List of Symbols


c, b cells in a grid
F (P) feature of a picture P
Gmax maximal picture value (maximal gray level)
G, Gm,n Gl,m,n grid (the medium on which digital pictures reside)
P, P (p),P(i,j) picture, picture value at pixel p =(i,j)
P set of object pixels (value 1) in binary picture P
p,q,r,s,t points, locations (grid points or cells in the grid)
Π plateau
ρ path or cycle in a subset of a grid
σ structuring element
u,υ,w picture values, words (e.g., chain codes)
x,y,z picture coordinates



Digital spaces


General mathematic symbols



Set theory


Integer arithmetic and asymptotics

imageaimage largest integer smaller than or equal to a
imageaimage nearest integer to a if uniquely defined, imageaimage otherwise
imageaimage smallest integer larger than or equal to a
f1(n) ≈ f2(n) approximate equality between f1 (n) and f2 (n)
ab approximate equality |ab| < 1 between a,b ∈ image
g(n) = O(f (n)) |g(n)|≤ c|f (n) | for all n ≥ m, some c > 0, and some m ≥ 0
g(n) = Ω(f (n)) |g(n)|≥ c|f (n)| for all nm, some c > 0, and some m ≥ 0

Topology in metric spaces

ε radius of a neighborhood
ϑM frontier of M defined by ε-neighborhoods
M° interior MϑM of M
M closure M ∪ ϑM of M
Uε(p) ε-neighborhood of ρ

Combinatorial topology

α01, α2 numbers of vertices, edges, and faces
βo, βi number of components, Betti numbers (i ≥ 0)
χ Euler characteristic
ξ, ξ(ρ) orientation, local circular order

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