Turn a Pack of Wolves into Purring Kittens

Carolyn Campbell, www.carolyncampbell.biz

Coach and trainer Carolyn Campbell reports that when people call her for help with speaking, they often begin, “I know I should speak more, but I hate getting up in front of people.” Here are some ways Campbell suggests to overcome the speaking jitters and start having more fun:

image Choose an inspiring topic. Make a list of issues you’re passionate about, and choose the one that most excites you. You’ll be surprised how it will pique interest in others. Find out more about your audience and integrate their needs into your program.

image Come early. Arrive at least an hour ahead to set up. Test everything, especially anything technical, and adjust what you can to suit your needs.

image Connect before you speak. As people settle in, introduce yourself. Ask people’s names and their interest in the topic. During your presentation, address as many as you can by name. They feel special, and you feel connected.

image Honor your nerves. If you are nervous, say so. Then quickly segue into your topic. Audiences appreciate your forthrightness as long as you swiftly gain confidence and demonstrate your expertise.

image Create interaction. Audience members enjoy connecting with speakers. Ask them questions, or have them ask you questions. Include a call and response or visualization. Choose a few different ways to interact that suit you and your style.

image End strong. Finish your talk with a powerful close. It might be a quote, a probing question, or a challenge for them to take action.

image Invite further connection. People who like what you say will want to know how to stay in touch, work with you, or donate to your cause.

And most importantly, remember people came because they were interested in what you have to share. Don’t worry about being perfect, focus on being connected.





Writing/publishing venues

Articles or writing queries

Blog theme/topics

Publicity venues

Press release/media kit


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