The Strategies

You may have reached Part III because you are reading this book from beginning to end, before completing the exercises or starting the design of your own Get Clients Now! program. The information here about marketing strategies, “recipes,” and missing ingredients can certainly be used in this way to generate ideas and inspiration at any time.

A better way to make use of this material, however, is to reference it while you are in the process of building or implementing your action plan; for example, while:

image Selecting Your Success Ingredients (Chapter 4)

image Choosing from the Action Plan Menu (Chapter 5)

image Putting the System into Action (Chapter 6)

This part of the book contains instructions for preparing your chosen Success Ingredients, as well as marketing recipes to help you apply the strategies specified in your action plan. A chapter for each stage of the Universal Marketing Cycle is provided so you can quickly locate the ingredients and recipes you need:

image Filling the Pipeline (Chapter 7)

image Following Up (Chapter 8)

image Having Sales Conversations (Chapter 9)

image Closing Sales (Chapter 10)

You need only look at the specific chapter that covers the stage you are working on. Each chapter begins with an overview of the stage and some of the basic Success Ingredients it requires, then gives recipes for how to apply each marketing strategy during that stage. Only those strategies suitable for the stage are included, usually in this order:

image Direct Contact and Follow-Up

image Networking and Referral-Building

image Public Speaking

image Writing and Publicity

image Promotional Events

image Advertising

You need only study those strategies you are actually planning to use. For each strategy, additional Success Ingredients specific to that strategy are described within the recipe that most closely relates to them. For example, the ingredient “prospect list” can be found under the recipe for “Calling and Mailing,” and the ingredient “press release/media kit” is described in the recipe for “Getting Media Publicity.” The Success Ingredients covered in each section are listed at the beginning so you can find them easily.

Happy cooking!

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