About this Book

We wrote Tika in Action to be a hands-on guide for developers working with search engines, content management systems, and other similar applications who want to exploit the information locked in digital documents. The book introduces you to the world of mining text and binary documents and other information sources like internet media types and Dublin Core metadata. Then it shows where Tika fits within this landscape and how you can use Tika to build and extend applications. Case studies present real-world experience from domains ranging from search engines to digital asset management and scientific data processing.

In addition to the architectural overviews, you will find more detailed information in the later chapters that focus on advanced features like XMP metadata processing, automatic language detection, and custom parser extensions. The book also describes common file formats like MS Word, PDF, HTML, and Zip, and open source libraries used to process files in these formats. The included code examples are designed to support hands-on experimentation.

No previous knowledge of Tika or text mining techniques is required. The book will be most valuable to readers with a working knowledge of Java.


Chapter 1 gives the reader a contextual overview of Tika, including its history, its core capabilities, and some basic use cases where Tika is most helpful. Tika includes abilities for file type identification, text extraction, integration of existing parsing libraries, and language identification.

Chapter 2 jumps right into using Tika, including instructions for downloading it, building it as a software library, and using Tika in a downstream Maven or Ant project. Quick tips for getting Tika up and running rapidly are present throughout the chapter.

Chapter 3 introduces the reader to the information landscape and identifies where and how information is fed into the Tika framework. The reader will be introduced to the principles of the World Wide Web (WWW), its architecture, and how the web and Tika synergistically complement one another.

Chapter 4 takes the reader on a deep dive into MIME type identification, covering topics ranging from the MIME hierarchy of the web, to identifying of unique byte pattern signatures present in every file, to other means (such as regular expressions and file extensions) of identifying files.

Chapter 5 introduces the reader to content extraction with Tika. It starts with a simple full-text extraction and indexing example using the Tika facade, and continues with a tour of the core Parser interface and how Tika uses it for content extraction. The reader will learn useful techniques for things such as extracting all links from a document or processing Zip archives and other composite documents.

Chapter 6 covers metadata. The chapter begins with a discussion of what metadata means in the context of Tika, along with a short classification of the existing metadata models that Tika supports. Tika’s metadata API is discussed in detail, including how it helps to normalize and validate metadata instances. The chapter describes how to supercharge the LuceneIndexer from chapter 5 and turn it into an RSS-based file notification service in a few simple lines of code.

Chapter 7 introduces the topic of language identification. The language a document is written in is a highly useful piece of metadata, and the chapter describes mechanisms for automatically identifying written languages. The reader will encounter the most translated document in the world and see how Tika can correctly identify the language used in many of the translations.

Chapter 8 gives the reader an in-depth overview of how files represent information, in terms of their content organization, their storage representation, and the way that metadata is codified, all the while showing how Tika hides this complexity and pulls information from these files. The reader takes an in-depth look at Tika’s RSS and HDF5 parser classes, and learns how Tika’s parsers codify the heterogeneity of files, and how you can develop your own parsers using similar methodologies.

Chapter 9 reviews the best places to leverage Tika in your information management software, including pointing out key use cases where Tika can solely (or with a little glue code) implement many of the high-end features of the system. Document record archives, text mining, and search engines are all topics covered.

Chapter 10 educates the reader in the vocabulary of the Lucene ecosystem. Mahout, ManifoldCF, Lucene, Solr, Nutch, Droids—all of these will roll off the tongue by the time you’re done surveying Lucene’s rich and vibrant community. Lucene was the birthplace of Tika, specifically within the Apache Nutch project, and this chapter takes the opportunity to show you how Tika has grown up over the years into the load-bearing walls of the entire Lucene ecosystem.

Chapter 11 explains what to do when stock Tika out of the box doesn’t handle your file type identification, extraction, and representation needs. Read: you don’t have to pick another whiz-bang technology—you simply extend Tika. We show you how in this chapter, taking you start-to-end through an example of a prescription file type that you may exchange with a doctor.

Chapter 12 is the first case study of the book, and it’s high-visibility. We show you how NASA and its planetary and Earth science communities are using Tika to search planetary images, to extract data and metadata from Earth science files, and to identify content for dissemination and acquisition.

Chapter 13 shows you how the Apache Jackrabbit content repository, a key component in many content and document management systems, uses Tika to implement full-text search and WebDAV integration.

Chapter 14 presents how Tika is used at the National Cancer Institute, helping to power data systems for the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN). We show you how Tika is an integral component of another Apache technology, OODT, the data system infrastructure used to power many national-scale data systems. Tika helps to detect file types, and helps to organize cancer information as it’s catalogued, archived, and made available to the broader scientific community.

For chapter 15, we interviewed Ken Krugler and Chris Schneider of Bixo Labs about how they used Tika to classify and identify content from the Public Terabyte Dataset project, an ambitious endeavor to make available a traditional web-scale dataset for public use. Using Tika, Ken and his team demonstrate a classic search engine example, and identify several areas of improvement and future work in Tika including language identification and charset detection.

The book contains two appendixes. The first is a Tika quick reference. Think of it as a cheat-sheet for using Tika, its commands, and a compact form of some of Tika’s documentation. The second appendix is a description of Tika’s relevant metadata keys, giving the reader an idea of how and when to use them in a custom parser, in any of the existing Parser classes that ship with Tika, or in any downstream program or analysis desired.

Code conventions and downloads

All source code in the book is in a fixed-width font like this, which sets it off from the surrounding text. In many listings, the code is annotated to point out key concepts, and numbered bullets are sometimes used in the text to provide additional information about the code.

The source code for the examples in the book is available for download from the publisher’s website at www.manning.com/TikainAction. The code is organized by chapter and contains special markers that link individual code snippets to specific sections in the book. See the respective chapters for details about the dependencies required to compile and run the examples.

All the example source code has been written for and tested with Tika version 1.0 and should work with any future Tika 1.x release. Visit http://tika.apache.org/ to download the latest Tika release. See chapter 2 for more details on how to get started.

Author Online

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You will find the Author Online link on the publisher’s website at www.manning.com/TikainAction.

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