Appendix D. Components list

This appendix lists the components used in the projects for each chapter.

Chapter 1

An Arduino board


Chapter 2

An Arduino board

A breadboard and a selection of jumpers

Six red LEDs

One green LED

Seven resistors, 180 ohm

One resistor, 10k ohm

A momentary-contact push button

Chapter 3

An Arduino board

A breadboard and a selection of jumpers

A small potentiometer (a trimpot is ideal, as it can easily plug into a breadboard)

Five zener diodes, 0.5 watt 5V1 (we used a BZX55C5V)

Five resistors, 1M ohm

One resistor, 1k ohm

A small speaker, 8 ohm

Chapter 4

Not applicable

Chapter 5

An Arduino board

A breadboard and selection of jumpers

A small DC motor

An external power supply suitable for the motor

An external power supply for the Arduino (9 volts recommended)

A miniature relay DPDT 5 volt coil, rated 2 amps or more

A 2N2222 diode

A 1N4003 diode

A L293D dual H driver

A stepper motor

Two 2-pin screw connectors

A servomotor

A section of 0.1 inch header

A brushless motor

A brushless electronic speed controller (ESC)

A suitable power supply for a brushless motor

Chapter 6

An Arduino board

A breadboard and selection of jumper wires

A parallax ping

A speaker

A sharp GP2D12

One resistor, 10k ohm

Chapter 7

An Arduino board

A Hitachi HD44780-based LCD screen

A potentiometer, 10k ohm, or trimpot

A resistor, value dependent on the backlight of the LCD

A serial LCD (SparkFun compatible 16 x 2 serial LCD recommended)

A DS18B20 temperature sensor

One resistor, 4.7k ohm

A KS0108 graphical LCD

One resistor, 10k ohm

One resistor, 220 ohm

Chapter 8

An Arduino board

An Arduino Ethernet Shield

A momentary contact button

One resistor, 10k ohm

An Arduino Wifi Shield

An accelerometer, such as the ADXL335

A Bluetooth module, such as the SparkFun BlueSMiRF Silver

A AD5206 digital potentiometer from Analog Devices

Four LEDs

Four resistors, 220 ohm

A potentiometer

Chapter 9

An Arduino board

A Wii Nunchuk

Optionally a WiiChuck or NunChucky

An Xbox 360 game controller

A USB Host Shield, version 2.0

Chapter 10

An Arduino board

An iOS device

A breadboard and selection of jumpers

A Mac desktop or laptop computer with Xcode 4.0 or greater

A Redpark serial cable

A RS232-to-TTL adapter

A colored LED

One resistor, 200 ohm

A Sharp GP2D12 IR distance sensor

Chapter 11

Two flex sensors

An Arduino LilyPad

Four LEDs

Three meters of conductive thread

An Arduino Pro Mini

An HMC5883 three-axis digital compass

A 7-segment serial display

Three more meters of conductive thread

A pair of headphones

An Arduino Pro Mini

A QRE1113 reflectance sensor

A 0.25 watt speaker

Ten thin pieces of copper

Five thin pieces of rubber foam

A spool of thread

Chapter 12

An Arduino board

An Adafruit Motor Shield

A 5V stepper motor

Two AA batteries

Two buttons

A small DC motor

A servomotor

A potentiometer

One perfboard (preferably double-sided)

Four female header strips (long pin) or three female header strips and one Arduino offset header

An SD card holder

An SD card

A 74HC4050 level shifter

One resistor, 5k ohm

An SD card shield

Chapter 13

An Arduino board

Two servomotors

A breadboard and selection of jumper wires

A desktop or laptop computer with Processing, Pure Data, and Python installed

A USB webcam

Five LEDs

Five resistors, 4.7k ohm

Four potentiometers

Four resistors, 10k ohm

Three LM35 temperature sensors

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