Day 17

Morning Review. It’s the first working day of Week Three, and you’re past the halfway mark in the program. Good work! Your target scores for each day this week should continue to be 8 or higher on your Daily Actions, and 50 to 75 percent on your Success Ingredients. The focus this week will be on your Program Goal. At this point in the program you should have reached at least 50 percent of your goal. By the week’s end, you will need to be at 75 percent. Ask yourself this morning, “What will it take to make this happen?”

Daily Scores. Did you see some movement toward your Program Goal today? If you are already at 75 percent or above, consider raising the stakes. How much more business could you generate by the end of next week? If you’re below 50 percent, revisit your Daily Actions. Could you boost your level of effort in order to get more clients? Consider increasing the quantity or frequency of some Daily Actions to make up the gap between you and your goal. Make your weekly actions twice a week; spend more time on networking or referral-building; increase your target number for calls or meetings. If you are already scoring 8 or above on your Daily Actions, you can probably do this without too much more effort. You’ve only got two weeks left, so make the most of them.

Thought for the day:

If he who has a thing to sell

Goes and whispers in a well,

He won’t be so apt to make the dollars

As he who climbs a tree and hollers!


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