

Abrams, Jeremy

on picture style, 61, 74

on sound quality, 75

acts (story structure), 137, 139140

Adobe Photoshop, Golden Mean application for, 89

Adobe RGB color space, 60

AGC. See automatic gain control (audio)

Alien-Pauly story, 127, 137

angle of view, 52, 52f, 57

Anselmi, David

on ball heads, 237

on sound recording, 83

storytelling exercise, 140

aperture. See f-stops

Apple Final Cut Pro, 9799

Canon EOS Plug-in for, 9799

Log and Transfer process, 99103

Artemis app, 5556, 55f

audience emotions, 120121

audio gear, 230235

higher-budget, 230, 234

low-budget, 231235

midrange-budget, 230, 232

audio recording, 75

Casulo case study, 153

checklists, 8788

considerations, 76

external recorders, 8586, 85f, 86f

checklist for, 8788

headphones, 86, 231

microphone types, 7882

pistol grips and boom poles, 85, 85f

sound quality, about, 7578

windscreens, 83, 231235

XLR adapters. See XLR connectors or adapters

audio sync

free technique for, 248

with PluralEyes, 103107

software for, 247248

automatic exposure, 164165

automatic gain control (audio), 77


back lights

defined, 25

rear key lighting, 27, 27f

background light, defined, 25

background streetlamps, 2425

backpacks, 245246

balance. See color temperature

ball head, fluid head vs., 237

battery power, microphone, 78

BeachTec DXA-SLR XLR adapter, 84

Benro MC-91M8 monopod, 235

blocking, 5, 913

checklist for, 1213

The Last 3 Minutes case study, 189, 203

possibilities for, 10

Bloom, Philip, 15, 20, 142, 167169, 169f, 256, 262

on camera settings, 62

on Canon Rebel T2i, 214

A Day at the Races case study, 167

being on location, 171176

retrofitting the Canon 7D, 170

using cinema lenses, 170

examples (composition), 16f, 17f, 20f, 21f

examples (lighting), 26f, 28f, 3234, 33f, 34f

on exposure, 4446

on Jeremy Ian Thomas, 178

on ND filters, 49

on storytelling, 121

boom operation, 83

boom poles, 85

brightness. See luminance compression

Buchanan, Matt, 262

built-in microphones, 82


Cabrera, Kris, 183

camera cases and backpacks, 245246

camera movement, 5, 1322

checklist for, 22

handheld and shoulder-mounted rigs, 238243

higher-budget, 239, 242243

low-budget, 239, 240

midrange-budget, 217218, 240242

steadicams, 243245

types of, 1415

cameras, 213220. See also gear

higher-budget, 219

low-budget, 214216

midrange-budget, 217218

Cameron, James, 50

Canon 5D Mark cameras

Canon 5D Mark II, 219

ISO tests for, 163, 263f, 264f

Canon 7D, 217218

Canon EOS Plug-in for Final Cut Pro, 9799

Canon EOS Utility, 68f

Canon L series lenses, 223227

Canon Rebel T2i, 214215

Captain Stubling, 241

cardioid microphones, 78, 80, 78

cardioid pickup pattern, 78, 79f

carrying camera cases and backpacks, 245246

case studies

Casulo (Bernardo Uzeda), 143

audio, 153

color correction and grading, 153155, 154f, 157

film look: indoors night, 150151

film look: outdoors dusk, 152153

lighting design, 149150

postproduction workflow, 155157

production process, 148149

screening, 157158

story idea, 144145

texture and color, 146147

The Chrysalis (Jeremy Ian Thomas), 177, 187

preproduction vision, 179188

A Day at the Races (Philip Bloom) case study, 167

being on location, 171176

retrofitting the Canon 7D, 170

using cinema lenses, 170

The Last 3 Minutes (Po Chan), 189

lenses and camera settings, 189190

lighting (bathing scene), 204205

lighting (bedroom scene), 196198

lighting (war scene), 199204

point of view perspective, 194196

screening and lessons learned, 208209

storytelling, 192194

16 Teeth (Rii Schroer) case study, 159

being on location, 161

documentary vs. TV style, 161162

DSLR advantages, 166

editing approach, 165166

filmmaker background, 159160

transitioning to HD video, 163165

cases and backpacks, 245246

Casulo (Bernardo Uzeda), 143

audio, 153

color correction and grading, 153155, 154f, 157

film look: indoors night, 150151

film look: outdoors dusk, 152153

lighting design, 149150

postproduction workflow, 155157

production process, 148149

screening, 157158

story idea, 144145

texture and color, 146147

CGI art case study (The Chrysalis), 177

Chaloupka, Vladimir, 1920

Chan, Po, 910, 142, 192194 205f. See also The Last 3 Minutes

examples (composition), 10f, 11f

character blocking. See blocking

characterization, 119120

Casulo case study, 146

16 Teeth (Rii Schroer) case study, 159

uniqueness of shots and, 123

Charters, Rodney, 60


blocking, 1213

camera movement and stabilization, 22

composition, 8

HDSLR shooting, 275

lenses, 5657

lighting, 36

microphones, 8788

sound quality, 77

storytelling, exercises for, 125, 127136, 140

Cherry Blossom Girl, 20, 20f, 21f, 33f

lighting setup examples, 3234, 34f

chip size, 46, 48

Christenson, Dave, 178

chrominance compression, 267

The Chrysalis (Jeremy Ian Thomas) case study, 177

color grading, 187

preproduction vision, 179188

Cineform Neo Scene Workflow software, 9496

Cinema Bundle (Redrock Micro), 242

“cinematic look”, 2, 59. See also picture styles

testing before shooting, 61

cinematography, importance of, 12

CMOS sensor

Jell-O effect with, 14

slowness of, 259

CMR Blackbird, 244

Cohen, Rob, 191192

collapsible reflectors, 230


Casulo case study, 146147

chrominance compression, 267

color balance, 7374

color space, 60

removing color cast, 74. See also color correction

color correction, 6667

Casulo case study, 153155, 154f

color grading, 107

automatic presets (Magic Bullet Looks), 109118

Casulo case study, 157

The Chrysalis case study, 187

A Day at the Races case study, 175

software for, 247

tips on, 117118

color temperature, 3032, 31f, 32f

scale of measurement, 30f

tips on, 3031

color tone

Casulo (Bernardo Uzeda), 153155, 154f, 157

8-bit compression, 64

picture styles (examples), 62, 62f, 63, 63f

tips for, 61, 62

composition, 59

checklist for, 8

The Last 3 Minutes case study, 189

Rii Schroer on, 164


audio compression, 77

chrominance compression, 267

luminance compression, 267

Contax lenses, 222223f


on camera settings, 61

camera settings tip, 62

picture styles (examples), 62f, 63f, 64f

contrast ratio, 265, 265f

Coutard, Raoul, 3

crane, 15

Crosby, Ed, 130

Cross Fire (Zacuto), 243

Curves tool, Magic Bullet Looks, 112f


A Day at the Races (Philip Bloom) case study, 167

being on location, 171176

retrofitting the Canon 7D, 170

using cinema lenses, 170

decompression software, 246247

deinterlacing, 90

density. See neutral density filters

depth of field, 51, 53, 5657

Developing Story Ideas (Rabiger), 124


sound for, 75

writing, exercises for, 127136

diffusing light. See soft light

direction of light, 2429

front lighting, 28, 28f

¾ frontal key lighting, 2829, 28f, 29f

rear key lighting, 27, 27f. See also back lights

¾ rear key lighting, 27, 27f

shadows. See shadows

from side, 25, 26, 26f

discovering stories, 122136

dollies. See tracking

Dorn, Bruce, 220f

Dot Line DL-DV60 LED, 229

Double Barrel (Zacuto), 243

DR-100 audio recorder, 8586, 85f

checklist for, 8788

dramatic structure, 136140

DT454 XLR adapter, 232f

DualEyes, 247248

DXA-SLR XLR adapter, 84

dynamic range, 38, 265, 265f, 266f, 266f

example images, 39, 39f


editing. SeeSee postproduction; postproduction case studies

8-bit color compression, 64

emotional equivalency, 52

emotions, of audience, 120121

EOS Utility, 68f

equipment. See gear

exercises, storytelling, 125, 127136, 140

exposition, 136137

exposure, 265, 265f. See also dynamic range

automatic exposure, 164165

checklist for, 5152

example images, 39, 39f

film look and, 4445

film speed. See ISO settings

frame rates, 5052

f-stops, 38, 4146, 42f, 43f, 44f, 51

depth of field and, 53

reduction with ND filters, 38, 49t

lenses. See lenses

ND filters. See neutral density filters

shutter speed, 4951. SeeSee entries at speed

film look and, 4445

spot meter and. See spot meter

zone scale, 37, 37f, 38, 39f

tips on, 3940

exposure index, 259

exposure latitude, 51

external recorders, 8586, 85f, 86f

checklist for, 8788

ExtraFlat picture style, 62, 64, 64f. See also flat picture style; SuperFlat picture style

color grading with Magic Bullet, 117, 117f, 118f

eyeSpy, 241


f-stops, 38, 4146, 42f, 43f, 44f, 51

depth of field and, 53

reduction with ND filters, 38, 49t

Faithful picture style, 63, 63f

fastness. SeeSee entries at speed

Fauer, Jon, 23

files, getting into computer, 90

fill (light placement), 25

fill lights, 2425

film look, 2, 262. See also case studies

Casulo case study, 150151

16 Teeth (Rii Schroer) case study, 161162

tips on, 4445

film speed, shutter speed and, 4950. See also ISO settings

Filmlike Color Curves, Magic Bullet Looks, 118f

filters. See neutral density filters

Filters windows, Magic Bullet Looks, 115f

Final Cut Pro, 9799

Canon EOS Plug-in for, 9799

Log and Transfer process, 99103

Magic Bullet Looks for, 109118

flat picture style, 38, 60. See also ExtraFlat picture style; SuperFlat picture style

color grading with Magic Bullet, 117, 117f, 118f

fluid head, ball head vs., 237

focal length, 52, 53f

follow focus, low-budget, 239

Fox, Travis, 1920

frame rates, 5052

franken-camera, 1920, 19f, 239

Fricks, Charles, 147f

front lighting, 28, 28f

¾ frontal key lighting, 2829, 28f, 29f

full frontal lighting. See front lighting


gamma, 265, 265f

adjusting for picture style, 70, 70f

Garn, Jake, 5, 6f

gear, 213, 215216

audio gear, 230235

cameras, 213220

low-budget, 214216

midrange-budget, 217218

higher-budget, 219

cases and backpacks, 245246

handheld and shoulder-mounted rigs, 238243

low-budget, 239, 240

midrange-budget, 217218, 240242

higher-budget, 239, 242243

lenses, 221227. See also lenses

low-budget, 222

midrange-budget, 222223

higher-budget, 223227

lighting, 229230. See also lighting

low- to midrange budget, 229

higher-budget, 229230

neutral density filters, 227229

low-budget, 228

midrange-budget, 228

higher-budget, 228

variable, 228229

packages, suggested, 248254

low-budget, 248250

midrange-budget, 250252

higher-budget, 252254

reflectors, 230

software, 246247

stabilization and tripods, 235238. See also camera movement

steadicams, 243245

tracking (dolly), 15, 237

viewfinders, 220221

low-budget, 220

higher-budget, 220221

XLR adapters. See XLR connectors or adapters

Giottos MT-9241 tripod legs, 235236

Golden Mean application, 89

golden mean (golden ratio), 5, 6f, 7f, 8f

Grad Exposure filter, Magic Bullet Looks, 116f

Graeme. See 16 Teeth (Rii Schroer) case study

Green, Barry, 259260, 261f


H.264 codec, 89

Hakuba HG-503MX tripod, 236

handheld shots

rigs for, 238243

higher-budget, 239, 242243

low-budget, 239, 240

midrange-budget, 217218, 240242

stabilization, 13

hard drive, using for archives, 90

hard light, 2324, 24f

outdoor day (lighting setup), 3233, 33f

harsh light. See hard light

HDSLR cinema, growing popularity of, 255

HDSLR shooting, steps of, 275

headphones, 86, 231

HG-503MX tripod, 236

higher-budget gear

audio gear, 230, 234

cameras, 219

handheld rigs, 239, 242243

lenses, 223227

lighting, 229230

neutral density filters, 228

shoulder-mounted rigs, 239, 242243

total gear package, suggested, 252254

tripods, 236237

viewfinders, 220221

high-transmission ND filters, 228

histogram, 4041, 41f

using, for shooting flat, 61

hook (in storytelling), 137

Hurlbut, Shane, 3031, 32f, 142, 205f, 206f, 263

about, 190192

camera settings, 61

on chip size, 46

on color balance, 73, 74

on color compression, 65

on color correction, 6667, 153, 154f

on ISO settings, 48

on neutral density filters, 45

on picture style, 63f

with Po Chan. See The Last 3 Minutes

on shutter speed, 4950

on zone scale, 3738


iDC Viewfinder, 220

iDC’s Run & Gun kit, 239

ideas, sources for, 122136

image resolution, 259, 260f

Inácio, Thaís, 147f

indirect light. See soft light

indoor day (lighting setup), 34, 35, 34f, 35f

indoor night (lighting setup), 3536, 35f

Casulo case study, 150151

introduction (in storytelling), 136137

inverse square law, 40

InVision microphone shockmount, 233

iris. See f-stops

Isaacks, Levie, 3

ISO settings, 39, 51, 266, 266f

exposure index, 259

Shane Hurlbut on, 48

ISO tests (on Canon cameras), 263, 263f, 264f


Jane, Eli. See The Last 3 Minutes case study

Jell-O effect, 14

JuicedLink’s DT454 XLR adapter, 232f

JuicedLink’s Preamp DT454 adapter, 84


Kessler Crane Pocket Dolly Traveler, 15, 16f, 17f, 237

key (light placement), 25

kit lenses, 222

The Kitchen, 123124

Kolar, Rachel, 204f, 207f


L series lenses, 223227

Laforet, Vincent, 6

examples (composition), 7f, 8f

examples (exposure), 39, 39f

examples (lenses), 54, 54f

examples (lighting), 24f, 25f, 28f, 29f, 3435 34f, 35f

storytelling of, 121, 139140

Landscape picture style, 63, 63f

The Last 3 Minutes (Po Chan), 189

examples (composition), 910, 10f, 11f

lenses and camera settings, 189190

lighting (bathing scene), 204205

lighting (bedroom scene), 196198

lighting (war scene), 199204

point of view perspective, 194196

screening and lessons learned, 208209

story treatment, 269

storytelling, 192194

Laszlo, Andrew, 3

lavaliere (lav) microphones, 78, 82, 82f, 234f

LED lights, 229230

Leica R lenses, 222223f

Lens tools, Magic Bullet Looks, 114f

Lensbaby lenses, 227

lenses, 5257, 52f, 55f, 221227

angle of view, 52, 52f, 57

Artemis app, 5556, 55f

checklist for, 5657

A Day at the Races (Philip Bloom) case study, 167

example images, 53f, 54f

higher-budget, 223227

The Last 3 Minutes case study, 189190

low-budget, 222

midrange-budget, 222223

tips on, 48

Light Craft Workshop’s ND filers, 228

light sensitivity range. See dynamic range

lighting, 23, 229230

blocking with filters. See neutral density filters

Casulo case study, 149150

checklist for, 36

color temperature, 3032, 31f, 32f

scale of measurement, 30f

tips on, 3031

direction of light, 2429

exposure. See exposure

hard vs. soft light, 2324, 24f

examples, 25f

higher-budget, 229230

inverse square law, 40

The Last 3 Minutes case study, 189

bathing scene, 204205

bedroom scene, 196198

war scene, 199204

low- to midrange budget, 229

placement terminology, 25

sample setups for, 3236

indoor day, 34, 35, 34f, 35f

indoor night, 3536, 35f, 150151

outdoor day, 3233, 33f

outdoor dusk, 152153

outdoor night, 34, 34f

shadows. See shadows

tips on, 40

limiters, 86

LitePanels Micro LED, 229230

location, light. SeeSee lighting; placement of lights

location case study (The Chrysalis), 177

Loli, Eugenia, 64

LooksBuilder editor, 110f

low-budget gear

audio gear, 231235

cameras, 214216

follow focus, 239

handheld rigs, 239, 240

lenses, 222

lighting, 229

neutral density filters, 228

shoulder-mounted rigs, 239

total gear package, suggested, 248250

tripods, 235236

viewfinders, 220, 239

Lowepro backpack, 246

luminance compression, 267


Magic Bullet Grinder, 247

Magic Bullet Looks, 107118, 247

“Magic Formula”, 16

Manfrotto 504HD fluid head, 236237

Manfrotto 535 tripod, 236237

Manfrotto 700RC2 mini video fluid head, 235236

Manfrotto 701HDV fluid mini head, 236

Mathers, Jim, 47, 6566

MC-91M8 monopod, 235

McClellen, Margo, 127

Merlin. See Tiffen’s Steadicam Merlin

“Merlin Cookbook” website, 16

microphones. See also audio recording

checklists for, 8788

external recorders, 8586, 85f, 86f

checklist for, 8788

pistol grips and boom poles, 85, 85f

shockmount for, 233

types of, 7882

windscreens, 83, 231235

XLR adapters. See XLR connectors or adapters

midrange-budget gear

audio gear, 230, 232

cameras, 217218

handheld rigs, 240242

lenses, 222223

lighting, 229

neutral density filters, 228

shoulder-mounted rigs, 240242

total gear package, suggested, 250252

tripods, 236

Millet, Guga, 141142, 146, 148, 149f

MixPre, 8586, 86f, 234235

Mohtaseb, Khalid, 107108, 108f

motivated light, 2425

mounts, lens, 5657

movement, camera. See camera movement

movement of subjects in scene. See blocking

mp3 audio compression, 77

MPEG Streamclip, 9094

MT-9241 tripod legs, 235236

Mysterium-X sensor, 6566


narrative structure, 136140

native files, editing, 89

ND filters. See neutral density filters

neutral density filters, 38, 4849, 49t, 227229

considerations, 49

film look and, 4445

higher-budget, 228

low-budget, 228

midrange-budget, 228

tips on, 49

variable, 228229

Neutral picture style, 63, 63f

noise reduction (video), 108, 154155


on-camera microphones, 80, 82

180-degree shutter speed rule, 4950

original ideas, source for, 122136

outdoor day (lighting setup), 3233, 33f

outdoor dusk (lighting setup), 152153

outdoor night (lighting setup), 34, 34f


Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1, 215216

firmware hack for, 217

panning, 14, 15f

Jell-O effect, 14

Photoshop, Golden Mean application for, 89

Picture Style Editor, 68f

picture styles, 59

color balance, 7374

color correction, 6667

8-bit compression, 64

examples, 62f, 63f, 64f, 67f

The Last 3 Minutes case study, 189190

procedure for, 6773

shooting the image flat, 5965

testing before shooting, 61

pistol grips, 85, 85f

pixels, 259. See also image resolution

placement of lights. See also lighting

checklist for, 36

sample setups for, 3236

indoor day, 34, 35, 34f, 35f

indoor night, 3536, 35f, 150151

outdoor day, 3233, 33f

outdoor dusk, 152153

outdoor night, 34, 34f

terminology for, 25

placing subjects in scene. See blocking

PluralEyes, 103107, 247248

Pocket Dolly Traveler, 15, 16f, 17f

point of view perspective, 194196

PortaBrace backpack, 246

PortaBrace bag, 245f

Portrait picture style, 62, 62f

postproduction, 89

with Cineform Neo Scene Workflow software, 9496

color grading, 107, 109118

deinterlacing, 90

Final Cut Pro Log and Transfer, 97103

getting files into computer, 90

with Singular Software’s PluralEyes, 103107

with Squared 5’s MPEG Streamclip, 9094

postproduction case studies

Casulo (Bernardo Uzeda), 143

audio, 153

color correction and grading, 153155, 154f, 157

film look: indoors night, 150151

film look: outdoors dusk, 152153

lighting design, 149150

postproduction workflow, 155157

production process, 148149

screening, 157158

story idea, 144145

texture and color, 146147

The Chrysalis (Jeremy Ian Thomas), 177, 187

preproduction vision, 179188

A Day at the Races (Philip Bloom) case study, 167

being on location, 171176

retrofitting the Canon 7D, 170

using cinema lenses, 170

The Last 3 Minutes (Po Chan), 189

lenses and camera settings, 189190

lighting (bathing scene), 204205

lighting (bedroom scene), 196198

lighting (war scene), 199204

point of view perspective, 194196

screening and lessons learned, 208209

storytelling, 192194

16 Teeth (Rii Schroer) case study, 159

being on location, 161

documentary vs. TV style, 161162

DSLR advantages, 166

editing approach, 165166

filmmaker background, 159160

transitioning to HD video, 163165

power, microphone, 78

practical lighting, 150

Preamp DT454 adapter, 84

prime lenses, 56, 222223f

pulling out, 15, 15f

pushing in, 15, 15f


quality, light. See lighting


Rabiger, Michael, 124

random movements, 9

rear key lighting, 27, 27f. See also back lights

¾ rear key lighting, 27, 27f

recording audio. See audio recording

RED camera, 259, 260f, 262

Mysterium-X sensor, 6566

Red Giant Software’s Magic Bullet Grinder, 247

Red Giant Software’s Magic Bullet Looks, 107118, 247

Redrock Micro’s Captain Stubling, 241

Redrock Micro’s Cinema Bundle, 242

Redrock Micro’s eyeSpy, 241

Redrock Micro’s theEvent, 241

Redrock Micro’s Ultraport DSLR Bundle, 240

reflecting light. See soft light

reflectivity, skin, 3940

reflectors, 230

Reichmann, Michael, 41

Renaud, Brent and Craig, 121122

resolution. See image resolution

Reverie, 6

examples (composition), 7f, 8f

examples (exposure), 39, 39f

examples (lenses), 5355, 54f

examples (lighting), 2425, 24f, 25f, 28f, 29f, 3436, 34f, 35f

RGB color space, 60

rim lights, defined, 25

Rode NTG-2 microphone, 81, 81f

Rode VideoMic, 7880, 80f, 231235

room quality, sound and, 76

room tone, 7778

Rudd, John, 162f. See also 16 Teeth (Rii Schroer) case study

Rule of Thirds, 5

Rycote Lyre Mount and Pistol Grip, 234

Rycote Miniscreen Windjammer, 231235

Rycote’s InVision microphone shockmount, 233


Sachett, Isadora, 141142, 144, 146

Salton Sea Beach, 16f, 17f

sampling rate, audio, 77


camera settings tip, 62

picture styles (examples), 62, 63, 62f, 63f, 64f

tips for, 61

Schilowitz, Ted, 261

Schoeps CMC641, 230

Schroer, Rii, 142

on composition, 164

examples (lighting), 26f, 27f, 35, 35f

on lenses, 165

16 Teeth case study, 159

being on location, 161

documentary vs. TV style, 161162

DSLR advantages, 166

editing approach, 165166

filmmaker background, 159160

transitioning to HD video, 163165


Casulo (Bernardo Uzeda), 157158

The Last 3 Minutes (Po Chan), 208209

screenplays. See storytelling

Sennheiser Evolution G3 100 series, 234f

Sennheiser ME-66/K6, 230

Sennheiser MKH-416, 230

sensor size, 46, 48

setup (in storytelling), 136137

700RC2 mini video fluid head, 235236

701HDV fluid mini head, 236

shadows, 2425, 2930. See also direction of light; lighting

Casulo case study, 151, 152

zone scale, 37, 37f, 38, 39f

tips on, 3940


camera settings tip, 62

picture styles (examples), 62, 63, 62f, 63f, 64f

Shooter. See Zacuto’s Tactical Shooter

shooting flat or superflat, 38, 5965. See also ExtraFlat picture style; flat picture style; SuperFlat picture style

shotgun microphones, 78, 81, 82

Rode NTG-2 microphone, 81, 81f

Rode VideoMic, 7880, 80f, 231235

shoulder-mounted rigs, 238243

higher-budget, 239, 242243

low-budget, 239

midrange-budget, 217218, 240242

shutter speed, 4951

film look and, 4445

Shutterfreaks’ Golden Mean application, 89

Sibley, Tansy, 161

side key lighting, 25, 26, 26f

Singh-Ray variable ND filters, 228

Singular Software’s PluralEyes, 103107

16 Teeth (Rii Schroer) case study, 159

being on location, 161

documentary vs. TV style, 161162

DSLR advantages, 166

editing approach, 165166

filmmaker background, 159160

transitioning to HD video, 163165

skin reflectivity, 3940

slowness. SeeSee entries at speed

Smith, Neil, 170, 172, 176, 178

soft light, 2324

outdoor day (lighting setup), 3233, 33f

software, 246247

Sound Device’s MixPre, 8586, 86f, 234235

sound quality, 7678. See also audio recording

checklist for, 77

sound quality, about, 7576

special effects (The Last 3 Minutes), 199204

speed, film. See ISO settings

speed, frame. See frame rates

speed, lens, 5557

speed, speed. See shutter

speed spot meter, 45f, 46

how to use, 47

Squared 5’s MPEG Streamclip, 9094, 247

stabilization, cameraSee also camera movement

checklist for, 22

devices for, 13

gear for, 235. See also tripods

lenses and, 5657

Standard picture style, 62, 62f

Steadicam Merlin, 1516, 1819, 18f

steadicams, 243245

story, depicting with characters. See blocking

storytelling. See also characterization

Casulo case study, 144145, 152

exercises for, 125, 127136, 140

The Last 3 Minutes case study, 192194

point of view perspective, 194196

story structure, 136140

tapping into audience emotions, 120121

where good ideas come from, 122136

streetlamps, 2425

Striker (Zacuto), 242

subject movement in scene. See blocking

subject placement in scene. See blocking

supercardioid pickup pattern, 78, 79f

SuperFlat picture style, 38, 60, 64, 64f

ExtraFlat vs., 64

supplies. See gear

Swing-Tilt effect, Magic Bullet Looks, 117f

syncing audio

free technique for, 248

with PluralEyes, 103107

software for, 247248


Tactical Shooter, 20, 20f, 21f

Target Shooter, 240

Tascam DR-100 audio recorder, 8586, 85f

checklist for, 8788

telling stories. See storytelling

temperature, color. See color temperature

testing before shooting, 61

texture, shooting with, 146147

theEvent, 241

Thomas, Jeremy Ian, 142

The Chrysalis case study, 177

color grading, 187

preproduction vision, 179188

on color balance, 74

A Day at the Races case study, 171172, 175

on picture style, 60

three dimensions, illusion of, 6

three-act structure (storytelling), 137, 139140

¾ frontal key lighting, 2829, 28f, 29f

¾ rear key lighting, 27, 27f

3-Way Color Corrector, Magic Bullet Looks, 116f

3D visual art, 183

Tiffen Merlin Steadicam, 244

Tiffen neutral density filters, 228

Tiffen’s Steadicam Merlin, 1516, 1819, 18f

tilting, 14, 15f

tilt-shift lens, 5355, 54f, 55f

time of day (for shooting), 36


camera settings, 61, 62

color temperature, 3031

exposure tests, 47

film look, 4445

“flat” or “superflat” mode, 38

histogram, using, 4041, 41f

inverse square law (lighting), 40

ISO setting, 48

lens and sensor size, 48

neutral density filters, 49

white balance, 32

zone scale, 3940

tonal range, chip size and, 46

Torres, Gabe, 191

tracking (dolly), 15, 15f

tools for, 15, 237

transcoded files, 89

tripods, 235. See also camera movement

higher-budget, 236237

low-budget, 235236

midrange-budget, 236

using, 14

T-stops, 38, 42. See also f-stops

Turner, William. See The Last 3 Minutes


Ultraport DSLR Bundle, 240

Uncle Jack, 119121, 123f, 124

story arc, 137138

used prime lenses, 222223f

user-defined picture styles. See picture styles

Uzeda, Bernardo, 73, 141142

Casulo case study, 143

audio, 153

color correction and grading, 153155, 154, 157

film look: indoors night, 150151

film look: outdoors dusk, 152153

lighting design, 149150

postproduction workflow, 155157

production process, 148149

screening, 157158

story idea, 144145

texture and color, 146147


van Vuuren, Stephen, 261, 262

variable ND filters, 228229

“video look”, 2

view angle. See angle of view

viewfinders, 220221

higher-budget, 220221

low-budget, 220, 239

visual depiction of story. See blocking

voice, character. See characterization


Wade, Mike. See The Chrysalis (Jeremy Ian Thomas) case study

Water White Glass ND filters, 228

Weber, Alex, 200f, 201f, 202f

Wedding Highlights, 1516, 1819, 18f

Wexler, Haskell, on characters, 119120

white balance, 30

tips on, 32

wide angle lenses, 52, 57. See also angle of view

Willis, Gordon, 138

Winans, Jamin, 119, 120, 121, 124, 138

windscreens, 83

Rycote Miniscreen Windjammer, 231235

wireless lavs. See lavaliere (lav) microphones


XLR connectors or adapters, 82, 8485, 232, 232f

BeachTec DXA-SLR XLR adapter, 84

checklist for, 87

getting for headphones, 86

Preamp DT454 adapter, 84


Yaitanes, Greg, 256

Yiu, Ken, 1516, 1819

examples (composition), 18f

examples (lighting), 27f


Zacuto Z-Finder Pro, 220221

Zacuto’s Cross Fire, 243

Zacuto’s Double Barrel, 243

Zacuto’s Striker, 242

Zacuto’s Tactical Shooter, 20f, 21f, 20

Zacuto’s Target Shooter, 240

Zeiss Contax lenses, 222223f

zone scale, 37, 37f, 38, 39f

tips on, 3940

Zoom H4n audio recorder, 85,85f

zoom lenses, 5657, 165

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