
While studying information retrieval and search engines at the University of Southern California in the summer of 2005, I became interested in the Apache Nutch project. My professor, Dr. Ellis Horowitz, had recently discovered Nutch and thought it a good platform for the students in the course to get real-world experience during the final project phase of his “CS599: Seminar on Search Engines” course.

After poking around Nutch and digging into its innards, I decided on a final project. It was a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) plugin described in detail in NUTCH-30.[1] The plugin read an RSS file, extracted its outgoing web links and text, and fed that information back into the Nutch crawler for later indexing and retrieval.


Seemingly innocuous, the class taught me a great detail about search engines, and helped pinpoint the area of search I was interested in—content detection and extraction.

Fast forward to 2007: after I eventually became a Nutch committer, and focused in on more parsing-related issues (updates to the Nutch parser factory, metadata representation updates, and so on), my Nutch mentor Jérôme Charron and I decided that there was enough critical mass of code in Nutch related to parsing (parsing, language identification, extraction, and representation) that it warranted its own project. Other projects were doing it—rumblings of what would eventually become Hadoop were afoot—which led us to believe that the time was ripe for our own project. Since naming projects after children’s stuffed animals was popular at the time, we felt we could do the same, and Tika was born (named after Jérôme’s daughter’s stuffed animal).

It wasn’t as simple as we thought. After getting little interest from the broader Lucene community (Nutch was a Lucene subproject and thus the project we were proposing had to go through the Lucene PMC), and with Jérôme and I both taking on further responsibility that took time away from direct Nutch development, what would eventually be known as Tika began to fizzle away.

That’s where the other author of this book comes in. Jukka Zitting, bless him, was keenly interested in a technology, separate from the behemoth Nutch codebase, that would perform the types of things that we had carved off as Tika core capabilities: parsing, text extraction, metadata extraction, MIME detection, and more. Jukka was a seasoned Apache veteran, so he knew what to do. Jukka became a real leader of the original Tika proposal, took it to the Apache Incubator, and helped turn Tika into a real Apache project.

After working with Jukka for a year or so in the Incubator community, we took our show on the road back to Lucene as a subproject when Tika graduated. Over a period of two years, we made seven Tika releases, infected several popular Apache projects (including Lucene, Solr, Nutch, and Jackrabbit), and gained enough critical mass to grow into a full-fledged Apache Top Level Project (TLP).

But we weren’t done there. I don’t remember the exact time during the Christmas season in 2009 when I decided it was time to write a book, but it matters little. When I get an idea in my head, it’s hard to get it out. This book was happening. Tika in Action was happening. I approached Jukka and asked him how he felt. In characteristic fashion, he was up for the challenge.

We sure didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into! We didn’t know that the rabbit hole went this deep. That said, I can safely say I don’t think we could’ve taken any other path that would’ve been as fulfilling, exciting, and rewarding. We really put our hearts and souls into creating this book. We sincerely hope you enjoy it. I think I speak for both of us in saying, I know we did!


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