Part V. Advanced Topics


Chapter 17 Tools for Large Programs

Chapter 18 Specialized Tools and Techniques

Part V covers additional features that, although useful in the right context, are not needed by every C++ programmer. These features divide into two clusters: those that are useful for large-scale problems and those that are applicable to specialized problems rather than general ones.

Chapter 17 covers exception handling, namespaces, and multiple inheritance. These features tend to be most useful in the context of large-scale problems.

Even programs simple enough to be written by a single author can benefit from exception handling, which is why we introduced the basics of exception handling in Chapter 6. However, the need to deal with unexpected run-time errors tends to be more important and harder to manage in problems that require large programming teams. In Chapter 17 we review some additional useful exception-handling facilities. We also look in more detail at how exceptions are handled and the implications of exceptions on resource allocation and destruction. We also show how we can define and use our own exception classes.

Large-scale applications often use code from multiple independent vendors. Combining independently developed libraries would be difficult (if not impossible) if vendors had to put the names they define into a single namespace. Independently developed libraries would almost inevitably use names in common with one another; a name defined in one library would conflict with the use of that name in another library. To avoid name collisions, we can define names inside a namespace.

Right from the beginning of this book we have used namespaces. Whenever we use a name from the standard library, we are using a name defined in the namespace named std. Chapter 17 shows how we can define our own namespaces.

Chapter 17 closes by looking at an important but infrequently used language feature: multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance is most useful for fairly complicated inheritance hierarchies.

Chapter 18 covers several specialized tools and techniques. These tools and techniques are applicable to particular kinds of problems.

The first part of Chapter 18 shows how classes can define their own optimized memory management. We next look at C++ support for run-time type identification (RTTI). These facilities let us determine the actual type of an object at run-time.

Next, we look at how we can define and use pointers to class members. Pointers to class members differ from pointers to ordinary data or functions. Ordinary pointers only vary based on the type of the object or function. Pointers to members must also reflect the class to which the member belongs.

We then look at three additional aggregate types: unions, nested classes, and local classes.

The chapter closes by looking briefly at a collection of features that are inherently nonportable: the volatile qualifier, bit-fields, and linkage directives.

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