The Strategy Icons

Image Direct Contact & Follow-Up

Image Networking & Referral Building

Image Public Speaking

Image Writing & Publicity

Image Promotional Events

Image Advertising

Figure 4-1: Success Ingredient Shopping List




Figure 4-2: Success Ingredient Guide


image Description of services. A clear, specific description of the features, benefits, structure, and cost of the primary services you will focus on in your marketing.

image Market niche definition. Description of the target market you most wish to do business with and the niche area in which you specialize.

image 10-second introduction. Self-introduction that describes what you do and who you do it for in a clear and memorable way.

image Business cards. To include your contact information and a brief summary of what you offer, such as a position, title, specialties, tag line, or key benefit.

image Self-confidence skills. A higher level of confidence, and key self-confidence tools to help you overcome fear, resistance, and self-doubt when marketing yourself.

image Website. A basic site that tells visitors what you do and why they should hire you, or a more powerful site that offers free resources and captures visitors’ contact information.

image Social media profile/page. A profile for yourself or a page for your business that allows you to become active in social media networks or just be found more easily online.

image Prospect list. List of people or companies in your target market that you purchase, compile, or acquire from a lead source.

image Lead sources. Groups, institutions, publications, websites, media sources, and networking contacts that can give you information about potential clients on a regular basis.

image Live networking venues. Places, groups, and events where you can go in person to meet prospective clients and referral partners.

image Online networking venues. Social media networks, message boards, discussion groups, Web chats, and blogs where you can meet and follow up with people online.

image Networking skills. Techniques or experience to help you feel more comfortable about meeting people and interacting with them to build relationships.

image Referral partners. People, groups, or institutions that have contact with your target market, and are willing to refer potential clients to you on a regular basis.

image Speaking venues. Places, groups, or events—live or online—where you might be able to speak to promote your business.

image Speaking topics/bio. Description of one to three topics you are available to speak on, plus a summary of your background and speaking experience.

image Writing/publishing venues. Publications, blogs, or websites for which you can write articles, tips, guest blog posts, or an ongoing column.

image Articles or writing queries. Articles, tips, or blog posts you want to have published, or queries about pieces you’d like to write.

image Blog theme/topics. A concept for your blog that will give it a sustainable theme, and a series of topics you might blog about.

image Publicity venues. Print, broadcast, e-mail, and Web media outlets you can approach to get quoted, interviewed, or profiled.

image Press release/media kit. A release is the bulletin you send media outlets to attract press coverage. A media kit—print or online—provides more in-depth details about you.

image Photos/audio/video. Visual or audio samples to supplement your publicity efforts and demonstrate your expertise.

image Promotion concept. Idea for a promotional event, such as a free demonstration or workshop, complimentary teleclass or webinar, or an exhibit at a trade show.

image Promotion plan. Your plan for producing a promotional event or trade show appearance.

image Advertising venues. Places you can advertise to reach your prospects: e.g. direct mail, print publications, directories, websites, search engines, e-zines, or broadcast e-mail. (continues) Figure 4-2: Success Ingredient Guide (continued)

image Flyer venues. Places where you can post, distribute, or circulate a flyer.

image Ad copy, layout, or script. What your proposed ad will say and how it will look.


image Contact management system. Organized method to keep track of all your contacts. Could be a notebook, desktop software, a cloud application, or a smartphone/tablet app.

image 30-second commercial. Brief verbal summary of what you do, who you do it for, and key benefits and results you deliver.

image Brochure. Printed summary of the services you offer, benefits of working with you, and your qualifications.

image Marketing kit. Expanded brochure with multiple pieces (e.g., professional bio, client list, testimonial letters, or articles).

image Model marketing letter. Boilerplate language you modify to create letters you send to contacts, rather than writing each one from scratch.

image In-house mailing list. List of clients, prospects, and referral partners whose names you have accumulated from networking, referrals, visits to your website, speaking, etc.

image Postcard or mailer. Marketing literature you send by postal mail to remind prospects that you are still around, or make a special offer.

image Newsletter or e-zine. Collection of articles, tips, and/or announcements you periodically send by postal mail or e-mail.

image Broadcast e-mail system. System that allows website visitors to subscribe to your e-mail list, and allows you to send them e-mail broadcasts or autoresponses.

image Bonus for online subscribers. Free gift you provide website visitors as an incentive to subscribe to your e-mail list, e.g., an e-book, white paper, or video tutorial.

image Personal connections. Connections between you and prospects that encourage them to speak with you, e.g., referrals, introductions, or memberships you share.


image Telemarketing script/skills. Better language and techniques to help you improve at selling yourself by phone.

image Qualifying questions. Questions to ask your prospects to determine whether they are likely candidates for your services.

image Higher quality leads and referrals. The type of prospects who are most likely to buy, based on their profile or the source of the original lead.

image Better website conversion. Revisions to your website that encourage visitors to stay longer, return again, or contact you to discuss your services.

image Professional visibility. Making yourself more visible in your market niche to increase the likelihood that prospects know your name before you contact them.

image Competitive research. Information about the competition that enables you to better compete by emulating what works and improving on what doesn’t.

image Target market research. Information about your prospective clients that tells you more about what they want and need.

image New market position. Influencing how prospects think of you in comparison to your competition by changing your marketing messages.

image Better service package. A different way of packaging your services or fees to make them more attractive to prospective clients.

image Narrower focus of services. Limiting what you offer your prospects to the one or two lines of business that your prospects are most likely to buy.


image Professional credibility. How prospects perceive your ability to perform, based on what they see of your background, experience, credentials, or expertise.

image Testimonials or references. Letters or quotes from satisfied clients, or a list of verifiable references with their contact information.

image Better-qualified prospects. Prospects who are predisposed to become clients, because of their needs, desires, or ability to pay.

image Stronger relationships. Building connection and trust over time through exposure to you, your abilities, or others who already trust you.

image Presentation script/visuals. An outline of what you plan to discuss in sales conversations and supporting visuals to make your services more tangible.

image Presentation skills. Techniques or experience you need to get more comfortable with questioning, listening, or presenting.

image Portfolio. Tangible examples of your work that you can show to a prospect, e.g. case studies, photographs, videos, or samples of designs, writing, or reports.

image Leave-behind. Something extra you leave with, or send to, a prospect to use or review after a sales conversation.

image Selling script. A list of talking points to remember when closing the sale, including asking-for-the-business questions, and answers to common objections.

image Selling skills. Techniques or experience to help you do a better job at closing the sale.

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