Day 10

Morning Review. Continue as you began last week with planning your day to include all your Daily Actions, and try for a daily score of 8 or higher. In this second week, we will shift the focus to your Success Ingredient projects. How has your progress been here? You are one-fourth of the way through the program, so you should be 25 percent ahead of where you started on your Success Ingredients. If you are working on three simultaneously, each should have progressed that far. If you are doing them in succession, the first should be near completion.

Daily Scores. Were you able to give your Success Ingredients enough attention today? Look now at the rest of your week, and see where you can fit them in. In order to stay on track, you should be halfway through by Friday.

Thought for the day: Work expands to fill the time allotted to it. If you want to get more done, give each task only the amount of time it is worth to you. And if you want to work less, allow less time for work.

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