Chapter 14

Pipe Networks

In this chapter, we will look at pipe networks (gravity-based systems) and pressure networks. First, we will look at the setup needed to use these networks successfully. Planning is a key part of the process.

In this chapter, you will learn to:

  • Create a pipe network by layout
  • Create an alignment from network parts and draw parts in profile view
  • Label a pipe network in plan and profile
  • Create a dynamic pipe table

Parts Lists

Before you can draw pipes in your project, some setup is needed. Ideally the setup will be done in your AutoCAD® Civil 3D® template so that you don't have to repeat the process more than necessary.

A parts list contains the pieces needed to complete a pipe design. Both pipe networks and pressure networks use parts lists to help you organize design elements and determine how they will appear in a drawing. For example, you'll want different parts available when working with sanitary sewers than you'll want when working with storm sewers.

Parts lists for gravity pipe networks vary significantly from pressure pipe networks. Pipe network parts lists contain pipes, structures, pipe rules, structure rules, styles, and the ability to associate a pay item to each item.

Examples of pipe network parts lists include:

  • Storm sewer
    • Catch basin/inlet structures
    • Manhole structures
    • Concrete pipe
    • HDPE pipe
  • Sanitary sewer (gravity) as shown in Figure 14.1:
    • Manhole structures
    • HDPE pipe
    • Ductile iron pipe

Figure 14.1 Example sanitary sewer parts list


Pressure parts lists contain pipes, fittings, and appurtenances. You'll find the style for each object in the parts list, but instead of rules, pressure pipe design checks are tucked into the command settings.

Additionally, the ability to assign a pay item with the parts list is not available in this release.

Examples of pressure pipe network parts lists include:

  • Water main and service connections
    • Ductile iron pipe
    • Tees, elbows, and crosses
    • Valves
  • Gas main
    • PVC pipe
    • Valves

In the upcoming section, you will explore planning and creating a parts list. You'll start by examining your local requirements, and then you will compare those needs with what is available in the software.

Planning a Typical Pipe Network

Let's look at a typical sanitary sewer design. You typically start by going through the sewer specifications for the jurisdiction in which you're working. There is usually a published list of allowable pipe materials, manhole details, slope parameters, and cover guidelines. Perhaps you have concrete and PVC pipe manufacturer catalogs that contain pages of details for different manholes, pipes, and junction boxes. There is usually a recommended symbology for your submitted drawings—and, of course, you have your own in-house CAD standards. Assemble this information, and make sure you address these issues:

  • Recommended structures, including materials and dimensions (be sure to attach detail sheets)
  • Structure behavior, such as required sump, drops across structures, and surface adjustment
  • Structure symbology
  • Recommended pipes, including materials and dimensions (again, be sure to attach detail sheets)
  • Pipe behavior, such as cover requirements; minimum, maximum, and recommended slopes; velocity restrictions; and so on
  • Pipe symbology

The following is an example of a completed checklist for our example jurisdiction, Sample County:

  • Sanitary Sewers in Sample County
  • Recommended Structures: Standard concentric manhole, small-diameter cleanout.
  • Structure Behavior: All structures have 1.5′ (0.46 m) sump, rims, a 0.10′ (0.03 m) invert drop across all structures. All structures designed at finished road grade.
  • Structure Symbology: Manholes are shown to scale in plan view as a circle with an S inside. Cleanouts are shown to scale as a hatched circle. (See Figure 14.2.)

Figure 14.2 Sanitary sewer manhole in plan view (left) and a cleanout in plan view (right)

Manholes are shown in profile view with a coned top and rectangular bottom. Cleanouts are shown as a rectangle (see Figure 14.3).

Figure 14.3 Profile view of a sanitary sewer manhole (left) and a cleanout (right)

  • Recommended Pipes: 8″ (200 mm), 10″ (250 mm), and 12″ (300 mm) PVC pipe, per manufacturer specifications.
  • Pipe Behavior: Pipes must have cover of 4′ (1.22 m) to the top of the pipe; the maximum slope for all pipes is 10 percent, although minimum slopes may be adjusted to optimize velocity as follows:
Sewer size Minimum slope
8″ (200 mm) 0.40%
10″ (250 mm) 0.28%
12″ (300 mm) 0.22%
  • Pipe Symbology: In plan view, pipes are shown with a CENTER2 linetype line that has a thickness corresponding to the inner diameter of the pipe. In profile view, pipes show both inner and outer walls, with a hatch between the walls to highlight the wall thickness (see Figure 14.4).

Figure 14.4 Sanitary pipe in plan view (a) and in profile view (b)


Now that you know your requirements for Sample County, the next step is to begin entering this information into your Civil 3D template file.

Part Rules

At the beginning of this chapter, you made notes about your hypothetical municipality having certain requirements for how structures and pipes behave—things like minimum slope, sump depths, and pipe-invert drops across structure. Depending on the type of network and the complexity of your design, there may be many different constraints on your design. Civil 3D allows you to establish structure and pipe rules that will assist in respecting these constraints during initial layout and edits. Some rules don't change the pipes or structures during layout but provide a “violation only” check that you can view in Prospector.

Structures and pipes have separate rule sets. When creating rules, don't be thrown off by the fact that the category always reads Storm Sewer, as you see in Figure 14.5. You can use these rules regardless of the type of parts list you are creating. You can then add these rule sets to specific parts in your parts list, which you'll build later in this chapter.

Figure 14.5 In the Add Rule dialog, the category always shows Storm Sewer but you can use rules for whatever type you wish.


Structure Rules

Structure rule sets are located on the Settings tab of Toolspace, under the Structure tree. To locate these rules in any drawing file:

1. Right-click Basic and click Edit.
2. Click the Add Rule button on the Rules tab in the Structure Rule Set dialog.
The Add Rule dialog appears, which allows you to access all the various structure rules (see Figure 14.5). Although it looks like you can, you won't be able to change the values until you finalize adding the rule.

You will have a chance to work with this firsthand in the upcoming exercise.

Maximum Pipe Size Check

The Maximum Pipe Size Check rule (see Figure 14.6) examines all pipes connected to a structure and flags a violation in Prospector if any pipe is larger than your rule. This is a violation-only rule—it won't change your pipe size automatically.

Figure 14.6 The Maximum Pipe Size Check rule option


Pipe Drop Across Structure

The Pipe Drop Across Structure rule (see Figure 14.7) tells any connected pipes how their inverts (or, alternatively, their crowns or centerlines) must relate to one another.

Figure 14.7 The Pipe Drop Across Structure rule options


When a new pipe is connected to a structure that has the Pipe Drop Across Structure rule applied, the following checks take place:

  • A pipe drawn to be exiting a structure has an invert equal to or lower than the lowest pipe entering the structure.
  • A pipe drawn to be entering a structure has an invert equal to or higher than the highest pipe exiting the structure.
  • Any minimum specified drop distance is respected between the lowest entering pipe and the highest exiting pipe.

In the hypothetical sanitary sewer example, you're required to maintain a 0.10′ (3 cm) invert drop across all structures. You'll use this rule in your structure rule set in the next exercise.

Set Sump Depth

Sump depth is additional structure depth below the lowest pipe invert (known in this author's area as “Mosquito Breeders”). The Set Sump Depth rule (Figure 14.8) establishes sump depth for structures.

Figure 14.8 The Set Sump Depth rule options


It's important to add a sump depth rule to all of your structure rule sets. If no sump rule is used, Civil 3D will assume a 2′ sump for English units and 2 meters in metric units! If you forget to set this before placing structures, there is no way globally to change the sump value. After the structures are placed, you would need to edit the individual structure properties or make the rule and retroactively apply it to each structure.

In the hypothetical sanitary sewer example, all the structures have a 1.5′ (0.5 m) sump depth. You'll use this rule in your structure rule set in the next exercise.

Pipe Rules

Pipe rule sets are located on the Settings tab of Toolspace, under the Pipe tree. For a detailed breakdown of pipe rules and how they're applied, including images and illustrations, please see the Civil 3D Users Guide.

After you right-click on a Pipe Rule Set and click Edit, you can access all the pipe rules by clicking the Add Rule button on the Rules tab of the Pipe Rule Set dialog.

Cover and Slope Rule

The Cover And Slope rule (Figure 14.9) allows you to specify your desired slope range and cover range. As you place your pipe network, Civil 3D tries to use the minimum and maximum depth and minimum and maximum slopes to set the initial pipe depths and slope.

Figure 14.9 The Cover And Slope rule options


Depending on your site conditions, applying this rule to every pipe may not be feasible. In this situation, the rule becomes what is referred to as violation only. You are still able to place pipes, and the rule will cause a violation message to show in the Pipe Network panel.

If part of your design changes and you'd like Civil 3D to make another attempt to enforce the cover and slope rule, you can use the Apply Rules feature.

You'll create one Cover And Slope rule for each size pipe in the hypothetical sanitary sewer example.

Cover Only Rule

The Cover Only rule (Figure 14.10) is designed for use with pipe systems where slope can vary or isn't a critical factor. Like Cover And Slope, this rule is used on first placement. Manual edits can cause rules to be violated. The rule will show as a violation in the Pipe Network panel, but not changes to your design take place until you use the Apply rules command.

Figure 14.10 The Cover Only rule options


Length Check

Length Check is a violation-only rule; it won't change your pipe length size automatically. The Length Check options (see Figure 14.11) allow you to specify a minimum and maximum pipe length.

Figure 14.11 The Length Check rule options


Pipe To Pipe Match Rule

The Pipe To Pipe Match rule (Figure 14.12) is also designed for use where there are no true structures (only null structures), including situations where pipe is placed to break into an existing pipe. This rule determines how pipe inverts are assigned when two pipes come together, similar to the Pipe Drop Across Structure rule.

Figure 14.12 The Pipe To Pipe Match rule options


Set Pipe End Location Rule

Without the Set Pipe End Location rule (Figure 14.13), Civil 3D assumes you are measuring pipes from center of structure to center of structure. With the rule in place, you have the capability to set where the pipe end is located on the structure. The options are Structure Center (the default without the rule), Structure Inner Wall, or Structure Outer Wall.

Figure 14.13 The Set Pipe End Location rule options


End Offset and Start Offset are used if you would like to have your pipes protrude past the inner or outer wall on the respective ends. The offset is ignored if the location for the end is set to the center of the structure. The value must be positive and will be ignored if the additional length causes the pipe end to be located past the center of the structure.

Creating Structure and Pipe Rule Sets

In this exercise, you'll create one structure rule set and three pipe rule sets for a hypothetical sanitary sewer project:

1. Open the drawing Civil 3D Template-in-progress_Rules.dwg (Civil 3D Template-in-progress_Rules_METRIC.dwg), which you can download from this book's web page at
2. Locate the Structure Rule Set on the Settings tab of Toolspace under the Structure branch.
3. Right-click the Structure rule set, and choose New.
4. Switch to the Information Tab and enter Sanitary Structure Rules in the Name text box.
5. Switch to the Rules tab, and click the Add Rule button.
6. In the Add Rule dialog, choose Pipe Drop Across Structure in the Rule Name drop-down list. Click OK.
You can't change the parameters until the next step.
7. Expand the new rule and confirm that the parameters in the Structure Rule Set dialog are the following:
Drop Reference Location Invert
Drop Value 0.1′ (0.03 m)
Maximum Drop Value 3′ (1 m)
These parameters establish a rule that will match your hypothetical municipality's standard for the drop across sanitary sewer structures.
8. Click the Add Rule button again.
9. In the Add Rule dialog, choose Set Sump Depth in the Rule Name drop-down list. Click OK.
You can't change the parameters until the next step.
10. Expand the rule. Change the Sump Depth parameter to 1.5′ (0.5 m) in the Structure Rule Set dialog to meet the hypothetical municipality's standard for sump in sanitary sewer structures, and click OK.
11. On the Settings tab of Toolspace ⇒ Pipe, locate Pipe Rule Set.
12. Right-click the Pipe Rule Set, and choose New.
13. Switch to the Information tab and enter 8 Inch Sanitary Pipe Rule (for metric, 200 mm Sanitary Pipe Rule) for the name.
14. Switch to the Rules tab. Click Add Rule.
15. In the Add Rule dialog, choose Cover And Slope in the Rule Name drop-down list. Click OK.
You can't change the parameters until the next step.
16. Expand the Cover And Slope rule and then modify the parameters to match the constraints established by your hypothetical municipality for 8″ (200 mm) pipe, as follows:
Maximum Cover 10′ (3m)
Maximum Slope 10%
Minimum Cover 4′ (1.5m)
Minimum Slope 0.40%
17. Click OK.
18. Select the rule set you just created. Right-click, and choose Copy.
19. Switch to the Information tab and enter 10 Inch Sanitary Pipe Rule (for metric, 250 mm Sanitary Pipe Rule) in the Name text box.
20. Expand the Cover And Slope rule and then modify the parameters to match the constraints established by your hypothetical municipality for a 10″ (250 mm) pipe, as follows:
Maximum Cover 10′ (3 m)
Maximum Slope 10%
Minimum Cover 4′ (1.5 m)
Minimum Slope 0.28%
21. Click OK when you have completed modifying the rule set. Repeat the process to create a rule set for the 12″ (300 mm) pipe using the following parameters:
Maximum Cover 10′ (3 m)
Maximum Slope 10%
Minimum Cover 4′ (1.5 m)
Minimum Slope 0.22%
22. You should now have one structure rule set and three pipe rule sets.
23. Save your drawing—you'll use it in the next exercise.

Putting Your Parts List Together

The next step is to put your efforts from earlier in the chapter in a consolidated place. Everything you've done in this chapter up to this point is leading up to the creation of the parts list.

Your parts lists should reside in your Civil 3D template file. There is quite a bit of setup involved, and having this information in your template will ensure you need to do it only once. You will have multiple parts lists for each type of system you are creating and possibly for each jurisdiction you work in.

You should complete the previous exercise before continuing, as we will reference the rules you created there.

1. Open the drawing Civil 3D Template-in-progress_Rules.dwg (Civil 3D Template-in-progress_Rules_METRIC.dwg).
2. From the Settings tab, expand the Pipe Network branch, and expand Parts Lists.
In the drawing there are currently two parts lists: Standard and Storm Sewer.
3. Right-click on Parts Lists and select Create Parts List.
4. Switch to the Information tab and name the parts list Example County Sanitary.
5. Switch to the Pipes tab.
6. Right-click on the New Parts List and select Add Part Family, as shown in Figure 14.14.

Figure 14.14 Add a part family for your new parts list.

The Part Catalog dialog will appear.
7. In the list of available pipes, place a check mark next to PVC Pipe (PVC Pipe SI in the metric catalog) and click OK.
At this step the Parts List name should appear at the top of the pipe list.
8. Expand the pipe category to see the new PVC Pipe family you just added.
9. Right-click on PVC Pipe and select Add Part Size, as shown in Figure 14.15.

Figure 14.15 Add a new part size to the part family PVC Pipe.

10. In the Part Size Creator, click the pull-down in the Inner Pipe Diameter value field, as highlighted in Figure 14.16.

Figure 14.16 Set diameter and material for all the needed pipes.

11. Select 8 Inch (metric: 200 mm).
12. In the Material field, set the material to PVC, and click OK.
For Material, you can use the drop-down to select from several preexisting material types, or you can type in your own material name. The material name is used frequently in labels.
13. Expand the new PVC category to examine the result. Repeat steps 10–12 for 10″ (250 mm) and 12″ (300 mm) pipes.
In this example, the pipes will share the same style and rule. Using the disk icon in the PVC Pipe part family row of the table, you will apply your style choice to the entire PVC family.
For the columns Render Material and Pay Item, leave the defaults. Render materials and pay items do not affect the design portion of the pipe network. Render materials are used if you wish to give a realistic material to the object for visualization purposes. You will take an in-depth look at assigning pay items to a parts list in Chapter 19, “Quantity Takeoff.”
14. Click the disk icon in the Style column.
15. Set Pipe Style to Single Line Sanitary and click OK.


16. For each pipe size, set the respective rule by clicking the Pipe Rule Set icon.
At the end of the process your Pipes tab will look like Figure 14.17.

Figure 14.17 The completed Pipes tab

17. Switch to the Structures tab and expand New Parts List.
Notice there is already a null structure in the listing.


18. Expand the null structure part family and click the Structure Style icon for the Null structure.
19. Change the null structure style to Null and click OK.
20. Right-click on the main heading New Parts List and select Add Part Family.
21. In the Part Catalog listing, locate the Junction Structures With Frames grouping and put a check mark next to Concentric Cylindrical Structure and Cylindrical Structure Slab Top Circular Frame. Click OK.
Note that in the metric drawings, the structure descriptions end with SI.
22. Right-click on Concentric Cylindrical Structure and select Add Part Size.
23. In the Part Size Creator, select an Inner Structure diameter of 48″ (1200 mm).
24. Leave all other size options at their defaults, and click OK.
25. Repeat steps 23–24 to add the 60″ (1500 mm) structure.
26. Use the disk icon to set the style for both concentric cylindrical structures to Sanitary Sewer Manhole.
27. Right-click on Cylindrical Structure Slab Top Circular Frame, and select Add Part Size.
28. Set the Inner Structure Diameter to 15″ (450 mm), and click OK.
29. Set Structure Style to Cleanout using the same process you used in step 26.
30. Use a similar procedure to set the rules for the three new structures to Sanitary Structure rules.
If you expand all the structure part families, your network parts list will look like Figure 14.18.

Figure 14.18 Completed Structures tab in your new parts list

31. Click OK to close the network parts list.
32. Save the drawing.

All in the Family
To get a better idea of what parts are available to you “out of the box,” you may want to take a peek at the pipes catalog folder. This folder can be found on your hard drive at:
C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuPipes Catalog
Outside of Civil 3D, use Windows Explorer to browse to this path. By default, the ProgramData folder is hidden, so you'll need to change your Windows folder view options to see this path. If you are not sure how to change this setting, you can also type in the path listed here to access it. To learn more about how a catalog is organized, let's explore the US Imperial Structures (or metric Structures) folder.
In the US Imperial Structures (or Metric Structures) folder is a document called US Imperial Structures.htm (Metric Structures.htm). Double-click this file to open it in Internet Explorer.
For both Imperial and metric units, there is a pipes folder and a structures folder. You may see these different categories referred to as a domain as you browse the catalogs. Each domain has an HTML document like the one shown here that you can look at before committing parts to your template parts list.
On the left side of the screen, you see the different parts belonging to the domain. On the right, you see a picture and a table of the various allowable values. Go ahead and explore! There's no way to accidentally edit something from here.
Whenever possible, use a part that is already in the catalog. Keep in mind that these are building blocks and are not meant to be photorealistic representations of the 3D objects. If you must create a part or add a size that is not already part of the default catalog, Part Builder is available.
For those of you brave enough to tackle Part Builder, look at the special section at the end of this chapter.

Exploring Pipe Networks

Parts in a pipe network have relationships that follow a network paradigm. A pipe network, such as the one in Figure 14.19, can have many branches. In most cases, the pipes and structures in your network will be connected to each other; however, they don't necessarily have to be physically touching to be included in the same pipe network.

Figure 14.19 A typical Civil 3D pipe network


Land Desktop with Civil Design and some other civil engineering design programs don't design piping systems using a network paradigm; instead, they use a branch-by-branch or “run” paradigm (see Figure 14.20). Although it's possible to separate your branches into their own pipe networks in Civil 3D, your design will have the most power and flexibility if you change your thinking from a run-by-run to a network paradigm.

Figure 14.20 A pipe network with a single-pipe run


Pipe networks have the following object types:


Pipes are components of a pipe network that primarily represent pipes, but can be used to represent any type of conduit such as culverts, gas lines, or utility cables. They can be straight or curved, and although primarily used to represent gravity systems, they can be adapted and customized to represent pressure and other types of systems such as water networks and force mains.

The standard catalog has pipe shapes that are circular, elliptical, egg-shaped, and rectangular and are made of materials that include PVC, RCP, DI, and HDPE. You can use Part Builder (discussed later in this chapter) to create your own shapes and materials if the default shapes and dimensions can't be adapted for your design.


Structures are the components of a pipe network that represent manholes, catch basins, inlets, joints, and any other type of junction between two pipes. The standard catalog includes inlets, outlets, junction structures with frames (such as manholes with lids or catch basins with grates), and junction structures without frames (such as simple cylinders and rectangles). Again, you can use Part Builder to create your own shapes and materials if needed.

Null Structures

Null structures are needed when two pipes are joined together without a structure; they act as a placeholder for a pipe endpoint. They have special properties, such as allowing pipe cleanup at pipe intersections. Most of the time, you'll create a style for them that doesn't plot or is invisible for plotting purposes.

Creating a Sanitary Sewer Network

Earlier, you prepared a parts list for a typical sanitary sewer network. This chapter will lead you through several methods for using that parts list to design, edit, and annotate a pipe network.

There are several ways to create pipe networks. You can do so using the Civil 3D pipe layout tools. You can also create pipe networks from certain AutoCAD and Civil 3D objects, such as lines, polylines, alignments, and feature lines.

Creating a Pipe Network with Layout Tools

Creating a pipe network with layout tools is much like creating other Civil 3D objects. After naming and establishing the parameters for your pipe network, you're presented with a special toolbar that you can use to lay out pipes and structures in plan, which will also drive a vertical design.

Establishing Pipe Network Parameters

This section will give you an overview of establishing pipe network parameters. Use this section as a reference for the exercises in this chapter. When you're ready to create a pipe network, select the Home tab ⇒ Create Design panel and choose Pipe Network ⇒ Pipe Network Creation Tools. The Create Pipe Network dialog appears (see Figure 14.21), and you can establish your settings.

Figure 14.21 The Create Pipe Network dialog


Before you can create a pipe network, you must give your network a name, but more important, you need to assign a parts list for your network. As you saw earlier, the parts list provides a toolkit of pipes, structures, rules, and styles to automate the pipe network design process. It's also important to select a reference surface in this interface. This surface will be used for rim elevations and rule application.

When creating a pipe network, you're prompted for the following options:

Network Name

Choose a name for your network that is meaningful and will help you identify it in Prospector and other locations.

Network Description

The description of your pipe network is optional. You might make a note of the date, the type of network, and any special characteristics.

Network Parts List

Choose the parts list that contains the parts, rules, and styles you want to use for this design.

Surface Name

Choose the surface that will provide a basis for applying cover rules as well as provide an insertion elevation for your structures (in other words, rim elevations). You can change this surface later or for individual structures. For proposed pipe networks, this surface is usually a finished ground surface.

Alignment Name

Choose an alignment that will provide station and offset information for your structures in Prospector as well as any labels that call for alignment stations and/or offset information. Because most pipe networks have several branches, it may not be meaningful for every structure in your network to reference the same alignment. Therefore, you may find it better to leave your Alignment option set to None in this dialog and set it for individual structures later using the layout tools or structure list in Prospector.

Using the Network Layout Creation Tools


After establishing your pipe network parameters in the Create Pipe Network dialog (shown earlier in Figure 14.21), click OK; the Network Layout Tools toolbar appears (see Figure 14.22).

Figure 14.22 The Network Layout Tools toolbar



Clicking the Pipe Network Properties tool displays the Pipe Network Properties dialog, which contains the settings for the entire network. If you mistyped any of the parameters in the original Create Pipe Network dialog, you can change them here. In addition, you can set the default label styles for the pipes and structures in this pipe network.

The Pipe Network Properties dialog contains the following tabs:


On this tab, you can rename your network, provide a description, and choose whether you'd like to see network-specific tooltips.

Layout Settings

Here you can change the default label styles, parts list, reference surface and alignment, master object layers for plan pipes and structures, as well as name templates for your pipes and structures (see Figure 14.23).

Figure 14.23 The Layout Settings tab of the Pipe Network Properties dialog



On this tab, you can change the default label styles and master object layers for profile pipes and structures (see Figure 14.24).

Figure 14.24 The Profile tab of the Pipe Network Properties dialog



Here you can change the master object layers for network parts in a section (see Figure 14.25).

Figure 14.25 The Section tab of the Pipe Network Properties dialog



This tab gives you a snapshot of your pipe network information, such minimum and maximum as elevation information, pipe and structure quantities, and references in use such as alignments and surfaces (see Figure 14.26).

Figure 14.26 The Statistics tab of the Pipe Network Properties dialog



The Select Surface tool on the Network Layout Tools toolbar allows you to switch between reference surfaces while you're placing network parts. For example, if you're about to place a structure that needs to reference the existing ground surface but your network surface was set to a proposed ground surface, you can click this tool to switch to the existing ground surface.

Using a Composite Finished Grade Surface for Your Pipe Network
It's cumbersome to constantly switch between a patchwork of different reference surfaces while designing your pipe network. You should create a finished grade-composite surface that includes components of your road design, finished grade, and even existing ground. You can create this finished grade-composite surface by pasting surfaces together, so it's dynamic and changes as your design evolves. The surfaces being dynamic means that the rim elevations and reporting of min/max cover will update automatically. The pipes, however, will not raise and lower automatically in response to changes in the composite surface.


The Select Alignment tool on the Network Layout Tools toolbar lets you switch between reference alignments while you're placing network parts, similar to the Select Surface tool.


The Parts List tool allows you to switch parts lists for the pipe network.

The Structure drop-down list (the image on the left in Figure 14.27) lets you choose which structure you'd like to place next, and the Pipes drop-down list (the image on the right in Figure 14.27) allows you to choose which pipe you'd like to place next. Your choices come from the network parts list.

Figure 14.27 (a) The Structure drop-down list, and (b) the Pipes drop-down list


The options for the Draw Pipes and Structures category let you choose what type of parts you'd like to lay out next. You can choose Pipes And Structures, Pipes Only, or Structures Only.

Placing Parts in a Network

You place parts much as you do other Civil 3D objects or AutoCAD objects such as polylines. You can use your mouse, transparent commands, dynamic input, object snaps, and other drawing methods when laying out your pipe network.

If you choose Pipes And Structures, a structure is placed wherever you click, and the structures are joined by pipes. If you choose Structures Only, a structure is placed wherever you click, but the structures aren't joined. If you choose Pipes Only, you can connect previously placed structures. If you have Pipes Only selected and there is no structure where you click, a null structure is placed to connect your pipes.

While you're actively placing pipes and structures, you may want to connect to a previously placed part. For example, there may be a service or branch that connects into a structure along the main trunk. Begin placing the new branch. When you're ready to tie into a structure, you get a circular connection marker (shown at the top of Figure 14.28) as your cursor comes within connecting distance of that structure. If you click to place your pipe when this marker is visible, a structure-to-pipe connection is formed. If you're placing parts and you'd like to connect to a pipe, hover over the pipe you'd like to connect to until you see a connection marker that has two square shapes.

Figure 14.28 The Structure Connection marker and the Pipe Connection marker


Clicking to connect to the pipe breaks the pipe in two pieces and places a structure (or null structure) at the break point.


The Toggle Upslope/Downslope tool changes the flow direction of your pipes as they're placed. In Figure 14.29, Structure 9 was placed before Structure 10.

Figure 14.29 Using (a) the Downslope toggle and (b) the Upslope toggle to create a pipe network leg


Optimizing the Cover by Starting Uphill
If you're using the Cover And Slope rule for your pipe network, you'll achieve better cover optimization if you begin your design at an upstream location and work your way down to the connection point.
The Cover And Slope rule prefers to hold minimum slope over optimal cover. In practice, this means that as long as minimum cover is satisfied, the pipe will remain at minimum slope. If you start your design from the upstream location, the pipe is forced to use a higher slope to achieve minimum cover. The following graphic shows a pipe run that was created starting from the upstream location (right to left):
When you start from the downhill side of your project, the Minimum Slope Rule is applied as long as minimum cover is achieved. The following graphic shows a pipe run that was created starting from the downstream location (left to right):
Notice how the slope remains constant even as the pipe cover increases. Maximum cover is a violation-only rule, which means it never forces a pipe to increase slope to remain within tolerance; it only provides a warning that maximum cover has been violated.


Click Delete Pipe Network Object to delete pipes or structures of your choice. AutoCAD Erase can also delete network objects, but using it requires you to leave the Network Layout Tools toolbar.


Clicking Pipe Network Vistas brings up Panorama (see Figure 14.30), where you can make tabular edits to your pipe network while the Network Layout Tools toolbar is active.

Figure 14.30 Pipe Network Vistas via Panorama


The Pipe Network Vistas interface is similar to what you encounter in the Pipe Networks branch of Prospector. The advantage of using Pipe Network Vistas is that you can make tabular edits without leaving the Network Layout Tools toolbar. You can edit pipe properties, such as Invert and Slope, on the Pipes tab, and you can edit structure properties, such as Rim and Sump, on the Structure tab.

Creating a Sanitary Sewer Network

This exercise will apply the concepts taught in this section, and give you hands-on experience using the Network Layout Tools toolbar:

1. Open Pipes-Exercise1.dwg (Pipes-Exercise1_METRIC.dwg), which you can download from this book's web page.
2. Expand the Surfaces branch in Prospector.
This drawing has several surfaces which have a _No Display style applied to simplify the drawing. The surface you will be working off of is a composite of the existing conditions, corridor surfaces, and grading surfaces.
3. Expand the Alignments and Centerline Alignments branches, and notice that there are several road alignments. (No action is required).


4. On the Home tab ⇒ Create Design panel ⇒ Pipe Network, select Pipe Network Creation Tools.
5. In the Create Pipe Network dialog (shown previously in Figure 14.21), give your network the following information:
  • Network Name: Sanitary Sewer Network
  • Network Parts List: Sanitary Sewer
  • Surface Name: Composite
  • Alignment Name: Cabernet Court
  • Structure Label Style: Data with Connected Pipes (Sanitary)
  • Pipe Label Style: Length Description and Slope
6. Click OK.
The Network Layout Tools toolbar appears.
7. From the Structure list, Concentric Cylindrical Structure collection, choose Concentric Structure 48 Dia 18 Frame 24 Cone (metric: Concentric Structure 1,200 dia 450 frame 600 cone) from the drop-down list in the Structure menu and 8 Inch PVC (200 mm PVC) from the Pipe list.


8. Click the Draw Pipes And Structures tool. Working right-to-left, click the X labeled 1 in the drawing to place the first structure. Click the X labeled 2 to place the second structure.
9. Without exiting the command, go back to the Network Layout Tools toolbar and change the Pipe drop-down from 8 Inch PVC to 10 Inch PVC (200 mm PVC to 250 mm PVC) and then place structures at the Xs labeled 3, 4, and 5.
The labels show that the diameter of the pipe between these structures is 10″ (250 mm).
10. Press SoftEnter to exit the command.
Next, you'll add a branch of the network from Frontenac Drive. You may wish to use the label grip to drag the label off to the side. This will form the leaders as shown in Figure 14.31, making the next step easier.

Figure 14.31 The connection marker appears when your cursor is near the existing structure.

11. Go back to the Network Layout Tools toolbar, and select 8 Inch PVC from the Pipe list.
12. Click the Draw Pipes And Structures tool button again.
13. Working north to south, click the next structure at the X labeled 6.
14. Tie into the Syrah Way branch by moving your cursor near Structure 2.
You'll know you're about to connect when you see the connection marker (a round, golden-colored glyph shaped like the one in Figure 14.31) appear next to your previously inserted structure.
15. Press SoftEnter to exit the command.
Observe your pipe network, including the labeling that automatically appeared as you drew the network.
16. Expand the Pipe Networks branch in Prospector in Toolspace, and locate your sanitary sewer network.
17. Click the Pipes branch.
The list of pipes appears in the preview pane.
18. Click the Structures branch; the list of structures appears in the preview pane.
19. Experiment with tabular and graphical edits, drawing parts in profile view, and other tasks described throughout this chapter.

Creating a Storm Drainage Pipe Network from a Feature Line


If you already have an object in your drawing that represents a pipe network (such as a polyline, an alignment, or a feature line), you may be able to take advantage of the Create Pipe Network From Object command in the Pipe Network drop-down menu.

This option can be used for applications such as converting surveyed pipe runs into pipe networks and bringing forward legacy drawings that used AutoCAD linework to represent pipes. Because of some limitations described later in this section, it isn't a good idea to use this in lieu of Create Pipe Network By Layout for new designs.

It's often tempting in Civil 3D to rely on your former drawing habits and try to “convert” your AutoCAD objects into Civil 3D objects. You'll find that the effort you spend learning Create Pipe Network By Layout pays off quickly with a better-quality model and easier revisions.

The Create Pipe Network From Object option creates a pipe for every linear segment of your object and places a structure at every vertex of your object. For example, the polyline with three line segments and three arcs, shown in Figure 14.32, is converted into a pipe network containing three straight pipes, three curved pipes, and seven structures—one at the start, one at the end, and one at each vertex.

Figure 14.32 (a) A polyline showing vertices and (b) a pipe network created from the polyline


This option is most useful for creating pipe networks from long, single runs. It can't build branching networks or append objects to a pipe network. For example, if you create a pipe network from one feature line and then, a few days later, receive a second feature line to add to that pipe network, you'll have to use the pipe-network editing tools to trace your second feature line; no tool lets you add AutoCAD objects to an already-created pipe network. However, once a pipe network exists, you can merge it into another using the Merge Networks command.

This exercise will give you hands-on experience building a pipe network from a feature line with elevations:

1. Open the Pipes-Exercise2.dwg (Pipes-Exercise2_METRIC.dwg) file.
This drawing contains the feature line you will use to generate a storm network.
2. Expand the Surfaces branch in Prospector.
This drawing has several surfaces which have a _No Display style applied to simplify the drawing. (No action is required).
3. Expand the Alignments and Centerline Alignments branches, and notice that there are several road alignments.
In the drawing, a cyan feature line runs through Syrah Way (the horizontal road) and then goes onto Frontenac Drive. This feature line represents utility information for a storm-drainage line. The elevations of this feature line correspond with centerline elevations that you'll apply to your pipe network.


4. Choose Create Pipe Network From Object from the Pipe Network drop-down.
5. At the Select Object or [Xref]: prompt, select the cyan feature line near the eastern side of the line.
You're given a preview (see Figure 14.33) of the pipe-flow direction that is based on where you selected the line. In this case, the east end of the feature line is considered the upstream end.

Figure 14.33 Flow-direction preview

6. At the Flow Direction [OK/Reverse] <Ok>: prompt, press SoftEnter to choose OK.
The Create Pipe Network From Object dialog appears.
7. In the dialog, give your pipe network the following information:
  • Network Name: Storm Network
  • Network Parts List: Storm Sewer
  • Pipe To Create: 12 Inch Concrete Pipe (300 mm Concrete Pipe)
  • Structure To Create: From the Rectangular Junction Structure NF collection 2 × 2 Rectangular Structure (750 × 750 mm Rectangular Structure)
  • Surface Name: Composite
  • Alignment Name: <none>
  • Erase Existing Entity check box: Selected
  • Use Vertex Elevations check box: Selected
  • Set Vertex Elevation Reference to Invert
If you select Use Vertex Elevations, the pipe rules for your chosen parts list will be ignored. Note the many options you have for how the vertex elevation is used.
8. Click OK. A pipe network is created.
Next you will merge this network with another network that exists in the drawing.
9. Select a pipe or structure from the newly created network. From the Pipe Networks contextual tab ⇒ Modify panel, select Merge Networks.
10. In the Select Pipe Network dialog, highlight Existing Storm Network and click OK.
11. In the Select Destination Pipe Network dialog, highlight Storm Network and click OK.

This has combined all your object-created networks into a more manageable single network.

Changing Flow Direction

To change flow direction, select any part from a pipe network to open the Pipe Networks Contextual tab. Select Change Flow Direction from the Modify panel. Change Flow Direction allows you to reverse the pipe's understanding of which direction it flows, which comes into play when you're using the Apply Rules command and when you're annotating flow direction with a pipe label-slope arrow.

Changing the flow direction of a pipe doesn't make any changes to the pipe's invert. By default, a pipe's flow direction depends on how the pipe was drawn and how the Toggle Upslope/Downslope tool was set when the pipe was drawn:

  • If the toggle was set to Downslope, the pipe flow direction is set to Start To End, which means the first endpoint you placed is considered the start of flow and the second endpoint is established as the end of flow.
  • If the toggle was set to Upslope when the pipe was drawn, the pipe flow direction is set to End To Start, which means the first endpoint placed is considered the end for flow purposes and the second endpoint the start.

After pipes are drawn, you can set four additional flow options—Start To End, End To Start, Bi-directional, and By Slope—in Pipe Properties:

Start To End

A pipe label-flow arrow shows the pipe direction from the first pipe endpoint drawn to the second endpoint drawn, regardless of invert or slope.

End To Start

A pipe label-flow arrow shows the pipe direction from the second pipe endpoint drawn to the first pipe endpoint drawn, regardless of invert or slope.


Typically, this is a pipe with zero slope that is used to connect two bodies that can drain into each other, such as two stormwater basins, septic tanks, or overflow vessels. The direction arrow is irrelevant in this case.

By Slope

A pipe label-flow arrow shows the pipe direction as a function of pipe slope. For example, if End A has a higher invert than End B, the pipe flows from A to B. If B is edited to have a higher invert than A, the flow direction flips to be from B to A.

Editing a Pipe Network

You can edit pipe networks in several ways:

  • Using drawing layout edits such as grip, move, and rotate
  • Grip-editing the pipe size
  • Using vertical movement edits using grips in profile (see the “Vertical Movement Edits Using Grips in Profile” section later in this chapter)


Using tabular edits in the Pipe Networks branch in Prospector, or from Panorama in the pipe toolbar

  • Right-clicking a network part to access tools such as Swap Part or Pipe/Structure Properties
  • Returning to the Network Layout Tools toolbar by right-clicking the object and choosing Edit Network
  • Selecting the pipe network in Toolspace-Prospector, right-clicking, and choosing Edit Network
  • Selecting a network part to access the Pipe Networks contextual tab on the Ribbon

You will have the chance to explore most of these methods in the following sections.

Editing Your Network in Plan View

When selected, a structure has two types of grips, shown in Figure 14.34. The first is a square grip located at the structure insertion point. You can use this grip to grab the structure and stretch/move it to a new location using the insertion point as a base point. Stretching a structure results in the movement of the structure as well as any connected pipes. You can also scroll through Stretch, Move, and Rotate by using your spacebar once you've grabbed the structure by this grip.

Figure 14.34 Two types of structure grips


The second structure grip is a rotational grip that you can use to spin the structure about its insertion point. This is most useful for aligning eccentric structures, such as rectangular junction structures.

In plan view, many common AutoCAD Modify commands work with structures. You can execute the following commands normally: Move, Copy, Rotate, Align, and Mirror. (Scale doesn't have an effect on structures.) Keep in mind that the Modify commands are applied to the structure model itself; depending on how you have your style established, it may not be clear that you've made a change.

You can use the AutoCAD Erase command to erase network parts. Note that erasing a network part in plan completely removes that part from the network. Once erased, the part disappears from plan, profile view, Prospector, and so on.

When selected, a pipe end has two types of grips (see Figure 14.35). The first is a square endpoint-location grip. Using this grip, you can change the location of the pipe end without constraint. You can move it in any direction; make it longer or shorter; and take advantage of Stretch, Move, Rotate, and Scale by using your spacebar.

Figure 14.35 Two types of pipe-end grips


The second grip is a pipe-length grip. This grip lets you extend a pipe along its current bearing.

A pipe midpoint also has two types of grips (see Figure 14.36). The first is a square location grip that lets you move the pipe using its midpoint as a base point. As before, you can take advantage of Stretch, Move, Rotate, and Scale by using your spacebar.

Figure 14.36 Two types of pipe midpoint grips


The second grip is a triangular-shaped pipe-diameter grip. Stretching this grip gives you a tooltip showing allowable diameters for that pipe, which are based on your parts list. Use this grip to make quick, visual changes to the pipe diameter.

A Word about Pay Items
Note that if you have a pay item specified in your parts list, changing the pipe diameter graphically does not change the associated pay item. For more information on associating pipe parts to pay items, see Chapter 19.


Dynamic Input and Pipe Network Editing
Dynamic input has been in AutoCAD-based products for many years, but many Civil 3D users aren't familiar with it. Dynamic input shows command-line information at your cursor in the form of a tooltip. In many cases, it is a quick way to obtain information and change objects. Especially for pipe network edits, it provides a visual way to interactively edit your pipes and structures.
To turn the Dynamic Input feature on or off at any time, press F12 or click the icon at the bottom of your Civil 3D window.

Structure Rotation

While dynamic input is active, you get a tooltip that tracks rotation angle.

Press your down arrow key to get a pop-up menu that allows you to specify a base point followed by a rotation angle, as well as options for Copy and Undo. Dynamic input combined with the Rotate command is beneficial when you're rotating eccentric structures for proper alignment.

Pipe Diameter

When you're using the pipe-diameter grip edit, dynamic input gives you a tooltip to assist you in choosing your desired diameter. Note that the tooltip depends on your drawing units.


Pipe Length

This is probably the most common reason to use dynamic input for pipe edits. Choosing the pipe-length grip when dynamic input is active shows tooltips for the pipe's current length and preview length, as well as fields for entering the desired pipe total length and pipe delta length. Use your Tab key to toggle between the Total Length and Delta Length fields. One of the benefits of using dynamic input in this interface is that even though you can't visually grip-edit a pipe to be shorter than its original length, you can enter a total length that is shorter than the original length. Note that the length shown and edited in the dynamic input interface is the 3D center-to-center length.


Pipe Endpoint Edits

Similar to pipe length, pipe endpoint location edits can benefit from using dynamic input. The active fields give you an opportunity to input x- and y-coordinates.


Pipe Vertical Grip Edits in Profile

Using dynamic input in profile view lets you set exact invert, centerline, or top elevations without having to enter the Pipe Properties dialog or Prospector. Choose the appropriate grip, and note that the active field is Tracking Profile Elevation. You may need to zoom out to see the elevation field. Enter your desired elevation, and your pipe will move as you specify.


Making Tabular Edits to Your Pipe Network

Another method for editing pipe networks is in a tabular form using the Pipe Networks branch in Prospector (see Figure 14.37).

Figure 14.37 The Pipe Networks branch in Prospector


To edit pipes in Prospector, highlight the Pipes entry under the appropriate pipe network. For example, if you want to edit your sanitary sewer pipes, expand the Sanitary Sewers branch and select the Pipes entry. You should get a preview pane that lists the names of your pipes and some additional information in a tabular form. The same procedure can be used to list the structures in the network.

White columns can be edited in this interface. Gray columns are considered calculated values and therefore can't be edited.

You can adjust many things in this interface, but you'll find it cumbersome for some tasks. The interface is best used for the following:

Batch Changes to Styles, Render Materials, Reference Surfaces, Reference Alignments, Rule Sets, and So On

Use your Shift or Ctrl key to select the desired rows, and then right-click the column header of the property you'd like to change. Choose Edit, and then select the new value from the drop-down menu. If you find yourself doing this on every project for most network parts, confirm that you have the correct values set in your parts list and in the Pipe Network Properties dialog.

Batch Changes to Pipe Description

Use your Shift key to select the desired rows, and then right-click the Description column header. Choose Edit, and then type in your new description. If you find yourself doing this on every project for most network parts, check your parts list. If a certain part will always have the same description, you can add it to your parts list and prevent the extra step of changing it here.

Changing Pipe or Structure Names

You can change the name of a network part by typing in the Name field. If you find yourself doing this on every project for every part, check that you're taking advantage of the Name templates in your Pipe Network Properties dialog (which can be further enforced in your Pipe Network command settings).

You can Shift-click and copy the table to your Clipboard and insert it into Microsoft Excel for sorting and further study. (This is a static capture of information; your Excel sheet won't update along with changes to the pipe network.)

This interface can be useful for changing pipe inverts, crowns, and centerline information. It's not always useful for changing the part rotation, insertion point, start point, or endpoint. It isn't as useful as many people expect because the pipe inverts don't react to each other. If Pipe A and Pipe B are connected to the same structure, and Pipe A flows into Pipe B, changing the end invert of Pipe A does not affect the start invert of Pipe B automatically. If you're used to creating pipe design spreadsheets in Excel using formulas that automatically drop connected pipes to ensure flow, this behavior can be frustrating.

Pipe Network Contextual Tab Edits

You can perform many edits at the individual part level by selecting it. The Pipe Network contextual tab will appear for the object you are working with.

If you realize you placed the wrong part at a certain location—for example, if you placed a catch basin where you need a drainage manhole—use the Swap Part option on the contextual tab (see Figure 14.38). You're given a list of all the parts from all the parts lists in your drawing.

Figure 14.38 Selecting a network part brings up a contextual tab with many options, including Swap Part.


The same properties listed in Prospector (or Pipe Network Vista) can be accessed on an individual part level by clicking and choosing Pipe Properties or Structure Properties from the contextual tab. A dialog like the Structure Properties dialog in Figure 14.39 opens, with several tabs that you can use to edit that particular part.

Figure 14.39 The Part Properties tab in the Structure Properties dialog gives you the opportunity to perform many edits and adjustments.


The Labels & Tables Panel

The Labels & Tables panel is where you do the most annotation labeling for pipes. You can access Labels & Table from the Annotate tab, or if you click on a pipe network, you will find it on the contextual menu.


Add Labels

For the best control over what styles are used in your label, use the Add Pipe Network Labels option. From there, you can add labels for the selected pipe network using the suboptions such as Entire Network Plan, Entire Network Profile, Entire Network Section, Single Part Plan, Single Part Profile, Single Part Section, Spanning Pipes Plan, and Spanning Pipes Profile.


Add Tables

You can add a structure or pipe table.


Reset Labels

This Reset Labels is different from the Reset Label option you see when clicking directly on a label. In this version of the command, pipe networks that are in the drawing via data reference will be labeled using styles from the source drawing. For more information on source drawings and data references, see Chapter 18, “Advanced Workflows.”

The General Tools Panel

While not specifically for pipe networks or even Civil 3D for that matter, these tools are placed here for convenience.



Toggles the Properties palette on and off.


Object Viewer

Allows you to view the selected object or objects in 3D via a separate viewer.


Isolate Objects

Selected objects will be the only objects visible on the screen. This is useful if you are working in a tight area and do not wish to see extraneous objects, and it is much quicker than clicking to turn off or freeze layers.

These tools are available via the General Tools panel drop-down:


Select Similar

When this tool is invoked, it will select all similar type objects.


Quick Select or QSelect

Opens the Quick Select dialog, which allows custom filtering.

UnFigure UnFigure

Draw Order Icons

Allow you to move objects either to the front or back of other objects, or above or behind a specific object.

The Modify Panel

The Modify Panel is where you do editing of an existing pipe network. It can also be selected by clicking on a pipe network and selecting it from the right-click contextual menu.


Network Properties Tool

Opens the Pipe Network Properties dialog.


Pipe Properties Tool

Opens the Pipe Properties dialog. If you are seeing the Modify panel because you have selected a structure, you will be prompted to select a pipe.


Edit Pipe Style Tool

Opens the Pipe Style dialog. If you are seeing the Modify panel because you have selected a structure, you will be prompted to select a pipe. For more on pipe styles, see Chapter 19.


Structure Properties Tool

Opens the Structure Properties dialog. If you are seeing the Modify panel because you have selected a pipe, you will be prompted to select a structure.


Edit Structure Style Tool

Opens the Structure Style dialog. For more on structure styles, see Chapter 19.


Edit Pipe Network Tool

Opens the Network Layout Tools toolbar.


Connect And Disconnect Part Tools

Allow you to connect pipes to structures that may have been disconnected and to disconnect pipes from structures.


Swap Part Tool

Allows you to replace a structure or pipe type with another one from a Swap Part Size dialog.


Split and Merge Network Tools

Allow you to take an existing network and split it into two networks, or take an existing pipe network and merge it into another pipe network.

The Modify panel drop-down list contains the following tools:


Rename Parts Tool

Opens the Rename Pipe Network Parts dialog. Here, you can rename pipes and structures, modify pipe numbering, and decide how you want to handle conflicting names or numbers.


Apply Rules Tool

Forces the set rule on the selected objects.


Change Flow Direction Tool

Changes the path of the selected objects. It is very important to have this option set correctly if you are going to use any of the analysis programs.

The Network Tools Panel


The Parts List drop-down on the Network Tools panel contains the following tools:

Create Parts List

Allows you to create new parts list via the Network Parts List – New Parts List dialog.

Create Full Parts List

Takes all the parts available in the parts catalog and creates a list called Full Catalog.

Edit Parts List

Opens the Parts List dialog, where you can select the network to add to an existing or new pipe network.

Set Network Catalog

Opens the Pipe Network Settings dialog, where you can select whether you wish to use Imperial or metric parts, and also sets the location of the Network Catalog.

Part Builder

Opens the Part Builder tool.


Draw Parts In Profile View

Adds the selected pipe network objects into an existing profile.

The Analyze Panel

The Analyze Panel contains the following tools for doing various checks on a pipe network.


Interference Check Properties

Allows you to create an interference check between parts, whether or not they are on the same network. The following tools are available via the submenu:


Create Interference Check Tool

This is the same as the Interference Check Properties tool.


When you select the Interference Check Properties tool, you are prompted to select Interference and then the Interference Check Properties dialog opens:

  • The Information tab displays basic information such as the name of the interference set, style, rendering material, and layer.
  • The Criteria tab contains specific editable items, such as whether to use 3D proximity check, distance, and scale factors.
  • The Statistics tab is a combined listing of the other tabs but also allows you to see the networks used for the interference check.


Interference Properties Tool

Interference Properties will give you information about a single interference location in your drawing. This differs from the Interference Check Properties in that you can't change the criteria from here. You only see the following information about a specific instance of interference:

  • Information tab (where you can name the individual interference objects)
  • Statistics tab (which contains the X-Y location of the selected interference object)


Edit Interference Style Tool

Opens the Interference Style dialog, where you can change the visual parameters for the interference object. For more on styles, see Chapter 19.


Storm Sewers Tool

These commands interact with the Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension. Hydraflow is a separate program that is included with Civil 3D. An in-depth discussion of Hydraflow is beyond the scope of this book; see the Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension help files for more information.


Edit In Storm And Sanitary Analysis Tool

Opens the Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA) program. For more on SSA, see Chapter 15, “Storm and Sanitary Analysis.”

The Launch Pad Panel


The Launch Pad panel contains the following tools:

Alignment From Network

Allows you to create an alignment from pipe network parts.


Storm Sewers Tool

Opens the Hydroflow Storm Sewers program.


Hydrographs Tool

Opens the Hydraflow Hydrographs program. Hydraflow Hydrographs is a separate program that is included with Civil 3D. An in-depth discussion of Hydraflow Hydrographs is beyond the scope of this book; see the Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension help files for more information.


Express Tool

Opens the Hydraflow Express program. Hydraflow Express is a separate program that is included with Civil 3D. An in-depth discussion of Hydraflow Express is beyond the scope of this book; see the Hydraflow Express help files for more information.

Editing with the Network Layout Tools Toolbar

You can also edit your pipe network by retrieving the Network Layout Tools toolbar. This is accomplished by selecting a pipe network object and choosing Edit Network from the context tab. You can also go to the Modify tab and click Pipe Network on the Design panel.

Once the toolbar is up, you can continue working exactly the way you did when you originally laid out your pipe network.

This exercise will give you hands-on experience in making a variety of edits to a sanitary and storm-drainage pipe network:

1. Open the EditingPipesPlan.dwg (EditingPipesPlan_Metric.dwg) file.
This drawing includes a sanitary sewer network and a storm drainage network as well as some surfaces and alignments. For metric users, the structure family names end with SI.
2. Select the structure STM STR 3 in the drawing. It is labeled with the structure name showing.
3. From the context tab, choose Swap Part.
4. Select the 2 × 4 (1000 × 750 mm) structure from the Rectangular Junction Structure NF, and click OK.

Toggling Numbers
When you grip the triangular Endpoint grip, dynamic input shows the amount that the pipe is being lengthened. You want to lengthen the entire pipe run. Pressing the Tab key toggles between the additional pipe lengthened versus the entire pipe length.

5. Select the newly placed catch basin so that you see the two structure grips.
6. Use the rotational grip and your nearest Osnap to align the catch basin, as shown in Figure 14.40.

Figure 14.40 Rotate and move the catch basin into place along the curb.

7. Use the AutoCAD Erase command to erase SAN STR 7.
8. If dynamic input is not already on, press F12 to enable it. Select the sanitary sewer pipe that is labeled in the north of the drawing.
9. Use the triangular Endpoint grip and the Dynamic Input tooltip to lengthen it to a total length of 200′ (60.96 m), as shown in Figure 14.41.

Figure 14.41 Lengthen the pipe to 200′ (60.96 m).

Note that this is the 3D Center To Center Pipe Length. Next you will add a structure to the end of the pipe you just modified.
10. Select any pipe in the sanitary network. In the Pipe Networks contextual tab, choose Edit Pipe Network.


11. From the Structures List, set the structure to SMH from the Concentric Cylindrical Structures NF family.
12. From the Draw Pipes and Structures pull-down, set the option to Structures Only. Place the structure in the drawing at the end of the pipe you lengthened in step 9.
13. Select STM STR 3 in the drawing, and from the context tab, choose Structure Properties.
14. Switch to the Part Properties tab, scroll down to the Sump Depth field, and change the value to 0′ (0 m).
15. Click OK to exit the Structure Properties dialog.
16. On the Prospector tab of Toolspace, expand the Pipe Networks ⇒ Networks ⇒ Sanitary Network branch, and select the Structures entry.
17. Use the tabular interface in the preview pane area of Prospector to change the names of SAN STR 1 through SAN STR 4 to MH1 through MH4.


I Thought I Took Care of That Sump?
In steps 13–15, you were instructed to make the sump depth 0. So why isn't the bottom of the structure even with the pipe in the Profile Graphic? Structures are created using the outermost edges, and in the case of structures, this includes a 6″ (150 mm) sump.
After you learn about Part Builder at the end of the chapter, come back and try this to add a zero value to the Floor Thickness list:
1. Start Part Builder.
2. Select the Concentric Cylinder part and click Edit.
3. Right-click Size Parameters and select Edit Values.
4. Click your cursor in the FTh field. This will enable the Edit Values button.
5. Click the Edit Value button. In the Edit Values dialog, click Add.
6. Type 0 for the new value and click OK.
7. Exit Part Builder, saving the part.
8. Back in Prospector, choose Settings ⇒ Pipe Network ⇒ Parts Lists ⇒ Storm Sewer.
9. Expand the part you changed earlier, right-click, and choose Edit.
10. Notice that there is now a Floor Thickness value of 0.

Creating an Alignment from Network Parts

On some occasions, certain legs of a pipe network require their own stationing. Perhaps most of your pipes are shown on a road profile but the legs that run offsite or through open space require their own profiles. Whatever the reason, it's often necessary to create an alignment from network parts. Follow these steps:

1. Open the AlignmentFromNetworkParts.dwg (AlignmentFromNetworkParts_METRIC.dwg) file.
2. Select the CB1 structure, which will be the first structure and will be station 0+00 (0+000) on the alignment.
3. On the Pipe Networks contextual tab ⇒ Launch Pad panel, select Alignment From Network.
The command line reads Select next Network Part or [Undo].
4. Select the STM STR 7 structure, which will be the last structure on the alignment.
5. Press SoftEnter, and a dialog appears that is almost identical to the one you see when you create an alignment from the Alignments menu.
  • Name your alignment Storm CL.
  • Notice the Create Profile And Profile View check box on the last line of the dialog. Leave the box selected and click OK.
The Create Profile From Surface dialog appears (see Figure 14.42).

Figure 14.42 The Create Profile From Surface dialog

6. Click to highlight the Composite surface, and click Add.
7. Click Draw In Profile View.
You see the Create Profile View Wizard (see Figure 14.43).

Figure 14.43 The Create Profile View Wizard

8. Click the link next to Pipe Network Display to jump to that page.
You should see a list of pipes and structures in your drawing.
9. Verify that Yes is selected for each pipe and structure in the Storm Network only.
10. Click Create Profile View, and place the profile view to the right of the site plan.

You see three structures and two pipes drawn in a profile view, which is based on the newly created alignment (see Figure 14.44).

Figure 14.44 Creating a profile view


Drawing Parts in Profile View


To add pipe network parts to an existing profile view, select a network part, and choose Draw Parts In Profile from the Network Tools panel on the contextual tab. When you're using this command, it's important to note that only selected parts are drawn in your chosen profile view.

Profiles and profile views are always cut with respect to an alignment. Therefore, pipes are shown in the profile view on the basis of how they appear along that alignment, or how they cross that alignment. Unless your alignment exactly follows the centerline of your network parts, your pipes will likely show some drafting distortion.

Let's look at Figure 14.45 as an example. This particular jurisdiction requires that all utilities be profiled along the road centerline. There's a road centerline, a storm network that jogs across the road to connect with another catch basin.

Figure 14.45 These pipe lengths will be distorted in profile view.


At least two potentially confusing elements show up in your profile view. First, the distance between structures (2D Length - Center To Center) isn't the same between the plan and the profile (see Figure 14.46) because the storm pipe doesn't run parallel to the alignment. Because the labeling reflects the network model, all labeling is true to the 2D Length - Center To Center or any other length you specify in your label style.

Figure 14.46 Pipe labels in plan view (top) and profile view (bottom)


The second potential issue is that the invert of your crossing storm pipe is shown at the point where the storm pipe crosses the alignment, and not at the point where it crosses the sanitary pipe (see Figure 14.47).

Figure 14.47 The invert of a crossing pipe is drawn at the location where it crosses the alignment.


Vertical Movement Edits Using Grips in Profile

Although you can't make changes to certain part properties (such as pipe length) in profile view, pipes and structures both have special grips for changing their vertical properties in profile view.

When selected, a structure has two grips in profile view (see Figure 14.48). The first is a triangular-shaped grip representing a rim insertion point. This grip can be dragged up or down and affects the model structure-insertion point.

Figure 14.48 A structure has two grips in profile view.


Moving this grip can affect your structure insertion point two ways, depending on how your structure properties were established:

  • If your structure has Automatic Surface Adjustment set to True, grip-editing this Rim Insertion Point grip changes the surface adjustment value. If your reference surface changes, then your rim will change along with it, plus or minus the surface adjustment value.
  • If your structure has the Automatic Surface Adjustment set to False, grip-editing this Rim grip modifies the insertion point of the rim. No matter what happens to your reference surface, the rim will stay locked in place.

Typically, you'll use the Rim Insertion Point grip only in cases where you don't have a surface for your rims to target to, or if you know there is a desired surface adjustment value. It's tempting to make a quick change instead of making the improvements to your surface that are fundamentally necessary to get the desired rim elevation. One quick change often grows in scope. Making the necessary design changes to your target surface will keep your model dynamic and, in the long run, will make editing your rim elevations easier.

The second grip is a triangular grip located at the sump depth. This grip doesn't represent structure invert. In Civil 3D, only pipes truly have invert elevation. The structure uses the connected pipe information to determine how deep it should be. When the sump has been set at a depth of 0, the sump elevation equals the invert of the deepest connected pipe.

This grip can be dragged up or down. It affects the modeled sump depth in one of two ways, depending on how your structure properties are established:

Controlling Sump By Depth

If your structure is set to control sump by depth, editing with the Sump grip changes the sump depth.

The depth is measured from the structure insertion point. For example, if the original sump depth was 0, grip-editing the sump 0.5′ (15.24 cm) lower would be the equivalent of creating a new sump rule for a 0.5′ (15.24 cm) depth and applying the rule to this structure. This sump will react to hold the established depth if your reference surface changes, your connected pipe inverts change, or something else is modified that would affect the invert of the lowest connected pipe. This triangular grip is most useful in cases where most of your pipe network will follow the sump rule applied in your parts lists, but selected structures need special treatment.

Controlling Sump By Elevation

If your structure is set to control sump by elevation, adjusting the Sump grip changes that elevation.

When sump is controlled by elevation, sump is treated as an absolute value that will hold regardless of the structure insertion point. For example, if you grip-edit your structure so its depth is 8.219′ (2.51 m), the structure will remain at that depth regardless of what happens to the inverts of your connected pipes. The Control Sump By Elevation parameter is best used for existing structures that have surveyed information of absolute sump elevations that won't change with the addition of new connected pipes.

When selected, a pipe end has three grips in profile view (see Figure 14.49). You can grip-edit the invert, crown, and centerline elevations at the structure connection using these grips, resulting in the pipe slope changing to accommodate the new endpoint elevation.

Figure 14.49 Three grips for a pipe end in profile view


When selected, a pipe in profile view has one grip at its midpoint (see Figure 14.50). You can use this grip to move the pipe vertically while holding the slope of the pipe constant.

Figure 14.50 Use the Midpoint grip to move a pipe vertically.


You can access pipe or structure properties by choosing a part, right-clicking, and choosing Pipe or Structure Properties.

Removing a Part from Profile View

If you have a part in profile view that you'd like to remove from the view but not delete from the pipe network entirely, you have a few options.

AutoCAD Erase can remove a part from profile view; however, that part is then removed from every profile view in which it appears. If you have only one profile view, or if you're trying to delete the pipe from every profile view, this is a good method to use.

Be careful when using the Del key or the Erase command on objects in plan view. Keep in mind that deleting any object from plan view removes the object outright, which includes pipe network parts. Use your Esc key liberally before selecting items to remove; this will help you avoid unintended deletion of items. Of course, if you accidentally blow away something, Undo will bring it back.

A better way to remove parts from a particular profile view is through the Profile View Properties. You can access these properties by selecting the profile view, right-clicking, and choosing Profile View Properties.

The Pipe Networks tab of the Profile View Properties dialog (see Figure 14.51) provides a list of all pipes and structures that are shown in that profile view. You can deselect the check boxes next to parts you'd like to omit from this view.

Figure 14.51 Deselect parts to omit them from a view.


At the bottom of the Profile View Properties dialog is a checkbox for Show Only Parts Drawn In Profile View. This checkbox is off by default so that you can see every possible pipe and structure. When this is checked on, the Pipe Network tab will hide any pipes that are not visible in the profile view you are examining.

Showing Pipes That Cross the Profile View

If you have pipes that cross the alignment related to your profile view, you can show them with a crossing style. A pipe must cross the parent alignment to be shown as a crossing in the profile view. The location of a crossing pipe is always shown at the elevation where it crosses the alignment (see Figure 14.52).

Figure 14.52 A pipe crossing a profile


When pipes enter directly into profiled structures, they can be shown as ellipses through the Display tab of the Structure Style dialog (see Figure 14.53). See Chapter 21, “Object Styles,” for more information about creating structure styles.

Figure 14.53 Pipes that cross directly into a structure can be shown as part of the structure style.


The first step to display a pipe crossing in profile is to add the pipe that crosses your alignment to your profile view by either selecting the pipe, right-clicking, and selecting Draw Parts In Profile from the Network Tools panel and selecting the profile view, or by checking the appropriate boxes on the Pipe Network tab of the Profile View Properties dialog. When the pipe is added, it's distorted when it's projected onto your profile view—in other words, it's shown as if you wanted to see the entire length of pipe in profile (see Figure 14.54).

Figure 14.54 The pipe crossing is distorted.


The next step is to override the pipe style in this profile view only. Changing the pipe style through pipe properties won't give you the desired result, because that will affect the visibility of every single instance of the pipe. You must override the style on the Pipe Networks tab of the Profile View Properties dialog (see Figure 14.55).

Figure 14.55 Correct the representation in the Profile View Properties dialog.


Locate the pipe you just added to your profile view, and scroll to the last column on the right (Style Override). Select the Style Override check box, and choose your pipe crossing style. Click OK. Your pipe should now appear as an ellipse.

If your pipe appears as an ellipse but suddenly seems to have disappeared in the plan and other profiles, chances are good that you didn't use the Style Override but accidentally changed the pipe style. Go back to the Profile View Properties dialog and make the necessary adjustments; your pipes will appear as you expect.

Adding Pipe Network Labels

Once you've designed your network, it's important to annotate the design. This section focuses on pipe network–specific label components in plan and profile views (see Figure 14.56).

Figure 14.56 Typical pipe network labels (top) in plan view and (bottom) in profile view


Like all Civil 3D objects, the Pipe and Structure label styles can be found in the Pipe and Structure branches of the Settings tab in Toolspace and are covered in Chapter 20, “Label Styles.”

Creating a Labeled Pipe Network Profile Including Crossings

This exercise will apply several of the concepts in this chapter to give you hands-on experience producing a pipe network profile that includes pipes that cross the alignment. You will have another chance to practice creating an alignment from a pipe network and associating the new alignment to the parts. You will also practice overriding pipe display in the Profile Properties. There are storm pipes that cross the centerline nearly perpendicular to the alignment. You will show these as ellipses in the profile view.

1. Open the Pipes-Exercise3.dwg (Pipes-Exercise3_METRIC.dwg) file. (It's important to start with this drawing rather than use the drawing from an earlier exercise.)
2. Locate sanitary structure 16 (near station 5+15 or 0+160 of Cabernet Court), select it to open the Pipe Networks contextual tab, and then select Alignment From Network on the Launch Pad panel.
3. When prompted to select next network part, select Structure 18 and press SoftEnter to create an alignment from the sanitary sewer network.
4. Choose the following options in the Create Alignment From Network Parts dialog:
  • Site: <none>
  • Name: SMH16 to SMH18 Alignment
  • Alignment Type: Miscellaneous
  • Alignment Style: _None
  • Alignment Label Set: _No Labels
  • Create Profile And Profile View check box: Selected
5. Click OK.
6. Sample the EG and Corridor FG surfaces in the Create Profile From Surface dialog.
7. Change the Style for Corridor FG - Surface (2) to Design Profile.
8. Click Draw In Profile View to open the Create Profile View dialog.
9. Click the Next button in the Create Profile View Wizard until you reach the Pipe Network Display page.
You should see a list of pipes and structures in your drawing. Make sure Yes is selected for each pipe and structure under Sanitary Sewer Network.
10. Click Create Profile View, and place the profile view to the right of the site plan.
11. Select either a pipe or a structure to open the Pipe Network contextual tab. On the Labels & Tables panel, select Add Labels ⇒ Entire Network Profile.
The alignment information is missing from your structure labels, because the alignment was created after the pipe network.
12. Expand the Sanitary Network branch in the Prospector tab of Toolspace to set your new alignment as the reference alignment for these structures.
13. Click the Structures entry, and find the Structures list in the preview pane.
14. Select the structures 16–18 in the preview pane using Shift+click. You may need to left-click on the Name column header to sort by name.
15. Scroll to the right until you see the Reference Alignment column.
16. Right-click the column header and select Edit. Choose SMH16 To SMH18 Alignment from the dialog and click OK.
17. You may need to type REGEN ALL at the command line to see your updated structure labels.
18. Pan your drawing until you see the Storm layout located on Syrah Way.
The sanitary pipe network has already been laid out on the Syrah Way profile. You want to show the storm where it crosses the sanitary so you can adjust the pipe elevations if necessary.
19. Select the four pipes that cross perpendicular to the Syrah Way alignment.
20. In the Pipe Networks contextual tab ⇒ Network Tools panel, select Draw Parts In Profile.
21. Select the Syrah Way profile view.
22. Press Esc to ensure no extra objects are selected, and then select the Profile view and pick Profile View Properties from the contextual tab.
23. On the Pipe Network tab of the Profile View Properties, place a check mark next to Show Only Parts Drawn In Profile View.
24. For all four Storm Network pipes shown, override the pipe style in this profile view by placing a check mark next to <Not Overridden> in the Style Override column. You will be prompted to pick the pipe style as shown previously in Figure 14.55.
25. When all four pipes have had overrides set, click OK.
Your crossing pipes will resemble Figure 14.57.
26. Adjust the elevations of the crossing pipes as needed. Save and close the drawing.

Figure 14.57 The completed exercise with crossing pipes


Pipe and Structure Labels

In earlier exercises, you have already had a sneak peek at adding labels for structures. Civil 3D makes no distinction between a plan label and a profile label. The same label style can be used both places. In this chapter, we will make use of label styles that are already part of the drawing.

To create your own pipe labels from scratch, see Chapter 20.

Spanning Pipe Labels
In addition to single-part labels, pipes shown in either plan or profile view can be labeled using the Spanning Pipes option. This feature allows you to choose more than one pipe; the length that is reported in the label is the cumulative length of all pipes you choose.
Unlike Parcel spanning labels, no special label-style setting is required to use this tool. The Spanning Pipes option is on the Annotate tab. Select Add Labels ⇒ Pipe Network ⇒ Spanning Pipes Profile to access the command.

Creating an Interference Check

In design, you must make sure pipes and structures have appropriate separation. You can perform some visual checks by rotating your model in 3D and plotting pipes in profile and section views (see Figure 14.58). Civil 3D also provides a tool called Interference Check that makes a 3D sweep of your pipe networks and lets you know if anything is too close for comfort.

Figure 14.58 Two pipe networks may interfere vertically where crossings occur (top). Viewing your pipes in profile view can also help identify conflicts (bottom).


The following exercise will lead you through creating a pipe network and using Interference Check to scan your design for potential pipe network conflicts:

1. Open the Interference.dwg (Interference_METRIC.dwg) file. The drawing includes a sanitary sewer pipe network and a storm drainage network.
2. Select a part from either network and choose Interference Check from the Analyze panel.
You'll see the prompt Select a part from the same network or different network:.
3. Select a part from the network not chosen.
The Create Interference Check dialog appears (Figure 14.59).

Figure 14.59 The Create Interference Check dialog

4. Name the Interference Check Exercise, and confirm that Sanitary Network and Storm Network appear in the Network 1 and Network 2 boxes.
5. Click 3D Proximity Check Criteria, and the Criteria dialog appears (see Figure 14.60).

Figure 14.60 Criteria for the 3D proximity check

You're interested in finding all network parts that are within a certain tolerance of one another, so enter 1.5′ (0.5 m) in the Use Distance box.
This setting creates a buffer to help find parts in all directions that might interfere. If you forget to check Apply 3D Proximity Check, you would only get direct, physical collisions listed as collisions.
6. Click OK to exit the Criteria dialog, and click OK to run the Interference Check.
You see a dialog that alerts you to three interferences.
7. Click OK to dismiss this dialog.
8. On the Prospector tab of Toolspace ⇒ Pipe Networks, expand Interference Checks. Right-click on Exercise and select Zoom To.
A small marker has appeared at each location where interference occurs, as shown in Figure 14.61.

Figure 14.61 The interference marker in plan view

9. Select any one of the interference markers, the pipes that intersect, and the nearby inlets.


10. From the Multiple contextual tab, click Object Viewer.
The interference marker appears in 3D, as shown in Figure 14.62.

Figure 14.62 The interference marker in 3D

11. Use the ViewCube in Object Viewer to navigate in 3D.
12. Once you have examined the 3D objects, close Object Viewer. Save the drawing.
Note that each instance of interference is listed in the preview pane for further study.

Making edits to your pipe network flags the interference check as “out of date.” You can rerun Interference Check by right-clicking Interference Check in Prospector. You can also edit your criteria in this right-click menu.

Creating Pipe Tables

Just like with parcels and labels, labeling pipes can turn into a mess with all the labels set on the plan, such as pipes and structures (see Figure 14.63). In this section, you will explore table creation for pipes and structures.

Figure 14.63 Pipes and structure labels crowded on a plan


Exploring the Table Creation Dialog

Since the structure and pipe table creation dialogs are similar, we will cover both of them in this section:

  • The Table Style option allows you to select a table look or style. You can select the available styles from the arrow to the right of the table style name. You can also create new, copy, edit, or pick a table style. For more on table styles, see Chapter 20.
  • The Table Layer option will set the overall layer for the table.
  • With the By Network radio button selected, you can select the network to create a table from the drop-down list, or use the pick icon to select the network on the drawing.
  • With the Multiple Selection radio button selected and by using the pick icon, you can select structures or pipes (depending on which table type is selected) from the drawing. You can pick pipes or structures regardless of the network.
  • The Split Table check box will allow you to split the table if it gets too large. You can specify the maximum number of rows per table and the maximum number of tables per stack. Additionally, you can set the offset distance between the stacked tables.
  • You can choose whether you want the split tables tiled across or down.
  • The last option to choose defines the behavior you want for the table: Static or Dynamic. A static table will not update if any changes are made to the pipe network, such as swapping a part. Dynamic will update the table to those changes.

In the following exercise, you will create a pipe network table for the sanitary sewer structures:

1. Open the Pipes-Exercise3.dwg (Pipes-Exercise3_METRIC.dwg) file.
It is not necessary to have completed the previous exercise that uses the same file.
2. Click on the Sanitary Sewer Manhole 1.
3. From the Pipe Networks contextual tab ⇒ Labels & Tables panel, select Add Tables ⇒ Add Structure.
The Structure Table Creation dialog opens.
4. Click OK to accept the default settings (shown previously in Figure 14.64).

Figure 14.64 Structure Table Creation dialog box

5. Place the table to the right of your plan.
The table should look similar to Figure 14.65.

Figure 14.65 The finished structure table


The table creation for pipes is similar to the structure table creation process. Continue working in Pipes-Exercise3.dwg (Pipes-Exercise3_METRIC.dwg):

1. Click on a Sanitary Sewer pipe.
2. From the Labels & Tables panel, select Add Tables ⇒ Add Pipe.
The Pipe Table Creation dialog opens (Figure 14.66).

Figure 14.66 The Pipe Table Creation dialog

3. Click OK to accept the default settings.
4. Place the table to the right of the structure table.
The pipe table should look similar to Figure 14.67.

Figure 14.67 The finished pipe table


The Table Panel Tools

When you click on a table, the Table contextual tab opens and has several tools available (Figure 14.68). We'll look at each in this section.

Figure 14.68 The Table contextual tab


The General Tools Panel

The tools here are the same as mentioned earlier when we discussed the pipe network tools.

The Modify Panel

The Modify Panel contains the following tools:


Table Properties Tool

Opens the Table Properties dialog. You can set the table style and choose whether to split the table with all the options mentioned earlier. In addition, you can force realignment of stacks and force content updating.


Edit Table Style Tool

Opens the Table Style dialog. For more on editing table styles, see Chapter 20.


Static Mode Tool

Turns a dynamic table into a static table.


Update Content Tool

Forces an update on a table.


Realign Stacks Tool

Readjusts the table columns back to the default setting.


Add Items Tool

Adds pipe data to the table that was added after the table was created.


Remove Items Tool

Removes pipe or structure objects from a table.


Replace Items Tool

Allows you to swap pipe or structures in the table.

Under Pressure

New to Civil 3D 2013 are pressure networks. Pressure pipes work differently than gravity flow pipe systems within Civil 3D. Much of the need for custom parts like valves or hydrants is eliminated with these systems.

Pressure Network Parts List

Like gravity-based networks, a pressure network starts with a parts list. All of the parts available in Civil 3D are based on standards established by the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and are listed in both inches and millimeters.

Under the Hood of the Pressure Network

Before you can create a pressure parts list, you must decide which catalog you will be working from. Set the pressure network catalog by going to the Home tab of the ribbon ⇒ Create Design panel flyout, and select Set Pressure Network Catalog, as shown in Figure 14.69.

Figure 14.69 Setting the pressure network catalog


Set the path to the Pressure Pipes Catalog folder to C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuPressure Pipes Catalog. Click the folder icon to choose either the Metric or the Imperial database depending on your needs.

The catalog database file determines the join type between pressure network parts. The most commonly used join type in modern water main construction is the push-on type, which is the default pressure database. As shown in Figure 14.70, Imperial units have a choice of three options:

  • Imperial_AWWA_Flanged
  • Imperial_AWWA_Mechanical
  • Imperial_AWWA_PushOn

Figure 14.70 Setting your catalog database file


Metric_AWWA_PushOn is currently the only available option for metric users.

Each of these differs slightly in their options for pipes, fittings, and appurtenances. Only one type of pressure network catalog can be active at a time. A parts list can have parts from only one catalog in it; for example, you cannot mix and match push-on with mechanical parts. You can, however, have multiple pressure parts lists in your template; each can pull parts from the various catalog database files.

Creating a Pressure Parts List

In the Settings tab of Toolspace you will find the listing for pressure networks. The Pressure Networks branch is where you will create a parts list. In the case of pressure networks, a parts list contains three components:

Pressure Pipes

Ductile iron of various sizes can be added. Like the gravity networks, each part can have a style. Furthermore, different sizes within the part families can have style, which can help you identify them in the graphic.


Fittings such as T's, crosses, and elbows are specified in this tab.


Valves are specified in the Appurtenances tab.

Bursting with Parts
To create a full list of all pressure network parts available in your active part catalog, type CreatePressurePartListFull at the command line and press SoftEnter.
Keep in mind that the three different catalogs available to US Imperial units varies with regard to which parts are available. For example, the following graphic shows the variation of the fittings available to Push-on, Flanged, and Mechanical catalogs.
The next question on your lips is probably, “Okay, so can I make my own parts?” The answer is, “Well, sort of, but it is currently unsupported.”
Pressure pipe network parts are 3D solids with a few extra bells and whistles that tell the program how they connect to other parts. If you are comfortable drafting 3D solids using the tools from the 3D modeling workspace, the procedure is fairly painless.
The Part Publishing Wizard tools built into AutoCAD will allow you to create a *.CONTENT package, for example, Hydrant.CONTENT. Once the content package is created, you can import it into the pressure pipe catalog of your choice by launching the Content Catalog editor.
The Content Catalog editor is automatically installed with Civil 3D 2013 and can be found off your Windows Start menu along with the other AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 utilities.
For more information on creating parts through the Part Publishing Wizard, see PartPublishingWizardUsersGuide.docx located in C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD Civil 3D 2013SampleCivil 3D APIPart Publishing Wizard.

In the following exercise, you will create a pressure network parts list:

1. Open the drawing Pressure.dwg (Pressure_METRIC.dwg), which you can download from this book's web page.
This file is set up with a layer state that makes other objects gray. This will help you focus on the placement of pressure pipe network objects.
2. On the Home tab ⇒ Create Design panel flyout, select Set Pressure Network Catalog.
3. Verify that the Catalog Database File is set to Imperial_AWWA_PushOn.sqlite (Metric_AWWA_PushOn.sqlite). Click OK.
4. On the Settings tab of Toolspace ⇒ Pressure Network, expand Pressure Network, right-click Parts Lists, and select New.
5. On the Information tab, rename the Pressure Network Parts List to Watermain.
6. Switch to the Pressure Pipes tab. Right-click New Parts List and select Add Material.
7. Place a check mark next to Ductile Iron and click OK.
8. The name of the pipe parts list will update to Watermain. Expand the Watermain branch.
9. Right-click on Ductile Iron and select Add Size.
10. Set the Nominal Diameter value to 10″ (250 mm).
11. Set the Cut Length value to 20′ (6 m). Leave all other defaults values, as shown in Figure 14.71, and click OK.

Figure 14.71 Adding ductile iron pipe to the pressure network parts list

12. Switch to the Fittings tab, right-click New Parts List, and select Add Type.
13. Place a check mark next to all three fitting types—Cross, Elbow, and Tee—as shown in Figure 14.72, and then click OK.

Figure 14.72 Adding fittings to the pressure network parts list

Metric users will just have the options for Elbow and Tee and can skip to step 16.
14. Expand the new Watermain Fittings listing if it is not already expanded.
15. Right-click on Ductile Iron Cross and select Add Size.
16. Change Nominal Diameter to 14 × 14 × 10 × 10. Leave the allowable deflection as 5 degrees, and click OK.
17. Right-click Ductile Iron Elbow, and click Add Size.
18. Set the bend angle to 11.25 and set the nominal diameter to 10″ (250 mm). Leave the Allowable Deflection value at 5°, which is the default for the size you picked. Click OK.
19. Repeat steps 17–19 for 22.5° and 45° elbows, with a nominal diameter of 10″ (250 mm).
20. Right-click Ductile Iron Tee and select Add Size.
21. Set the nominal diameter to 10″ (250 mm). Leave the allowable deflection as 5°. Click OK.
22. Switch to the Appurtenances tab.
23. Right-click New Parts List and select Add Type.
24. Place a check mark next to Gate Valve-Push On-Ductile Iron-200psi (Gate Valve-Push On-Ductile Iron-16 Bar) and click OK.
25. Expand the Appurtenance listing.
26. Right-click the new gate valve and select Add Size.
27. Change the Nominal Diameter value to 10″ (250 mm) and click OK.
28. Click OK again to complete the creation of the Watermain pressure network parts list, and then save the drawing for use in the next exercise.

Creating a Pressure Network

After you have set your pressure network catalog, created your pressure network parts list, and set your design parameters, it is time to draw your first network.

Pressure Networks in Plan View

As you work with pressure pipes, you will see some useful glyphs appear as you draw.

As shown in Figure 14.73, selecting a pressure pipe will give you tools to modify and continue your design.

Figure 14.73 Glyphs on a pressure pipe end



The location glyph moves the pipe both horizontally and vertically and will disconnect it from the adjoining fittings or appurtenances. Changing the location of a fitting or appurtenance will move the pipe and maintain the connection.


The deflection glyph will change the angle at which the pipe sits in the adjoining fitting. When this glyph is active, you will see a fan-shaped guide indicating the allowable deflection from the fitting properties in the pressure network parts list. You are able to move the pipe beyond the guide, but will receive design check errors when analyzing the network. You will take a closer look at design checks later in this chapter.

Continue Layout

Continue Layout will help you pick up where you left off when working with pressure pipes. When you use this glyph from the end of a pipe, it will create a bend using the elbows from your pressure parts list. When you use this grip from a fitting or appurtenance, you are restricted to creating your pipe within the object's deflection tolerance.


Lengthen will allow you to stretch or shorten a pipe. When used with dynamic input, you can set pipes to a specific desired 3D length. See the section on working with pipes and dynamic input earlier in the section “Editing with the Network Layout Tools Toolbar.”

As shown in Figure 14.74, you will encounter more glyphs when working with fittings and appurtenances.

Figure 14.74 Glyphs on a Tee fitting



The slide glyph is similar to lengthen, but can modify a pipe's length when a fitting or appurtenance is already attached.


The flip glyph will mirror the part at its center. Flip glyphs are especially handy when working with Tees, as it is often necessary to change the outlet direction of a Tee after it is inserted. Be cautious when using the flip glyph with elbows, since it may disconnect the adjoining pipe.

In this exercise, you will create a pressure network. Use the X's as a guide for placement, but don't worry if your pipe network is slightly off from the guides. Due to the 3D nature of the pipes, the restrictions on placement angles within the pressure network parts, and object snap behavior, duplicating an example network exactly would be quite tedious. Get a feel for the pressure network creation tools and have fun! You need to have completed the previous exercise before continuing.

1. Continue working in the drawing Pressure.dwg (Pressure_METRIC.dwg).
As you work through this exercise, you will have best results if you turn off object snaps, object snap tracking, polar tracking, and/or ortho. Because the pressure pipe tools already have restrictions on how they can be drafted, sometimes these tools conflict with where you want to place the pipe.
2. From the Home tab ⇒ Create Design panel, click Pipe Network ⇒ Pressure Network Creation Tools, as shown in Figure 14.75.

Figure 14.75 Selecting Pressure Network Creation Tools

3. In the Create Pressure Pipe Network dialog, name the network Watermain North, and then do the following:
A. Set the parts list to Watermain.
B. Set the surface name to Composite.
C. Set Alignment Name to Syrah Way.
D. Set the pipe, fitting, and appurtenance labels as shown in Figure 14.76.

Figure 14.76 Creating your new Watermain system using pressure pipe network tools

4. Click OK.
The ribbon now changes to show you the Pressure Network Plan Layout ribbon tab, as shown in Figure 14.77.

Figure 14.77 The Pressure Network Plan Layout toolbar

5. On the Network settings tab, set the default cover to 4.5′ (1.5 m).
6. On the Layout panel, set your Size and Material pull-down to Pipe-10 In-Push On-Ductile Iron350 psi-AWWA C251. (Pipe-250 mm-Push On-Ductile Iron-25 Bar-AWWA C251).
7. Start to place a waterline by clicking the X labeled 1 toward the east end of Syrah Way.
8. Place the first bend by clicking near the X labeled 2, to the left.
At the bend, you are restricted to the bend angles listed in your part network. The compass glyph (Figure 14.78) that appears represents the elbow angles to the left and right of your pipe. If you had not included multiple elbow angles in you pressure pipe network parts list, only the default elbow angle of 11.25 degrees would be available.

Figure 14.78 The pressure pipe fitting glyph reflects your elbow angles.

9. Click the X labeled 3 to place the next pipe end.
10. Continue working east to west until you click near the X labeled 8. Press Esc.
To keep the pressure pipe on track, you will use the allowable deflection of the elbow to move the pipe closer to the edge of the road.
Make sure your object snaps off for the next steps, as they will interfere with the pipe modification glyphs.
11. Select the pipe section between the X labeled 7 and the X labeled 8, and then use the deflection glyph to move the end of the pipe up to the approximate center of the green circle, as shown in Figure 14.79.

Figure 14.79 Use the deflection glyph to move the pipe.

12. Click the + glyph to continue the layout.
13. Place the next pipe end at the X labeled 9.
14. Continue working west until you reach near the X labeled 10.
Don't worry if you are off the desired location, as you can always use the glyphs to edit the pipe location after the fact.
15. Press Esc after placing this pipe.
16. On the Pressure Network Plan Layout contextual tab ⇒ Insert panel, change the fitting to Tee-10 in × 10 in (Tee-250 mm × 250 mm).
17. Click Add Fitting.


As you hover your cursor near the end of the pipe, you will see the Add Fitting glyph, as shown in Figure 14.80.

Figure 14.80 Add fitting to the end of the pipe

18. Click to add the tee.
19. Press Esc to complete the task.
At this point, the tee is in the graphic but it is not positioned in such a way that would make it useful in continuing the design north and south along the intersecting road (Frontenac Drive). To fix this situation, you will disconnect it from the pipe, rotate it, and then reconnect the pipe.
20. Click the tee in the graphic to select it, and then right-click the part and select Disconnect From Pressure Part, as shown in Figure 14.81.

Figure 14.81 Disconnecting the part in preparation for rotating it

21. At the prompt Select connected pressure part:, select the pipe connected to the tee.
Now that the part is disconnected, you are free to rotate it into place. Select the part to reveal its glyphs. There is a rotation glyph visible on the object, which you will use to rotate the part 90° counterclockwise.
22. Press F12 to turn on dynamic input if it is not already on.
23. As shown in Figure 14.82, click the rotation glyph and enter -90SoftEnter.

Figure 14.82 Rotate the tee to correct its position before reconnecting.

The tee is now in the correct position, but it must be reconnected to the pipe.


24. Select the location glyph, and move the tee to the east until you see the connection glyph similar to the one you saw in Figure 14.80.
25. When you see the correct glyph, click.
You will know the tee is connected properly when the rotation glyph no longer appears on the selected fitting. Another graphic indication that the tee is connected will be the reappearance of the slide glyph on the connected end.
26. Select the tee to reveal the grips. Working north from the tee, click the + glyph to continue the layout.
27. Click to place an elbow at the X labeled 11 and finally the X labeled 12. Press Esc.
28. Working south from the tee, click the + glyph to continue the layout.
29. Click to place a pipe ending at the X labeled 13, and press Esc.


30. From the Home tab ⇒ Layers panel, click Layer Freeze.
31. Click one of the X's to freeze the _Placement Labels layer, and press SoftEnter to complete.
32. On the Pressure Network Plan Layout contextual tab ⇒ Insert panel, verify that the Appurtenance is set to Gate Valve 10″ (Gate Valve 250 mm).


33. Click Add Appurtenance.
34. Place the appurtenance in the drawing by clicking near the end of the north pipe.
Be sure to look for the attachment glyph before clicking, as shown in Figure 14.82. Don't be shy about zooming in close to get a good look at the object you are working with.
35. Place another valve at the south end.
36. Save the drawing.

Importing an Industry Model
One of the options you have with Civil 3D 2013 is to create a pressure network from an industry model.
Industry models are a type of AutoCAD drawing file that contain data from one of the handful of Autodesk-created templates, most commonly from Autodesk Map 3D. The Map 3D standalone product comes with premade infrastructure data classes such as wastewater, water, gas, and electric, just to name a few. Not just any Map 3D file will do. A drawing containing pipe and valve information will only be recognized as an industry model if it was created based off one of the industry-specific templates. The ability to create an industry model is not available on the Map 3D workspace that is part of Civil 3D.

Pressure Pipe Networks in Profile View

Pressure pipe networks can do things in profile view that gravity pipes cannot. With pressure pipes, the profile view can be used to add on to the pipe layout, change straight pipes to curves, and delete parts from the project altogether. To these tools, select any pressure part and from the Pressure Networks contextual tab ⇒ Modify panel, pick Edit Network ⇒ Profile Layout Tools, as shown in Figure 14.83.

Figure 14.83 Locating the Profile Layout Tools


In the following exercise, you will draw the pressure pipe network in profile view and modify the layout using the Follow Surface command.

1. Open the drawing PressureProfile.dwg (PressureProfile_METRIC.dwg), which you can download from this book's web page.
2. Select any pressure network part in the drawing.
3. From the Pressure Networks contextual tab ⇒ Launch Pad panel, select Alignment From Network.
4. At the prompt Select first Pressure Network Part (Pipe or Fitting or Appurtenance):, click the Gate Valve at the far right of the drawing.
5. At the prompt Select next Pressure Network Part or [Undo]:, select the Gate Valve at the southern part of the project.
6. Press SoftEnter to continue.
The next few steps are exactly the same as when you created an alignment and profile from a gravity pipe network. You will be prompted to create an alignment, sample the surface, and create a profile view.
7. In the Create Alignment dialog, change the name to Syrah Water.
8. Verify that Create Profile And Profile View is checked. Leave all other styles and settings at their defaults and click OK.
9. In the Create Profile From Surface dialog, highlight the composite surface and click Add.
10. Click Draw In Profile View.
11. In the Create Profile View wizard, leave all settings at their defaults and click Create Profile View.
12. Place the view by entering the coordinate 230000, 200000 (700000, 60000 for metric users).
You now see the profile view with your pressure pipe network present in all its glory. As you can see in Figure 14.84, the pipe looks good, except it appears that the pipe cover is inadequate toward the end of the alignment. You will fix this in the steps that follow.

Figure 14.84 Pressure network in profile

13. Select a part from the network if you do not already have the Pressure Networks contextual tab visible.
14. From the Pressure Networks contextual tab ⇒ Modify panel, Edit Network ⇒ Profile Layout Tools.
Now the Pressure Network Profile Layout contextual tab appears, as shown in Figure 14.85.

Figure 14.85 Pressure Network Profile Layout contextual tab



15. From the Pressure Network Profile Layout contextual tab ⇒ Modify panel, select Follow Surface.
16. At the prompt Select first pressure part in profile:, select the leftmost valve in the profile view.
17. At the prompt Select next pressure part in profile [Enter to finish]:, click the rightmost valve in the profile view and then press SoftEnter to finish selecting parts. All connected parts in between will become selected.
18. At the prompt Enter depth below surface <0.0000>:, enter 4.5′ (1.5 m)SoftEnter.
Your profile view will change to resemble Figure 14.86.

Figure 14.86 Pressure pipe following the surface

19. Save and close the drawing.

Design Checks

Pressure networks differ from the networks you created earlier in this chapter. Since the fluid in a pressure network can go uphill, the rules you saw in gravity systems no longer apply. The main concerns for a pressure network are pressure loss and depth of cover.

You can locate the depth check values on the Settings tab of Toolspace. Locate the Pressure Network branch and expand the Commands listing. Double-click RunDepthCheck to edit the command settings. A dialog like that in Figure 14.87 will open.

Figure 14.87 Edit the RunDepthCheck command settings to validate your design.


Civil 3D will not compute the pressure loss at each junction, but you can set an acceptable range of values for pipe bends and radius of curvature for curved pipes. Deflection Validation settings are found under RunDesignCheck, as shown in Figure 14.88.

Figure 14.88 Turning on deflection validation settings


Once you have created your pressure network, you should check your initial design for flaws. From the Pressure Networks contextual tab, you can check your design to see if it meets the requirements you set up in the command settings.


The depth check verifies that all pipes and fittings are within the acceptable range of values for depth.


Design Check will check for improperly terminating pipes, mismatched pipe and fitting diameters, any curved pipe whose radius has exceeded acceptable values, and pipes that have exceeded the maximum deflection you set up in the parts list.

In the following exercise, you will modify command settings and run a depth check on the pipe network:

1. Open the drawing PressureDesignCheck.dwg (PressureDesignCheck_METRIC.dwg), which you can download from this book's web page.
2. In the Settings tab of Toolspace expand Pressure Network ⇒ Commands, right-click RunDepthCheck, and select Edit Command Settings.
3. Expand Run Depth Check Property, and verify that Minimum Depth Of Cover is set to 4.5′ (1.0 m).
4. Click in the Value column and change Use Max Depth Of Cover Validation to Yes.
5. Click OK.
6. Select a pressure network part if you do not already see the Pressure Networks contextual tab.
7. From the Pressure Networks contextual tab ⇒ Analyze panel, select Depth Check.
The Depth Check command will allow you to perform the analysis either in plan or profile view. Either way you choose to select your pressure pipe network, the result will be the same.
8. At the prompt Select a path along a Pressure Network in plan or profile view:, click the Gate Valve to the far left in the profile view. You will need to zoom in close to the end to see the bowtie-shaped valve.
9. At the prompt Select next point on path [Enter to finish]:, select the Gate Valve to the far right in the profile view and press SoftEnter.
You will now see the Depth Check dialog. The settings should be the same values as those in steps 3 and 4.
10. Click OK.
In both plan view (Figure 14.89, top) and profile view (Figure 14.89, bottom), warnings will appear if any Depth Check violations are found.

Figure 14.89 Depth Check result in plan (top) and profile (bottom)

11. Save the drawing.

Part Builder

Part Builder is an interface that allows you to build and modify pipe network parts. You access Part Builder by selecting the drop-down list under Create Design from the Home tab. At first, you may use Part Builder to add a few missing pipes or structure sizes. As you become more familiar with the environment, you can build your own custom parts from scratch.

There is currently no tool available for creating custom pressure network parts, so this section only applies to gravity networks.


A Word of Caution about Part Builder
Every time one of our clients asks about Part Builder, we cringe. Our advice is, “If all you need to do is add a size to an existing part, no problem. If you want to create new geometry from scratch? Run. Run, screaming.”
This is not a tool that you can master by dabbling in it for a few hours. Even after you understand Part Builder, it can take days to build a complex part that functions correctly. Think of Part Builder as a half-step away from programming, and you will have more realistic expectations.
Before you buckle down to learn about Part Builder, ask yourself a few questions:
  • Do I really understand pipes and structures well enough to tackle this? Is it worth taking extra time from a billable project to learn this feature?
  • Is the part I need unique and not available from another source (such as
If you can answer yes to all these questions, you have our blessing. In many cases, the new pressure network tools eliminate the need for custom parts.

This section is intended to be an introduction to Part Builder and a primer in some basic skills required to navigate the interface. It isn't intended to be a robust “how-to” for creating custom parts. Civil 3D includes three detailed tutorials for creating three types of custom structures. The tutorials lead you through creating a cylindrical manhole structure, a drop inlet manhole structure, and a vault structure. You can find these tutorials by going to Help ⇒ Tutorials and then navigating to Part Builder Tutorials.

Back Up the Part Catalogs
Here's a warning: Before exploring Part Builder in any way, it's critical that you make a backup copy of the part catalogs. Doing so will protect you from accidentally removing or corrupting default parts as you're learning, and will provide a means of restoring the original catalog.
The catalog (as discussed in the previous section) can be found by default at:
C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuPipes Catalog
To make a backup, copy this entire directory and then save that copy to a safe location, such as another folder on your hard drive or network, or to a CD.
We recommend that you do this and use the backup file for the exercises here. To do this, you will have to point to the new location by clicking the drop-down list in the Create Design panel and selecting Set Pipe Catalog Location. Select the icon next to the catalog folder and point it to your saved location.

The parts in the Civil 3D pipe network catalogs are parametric. Parametric parts are dynamically sized according to a set of variables, or parameters. In practice, this means you can create one part and use it in multiple situations.

For example, in the case of circular pipes, if you didn't have the option of using a parametric model, you'd have to create a separate part for each diameter of pipe you wanted, even if all other aspects of the pipe remained the same. If you had 10 pipe sizes to create, that would mean 10 sets of partname.dwg, partname.xml, and partname.bmp files, as well as an opportunity for mistakes and a great deal of redundant editing if one aspect of the pipe needed to change.

Fortunately, you can create one parametric model that understands how the different dimensions of the pipe are related to each other and what sizes are allowable. When a pipe is placed in a drawing, you can change its size. The pipe will understand how that change in size affects all the other pipe dimensions such as wall thickness, outer diameter, and more; you don't have to sort through a long list of individual pipe definitions.

Part Builder Orientation

Each drawing “remembers” which part catalog it is associated with. If you're in a metric drawing, you need to make sure the catalog is mapped to metric pipes and structures, whereas if you're in an Imperial drawing, you'll want the Imperial catalog. By default, the Civil 3D templates should be appropriately mapped, but it's worth the time to check. Set the catalog by changing to the Home tab and selecting the drop-down list on the Create Design panel. Verify the appropriate folder and catalog for your drawing units in the Pipe Network Catalog Settings dialog (see Figure 14.90), and you're ready to go.

Figure 14.90 Choose the appropriate folder and catalog for your drawing units.


Understanding the Organization of Part Builder

The vocabulary used in the Part Builder interface is related to the vocabulary in the HTML catalog interface that you examined in the previous section, but there are several differences that are sometimes confusing.


Open Part Builder by going to the Home tab ⇒ Create Design panel and selecting the Part Builder icon from the drop-down list.

The first screen that appears when you start the Part Builder is Getting Started – Catalog Screen (see Figure 14.91).

Figure 14.91 The Getting Started – Catalog Screen


At the top of this window is a drop-down menu for selecting the part catalog. Depending on what you need to modify, you can set this to ether Pipe or Structure. Once you pick the catalog type, you will see the main catalog name. In Figure 14.91, you see US Imperial Pipe Catalog.

Below the part catalog is a listing of chapters. In Part Builder vocabulary, a chapter is a grouping based on the shape. Inside the chapters you will see the part families listed. The US Imperial Pipe Catalog has four default chapters:

  • Circular Pipes
  • Egg-Shaped Pipes
  • Elliptical Pipes
  • Rectangular Pipes

You can create new chapters for different-shaped pipes, such as Arch Pipe.

The US Imperial Structure Catalog also has four default chapters: Inlets-Outlets, Junction Structures With Frames, Junction Structures Without Frames, and Simple Shapes. You can create new chapters for custom structures. You can expand each chapter folder to reveal one or more part families. For example, the US Imperial Circular Pipe Chapter has six default families:

  • Concrete Pipe
  • Corrugated HDPE Pipe
  • Corrugated Metal Pipe
  • Ductile Iron Pipe
  • HDPE Pipe
  • PVC Pipe

Pipes that reside in the same family typically have the same parametric behavior, with only differences in size.

As Table 14.1 shows, a series of buttons on the Getting Started – Catalog Screen lets you perform various edits to chapters, families, and the catalog as a whole.

Table 14.1 The Part Builder catalog tools

Icon Function
The New Parametric Part button creates a new part family.
The Modify Part Sizes button allows you to edit the parameters for a specific part family.
The Catalog Regen button refreshes all the supporting files in the catalog when you've finished making edits to the catalog.
The Catalog Test button validates the parts in the catalog when you've finished making edits to the catalog.
The New Chapter button creates a new chapter.
The Delete button deletes a part family. Use this button with caution, and remember that if you accidentally delete a part family, you can restore your backup catalog as mentioned in the beginning of this section.

Exploring Part Families

The best way to get oriented to the Part Builder interface is to explore one of the standard part families. In this case,

1. Click the Part Catalog drop-down list and select Pipe.


2. Drill down through the US Imperial Pipe Catalog ⇒ Circular Pipe ⇒ Concrete Pipe family by highlighting Concrete Pipe and clicking the Modify Part Sizes button.
It is normal to receive a message that the file contains previous version AEC objects.
3. Click Close to continue.
A Part Builder task pane appears with AeccCircularConcretePipe_Imperial.dwg on the screen along with the content builder toolspace, as shown in Figure 14.92.

Figure 14.92 Content builder toolspace and related DWG file

4. Close Part Builder by clicking on the X on the Part Builder task pane.
5. Click No when asked to save the changes to the Concrete Pipe.
6. Click No when asked to save the drawing.

The Part Builder task pane, or Content Builder (Figure 14.93), is well documented in the Civil 3D User's Guide. Please refer to the User's Guide for detailed information about each entry in Content Builder.

Figure 14.93 Content Builder


Is That All There Is to Part Builder?
There is much more to Part Builder than this book can cover. As a matter of fact, a separate book could be written just on that subject. So if you are hungering for more information on Part Builder, we'd like to point you the blog of Cyndy Davenport. Cyndy has been a repeat speaker at Autodesk University on Part Builder and Civil 3D. You can find her blog at You can access Part Builder and other resources at

Adding a Part Size Using Part Builder

The hypothetical municipality requires a 12″ (300 mm) sanitary sewer cleanout. After studying the catalog, you decide that Concentric Cylindrical Structure NF is the appropriate shape for your model, but the smallest inner diameter size in the catalog is 48″ (1200 mm). The following exercise gives you some practice in adding a structure size to the catalog—in this case, adding a 12″ (300 mm) structure to the US Imperial Structures catalog.

You can make changes to the US Imperial Structures catalog from any drawing that is mapped to that catalog, which is probably any imperial drawing you have open, as follows:

1. For this exercise, start a new drawing from _AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS.dwt (_AutoCAD Civil 3D (Metric) NCS.dwt).
2. On the Home tab, select the drop-down list on the Create Design panel and select Part Builder.
3. Choose Structure from the drop-down list in the Part Catalog selection box.
4. Expand the Junction Structure Without Frames chapter.
5. Highlight the Concentric Cylindrical Structure NF (no frames) part family.
6. Click the Modify Part Sizes button.
The Part Builder interface opens AeccStructConcentricCylinderNF_Imperial.dwg along with the Content Builder task pane.
7. Close the message that the part was created with a previous version. Zoom extents if necessary.
8. Expand the Size Parameters tree.
9. Right-click the SID (Structure Inner Diameter) parameter, and choose Edit.
The Edit Part Sizes dialog appears.
10. Locate the SID column (see Figure 14.94), and double-click inside the box.

Figure 14.94 Examining available part sizes



Note that a drop-down menu shows the available inner diameter sizes 48″, 60″, 72″, and 96″ (1200 mm, 1400 mm, 1600 mm, and 1800 mm).
11. Locate the Edit button. Make sure you're still active in the SID column cell, and then click Edit.
The Edit Values dialog appears.
12. Click Add, and type 12″ (300 mm), as shown in Figure 14.95.

Figure 14.95 Add the 12″ (300 mm) value to the Edit Values dialog

13. Click OK to close the Edit Values dialog, and click OK again to close the Edit Part Sizes dialog.
14. Click the small X in the upper-right corner of the Content Builder task pane to exit Part Builder.
15. When you see the message “Save Changes To Concentric Cylindrical Structure NF?”, click Yes.
You could also click Save in Content Builder to save the part and remain active in the Part Builder interface.

You're back in your original drawing. If you created a new parts list in any drawing that references the US Imperial Structures catalog, the 12″ (300 mm) structure would now be available for selection.

Sharing a Custom Part

You may find that you need to go beyond adding pipe and structure sizes to your catalog and build custom part families or even whole custom chapters. Perhaps instead of building them yourself, you're able to acquire them from an outside source.

The following section can be used as a reference for adding a custom part to your catalog from an outside source, as well as sharing custom parts that you've created. The key to sharing a part is to locate the three files mentioned earlier.

Adding a custom part size to your catalog requires these steps:

1. Locate the partname.dwg, partname.xml, and (optionally) partname.bmp files of the part you'd like to obtain.
2. Make a copy of the partname.dwg, partname.xml, and (optionally) partname.bmp files.
3. Insert the partname.dwg, partname.xml, and (optionally) partname.bmp files in the correct folder of your catalog.
4. Run the PARTCATALOGREGEN command in Civil 3D.

Adding an Arch Pipe to Your Part Catalog

This exercise will teach you how to add a premade custom part to your catalog. You can make changes to the US Imperial Pipes catalog from any drawing that is mapped to that catalog, which is probably any imperial drawing you have open.

1. For this exercise, start a new drawing from the _AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS.dwt file (_AutoCAD Civil 3D (Metric) NCS.dwt).
2. In Windows Explorer, create a new folder called Arch Pipes in your backup directory.
Out of the box, it is located here:
C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuPipes CatalogUS Imperial Pipes

(C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuPipes CatalogMetric Pipes)
This directory should now include five folders: Arch Pipes, Circular Pipes, Egg-Shaped Pipes, Elliptical Pipes, and Rectangular Pipes.
3. Copy the Concrete Arch Pipe.dwg and Concrete Arch Pipe.xml files into the Arch Pipe folder.
Note that there is no optional bitmap for this custom pipe.
4. Return to your drawing, and enter PARTCATALOGREGEN in the command line.
5. Press P to regenerate the Pipe catalog, and then press SoftEnter to exit the command.
If you created a new parts list at this point in any drawing that references the US Imperial Pipes catalog, the arch pipe would be available for selection.
6. To confirm the addition of the new pipe shape to the catalog, locate the catalog HTML file at:
C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuPipes CatalogUS Imperial
PipesImperial Pipes.htm
Explore the catalog as you did in the “All in the Family” section earlier.

The Bottom Line

Create a pipe network by layout.

After you've created a parts list for your pipe network, the first step toward finalizing the design is to use Pipe Network By Layout.

Master It

Open the MasteringPipes.dwg or Mastering pipes_METRIC.dwg file. From the Home tab ⇒ Create Design panel ⇒ Pipe Network, select Pipe Network Creation Tools to create a sanitary sewer pipe network. Use the Composite surface, and name only structure and pipe label styles. Don't choose an alignment at this time. Create 8″ (200 mm) PVC pipes and concentric manholes. There are blocks in the drawing to assist you in placing manholes. Begin at the START HERE marker, and place a manhole at each marker location. You can erase the markers when you've finished.

Create an alignment from network parts and draw parts in profile view.

Once your pipe network has been created in plan view, you'll typically add the parts to a profile view based on either the road centerline or the pipe centerline.

Master It

Continue working in the MasteringPipes.dwg (Mastering pipes_METRIC.dwg) file. Create an alignment from your pipes so that station zero is located at the START HERE structure. Create a profile view from this alignment, and draw the pipes on the profile view.

Label a pipe network in plan and profile.

Designing your pipe network is only half of the process. Engineering plans must be properly annotated.

Master It

Continue working in the MasteringPipes.dwg (Mastering pipes_METRIC.dwg) file. Add the Length Description And Slope style label to profile pipes and the Data With Connected Pipes (Sanitary) style to profile structures. Add the alignment created in the previous Master It to all pipes and structures.

Create a dynamic pipe table.

It's common for municipalities and contractors to request a pipe or structure table for cost estimates or to make it easier to understand a busy plan.

Master It

Continue working in the MasteringPipes.dwg (Mastering pipes_METRIC.dwg) file. Create a pipe table for all pipes in your network. Use the default table style.

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