute value, provided the value was empty.

When the focus event is triggered, the value of the search field is set to an empty string—but only if the previous value was the same as the placeholder attribute text.

This script can appear immediately after the form, or it can be combined with other scripts at the bottom of the body of your document.


This techniques works well with all input types except password. Because browsers obscure the value of a password control, using the above solution results in your placeholder text appearing in an obscured manner. If you need to display placeholder text for a password input field, use JavaScript to insert the copy somewhere other than the value of the input.

Example 3: Supporting the date input type

Call Modernizr, jQuery, and jQuery UI in the head of your document (don’t forget the CSS for jQuery UI!):

    <script src="modernizr.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery-ui.js"></script>
    <link href="jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet">

Code your form using the date input type:

    <p><label>Date of Birth <input type="date" name="dob" id="dob"></label></p>
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

Write a script to detect support for date and, if it is not available, trigger jQuery UI’s date-picker widget:

    if (!Modernizr.inputtypes.datetime) {

I bet you’re surprised at how little code is needed for this example, as compared to the previous one! This is the beauty of adopting a reusable solution, like jQuery UI. Figure 3-28 shows the result for a browser that does not natively support the date input type.

The jQuery UI date picker is triggered since Firefox 4 does not support the date and time input types
Figure 3-28. The jQuery UI date picker is triggered since Firefox 4 does not support the date and time input types

As in the previous example, this script can appear immediately after the form, or it can be combined with other scripts at the bottom of the body of your document.


Remember that the new input types in HTML5 are derived from the solutions that developers have been creating with HTML and JavaScript for quite a while. This means it is fairly easy to find UI libraries that provide substitute functionality for browsers that do not yet support HTML5 forms.

In the future, when all of your users have upgraded to browsers that support HTML5 elements, input types, and attributes, you’ll be able to quickly and easily remove the scripts without needing to change your markup.

See Also

For a list of fallback solutions or polyfills, see

3.14. Validating Form Data in Older Browsers with JavaScript


You want to validate form data in browsers that do not support HTML5.


Use the Modernizr JavaScript library (see to detect support for specific HTML5 attributes and script alternate solutions when features are not supported. (Refer back to Recipe 3.13, for information on Modernizr and other JavaScript libraries.)

Save Modernizr locally and call it in the head of your document. We’ll also call jQuery (see to make it easy to reference the form element and to attach an event handler:

    <script src="modernizer.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery.js"></script>

Code your form using HTML5 form validation attributes, such as required and pattern:

        <p><label>Username <input type="text" name="username" required></label></p>
        <p><label>Password <input type="password" name="password" required
            pattern="[0-9a-zA-Z]{12}" title="Must be 12 alphanumeric
    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

Write a script to detect support for required and pattern and define alternate form handling if support is not available:

if (!Modernizr.input.required || !Modernizr.input.pattern) {
    $('form').submit(function() {
        var validData = true;
        $('[required], [pattern]').each(function() {
            if (($(this).attr('required') !== false) && ($(this).val() == "")){
                alert("The " + $(this).attr('name') + " field is required!");
                validData = false;
                return false;
            if ($(this).attr('pattern')){
                var regexp = new RegExp($(this).attr('pattern'));
                if (!regexp.test($(this).val())){
                    alert("The data in the " + $(this).attr('name') +
                          " field isn't in the right format!");
                    validData = false;
                    return false;
        return validData;


We’ve been validating forms with JavaScript for about 15 years, so there are plenty of ways to require form field completion and to validate data. What’s new about this solution is that it leverages the HTML5 form attributes required and pattern to establish the rules for validation, and the JavaScript simply keys off of them. In the recent past, developers have used the rel attribute to perform a similar style of validation, but this is no longer necessary (nor is it valid HTML5).

Again, when all of your users have upgraded to browsers that natively support HTML5 form validation, you’ll be able to quickly and easily remove the scripts without needing to change your markup.

See Also

Smashing Magazine’s listing of best practices and tutorials for web form validation at

3.15. Example: Sample Form


You want to present a user with an appointment scheduling form, for example, for scheduling a doctor’s appointment.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Appointment Scheduler</title>

<h1>Appointment Scheduler</h1>


        <legend>Personal Information</legend>
        <p><label>Name <input type="text" name="name" required></label></p>
        <p><label>Telephone number <input type="tel" name="phone" required
            pattern="[2-9][0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}" title="North American format:
        <p><label>E-mail address <input type="email" name="email"></label></p>
        <p><label>Date of birth <input type="date" name="dob"></label></p>

        <legend>Appointment Request</legend>
        <p><label for="reason">What is the reason for your visit?</label>
        <datalist id="reasons">
            <select name="reason">
                <option>Annual physical</option>
                <option>Cold or flu symptoms</option>
                <option>Blood test</option>
        If other, please specify:
        <input id="reason" name="reason" list="reasons"></p>
        <p><label>Current pain level <input type="range" name="pain" min="0"
            max="10" step=".5" value="5" title="0 is no pain, 10 is worst pain
        <p><label>Preferred date <input type="date" name="date" required
            min="2011-03-15" max="2012-03-14"></label></p>
        <p><label>Preferred time <input type="time" name="time" required
            min="08:00" max="18:00" step="1:00"></label></p>

    <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>



This is the future of form markup, my friends! When rendered in a browser that fully supports HTML5 forms, the only thing this form will want for is some CSS—no JavaScript necessary! It will render nicely across a variety of devices and be much more accessible than what we use today, as shown in Figure 3-29.

The sample form, with basic styling, in Opera 11.5
Figure 3-29. The sample form, with basic styling, in Opera 11.5

When will we have full support in the majority of browsers for HTML5 forms? Opera is leading the way in support, but Firefox and Chrome are on rapid release cycles and are catching up quickly.

The second Internet Explorer Platform Preview was released during the writing of this chapter and it, too, shows good progress.

See Also

Chapter 8 of CSS Cookbook by Christopher Schmitt (O’Reilly), for a discussion of styling forms.

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