Chapter 22. Working with Live Data


  • Understanding the Live Data process

  • Designing in Live Data view

  • Testing different variable values

  • Dreamweaver Technique: Changing Live Data Settings

  • Previewing with a testing server

When I first started with print and design layout, I would drive all over the city to finish a job. After receiving the client's go-ahead, I had to pick up my type from a phototypesetter and my images from a stat house. Then, back at my studio, I'd cut and paste—and I mean literally, with scissors and glue—the text and images into place, hoping against hope that I had specified the type and image sizes correctly. If not, it was back in the car for another trip or two around town. Ah, the good old days.

Now designers (especially those who design for the Web) have the luxury of developing their creations right in their own studio. Until Dreamweaver, however, the development of a Web application often undertook a faster, albeit parallel, course to my inner-city travels. After a basic page was designed, complete with server-side code, the document had to be uploaded to a testing server and then viewed in a browser over the Internet. If—make that when—changes were needed, the pages were revamped back in the studio. Because the designer was not able to lay out the page with the actual data in place, modifications were a trial-and-error process that often required many, many trips to the server and back.

Dreamweaver's Live Data view eliminates the tedium and the lengthy time required for the upload-preview-modify-upload cycle. It enables developers to work with the layout while the actual data is live on the page. If a table width needs to be adjusted because one of the records is too long, you can make the change immediately with no guesswork.

Live Data view processes the page in the chosen server model. If the page requires variables, such as search criteria, to run properly, the Live Data feature enables you to set such values as needed. Although a preliminary discussion of Live Data was presented in Chapter 20, this chapter covers all the necessary details for using both basic and advanced Live Data capabilities.

Live Data is a terrific timesaving feature, but you can't rely on it totally for testing your Web application. You still need to preview the page in various browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility. The final section of this chapter is dedicated to Dreamweaver's Preview in Browser feature and its relationship to your testing server.

Viewing Live Data

After your site is properly set up, entering Live Data view is just a click away. Click the Show Live Data View button on the toolbar to refresh Dreamweaver's Document window and to replace all the dynamic data placeholders with information from the declared data source. With Invisible Elements enabled (the default for Dreamweaver), the newly visible Live Data is highlighted in whatever color is specified in Preferences.

To get the most out of Live Data view—and to avoid problems—you need a firm grasp of how Dreamweaver is able to present your data, live. The following sections can help you understand this timesaving feature.

How Live Data works

Once you've entered Live Data view, you may notice an animation of a spinning Dreamweaver logo in the right-hand corner of the Live Data toolbar before the page is refreshed. When the animation stops, Dreamweaver has all the information needed to present the completed page. Here is what's happening behind that spinning lowercase d:

  1. The developer inserts dynamic data elements into a standard HTML page. The dynamic data is represented by placeholders that combine the recordset and field names in a set of curly braces, such as {rsEmployees.FirstName}.

  2. When the Live Data view is enabled, Dreamweaver creates a hidden, temporary copy of the current page.

  3. The temporary page is stored in the folder designated in the Testing Server category of the Site Definition dialog box.

  4. Dreamweaver instructs the defined testing server to execute the server-side code within the page and passes along any variables that have been specified. The URL prefix designated in the Site Definition Testing Server category is used to invoke the page.

  5. When the code is executed, Dreamweaver reads the resulting HTML code.

  6. Finally, Dreamweaver uses its translator capability to substitute the dynamic data placeholders shown in the original document with the data generated. The temporary document is deleted from the server.

If all goes well, a page with dynamic data placeholders (shown in Figure 22-1) is replaced with the Live Data view (shown in Figure 22-2).

If Dreamweaver encounters an error, it displays a message that explains where the process failed and suggests some possible remedies.

Setting up for Live Data

As noted in the summary of how Live Data works, several values found in the Testing Server category of the Site Definition dialog are key to this feature's operation. Live Data must know the location of the site root for the temporary page and how that location may be reached with an HTTP request. If either of these values is not found, the attempt to switch to Live Data view is aborted and an error message appears.

Two different methods exist for accessing the testing server: locally, through a network, or remotely via FTP. If the testing server is to be accessed locally, the location of the folder storing the pages is entered in the Testing Server Folder field, shown in Figure 22-3. Although it is referred to as the Testing Server folder, if you're using a local Web server such as Internet Information Services (IIS) on your local testing machine, this entry is likely to be the same as your Local Root Folder, as defined in the Local Info category of the Site Definition dialog box. The other field essential to proper Live Data operation is the URL Prefix field. When Live Data sends the HTTP request to the testing server, the address contained in this field prefaces the name of the temporary page. For example, if my temporary page is named TMPGX123455.asp and the URL prefix is http://localhost/dba, the URL used is http://localhost/dba/TMPGX123455.asp.

This table contains a row with four dynamic data fields, surrounded by a Repeat Region server behavior.

Figure 22-1. This table contains a row with four dynamic data fields, surrounded by a Repeat Region server behavior.

After Live Data view is enabled, the full number of records allowed by the Repeat Region is displayed and provides an accurate representation of the data.

Figure 22-2. After Live Data view is enabled, the full number of records allowed by the Repeat Region is displayed and provides an accurate representation of the data.

Enter the location of your local files and a locally established site in the URL Prefix field to enable Live Data view to find your application.

Figure 22-3. Enter the location of your local files and a locally established site in the URL Prefix field to enable Live Data view to find your application.


Localhost is common shorthand for addressing a local Web server; generally, you can also use the Internet Protocol (IP) address

Initially, Dreamweaver inserts only the http://localhost/ address into the URL Prefix field. This works if your local site root corresponds to the local Web server root. If your site root is in a different directory, you have to fill in the path of that directory. Most Web servers permit the creation of virtual directories, which are aliases recognized by the Web server. If you're using Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional, then you may already have Internet Information Services (IIS) available, and you can set up your own virtual directories.

To create a virtual directory, follow these steps:

  1. First, check to see if you have IIS by right-clicking My Computer on your desktop and choosing Manage. In the Computer Management console, expand Services and Applications. If you see Internet Information Services listed, then you've got everything you need installed and you can skip to step 2. If you don't see IIS listed, choose Start

    Enter the location of your local files and a locally established site in the URL Prefix field to enable Live Data view to find your application.
  2. Right-click the Default Web Site and choose New

    Enter the location of your local files and a locally established site in the URL Prefix field to enable Live Data view to find your application.
    Right-click the Default Web Site in IIS and choose New Virtual Directory to open the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard. Complete the wizard to add a new virtual directory.

    Figure 22-4. Right-click the Default Web Site in IIS and choose New

    Right-click the Default Web Site in IIS and choose New Virtual Directory to open the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard. Complete the wizard to add a new virtual directory.
    Virtual Directory to open the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard. Complete the wizard to add a new virtual directory.

  3. On the Virtual Directory Alias screen, enter the alias for the folder. This will be appended to the end of the http://localhost/ address. (If you name your virtual directory dba, for example, then the URL would be http://localhost/dba). Click Next to continue.

  4. On the Web Site Content Directory screen, browse to the folder that contains your site and click Next.

  5. Click Next on the Access Properties screen to continue, and click Finish on the next screen to add the virtual directory.


ColdFusion MX developers with a local testing server need to specify the port number if ColdFusion is installed as a stand-alone server. By default, ColdFusion MX uses 8500, which results in a URL Prefix of http://localhost:8500/.

If you're connecting to a remote testing server, choose FTP from the Access list on the Testing Server category of the Site Definition dialog box. When FTP is selected, Dreamweaver displays the same information entered under the FTP heading in the Remote Info category. Additionally, Dreamweaver combines the entries under FTP Host and Host Directory in the URL prefix with an initial http://. For example, if your entry under FTP Host is and Host Directory is blank, the URL prefix reads


You may have to edit your URL prefix if your FTP host uses an ftp prefix. If my host directory were, Dreamweaver would create the URL prefix entry, an unworkable URL. Here, the ftp must be changed to www.

Entering and exiting Live Data view

Dreamweaver provides three different methods for invoking Live Data view. Use the one that best suits your work style:

  • Choose View

    Entering and exiting Live Data view
  • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+R (Command+Shift+R).

  • Click the Show Live Data View button on the toolbar.

In Live Data view, executing any of these three actions returns you to Standard mode, where you see dynamic data placeholders.


If, for any reason, you need to interrupt the Live Data connection process, click the Stop button on the Live Data toolbar. The Stop button remains active only while Dreamweaver is transitioning into Live Data view.

Making changes in Live Data

If a feature in a software program can be said to have a raison d'etre, then modifying the layout must surely be the raison d'etre of Live Data. When in Live Data view, new elements—dynamic or static—can be added and existing ones adjusted or removed entirely. Anything, including the dynamic data, can be formatted or styled using HTML or CSS.

Live Data view solves the thorny challenges of laying out a table without resorting to a time-consuming trial-and-error approach. For instance, varying lengths of data in the same column often complicate designing table layout with dynamic data. If, for example, the sample data includes a last name field that is 12 characters long and the real data contains a hyphenated name that is 25 characters long, you have a problem. When working in Live Data view, you can see the entire page as it would be generated on the server, including dynamic elements and repeating table rows (see Figure 22-5).

The Live Data toolbar includes a Refresh button that, when clicked, resends your application to the server for processing and then redisplays the page in the Document window. The Refresh option is valuable in the following circumstances:

  • Information from the data source is reassessed. This feature enables you to make changes in the database and then see those changes incorporated into your page.

  • Server formatting changes are applied to dynamic data. If you don't refresh after altering the current format of the inserted data, the modified element reverts to being displayed as a dynamic data placeholder.

  • HTML formatting applied to dynamic data is also applied to Live Data displayed through a Repeat Region server behavior. Without refreshing, only the initial data is shown correctly formatted.


Repeat Region server behaviors enable multiple records from the same recordset to be incorporated into a page. For details on how to insert and manage a Repeat Region, see Chapter 21.

The Live Data toolbar provides two refresh-oriented options: the Refresh Live Data button and the Auto Refresh checkbox. When Auto Refresh is enabled, formatting changes are automatically applied. However, to display HTML formatting on Repeat Region data or to see changes made to a data source, you must click the Refresh Live Data button.

Use Live Data view to make sure your table layout works well with the actual data that appears on the page.

Figure 22-5. Use Live Data view to make sure your table layout works well with the actual data that appears on the page.

Live Data Settings

Although the capability to work with data from the current recordset is impressive, it's really only half the story of Live Data view. Many Web applications depend on variables used when the page is processed by the testing server. Users may intentionally submit these variables when they fill out a form or they may submit variables unintentionally when they navigate from a particular page. Session or application variables, from authentication routines or simple counters, may also be integrated into a page. Dreamweaver permits developers to interactively alter all such variables and preview the resulting Web page. This facility not only enables the designer to work with a wide range of real-life conditions, but it also facilitates testing of the application under a variety of circumstances. Dreamweaver offers two avenues of approach to variable handling: through the query string field and through the Settings dialog box.

Getting the query string

Remember the first time you noticed that the link you clicked was carrying quite a bit of additional baggage? Where you might have selected a link that took you to a specific product page with a URL such as, the link in the Location field of your browser looked more like the following:

The text following the question mark is called a query string, or the URL parameters. Query strings are a tool used by Web applications to pass information from one page to the next. Frequently, you see a query string after submitting a form. Forms using the Get method pass their variables by appending a question mark and the form information to the URL of the requested page. The form information is in a series of name/value pairs; and each name/value pair is linked by an equals sign, as follows:


Query strings may include any number of name/value pairs, separated by an ampersand. Thus, for a form that passes the data entered into a first name field and a last name field, the query string may look like this:


Neither single nor double quotation marks are used because they are in HTML attributes. Quotation marks and other characters—including spaces, apostrophes, and tildes—are represented by hexadecimal values so that they are properly understood by servers. Such strings are said to be URL encoded, and they are designated by an initial percent sign, followed by the ASCII value of the character in hexadecimal. Some commonly used encoding values are as follows:







Apostrophe or single quotation mark



Double quotation mark






Less than



Greater than



The query string field appears in the Live Data toolbar by default, prefaced by the URL path used by Live Data plus a question mark. The URL path, question mark, and the text entered into the field constitute the complete URL submitted to the testing server when you invoke or refresh Live Data.


Depending on the length of the pathname, some elements, such as folders, may be represented by an ellipsis (three dots) so that Dreamweaver can display the filename and question mark.

Consider an example that uses the query string. Suppose that you've developed a page for an organization that displays employees and whether they're under contract. The contract status shown depends on the link selected by the user; the links are identical except for the query string portion. For uncontracted employees, the link reads employees.cfm?contract=no, whereas for contracted employees, the link reads employees.cfm?contract=yes. The recordset on the employees.cfm page uses a filter that sets the Contract field equal to the URL parameter called contract.


Although the query string field is present by default, you can disable it by switching the Method option in the Live Data Settings dialog box from Get to Post. To re-enable the query string field, choose View

Getting the query string

After entering Live Data view by any of the methods described previously, you can switch back and forth between the two sets of returned data by changing the value in the query string name=value pair. In this instance, the two accepted values—as defined in the data source—are no for employees not under contract and yes for employees under contract. After changing the value and pressing Enter (Return), the Live Data is refreshed, as shown in Figure 22-6.

You can use the query string field of the Live Data toolbar to test different scenarios for your Web application.

Figure 22-6. You can use the query string field of the Live Data toolbar to test different scenarios for your Web application.


If you encounter a Live Data error indicating that the page cannot be displayed because the current record could not be found, you're probably including values in the query string that do not match any records in a recordset on the page. You have a couple of options for proceeding. Press the Esc key to dismiss the error dialog box and enter a new value in the query string field. (Don't click the Close button on the dialog box, or you'll close the Live Data view and the Live Data toolbar.) Alternatively, you can enter a name value/pair through the Live Data Settings dialog box as outlined in the following section.

Posting responses with Live Data settings

Although the query string is handy for changing one or two simple variables, the more complex the variables, the less convenient it becomes. Dreamweaver offers another route to controlling Live Data variables: Live Data settings. The Live Data Settings dialog box, shown in Figure 22-7, offers several important advantages over the query string:

  • The name/value pairs are easier to enter and maintain in a straightforward two-column table.

  • URL encoding is handled automatically by Dreamweaver; with query strings. You have to enter any necessary URL encoding manually.

  • Variables may be sent to the application by either the Get or Post method. The query string uses only the Get method.

  • Additional initializing code may be applied to the page. This feature enables you to test different session or environmental variables in the page, as if the server had set the values.

  • Variable settings may be optionally stored. If you select this option, Dreamweaver uses its Design Notes facility to maintain the variables.

You can use the Live Data Settings dialog box to simulate forms using either the GET or POST method.

Figure 22-7. You can use the Live Data Settings dialog box to simulate forms using either the GET or POST method.

To establish variables using the Live Data Settings feature, follow these steps:

  1. Choose View

    You can use the Live Data Settings dialog box to simulate forms using either the GET or POST method.
  2. To create a new variable, click the Add (+) button.

  3. In the Name column, enter the name of the variable.

  4. In the corresponding field under the Value column, enter a value for the variable.

  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to add additional variables.

  6. To delete a name/value pair, select it and then click the Remove (–) button.

  7. You can adjust the sequence in which the variables are presented to the page by using the Up and Down buttons to move name/value pairs higher or lower in the list.

  8. By default, Dreamweaver sends variables to a page using the GET method, which appends URL-encoded name/value pairs in a query string. To simulate a form passing variables in an encapsulated, hidden manner, choose POST from the Method list.


    If you choose the GET method, enter the variables and their values without encoding them for the URL. Dreamweaver translates any necessary characters into their hexadecimal equivalents when the Live Data page is processed.

  9. To establish a particular server environment, enter any necessary code in the Initialization Script text area. This code is specific to each server model and must be completely self-contained within any required tags or delimiters.

  10. To store your variable settings, select the Save Settings For This Document option. Dreamweaver requires that Design Notes be enabled in order to save the Live Data settings. If Design Notes is disabled when you select this option, you get an opportunity to enable it.

Previewing an Application in the Browser

Live Data saves a tremendous amount of time in the early design phase, yet when it comes time to test your application in various browsers—a necessary step for virtually all Web developers—there is no substitute for previewing in the browser. Dreamweaver does a decent job of approximating a browser-eye view of your page. However, with so many variations between the major browsers—not to mention the versions within each major browser—you must test your page in as many browsers as possible. Dreamweaver's Preview in Browser feature enables you to specify up to 13 different browsers in Preferences. After this feature is defined, you can test your page by choosing File

Previewing an Application in the Browser

To view Web applications properly, Dreamweaver must process the pages with a testing server. To use this facility, you must satisfy two requirements:

  • Specify the route to the testing server, either via a local (or networked) folder or through FTP in the Testing Server category of the Site Definition dialog box.

  • Transfer any dependent or related files to the testing server. Although you don't have to include dependent files such as graphics on the current page, you must transfer server-side includes, such as the connection script. Related files are other pages referenced in the Web application; Dreamweaver only uploads a copy of the current page during the Preview in Browser operation.

When the testing server is properly set up (as described in Chapter 5), you can transfer any necessary files quickly in the Site window. On the Site window toolbar, click the Testing Server button. The files on the testing server are displayed in the Testing Server pane of the Site window, as shown in Figure 22-8. Transfer files from the local site by dragging them from the local pane to the Testing Server pane or by selecting the files and then clicking the Put or Check In button.

The Dreamweaver Site window enables you to connect to the testing server or the remote server.

Figure 22-8. The Dreamweaver Site window enables you to connect to the testing server or the remote server.


When you begin to test a new page, let Dreamweaver transfer the dependent files for you. Simply transfer a saved copy of the current page to the testing server and okay the request to transfer the dependent files as well. To take advantage of this feature, make sure that you select the Dependent Files: Prompt on Put/Check In option found in the Site category of Preferences.

Using the Server Debug Panel with ColdFusion

The Server Debug panel offers you an integrated view of all errors and server variables on your ColdFusion pages. The Server Debug view also gives you the capability to browse your site inside the Dreamweaver interface, testing values as you go. The Server Debug options are displayed for any ColdFusion page, but they work only for ColdFusion MX and ColdFusion MX 7 on Windows.

To enable debugging directly inside Dreamweaver, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enable server debugging by choosing Debugging Settings in the left-hand pane of the ColdFusion MX Administrator (see Figure 22-9). The Debugging Options page opens in the right-hand pane.

    Enable the server debugging options in ColdFusion MX before using the Server Debug panel in Dreamweaver.

    Figure 22-9. Enable the server debugging options in ColdFusion MX before using the Server Debug panel in Dreamweaver.

  2. Click the Server Debug icon in the Standard toolbar, and an additional toolbar with the following buttons appears directly above your document window:

    • Backward: Emulates the browser Back button and takes you to the previous page in your history.

    • Forward: Emulates the browser Forward button and takes you to the next page in your history.

    • Stop: Emulates the browser Stop button and stops the current page from processing.

    • Refresh: Emulates the browser Refresh button and reloads the current page.

    • Server Debug: Toggles server debugging on and off.

    It also includes an Address Bar for passing query string values to your page and enabling you to see where you are in your site.

    When you preview Live Data, you can see all the CF MX Server Debug output (see Figure 22-10), and you can browse through your pages just as you would in a regular Web browser.

    The Server Debug view gives you additional options on the toolbar for browsing your ColdFusion MX documents.

    Figure 22-10. The Server Debug view gives you additional options on the toolbar for browsing your ColdFusion MX documents.

  3. Open the Server Debug panel by choosing Window

    The Server Debug view gives you additional options on the toolbar for browsing your ColdFusion MX documents.

After you open the Server Debug panel, you can see all your variables, as well as any errors. Any exceptions provide a link to the page that is throwing the error. If that error was contained inside a <CFINCLUDE>, the URL for the page is a clickable link next to the error.


If you right-click inside the Server Debug panel, you can choose Select All and copy the contents of the panel by choosing Copy from the context menu. You can then paste it inside a new document—in Dreamweaver or another text editor—for future reference or to send to another ColdFusion developer for further debugging.

The Server Debug panel gives you a quick overview of all the returned variables from the ColdFusion MX server.

Figure 22-11. The Server Debug panel gives you a quick overview of all the returned variables from the ColdFusion MX server.


Sometimes, when an unusual idea appears in a software program, it's hard to separate the merely glitzy from the truly grand. As implemented in Dreamweaver, Live Data view proves to be bottom-line functional and, thus, more than a flash in the pan—although I have to admit, it's pretty darn cool as well. To make the most of Live Data view, remember the following points:

  • Live Data view depends on proper setup of the testing server to run smoothly. If any of the information entered into the Testing Server category of the Site Definition dialog box is incomplete or incorrect, Dreamweaver won't be able to process your Web application and display the results successfully.

  • Select the Auto Refresh option on the Live Data toolbar to take advantage of Dreamweaver's capability to reformat dynamic data when the server formatting has changed.

  • The query string field and the Settings button in the Live Data toolbar both offer developers a way to test their Web application with different variables. Use the query string field to emulate the passing of URL parameters and the Settings dialog box for Post-enabled forms.

  • To try different server environments, enter the appropriate code in the Initialization Script field of the Settings dialog box. This facility enables you to test different application variables, session variables, and other variables easily.

  • Be sure to use Dreamweaver's Preview in Browser feature to give your Web application a real-world tryout before going live. To test your page, transfer dependent and related files using the Site window from the local site to the testing server pane.

  • Use Dreamweaver's tight ColdFusion integration and the Server Debug panel to quickly debug your ColdFusion applications.

In the next chapter, you learn how to create multiple page applications.

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