Chapter 13. Setting Up Tables


  • All about tables in HTML

  • Setting up a table in Dreamweaver

  • Dreamweaver Technique: Adding a Table to the Page

  • Customizing tables

  • Sorting table contents

  • Dreamweaver Technique: Inserting Table Content

  • Dreamweaver Technique: Adjust Table Properties

  • Importing tabular data

  • Using tables as a design tool

Tables bring structure to a Web page, and they are especially important when displaying data for Web applications. Whether it is used to align numbers in a spreadsheet or arrange columns of information on a page, an HTML table brings a bit of order to otherwise free-flowing content. Initially, tables were implemented to present raw data in a more readable format. It wasn't long before Web designers adopted tables as the most capable tool to control page layout. Although the current trend in Web design is to use CSS-based layout rather than table-based, tables remain the perfect method for presenting structured information.

Dreamweaver's implementation of tables reflects this trend in Web page design. Drag-and-drop table sizing, easy organization of rows and columns, and instant table reformatting all help get the job done in the shortest time possible. Table editing features enable you to select and modify anything in a table—from a single cell to multiple columns. Moreover, using Dreamweaver's commands, you can sort static table data in a variety of ways or completely reformat it.


This chapter covers everything you need to know to get started creating HTML tables in Dreamweaver. You can also dynamically add data to tables from an external data source using server-side processing. Using dynamic data is covered in Chapter 20.

It should be recognized that some legacy sites and pages continue to use table-based layout. For designers maintaining such sites, Dreamweaver includes a feature that takes table layout to the next level of ease of use and power. With the Layout mode, designers can draw out individual cells with a stroke of the mouse, and Dreamweaver automatically creates a borderless, content-ready table. You can even add nested tables to maintain design integrity. You still need to know the basics of table functionality to get the most out of this tool, but Layout mode offers you a technique for visually structuring your Web page.

Although CSS gives Web designers another route to precise layout control, many Web designers find that a combination of tools is required to get the desired effects and maintain wide browser compatibility. In short, HTML tables are going to be around for a long time.

HTML Table Fundamentals

A table is basically a grid that expands as you add text or images. Tables consist of three main components: rows, columns, and cells. Rows extend across a table from left to right, and columns run up and down. A cell is the area within the intersection of a row and a column; it's where you enter your information. Cells expand to fit whatever they hold. If you have enabled the table border, your browser shows the outline of the entire table and each cell.

In HTML, the structure and all the data of a table are contained between the table tag pair, <table> and </table>. The <table> tag can take numerous attributes, determining a table's width (which can be given in absolute pixel measurement or as a percentage of the screen) as well as the border, alignment on the page, and background color. You can also control the size of the spacing between cells and the amount of padding within cells.


You can insert a <table>...</table> pair directly in your code by choosing Insert

HTML Table Fundamentals

HTML uses a strict hierarchy when describing a table. You can see this clearly in Listing 13-1, which shows the HTML generated from a simple table in Dreamweaver.

Example 13-1. Code for an HTML Table

<table border="1" width="75%">


The &nbsp; in the table code is HTML for a non-breaking space. Dreamweaver inserts this code in each empty table cell because some browsers collapse the cell without it. Enter any text or image in the cell, and Dreamweaver automatically removes the &nbsp; code.


After the opening <table> tag comes the first row tag <tr>...</tr> pair. Within the current row, you can specify attributes for horizontal alignment or vertical alignment. In addition, browsers recognize row color as an added option.

If you are working directly in Code view, you can insert a <tr>...</tr> pair by choosing Insert



Cells are marked in HTML with the <td>...</td> tag pair. No specific code exists for a column; rather, the number of columns is determined by the maximum number of cells within a single table row. For example, in Listing 13-1, notice the three sets of <td> tags between each <tr> pair. This means the table has three columns.


Most <tr> attributes are better set up using CSS; attributes like bgcolor were deprecated under HTML 4.0 and XHTML 1.0 specifications and have been removed from XHTML 1.1 entirely.

A cell can span more than one row or column—in these cases, you see a rowspan= value or colspan=value attribute in the <td> tag, as illustrated in Listing 13-2. This code is also for a table with three rows and three columns, but the second cell in the first row spans two columns.

Example 13-2. HTML Table with Column Spanning

<table width="75%"  border="0">
    <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>

Cells can also be given horizontal or vertical alignment attributes, which override any similar attributes specified by the table row. When you give a cell a particular width, all the cells in that column are affected. Width can be specified either in an absolute pixel measurement or as a percentage of the overall table.


Again, modern Web designers prefer to use CSS rather than HTML attributes to format and style table cells. Both the align and bgcolor attributes have been deprecated and recent browsers don't support other attributes such as height.

In Code view, you can insert a <td>...</td> pair to define a single table cell by choosing Insert

HTML Table with Column Spanning

Column and row headings

HTML uses a special type of cell called a table header for column and row headings. Information in these cells is marked with a <th> tag and is generally rendered in boldface, centered within the cell.

To insert a <th>...</th> pair for a table heading cell, choose Insert

Column and row headings


After the initial <table> tag, you can place an optional caption for the table. In Dreamweaver, you can enter the <caption> tag in the Code view or Code inspector by choosing Insert

Column and row headings

The following example shows how the tag works:

<caption valign="bottom">Table of Periodic Elements</caption>

Inserting Tables in Dreamweaver

You can control almost all of a table's HTML features through Dreamweaver's point-and-click interface. To insert a table in the current cursor position, use one of the following methods:

  • Choose Insert

    Inserting Tables in Dreamweaver
  • Click the Table button in either the Common or Layout category of the Insert bar.

  • Use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T (Command+Option+T).

Depending on your preference settings, any one of these methods either immediately inserts a table into your page or opens the Table dialog box. The dialog box is bypassed—and the previous settings used—if the Show Dialog When Inserting Objects option in Preferences is not enabled. The Table dialog box, shown in Figure 13-1, contains the values shown in Table 13-1 when it is first displayed.

Table 13-1. Default Values for the Table Dialog Box






Sets the number of horizontal rows.



Sets the number of vertical columns.


200 pixels

Sets the preset width of the table. This can be specified as a percentage of the containing element (screen, AP element, or another table) or an absolute pixel size.


1 pixel

Sets the width of the border around each cell and the entire table.

Cell Padding


Sets the space between a cell's border and its contents, measured in pixels. A value of 0 indicates no margin space within the cell.

Cell Spacing


Sets the number of pixels between each cell. A value of 0 indicates no space between cells.



Determines whether the top row and/or column is designated as a header cell. In addition to simply creating the header cell with <th> tags instead of the usual <td>, this attribute adds the scope attribute to the cell. The scope attribute helps nonvisual browsers interpret and present the structure of the table, by indicating whether the cell is a column heading or a row heading. In visual browsers, text in header rows or columns is typically displayed as bold and centered.



Sets a brief description for the table.

Align Caption


Enables you to specify whether the table caption appears at the top, bottom, left, or right of the table. Choosing default does not add an align attribute to the <caption> tag and uses the browser's default alignment instead. Note that the align attribute on the <caption> tag is deprecated in HTML 4.0. This means that, although the attribute is still currently supported, the preferred method to achieve the same effect in newer browsers is to use CSS.



Enables you to add the summary attribute to your <table> tag. The summary is a verbal description of the table layout, so that people who are having the page read to them (for example, through a nonvisual browser) can understand it. For example, your summary could say, "This table compares the number of students and teachers in each Minnesota secondary school for the years 1997 through 2002. It lists each school in Minnesota, grouped by school district. For each of the years 1997 through 2002, there are columns for the number of students and number of teachers in each school." This is particularly important for complex tables. The text you enter for the summary is not displayed in visual browsers.

The Table dialog box starts out with a default table of three columns and three rows; you can adjust it as needed.

Figure 13-1. The Table dialog box starts out with a default table of three columns and three rows; you can adjust it as needed.

If you aren't sure of the number of rows and/or columns you need, put in your best guess—you can add or delete rows or columns later as necessary.

The default table is sized to take up 200 pixels of the browser window. You can alter this percentage by changing the value in the Width text box. The table maintains this proportion as you add text or images, except in the following situations:

  • When an image is larger than the specified percentage

  • When the nowrap attribute is used for the cell or table row and there is too much text to fit

In either case, the percentage set for the table is ignored, and the cell and table expand to accommodate the text or image. (For further information on the nowrap attribute, see the "Cell Wrap" section later in this chapter.)


The Table dialog box uses what are called sticky settings, displaying your previously used settings the next time you open the dialog box. This handy feature enables you to set the border width to 0, for example, and forget about resetting it each time.

If you prefer to enter the table width as an absolute pixel value, instead of the relative percentage, type the number of pixels in the Width text box and select Pixels in the drop-down list of width options.

With Dreamweaver's Table Widths feature, you can tell at a glance whether your table and cells are set to percentages or pixels—and exactly what these values are. The Table Widths feature is a design-time visual aid that appears above or below (depending on its position in the window) a table when one or more table cells are active. The widths are presented in two lines: the outermost line shows the width of the entire table, and the innermost line displays cell-width measurements.

With the Table Widths feature enabled, tables or cells using percentages actually display two values. The first value shown is the actual percentage; it is followed by a second value in parentheses that indicates the current size in pixels. For example, if a table is set to 75% and placed in a browser window where the interior screen width is 774 pixels, the actual width of the table is 425 pixels. Dreamweaver displays 75% (425), as shown in Figure 13-2. The same figure shows two other tables: one at 100%, which takes up the full width of the browser window, minus any margins. The third table is fixed at 400 pixels—approximately half of an 800 × 600 window.

In addition to displaying overall table and column widths, the Table Width visual aid provides a quick method for working with columns.

Figure 13-2. In addition to displaying overall table and column widths, the Table Width visual aid provides a quick method for working with columns.

Although viewing Table Widths definitely helps with certain stages of the design process, it can impede others. To turn off the dimensioning, deselect View

In addition to displaying overall table and column widths, the Table Width visual aid provides a quick method for working with columns.


You don't have to declare a width for your table at all. If you delete the value in the Width text box of the Table dialog box, your table starts out as small as possible and only expands to accommodate inserted text or images. However, this can make it difficult to position your cursor inside a cell to enter content—a situation Expanded Tables mode (covered later in this chapter) is intended to alleviate.

The Table Widths features also offers a number of context menus to make table operations even easier. Click the down arrow next to the table width measurement to select the table, clear all heights and/or widths, make all widths consistent, or hide the table widths. Choose the down arrow over a column to select that column, clear the column width, or insert columns to either side.

Modifying Tables

Most modifications to tables start in the Property inspector. Dreamweaver helps you manage the basic table parameters—width, border, and alignment—and provides attributes for other useful but more arcane features of a table. These include converting table width from pixels to percentage of the screen, and vice versa.

Selecting table elements

As with text or images, the first step in altering a table (or any of its elements) is selection. Dreamweaver simplifies the selection process, making it easy to change both the properties and the contents of entire tables, selected rows or columns, and even non-adjacent cells. You can change the vertical alignment of a row, for example, with a click or two of the mouse—instead of highlighting and modifying each individual cell.


All the following discussions about table selections pertain only to Standard mode; they are not applicable in Layout mode.

In Dreamweaver, you can select the following elements of a table:

  • The entire table

  • A single row

  • Multiple rows, either adjacent or separate

  • A single column

  • Multiple columns, either adjacent or separate

  • A single cell

  • Multiple cells, either adjacent or separate

After you select a table element, you can modify its properties.

Selecting in Expanded Tables mode

It's fairly easy to select table elements when the table is fully expanded—but tables aren't always set to a 100% width. In fact, designers often remove all table width values for their layouts, thus collapsing the table to fit the content. Although this is often necessary, you may have difficulty placing your cursor in the right cell in a collapsed table. You can speed up the selection and design process considerably by temporarily entering into Expanded Tables mode.

To enable Expanded Tables mode, choose View

Selecting in Expanded Tables mode

Expanded Tables mode makes cell selection easier by temporarily adding a border (if there is none) and increasing the cell padding and spacing. These visual changes effectively make the table view much more apparent and selection far easier. All changes take place only in Dreamweaver's Design view—no code is ever rewritten. While you are in Expanded Tables mode, an outline (red, by default) appears around the table or any cells your cursor moves over. The outline color is controlled by the Mouse-Over option found on the Highlighting category of the Preferences. Ctrl+click (Command+click) an outlined cell or table to select it.


You don't need to be in Expanded Tables mode to see the table outlines. If the Mouse-Over option is enabled, the outlines appear when you're in Standard mode when you hold down the Ctrl (Command) key and move over the table.

Expanded Tables mode is best used on an as-needed basis, and you can quickly toggle between it and Standard mode by pressing F6.

Selecting an entire table

Several methods are available for selecting the entire table, whether you're a menu- or mouse-oriented designer. To select the table via a menu, do one of the following:

  • With the cursor positioned in the tables, choose Modify

    Selecting an entire table
  • With any table row already selected, choose Edit

    Selecting an entire table
  • Right-click (Control+click) inside a table to display the context menu and choose Table

    Selecting an entire table

To select an entire table with the mouse, use one of the following techniques:

  • Click the bottom or right border of the table. You can also click anywhere along the table border when the pointer becomes a four-sided arrow.

  • Select the <table> tag in the Tag Selector.

  • Click immediately to one side of the table and drag the mouse over the table.

The selected table is surrounded by a black border, with sizing handles on the right, bottom, and bottom-right corner (as shown in Figure 13-3), just like a selected graphic.

Selecting a row or column

Altering rows or columns of table text without Dreamweaver is a major, time-consuming chore. Each cell has to be individually selected, and the changes applied. Dreamweaver has an intuitive method for selecting single or multiple columns and rows, comparable—and in some ways, superior—to major word processing programs.

A selected table can be identified by the black border outlining the table and the three sizing handles.

Figure 13-3. A selected table can be identified by the black border outlining the table and the three sizing handles.

As with entire tables, you have several methods for selecting columns or rows. None of the techniques, however, uses the main menus; row and column selections are handled primarily with the mouse. In fact, you can select an entire row or column with one click.

The one-click method for selecting a single column or row requires that you position your pointer directly above the column or to the left of the row you want to choose. This is similar to the way you select a row or column in a Microsoft Word table. Move the pointer slowly toward the table—when the pointer becomes a single arrow, with the arrowhead pointing down for columns and to the right for rows, click the mouse. All the cells in the selected column or row are bounded with a black border. Any changes now made in the Property inspector, such as a change in font size or color, affect all of the cells in the selected column or row.

You can select multiple, contiguous columns or rows by dragging the single-arrow pointer across several columns or rows. To select a number of columns or rows that are not next to one another, press the Ctrl (Command) key while selecting each individual column, using the one-click method.


If you have trouble positioning the mouse so that the single-arrow pointer appears, you can use two other methods to select columns or rows. In the first method, you click and drag across all the cells in a column or row. The second method uses another keyboard modifier, the Shift key. With this technique, click once in the first cell of the column or row. Then, hold down the Shift key while you click in the final cell of the column or row (on a Mac OSX, you must perform two single-clicks in the final cell). You can also use this technique to select multiple adjacent columns or rows; just click in the last cell of another column or row.

Selecting cells

Sometimes you need to change an attribute of just a few cells in a table, but not the entire row—or you might need to merge several cells to form one wide column span. In these situations, and many others, you can use Dreamweaver's cell selection capabilities. As with columns and rows, you can select multiple cells, whether they are adjacent or not.

Individual cells are generally selected by dragging the mouse across one or more cell boundaries. To select a single cell, click anywhere in the cell and drag the mouse into another cell. As you pass the border between the two cells, the initial cell is highlighted. If you continue dragging the mouse across another cell boundary, the second cell is selected, and so on. Note that you have to drag the mouse into another cell and not cross the table border onto the page. For example, to highlight the lower-right cell of a table, you drag the mouse up or to the left.


You can also select a single cell by pressing the Ctrl (Command) key and clicking once in the cell, or you can select the rightmost <td> tag in the Tag Selector.

Extended cell selection in Dreamweaver is handled identically to extended text selection in most word processing programs. To select adjacent cells, click in the first desired cell, press and hold the Shift key, and click in the final desired cell. Dreamweaver selects everything in a rectangular area, using the first cell as the upper-left corner of the rectangle and the last cell as the lower-right corner. You could, for instance, select an entire table by clicking in the upper-left cell and then Shift+clicking the lower-right cell.

Just as the Shift key is used to make adjacent cell selections, the Ctrl (Command) key is used for all non-adjacent cell selections. You can highlight any number of individual cells—whether or not they are next to one another—by pressing the Ctrl (Command) key while you click in each cell.


If you Ctrl+click (Command+click) a cell that is already selected, that cell is deselected—regardless of the method you used to select the cell initially.

Editing a table's contents

Before you learn how to change a table's attributes, let's look at basic editing techniques. Editing table text in Dreamweaver is slightly different from editing text outside of tables. When you begin to enter text into a table cell, the table borders expand to accommodate your new data, assuming no width has been set. The other cells appear to shrink; but they, too, expand after you start typing in text or inserting an image. Unless a cell's width is specified, the cell currently being edited expands or contracts, and the other cells are forced to adjust their width. Figure 13-4 shows a table (with one row and three columns) in three different states. In the top table, only the first cell contains text; notice how the other cells have contracted. In the middle table, text has been entered into the second cell as well, and you can see how the first cell is now smaller. Finally, in the bottom table, all three cells contain text, and the other two cells have adjusted their width to compensate for the expanding third cell.

If you look closely at the bottom table in Figure 13-5, you can see that the text doesn't line up vertically. That's because the default vertical alignment in Dreamweaver, as in most browsers, provides for entries to be positioned in the middle of the cell. (Later in this section, you learn how to adjust the vertical alignment.)


The expandability of table cells is very significant when you are inserting information from a data source because the data is often of varying length. See Chapter 22 for details about how to use Dreamweaver's Live Data view to check your layout.

Moving through a table

When you've finished entering your text in the first cell, you can move to the next cell in the row by pressing the Tab key. When you reach the end of a row, pressing Tab takes your cursor to the first cell of the next row. To go backward, cell to cell, press Shift+Tab.


Pressing Tab has a special function when you're in the last cell of a table—it adds a new row, with the same column configuration as the current one.

The Home and End keys take you to the beginning and end, respectively, of the cursor's current line. If a cell's contents are large enough for the text to wrap in the cell, move to the top of the current cell by pressing Ctrl+Home (Command+Home). To get to the bottom of the current cell in such a circumstance, press Ctrl+End (Command+End).

As text is entered into a cell, the cell expands and other cells contract, even if they already contain text.

Figure 13-4. As text is entered into a cell, the cell expands and other cells contract, even if they already contain text.

When you're at the beginning or end of the contents in a cell, you can also use the arrow keys to navigate from cell to cell. Use the left and right arrows to move from cell to cell in a row, and the up and down arrows to move from cell to cell in a column. When you come to the end of a row or column, the arrow keys move to the first cell in the next row or column. If you're moving left to right, the cursor goes from the end of one row to the beginning of the next row—and vice versa if you move from right to left. When moving from top to bottom, the cursor goes from the end of one column to the start of the next, and vice versa when moving bottom to top.


To enter a table without using the mouse, position the cursor directly before the table, press Shift+right arrow to select the table, and then press the down arrow key to move into the first cell. To move out of a table without using the mouse, move the cursor to the first or last cell in the table, press Ctrl+A (Command+A) to select the cell, and then press the left arrow if the cursor is in the first table cell, or the right arrow if the cursor is in the last cell. Alternatively, press Ctrl+A (Command+A) twice to select the entire table and then use either the left or right arrow to exit the table.

Cutting, copying, and pasting in tables

In the early days of Web design, woe to you if you should accidentally leave out a cell of information. It was often almost faster to redo the entire table than to make room by meticulously cutting and pasting everything, one cell at a time. Dreamweaver ends that painstaking work forever with its advanced cutting and pasting features. You can copy a range of cells from one table to another and maintain all the attributes (such as color and alignment as well as the content—text or images). You can also copy just the contents and ignore the attributes.

Dreamweaver has one basic restriction to table cut-and-paste operations: Your selected cells must form a rectangle. In other words, although you can select non-adjacent cells, columns, or rows and modify their properties, you can't cut or copy them. Should you try, you get a message from Dreamweaver like the one shown in Figure 13-5; the table above the notification in this figure illustrates an incorrect cell selection.

Dreamweaver enables you to cut or copy selected cells only when they form a rectangle.

Figure 13-5. Dreamweaver enables you to cut or copy selected cells only when they form a rectangle.

Copying attributes and contents

When you copy or cut a cell using the regular commands, Dreamweaver automatically copies everything—content, formatting, and cell format—in the selected cell. Then, pasting the cell reproduces it; however, you can get different results depending on where the cell (or column or row) is pasted.

To cut or copy both the contents and the attributes of any cell, row, or column, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cells you want to cut or copy. Remember that to cut or copy a range of cells in Dreamweaver, they must form a solid rectangular region.

  2. To copy cells, choose Edit

    Copying attributes and contents
  3. To cut cells, choose Edit

    Copying attributes and contents
  4. Position your cursor to paste the cells in the desired location:

    • To replace a cell with a cell on the clipboard, click anywhere in the cell to be replaced. If you cut or copy multiple cells that do not make up a full column or row, click in the upper-left corner of the cells you want to replace. For example, a range of six cells in a 2 × 3 configuration replaces the same configuration when pasted. Dreamweaver alerts you if you try to paste one configuration of cells into a different cell configuration.

    • To insert a new row with the row on the clipboard, click anywhere in the row immediately below where you'd like the new row to appear.

    • To insert a new column with the column on the clipboard, click anywhere in the column immediately to the right of where you'd like the new column to appear.

    • To replace an existing row or column in a table, select the row or column. If you've cut or copied multiple rows or columns, you must select an equivalent configuration of cells to replace.

    • To insert a new table based on the copied or cut cells, click anywhere outside of the table.

  5. Paste the copied or cut cells by choosing Edit

    Copying attributes and contents


To move a row or column that you've cut from the interior of a table to the exterior (the right or bottom), you have to first expand the number of cells in the table. To do this, first select the table by choosing Modify

Copying attributes and contents

Copying contents only

You often need to move data from one cell to another, while keeping the destination cell's attributes, such as its background color or border, intact. For this, use Dreamweaver's facility for copying just the contents of a cell.

To copy only the contents, select a cell and copy as previously described; then, instead of choosing Edit

Copying contents only
  • You can copy the contents only one cell at a time, and you can paste those contents into only one cell at a time.

  • You can't replace the entire contents of one cell with another and maintain all the text attributes (font, color, and size) of the destination cell in Design view. If you select all the text to be replaced, Dreamweaver also selects the CSS styles or <font> tag that holds the attributes and replaces those as well; instead of applying the CSS style to the <td> tag, however, it wraps the text in a similarly styled <span> tag. The workaround for HTML-formatted text is to select and copy the source text as usual, and then select all but one letter or word in the destination cell, paste the contents, and delete the extra text. With CSS, cut and paste the entire text and then right-click (Control+click) the <span> tag in the Tag Selector and choose Remove Tag.

Working with table properties

The <table> tag has a large number of attributes, and most of them can be modified through Dreamweaver's Property inspector. As with all objects, you must select the table before it can be altered. Choose Modify

Working with table properties

After you've selected the table, the Property inspector presents the table properties, as shown in Figure 13-6. If the inspector isn't open, choose Window

Working with table properties
The expanded Table Property inspector gives you control over all the table-wide attributes.

Figure 13-6. The expanded Table Property inspector gives you control over all the table-wide attributes.

Setting alignment

Aligning a table in Dreamweaver goes beyond the expected left, right, and center options. You can also make a table into a free-floating object, around which you can wrap text—to the left or right.

Figure 13-7 illustrates some of the different results you can get from aligning your table.

Tables can be centered, as well as aligned left or right—with or without text wrapping.

Figure 13-7. Tables can be centered, as well as aligned left or right—with or without text wrapping.

Because the <table> tag is a block element, CSS can be used to float the table on the page to the left or right. Subsequent text wraps around the table to one side or the other. Although Dreamweaver lets you align the table left or right from the Property inspector to achieve a similar effect in older browsers, the align attribute in tables has been deprecated.

To align the table without allowing text to wrap, you need to put the table within a <div> tag and set the <div> tag's align style to left, right, or center values with CSS. Although you may be tempted to use the <div> tag's align attribute, that attribute also has been deprecated.

Resizing a table

The primary sizing control on the Table Property inspector is the W (Width) text box. You can assign a new width for the entire table in either a screen percentage or pixels. Just enter your value in the W text box and then select % or Pixels in the drop-down list of options.

Dreamweaver also provides a quick and intuitive way to resize the overall table width, the column widths, or the row height. Pass your pointer over any of the table's borders, and the pointer becomes a two-headed arrow; this is the resizing pointer. When you see the resizing pointer, you can click and drag any border to new dimensions.

As noted earlier, tables are initially sized according to their contents. After you move a table border in Dreamweaver, however, the new sizes are written directly into the HTML code, and the column width or row height is adjusted—unless the contents cannot fit. If, for example, an inserted image is 115 pixels wide and the cell has a width of only 90 pixels, the cell expands to fit the image. The same is true if you try to fit an extremely long, unbroken text string, such as a complex URL, into a cell that's too narrow to hold it.

Dreamweaver enables you to set the height of a table using the H (Height) text box in much the same way as the Width box. However, the height of a table—whether in pixels or a percentage—is maintained only as long as the contents do not require a larger size. A table's width takes precedence over its height, and a table expands vertically before it expands horizontally.


The height attribute for the <table> tag has been removed in HTML 4.0 and higher by the W3C, and its further use is highly discouraged. Although rendered in Dreamweaver, the attribute no longer functions properly in most modern browsers, including Firefox, Safari, and Netscape 6.x.

Changes to the width of a cell or column are shown in the <td> tags, as are changes to a row's height and width, using the width and height attributes, respectively. You can see these changes by selecting the table, cell, column, or row affected and looking at the W and H text box values.


You can also set the height and width using Cascading Style Sheets, described in Chapter 7. If you don't have to support older browsers, using styles is the preferred method of designating these attributes.

For an overall view of what happens when you resize a cell, row, or column, it's best to look at the HTML. Here's the HTML for an empty table, resized:

<table border="1" width="70%">
    <td width="21%">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="34%">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="45%">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="21%" height="42">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="34%">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="45%">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="21%" height="42">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="34%">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="45%">&nbsp;</td>

Notice how the width for both the cells and the entire table are expressed as percentages. If the table width were initially set at a pixel value, the cell widths would have been, too. The row height values, on the other hand, are shown as an absolute measurement in pixels.

You can switch from percentages to pixels in all the table measurements, and even clear all the values at once, with the click of a button. Several measurement controls appear in the lower-left portion of the expanded Table Property inspector, as shown in Figure 13-8.

You can make table-wide changes with the control buttons in the Table Property inspector.

Figure 13-8. You can make table-wide changes with the control buttons in the Table Property inspector.

Table 13-2 shows the measurement controls provided in the Table Property inspector.

Table 13-2. Table Property Inspector Measurement Controls

Measurement Control Button


Clear Column Widths

Deletes all the width attributes found in the <td> tags

Convert Table Widths To Pixels

Translates the current width of all cells and the entire table from percentages to pixels

Convert Table Widths To Percent

Translates the current width of all cells and the entire table from pixels to percentages

Clear Row Heights

Erases all the height attributes in the current table

Convert Table Heights To Pixels

Translates the current height of all cells and the entire table from percentages to pixels

Convert Table Heights To Percent

Translates the current height of all cells and the entire table from pixels to percentages


Selecting Clear Row Heights doesn't affect the table height value.

If you clear both row heights and column widths, the table goes back to its "grow as needed" format and, if empty, shrinks to its smallest possible size.


When converting width percentages to pixels, and vice versa, keep in mind that the percentages are relative to the size of the browser window—and in the development phase that browser window is Dreamweaver. Use the Window Size option on the status bar to expand Dreamweaver's Document window to the size you expect to be seen in various browser settings.

Note that row height is a percentage of the table's height, not the window's height.

Inserting rows and columns

You can change the number of rows and columns in a table at any time. Dreamweaver provides a variety of methods for adding and removing rows and columns; you can either add them directly or by invoking a dialog box.

You have several options for adding a single row directly:

  • Position the cursor in the last cell of the last row and press Tab to add a new row below the present one.

  • Choose Modify

    Inserting rows and columns
  • Right-click (Control+click) in the table to open the context menu and choose Table

    Inserting rows and columns

You have two ways to add a new column to your table directly:

  • Choose Modify

    Inserting rows and columns
  • Right-click (Control+click) to open the context menu and choose Table

    Inserting rows and columns

You can add multiple rows and columns in either of the following ways:

  • Increase the number of rows indicated in the Rows text box of the Table Property inspector. All new rows added in this manner appear below the last table row. Similarly, you can increase the number of columns indicated in the Cols text box of the Table Property inspector. Columns added in this way appear to the right of the last column.

  • Use the Insert Rows or Columns dialog box.

The Insert Rows or Columns feature enables you to include any number of rows or columns anywhere relative to your current cursor position.

To add multiple columns using the Insert Rows or Columns dialog box, follow these steps:

  1. Position the cursor anywhere in the row or column next to where the new row or column will be inserted.

  2. Open the Insert Rows or Columns dialog box (shown in Figure 13-9) by choosing Modify

    Inserting rows and columns
    Use the Insert Rows or Columns feature to add several columns or rows simultaneously.

    Figure 13-9. Use the Insert Rows or Columns feature to add several columns or rows simultaneously.

  3. Select either Rows or Columns.

  4. Enter the number of rows or columns you want to insert—you can either type in a value or use the arrows to increase or decrease the number.

  5. Select where you want the rows or columns to be inserted.

    • If you have selected the Rows option, you can insert the rows either above or below the selection (the current row).

    • If you have selected the Columns option, you can insert the columns either before or after the current column.

  6. Click OK when you're finished.

Deleting rows and columns

The easiest way to delete a row or column is to select it and press the Delete key. You can also use the context menu to remove the current column or row by choosing Delete Column or Delete Row, respectively.

Alternatively, you can use the Table Property inspector to delete multiple columns and rows by reducing the numbers in the Cols or Rows text boxes. Columns are deleted from the right side of the table, and rows are removed from the bottom.


Exercise extreme caution when deleting columns or rows. Dreamweaver does not ask for confirmation, and it removes these columns and/or rows whether or not they contain data.

Setting table borders and backgrounds

Borders are the solid outlines of the table itself. A border's width is measured in pixels; the default width is 1 pixel. You can alter this width in the Border field of the Table Property inspector.

To make the border invisible, specify a border of 0 width. You can still resize your table by clicking and dragging the borders, even when the border is set to 0. When the View

Setting table borders and backgrounds

When the border is visible, you can also see each cell outlined. The width of the outline around the cells stays constant, regardless of the border's width. However, you can control the amount of space between each cell with the CellSpace value in the Table Property inspector, covered in the section "Working with Cell Spacing and Cell Padding" later in this chapter.

To change the width of a border in Dreamweaver, select your table and enter a new value in the Border text box. With a wider border, you can see the default shading: The top and left sides are a light shade, and the bottom and right sides are darker, giving the table border a pseudo-3D appearance. Figure 13-10 shows single-cell tables with borders of various widths, contrasting background attribute and CSS style usage.

Borders are far more flexible when applied with CSS.

Figure 13-10. Borders are far more flexible when applied with CSS.

In Dreamweaver, you can directly assign colors to the border. To choose a color for the border, select the Brdr color box or enter a color name or hexadecimal color value in the adjacent text box. Again, you get much greater control and standards compliance if you use CSS.

In addition to colored borders, a table can also have a colored background. (By default, the table is initially transparent.) Choose the background color in the Table Property inspector by selecting a color in the Bg color box or entering a color name or hexadecimal color value in the adjacent text box. As you learn later in this chapter, in "Setting Cell, Column, and Row Properties," you can also assign background colors to rows, columns, and individual cells—if used, these specific colors override the background color of the entire table.

Working with cell spacing and cell padding

HTML gives you two methods to add whitespace in tables. Cell spacing controls the width between each cell, and cell padding controls the margins within each cell. You can set these values independently through the Table Property inspector.


If no cell spacing or padding value is indicated in the Table Property inspector, most browsers use a default value of 2 pixels for cell spacing and 1 pixel for cell padding. If your Web page design calls for a close arrangement of cells, explicitly change either (or both) the CellSpace or CellPad values to 1 or 0.

To change the amount of whitespace between each cell in a table, enter a new value in the CellSpace text box of the Table Property inspector. If you want to adjust the amount of whitespace between the borders of the cell and the actual cell data, alter the value in the CellPad text box of the Table Property inspector. Figure 13-11 shows an example of tables with wide (10 pixels) cell spacing and cell padding values (the shaded space is the actual cell size).

You can add additional whitespace between each cell (cell spacing) or within each cell (cell padding).

Figure 13-11. You can add additional whitespace between each cell (cell spacing) or within each cell (cell padding).

Merging and splitting cells

You have seen how cells in HTML tables can extend across (span) multiple columns or rows. By default, a cell spans one column or one row. Increasing a cell's span enables you to group any number of topics under one heading. You are effectively merging one cell with another to create a larger cell. Likewise, a cell can be split into multiple rows or columns.

Dreamweaver enables you to combine and divide cells in two different ways. If you're more comfortable with the concept of merging and splitting cells, you can use two handy buttons on the Property inspector. If, on the other hand, you prefer the older method of increasing and decreasing row or column span, you can still access these commands through the main menu and the context menus.

To combine two or more cells, first select the cells you want to merge. Then, from the Property inspector, click the Merge Cells button or press the keyboard shortcut, M. If the Merge button is not available, multiple cells have not been selected.

To divide a cell, follow these steps:

  1. Position your cursor in the cell to be split.

  2. From the Property inspector, click the Split Cell button or press the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+Alt+S (Command+Option+S). The Split Cell dialog box (shown in Figure 13-12) appears.

    Use the Split Cell dialog box to divide cells horizontally or vertically.

    Figure 13-12. Use the Split Cell dialog box to divide cells horizontally or vertically.

  3. Select either the Rows or Columns option to indicate whether the cell is to be split horizontally or vertically.

  4. Enter the number of rows or columns in the text box or use the arrows to change the value.

  5. Click OK when you're finished.

You can achieve the same effect by using the menus. To do so, first position the cursor in the cell to be affected and then choose one of the following commands from the Modify

Use the Split Cell dialog box to divide cells horizontally or vertically.



Increase Row Span

Joins the current cell with the cell below it

Increase Column Span

Joins the current cell with the cell immediately to its right

Decrease Row Span

Separates two or more previously spanned cells from the bottom cell

Decrease Column Span

Separates two or more previously spanned cells from the right edge

Existing text or images are put in the same cell if the cells containing them are joined to span rows or columns. Figure 13-13 shows a table containing both row and column spanning.


Show restraint when splitting and merging cells, or your table will be difficult to maintain. When you are building a complex table such as the one in Figure 13-13, it's best to map out your table before you begin constructing it and to complete it prior to entering your data.

This spreadsheet-like report was built using Dreamweaver's row- and column-spanning features.

Figure 13-13. This spreadsheet-like report was built using Dreamweaver's row- and column-spanning features.

Setting cell, column, and row properties

In addition to the overall table controls, Dreamweaver helps you set numerous properties for individual cells one at a time, by the column or by the row. When attributes overlap or conflict, such as different background colors for a cell in the same row and column, the more specific target has precedence. The hierarchy, from most general to most specific, is as follows: tables, rows, columns, and cells.

You can call up the specific Property inspector by selecting the cell, row, or column you want to modify. The Cell, Row, and Column Property inspectors each affect similar attributes. The following sections explain how the attributes work, both in general and—if any differences exist—specifically (in regard to the cell, column, or row).

Horizontal alignment

You can set the horizontal alignment attribute, align, to specify the default alignment, or left, right, or center alignment, for the contents of a cell, column, or row. This attribute can be overridden by setting the alignment for the individual line or image. Generally, left is the default horizontal alignment for cells.

Vertical alignment

The HTML valign attribute specifies whether the cell's contents are vertically aligned to the cell's top, middle, or bottom, or along the baseline. Typically, browsers align cells vertically in the middle by default. Select the Vertical Alignment option arrow in the Cell, Column, or Row Properties inspector to specify a different alignment.

Top, middle, and bottom vertical alignments work pretty much as you would expect. A baseline vertical alignment displays text near the top of the cell and positions the text—regardless of font size—so that the baselines of all the text in the affected row, column, or cell are the same. Figure 13-14 illustrates how images and text of various sizes are displayed under the different vertical alignment options.

You can vertically align text and images in several arrangements in a table cell, row, or column.

Figure 13-14. You can vertically align text and images in several arrangements in a table cell, row, or column.

Cell wrap

Normal behavior for any cell is to automatically wrap text or a series of images within the cell's borders. You can turn off this automatic feature by selecting the No Wrap option in the Property inspector for the cell, column, or row.

You might use this option, for example, if you need three images to appear side by side in one cell. In analyzing the results, however, you might find that, on some lower-resolution browsers, the last image wraps to the next line.


A preferred method of preventing the contents of a cell from wrapping is to use Cascading Style Sheets to define a style with the white-space attribute set to nowrap; the nowrap attribute has been deprecated for <td> tags.

Table header cells

Quite often in tables, a column or row functions as the heading for that section of the table, labeling all the information in that particular section. Dreamweaver has an option for designating these cells: the Header option. Table header cells are usually rendered in boldface and centered in each cell. Figure 13-15 shows an example of a table in which both the first row and first column are marked as table header cells.

Cell width and height

The gridlike structure of a table makes it impossible to resize only one cell in a multicolumn table. Therefore, the only way you can enter exact values for a cell's width is through the W text box available in the Column Properties inspector. You can enter values in pixels or as a percentage of the table. The default enables cells to automatically resize with no restrictions outside of the overall dimensions of the table.

Table header cells are a good way to note a category's labels—for a row, column, or both.

Figure 13-15. Table header cells are a good way to note a category's labels—for a row, column, or both.

Similarly, whenever you change a cell's height, the entire row is altered. If you drag the row to a new height, the value is written into the H text box for all cells in the row. On the other hand, if you specify a single cell's height, the row resizes, but you can see the value only in the cell you've changed. If different cells in the same row are assigned different heights, the row is sized to the tallest height.

Color elements

Just as you can specify color backgrounds and borders for the overall table, you can do the same for columns, rows, or individual cells. Corresponding color swatches and text boxes are available in the Property inspector for the following:

  • Bg (Background Color): Specifies the color for the selected cell, row, or column. Selecting the color box opens the standard color picker. This tag has been deprecated for all table elements—including <table>, <tr>, and <td>—and it is strongly advised that CSS be used to apply coloring.

  • Brdr (Border Color): Controls the color of the single-pixel border surrounding each cell.

As with all Dreamweaver color pickers, you can use the Eyedropper tool to select a color from the Web-safe palette or from any item on a page. You can also click the Default color button to delete any previously selected color. Finally, click the System Color Picker button to open the Color dialog box and select any available color.

Sorting Tables

Have you ever painstakingly built a table, alphabetizing every last entry by last name and first name, only to have the client call with a list of 13 additional names? "Oh, and could you sort them by ZIP Code instead of last name?" Dreamweaver contains a Table Sort command designed to make short work of such requests. All you do is select your table, and you're ready to do a two-level–deep sort, either alphabetically or numerically.

The Sort Table command can rearrange a table of any size; more importantly, it's HTML-savvy, and gives you the option of keeping the formatting of your table rows. This capability enables you to maintain a table with alternating row colors and still sort the data—something not even the most powerful word processors can handle. The Sort Table command is useful for generating different views of the same data without having to use a database.

The Sort Table command is straightforward to use; just follow these steps:

  1. Position the cursor inside the table.

  2. Choose Commands

    Sorting Tables
    Sort your tables numerically or alphabetically with the Sort Table command.

    Figure 13-16. Sort your tables numerically or alphabetically with the Sort Table command.

  3. Select the primary sort column from the Sort By option list. Dreamweaver automatically lists every column in the selected table in the option list.

  4. Set the type of the primary sort by picking either Alphabetically or Numerically from the first Order option list.

  5. Select the direction of the sort by selecting either Ascending or Descending from the second Order option list.

  6. If you want to add a second level of sorting, repeat steps 3 through 5 in the Then By section.

  7. If your selected table does not include a header row, select the Sort Includes The First Row option.

  8. If your selected table includes one or more rows coded within <thead>...</thead> or <tfoot>...</tfoot> tags, and you want those rows to be included in the sort, select the appropriate option.


    The <thead> and <tfoot> HTML tags designate one or more table rows as forming a table heading or footer. The footer displays at the bottom of the table. It is typically used to duplicate the heading for long tables. These tags are not supported on all browsers.

  9. If you have formatted your table with alternating row colors, choose the Keep All Row Colors The Same After The Sort Has Been Completed option.

  10. Click OK when you're finished.


As with any sorting program, if you leave blank cells in the column on which you're basing the sort, those rows appear as a group on top of the table for an ascending sort and at the end for a descending sort. Make sure that all the cells in your sort criteria column are filled correctly.

Importing Tabular Data

In the computer age, there's nothing more frustrating than having information in a digital format and still having to enter it manually—either by typing it in or by cutting and pasting—to get it on the Web. This frustration is multiplied when it comes to table data, whether created in a spreadsheet or database program. You have to transfer numerous small pieces of data, and it all has to be properly related and positioned.

Dreamweaver's Import Table Data command goes a long way toward alleviating the tedium—not to mention the frustration—of dealing with tabular information. The Import Table Data command reads any delimited text file and inserts the information in a series of rows and columns. You can even set most characteristics for the table to be created, including the width, cell padding, cell spacing, and border.

Quite often, the first step in the process of importing table data into Dreamweaver is exporting it from another program. Most spreadsheet and database programs have some capability to output information in a text file. Each bit of data (whether it's from a cell of a spreadsheet or a field of a database) is separated—or delimited—from every other bit of data by a special character, typically a tab or comma. In Dreamweaver, you can use the Import Table Data dialog box to choose which delimiter is used, ensuring a clean transfer with no loss of data.


Although you have many types of delimiters to choose from, you might want to default to exporting tab-delimited files. With a tab-delimited file, you usually don't have to worry if any of your data contains the delimiter—which would throw off the import. However, testing has shown that Dreamweaver correctly handles comma-delimited files with and without quotes, so you can also use that format safely.

To import a tabular data file, follow these steps:

  1. Be sure the data you want to import has been saved or exported in the proper format: a delimited text file.

  2. Open the Import Tabular Data dialog box, shown in Figure 13-17, in one of the following ways:

    • Choose File

      Importing Tabular Data
    • Choose Insert

      Importing Tabular Data
    • Click the Tabular Data button in the Common category of the Insert bar.

  3. Click the Browse button to find the desired file.

  4. Select the delimiter used to separate the fields or cells of data from the Delimiter opt}ion list. The options are Tab, Comma, Semicolon, Colon, and Other.


    If you select a file with a .csv extension, the comma delimiter is automatically chosen, although you can change the option if necessary. CSV is short for Comma-Separated Values.

  5. If you choose Other from the Delimiter list, a blank field appears to the right of the list. Enter the special character, such as the pipe (|), used as the delimiter in the exported file. Now that the imported file characteristics are set, you can predefine the table into which the information will be imported.

    Any external data saved in a delimited text file can be brought into Dreamweaver with the Import Tabular Data command.

    Figure 13-17. Any external data saved in a delimited text file can be brought into Dreamweaver with the Import Tabular Data command.

  6. If you want to set a particular table width, enter a value in the Set To field and select either Pixels or Percent from the option list. If you want the imported file to determine the size of the table, keep the Fit To Data option selected.

  7. Enter any Cell Padding or Cell Spacing values desired, in their respective fields. As with standard tables, if you don't enter a value, most browsers interpret Cell Padding as 2 pixels and Cell Spacing as 1 pixel.

  8. If you'd like to style the first row, pick Bold, Italic, or Bold Italic from the Format Top Row option list. This option is typically used when the imported file contains a header row.

  9. Set the Border field to the desired width, if any. If you don't want a border displayed at all, set the Border field to 0.

  10. Click OK when you're finished.

Although the Import Table Data option is under the File menu, it doesn't open a new file—the new table is created at the current cursor position.


If your data is imported incorrectly, double-check the delimiter used (by opening the file in a text editor). If Dreamweaver is expecting a comma delimiter and your file uses tabs, data is not formatted properly.

Designing with Layout Mode

As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, some Web designers regard tables as one of their primary layout tools. This is because, except for CSS AP elements, tables are the only way you can even get close to positioning your page elements the way you want them to appear. Granted, it takes a lot of work to do this with raw tables, but designers are a persistent group—and now that persistence has paid off in a big way.


Designers are strongly advised to use CSS rather than Layout mode to create new layout designs. At this point in the Web's development, Layout mode should be used only to work on legacy sites where CSS layouts are not an option.

When you're in Layout mode, you draw out separate areas to hold your content, and Dreamweaver automatically converts these areas to cells and tables. The layout cells are very pliable and can easily be moved about the page, resized, and reshaped. Moreover, Layout mode gives you professional design power with options to stretch tables to fit the browser window and to size columns precisely.

Although they share the same underlying HTML structure, tables and cells created in Layout mode differ from those created in Standard mode in several ways:

  • Borders are set to 0, meaning they are turned off.

  • Cell padding and cell spacing are also set to 0 to enable content to appear directly side-by-side.

  • Layout tables optionally include an extra row, whose columns hold a 1-pixel–high, transparent GIF image called a spacer.

  • Columns in a layout table are either set to a fixed pixel width or designed to automatically stretch to the full width of the page.

In addition to these physical differences, Layout mode has a different look as well. Each layout table is marked with a tab, and the column width is identified either at the top or bottom of each column (as shown in Figure 13-18). Where the column width is displayed depends on the table's placement in the Document window.

In Layout mode, tables and columns are immediately identifiable and extremely flexible.

Figure 13-18. In Layout mode, tables and columns are immediately identifiable and extremely flexible.

Dreamweaver puts the access to Layout and Standard modes on the Insert bar. To switch modes, click Standard to go to the traditional mode; click Layout to return to Layout mode. If the Insert bar is not open, you can also switch to Layout mode by choosing View

In Layout mode, tables and columns are immediately identifiable and extremely flexible.


Don't fret about your existing pages: They'll show up just fine in Layout mode. In fact, looking at a well-designed legacy page in Layout mode helps you understand the layout of professionally designed pages by clearly showing table structure and nested tables.

One caveat applies when changing from Standard to Layout mode: Standard table cells without content—those that are either totally empty or contain only a non-breaking space—must be explicitly created in Layout mode before text, graphics, or other content can be added.

Drawing cells and tables

Although you can use Layout mode to modify the structure of existing pages, this view is best when designing Web pages from the ground up. The Draw Layout Cell and Draw Table commands enable you to quickly lay out the basic structure of your page by defining the key document areas. For example, with just four mouse moves in Layout mode, you can design a page with sections for a logo, a navigation bar, a copyright notice, and a primary content area. Now you are ready to fill out the design with graphics, text, and other assets. Here's how it works:

  1. On a blank page, click the Layout mode button in the Layout category of the Insert bar. When you first enter Layout mode, Dreamweaver displays a Help screen to explain how the feature works. After you're comfortable working in Layout mode, feel free to select the Don't Show Me This Message Again option to prevent further appearances of the dialog box.

  2. Click the Draw Layout Cell button in the Layout category of the Insert bar. The cursor changes to a plus sign. Although it may seem backward, it's best to initially use Draw Layout Cell, rather than Draw Layout Table. Dreamweaver automatically creates the HTML table necessary to hold any cells you draw, resulting in fewer tables and tighter code. The Draw Table command is best used to make a nested table.

  3. Move your cursor anywhere on the page and drag out a layout cell. Figure 13-19 shows an example.

    Use the Draw Layout Cell command to define the basic page structure in Layout mode.

    Figure 13-19. Use the Draw Layout Cell command to define the basic page structure in Layout mode.

    Dreamweaver creates a table around the cell; the cell is drawn in the current background color with the surrounding table shown in an alternate color. The outline of a layout cell is highlighted in red when the mouse moves over it and turns blue when selected; likewise, a Layout table's outline is green. All these colors can be user-defined in Preferences.


    If you're within 8 pixels of the edge of the Document window or another layout cell, the border of the new layout cell snaps to that edge. Press the Alt (Option) key while drawing a layout cell to temporarily disable snapping.

  4. Repeat step 3 until your layout is complete. Dreamweaver drops out of Draw Layout Cell mode after your first cell is created; to create several layout cells in a row, press Ctrl (Command) while dragging.

The first cell you draw is in the current background color with the surrounding table shown in an alternate color. Cells in the alternate color represent areas of the page where you can draw more cells, but they do not necessarily represent part of the actual table structure. Think of these cells as a Layout mode visual aid, which suggests where additional cells may be added. If you switch to Standard mode, you see that the table in Figure 13-20 actually consists of three cells and doesn't extend to the right side of the page as shown in Layout mode.

Standard mode shows only the actually defined table cells.

Figure 13-20. Standard mode shows only the actually defined table cells.

As indicated earlier, the Draw Table command is best suited for creating nested tables. Just as its name implies, a table is nested when it is placed within an existing table. Nested tables are useful when a design requires that a number of elements—for example, a picture and a related caption—remain stationary in relation to one another, while text on the page flows according to the size of the browser window.

To create a nested table in Layout mode, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Layout button in the Layout category of the Insert bar.

  2. Click the Draw Layout Table button, also in the Layout category of the Insert bar.

  3. When the cursor is over an area of the table unoccupied by a layout cell, the cursor changes to a plus sign, and a layout table can be dragged out. (When not over a valid area, the cursor is shown as a slashed circle—the universal sign for not allowed.) The new layout table is inserted, as shown in Figure 13-21.

    Nested tables are easily added with the Draw Layout Table command.

    Figure 13-21. Nested tables are easily added with the Draw Layout Table command.

  4. As with the Draw Layout Cell command, the Draw Layout Table command defaults to dragging one table at a time. To draw several tables in a row, press Ctrl (Command) while dragging out a layout table.

  5. To divide the nested layout table into multiple areas, click the Draw Layout Cell button to drag out new cells.


To convert a nested table to rows and columns in the outer table, click a column heading in the nested table and select Remove Nesting from the drop-down list, as shown in Figure 13-22.

Choose the Remove Nesting command to integrate a nested table into the parent table.

Figure 13-22. Choose the Remove Nesting command to integrate a nested table into the parent table.

Although Layout mode is an excellent method for quickly structuring a page, you should be aware of some limitations:

  • Layout tables and cells can only be drawn in the area of the Document window that does not have any code associated with it. In other words, you need to draw layout cells and tables below the apparent end of the document. The result is that the new table code is placed right before the closing body tag.

  • Two objects are disabled while in Layout mode: the standard Table object and the AP element object. To add either of these objects to the page, return to Standard mode.

  • Layout cells and tables cannot be copied, cut, or pasted. These operations are available in Standard mode, however.

It's worthwhile to note that Layout mode works exceedingly well with Dreamweaver's Grid feature. With the grid showing (View

Choose the Remove Nesting command to integrate a nested table into the parent table.
Nested tables—created in Dreamweaver's Layout mode—offer the Web designer tighter command of Web page elements.

Figure 13-23. Nested tables—created in Dreamweaver's Layout mode—offer the Web designer tighter command of Web page elements.


Under certain circumstances, Dreamweaver mistakenly creates empty table cells—cells without a non-breaking space—which can break a table's structure in some browsers. This occurs most frequently when the table is resized by dragging the border of a layout table. You can avoid this problem by resizing the table via the Property inspector. If you do encounter any empty cells, be sure to enter a non-breaking space in the <td> tag by hand in the code or explicitly draw out a cell in Layout mode.

Modifying layouts

Layout mode not only facilitates creating the initial design for a page, it also makes the inevitable modifications more straightforward. You can position cells within a layout table much like AP elements on a page. Unlike AP elements, however, cells cannot overlap. Resizing layout cells and tables is also simpler. Unlike Standard mode, in which any table or cell border is draggable, in Layout mode, cells and tables have sizing handles—much like a selected image.

Changing layout cell properties

For you to easily manipulate layout and cells, the cells have to be readily selectable. Dreamweaver handles that chore with colorful flair. Pass your cursor over any layout cell; when you pass the border of a cell, it changes from blue to red. Click once on the red highlighting, and the cell is selected. A selected cell is notable by the eight sizing handles placed on its perimeter. After a cell is selected, the Property inspector displays its available attributes.


To select a cell without moving the cursor over the border, Ctrl+click (Command+click) anywhere in the cell.

The Layout Cell Property inspector (shown in Figure 13-24) offers the following key attributes:

  • Width: Enter a pixel value for a Fixed cell width or select the Autostretch option to enable the cell to grow as needed. The width of each cell is shown on top of each column in Layout mode. The Column Width property is an important one and is explained in greater detail later in this section.

  • Height: Enter a pixel value for cell height. Percentages are not permitted in Layout mode.

  • Bg: Choose a background color for the cell.

  • Horz: Select a horizontal alignment for the cell's content; the options are Default, Left, Center, and Right.

  • Vert: Choose a vertical alignment for the cell's content; the options are Default, Top, Middle, Bottom, and Baseline.

  • No Wrap: When enabled, this option prevents content—text and images—from wrapping to the next line, which, if the column is in Autostretch mode, may alter the width of the cell.

  • Class: Sets the selected cell to a defined CSS class.

Although similar to the standard Cell Property inspector, the Layout Cell Property inspector offers a different set of options.

Figure 13-24. Although similar to the standard Cell Property inspector, the Layout Cell Property inspector offers a different set of options.


Not all the attributes of a table cell are available through the Layout Cell Property inspector. To add a background image, specify a border color, designate the cell as a header cell, or split the cell, switch to Standard mode.

To reshape or resize a layout cell, drag any one of the sizing handles on the border of the cell into the unused area of a table. Likewise, you can drag a cell into any open table area—that is, any area of the table unoccupied by another cell—by holding down the Ctrl key (Command key) as you click and drag.


To maintain the width-height ratio of a cell, press Shift while resizing.

Changing layout table properties

Tables may be similarly selected and resized. Layout tables are selected by clicking the title bar marking the table, or by Ctrl+clicking (Command+clicking) inside an open area within the table or on the table border. If the layout table is nested within another table, it can even be dragged to a new location within the outer table. Non-nested tables cannot be dragged to a new location on the page, however.

After a layout table is selected, the attributes in the Layout Table Property inspector become available, as shown in Figure 13-25:

  • Width: Enter a pixel value for a Fixed table width or select the Autostretch option to allow the table to grow as needed.

  • Height: Enter a pixel value for table height. Percentages are not permitted in Layout mode.

  • Bg: Choose a background color for the table.

  • CellPad: Controls the amount of space between the content and the cell border throughout the table. The default value is 0.

  • CellSpace: Controls the amount of space between cells throughout the table. The default value is 0.

  • Class: Sets the selected table to a defined CSS class.

  • Clear Row Heights: This button removes any set height values for all rows and reduces the table to existing content.


    When used with nested tables, Dreamweaver doesn't redraw the cell border to match the table border; to correct this, drag the bottom cell border to match that of the table.

  • Make Cell Widths Consistent: This button changes the width of all cells to the size of their respective content. If a cell is stretched beyond its original, fixed size by an image or some text, the column header of the layout cell shows the fixed size next to the actual size in parentheses. Clicking the Make Cell Widths Consistent button adjusts the fixed size to match the actual size.

  • Remove All Spacers: Clicking this button deletes all single-pixel images used, to ensure browser compatibility for layout tables and their corresponding rows. Spacers are discussed in the section "Altering Column Widths," later in this chapter.

  • Remove Nesting: This button converts a nested table to rows and cells of the outer table. This feature is available only in Layout mode, and it provides a quick way of removing nested tables from a page.

The Layout Table Property inspector includes important options for converting nested tables and sizing cells to fit existing content.

Figure 13-25. The Layout Table Property inspector includes important options for converting nested tables and sizing cells to fit existing content.

Altering column widths

The table elements in Layout mode borrow a couple of pages from the professional Web designer's manual. For example, any column can easily be converted from a fixed width to a flexible width—in Dreamweaver this is known as autostretch. When a table uses the Autostretch option, one column has a flexible width, and all other columns are of fixed width.

You can alter the width of a fixed-width column in a number of ways:

  • Visually select the cell and drag a sizing handle to a new position.

  • For pixel-precise width, use the Layout Cell Property inspector and enter the size in the Width field. If the cell is currently in Autostretch mode, select the Fixed Width option to enable the value field.

  • To convert an autostretch column to its current onscreen pixel width, choose Make Column Fixed Width from the column header menu (accessed by clicking the down triangle in the center of the column width header), as shown in Figure 13-26.

  • Insert content wider than the set width and choose Make Cell Widths Consistent from the Layout Table Property inspector.

You can switch between fixed width and autostretch by using the column header menu.

Figure 13-26. You can switch between fixed width and autostretch by using the column header menu.

To make a fixed-width column automatically stretch, choose Make Column Autostretch from the column header menu. Only one column can be made to autostretch. When you set a column to autostretch, Dreamweaver automatically converts any previously defined autostretch column to a fixed width.

When the Autostretch option is chosen for a layout table, Dreamweaver inserts a spacer (a single-pixel, transparent GIF) in a new row along the bottom of the table. The spacer is sized to match the width of each of the fixed-width columns. Only the autostretch column does not have a spacer image.

If you've ever painstakingly created a complex table only to find that it looks great in one browser but collapses into an unidentifiable mess in another, you're going to love spacers. Web site designers have long used spacer images as a way to ensure a table's stability. Because no browser collapses a column smaller than the size of the largest image it contains, spacers retain a table's design under any circumstances.

Dreamweaver gives you several options when working with spacers:

  • You can have Dreamweaver create a spacer for you.

  • You can use an existing image as a spacer.

  • You can opt to never include spacers.

The first time autostretch is applied as an option in a table, Dreamweaver displays the Choose Spacer Image dialog box, which enables you to create or locate a spacer image. If you choose to create a new spacer, you select a location in the current site in which to store it. Generally, you would save such a file in an images, assets, or media folder.

That image is then automatically inserted whenever an autostretch table or cell is created. One reason for using an existing image rather than a new one is if you work with sliced tables from Fireworks. Fireworks creates a single-pixel GIF image titled spacer.gif. The choice of a spacer image is a site-wide preference that can be viewed or changed by selecting the Layout mode category of Dreamweaver Preferences. Although it is not recommended practice, you can even disable spacers entirely in the Layout mode category of Preferences.


Tables are extremely powerful Web-page–design tools. Dreamweaver enables you to modify both the appearance and the structure of your HTML tables through a combination of Property inspectors, dialog boxes, and click-and-drag mouse movements. Mastering tables is an essential skill for any modern Web designer and worth the somewhat challenging learning curve. When working with tables, here are the key points to keep in mind:

  • An HTML table consists of a series of rows and columns presented in a gridlike arrangement. Tables can be sized absolutely, in pixels, or as a percentage, relative to the width of the browser's window.

  • Dreamweaver inserts a table whose dimensions can be altered through the Insert bar or the Insert

  • Table editing is greatly simplified in Dreamweaver. You can select multiple cells, columns, or rows—and modify all their contents in one fell swoop.

  • You can assign certain properties—such as background color, border color, and alignment—for a table's columns, rows, or cells through their respective Property inspectors. The properties of a cell override those set for its column or row.

  • Dreamweaver brings power to table-building with the Format Table and Sort Table commands, as well as a connection to the outside world with its Import Tabular Data option.

  • Dreamweaver's Layout mode enables you to quickly prepare the basic structure of a page by drawing out layout cells and tables.

  • Putting a table within another table—also known as nesting tables—is a powerful (and legal) design option in HTML. Nested tables are easily accomplished in Dreamweaver's Layout mode by inserting a layout table.

In the next chapter, you learn how to create and use forms in your Web pages.

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