Day 28

Morning Review. Are you ready to win? Are you planning your victory celebration? Can you taste your reward? You have earned it! Think about the element of motivation today:

image What really motivates you?

image How did having a specific goal for the month change your behavior?

image Does a far-off goal draw you toward it or do you need to be getting more enjoyment in the moment?

image Do you reward yourself for progress and learning or only if you achieve certain results?

image Are you satisfied with rewarding yourself or do you want acknowledgment from others?

image What motivational techniques backfire on you? Which are your favorites?

Daily Scores. You did it! Way to go! If you reached 100 percent or more on your Program Goal, you have achieved complete success in the Get Clients Now! program. If your score is lower, you still deserve a huge commendation for sticking with the program, and for all the effort you put into it. Remember that punishment is not allowed. Completing the program is in itself a measure of success, regardless of the goal you achieve. And, you may have learned even more than those who did reach 100 percent.

What have you learned about goal-setting, about marketing, about selling? What did you learn if you didn’t meet your goal? The fact is that sales and marketing are just like any other skills that you learn by practicing over time, and you have had a lot of practice this month. If you have always tended to reward yourself only for results, try acknowledging your progress regardless of the outcome. You may find this shift in thinking beneficial in more areas than marketing!

Thought for the day: Success in marketing depends on success in management. The way you manage time, money, projects, people, and your own worst doubts and fears has as much to do with getting clients as networking, advertising, or cold calling do. Always remember that what you are really selling is you, so developing yourself is the best marketing investment you can make.

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