gethostbyaddr(), 458

gethostbyname(), 456–458

getmxrr(), 456

parse_url(), 458

online manual, 80

operators, 32

arithmetic operators, 33–34

array operator, 40

assignment operators, 28–36

associativity, 42–44

bitwise operators, 38

comma operator, 39

comparison operators, 36–37

error suppression operator, 39

execution operator, 39–40

logical operators, 38

new operator, 39

precedence, 42–44

string operators, 34

ternary operator, 39

totaling forms, 41–42

type operator, 40

unary operators, 33

optimizations, 546–547

PHP 5.3

bug fixes in, 7

crypt() functionality in, 7

date/time functions in, 7

date_add() function, 478

date_sub() function, 478

error reporting in, 7

fileinfo extension, 7

hash() functionality in, 7

intl extension, 7

md5() functionality in, 7

MySQLnd drivers, 7

namespaces, 7

new features of, 7

PCRE extension, 7

phar extension, 7

php.ini administration in, 7

Reflection extension, 7

SPL extension, 7

sqlite3 extension, 7

time/date functions in, 7

Windows support for, 7, 900

Zend engine improvements, 7

resources, 907–909

Resource Web site, 908–909


as CGI Interpreter, 890

as modules, 890

scripts, 551

debugging variables, 559, 561

errors, 562–567

modification dates, 529

programming errors, 551–558

MySQL passwords, 418

owners, identifying, 529

terminating execution, 526

serialization, 526–527

sessions. See sessions

SOAP libraries (Amazon), 814

statements, 19–20

tags, 18–19

ASP style, 19

require() statement, 136

SCRIPT style, 19

Short style, 19


form variables, accessing, 23–27

identifiers, 28

names in code, 539

scope, 31–32

superglobal, 32

types, 29–30

user declared variables, 28

values, assigning, 28

Web site, 481, 537, 891

writing, 434–438

XML style, 19

PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR)

installing, 905–906

Web site, 907

PHP, Hypertext Preprocessor Web site, 106

php.ini file

administration in PHP 5.3, 7

auto_append_file, 142–143

auto_prepend_file, 142–143

directives, editing, 529–530

examining, 380

phpautodoc Web site, 545

PHPBookmark application

Ajax elements, adding, 871

creating, 569

database schema, 573–574

front page, 574–577

function libraries, 572

extensions, 606

files, 572

project, 870–883 Web site, 908

PHPCertifcation.pdf files (certification application), 779

PHPCertification.rtf files (certification application), 779

PHPCommunity Web site, 907

phpdoc Web site, 544

PHPDocumentor Web site, 544 Web site, 908

phpinfo() command, 31

phpinfo() function, 450, 778

PHPMyAdmin.Net Web site, 908 Web site, 908

php|architect Web site, 907

physical security, 359, 388

plain text (encryption), 351

plus symbols (+)

regular expressions, 126

Web forum articles, 748

PNG (Portable Network Graphics), 485

library Web site, 891

pollsetup.sql file, 500

polymorphism, 161

POP (Post Office Protocol), 452

POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3), 651–652

populate.sql files (Shopping Cart application), 612

Portable Document Format. See PDF

Portable Network Graphics. See PNG

positioning text buttons, 498–499

POSIX regular expressions. See regular expressions

posix_getgrgid() function, 446

posix_getpwuid() function, 446

posix_getpwuid() functions, 444

Post Office Protocol (POP), 452

Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3), 651–652

post-decrement operator, 35–36

post-increment operator, 35–36

posters (Web forum application), 744

Postnuke Web site, 909

PostScript, 774–775

Downloading fonts, 484

power failures, 359

pre-decrement operator, 35–36

pre-increment operator, 35–36

precedence, operators, 42–44

prepared statements, 280–281

preparing for DoS/DDoS attacks, 387

preprocessing script architecture, 694

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 419

pretty() function, 714

prev() function, 102


inheritance, 172

overriding, 172

previewing online newsletters, 732–733

PRIMARY KEY keyword, 231

primary keys (databases), 209–210

principle of least privilege, 223

print() function, 110

printf() function, 111–112


header bar summaries (Shopping Cart application), 632

strings, 110–113

print() function, 110

printf() function, 111–112

sprintf() function, 111

text images, 487–489

privacy policies

commercial Web sites, 333

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 333

private access modifier, 166–167

visibility, controlling, 169–170

private keys

encryption, 353

Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG), 420


FILE, 295

GRANT, 295

MySQL, 223

global privileges, 224

GRANT command, 223–228

principle of least privilege, 223

REVOKE command, 227–228


types, 225–227

system, 287–288

columns_priv table, 293

db table, 290–291

grant table, 293

host table, 290–291

privileges, updating, 293–294

slaves, 307

tables_priv table, 293

user table, 289–290

updating, 293–294

user database security, 295–296

PROCESS privilege, 226, 295

process.php files (Shopping Cart application), 611

process.php script (Shopping Cart application), 639

processing HTML forms, 14, 17

Product class, 839

Product.php files (Tahuayo application), 819

progex.php file, 448–449

programming errors, 551, 553–554

logic errors, 558–559

runtime errors, 553–554

database interaction, 555–557

functions that don’t exist, 554–555

input data, checking, 558

network connections, 557–558

reading/writing files, 555

syntax errors, 552–553

programs. See also applications

install (Apache), 902

running command line, 531

project codes, installing (Amazon), 853–854

property files, changing, 446

protocols, 451–452

application layer protocols, 414

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 459

anonymous login, 462

backing up files, 459–465

ftp_get() function, 466

ftp_mdtm() function, 464

ftp_nlist() function, 467

ftp_size() function, 467

mirroring files, 459–465

set_time_limit() function, 467

timeouts, avoiding, 467

uploading files, 466

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 64–65

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 414

handshaking, 414–415

opening files, 64–65

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 414

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 452, 651–652

IP (Internet Protocol), 414

NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), 452

POP (Post Office Protocol), 452

POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3), 651–652

RFCs (Requests for Comments), 451–452

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 452, 652

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 845–846

stacks, 413–414

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 414

Web Services

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 811–812

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 812


code, 545–546

functions, 144

public access modifier, 166–170

public keys

encryption, 353–354

Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG), 420–422

purchase.php files (Shopping Cart application), 611

purchase.php script (Shopping Cart application), 634, 639

putenv() function, 450

PX-PHP Code Exchange Web site, 908



EXPLAIN statement, 299–303

indexes, 304

INSERT, 276–280

subqueries, 258–259

correlated, 260

operators, 259

row, 260

temporary tables, 260

Web databases, 271

adding data, 276–280

connections, setting up, 273

disconnecting from databases, 276

input data, 271–272

mysql_query() function, 274–275

prepared statements, 280–281

retrieving results, 275–276

selecting databases, 274

quotes, magic quotes, 115


r+ file mode, 63

RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), 358

range() function, 83

RDBMS (relational database management systems), 80, 243

readdir($dir) function, 440

readers, PDF, 794–795

readfile() function, 74


from directories, 439–441

files, 61, 71–72, 444–446

feof() function, 73

fgetc() function, 75

fgetcsv() function, 73–74

fgets() function, 73

fgetss() function, 73

file() function, 74

fopen() function, 72

fpassthru() function, 74

fread() function, 75

readfile() function, 74

runtime errors, 555

Warm Mail application, 671, 681

mailbox contents, viewing, 674–676

messages, 677–678, 680–681

selecting accounts, 671, 673

real-world objects, modeling (Web databases), 211–212

recommend.php files (PHPBookmark application), 572

recommend_urls() function, 603, 605


bookmarks, 571

implementing, 602–603, 605


deleting, 264

updating, 261

tables, 209

recursive functions, 156–158

red, green, and blue (RGB), 488

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), 358

redundant data, avoiding (Web databases), 212–213

reference operator, 36

reflection API, 190–191

Reflection extension, 7

REGEXP keyword, 249

register() function, 582

register_form.php files (PHPBookmark application), 572

register_new.php files (PHPBookmark application), 572


session variables, 513

user authentication, 577, 580–583

regression, 377

regular expressions, 123–124

* symbol, 126

+ symbol, 126

branching, 127

caret symbol (^), 126–127


classes, 125

sets, 124–125

curly braces ({}), 126

functions versus string functions, 131

Perl, 123

slash (), 127

Smart Form Mail application, 128–129

special characters, 127–128

splitting strings, 130

string anchoring, 126–127

subexpressions, 126


finding, 129–130

replacing, 130

Web references, 131

reinterpreting variables, 46

relational database management systems. See RDBMS

relational databases, 208, 210

benefits, 207

keys, 209

foreign keys, 210

primary keys, 210

relationships, 211

many-to-many relationships, 211

one-to-many relationships, 211

one-to-one relationships, 211, 216

schemas, 210

tables, 208

columns, 209

rows, 209

values, 209

relationships (databases), 211

many-to-many relationships, 211

one-to-many relationships, 211

one-to-one relationships, 211, 216

relative paths, 62

RELOAD privilege, 226

remote FTP connections, 463

rename() function, 447

reordering arrays, 96

array_reverse() function, 97–98

shuffle() function, 96

repetitive tasks. See loops

replacing substrings, 122–123

with regular expressions, 130

replication, databases, 306–307

data transfer, 306–308

master servers, 306–307

slaves, 306–308


REPLICATION SLAVE privilege, 226

replying to email, Warm Mail application, 684–685

repository (version control, code), 542

repudiation, 348–349


HTTP, 856–857

MySQL database, 293

server response, 866

Requests for Comments (RFCs), 451–452

require() statement, 135–136

auto_append_file (php.ini file), 142–143

auto_prepend_file (php.ini file), 142–143

filename extensions, 136

PHP tags, 136

Web site templates, 137–142

reset password() function, 592

reset() function, 102

resetting passwords, user authentication, 593

resources, 907

Apache, 909

data types, 29

MySQL and SQL, 909

PHP, 907–909

Web development, 910

responses (HTTP), 866

REST/XML (Amazon), 838–839, 844

restoring databases, 306

restricting access

to .php files, 374–375

to sensitive data, 364

result identifiers, retrieving query results (Web databases), 275–276

results.php script, 269

retrieve_message() function, 678


assignment operator, 34–35

from functions, 154–155

keywords, 154–155

policies, 333

rows, 258

statements, 154

values, 94, 155–156

reusing code

benefits, 133–134

consistency, 134

cost, 134

reliability, 134

include() statement, 134, 142–143

require() statement, 135–136, 142–143

auto_prepend_file (php.ini file), 142–143

filename extensions, 136

PHP tags, 136

Web site templates, 137–142

reverse sort order

arrays, 93

multidimensional arrays, 95

reverse spam, 346

REVOKE command, 227–228

rewind() function, 76

rewinddir($dir) function, 441

rewriting code, 537–538

RFCs (Requests for Comments), 451–452

RFC Editor Web site, 451, 468

RGB (red, green, and blue), 488

Rich Text Format (RTF), 771, 774

risks for commercial Web sites, 336

competition, 338

crackers, 337

failure to attract business, 337–338

hardware failure, 337

legislation and taxes, 339

service provider failures, 338

software errors, 338

system capacity limits, 339

rmdir() function, 443

rolled back transactions, 314

root elements (XML), 811

root nodes (Web forum tree structure), 743


returning, 258

subqueries, 260

unmatched, 252–253

values, 209

RSA, 353

rsort() function, 93

RTF (Rich Text Format), 771, 774

generating certificates, 784–787

templates, creating, 776

rtf.php files, 779, 786

rtrim() function, 110


Apache, 897

command line programs, 531


as CGI Interpreter, 890

as modules, 890

runtime errors, 553–554

database interaction, 555–557

functions that don’t exist, 554–555

input data, checking, 558

network connections, 557–558

reading/writing files, 555


S-HTTP (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 412

safeString() function, 825

scalar variables, 81,

converting arrays to, 105–106


Book-O-Rama application, 219, 230

database (PHPBookmark application), 573–577


fields, 290

function scope, 151

global scope, 151

variable scope, 31–32, 150–153

score.php files (certification project), 779–784

screening user input, 417

SCRIPT style (PHP tags), 19


admin.php script (Shopping Cart application), 641, 643


footers, 694

headers, 694

online newsletters, 694–701

performing actions, 694

preprocessing, 694

authmain.php (authentication), 517–522

breaking out of, 56

buttons, calling, 493

catalog scripts (Shopping Cart application), 615–617

index.php, 615–620

show_book.php, 616, 622–623, 646

show_cat.php, 615, 620–622

checkout.php script (Shopping Cart application), 633–638

edit_book_form.php (Shopping Cart application), 646

executing, 531

Hello World, 792–796

images, drawing, 486

insert_book.php, 278–279, 644–645

prepared statements, 280

insert_book_form.php script (Shopping Cart application), 644

logout.php (authentication), 523–524

make_button.php, 492

members_only.php (authentication), 522–523

modification dates, 529

mysqlhotcopy, database backup, 306

owners, identifying, 529

PHP, MySQL passwords, 418

process.php script (Shopping Cart application), 639

purchase.php script (Shopping Cart application), 634, 639

querying Web databases, 271

adding data, 276–280

connections, setting up, 273

disconnecting from databases, 276

input data, 271–272

mysql_query() function, 274–275

prepared statements, 280–281

retrieving results, 275–276

selecting databases, 274

results.php, 269

servertime.php, 863–864

show_book.php (Shopping Cart application), 646

show_cart.php script (Shopping Cart application), 623–627

adding items to cart, 630–631

header bar summary, printing, 632

updated carts, saving, 631–632

viewing contents of cart, 627–630

terminating execution, 526

Warm Mail application (email client), 657, 662–663

Web database architecture, 217 Web site, 909

searching substrings, 120–121

find and replace, 122–123

numerical position, 121

regular expressions, 129–130

strchr() function, 121

stristr() function, 121

strpos() function, 121

strrchr() function, 121

strrpos() function, 122

strstr() function, 121

Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP), 412

Secure Socket Layer. See SSL

secure storage, 417–419

secure transactions, 409–410

Internet, 411–412

screening user input, 417

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 413–415

compression, 416

handshaking, 414–415

protocol stacks, 413–414

sending data, 415–416

secure storage, 417–419

systems, 412–413

user machines, 410–411

Web browsers, 410–411

Secure Web servers, 355–357

security, 362

authentication, 343, 401–406

access control, implementing, 392–395

basic authentication. See basic authentication

custom, creating, 408

digest authentication, 400

encrypting passwords, 397–399

identifying users, 391–392

mod_auth_mysql module, 406–408

multiple pages, protecting, 399

passwords, 350–351

storing passwords, 395

Web sites, 408

bottom-up approach, 363

bugs, testing for, 376–377

Certifying Authorities (CAs), 355

code organization, 374

commercial Web sites, 342

auditing, 357

authentication, 350–351

backing up data, 358

Certificate Signing Request (CSR), 356–357

compromises, 349

crackers, 337

digital certificates, 355

digital signatures, 354–355

encryption, 351–354

firewalls, 357–358

hash function, 354

importance of stored information, 342

log files, 357

passwords, 350–351

physical security, 359

Secure Web servers, 356–357

security policies, creating, 349–350

threats, 342–349

databases, 294, 384

authentication, 383–384

connecting to servers, 384–385

operating system, 294

passwords, 295

servers, 385

user privileges, 295–296

Web issues, 296

denial of service, 364

disaster recovery, 364, 388–389

DMZ, 386–387

DoS attacks, preparing for, 387

effect on usability, 362

encryption, 352–353, 419–420

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 353

GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard), 419–427

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 419


system considerations, 375–376

uploads, 434, 438

firewalls, 386

hosting services, 382–383

malicious code injection, 365

monitoring, 363

output, escaping, 371

passwords, 362

.php files, restricting access to, 374–375

physical security, 388

restricting access to sensitive data, 364

Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 344

SQL injection attacks, 371

TCP/IP networks, 343

top-down approach, 363

transactions, 409–410

Internet, 411–412

screening user input, 417

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 413–416

secure storage, 417–419

systems, 412–413

user machines, 410–411

Web browsers, 410–411

user input, filtering, 367–371

SELECT clauses, 257

SELECT privileges, 225

SELECT statements, 246

LIMIT clause, 258

ORDER BY clause, 255


databases in MySQL, 229

Web databases, 274

selectors (CSS), 858

semicolon (;), MySQL, 220, 274

send() function, 734

send_message() function, 683–684


email, 452

messages, online newsletters, 733, 737–739

Warm Mail application

forwarding/replying, 684–685

new messages, 682–684

sensitive data, storing, 417–419

serialization, 526–527

session variables, 514

serialize() function, 526–527, 848

server-side programming, 860


Apache. See Apache, Web server

authentication, 351

communication with Ajax, 863–864

database servers, Web database architecture, 217

master, database replication, 306–307

response to HTTP requests, 866

secure storage, 417–419

Secure Web servers, 355–357

Web servers, Web database architecture, 216

servertime.php script, 863–864


adding, 335, 452–454

providing, 334–335

taking orders for, 331–334

session_get_cookie_params() function, 511

session_register() function, 513

session_start() function, 512, 514–515

session_unregister() function, 513

sessions, 509, 512

authentication, 517–524

configuring, 516–517

cookies, 510–511

creating (Amazon), 823

destroying, 513

example session, 514–516

IDs, 509–512

Shopping Cart application, 608, 623

starting, 512

variables, 510

deregistering, 513

implementing, 513

registering, 513

serializing, 514

set cardinality (arrays), 104

SET type, 241

set_error_handler() function, 565

set_time_limit() function, 467

setcookie() function, 510–511

setting up

Book-O-Rama, 243

databases of lists, 688

settype() function, 44

SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 808

shal1() function, 398

shell command executor, 377–378

shell script-style comments, 20

Shopping Cart application, 607, 617, 624, 643, 650


interfaces, 609

views, 609–610

administration interface, 643–647, 650

administration menu (admin.php), 641, 643

edit_book_form.php script, 646

insert_book.php script, 644–645

insert_book_form.php script, 644

show_book.php script, 646

book_sc database, 612–615

catalog scripts, 615–617

index.php, 615–620

show_book.php, 616, 622–623, 646

show_cat.php, 615, 620–622

code modules, 610

database, 615

extensions, 650

files, 611–612

online catalogs, building, 608


modules, 639–641

systems, 608–609

session variables, 608, 623

shopping cart module

adding items, 630–631

checkout.php script, 633–638

header bar summary, printing, 632

purchase.php script, 634, 639

show_cart.php script, 623–627

updates, saving, 631–632

viewing contents of, 627–630

solution overview, 609–612

tracking user’s purchases, 608

user view, 609–610

shopping carts, 607

building (Amazon), 813, 849–852

Short style (PHP tags), 19

short style form variable, 23–24

SHOW COLUMNS statement, 297

SHOW command, 233–234

SHOW DATABASES privilege, 226

SHOW statement, 296–297

SHOW TABLES statement, 297

show_book.php files (Shopping Cart application), 611

show_book.php script (Shopping Cart application), 616, 622–623, 646

show_cart.php files (Shopping Cart application), 611

show_cart.php script (Shopping Cart application), 623, 625, 627

adding items to cart, 630–631

header bar summary, printing, 632

updated carts, saving, 631–632

viewing contents of cart, 627–630

show_cat.php files (Shopping Cart application), 611

show_cat.php script (Shopping Cart application), 615, 620–622

show_source() function, 530–531

showBrowseNode() function, 826–827

showCart() function, 852

showCategories() function, 826

showpoll.php file, 502–504, 506

ShowSmallCart() function, 825

showSummary() function, 828, 844

shuffle() function, 96

SHUTDOWN privilege, 226

signature.png files (certification application), 779

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 452, 652

Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP

simplegraph.php file, 486

sin() function, 804

single-line comments, 21

sites. Seecommercial Web sites; Web sites

sizeof() function, 104

slash (), 311

regular expressions, 127

Slashdot Web site, 392, 741


database replication, 306–308

replication, 307

Smart Form Mail application

creating, 107–109

regular expressions, 128–129

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 452, 652

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 808–812

Amazon, 807–808, 845–846

envelopes, 812

example, 811

instances, 845

libraries, 812

PHP SOAP libraries (Amazon), 814


engineering, 536

errors, 338, 347

developer assumptions, 347

poor specifications, 347

poor testing, 348

personalized documents, 776

PDF, 776–777

RTF, 776

updating, 378–379

solutions, user personalization, 570–572

sort() function, 92

sorting arrays, 92

asort() function, 93

ksort() function, 93

multidimensional, 93

reverse sorts, 95

user-defined sorts, 93–95

reverse order, 93

sort() function, 92

source installations, 891–896

SourceForge Web site, 545, 909

spam, 346

special characters

literal special characters (regular expressions), 127

regular expressions, 127–128

special privileges, 227

specifications, CGI Web site, 450

speed of queries, 304

SPL extension, 7

split() function, 130

splitting strings

explode() function, 116–117

regular expressions, 130

strtok() function, 117

substr() function, 118–119

sprintf() function, 111

SQL (Structured Query Language), 243

ANSI standard Web site, 265

Book-O-Rama database

setting up, 243

tables, code to populate, 245

Course Web site, 909

CREATE TABLE command, 229–231

databases, 246–256

defined, 243–244

dropping, 264

joins, 254–255

records, 261, 264

rows, 252–253, 258

subqueries, 258–260

tables, 251–254, 261–263

two-table joins, 250–251

DDL (Data Definition Languages), 244

DML (Data Manipulation Language), 244


aggregate functions, 256

join types, 254–255

RDBMS (relational database management systems), 243

resources, 909

strings, security, 371

sqlite3 extension, 7

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 344, 412–415, 889

commercial Web sites, 333

compression, 416

handshaking, 414–415

protocol stacks, 413–414

sending data, 415–416

testing, 899

stability, planning for, 376–377

Standard Generalized Markup Language. See SGML

starting sessions, 512

startup parameters, 900

stat() function, 446


ALTER TABLE, 261–263

break statement, 56

continue statement, 56



describe user;, 289



echo statements, 26–27

else statements, 47

elseif statements, 48–49

exit statement, 56

EXPLAIN, 299–303

column values, 303

join types, 301–302

GRANT, 287, 297

if statements, 46–47

include() statement, 134

auto_append_file (php.ini file), 142–143

auto_prepend_file (php.ini file), 142–143



MySQL case-sensitivity, 221

PHP statements, 19–20

prepared, 280–281

require() statement, 135–136

auto_append_file (php.ini file), 142–143

auto_prepend_file (php.ini file), 142–143

filename extensions, 136

PHP tags, 136

Web site templates, 137–140, 142

return statement, 154


LIMIT clause, 258

ORDER BY clause, 255

SHOW, 296–297



switch statements, 49–51


static bindings, 185

static methods, implementing, 184

STD (column) function, 256

STDDEV (column) function, 256

storage engines, 312–313

InnoDB tables

foreign keys, 315–316

transactions, 314–315

MEMORY tables, 312

MERGE tables, 312

MyISAM, 312

store_account() function, 704

store_account_settings() function, 668–669

store_list() function, 723

store_new_post() function, 767

store_new_post.php files (Web forum application), 744

stored functions, declaring, 318–319

stored procedures, 316

control structures, 319–323

cursors, 319–323

declaring, 316–317

local variables, 319

stored functions, declaring, 318–319


bookmarks, 571

data, 59. See also files

passwords, 295, 395

redundant data (Web databases), 212–213

secure storage, 417–419

session IDs, cookies, 511–512

strings, 114–116

addslashes() function, 114

stripslashes() function, 116

str_replace() function, 122, 787

strategies, commercial Web sites, 339

strcasecmp() function, 119

strchr() function, 121

strcmp() function, 119


anchoring, 126–127

case functions, 113–114

column types, 239–241

comparing, 119

length of strings, testing, 120

strcasecmp() function, 119

strcmp() function, 119

strnatcmp() function, 119

concatenation operator, 26–27

data type (variables), 29

evaluating, 525–526

formatting, 110

case, changing, 113–114

conversion specifications, 112–113

HTML formatting, 110–111

ltrim() function, 110

nl2br() function, 110–111

printing, 110–113

rtrim() function, 110

storage, 114–116

trim() function, 110

trimming whitespace, 110

functions versus regular expression functions, 131


implode() function, 117

join() function, 117

length, testing, 120

operators, 34


strcasecmp() function, 119

strcmp() function, 119

strnatcmp() function, 119

printing, 110–113

print() function, 110

printf() function, 111–112

sprintf() function, 111

securing, 371

specifying, 27


explode() function, 116–117

regular expressions, 130

strtok() function, 117

substr() function, 118–119


accessing, substr() function, 118–119

finding, 120–121, 129–130

numerical position of, finding, 121

replacing, 122–123, 130

tokens, 117

strip_tags() function, 417

stripslashes() function, 116, 272, 296

stristr() function, 121

strlen() function, 120

strnatcmp() function, 119

Stronghold Web site, 356

strpos() function, 121

strrchr() function, 121

strrpos() function, 122

strstr() function, 121, 597

strtok() function, 117

strtolower() function, 113

strtoupper() function, 113

Structured Query Language. See SQL

structures, directory, 542

style sheets, CSS, 859

subexpressions, 126

subqueries, 258–259

correlated, 260

operators, 259

row, 260

temporary tables, 260

subscribe() function, 717


databases, 688

online newsletters, 717–718

substr() function, 118–119

substr_replace() function, 123


accessing, 118–119

finding, 120–121

numerical position, 121

regular expressions, 129–130

strchr() function, 121

stristr() function, 121

strpos() function, 121

strrchr() function, 121

strrpos() function, 122

strstr() function, 121

replacing, 122–123, 130

subtraction operator, 33

SUM(column) function, 256

Summary Web site, 330

SUPER privilege, 226

superglobal arrays, 24

superglobal variables, 32

switch statements, 49–51


-h switch (mysql command), 221

-p switch (mysql command), 221

-u switch (mysql command), 221

syntactic sugar, 537

syntax, 552

ALTER TABLE statement, 262–263

control structures, 56

DESCRIBE statement, 299

errors, 552–553

extended, 257

heredoc, 27

highlighting, 530–531

system() function, 448


capacity limits (commercial Web sites), 339

operating, 294

secure transactions, 412–413

user personalization, 570


t file mode, 63

t1lib, downloading, 484

tab control sequence ( ), 68


aliases, 253–254

altering, 261–263

Book-O-Rama database, 245

Cartesian product, 250

columns, 209

atomic column values, 214–215

DESCRIBE statement, 299

types, 232–233

columns_priv, 288–293

creating in MySQL, 229–231

indexes, creating, 234–235

keywords, 231

table types, 229

viewing tables, 233–234


backup, 305

optimization, 304

db, 288–291

dropping, 264

equi-joins, 251

grant, 288, 293

host, 288–291


foreign keys, 315–316

transactions, 314–315

joins, 250–255

keys, 209

creating, Web databases, 215

primary keys, 210

left joins, 252–253


MERGE, 312

MyISAM, 312

rows, 209

returning, 258

unmatched, 252–253

values, 209

schemas, 210

scope fields, 290

tables_priv, 288–293

temporary, 260

two-table joins, 250–251

user, 288–290

tables_priv table, 288–293


closing/opening (XML), 810

PHP tags, 18–19

ASP style, 19

require() statement, 136

SCRIPT style, 19

Short style, 19

XML style, 19

Tahuayo application (Amazon), 815–820

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 414

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 386

security, 343


PDF, creating, 776–777

RTF, creating, 776

Web sites, 137–142

temporary tables, subqueries, 260

terminating execution (scripts), 526

ternary operator, 39


code, 548

GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard), 422–427

mod_auth_mysql module, 407


installations, 904–905

support, 897

regression, 377

SSL, 899

string length, 120

variable status, 45

text, 59–61

anti-aliasing, 489

baseline, 497

buttons, colors/fonts, 492

checking, 76

ciphertext (encryption), 351

closing, 69

deleting, 76

fitting onto buttons, 495–498

formats, 68–69


creating, 491–499

drawing or printing on, 487–489

limitations, 79

locking, 78–79

navigating, 76–77

opening, 61

file modes, 61–62

fopen() function, 62–64

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 64–65

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 64–65

potential problems, 65–66

plain text (encryption), 351

positioning, 498–499

reading, 61, 71–72

feof() function, 73

fgetc() function, 75

fgetcsv() function, 73–74

fgets() function, 73

fgetss() function, 73

file() function, 74

fopen() function, 72

fpassthru() function, 74

fread() function, 75

readfile() function, 74

writing, 61, 499

file formats, 68–69

fputs() function, 67

fwrite() function, 67–68

TEXT type, 239–241

Thawte Web site, 348, 355

threaded discussion group application, 741–742, 763–764

article list, 747, 749

collapsing threads, 748, 752

displaying articles, 752–753

expanding threads, 748–751

individual articles, viewing, 760–762

new articles, adding, 762–769

plus symbols, 748

treenode class, 753–760

database design, 744–745, 747

extensions, 769

files, 744

posters, 744

solutions, 742–744

tree structure, 742–743

tree_node class, 743

threads, 741

collapsing, 748, 752

expanding, 748–753

threats to security

commercial Web sites, 342

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), 346

DoS (Denial of Service), 346–347

exposure of confidential data, 343–344

loss of data, 344–345

modification of data, 345–346

repudiation, 348–349

software errors, 347–348

crackers, 366

disgruntled employees, 366

hardware thieves, 366

infected machines, 366

three-dimensional arrays, 90–92

throw clause, 196

throwing exceptions, 193

tiers (applications), 218

TIFF library Web site, 778, 891

time and date

converting between PHP and MySQL formats, 476–477

in MySQL

date calculations, 478–480

DATE_FORMAT() function, 476–477

MySQL Web site, 481

UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function, 476–477

in PHP, 7, 469, 474

calendar functions, 480–481

checkdate() function, 474

date calculations, 477–478

date() function, 469–472

floor() function, 478

getdate() function, 473

microseconds, 480

mktime() function, 471–472

PHP Web site, 481

timeouts, avoiding, 467

timestamps, Unix, 471–472

tokens (strings), 117

top-down approach to security, 363

topbar.php file, 819, 825

totaling forms with operators, 41–42

touch() function, 447

traceroute command (UNIX), 344

tracking user’s purchases (Shopping Cart application), 608

Transmission Control Protocol. See TCP

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. See TCP/IP

transactions, 313

ACID compliance, 313

autocommit mode, 314

committed, 314

defined, 313

InnoDB tables, 314–315

rolled back, 314

secure transactions, 409–410

Internet, 411–412

screening user input, 417

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 413–416

secure storage, 417–419

systems, 412–413

user machines, 410–411

Web browsers, 410–411

transfer modes, FTP, 466

transferring data, database replication, 306–308

tree structure (Web forum application), 742–743

tree_node class, 743

treenode class (Web forum application), 753, 757–760

treenode_class.php files (Web forum application), 744

triggering errors, 564

trim() function, 110, 271

Tripwire Web site, 346


errors, 66. See also errors

file uploads, 438–439

opening files, 65–66

TrueType fonts, 492

try blocks (exception handling), 193

tuples (tables), 209


exception handling, 203

graphs, 508

two-dimensional arrays, 88–90

two-table joins, 250–251


conversion specification type codes, 112–113

hinting, 184

operator, 40


-u switch (mysql command), 221

uasort() function, 95

ucfirst() function, 113

ucwords() function, 114

uksort() function, 95

umask() function, 443

unary operators, 33

undefined functions, calling, 145–146

uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 359

union operator, 87


binary installations, 890–893

date() function, 471–472

Epoch (GMT), 471

httpd.conf file, 896–897

libpdf_php file, copying, 899

PHP, testing, 897

source installations, 891, 893–896

SSL, testing, 899

traceroute command, 344

UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function, 476–477

unlink() function, 76, 447

unmatched rows, 252–253

unnecessary OS applications, disabling, 388

unserialize() function, 527, 848

unset() function, 45

UNSIGNED keyword, 231

unsubscribe() function, 717

unsubscribing online newsletters, 717–718

update anomalies (Web databases)

UPDATE privilege, 225

UPDATE statement, 261


avoiding, 213

FTP servers, 464–465

operating systems, 387–388

privileges, 293–294

records, 261

Shopping Cart application, 631–632

software, 378–379

upload.php files (MLM application), 691


files, 431–432

displaying, 437

HTML, 433

HTML forms, 431

PHP, writing, 434–438

security, 434, 438

troubleshooting, 438–439

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 466

online newsletters, 724–731

UPS (uninterruptible power supply), 359

url_fns.php files (PHPBookmark application), 572

urlencode() function, 399, 455

USAGE privilege, 227

user authentication

input data, validating, 580

logging in, 584–587

logging out, 587–588


resetting, 591–595

setting, 588–591

registering, 577, 580–583

user declared variables, 28

user input, screening, 417

user interfaces, commercial Web sites, 333–334

user personalization


adding, 596–599

deleting, 600–602

displaying, 599

recommending, 571

storing, 571

defined, 569

passwords, 570

recommendations, 602–605

solutions, 570–572

system requirements, 570

usernames, 570

user privileges, database security, 295–296

user tables, 288–290

user views (Shopping Cart application), 609–610

user-defined exceptions, 196–197, 199

user-defined sorts, multidimensional arrays, 93–95

user_auth_fns.php files

MLM application, 691

PHPBookmark application, 572

Shopping Cart application, 612

Warm Mail application, 655

user_auth_fns.php library

check_auth_user() function, 665

usernames, 570


administrative user privileges, 226–227

authentication, 391, 401–406

access control, implementing, 392–395

basic authentication, 399

digest authentication, 400

encrypting passwords, 397–399

identifying users, 391–392

mod_auth_mysql module, 406–408

multiple pages, protecting, 399

storing passwords, 395

Web sites, 408

MySQL, setting up, 223

privileges, 223

global privileges, 224

GRANT command, 223–228

principle of least privilege, 223

REVOKE command, 227–228

types, 225–227

secure transactions, 410–411

setting up in MySQL, 223–229

Using mkdir() function, 443

usort() function, 94

utilities, myisamchk, 303

utilityfunctions.php file, 820, 825


valid email() function, 581

validating user authentication input data, 580


array elements, 82

assigning to variables, 28

atomic column values (databases), 214–215

columns, EXPLAIN statement, 303

default, database optimization, 305

null values, avoiding (Web databases), 216

returning, 94

assignment operator, 34–35

functions, max() function, 155–156

tables, 209

variables, 27, 30, 150–153, 539

arrays, 81–82

applying functions to elements, 103–104

associative arrays, 85

converting to scalar variables, 105–106

counting elements, 104

elements, 82

functions, passing by reference, 104

indexes, 82

loading from files, 98–101

multidimensional arrays, 88–95

navigating within an array, 102

numerically indexed arrays, accessing contents, 83–84

operators, 87–88

reordering, 96–98

set cardinality, 104

sorting, 92–93

browseNode, 824

debugging, 559–561

environment functions, 450

form variables, 23–27

functions, 44, 148

reinterpreting, 46

status, testing, 45

types, setting/testing, 44–45

global variables, 151

identifiers, 28

local stored procedures, 319

local variables, 151

mode, 824

page, 824

scalar variables, 81, 105–106

scope, 31–32

sessions, 510

deregistering, 513

implementing, 513

registering, 513

serializing, 514

Shopping Cart application, 623

superglobal, 32

types, 29

casts, 30

data types, 29

strength, 29–30

variable variables, 30

user declared variables, 28

values, assigning, 28


connections, 293

requests, 293

VeriSign, 355

Web site, 348

version control (code), 542–543

CVS (Concurrent Versions System), 543

multiple programmers, 543

repository, 542–543

view_post.php files (Web forum application), 744


databases in MySQL, 233–234

individual articles (Web forum application), 760–762

lists (online newsletters), 708–717

message headers (Warm Mail application), 680–681

tables in MySQL, 233–234

views, File Details, 445

visibility, controlling, 169–170

vote.html file, 500


w file mode, 63

w+ file mode, 63

W3C Web site, 808

Warm Mail application (email client)


creating, 668–669

deleting, 670

modifying, 670

selecting, 671–673

setting up, 666–668

databases, setting up, 655–656

email, deleting, 681–682

extensions, 686

files, 654–655

IMAP function library, 652–653

interface, 654

logging in, 663–666

logging out, 666

reading mail, 671, 681

mailbox contents, viewing, 674–676

messages, 677–681

selecting accounts, 671, 673

script architecture, 657, 662–663

sending mail

forwarding/replying, 684–685

new messages, 682–684


components, 652–653

overview, 654–655

WBMP (Wireless Bitmap), 485

Web application projects

content, 546

database security, 296

development environment, 544

documentation, 544–545

logic, 546

planning, 536–537

prototypes, 545–546

rewriting code, 537–538

running, 536–537

software engineering, 536

testing code, 548

version control, 542–543

writing maintainable code, 538

breaking up, 541–542

code standards, 538

commenting, 540

directory structures, 542

function libraries, 542

indenting, 540–541

naming conventions, 538–540

Web browsers

authentication, 351

secure transactions, 410–411

Web database architecture, 216

Web databases

architecture, 216–218, 268–271

designing, 211

anomalies, avoiding, 213

atomic column values, 214–215

keys, creating, 215

null values, avoiding, 216

questions, formulating, 215

real-world objects, modeling, 211–212

redundant data, avoiding, 212–213

table types, 216

update anomalies, avoiding, 213

querying, 271

adding data, 276–280

connections, setting up, 273

disconnecting from databases, 276

input data, 271–272

mysql_query() function, 274–275

prepared statements, 280–281

retrieving results, 275–276

selecting databases, 274

selecting in MySQL, 229


column types, 232–241

creating, 229–231

indexes, creating, 234–235

keywords, 231

types, 229

viewing, 233–234

transaction process, 217

users, setting up, 228–229

viewing in MySQL, 233–234

Web development, 910

Web forum application, 741–742, 763–764

article list, 747–749

collapsing threads, 748–752

displaying articles, 752–753

expanding threads, 748–751

individual articles, viewing, 760–762

new articles, adding, 762–769

plus symbols, 748

treenode class, 753–760

database design, 744–747

extensions, 769

files, 744

posters, 744

solution components, 742–743

solution overview, 743–744

tree structure, 742–743

tree_node class, 743

Web forums

Phorum, 770

threads, 741

Web pages

authentication, 399

services, adding, 452, 454

Web resources for DOM, 884

Web servers

Apache. SeeApache, Web server

authentication, 351

commands, 447–450

file upload, 434–438

Microsoft IIS, configuring, 381

secure storage, 417–419

Secure Web servers, 355–357

Web database architecture, 216

Web Services. See also SOAP

adding to Web pages, 452–454

defined, 811

interfaces (Amazon), 813–814


SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 811–812

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 812

Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 812

Web sites

Adobe, FDF, 789

Adobe Acrobat, 776

Ajax development, 885

AMANDA (Advanced Maryland Automated Network Disk Archiver), 358

Analog, 330

ANSI, 265

Apache, 891

Apache Software, 909

Apache Today, 909

Apache Week, 909

authentication documentation, 408

Boutell, 508

BUGTRAQ archives, 437

CGI specification, 450

Codewalkers, 909

CVS (Concurrent Versions System), 543, 549

Devshed, 508, 908

EPA, 359

Equifax Secure, 355

Evil Walrus, 909

Extreme Programming, 549

FastTemplate, 546

FDF, 789

Fedex, 335

FishCartSQL, 650

FPDF function library, 778

gd documentation, 508

Ghostscript, 775

GNU Privacy Guard, 419

Google, 811, 908

IMAP c client, 891

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 485

JPEG library, 778, 891

Microsoft Word, 773

MySQL, 220, 309, 891, 909

date and time functions, 481

online manual, 241

Natural Order String Comparison, 119


cookie specification, 511

SSL 3.0 Specification, 427

New York Times, 392

OpenSSL, 891

PDF, 775

PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository), 907

PECL, 907

Philip and Alex’s Guide to Web Publishing, 910

PHP, 537, 891

Application Tools, 909

Base Library, 908

calendar functions, 481

Center, 908

Classes Repository, 908

Club, 908

Developer, 909

Developer’s Network Unified Forums, 909

Homepage, 908

Hypertext Preprocessor, 106

Kitchen, 909

Magazine, 907

online manual, 80

Resource, 908–909

phpautodoc, 545, 908

PHPCommunity, 907

phpdoc, 544

PHPDocumentor, 544, 908

PHPMyAdmin.Net, 908, 908

php|architect, 907

PNG (Portable Network Graphics), 485

PNG library, 891

Postnuke, 909

PX-PHP Code Exchange, 908

RFC Editor, 451, 468, 909

Slashdot, 392, 741

SourceForge, 545, 909

SQL Course, 909

Stronghold, 356

Summary, 330

templates, 137–142

Thawte, 348, 355

TIFF library, 778, 891

Tripwire, 346

UPS, 335

VeriSign, 348, 355

W3C, 808

Webalizer, 330, 908, 908

Zend, 131, 508

Zend.Com, 907

zlib library, 891

Webalizer Web site, 330 Web site, 908 Web site, 908

WHERE clause, 248

comparison operators, 248–249

join condition, 250

while loops, 53–54

whitespace, 20, 110

wildcard character (%), 293


Apache, 902

MySQL, 900–901

PHP, 903–904

Apache configurations, 904

testing, 904–905

support, 7, 900

Wireless Bitmap (WBMP), 485

word processor formats, 773


code for classes, 175–183

files, 61, 418

file formats, 68–69

fputs() function, 67

fwrite() function, 67–68

maintainable code, 538

breaking up, 541–542

code standards, 538

commenting, 540

directory structures, 542

function libraries, 542

indenting, 540–541

naming conventions, 538–540

PHP file uploads, 434–438

runtime errors, 555

Text buttons, 499

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 812


x file mode, 63

x+ file mode, 63

XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), 858

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 807, 860

Amazon connections, 807–808

defined, 808–810

DTD (Document Type Definition), 810

example, 808

namespaces, 811

parsing (Amazon), 814

REST/XML (Amazon), 838–839, 844

root elements, 811

SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 808

styles, 19

tags (closing and opening), 810

XMLHTTPRequest object, 860, 862

XSLT (XSL Transformations), 860

XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attacks, 365


Zend engines

Optimizers, 547

PHP 5.3, improvements for, 7

Web site, 131, 508, 907

zlib library Web site, 891

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