
Diagnostic Scripts

Throughout this book, you have witnessed a plethora of useful diagnostic scripts. While the contents of many of them are displayed in the body of the book, some of them are lengthy enough that we decided not to print their contents in the listings. These scripts are all available online at Always make sure you understand what a particular script does, and test thoroughly before using it. This includes a check against the licenses.

Table C-1 contains a list of the scripts along with a brief description of each one.

Table C-1. Diagnostic Scripts Used in This Book

Script Name




AS is short for Active SQL. This script shows all active SQL statements on the current instance as shown by V$SESSION. Note that you may need to execute it several times to get an idea of what’s happening on a system, as fast statements may not be “caught” by this quick-and-dirty approach.


This script provides a simple wrapper for the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CALIBRATE_IO procedure. The procedure must be run before Oracle will allow you to enable Auto DOP on versions prior to Oracle 12cR1.


This script contains a simple query of V$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT to show how many parallel server processes are currently in use.


This is a simple script that computes a compression ratio based on an input value (the original table size).


This script creates the display_raw() function in the ENKITEC schema, which translates raw-data-type values into various other data-types (originally written by Greg Rahn).


This is a simple script to query DBA_TABLES. It shows the number of rows, number of blocks, and default degree of parallelism.


This is a simple script to query CDB_TABLES. It shows the number of rows, number of blocks, and default degree of parallelism for the entire CDB or limited to a specific PDB.


This is a simple script to translate a raw value into a specified data-type format such as NUMBER or VARCHAR2. It depends on the display_raw() function created by the create_display_raw.sql script.


This script shows the actual execution plan for a SQL statement in the shared pool. This is a very simple script that prompts for a SQL_ID and CHILD_NO and then calls dbms_xplan.display_cursor.


This script dumps a data block to a trace file using ALTER SYSTEM DUMP DATAFILE. It prompts for fileno and blockno.


This script displays objects that have the CELL_FLASH_CACHE attribute set to KEEP. Modifying the storage clause should not be necessary since Exadata; this script helps you identify the segments in need for a change.


This script uses ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SHARED_POOL to flush all SQL statements from the shared pool. Use this script with great care in production as it can cause a (hard) parse storm.


This script uses DBMS_SHARED_POOL.PURGE to flush a single SQL statement from the shared pool. It only works with and later.


This script allows you to search through V$SQL using a bit of SQL text or a SQL_ID. (FS is short for Find SQL.) The script reports some statistical information such as average elapsed time and average LIOs.


FSX stands for Find SQL eXadata. This script searches the shared pool (V$SQL) based on the SQL statement text or a specific SQL_ID and reports whether statements were offloaded or not and, if offloaded, what percentage of I/O was saved. Note that there are several alternate versions of this script used in the book (fsx2.sql, fsx3.sql, and fsx4.sql). These versions reduce the width of the output to something more easily printed in the limits imposed by the printed book format.


This script is similar to the fsx.sql script but lists only those statements that have been offloaded. It can be used in conjunction with the offload_percent.sql script to drill into the individual statements contributing to its calculated offload percentage.


This is a simple script to gather table statistics using the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS procedure.



This script is a wrapper for the built in compression advisor functionality (DBMS_COMPRESSION.GET_COMPRESSION_RATIO). It prompts for a table name and a compression type and then estimates the expected compression ratio by actually compressing a subset of the table’s rows.


This script provides a wrapper for the DBMS_COMPRESSION.GET_COMPRESSION_TYPE procedure. It can be used to identify the actual compression type used for a specific row. It prompts for a table name and a ROWID and returns the actual compression type for that row as opposed to the compression type assigned to the table.


This is a simple script for querying V$MYSTATS, not to be confused with Adrian Billington’s mystats script described later.


Extensively covered in Chapter 11 Adrian Billington’s myststs.sql allows you to capture the change in session statistics during the execution of a SQL statement. Download from


This script creates the old_rowid() function. The old_rowid() function accepts a rowid and returns the fileno, blockno, and rowno (the old rowid format).


This script translates an object_id in hex format into an object name. The hex value is contained in block dumps.


This script can be used to provide a quick check on whether statements are being offloaded or not on Exadata platforms. It allows all statements over a minimum time or a minimum number of LIOs to be evaluated and calculates a percentage of statements that have been offloaded.


This script displays database parameters and their current values. Includes a switch to show or suppress display of hidden parameters. Requires you to log in as SYSDBA.


This script displays database parameters and their descriptions. Includes a switch to show or suppress display of hidden parameters. Requires a login as SYSDBA.


This script shows the sizes of partitions as reported by DBA_SEGMENTS.


This script provides a simple query against V$SGASTAT, showing memory assigned to various “pools.”


This simple script queries V$SQL_MONITOR for statements that are queued by the parallel statement queuing feature.


This is a script to call DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_SQL_MONITOR.


This script displays the current value for the statistic Cell Physical IO Bytes Saved by Storage Index from V$MYSTATS. It provides a quick way to check storage index usage.


This is far and away the most robust script used in the book. It is really more like a monitoring program that can report on an extremely wide range of information about active sessions. The script and documentation can be found on Tanel Poder’s blog


This script turns off Smart Scans via alter session (that is, it sets CELL_OFFLOAD_PROCESSING=FALSE).


This script turns on Smart Scans via alter session (that is, it sets CELL_OFFLOAD_PROCESSING=TRUE).


This script shows sizes of objects as reported by DBA_SEGMENTS. There is another version (table_size2.sql) that is basically the same script with a reduced number of output columns.


This script displays a list of wait events that match a text string. Requires you to connect as SYSDBA.



This script displays current session information, including SID, Serial#, Previous SQL Hash Value, and OS Shadow Process ID. The 12c version also reports the thread ID in case you operate with threaded_execution = true.

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