
  • Activation function, 370
  • AD conversion, 97
    • delta‐sigma, 104
    • oversampling, 100
  • AD converter, 113
    • characteristics, 113
    • counter, 118
    • delta‐sigma, 120
    • half‐flash, 116–117
    • parallel, 116
    • subranging, 117
    • successive approximation, 117
  • Adagrad, 373
  • Adam, 373
  • Adaptive filters, 18
    • autocorrelation method, 18–20
    • LMS method, 20
  • Additive synthesis, 346
  • AES/EBU interface, 134
  • Aliasing distortion, 350, 351, 353
  • Aliasing suppression, 351, 354
  • Allpass decomposition, 164, 166, 167
  • Anti‐imaging filter, 68
  • Antialiasing filter, 69
  • Antiderivative antialiasing, 352
  • Aperture delay, 113
  • Aperture jitter, 114
  • Artificial Neural Network, 369
  • Attack time, 273
  • Attention module, 389, 391
  • Audio coding, 291
    • lossless, 291–293
    • lossy, 293–294
  • Audio denoising, 388
  • Audio interfaces
    • computer, 140–141
    • internet‐based, 145–146
    • layer‐1, 142–143
    • layer‐2, 143–144
    • layer‐3, 144–145
    • network‐based, 141
  • Averaging time, 273
  • Center frequency, 155, 160, 162, 167, 377
  • Chain rule of derivatives, 369, 372, 374
  • CIPIC database, 383
  • Clipping, 343
  • Coding
    • Intensity stereo, 320–321
    • Mono/Side, 320
  • Coding techniques, 291, 303
  • Comb filter, 109
  • Compressor, 266, 276
  • Constrained Energy Lapped Transform, 327
  • Conversion time, 113
  • Convolution
    • continuous‐time, 3
    • discrete‐time, 8, 9
  • Convolutional layer, 373
  • Convolutional Neural Network, 367, 373
  • Critical bands, 295
  • Cutoff frequency, 8, 17, 149, 154, 156, 158, 378–380, 382
  • DA conversion, 97
    • delta‐sigma, 104
    • oversampling, 100
  • DA converter, 120
    • characteristics, 121
    • delta‐sigma, 127
    • R‐‐2R networks, 126
    • switched sources, 123–124
    • weighted capacitors, 125–126
    • weighted resistors, 125
  • Datasets, 391
  • Decimation, 72, 109, 204, 210, 350
  • Deep Learning, 367
  • Deep Neural Network, 367
  • Deglitcher, 121
  • Delta modulation, 103
  • Delta‐sigma modulation, 100
    • decimation filter, 109–112
    • first‐order, 102–105
    • higher‐order, 108–109
    • multistage, 106–108
    • second‐order, 105–106
    • signal‐to‐noise ratio, 108–109
  • DFT, 191
  • Difference equation, 12, 13
  • Differential nonlinearity, 114
  • Dilation factor, 390
  • Discrete Fourier Transform, 11
  • Distortion, 343
  • Dither, 40, 50
  • Downsampling, 69
  • DSP, 132, 133
  • Dynamic range, 265
  • Dynamic range control, 265, 266
  • Early reflections, 225, 235
  • Echo density, 245
  • Eigenfrequency, 226, 242, 244
  • Energy decay curve, 387
  • Entropy coding, 293
  • Equalizers, 149
    • design of non‐recursive, 201
    • design of recursive, 153
    • non‐recursive, 190
    • recursive, 149, 162
  • Expander, 266, 276
  • Hard clipping, 345, 350
  • Harmonic distortion, 342
  • Harmonics, 342
  • HDMI, 139
  • Head related impulse response, 382
  • Head related transfer functions, 375
  • Hidden layers, 369
  • Huffmann coding, 293
  • IDFT, 191
  • IIR filter, 12
  • Image model, 227
  • Impulse response, 3, 4, 9
  • Inception module, 389, 391
  • Integral nonlinearity, 115
  • Interpolation, 72, 74, 78, 100, 109, 204, 210, 350
    • Lagrange, 85–87
    • polynomial, 83–85
    • Spline, 87–94
  • Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform, 11
  • ISO‐MPEG1, 303–309
  • Laplace transform, 6
  • Latency time, 112, 213, 293
  • Limit cycles, 190
  • Limiter, 266, 273
  • Linear prediction, 20
  • Log‐spectral distance, 383
  • Loss function, 371
  • Machine Learning, 367
  • MADI interface, 135
  • Magnitude response, 4, 10
  • Masking, 297, 299, 302
  • Masking index, 308
  • Masking threshold, 297, 299, 300, 302, 307
  • Monotonicity, 115
  • MPEG‐2, 310
  • MPEG‐2 AAC, 310–321
  • MPEG‐4, 321–325
  • Multilayer Perceptrons, 370
  • Nesterov momentum, 373
  • Neurons, 369
  • Nodal DK method, 360
  • Noise gate, 265, 266, 276
  • Noise shaping, 46, 51, 178, 184
  • Nonlinear filters, 347
  • Nonlinear processing, 341
  • Nonlinear stateful filters, 345
  • Number representation, 51
    • fixed‐point, 52–57
    • floating‐point, 57–60
    • format conversion, 60–62
  • Nyquist sampling, 97
  • Offset error, 114
  • Overdrive, 343
  • Oversampling, 98, 350
    • signal‐to‐noise ratio, 108
  • Padding, 390
  • Peak factor, 27
  • PEAK measurement, 153, 269
  • Perceptual evaluation
  • Phase response, 4, 10
  • Polyphase representation, 71
  • Prediction, 293
  • Pseudo‐random sequence, 230, 257
  • Psychoacoustic models, 305
  • Pyramid Vector Quantization, 330
  • Q‐factor, 154, 155
  • Quantization, 6
  • Quantization error
    • correlation with signal, 39
    • first‐order statistics, 34
    • noise shaping, 46
    • power, 98
    • probability density function, 26
    • second‐order statistics, 37
  • Quantization model, 25
  • Quantization noise, 302
  • Quantization step, 26, 27, 74, 75, 98
  • Quantization theorem, 25, 28
  • Range coding, 331
  • Ray tracing model, 227
  • Reconstruction, 6
  • Recurrent Neural Network, 367
  • Release time, 273
  • ReLU, 370
  • Resolution, 113
  • Reverberation time, 225, 235, 246, 387
    • frequency‐dependent, 248
  • RMS measurement, 271
  • Rmsprop, 373
  • Room impulse response, 225, 375
    • approximation, 256
    • measurement of, 230
  • Room simulation, 225, 383
  • Root‐mean‐square measurement, 153
  • Sample‐and‐hold, 113
    • circuit, 97
    • function, 74
  • Sampling, 6
  • Sampling interval, 6, 97
  • Sampling rate, 6, 97
  • Sampling rate conversion, 67
    • asynchronous, 74–75
    • multistage, 78–80
    • single‐stage, 76–78
    • synchronous, 70–73
  • Sampling theorem, 6, 97
  • Scale factor, 321
  • Scaling factor, 307
  • Settling time, 121
  • Short‐time Fourier Transform, 389
  • Sigmoid, 370
  • Signal
    • continuous‐time, 2
    • discrete‐time, 8
  • Signal processor
    • fixed‐point, 132–133
    • floating‐point, 133
  • Signal quantization, 25
  • Signal‐to‐mask ratio, 302, 305, 308, 309
  • Signal‐to‐noise ratio, 27, 57, 59, 60
  • Sinc distortion, 98
  • Soft‐clipping, 344
  • Softmax, 391
  • Source‐filter processing, 20
  • SPDIF interface, 135
  • Spectral Band Replication SBR, 325
  • Spreading function, 300
  • Stability
  • State‐space modeling, 354
  • State‐space representation, 347, 359
  • Static curve, 266
  • Static nonlinear system, 341
  • Steepest descent, 369
  • Subsequent reverberation, 225, 241
  • Supervised learning, 368
  • System
    • continuous‐time, 3
    • discrete‐time, 9, 10
    • transfer function, 13
  • Unsupervised learning, 368
  • Upsampling, 68
  • Virtual Analog Modeling, 354
  • Wave Digital Filters, 355–359
    • adaptors, 357
    • connection tree, 358
  • Wavefolding, 345
  • Weighting filter
  • Wirtinger calculus, 383
  • Word length, 27, 172
  • Z‐transform, 11
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