
Aberdeen Asset Management, 414

abridged company accounts, 87, 171, 188

absolute size, 276

absorption costing, 433, 435, 455

total, 433, 435, 449, 452, 453, 457, 458

ACCA see Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

acceptance of IAS standards, 419

accountability, 313, 315, 3378

accountancy, types of, 1217

auditing, 1213

bookkeeping, 1415

financial accounting, 15

financial management, 15

insolvency, 15

management accounting, 15

fraud detection, 15

management consultancy, 17

taxation, 1617

accountant, types of, 1719

professionally qualified accountants, 1719

second-tier bodies, 19

accounting, background to, 2455

accounting principles, 4041

language of accounting, 2836

importance of financial accounting, 40

student example, 369

financial accounting, 268

accounting business, nature of, 1012

accounting concepts, 413

accruals (matching concept), 43

consistency, 43

going concern, 42

prudence, 43

accounting context, 812

history, 9

international accounting, 910

organisations, 1012

technology, 10

accounting equation, 5964, 129, 134

balancing off, 6774

and financial statements, 129

initial recording using double-entry bookkeeping, 657

trial balance, 736

Accounting Council, 305

accounting for growth, 385

accounting health check, 385

accounting, introduction to, 122

accounting context, 812

financial accounting and financial management, 56

importance of accounting, 4

limitations of accounting, 20

nature of accounting, 23

types of accountancy, 1217

types of accountant, 1719

users of accounts, 68

accounting, language of, 2836

assets, 30

statement of financial position (balance sheet), 323

state of cash flows, 346

equity (capital), 31

expenses, 2930

income, 28

income statement, 312

liabilities, 30

accounting, limitations of, 20

accounting, nature of, 23

accounting policies, 3501

accounting principles, 401

concepts, 41

conventions, 413

accounting profession, 405

accounting questions, 3

accounting rate of return, 5901

accounting scandals, 100, 372, 373, 374, 413

see also creative accounting; Enron; WorldCom

accounting standards, 3035, 415

Accounting Council, 305

Accounting Standards Board, 305, 312, 313, 316

Financial Reporting Council, 304305

Financial Reporting Review Panel, 3069

introduction of, 303

Urgent Issues Task Force, 305

Accounting Standards Board, 305, 311, 316

Statement of Principles, 313

Accounting Standards Steering Committee, 302

accounting terms, 32

accounting treatment for limited companies, 1812

accruals (matching concept), 43, 98, 117, 135

and prepayments, 136

accumulated depreciation, 113

acid test ratio, 258

acquisitions, 576

activities, identification of, 458, 459

activity-based costing, 432, 433, 452, 45861

activity-cost driver rates, calculation of, 459

adjustments to trial balance, 13442

accruals, 135

bad and doubtful debts, 13642

depreciation, 136

inventories (stock), 1345

prepayments, 136

administrative expenses, 450

after-sales service, 562, 570

after-tax profits, 255

AGM (annual general meeting), 300

AICPA see American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

allocation of indirect costs, 454

American Accounting Association, 3

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 326, 412, 413

amortisation, 382

Andersen, Arthur, 390

Anglo-Saxon view of accounting, 409

annual financial accounts, 28

annual general meeting, 300

annual report, 188, 33470

audited statements, 34452

conflicting objectives of, 342

context, 3367

definition, 336

group accounts, 3614

impression management, 3658

main contents, 34259

multiple roles, 33742

non-audited sections, 3519

presentation, 35961

annual report, roles, 33742

conflicting objectives, 342

decision making, 3401

public relations, 341

stewardship and accountability, 3379

AOL, 58

Apple Computers, 571

appropriate overhead allocation, 459

appropriation account, 1624

Arbuthnot Banking Group, 620, 621

arms race, 394

ASB see Accounting Standards Board

Asda, 448, 548

assessment of current business position, 558, 55967

external environment, 5601

internal environment, 5617

asset-rich companies, 327

asset turnover ratio, 257

assets, 30

wearing out, 98100

associated companies, 3613

Association of Accounting Technicians, 17

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, 1719

assumptions see accounting concepts

AstraZeneca, 18891, 2278

Audit and Assurance Council, 305

audited statements of annual report, 34452

explanatory material, 3502

main statements, 3445

subsidiary statements, 34850

auditing, 1214

accounting narratives, 354

Auditing Practices Board, 297, 304

auditors, 2969, 387

auditors’ report, 355, 3567

AVCO, 4645

average cost (AVCO), 4645

BA (British Airways), 538

BAA (British Airport Authority), 381

bad debts, 116, 139141

balance sheet see statement of financial position

balanced scorecard, 438, 5701

balancing off, 6773

bank account, 69

bank loan, 615

Bank of America, 375

Bank of Crete, 390

Bank of England, 338

bank overdraft, 608, 615

bankruptcy, 162, 169, 367, 385

banks, creative accounting in, 3912

Barbie dolls, 574

Barclays Bank, 4

batch costing, 446, 466

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 335

BCG (Boston Consulting Group), 566, 567

Bear Stearns, 392

beer brewing, 469

before-tax profits, 255

being seen, 622

benchmarking, 438, 5723

bending regulations, 375

benefits in kind, 296

Benson, Henry, 415

BMW, 414

Body Shop, 561

bonuses, 296, 355, 376, 209

bookkeeping, 1415

Boston Consulting Group, 566, 567

bottlenecks, 540, 561

brands, 382

break-even analysis, 436, 437, 5426

assumptions, 5423

graphical break-even point, 5435

margin of safety, 543

other uses of, 5436

what-if analysis, 543

British Airport Authority, 381

British Airways, 538

British Broadcasting Corporation, 335

British Gas, 331

British Petroleum, 170

British Telecom, 620

Brook Brothers, 90

BT (British Telecom), 620

‘budget is God’, 478

budget targets, meeting, 496

budgeting, 433, 478507

behavioural aspects, 4969

creative budgeting, 499

example, 4915

padding the budget, 498

spending to budget, 4978

budgeting, nature of, 4804

control, 482

coordinating, 482

motivation, 482

planning, 482

Bulmer Holdings, H.P., 440

business, language of, 2

Byers, Stephen, 338

Cadbury Committee, 307

Cadburys, 382

called-up capital, 193

capital accounts, 164

capital and revenue expenditure, 100

capital employed, 11920

see also equity

capital expenditure, 583

capital investment appraisal, 439, 581605

accounting rate of return, 5901

assumptions, 585

inflation, 600

internal rate of return, 5959

nature of, 5825

net present value, 5925

other factors, 600

payback period, 5889

sensitivity analysis, 600

taxation, 600

techniques, 5869

capital investment, nature of, 5825

initial investment, 584

net cash flows, 585

other flows, 585

capital maintenance, 3245

capital reserves, 179

capitalisation of costs, 383

capitalisation of interest, 385, 386

capitalism, 340

Cardiff Millennium Stadium, 452

Carnegie, Andrew, 445

cash, 608, 615

bank account and, 21216

bank and, 117

definition, 212

importance of, 21011

cash book, 212

cash budget, 4845

cash cows, 566

cash flow, 209, 210, 218

vs. profit, 218

cash flow ratios, 259, 270

cash flow statement see statement of cash flows

cash inflow and outflow of cash, 213

cash loss vs. stated loss, 217

Certified Public Accountant, 405

chairman's statement, 353

Channel Tunnel, 584

charitable gifts, 353

chartered accountants, 1718

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 19, 27

Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, 19

checks and balances, 300

China, 41011

choice, 437

Churchill, Winston S., 301

CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), 19, 27

CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy), 19

City, the, 303, 470


of costs, 454, 471

of international accounting, 407

clerical costs, 613

Coca-Cola, 170, 382, 575

Codes and Standards Committee, 3045

collateralised debt obligations (CDOs), 391

collateralised mortgage obligations (CMOs), 391

collective mobility, 430

Companies Acts, 10, 302, 303, 319

1981 303

1985 84, 88, 105

2006 170, 302, 303

company, 169

comparability, 3167

compensating variances, 521

competitive advantage, costing as, 448

competitors, 561

complex convertible securities, 394

compliance, 372, 373

compound growth, 587

computers, 10, 67, 76, 441

helpline, 450

use of bookkeeping packages, 1415, 599

conceptual framework, 31119

content of, 316

criticisms of, 319

measurement model, 318

objectives, 31214

qualitative information characteristics, 31618

user needs, 315

users, 31415

conflict of interest, 497

consistency, 43

contract costing, 4668

contracting out, 538, 616

contribution, 437, 5312

to revenue, 5456

contribution analysis, 436, 437, 5303

contribution, 5312

fixed costs, 531

variable costs, 531

contribution graph, 5467

control, 482

controllable costs, 433, 500

conventions, 401

entity, 41

historical cost, 40, 41

monetary measurement, 41

periodicity, 41

convergence, 398423

convergent forces, 41420

European Union, 41415

International Accounting Standards Board, 41520

US standards, 41920

cookie jar accounting, 373

coordination, 482

corporate governance, 30711

corporation tax, 171, 193

cost accounting, 432, 4335

costing, 433

importance of, 4478

and management accounting, 438

planning, control and performance, 4345

cost behaviour, 4378

cost control, 449

cost-cutting, 4701

cost drivers, identification of, 459

cost minimisation and revenue maximisation, 43940

cost of capital, 6236

behavioural implications of, 593

cost of sales, 924, 465

cost-plus pricing, 448

cost recording, 4534, 471

cost, types of, 44851

cost-volume-profit analysis, 437

costing, 432, 433, 44577

activity-based costing, 45861

as competitive advantage, 448

cost-cutting, 4701

definition, 435

different methods for different industries, 46670

importance of, 4478

for stock valuation, 4625

target costing, 470

traditional costing, 4528

types of cost, 44851

costing methods, 46670

batch costing, 466

contract costing, 4668

process costing, 469

service costing, 46970

costs, classification of, 454, 471

County NatWest Woodmac, 386

creative accounting, 3656, 37197

case studies, 38792

controlling, 394

creative presentation, 3923

definitions, 3746

depreciation, 366

inventory, 3656

managerial motivation, 3768

methods, 37884

real life, 3857

creative accounting, methods, 37884

brands, 382

capitalisation of costs, 383

depreciation, 381

inflating income, 379

inventories, 379

creative budgeting, 499

creative presentation, 3923

credit default swaps (CDOs), 391

credit sales, 619

creditors’ collection period, 2556

creditors see trade payables

credits, 64

crisps, 257

Cuba, 375

culture, 406

current accounts, 165

debit balances on, 165

current assets, 11417

cash and bank, 117

inventories (stocks), 11416

prepayments, 116

trade receivables (debtors), 116

current business position, appraisal, 56873

assessment, 55967

balanced scorecard, 5701

benchmarking, 5723

SWOT analysis, 5689

current liabilities, 11719

accruals, 117

loans, 11719

trade payables (creditors), 117

current products, 561

current ratio, 257

current value systems, 325

customer profiles, 562

customer profitability analysis, 438

Customer Strategies Worldwide, 448

customers, 562

cynicism, 322, 419

Daimler Benz, 410

dairy industry, 573

data mining, 438

database mining, 575

debentures, 1778

see also loan capital

debit balances on current accounts, 165

debits, 64

debt factoring, 61617

debt finance, 403

debtors see trade receivables

debtors’ collection model, 608

debtors collection period, 255, 256

model, 608

deceased companies, 386

decision making, 3401, 433, 4367, 52830

financial evaluation, 529

forward-looking decision making, 529

key terms, 436

relevant information, 529

short-term decisions, 436, 52753

and stewardship, 314

decisions, range of, 53340

determining most profitable products, 535

make or buy decision, 539

maximising a limited factor, 53940

cessation of production, 5357


accounting, 3

accounting rate of return, 590

accounting standards, 305

annual report, 336

assets, 108

audit, 296

balance sheet (statement of financial position), 1078

balanced scorecard, 570

benchmarking, 572

Boston Consulting Group (Product Portfolio, Matrix), 567

budget, 482

capital and revenue expenditure, 100

conceptual framework, 311

costing, 435

creative accounting, 3746

decision-making objective of annual report, 341

double-entry bookkeeping, 59

equity, 108

expenses, 87

financial accounting, 26

income, 87

income statement (profit and loss account), 86

internal rate of return, 596

liabilities, 108

life cycle costing, 564

management accounting, 429

national regulatory framework, 301

net present value, 593

ownership interest, 108

payback period, 588

standard cost, 510

strategic management accounting, 558

subsidiaries and associated companies, 363

trial balance, 73

true and fair view, 303

Del Monte, 388

Deloitte and Touche, 28, 416

demographic trends, 560

Department of Trade and Industry, 306

depreciation, 136, 366

changes in, 381

measurement of, 11213

determining most profitable product, 535

dialectic of creativity, 394

Dior, Christian, 92, 93, 555

direct costs, 435, 44851, 452, 453, 460

direct method of cash flow statement preparation, 21820

directors, 296

‘fat-cat’, 339

pay, 3389

remuneration report, 355

report, 353

self-interest, 40

view of fat-cat directors, 339

disclosure, 366

discounted cash flow, 436, 439

discounting, 587, 5923, 594

divergent forces, 4016

accounting profession, 405

culture, 406

objectives, 4012

regulation, 4034

sources of finance, 403

spheres of influence, 405

taxation, 4045

users, 4023

dividend cover, 260, 261, 263

dividend yield, 260

dividends, 1735

divorce of ownership and control, 170

dogs, 567 businesses, 257

double-entry bookkeeping, 5782

accounting equation, 5964

basic rules, 62

computers, 76

initial recording using, 657

worked example, 6476

double-entry checks, 68

doubtful debts, 116, 13642

earnings per share, 261

economic environment, 560

economic order quantity (EOQ), 439, 61213

economic reality, 302, 373, 378, 382, 4023

efficiency ratios, 2557, 268

asset turnover ratio, 257

creditors’ collection period, 2556

debtors’ collection period, 255

inventory (stock) turnover ratio, 257

Emerging Issues Task Force, 413

Enron, 210, 306, 338, 372, 373, 377, 382, 387, 38990, 394

debt, 377, 390

extract from notes to the accounts, 389

US accounting, 413

Enterprise Inns, 621, 622

entity (capital), 31

environmental accounting, 367

environmental issues, 561

EOQ (economic order quantity), 439, 61213

EPS (earnings per share), 261

equity, 31

see also capital

equity employed, 11920

error some place, 75

estimating, 98

European Union (EU), 41415

Fourth Directive, 41415

Seventh Directive, 414

expenditure deferral, 499

expenses, 2930, 957

explanatory material, 3502

accounting policies, 3501

notes to the accounts, 351

principal subsidiaries, 351

exploitation of inherent strengths, 5735

Extel, 252

external business environment, 5601

competitors, 561

economic environment, 560

environmental issues, 561

interest and pressure groups, 561

legal environment, 561

political environment, 560

social environment, 560

technological change, 560

external diversification, 576

external financing, 61517, 61923

cash, 615

inventory, 617

leasing, 61920

loan capital, 6223

share capital, 620

trade receivables, 61516

failed companies, 353

fair value, 325

faithful representation, 316

Fame, 252, 264, 266

FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board), 412

fat-cat directors, 307, 339

critics’ view, 339

directors’ view, 339

Fiat, 414

FIFO, 75, 351, 4645

finance, nature of source of, 6078

finance, sources of, 6079

financial accounting, 56, 15, 268

importance of, 40

vs management accounting, 4302

financial accounting, context of

annual report, 33470

creative accounting, 37197

international accounting, 398423

measurement systems, 32233

regulatory and conceptual frameworks, 293321

annual report, 3367

international accounting, 399400

management accounting, 42930

Financial Accounting Standards Board, 412

financial accounting, techniques

accounting background, 2556

balance sheet, 10426

cash flow statement, 20846

double-entry bookkeeping, 5782

interpretation of accounts, 24790

partnerships and limited companies, 159207

preparing financial statements, 12758

profit and loss account, 83103

financial analysts, 7

financial evaluation, 529

financial management, 15

financial position, 121

financial ratios, 277

Financial Reporting Council, 304

Financial Reporting Review Panel, 304, 3067

financial statements, main, 1289

see also balance sheet; cash flow statement; profit and loss account

financial statements, preparation, 12758

adjustments to trial balance, 13642

main financial statements, 1289

trial balance to profit and loss account and balance sheet, 1304

finished goods budget, 48991

finished goods stock, 115

first-in-first-out see FIFO

non-current assets, 11214

fixed costs, 436, 437, 531, 547

flexibility, 3725

flexing the budget, 513, 51617

football clubs

greatest assets, 122

new stadium, 585

profits, 99

see also Manchester United

forecasting the future, 584

forward-looking decision making, 529

France, 4078

fraud, 375

detection, 15

see also creative accounting

FRC (Financial Reporting Council), 304

Freeserve, 620

friction, 511

FRRP see Financial Reporting Review Panel

FTBO, 575

fuel blockade, 615

functional analysis, 470

GAAP see Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

garbage in, garbage out, 10, 427

gearing management, 376, 3778

gearing ratios, 2589, 26970

General Electric Company, 4, 413

General Motors, 414

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, 382, 4012, 41620

Germany, 40810

GIGO, 10, 427

Ginger Productions, 58

Glaxo-Wellcome, 338, 414

globalisation, 400, 432

going concern, 41

goodwill, 63, 141, 181, 364, 576

see also bonuses; intangible assets

Grand Metropolitan, 382

graphic designers, 336

graphical break-even point, 5445

graphs, 3678

grasping reality, 382

Greenbury, Sir Richard, 338

Greenbury Committee, 307

gross domestic product, 400

gross margin, 95

gross profit ratio, 254

group accounts, 3614

goodwill, 364

subsidiary and associated companies, 3613

Gucci, 418

Guinness, 382

Hampel Committee, 307

harmonisation, 414

see also convergence

health check, 385

Heineken, 3267

Higgs Report, 307

highlights, 359

hire purchase, 619

historical cost, 41, 324, 325

deficiencies of, 328, 329

historical cost convention, 41

historical summary, 359

history of accounting, 9

Hofstede, Geert, 406

holistic view of ratios, 2745

pictics, 2745

Z score model, 274

horizontal analysis, 267

horizontal format of balance sheet, 126

HSBC, 12, 31, 85, 342

IASB see International Accounting Standards Board

ICAEW see Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

ICAI see Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland

ICAS see Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland

IFRS see International Financial Reporting Standards

ignorance, 606


of accounting, 4

of stock valuation, 115

impression management, 3658

creative accounting, 3656

narrative enhancement, 3668

income, 28

income inflation, 379

income recognition, 379

income statement see profit and loss account

income statement and statement of comprehensive income see statement of comprehensive income (SOCI)

incremental cost, 531

indirect cost allocation, 454

indirect costs, 435, 447, 44851, 454, 4601

indirect method of cash flow statement preparation, 22132

adjusting profit before taxation, 222

reconciliation of operating profit, 22232

individual price and quantity variance, 51819

individual variances, calculation of, 51819

individual price and quantity variances, 51819

sales quantity variance, 518

industry life cycle, 564, 566

inflation, 600

of income, 379

informal personal budget, 480

information characteristics of conceptual framework, 312, 313, 31618

information gathering, 559

infrastructure investment, 607

innovative accounting see creative accounting

insolvency, 15

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, 18, 21, 432

Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland, 18, 21

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, 18, 21

intangible assets, 63, 141, 1801, 364

see also goodwill

interest cover, 2634

interest groups, 561

interest payable, 383

internal business environment, 5617

current products, 561

customers, 562

internal organisation, 562

operating systems, 561

resources, 561

sources of finance, 5627

internal financing, 60915, 61819

cash, 60910

inventory, 61115

retained profits, 61819

trade receivables, 61011

internal organisation, 562

internal rate of return, 5959

calculating, 596

international accounting, 910, 398423

classification, 407

context, 399400

convergent forces, 41420

country snapshots, 40713

divergent forces, 4016

International Accounting Standards Board, 9, 42, 43, 160, 301, 304, 41519

IAS 1, 345

IAS 7, 213, 21516

international comparison, 277

International Financial Reporting Standards, 9, 10, 100, 160, 301, 41519

International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), 416

interpretation of accounts see ratio analysis

inventory (stock), 11415, 1345, 3656, 37981, 61115, 617

and creative accounting, 366

economic order quantity, 61314

just-in-time, 61315

sale and buy-back, 617

valuation, 115, 432

inventory turnover ratio, 257

inventory valuation measures, 4645

investment analysts, 5

investment ratios, 25964, 271

dividend cover, 260

dividend yield, 260

earnings per share, 261, 262

interest cover, 2634

price/earnings ratio, 2613

invoice discounting, 61617

IOSC (International Organisation of Securities Commissions), 416

IRR see internal rate of return

Japan, 277, 415, 470, 613, 615

just-in-time, 613, 615

see also target costing

Johnson, H.T., 431, 554

Jubilee Line extension, 584

just-in-time, 432, 439, 613

Kaplan, Robert S., 323, 431, 554, 557, 570, 571

Kit Kat, 382

knowledge-driven society, 561

labour costs, cutting, 4701

Laing, John, 452, 462, 467

Lamprell, 620

last-in-first-out see LIFO

leaseback, 608, 620

leasing, 61920

ledger accounts, 67, 76

legal environment, 561

Lego, 534, 535

Lehman Brothers, 392

less developed countries, 415

liabilities, 30

life expectation, 381

LIFO, 75, 405, 413, 4645

like with like comparison, 276

limited companies and partnerships, 159207

context, 1612

example, 1828

limited companies, 16882

partnerships, 1628

profit and loss account, 87

published accounts, 18893

limited companies, distinctive accounting features of, 17281

balance sheet, 172

dividends, 1735

formats and terminology, 1757

intangible assets, 1801

long-term capital, 17780

taxation, 173

limited liability, 169

limited liability partnership (LLP), 162

linearity, 542

liquidation see bankruptcy

liquidity ratios, 2578, 269

current ratio, 2578

quick ratio, 258

listed companies, 100, 123

LLP (limited liability partnership), 162

loan capital, 6212

loans, 11719, 615, 616

London Eye, 584

London Stock Exchange, 309

long-term capital, 17780

long-term contracts

policy, 467

pricing, 452

long-term decision making see capital investment appraisal

long-term financing, 61822

external sources, 61922

internal sources, 61819

lord of the manor, 337

loss-making products, 537

Lufthansa, 418

Madoff Securities International, 392

make or buy decision, 5389

management accounting, 56, 15, 42744

budgeting, 478507

capital investment appraisal, 581605

changing nature of, 442

context, 42930

control systems, 479

and cost accounting, 438

cost minimisation and revenue maximisation, 43940

costing, 44577

criticisms of, 557

definitions, 429

key decision-making terms, 4367

overview, 4329

relationship with financial accounting, 4302

short-term decision making, 52753

standard costing, 50826

strategic management accounting, 55480

use of computers, 441

working capital and sources of finance, 60629

management accounting, overview, 4329

cost accounting, 432, 4335

cost behaviour, 4379

decision making, 433, 4367

non-production, 4623

production, 462

management consultancy, 16

management of accounts, 376

management of working capital, 60629

cost of capital, 6235

long-term financing, 61822

nature of sources of finance, 6078

short-term financing, 60817

management vs financial accounting, 4302

manager under pressure, 511

managerial motivation, 3767

manage gearing, 3778

profit smoothing, 377

shares and share options, 3767

managers, interests of, 374, 376

Manchester United, 4, 114, 584

depreciation, 114

earnings per share, 261

investment ratios, 259, 260

merger with Manchester City, 17

sales revenue, 10

Mannesmann, 576

manufacturing budgets, 48891

finished goods budget, 48991

production cost budget, 489

raw materials budget, 489, 490

manufacturing industry, decline of, 446, 449

margin of safety, 543

marginal costing, 433, 435, 447, 449, 531

Maritime Industrial Services (MIS), 620, 620

market price, 170, 448

Marks & Spencer, 324, 620

mark-up, 95

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 530

matching see accruals

materials requirement planning (MRP), 439, 483

maximisation of limited factors, 53940

Maxwell Communications, 307, 338, 385

measurement model of conceptual framework, 318

measurement systems, 32233

alternative, 324, 331

example, 330

historical cost, 326

overview, 3235

real life, 3312

replacement cost, 3269

types, 3269

Memorandum of Association, 179

mergers, 576

MG Rover, 306

Microsoft, 4, 373, 400, 413

Middle Ages, 337

Milken, Michael, 120

missing assets, 122

mistrust, 6

Mitsubishi, 400

Mitsui, 400

monetary capital maintenance, 324

monetary measurement, 41

money, 27, 117

Montreal Olympics, 584

Morgan, J.P., 622

Mostel, Zero, 375

motivation, 378, 482

managerial, 3768

MRP see materials requirement planning

multinationals, 399400, 403, 414, 420

Multiplex, 379

narrative enhancement, 3667

narrative sections of annual report, 3539

auditors’ report, 3557

business reviews, 353

chairman's statement, 353

directors’ remuneration report, 355

directors’ report, 353

operating and financial review, 353

review of operations, 354

shareholder information, 359

social and environmental accounting statement, 354

statement of corporate governance, 354

statement of directors’ responsibilities for financial statements, 3579

national boundaries, 400

National Health Service, 275

national regulatory framework, 300, 301

negative contribution, 536

negative disclosure, 367

Nestle, 418

net assets, 107

net present value, 5925

calculation of, 594

net profit, 97

net profit margins, 263

net profit ratio, 2545

Netherlands, 326, 331, 415

New York Stock Exchange, 416, 420

NHS (National Health Service), 275

Nokia, 351, 355, 3567, 400, 418

ratios, 271, 272

stocks (inventories), 114, 115

nominal value, 170

non-audited sections of annual report, 3519

narrative sections, 3539

non-narrative sections, 359

non-cash flow items, 22232

non-compliance, 375

non-current assets, 11214

non-narrative sections of annual report, 359

highlights, 359

historical summary, 359

shareholder analysis, 359

non-production overheads, 462

non-trading gains and losses, 345

Norton, David P., 323, 570, 571

Note on Historical Cost Profits and Losses, 350

Note on Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt, 350

notes to the accounts, 351, 368

Novartis, 418

objective value, 328

objectives of accounting system, 4012

Office for National Statistics, 92, 160

OFR (operating and financial review), 353

Olympic Airlines, 427

ONS see Office for National Statistics

operating and financial review, 353

operating expenditure, 583

operating profit by adjusting profit before taxation, calculation of, 2212

operating systems, 561

opportunity costs, 529

organisations, 1012

nature of the business, 1012

structure, 10

outsourcing, 538

overdrafts, 608, 615, 616

overhead recovery rate, 4545

overheads, 435, 446, 447, 448, 449, 489, 531

fixed, 509, 510, 516, 517

variable, 509, 510, 514, 517, 521, 540

overtrading, 218

P/E ratio see price/earnings ratio

padding the budget, 498

Parmalat, 306, 307, 338, 372, 375

partners, 162

profit sharing, 164

partnerships and limited companies see limited companies and partnerships

‘passing the buck’, 530

patents, 181

payback period, 5889

payback, limitations of, 589

Pennon, 30

Penny Black, 179

performance evaluation, 430, 500

performance graph, 355

performance indicators, 2756

period costs, 435

periodicity, 42

personal budgets, 480

personal finances, 43

PESTLE analysis, 559

PESTLEO analysis, 438, 559

Philips, 331

Phoenix Four, 306

physical capital maintenance, 324

pictics, 2745

placing, 620, 621

Plan Comptable Générale, Le, 4078

planning, 482

planning for the future see budgeting

planning, control and performance, 433

see also budgeting; standard costing

political environment, 560

political gifts, 353

Polly Peck, 307, 338, 3879

creative accounting, 367, 368

Porter, Michael, 5624

positive cash flow, 220

positive disclosure, 367

prepayments, 116, 136

and accruals, 136

present value, 325

pressure groups, 561

pressures for convergence, 399, 400, 414

price changes, 98

price/earnings ratio, 2613

PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 14, 297, 355

prime cost, 449

principal subsidiaries, 351

principal–agent relationship, 295

privatised utilities, 561

probability ratios, 2535, 2678

gross profit ratio, 254

net profit ratio, 2545

return on capital employed, 253

problem solving, 430

process costing, 469

product life cycle analysis, 5636

product portfolio matrix, 5667

production cost budget, 489

products making negative contribution, 536

professional accountancy bodies, 18

profit, 97100

accruals or matching concept, 98

changing prices, 98

estimating, 98

wearing out of assets, 989

Profit and Loss Account see statement of comprehensive income (SOCI)

profit performance, 85

profit sharing, 164

profit sharing ratio, 164

profit smoothing, 376, 377

profit/volume chart, 546

Promar International, 573

property, plant and equipment, 112, 1389, 327

prudence, 42, 43, 318

PSR (profit sharing ratio), 162

public issues, 620

public relations, 341

published accounts of limited companies, 18893

Puma, 418

punctuality, 275

question marks, 567

quick ratio, 258

quipus, 9

rail companies, performance indicators, 275, 276

Railtrack, 625

rates of return, 591

ratio analysis, 24790

context, 248

holistic view of ratios, 2745

limitations, 2767

main ratios, 2529

overview, 24951

performance indicators, 2756

ratios and size, 252

report format, 2724

ratio analysis, limitations of, 2767

absolute size, 276

context, 276

data validity, 277

international comparison, 277

like with like, 276

ratios, 25263

cash flow ratios, 259

company specific, 2712

efficiency ratios, 2558

gearing ratios, 2589

holistic view of, 2745

importance of, 2512

investment ratios, 25963

liquidity ratios, 2578

main, 2529

probability ratios, 2535

size and, 252

raw materials

budget, 489, 490

stock, 115

real life, 3312, 3857

realisable value, 325

reallocation of service support costs, 454

receivables, provision for impairment of, 1402

reconciliation of movements in shareholders’ funds, 368

reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow, 22232

non-cash flow items, 22232

working capital adjustments, 222

recording see double-entry bookkeeping

reducing balance method of measuring depreciation, 112, 113

Registrar of Companies, 171

regulated industries, 377

regulation, 301, 4034

regulatory framework, 293321

conceptual framework, 31119

corporate governance, 30711

regulatory framework, 3002

traditional corporate model, 295300

UK, 3027

regulatory response to creative accounting, 394

relationship between cash and profit, 21618

relevance, 317

relevant information, 317, 529

relevant range, 543

reliability, 316

Rentokil Initial, 136, 139, 2979

replacement cost, 325, 3269

report format, 2724

reserves, 180, 181

residual income, 500

resources, 561

responsibility budgeting, 5001

restating the figures, 378

retained profits, 61819

return on capital employed, 253

return on investment, 500

return on sales, 500

revaluation, 114

revaluation reserve, 180

revenue budget, 486, 487

revenue recognition, 380

revenues and expenses, 31

review of operations, 354, 368

RI (residual income), 500

rights issue, 620, 620

ringfencing, 162

risk and reward, 299

ROI (return on investment), 500

Rolls-Royce, 115, 382

ROS (return on sales), 500

Rover, 306, 409

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), 4

royalties, 63

Safeway, 548

Sage, 76

Sainsbury, J., plc, 1314, 92, 94, 548

cash flow activities, 2312

competitors, 561

dividends, 174, 175

and fixed costs, 547

sale and buy back of inventory, 617

sales, 8992

sales budget, 485

sales generation, 89

sales maximisation, 400

sales price variance, 513

sales quantity variance, 513, 518

SAS, 418

Scottish Media Group, 58

scrap, 585

SEC see Securities Exchange Commission

Securities Exchange Commission, 373, 404, 412, 420

self-interest, 40, 337

sensitivity analysis, 600

service costing, 46970

service economy model, 431

service industries, 431, 452

setting standards, 511

share capital, 61, 620

share price, 261, 262

shareholder analysis, 359

shareholders, 299300

shares and share options, 170, 3767

Shell, 85

shopping, 480

short-term decision making, 4367, 52753

break-even analysis, 5426

contribution analysis, 5313

contribution graph, 5467

decision making, 5289

range of decisions, 53340

throughput accounting, 5401

vs long-term decisions, 439

short-term financing, 60818

external financing, 61518

internal financing, 60916

Smith Report, 307

SmithKline Beecham, 338

social and environmental accounting statement, 354

social environment, 560

social trends, 560

sole trades, 1612

sources of finance, 403, 439, 5627

product life cycle analysis, 5636

product portfolio matrix, 5667

value chain analysis, 5624

see also management of working capital

special purpose entities, 389

spending to budget, 4978

spheres of influence, 405

SPPs (special purpose entities), 389

Stagecoach Group, plc, 1289

standard cost variances, 433, 51120

calculating individual variances, 51819

flexing the budget, 51617

standard costing, 433, 509, 50826

interpretation of variances, 5201

limitations, 509

nature of, 51011

standard cost variances, 51120

standardisation, 414

see also convergence

standardised format, 188

Standards Advisory Council, 417

standards, behavioural aspects, 520

Standing Interpretations Committee, 417

stars, 566

statement of cash flows, 346, 20846, 342, 344, 346, 347

cash and the bank account, 21216

context, 212

importance of cash, 21011

preparation of cash flow statement, 21832

relationship between cash and profit, 21618

statement of cash flows, preparation, 21832

direct method, 21920

indirect method, 22032

statement of changes in equity, 3489

statement of comprehensive income (SOCI), 31, 83103, 181, 205, 342, 344, 345, 346

capital and revenue expenditure, 100

context, 845

cost of sales, 924

definitions, 868

expenses, 957

gross profit, 95

interpretation of, 101

layout, 889

limitations of, 101

listed companies, 100

main components, 8997

net profit, 97

other income, 95

profit, 97100

revenue or sales, 8992

statement of corporate governance, 354

statement of directors’ responsibilities for financial statements, 3579

statement of financial position (balance sheet), 324, 10426, 163, 172, 182, 206, 107, 342, 344, 346

balancing, reason for, 112

context, 106

definitions, 1078

in annual report, 335, 346

interpretation, 1223

layout, 1089

limitations, 1212

listed companies, 123

main components, 11020

statement of financial position, components, 11020

contingent liabilities, 119

current assets, 11417

current liabilities, 11719

equity (capital employed), 11920

non-current assets, 11214

non-current liabilities, 119

Statement of Principles (ASB), 313

stewardship, 307, 31314, 3378

and decision making, 342

stock turnover ratio, 257

stockholders see shareholders

stocks see inventories

stock-taking, 379

straight-line method of measuring depreciation, 112, 113

stratagem, 622

strategic choice of future direction, 5736

exploit inherent strengths, 5735

external diversification, 576

strategic management accounting, 432, 438, 55480

appraisal of current business position, 558, 56873

assessment of current business position, 558, 55967

nature of, 5579

strategic choice of future direction, 558, 5736

strategic thinking, 556

strategy, 555, 556

implementation of, 559

stress, 342

structure of accounting organisations, 10

student loans, 38

subsidiaries, 3613

subsidiary statements, 34850

note on reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt, 350

note on historical cost profits and losses, 350

statement of changes in equity, 3489

sunk costs, 529

supermarkets, 256, 257, 548, 611

supplementary notes, 188

suspicion, 497

sustainability information, 354

Swatch, 418

SWOT analysis, 438, 56870, 576

Sydney Opera House, 584

‘T’ account, 612, 64, 65, 712

T.I.P. Europe plc, 393

Taffler, Richard, 274

tally sticks, 9

tangible fixed assets, 327

target costing, 470

tax avoidance, 16

tax evasion, 16

taxation, 1617, 173, 175, 4045, 600

Taylor, A.J.P., 581, 584

technology, 10, 432, 560

television manufacture, 451

tendering, 538

Tesco, 41, 118, 180, 3446

annual report, 34451, 355, 35961

Auditors’ report, 355

competitors, 561

costing, 448

financial graphs, 361

financial highlights, 359, 360

fixed costs, 547

interest cover, 264

Note on Historical Cost Profits and Losses, 350

Notes to the Accounts, 351

Performance Graph, 355

Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt Note, 350

share capital, 61

Statement of Cash Flows, 345, 347

Statement of Changes in Equity, 348

Statement of Comprehensive Income (SOCI), 345, 346

Statement of Directors’ responsibilities, 357

vertical analysis, 266

throughput accounting, 5401

time value of money, 587

Time Warner, 58

timeliness, 317

Tiphook, 385

tools of the trade, 429

Topcom, 478

total absorption costing, 433, 435, 449, 452, 453, 457, 458

total depreciation, 113

Toyota, 170, 361, 400, 414

trade payables (creditors), 30, 117

budget, 485, 488

trade payables collection period, 2556

trade receivables, 116

budget, 485, 486, 487

debt factoring, 616

invoice discounting, 61617

trade receivables collection period, 255, 256

trade unions, 470

trading account, 95, 96

traditional corporate model, 295300

auditors, 2969

directors, 2956

shareholders, 299300

traditional costing, 4528

absorption of costs into products, 455

allocate indirect costs to departments, 454

classification, 454

overhead recovery rate, 454

reallocate service support department costs to production departments, 454

recording, 4534

traditional product costing, 458

trial balance, 70, 734, 1304

adjustments to, 13442

to balance sheet, 1304

to profit and loss account, 1304

true and fair view, 302

Turnbull Committee, 307

turnover, 89, 193

Tweedie, David, 417

UBS, 418

UBS Global Management, 210

UBS Phillips and Drew, 208, 211, 381, 3856

UITK see Urgent Issues Task Force

uncontrollable costs, 433, 500

understandability, 317

United Kingdom

accounting standards, 3037

accounting system, 41112

Companies Acts, 302

regulatory framework, 3027

true and fair view, 3023

unique features of accounting system, 412

United States

acceptance of IAS standards, 419

accounting system, 41213

Financial Accounting Standards Board, 311

financial reporting and capital markets, 413

standards, 41920

unprofitable products, 5356

untapped markets, 573

Urgent Issues Task Force, 305


of accounting system, 4023

accounts, 68

users’ and preparers’ interests, 376

valuation of inventory, 4625

measures, 4645

non-production overheads, 462

value chain analysis, 5624

value to the business model, 325

variable costs, 436, 437, 51314, 531

variable overheads, 509, 510, 514, 517, 521, 540

variances, 433, 51120

calculating individual, 51819

interpretation of, 5201

verifiability, 316

vertical analysis, 2667

Vodafone, 115, 139, 361, 576

rates of return, 591

Volkswagen, 4

Volkswagen, 418

WACC (weighted average cost of capital), 6235

Wal-Mart, 361, 448, 561

Wall Street crash, 412

warranties, 379

wearing out of assets, 98100

weighted average cost of capital, 6235

Weinstock, Arnold, 303

Welch, Jack, 210

Wembley Stadium, 379

Wetherspoon, J.D., 41, 359

cash flow statement, 2278, 22930

corporate governance, 30911

corporate social responsibility, 354

dividends, 260, 261

internal control, 309

what-if analysis, 5323, 543

whisky, 617

Wildavsky, Aaron, 483

wine and spirit business, 617

Wirtschaftsprüfer, 405

Woolworth, F.W., 611

work-in-progress, 115

working capital adjustments, 222

world top economic entities, 401

WorldCom, 100, 338, 373, 375, 387, 413

capitalising of costs, 383

restating the accounts, 378

Xerox, 413

Z score model, 274

zero based budgeting, 483

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