
No book is born without great sacrifice by many people. The team who worked on this book means a lot to both of us. We’ll enumerate them here.

Together, we’d like to thank our development editor at Manning, Cynthia Kane, for spending tireless hours working with us to make this book the best possible, and the clearest book to date on Apache Tika. Furthermore, her help with simplifying difficult concepts, creating direct and meaningful illustrations, and with conveying complex information to the reader is something that both of us will leverage and use well beyond this book and into the future.

Of course, the entire team at Manning, from Marjan Bace on down, was a tremendous help in the book’s development and publication. We’d like to thank Nicholas Chase specifically for his help navigating the infrastructure and tools to put this book together. Christina Rudloff was a tremendous help in getting the initial book deal set up and we are very appreciative. The production team of Benjamin Berg, Katie Tennant, Dottie Marsico, and Mary Piergies worked hard to turn our manuscript into the book you are now reading, and Alex Ott did a thorough technical review of the final manuscript during production and helped clarify numerous code issues and details.

We’d also like to thank the following reviewers who went through three time-crunched review cycles and significantly improved the quality of this book with their thoughtful comments: Deepak Vohra, John Griffin, Dean Farrell, Ken Krugler, John Guthrie, Richard Johannesson, Andreas Kemkes, Julien Nioche, Rick Wagner, Andrew F. Hart, Nick Burch, and Sean Kelly.

Finally, we’d like to acknowledge and thank Ken Krugler and Chris Schneider of Bixo Labs, for contributing the bulk of chapter 15 and for showing us a real-world example of where Tika shines. Thanks, guys!

CHRIS—I would like to thank my wife Lisa for her tremendous support. I originally promised her that my PhD dissertation would be the last book that I wrote, and after four years of sleepless nights (and many sleepless nights before that trying to make ends meet), that I would make time to enjoy life and slow down. That worked for about two years, until this opportunity came along. Thanks for the support again, honey: I couldn’t have made it here without you. I can promise a few more years of slowdown now that the book is done!

JUKKA—I would like to thank my wife Kirsi-Marja for the encouragement to take on new challenges and for understanding the long evenings that meeting these challenges sometimes requires. Our two cats, Juuso and Nöpö, also deserve special thanks for their insistence on taking over the keyboard whenever a break from writing was needed.

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