


apps with Siri, 140-143

iCloud from computer, 434

accessibility options, 74


AssistiveTouch, 89

optimizing, 87

touchscreen displays, 87

hearing, 85

closed captioning, 86-87

hearing aids, 85

vision, 78

inverted screen colors, 82

magnified screens, 81-82

modified text, 84

VoiceOver, 78-80

accessories, 444

Apple Pencil, 445

assigning to rooms, 355-357

cases and covers, 443-444

Smart Keyboard, 444

styli, 445

wireless headphones and earphones, 446

wireless keyboards, 445

wireless speakers, 447

Accessory Automation pane (Home app), 369

Account panel (App Store), 160

action games, 397

action sounds, 71

Add Accessory panel (Home app), 352-353

addresses (web), entering, 98-99

addressing text messages, 205

Add Scene option (Home app), 358

adjusting. See modifying


blocking, 108

YouTube, 342

adventure games, 397

AirDrop, 438-439

AirPlay, 439-440

alarms, 45


People, 294

picture management, 291-295

Places, 295

alerts, 35

displaying as banners, 68

event formatting, 253

Allow Notifications switch, 67

All tab (App Store), 161

Amazon Music Unlimited, 317

Amazon Prime Music, 317

Amazon Prime Video, 337

Amazon Video

browsing selections in, 337

launching, 337

playback controls, 339

selecting programs in, 338

subscription plans, 336-337

An Accessory Is Controlled option (Home app), 369

Android tablets, 4

answering video chats, 217-218

Apple support, 460

Apple HomeKit, 349-350. See also Home app

compatibility, 351

how it works, 350

Apple IDs, 13

Apple Music, listening to, 312-314

Apple Pencil, 9, 445

applications. See apps

apps. See also individual app names

App Store

browsing, 153-157

downloading apps from, 158-160, 394

payments, 160

purchasing apps from, 158-160

arranging, 57

closing, 152

configuring, 72

definition of, 5, 147

deleting, 163, 425-426

dragging files between, 25, 168-169

locating, 158

managing, 59-60, 160-161

moving, 158

opening, 31-32

from Dock, 149

from Home screen, 148

with Slide Over, 164-166

with Split View, 25, 167-168

paying for, 160

searching for

from Home screen, 150

in App Store, 153-157

side apps, 164

switching between, 26, 151

troubleshooting, 453

updating, 162

viewing, 160-161

App Store

browsing, 153-157

downloading apps from, 158-160, 394

payments, 160

purchasing apps from, 158-160

Apps tab (App Store), 156

App Switcher, 25, 36, 151-152

arcade games, 398

arranging apps, 57

assigning accessories to rooms, 355-357

AssisitiveTouch, 89

attaching pictures to email, 183-185


audio calls, 219

audio messages, 206

configuring, 71

mono audio, 86

notifications, 67

wireless speakers, 447

audiobooks, listening to, 267

audio calls, placing, 219

audio messages, sending, 206

Auto-Enhance, 297

auto focus, 281

Automatic Setup features, 12

automatic updates, 73

automating smart devices, 361

controlled automation, 368-370

Home Hub setup, 362-363

location automation, 364-366

time automation, 366-368

available storage

checking, 422

managing, 423-425



restoring from, 465

creating on iCloud, 431, 440-441

back of iPad, 19

Badge App Icon switch, 67

banners, displaying alerts as, 68

Barnes & Noble Nook, 271

basic operations, 34

alarms, 45

alerts, 35

brightness controls, 38

Control Center, 36

Do Not Disturb mode, 41

rotating, 40

stopwatches, 47-48


copying/pasting, 44

entering, 42-43

timers, 46

volume controls, 39


managing, 48, 50-51

troubleshooting, 457

blocking ads, 108

Bluetooth, 446

board games, 398

bookmarking, 103-105

books. See eBooks

bottom of iPad, 18

Braille displays, 81


configuring, 69-70

modifying, 38

Night Shift mode, 38

pictures, 298

Browse option

Amazon Video, 337

Apple Music, 313

App Store, 153-157

Hulu, 331-333

Music app, 313

burst shots, 281, 430


apps, 158-160

eBooks, 262-263

games, 394

iPad models, 10-11


calculations, 412

Calendar app, 243

adding events, 248-249

alerts, 253

inviting people, 254

managing with Siri, 141-142

recurring events, 249-250, 253


audio calls, 219

video calls

answering, 217-218

starting, 214-216

with Skype, 220

Camera app. See also photos

configuring, 281-282


panoramic pictures, 283-284

selfies, 282-283

taking, 209, 279-281

viewing, 286, 290

starting, 278

cameras. See also Camera app

FaceTime HD, 17

iSight, 19

managing with Siri, 142

card games, 398

cases, 24, 443-444

casino games, 398

cellular connectivity, 7

changing. See modifying


batteries, 457

iPad, 12

chats (video

answering, 217-218

starting, 214-216

with Skype, 220

checking available storage, 422

choosing iPad model, 5-6

buying tips, 10-11

iPad, 8

iPad mini 4-7

iPad Pro, 9-10

older models, 9


alarms, 45

stopwatches, 47-48

timers, 46

closed captioning, 86-87


apps, 31-32, 152

Control Center, 37

iPads, 452

cloud storage, 426

Cloud storage services, adding, 435-437

iCloud, 426-427

accessing from computer, 434

backing up to, 431, 440-441

copying files on, 433

costs, 427

creating folders on, 434

deleting files on, 433

moving files on, 433

opening files from, 431-433

passwords, 459

Photo Library, 291

restoring from, 465

setting up, 363, 427-431

upload photos to, 285

viewing files on, 431-433

color blindness, 83


color blindness, 83

Night Shift mode, 38

pictures, 298

screens, inverting, 82

commands (Siri), controlling smart homes with, 361

Compose icon (Messages app), 204

configuring. See setup


Bluetooth, 446

home wireless networks, 92-93

to Internet, 12

Lightning connectors, 18, 49

networks, 96

public wireless hotspots, 94-95

troubleshooting, 97

Wi-Fi, 92, 456


Smart Connector, 17

USB connectors, 11

consolidating Contact app, 196

Contact app

consolidating, 196

deleting, 195

editing, 194

email, 201

managing, 192

modifying, 199-200

searching, 198

viewing, 198

Control Center, 36

closing, 37

customizing, 63, 66-68

displaying, 25, 36

Night Shift mode, 38

controlled automation, 368-370



with Home app, 360

with Siri, 361

smart devices

with Home app, 360

with Siri, 361


adding to Control Center, 64

displaying additional options for, 37

removing from Control Center, 64

turning on/off, 36

control system functions (Siri), 140

converting measurements, 145

cooking apps, 387


iCloud files, 433

text, 44


Amazon Music Unlimited, 317

Amazon Prime Music, 317

Amazon Video, 336-337

Apple Music, 312

cellular connectivity, 7

Hulu, 330

iCloud, 427

iPad flagship model, 8

iPad mini 4, 7

iPad Pro, 10

Netflix, 326

Pandora, 315

Spotify, 317

covers, 443-444

Cover Sheet

displaying, 25

viewing notifications on, 29-30, 67

Create New Automation option (Home app), 364-368

cropping pictures, 296

Customize Controls option, 63

customizing. See also setup

Control Center, 63, 66-68

Home screen, 54

arranging apps, 57

managing apps, 59-60

moving icons, 58

wallpaper, 54-56

inboxes, 177

news, 272

Search screens, 61

wallpaper, 54


default email accounts, selecting, 174

Delete App option, 425


apps, 163, 425-426

Contact app, 195

iCloud files, 433

controls from Control Center, 64

media items, 424

messages, 185

reminders, 259

desktop stands, 444

devices, setting up, 64

apps, 72

brightness, 69-70

notifications, 66

system sounds, 71

viewing Settings pages, 65

dieting apps, 386-387

directions, getting (with Siri), 145. See also Maps app

displaying. See viewing


Braille, 81

configuring, 69-70

modifying, 87

Multi-Touch Displays, 16

moving to, 58

opening apps from, 149

Retina display, 7

Docs app, 418


selecting words in, 26

zooming in/out, 26

Do Not Disturb mode, 41


apps, 158-160

games, 394

dragging/dropping files between apps, 24-25, 168-169

driving directions, getting (with Siri), 145. See also Maps app


earphones, 446


buying, 262-263

reading, 261, 266

on iBooks, 264

on Kindle, 267-271

searching, 262-263


Contact app, 194

pictures, 285

Auto-Enhance, 297

brightness/colors, 298

cropping/straightening, 296

filters, 297

marking up, 300

viewing, 286, 290

videos, 302, 305-306


configuring, 171

accounts, 172-174

signatures, 176-177

message notifications, 174

Contact app, 201


attaching, 183-185

sharing, 307

sending/receiving, 177-189

emojis, adding to text messages, 42, 205

enabling. See setup


events, 258

text, 42-43

web addresses, 98-99

erasing data, 122


adding, 248-249

alerts, 253

entering, 258

recurring, 249-250, 253

Siri, 141-142

viewing, 244

Evernote app, 417

examining available storage, 422

Excel app, 418

exercise apps, 384

expanding (gesture), 25

exposure, 281


Facebook, 224

navigating, 225-226

posting, 227-229

sharing pictures on, 308-309

FaceTime app, 214

answering, 217

audio calls, placing, 219

HD cameras, 17

video chats

answering, 217-218

starting, 214-216

factory resets, 462-464

Family Sharing, 428

file management

AirDrop, 438-439

AirPlay, 439-440

available storage

checking, 422

managing, 423-425

file sharing

AirDrop, 438-439

AirPlay, 439-440

dragging between apps, 25

iCloud, 426-427

accessing from computer, 434

backing up to, 431, 440-441

copying files on, 433

costs, 427

creating folders on, 434

deleting files on, 433

moving files on, 433

opening files from, 431-433

passwords, 459

Photo Library, 291

restoring from, 465

setting up, 363, 427-431

upload photos to, 285

viewing files on, 431-433

other Cloud storage services, 435-437

syncing files between iPad and computer, 437

Files app

Cloud storage service, adding, 435-437

iCloud, 426-427

accessing from computer, 434

backing up to, 431, 440-441

copying files on, 433

costs, 427

creating folders on, 434

deleting files on, 433

moving files on, 433

opening files from, 431-433

passwords, 459

Photo Library, 291

restoring from, 465

setting up, 363, 427-431

upload photos to, 285

viewing files on, 431-433

filters, 297

finding apps

from Home screen, 150

in App Store, 153-157

Find My iPad service, 431

fingerprint recognition. See Touch ID

fitness apps, 383-384


creating, 434

managing, 59-60

food and nutrition apps, 385

cooking/recipes, 387

dieting apps, 386

force restarts, 23, 450, 455

forgotten passcodes, 459-460



alerts, 253

recurring, 249-250, 253

signatures, 176-177

formulas, 412

For You tab (Music app), 312-313

fraud, 129-131

free games, 394

front of iPad, 16

frozen screens, 450

functions, 412



action, 397

adventure, 397

arcade, 398

board, 398

card, 398

casino, 398

music, 399

playing, 393

puzzle, 399

racing, 399

role-playing, 399

searching, 393-394

simulation, 400

sports, 400

strategy, 400

trivia, 400

word, 400

Games tab (App Store), 155

General Settings, 73

iPad Storage, 422-423

Software Update, 10

Genres (iTunes Store), 319


AssistiveTouch, 89

hidden, 25

multi-touch, 24

optimizing, 87

touchscreen displays, 87

VoiceOver, 80

getting directions (with Siri), 145


searching, 112

Siri, 144

Google Docs app, 418

group messages, sending, 205


HDR (high dynamic range), 280

headphones, 446

headset jacks, 17

health and fitness apps, 383-384

hearing impaired use, 85

applying closed captioning, 86-87

using hearing aids, 85

help, 460

high dynamic range (HDR), 280

history of iPad, 4

history, displaying notifications in, 67

Home app

managing with Siri, 143


adding, 354

assigning accessories to, 355-357


controlling, 360-361

creating, 357-359

smart devices

adding, 351-353

automating, 361-370

controlling, 360-361

Home button, 13, 148

Home Hub, 362-363

HomeKit, 349-350. See also Home app

compatibility, 351

how it works, 350

Home screen, 26-27

finding apps from, 150

icons, 58

managing apps on, 59-60

moving apps on, 57

opening apps from, 148

personalizing, 54

returning to, 25

wallpaper, 54-56

home wireless network, connecting to, 12, 92-93

hotel Wi-Fi, connecting to, 94

hotspots, connecting to, 94-95


browsing selections in, 331-333

launching, 331

playback controls, 336

searching, 334

selecting programs in, 334

subscription plans, 330


iBooks app

audiobooks, 267

navigating, 262-263

reading, 264-266

iCloud, 426-427

accessing from computer, 434

backing up to, 431, 440-441

copying files on, 433

costs, 427

creating folders on, 434

deleting files on, 433

moving files on, 433

opening files from, 431-433

passwords, 459

Photo Library, 291

restoring from, 465

setting up, 363, 427-431

upload photos to, 285

viewing files on, 431-433

icons, moving, 58

identity theft, 127-128

IDs, Apple IDs, 13

images. See also Camera app; photos

attaching to email, 183-185

editing, 285

managing with Siri, 142

viewing, 286, 290

iMessage service, 204

iMovie app, 306

importing contacts, 194

inboxes, selecting, 177

Internet connections, 12

inverting screen colors, 82

inviting people to events, 254

iOS, 10

updating, 461

upgrading, 10

iPad models, 5-6

buying tips, 10-11

cellular connectivity, 7

charging, 12

initial setup, 12-13

iPad, 8

iPad mini 4, 6-7

iPad Pro, 9-10

older models, 9

powering up, 12-13

Retina display, 7

turning on/off, 13

unboxing, 11

iPad Storage settings, 422-423

iPhone, 5

iSight cameras, 19

iTunes, 342

playing music from, 321-323, 347

purchasing music from, 318-321

renting/purchasing video from, 343-345

restoring from, 465

watching video from, 346-347


junk email, 188-189

keyboards, 444

onscreen keyboard, splitting, 26

predictive, 43

Smart Keyboard, 9, 444


copying/pasting, 44

entering, 42-43

wireless, 445

Keychain, 431

Keynote app, 413-417

Kids tab (Amazon Video), 337

Kindle app, 267-271


language information, entering, 12

launching. See opening

Library tab (Music app), 321

Lightning connectors, 11, 18, 49

LinkedIn, 237-240

links (web), 100

listening to audiobooks, 267

listening to music, 311

iTunes Store

playing music from, 321-323

purchasing music from, 318-321

streaming music, 311-312

Amazon Music Unlimited, 317

Amazon Prime Music, 317

Apple Music, 312-314

paid subscriptions, 312

Pandora, 314-316

Spotify, 317

YouTube, 317

locating apps, 158

location automation, 364-366

Location Services, 12

locking iPads, 21

Lock screen, 118

erasing data, 122

passcodes, 118-119

personalizing, 54

Touch ID, 120-122

logging in

Apple IDs, 13

Touch ID, 12

long press, 37


magnifying screens, 81-82

Mail app

configuring, 171

accounts, 172-174

signatures, 176-177

message notifications, 174

sending/receiving, 177-189

Siri with, 140-141

malware, 129


apps, 57-60, 160-161

batteries, 48-51

Contact app, 192

messages, 186-189

pictures, 291-296

reminders, 256

adding, 257-258

deleting, 259

system settings, 73-74

Maps app, 373-376

marking up pictures, 300

mass transit maps, 376

media, deleting, 424

medical apps, 389-391

meetings, 141-142


audio messages, 206

Contact app, 201

deleting, 185

iMessage service, 204

managing, 186-189

notifications, 174

photos, sending, 207-210

replying to, 180-181

sending/receiving, 177-180

text messages, 203

emojis in, 205

group messages, 205

receiving, 204-205

sending, 204-205

video messages, 211-213

Messages app, 203

audio messages, 206

photos, 207-210

text messages

emojis in, 205

group messages, 205

receiving, 204-205

sending, 204-205

video messages, 211-213

microphones, 19

Microsoft Office app, 418

models of iPads, 5-6

buying tips, 10-11

cellular connectivity, 7

charging, 12

initial setup, 12-13

iPad, 8

iPad mini 4-7

iPad Pro, 9-10

older models, 9

powering up, 12-13

Retina display, 7

turning on/off, 13

unboxing, 11


Do Not Disturb, 41

Picture in Picture, 169


brightness, 38

Contact app, 199-200

Home screen, 26-27

finding apps from, 150

icons, 58

managing apps on, 59-60

moving apps on, 57

opening apps from, 148

personalizing, 54

returning to, 25

wallpaper, 54-56

networks, 96

pictures, 285

Auto-Enhance, 297

brightness/colors, 298

cropping/straightening, 296

filters, 297

marking up, 300

viewing, 286, 290

search engines, 114

text, 84

volume, 39

monitoring battery usage, 50-51

mono audio, 86

movies. See videos

Movies tab (Amazon Video), 337

moving. See also rotating iPad

apps, 57, 158

iCloud files, 433

icons, 58

multiple apps

dragging and dropping between, 168-169


with Slide Over, 164-166

with Split View, 25, 167-168

multiple pages, viewing, 101-102

multitasking, 164

dragging and dropping between apps, 168-169

Picture in Picture mode, 169

Slide Over feature, 164-166

Split View feature, 25, 167-168

Multi-Touch Displays, 16

multi-touch gestures, 24

Music app. See music, listening to

music, listening to, 311

Apple Music, 312-314

games, 399

iTunes Store

playing music from, 321-323

purchasing music from, 318-321

with Siri, 142-143

streaming music, 311-312, 439-440

Amazon Music Unlimited, 317

Amazon Prime Music, 317

Apple Music, 312-314

paid subscriptions, 312

Pandora, 314-316

Spotify, 317

YouTube, 317

Music tab (iTunes Store), 318

My Digital Entertainment for Seniors, 323

My Location Changes option (Home app), 364



Calendar app, 243

adding events, 248-249

alerts for events, 253

inviting people, 254

recurring events, 249-250, 253

viewing events, 244

Camera app

panoramic pictures, 283-284

taking selfies, 282-283

Facebook, 225-226

iPads, 15, 24

back of, 19

bottom of, 18

front of, 16

Home screens, 26-27

multi-touch gestures, 24

opening/closing apps, 31-32

powering on and off, 20-23

Search screens, 28

sides of, 17

status bars, 33-34

top of, 17

LinkedIn, 238

Maps app, 373-376

News app, 271

personalizing, 272

reading, 274-275

Reminders app, 255

adding reminders, 257-258

deleting reminders, 259

viewing reminders, 256

Safari, 97

bookmarking, 103-105

configuring, 107-108

entering web addresses, 98-99

privacy, 106

reading articles, 110

revisiting past pages, 105

starting, 98

using web links, 100

viewing multiple pages, 101-102

zooming, 109

Siri, 136

calendar events, 141-142

cameras, 142

configuring, 136

controlling apps, 140

control system functions, 140

Home app, 143

Mail app, 140-141

Music app, 142-143

searching, 144-145

starting apps, 140

summoning, 139


launching, 326

Menu, 327

playback controls, 329-330

searching, 328

selecting programs in, 329

subscription plans, 326

viewer profiles, 326


cellular connectivity, 7

changing, 96

home wireless connections, 12, 92-93

previous network connections, 96

public wireless hotspots, 94-95

social networks, 224

Facebook, 224-229

LinkedIn, 237-240

Pinterest, 230-232

privacy, 240

Twitter, 234-237

troubleshooting, 97

Wi-Fi connections, 92

New Automation pane (Home app), 364-366, 369

News app, 271

personalizing, 272

reading, 274-275

New Scene pane (Home app), 358-359

News Feeds, 224

Next button

Apple Music, 314

Music app, 323

Pandora, 315

Night Shift mode, 38

Nook, 271


configuring, 66

Contact app, 198

email messages, 174

setting up, 66-67

viewing on Cover Sheet, 29-30, 67

Numbers app, 407-410

nutrition apps, 385

cooking/recipes, 387

dieting, 386


older iPad models, 9

online ads, blocking, 108

online safety, 127

fraud, 129-131

identity theft, 127-128

privacy, 129

shopping, 132-133

On/Off button, 13

onscreen keyboard

splitting, 26


copying/pasting, 44

entering, 42-43

onscreen on/off switches, 46


Amazon Video app, 337

apps, 31-32

from Dock, 149

from Home screen, 148

with Siri, 140

with Slide Over, 164-166

with Split View, 25, 167-168

Camera app, 278

Hulu app, 331

iCloud files, 431-433

iPads, 20-23, 451

Netflix app, 326

Safari, 98

Siri, 139

video chats, 214-216

YouTube app, 340

operating system. See iOS

Optimize iPad Storage option, 430

optimizing gestures, 87

AssistiveTouch, 89

touchscreen displays, 87

Originals tab (Amazon Video), 337


packaging, 11

Pages app, 404

Pandora, 314-316

panoramic pictures, 283-284


configuring, 118-119

remembering, 123

troubleshooting, 459-460

passwords (iCloud), 459

pasting text, 44

Pause button (Pandora), 315

paying for apps, 160

People album, 294

performance, troubleshooting, 455

personal assistant. See Siri

personalizing. See also setup

Control Center, 63, 66-68

Home screen, 54

arranging apps, 57

managing apps, 59-60

moving icons, 58

wallpaper, 54-56

inboxes, 177

news, 272

Search screens, 61

wallpaper, 54

Perspective Zoom, 56

phishing, 128

Photos app. See photos

photos. See also Camera app

albums, 291-295

attaching to email, 183-185

beaming to other devices, 285

burst shots, 281, 430

configuring, 285

dragging between apps, 168-169

editing, 285

Auto-Enhance, 297

brightness/colors, 298

cropping/straightening, 296

filters, 297

marking up, 300

viewing, 286, 290

iCloud Photo Library, 291

iCloud Photo Sharing, 430

managing, 142, 291-295

panoramic pictures, 283-284

selfies, 282-283

sending, 207-210

sharing, 306-309

storage space, 285

taking, 209, 279-282

uploading to iCloud account, 285

viewing, 286, 290

Picture in Picture mode, 169

pinching, 25

Pinterest, 230-232

Places album, 295

Play button (Music app), 323


games, 393

action games, 397

adventure games, 397

arcade games, 398

board games, 398

card games, 398

casino games, 398

music games, 399

puzzle games, 399

racing games, 399

role-playing games, 399

searching, 393-394

simulation games, 400

sports games, 400

strategy games, 400

trivia games, 400

word games, 400

music, 311-312

AirPlay, 439-440

Amazon Music Unlimited, 317

Amazon Prime Music, 317

Apple Music, 312-314

iTunes Store, 318-323

paid subscriptions, 312

Pandora, 314-316

Spotify, 317

YouTube, 317

videos, 325

AirPlay, 439-440

Amazon Video, 336-339

Hulu, 330-336

iTunes Store, 342-347

Netflix, 326-330

widescreen video, 336

YouTube, 340-342


to Facebook, 227-229

to LinkedIn, 239-240

power, 20

managing, 48-51

power adapters, 11

powering off iPad, 23

powering up iPad, 12-13

PowerPoint app, 418

predictive keyboards, 43. See also keyboards


Keynote app, 413-417

PowerPoint app, 418

Slides app, 418

pressing, 24

pressing and holding, 37

previews, displaying, 68

previous generation iPad models, 9

previous networks, connecting to, 96


maintaining, 129

private networks, 93

social networks, 240

web pages, 106

productivity apps, 403

Evernote, 417

Google Docs, 418

Keynote, 413-417

Microsoft Office, 418

Numbers, 407, 410

Pages, 404

profiles, Netflix, 326

programs. See apps

public networks. See also networks

public wireless hotspots, connecting, 94-95

Purchase button

App Store, 159

iTunes Store, 321

Purchased panel (App Store), 161


apps, 158-160

music, 318-321

video, 343-345

puzzle games, 399


racing games, 399

Radio option (Music app), 313


eBooks, 261-271

buying, 262-263

on iBooks, 264

on Kindle, 267-271

searching, 262-263

email, 178-180

Facebook, 227-229

News app, 271-275

Safari Reader, 110

Twitter, 235

VoiceOver, 78-80


email, 177-185


with Siri, 140-141

text messages, 204-205

recharging batteries, 48

recipe apps, 387

Record button

FaceTime app, 212

Messages app, 206


audio messages, 206

video messages, 211-213

recurring events, formatting, 249-250, 253

region information, entering, 12

Reminders app, 255

adding reminders, 257-258

controlling with Siri, 141-142

deleting reminders, 259

viewing reminders, 256

removing. See deleting

renting video from iTunes Store, 343-345

repinning items on Pinterest, 230-232

replying to email, 180-181

resetting iPads, 462-464

resolution, 7


on Facebook, 227-229

to alerts, 35

restarting iPad, 23, 450


from iCloud, 465

from iTunes, 465

Retina display, 7

returning to Home screen, 25

revisiting past pages, 105

role-playing games, 399


adding to Home app, 354

assigning accessories to, 355-357

Room screen (Home app), 354-355

rotating iPad, 40, 458


Safari, 97

articles, reading, 110

bookmarking, 103-105

configuring, 107-108

multiple pages, viewing, 101-102

past pages, revisiting, 105

privacy, 106

starting, 98

web addresses, entering, 98-99

web links, 100

zooming, 109

safety (online), 127

fraud, 129-131

identity theft, 127-128

privacy, 129

shopping, 132-133

scams, 131. See also fraud

scenes (Home app)

controlling with Home app, 360

controlling with Siri, 361

creating, 357-359

Screen Mirroring, 440


back of, 19

bottom of, 18


inverting, 82

modifying text, 84

front of, 16

Home, 26-27

finding apps from, 150

icons, 58

managing apps on, 59-60

moving apps on, 57

opening apps from, 148

personalizing, 54

returning to, 25

wallpaper, 54-56

Lock, 118

erasing data, 122

setting passcodes, 118-119

Touch ID, 120-122

magnifying, 81-82

navigating, 15

Night Shift mode, 38

Search, 28, 61

sides of, 17

size of, 5

top of, 17

VoiceOver, 78-80

screenshots, 283


App Store, 153-157

Apple Music, 313

Amazon Video, 338

businesses (with Siri), 145

Contact app, 198

eBooks, 262-263

for apps

from Home screen, 150

in App Store, 153-157

games, 393-394

Hulu, 334

iTunes Store, 319

Music app, 313

Netflix, 328

Search panel, 150

Search screens, 28, 61

Siri, 144-145

Web, 112-114

YouTube, 341

Search panel, 150

Search screens. See Today screen


Lock screen, 118

erasing data, 122

setting passcodes, 118-119

Touch ID, 120-122


fraud, 129-131

identity theft, 127-128

privacy, 129

shopping, 132-133

theft, 123-126

selecting iPad model. See choosing iPad model

selfies, 282-283

Send button (Messages app), 204


email, 177-189

invitations to events, 254


audio messages, 206

with Siri, 140-141

group messages, 205

text messages, 204-205

video messages, 211-213

photos, 207-210

Settings. See also setup

Control Center, 63, 66-68


iPad Storage, 422-423

Software Update, 10

iCloud, 363, 427-431

viewing, 65


alarms, 45

Camera app, 281-282

Control Center, 63, 66-68

Find My iPad, 431

Home Hub, 362-363

iCloud, 427-431

iPads, 64

apps, 72

brightness, 69-70

initial setup, 12-13

notifications, 66

system sounds, 71

viewing Settings pages, 65

Lock screen, 118

erasing data, 122

setting passcodes, 118-119

Touch ID, 120-122

Mail app, 171

accounts, 172-174

signatures, 176-177

message notifications, 174

sending/receiving mail, 177-189

Night Shift mode, 38

passcodes, 118-119

Photos app, 285

Safari, 107-108

Search screens, 61

Siri, 136

stopwatches, 47-48

timers, 46

tracking, 124-126

Share button, 309

sharing files

AirDrop, 438-439

AirPlay, 439-440

pictures, 306-309

Sheets app, 418

shopping online, 132-133

Show as Banners switch, 68

Show in Favorites switch, 359

Show in History switch, 67

Show on Lock Screen switch, 67

Show Previews option, 68

Shuffle button (Music app), 323

shutting down iPad, 452

side apps, 164

side of iPad, 17

signatures, 176-177

simulation games, 400

Siri, 136

configuring, 136

controlling apps with, 140

calendar events, 141-142, 258

cameras, 142

control system functions, 140

Home, 143

Mail, 140-141

Music, 142-143

starting, 140

controlling smart homes with, 361

searching, 144-145

summoning, 139


of iPad, 4

of screen, 5

Skip Ad option (YouTube), 342

Skype app, 220

Slide Over feature, 164-166

Slides app, 418

slow motion videos, 304

slow performance, troubleshooting, 455

Smart Connector, 17

smart covers, 24, 444

smart devices

adding to Home app, 351-353

automating, 361

controlled automation, 368-370

Home Hub setup, 362-363

location automation, 364-366

time automation, 366-368

controlling with Home app, 360

controlling with Siri, 361

smart homes

Apple HomeKit, 350

automating, 361

controlled automation, 368-370

Home Hub setup, 362-363

location automation, 364-366

time automation, 366-368


adding to Home app, 354

assigning accessories to, 355-357


controlling with Home app, 360

controlling with Siri, 361

creating, 357-359

smart devices

adding to Home app, 351-353

controlling with Home app, 360

controlling with Siri, 361

Smart Keyboard, 9, 444

smartphones, 5

smiley faces, adding to text messages, 205

social networks

Facebook, 224

navigating, 225-226

posting, 227-229

LinkedIn, 237-240

Pinterest, 230-232

privacy, 240

Twitter, 234-237

software. See apps

Software Update, 10

solving equations with Siri, 145

songs. See music

sound. See audio

spam, 188-189

spreadsheets (Numbers app), 407, 410

speakers, 18, 447


onscreen keyboard, 26

Split View, 25, 167-168

Split View feature, 25, 167-168

sports games, 400

Spotify, 317

spreadsheets, 418

stands, desktop, 444

starting. See opening

status bars, 33-34

status updates. See posting

stopwatch, 47-48


available storage

checking, 422

managing, 423-425

iCloud, 426-427

accessing from computer, 434

backing up to, 431, 440-441

copying files on, 433

costs, 427

creating folders on, 434

deleting files on, 433

moving files on, 433

opening files from, 431-433

passwords, 459

Photo Library, 291

restoring from, 465

setting up, 363, 427-431

upload photos to, 285

viewing files on, 431-433

local storage, 426

other Cloud storage services, 435-437

syncing files between iPad and computer, 437

straightening pictures, 296

strategy games, 400

streaming music, 311-312

AirPlay, 439-440

Amazon Music Unlimited, 317

Amazon Prime Music, 317

Apple Music, 312-314

paid subscriptions, 312

Pandora, 314-316

Spotify, 317

YouTube, 317

streaming video

AirPlay, 439-440

Amazon Video

browsing selections in, 337

launching, 337

playback controls, 339

selecting programs in, 338

subscription plans, 336-337

definition of, 326


browsing selections in, 331-333

launching, 331

playback controls, 336

searching, 334

selecting programs in, 334

subscription plans, 330

iTunes Store, 342

playback controls, 347

renting/purchasing video from, 343-345

watching video from, 346-347


launching, 326

Menu, 327

playback controls, 329-330

searching, 328

selecting programs in, 329

subscription plans, 326

viewer profiles, 326

widescreen video, 336

YouTube, 340

ads, 342

launching, 340

playback controls, 342

searching, 341

styli, 9, 444-445

subscription plans

Amazon Video, 336-337

Hulu, 330

Netflix, 326

YouTube, 341

summoning Siri, 139

support (Apple), 460

swiping, 25

switching between apps, 26, 151

syncing files between iPad and computer, 437

system settings, 73-74. See also setup

system sounds, 71. See also audio


tablet computers, 4-5


photos, 209, 279-284

videos, 302-303

tapping, 24

Test This Scene option (Home app), 359


copying/pasting, 44

dragging between apps, 168-169

entering, 42-43

modifying, 84

text messages, 203. See also messages

audio messages, 206

emojis in, 205

group messages, 205

photos, 207-210

receiving, 204-205

sending, 204-205

video messages, 211-213


identity theft, 127-128

reducing risk of, 123-126

Thumbs Up/Down icons (Pandora), 315

time automation, 366-368

time-lapse videos, 304

Time of Day controls (Home app), 367

A Time of Day Occurs option (Home app), 366

timers, 46

Today screen, 28, 61

Today tab (App Store), 153

Top Categories tab (App Store), 156

top of iPad, 17


multi-touch gestures, 24

Touch ID, 12, 120-122

touchscreen displays, 87

Touch ID, 12, 120-122

touchscreen displays, 87

tracking, enabling, 124-126

traveling apps, 373-378, 381

Trending tab (YouTube), 341

trimming videos, 305-306

trivia games, 400

troubleshooting, 449-450

Apple support, 460

apps, 453

battery charges, 457

connections, 97

forgotten passcodes, 459-460

frozen screen, 450

iCloud passwords, 459

restarting, 450

rotating, 458

slow performance, 455

Wi-Fi, 456

won’t turn off, 452

won’t turn on, 451

turning on/off

controls, 36

iPad, 13, 20-23, 451

Safari, 98

TV shows. See videos

TV tab (Amazon Video), 337

Twitter, 234-237


unboxing iPad, 11

unlocking iPads, 21, 118-119

Updates tab (App Store), 162

updating, 73

apps, 162

iPads, 461

upgrading to iOS 11, 10


charging, 49

connectors, 11


versions, updating, 461

video chats, 214

answering, 217-218

starting, 214-216

with Skype, 220

video messages, sending, 211-213


closed captioning, 86-87

editing, 302, 305-306

sharing, 306-309

Slo-Mo, 304

taking, 302-303

watching, 325

AirPlay, 439-440

Amazon Video, 336-339

Hulu, 330-336

iTunes Store, 342-347

Netflix, 326-330

widescreen video, 336

YouTube, 340-342


alerts, 35

apps, 31-32, 160-161

Contact app, 198

Control Center/App Switcher, 25, 36

Cover Sheet, 25

Dock, 25

events, 244

iCloud files, 431-433

maps, 374-376

multiple pages, 101-102

notifications, 29-30, 67

pictures, 286, 290

Pinterest, 230-232

previews, 68

reminders, 256

Search screens, 28

Settings pages, 65

Today screen, 28

videos, 325

AirPlay, 439-440

Amazon Video, 336-339

Hulu, 330-336

iTunes Store, 342-347

Netflix, 326-330

widescreen video, 336

YouTube, 340-342

views, Split View, 25, 167-168

virtual personal assistants. See Siri

visual accessibility, 78


inverting colors, 82

magnifying, 81-82

modifying text, 84

VoiceOver, 78-80

voice commands. See also Siri

VoiceOver, 78-80

volume, 18, 39


walking maps, 376

wallpaper, 54-56

watching videos, 325

Amazon Video

browsing selections in, 337

launching, 337

playback controls, 339

selecting programs in, 338

subscription plans, 336-337


browsing selections in, 331-333

launching, 331

playback controls, 336

searching, 334

selecting programs in, 334

subscription plans, 330

iTunes Store, 342

playback controls, 347

renting/purchasing video from, 343-345

watching video from, 346-347


launching, 326

Menu, 327

playback controls, 329-330

searching, 328

selecting programs in, 329

subscription plans, 326

viewer profiles, 326

widescreen video, 336

YouTube, 340

ads, 342

launching, 340

playback controls, 342

searching, 341

Watch Movie button (Hulu), 335

web browser, 97

articles, reading, 110

bookmarking, 103-105

configuring, 107-108

multiple pages, viewing, 101-102

past pages, revisiting, 105

privacy, 106

starting, 98

web addresses, entering, 98-99

web links, 100

zooming, 109

web pages

Google, 112

search engines, 114

searching, 112

selecting words in, 26

zooming in/out, 26, 109

weight of iPad, 4

Welcome screen (Home app), 352

Where Do You Want to Go? panel, 377

widescreen videos, 303, 336


Bluetooth, 446

cellular connectivity, 7

connecting, 92

hotspots, 12

in hotels, 94

troubleshooting, 97, 456

wireless earphones, 446

wireless headphones, 446

wireless keyboards, 445

wireless speakers, 447

Word app, 418

word games, 400

word processing

Docs app, 418

Pages app, 404

Word app, 418

words, selecting, 26


email messages, 180-181

tweets (Twitter), 237


yoga apps, 384

YouTube, 317, 340

ads, 342

launching, 340

playback controls, 342

searching, 341

zooming in/out, 26

Perspective Zoom, 56

Safari, 109

screens, 81-82

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