Why customers are choosing to use Oracle products on Linux on IBM System z
Hundreds of users are running their Oracle products on Linux on IBM System z, with more customers finding benefits of the IBM System z platform for deploying Oracle solutions. This chapter reviews some of the top reasons why customers are choosing Linux on System z for their Oracle database deployments. The objective is to help you evaluate your environment to determine whether these reasons might benefit you.
The mainframe was the IT industry’s leading platform for transaction processing, consolidated, secure data serving, and support for enterprise-wide applications. With the IBM zEnterprise® EC12 (zEC12), IBM extends the mainframe platform to help large enterprises reshape their customer experiences through information-centric computing. On a Smarter Planet®, information-centric processes are exploding in growth. To handle vast volumes of data, users need a fast, secure, and available IT infrastructure that helps with the following tasks:
Improve the user experience with unmatched system security.
Realize cost savings with 50% increased capacity, so you can invest in new services.
Use Capacity on Demand options.
The many reasons customers choose Linux on IBM System z for their mission-critical applications or data servers can vary. The reasons are based on the unique advanced architecture of the IBM System z infrastructure, which provides many high-availability advantages and unique characteristics. Your IBM representative can provide more detailed information.
This chapter includes the following topics:
1.1 Virtualization capabilities of IBM System z
The advanced and superior virtualization capabilities of z/VM and System z are a key reason why running Oracle on System z is a popular solution.
z/VM provides highly flexible production and test environments for enterprises that are deploying database and business solutions.
z/VM helps enterprises meet their growing demands for multi-system server solutions with a broad range of support for operating system environments, including z/OS® and Linux on System z.
z/VM offers the following benefits:
Mature technology:
 – VM/370, introduced in 1972, VM/370 was enhanced and significantly expanded for Linux in recent years.
 – Infrastructure support:
 • Back up and Disaster Recovery
 • Performance Management
Software Hypervisor integrated with hardware:
 – Effective sharing of CPU, memory, and I/O resources
 – Virtual network - virtual switches and routers
 – Virtual I/O (mini-disks, virtual cache, and so on)
 – Virtual appliances
Easy of management:
 – Fast cloning or provisioning of preinstalled and configured Linux images. This can be accomplished in minutes instead of days or weeks.
 – Reduced space, electric connections, or network cables.
 – Compatible with the data center practice of standardizing on strategic software stacks with consistent levels and patches.
The capability to rapidly deploy Linux guests with Oracle databases is used by many customers in their infrastructure simplification strategy.
Tip: For more information about the benefits of virtualization on System z, see Using IBM Virtualization to Manage Cost and Efficiency, REDP-4527-00, at this website:
1.2 Ability to use existing disaster recovery plans
For most customers that are running on System z, there are well-established business processes and disciplines for disaster recovery and business resiliency already in place in their organization. Oracle solutions on the mainframe also can easily fit into the disaster recovery infrastructure that is already in place for the mainframe.
This reason was highlighted by many users as one of the key reasons they moved their Oracle databases to Linux on System z.
1.3 Trusted Security and Resiliency
IBM System z is a leading platform for secure data serving and the only commercial server to achieve Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 5+ security classification, which provides clients the confidence to run many different applications that contain confidential data on a single mainframe. The new zEC12 builds on this with innovative security and privacy features to help protect data at rest or in flight, which is a critical capability in the age of Internet banking and mobile devices.
The zEC12 includes a state-of-the-art, tamper-resistant cryptographic adapter, Crypto Express4S that provides privacy for transactions and sensitive data. Crypto Express4S includes new hardware and firmware that was developed with IBM Research to help meet the security requirements of different industries and geographies. For example, it can be configured to provide support for high-quality signatures that are used with applications for Smart passports, national ID cards and online legal proceedings, and meet standardized cryptographic services and certifications that are needed by the European Union and public sector.
1.4 System z is optimized for High Availability
System z is a large-scale consolidation system that thrives under heavy workloads. There are clients that deploy hundreds of thousands of millions of instructions per second (MIPS), often while they are running thousands of programs, hundreds of applications, massive amounts of data, and huge numbers of users with long periods of uninterrupted operation. System z continues to build on decades of design of hardware and software to keep the system up and running to provide the highest availability and is unmatched with 99.999% reliability. IBM added technology innovations to further extend that availability that helps improve handling of paging workload spikes and IBM zAware to increase availability as a self-learning integrated analytics solution.
1.5 Total cost of ownership advantages of IBM System z
When you are looking at the total cost of ownership (TCO) for an Oracle on Linux on System z implementation, many users find the lowest TCO with the System z solution. The costs savings come from a combination of factors, including hardware, software, operations, and management costs. IBM has tools available that can assist customers in determining their TCOs for a planned project, including RACEv, Eagle, and Scorpion.
The ability to run multiple images of Oracle on fewer processors with System z and Linux where processor usage levels of 85% or more can be achieved brings more benefits in the area of licensing and hardware costs. Associated with this are the “green” features of System z that bring other advantages of reduced power requirements and reduced floor space requirements, as shown in Figure 1-1 on page 5.
Figure 1-1 Server Farm to a Lean Green data center
By using z/VM, you can create a virtual machine for short-term Oracle database use. For example, if a DBA must resolve a unique problem or handle a specific test and then recycle the resources back to the pool when completed rather than installing and uninstalling a physical box.
The mainframe includes the following “green” features:
Distributed servers (including production servers, development servers, test servers) often run at average usage levels of 5% - 20%.
Virtualization and workload management enable standardization and consolidation on the mainframe.
 – Run multiple images on fewer processors
 – Achieve usage levels of 85% or more without performance degradation
Become “lean and green” through IT consolidation and infrastructure simplification, as shown in Figure 1-1.
1.6 Ease of interfacing with traditional data
For over 40 years, many companies’ mission-critical data was stored in the mainframe. By running Oracle solutions on Linux on System z, the interface to this data is handled easily and efficiently. The use of HiperSockets™ enables speedy access to this data.
1.7 Increased performance and scalability capabilities of System z, including zEC12, z114, and z196
System z continues to grow and deliver increased performance for applications that need more performance capability. The IBM zEnterprise EC12 (zEC12) was designed to help users meet today’s extreme data serving demands with three key capabilities: trusted security and resilience, efficiency at scale, and operational analytics. The zEC12 enterprise system was the result of an investment by IBM Systems and Technology Group of more than $1 billion in IBM research and development (primarily in Poughkeepsie, New York) and 17 other IBM labs around the world in collaboration with some of IBM’s top clients.
The next generation IBM zEnterprise System offers a proven hybrid computing design that can manage workloads on multiple platforms with the simplicity of a single system. New 5.5 GHz processors deliver increased performance and cross platform virtualization solutions to help address server sprawl. The industry’s premier enterprise infrastructure supports today’s smarter computing solutions. Also, new options for physical planning, such as non-raised floor and overhead I/O and power, provide increased flexibility for disaster recovery solutions.
1.8 Specialty engines available on IBM System z
Different specialty engines that are available on IBM System z. One of these engines, Integrated facility for Linux (IFL), plays a key role in Linux on System z environments
The following cost savings are significant based on IFLs:
IFL processors for Linux are more engines that are dedicated to Linux workloads:
 – Support z/VM and Linux on System z
 – IFL processors run at “full speed” (5.5 GHz on zEC12)
zEC12, z196, z114, z10™ EC, z10 BC
Traditional IBM and independent software vendor (ISV) mainframe software charges are unaffected.
Linux and z/VM charged only against the IFLs.
Subcapacity pricing for Oracle available through hard partitions with IFLs on System z and LPARs
1.9 IBM zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension
Being heterogeneous makes sense if there are no issues with management and integration. The IBM zEnterprise System offers a proven hybrid computing design that can help you manage and integrate workloads on multiple architectures with the simplicity of a single system. The zEC12 supports heterogeneous platform requirements with the new IBM zEnterprise BladeCenter® Extension (zBX) Model 003 and IBM zEnterprise Unified Resource Manager (zManager) for extending management strengths to other systems and workloads running on AIX® on POWER7®, Linux on IBM System x® and Microsoft Windows on IBM System x servers.
zBX is the new infrastructure for extending System z governance and management capabilities across a set of integrated, fit-for-purpose POWER7, and IBM System x compute elements in the zEnterprise System. This expands the zEnterprise portfolio to applications that are running on AIX, Linux on System x, and Microsoft Windows. Attachment of the zBX to the zEnterprise Central Processing Complex (CPC) is via a secure high-performance private network. The blades can help increase flexibility in “fit for purpose” application deployment.
1.10 End-to-end solution for dynamic infrastructure data center
The dynamic infrastructure data center is the data center of the future. This is driven by the need for greater energy efficiency, which is a global issue with significant impact today with an even greater impact in the future.
Data center design must change. Technology and business growth uncertainty and rising costs drive the need for the following new approaches:
IT efficiency enables energy efficiency.
IT and facilities must work together.
Energy efficiency is a key metric to evaluate overall IT operational efficiency.
The dynamic infrastructure data center is an evolutionary new model for efficient IT delivery that includes the following aspects:
New economics: Virtualization with optimized systems and networks to break the lock between IT resources and business services.
Rapid service delivery: Service management enables visibility, control, and automation to deliver quality service at any scale.
Aligned with business goals: Real-time integration of transactions, information, analytics, and delivery of IT as a service.
1.11 Cost savings
All the issues described thus far in this chapter contribute to the cost savings that are achieved by running Oracle solutions on the mainframe.
Potential savings include the following examples:
Deploying virtual servers can reduce hardware requirements, which can result in savings when purchasing, installing, and configuring new hardware. Running servers at higher usage means that fewer servers are required.
Fewer hardware servers occupy less space, which can result in savings on raised floor requirements, heating, cooling, and electricity.
Virtual servers can be created in minutes, which can help reduce cost and time that is associated with planning for new business requirements.
Sharing operating systems and application code between virtual servers can save on software costs, operating costs, Systems Management, and staffing.
System management tools are delivered as part of the system, which can help avoid the cost of more software to perform these tasks.
Network costs can be reduced because virtual servers communicate by using HiperSockets or z/VM Guest LANs.
Oracle’s multi-core pricing applies to IBM System z, including zEC12, z196, z114, z10 EC, and z10 BC.
Because of these savings, Oracle on System z often offers the best TCO with the best service level.
1.12 Ability to easily add more capacity
By using the following options, you can increase capacity:
Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD)
CUoD provides the capability to permanently add CPs, ICFs, IFLs, zAAPs, zIIPs, SAPs, memory, and channels non-disruptively, which eliminates the need for a scheduled outage. Installations that make use of the CUoD option can use the added capacity non-disruptively. If power-saving mode is turned on, the CUoD function is blocked.
On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD)
When your business needs short term additional capacity, On/Off CoD is designed to deliver it. On/Off CoD is designed to temporarily turn on CPs, IFLs, ICFs, zAAPs, and SAPs. Up to eight temporary records (CBU, CPE, and On/Off CoD) can be installed and activated at any time. You also have the flexibility of activating some of the resources on a record. You do not have to activate the entire record. You also can add capacity and engines and extend the duration of the temporary upgrade concurrently, which eliminates the need for constant ordering of new temporary upgrade.
Capacity Backup (CBU)
The CBU capability (temporary upgrade) enables enterprises to provide flexible, cost-effective Disaster Recovery on System z.
Capacity for Planned Events (CPE)
CPE is designed to replace lost capacity within a customers’ enterprise for planned downtime events, such as system migration or relocation (for a data center move). This temporary upgrade is available for three days.
Software licensing: It is your responsibility to ensure that your Oracle software license agreement covers the other temporary or permanent capacity.
1.13 IBM Cloud Services
With faster processing and extensive capacity, System z is positioned as a cloud server that offers a high degree of efficiency and the ability to scale into large cloud configurations.
1.14 Summary
IBM System z brings the following advantages to Oracle and Linux:
The most reliable hardware platform available:
 – Redundant processors and memory
 – Error detection and correction
 – Remote Support Facility (RSF)
 – Non-disruptive hardware updates
 – Highest level of virtualization available
Centralized Linux systems are easier to manage.
Designed to support mixed workloads:
 – Allows consolidation while maintaining one server per application
 – Complete workload isolation
 – High-speed inter-server connectivity
Massively scale your workload on a single System z mainframe:
 – Host many Linux virtual machines on z/VM.
 – Each virtual machine on z/VM can access up to 24,576 devices.
 – System zEC12 scales to 101 configurable cores.
 – zEnterprise 196 scales to 80 configurable cores.
 – zEC12’s microprocessor speed of 5.5 GHz, the fastest superscalar processor in the industry.
 – More on-chip cache to speed data serving to the processors.
IBM System z mainframe:
 – Legendary dependability
 – Extremely security-rich:
 • Highest security classification for general-purpose servers.
 • System z LPAR technology is EAL 5 certified.
 – Designed for multiple diverse workloads running concurrently.
 – Proven high volume data acquisition and management.
 – Options to easily increase capacity.
 – HiperSockets provides high-speed communications between servers:
 • Private interconnect via HiperSockets reduces cache fusion latency significantly.
 • Connecting between batch servers and database servers via HiperSockets contributes to reducing elapsed time.
System z offers the ultimate in virtualization with z/VM, which virtualizes everything with high levels of usage:
 – CPU, memory, network, I/O, cryptographic features, Coupling Facility
 – Support for large real memory
 – Enhanced security and LDAP server/client
 – Enhanced memory management for Linux guests
 – Enhanced management functions for Linux
The open standards operating system of Linux on System z:
 – Reliable, stable, security-rich
 – Available from multiple distributors
 – Plentiful availability of skilled administrators and developers
 – Large selection of applications, middleware, and tools from IBM, ISVs, and open source
1.15 Oracle solutions available on IBM System z
Oracle has the following families of products available on IBM System z:
Oracle Database Server
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Application Suites (DB Tier runs on z):
 – Oracle E-Business Suite
 – Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise
 – Oracle’s Siebel applications
The availability of Oracle products on each Linux distribution is constantly changing. For more information, see this website:
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