Bridging the Gap from Idea to Action

Leslie Lupinsky, MCC, CPCC;
Joni Mar, MCC, CPCC;

“Often what happens is people get very excited about their dreams, passions and visions,” describe Leslie Lupinsky and Joni Mar, authors of The Inspired Business Approach, “but when it comes to the implementation phase, they fall into despair or fear about the work involved to achieve the results they are after.” They go on to say:

Once this starts, it can be a downward cycle. The person procrastinates on the necessary actions, producing more fear and despair. It takes a great deal of courage and support as well as a strong commitment to turn the cycle around.

If you are losing momentum in your business, try asking yourself these questions:

1. Where are you now?

2. Where do you want to be?

3. What feelings are you experiencing in this gap between the two?

4. What’s the cost to you and your business of staying here?

5. Sit with the experience of the gap, your feelings, and all of their implications for several minutes.

6. Now, where are you willing to move forward into action? What would support you to take the next step?

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