Chapter 7
Room Simulation

U. Zölzer P. Nowak and P. Bhattacharya

Room simulation artificially reproduces the acoustics of a room. The foundations of room acoustics are found in [Cre78, Kut91]. Room simulation is mainly used for post‐processing signals in which a microphone is located in the vicinity of an instrument or a voice. The direct signal, without additional room impression, is mapped to a certain acoustical room, for example, a concert hall or a church. In terms of signal processing, the post‐processing of an audio signal with room simulation corresponds to the convolution of the audio signal with a room impulse response.

7.1 Basics

7.1.1 Room Acoustics

The room impulse response between two points in a room can be classified as shown in Fig. 7.1. The impulse response consists of the direct signal, early reflections (from walls), and subsequent reverberation. The number of early reflections continuously increases with time and leads to a random signal with exponential decay called subsequent reverberation. The reverberation time (decrease of sound pressure level by 60 dB) can be calculated using the geometry of the room and the partial areas that absorb sound in the room according to

(7.1)StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper T 60 2nd Column equals 0.163 StartFraction upper V Over alpha upper S EndFraction equals StartFraction 0.163 Over left-bracket m slash s right-bracket EndFraction StartFraction upper V Over sigma-summation Underscript n Endscripts alpha Subscript n Baseline upper S Subscript n Baseline EndFraction comma 2nd Row 1st Column upper T 60 2nd Column equals reverberation time in s semicolon 3rd Row 1st Column upper V 2nd Column equals volume of the room m cubed semicolon 4th Row 1st Column Blank 5th Row 1st Column upper S Subscript n 2nd Column equals partial areas m squared semicolon 6th Row 1st Column alpha Subscript n 2nd Column equals absorption coefficient of partial area upper S Subscript n Baseline period EndLayout

The geometry of the room also determines the eigenfrequencies of a three‐dimensional rectangular room:

(7.2)f Subscript e Baseline equals StartFraction c Over 2 EndFraction StartRoot left-parenthesis StartFraction n Subscript x Baseline Over l Subscript x Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis squared plus left-parenthesis StartFraction n Subscript y Baseline Over l Subscript y Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis squared plus left-parenthesis StartFraction n Subscript z Baseline Over l Subscript z Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis squared EndRoot comma


StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column n Subscript x Baseline comma n Subscript y Baseline comma n Subscript z Baseline 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column integer number of half hyphen waves left-parenthesis 0 comma 1 comma 2 comma ellipsis right-parenthesis semicolon 2nd Row 1st Column l Subscript x Baseline comma l Subscript y Baseline comma l Subscript z Baseline 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column dimensions of a rectangular room semicolon 3rd Row 1st Column c 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column sound velocity period EndLayout

For larger rooms, the eigenfrequencies start from very low frequencies. In contrast, the lowest eigenfrequencies of smaller rooms are shifted toward higher frequencies. The mean frequency between two extrema of the frequency response of a large room is approximately inversely proportional to the reverberation time [Schr87]:

(7.3)normal upper Delta f tilde 1 slash upper T 60 period

The distance between two eigenfrequencies decreases with increasing number of half‐waves. Above a critical frequency

(7.4)f Subscript c Baseline greater-than 4000 StartRoot upper T 60 slash upper V EndRoot comma

the density of eigenfrequencies becomes so large that they overlap each other [Schr87].

Schematic illustration of room impulse response h(n) and simplified decomposition into direct signal, early reflections, and subsequent reverberation (with |h(n)|).

Figure 7.1 Room impulse response h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and simplified decomposition into direct signal, early reflections, and subsequent reverberation (with StartAbsoluteValue h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue).

7.1.2 Model‐based Room Impulse Responses

The methods for analytically determining a room impulse response are based on the ray‐tracing model [Schr70] or image model [All79]. In the case of the ray‐tracing model, a point source with radial emission is assumed. The path length of rays and the absorption coefficients of walls, roofs, and floors are used to determine the room impulse response (see Fig. 7.2). For the image model, image rooms with secondary image sources are formed, which in turn have further image rooms and image sources. The summation of all image sources with corresponding delays and attenuations provides the estimated room impulse response. Both methods are applied in room acoustics to get insight into the acoustical properties when planning concert halls, theaters, etc.

Schematic illustration of model-based methods for calculating room impulse responses.

Figure 7.2 Model‐based methods for calculating room impulse responses.

To simulate the room impulse response between two points inside a rectangular room, Allen and Berkley proposed the image source model in 1979 [All79]. The aim of this simulation method was to be simple, easy to use, and fast. The underlying principle is the mirroring of the original room, including the source at the walls of the room, infinite times in all room dimensions. In this way, the image rooms are created containing the image sources. Figure 7.3 illustrates this principle in a two‐dimensional representation while focusing on first‐ and second‐order image rooms.

Schematic illustration of two-dimensional representation of the image source model highlighting first- and second-order image rooms including the parameterization of the individual image sources.

Figure 7.3 Two‐dimensional representation of the image source model highlighting first‐ and second‐order image rooms including the parameterization of the individual image sources. Additionally, an exemplary second‐order reflection is drawn.

Afterward, the room impulse response is estimated by the summation of the attenuation of all image sources upper A left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis at the corresponding delays tau left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis as


(7.6)bold u equals left-parenthesis u Subscript x Baseline comma u Subscript y Baseline comma u Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T Baseline with u Subscript x Baseline comma u Subscript y Baseline comma u Subscript z Baseline element-of StartSet 0 comma 1 EndSet and
(7.7)bold v equals left-parenthesis v Subscript x Baseline comma v Subscript y Baseline comma v Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T Baseline with v Subscript x Baseline comma v Subscript y Baseline comma v Subscript z Baseline element-of double-struck upper N

denote the different image rooms, as shown in Fig. 7.3. Here, the original room is characterized by bold u equals left-parenthesis 0 comma 0 comma 0 right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T and bold v equals left-parenthesis 0 comma 0 comma 0 right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T.

In the following, the calculation of the attenuation upper A left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis and the delays tau left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis is explained in detail. First, the room dimensions are defined as

(7.8)bold l Subscript bold room Baseline equals left-parenthesis l Subscript normal x Baseline comma l Subscript normal y Baseline comma l Subscript normal z Baseline right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T

with the origin of the coordinate system being in one of the corners of the room, as shown in Fig. 7.3. Afterward, the positions of the receiver and the source inside the original room are defined as

(7.9)bold p Subscript normal r Baseline equals left-parenthesis x Subscript normal r Baseline comma y Subscript normal r Baseline comma z Subscript normal r Baseline right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T Baseline and
(7.10)bold p Subscript normal s Baseline equals left-parenthesis x Subscript normal s Baseline comma y Subscript normal s Baseline comma z Subscript normal s Baseline right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T Baseline comma

respectively. From this, the positions of the image sources can be calculated by

(7.11)StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold p Subscript bold is Baseline left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis equals 2nd Column minus diag left-parenthesis 2 u Subscript x Baseline minus 1 comma 2 u Subscript y Baseline minus 1 comma 2 u Subscript z Baseline minus 1 right-parenthesis dot bold p Subscript normal s Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column plus diag left-parenthesis v Subscript x Baseline comma v Subscript y Baseline comma v Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis dot 2 bold l Subscript bold room Baseline comma EndLayout

where diag left-parenthesis dot right-parenthesis denotes a diagonal matrix with the arguments as diagonal elements [Leh08]. The distances from these image sources to the receiver are given as

(7.12)d left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis equals vertical-bar vertical-bar vertical-bar vertical-bar minus minus pr of ppis left-parenthesis right-parenthesis comma u comma v

with parallel-to dot parallel-to being the Euclidean norm. Based on this distance d left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis between an image source and the receiver, which equals the length of the corresponding reflected path from the original source to the receiver, the time of arrival of the reflected path is calculated by

(7.13)tau left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis equals StartFraction d left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis Over c EndFraction comma

where c denotes the speed of sound. To stay simple during the calculation of the attenuation of the reflected paths, two assumptions are made [All79]. First, the point image model that is only exact for rigid walls is also used for non‐rigid walls. Second, the reflection coefficient beta is assumed to be frequency‐ and direction‐independent. In this way, the attenuation of a reflected path can be determined as

(7.14)upper A left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis equals StartFraction beta Subscript x comma 0 Superscript StartAbsoluteValue v Super Subscript x Superscript minus u Super Subscript x Superscript EndAbsoluteValue Baseline beta Subscript x comma 1 Superscript StartAbsoluteValue v Super Subscript x Superscript EndAbsoluteValue Baseline beta Subscript y comma 0 Superscript StartAbsoluteValue v Super Subscript y Superscript minus u Super Subscript y Superscript EndAbsoluteValue Baseline beta Subscript y comma 1 Superscript StartAbsoluteValue v Super Subscript y Superscript EndAbsoluteValue Baseline beta Subscript z comma 0 Superscript StartAbsoluteValue v Super Subscript z Superscript minus u Super Subscript z Superscript EndAbsoluteValue Baseline beta Subscript z comma 1 Superscript StartAbsoluteValue v Super Subscript z Superscript EndAbsoluteValue Baseline Over 4 pi d left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis EndFraction comma

where the reflection coefficients beta are assigned to the different walls, as shown in Fig. 7.3. As can be seen, the attenuation of a reflected path depends on two factors: the propagation loss arising from the length of the reflected path d left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis and the energy absorption of the walls hit by the reflected path. The relation of the absorption coefficient alpha and the reflection coefficient beta of a wall is given as

(7.15)beta equals minus StartRoot left-parenthesis 1 minus alpha right-parenthesis EndRoot comma

where the negative sign ensures simulated reverberation tails similar to those of real acoustic measurements [Ant02]. To implement the image source model in the time domain according to Eq. 7.5, the continuous‐time room impulse response h left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis has to be converted into the discrete‐time room impulse response h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis by the sampling operation. However, before the sampling operation, the unit pulses delta left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis from Eq. 7.5 have to be band limited to f Subscript upper S Baseline slash 2, which results in sinc‐like pulses. In this way, the discrete‐time room impulse responses are given as

(7.16)h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals sigma-summation Underscript bold u equals 0 Overscript 1 Endscripts sigma-summation Underscript bold v equals negative infinity Overscript infinity Endscripts upper A left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis dot s i n c left-parenthesis n minus tau left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis dot f Subscript upper S Baseline right-parenthesis


(7.17)s i n c left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals StartFraction sine left-parenthesis pi n right-parenthesis Over pi n EndFraction period

In Fig. 7.4, an exemplary room impulse response calculated via the image source model is shown. Here, the room dimensions are given as bold l Subscript bold room Baseline equals left-parenthesis 6 normal m comma 4 normal m comma 2.5 normal m right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T, and the receiver and source are positioned at bold p Subscript normal r Baseline equals left-parenthesis 1.5 normal m comma 3 normal m comma 1.5 normal m right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T and bold p Subscript normal s Baseline equals left-parenthesis 3 normal m comma 1 normal m comma 1.5 normal m right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T, respectively. Additionally, the absorption coefficient is set to alpha equals 0.6 for all walls. In Fig. 7.4 (top), the room impulse response is plotted for a length of upper L Subscript h Baseline equals 8192. Contrarily, Fig. 7.4 (bottom) focuses on the direct path and the first reflections, which illustrate also the sinc‐like characteristic of the individual reflections.

Schematic illustration of simulated room impulse response via image source model with a length of Lh=8192 (top) and cutout of the direct path and the first reflections (bottom). The parameters are given as lroom=(6m,4m,2.5m)T, pr=(1.5m,3m,1.5m)T, ps=(3m,1m,1.5m)T, and α=0.6 for all walls.

Figure 7.4 Simulated room impulse response via image source model with a length of upper L Subscript h Baseline equals 8192 (top) and cutout of the direct path and the first reflections (bottom). The parameters are given as bold l Subscript bold room Baseline equals left-parenthesis 6 normal m comma 4 normal m comma 2.5 normal m right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T, bold p Subscript normal r Baseline equals left-parenthesis 1.5 normal m comma 3 normal m comma 1.5 normal m right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T, bold p Subscript normal s Baseline equals left-parenthesis 3 normal m comma 1 normal m comma 1.5 normal m right-parenthesis Superscript normal upper T, and alpha equals 0.6 for all walls.

Finally, the order k of a reflected path can be determined by

(7.18)k left-parenthesis bold u comma bold v right-parenthesis equals StartAbsoluteValue v Subscript x Baseline minus u Subscript x Baseline EndAbsoluteValue plus StartAbsoluteValue v Subscript x Baseline EndAbsoluteValue plus StartAbsoluteValue v Subscript y Baseline minus u Subscript y Baseline EndAbsoluteValue plus StartAbsoluteValue v Subscript y Baseline EndAbsoluteValue plus StartAbsoluteValue v Subscript z Baseline minus u Subscript z Baseline EndAbsoluteValue plus StartAbsoluteValue v Subscript z Baseline EndAbsoluteValue period

Although the image source model is able to calculate reflections up to an arbitrary order, practically, only low‐order reflections are calculated because of the strong increase of the number of image sources with rising order of reflections [Väl12].

7.1.3 Measurement of Room Impulse Responses

The direct measurement of a room impulse response is carried out by impulse excitation. Better measurement results are obtained by correlation measurement of the room impulse responses by using pseudo‐random sequences as the excitation signal. Pseudo‐random sequences can be generated by feedback shift registers [Mac76]. The pseudo‐random sequence is periodic with period upper L equals 2 Superscript upper N Baseline minus 1, where upper N is the number of states of the shift register. The autocorrelation function (ACF) of such a random sequence is given by

(7.19)r Subscript upper X upper X Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals Start 2 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column a squared 2nd Column n equals 0 comma upper L comma 2 upper L comma period period period comma 2nd Row 1st Column StartFraction minus a squared Over upper L EndFraction 2nd Column elsewhere comma EndMatrix

where a is the maximum value of the pseudo‐random sequence. The ACF also has a period upper L. After going through a DA converter, the pseudo‐random signal is fed through a loudspeaker into a room (see Fig. 7.5).

Schematic illustration of measurement of room impulse response with pseudo-random signal x(t).

Figure 7.5 Measurement of room impulse response with pseudo‐random signal x left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis.

At the same time, the pseudo‐random signal and the room signal captured by a microphone are recorded on a personal computer. The impulse response is obtained with the cyclic cross‐correlation:

(7.20)r Subscript upper X upper Y Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals r Subscript upper X upper X Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis asterisk h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis almost-equals ModifyingAbove h With tilde left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis period

For the measurement of room impulse responses, it has to be considered that the periodic length of the pseudo‐random sequence must be longer than the length of the room impulse response. Otherwise, aliasing in the periodic cross‐correlation r Subscript upper X upper Y Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis (see Fig. 7.6) occurs. To improve the SNR of the measurement, the average of several periods of the cross‐correlation is calculated.

Schematic illustration of periodic auto-correlation of pseudo-random sequence and periodic cross-correlation.

Figure 7.6 Periodic auto‐correlation of pseudo‐random sequence and periodic cross‐correlation.

In [Far00, Far07], Farina proposed to use exponential sine sweeps as the excitation signal for measuring impulse responses. In comparison with other signals, the use of exponential sine sweeps has two major advantages [Hol09, Mül01, Sta02]. First, owing to the exponential increase in frequency, more energy is present at low frequencies, resulting in a higher SNR at low frequencies, which is particularly desirable in audio applications. Second, nonlinearities of the system under test are separated from the linear impulse response by the exponential sine sweep method.

A continuous‐time exponential sine sweep is defined as

(7.21)x left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals sine left-bracket StartStartFraction omega 1 dot upper T OverOver ln left-parenthesis StartFraction omega 2 Over omega 1 EndFraction right-parenthesis EndEndFraction dot left-parenthesis e Superscript StartFraction t Over upper T EndFraction dot ln left-parenthesis StartFraction omega 2 Over omega 1 EndFraction right-parenthesis Baseline minus 1 right-parenthesis right-bracket comma

where upper T is the duration of the sweep in seconds, and omega 1 equals 2 pi f 1 and omega 2 equals 2 pi f 2 define the instantaneous angular frequencies at the beginning (t equals 0 normal s) and the end of the sweep (t equals upper T), respectively. Figure 7.7 illustrates the first half‐second of an exponential sine sweep x left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis with upper T equals 3 normal s, f 1 equals 20 Hz, and f 2 equals 20 kHz. The evaluation of the period across time clearly indicates the increase in the frequency of the sine wave.

Schematic illustration of beginning of an exponential sine sweep x(t) with T=3s, f1=20Hz, and f2=20kHz.

Figure 7.7 Beginning of an exponential sine sweep x left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis with upper T equals 3 normal s, f 1 equals 20 Hz, and f 2 equals 20 kHz.

By calculating the derivative of the argument of the sine sweep arg left-bracket x left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis right-bracket with respect to time t, the instantaneous angular frequency is determined as

(7.22)omega left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals StartFraction d arg left-bracket x left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis right-bracket Over d t EndFraction equals omega 1 dot e Superscript StartFraction t Over upper T EndFraction dot ln left-parenthesis StartFraction omega 2 Over omega 1 EndFraction right-parenthesis Baseline period

From this, the definition of the instantaneous angular frequencies at the beginning (omega left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis equals omega 1) and the end (omega left-parenthesis upper T right-parenthesis equals omega 2) of the sweep can be confirmed. Additionally, the exponential increase in frequency with time is explicitly shown. This increase is also visible in the spectrogram of the sine sweep shown in Fig. 7.8.

Schematic illustration of spectrogram of an exponential sine sweep with T=3s, f1=20Hz, and f2=20kHz.

Figure 7.8 Spectrogram of an exponential sine sweep with upper T equals 3 normal s, f 1 equals 20 Hz, and f 2 equals 20 kHz.

For a digital implementation with a sampling rate of f Subscript upper S, the discrete‐time exponential sine sweep

(7.23)x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals sine left-bracket StartStartFraction normal upper Omega 1 dot left-parenthesis upper L minus 1 right-parenthesis OverOver ln left-parenthesis StartFraction normal upper Omega 2 Over normal upper Omega 1 EndFraction right-parenthesis EndEndFraction dot left-parenthesis e Superscript StartFraction n Over upper L minus 1 EndFraction dot ln left-parenthesis StartFraction normal upper Omega 2 Over normal upper Omega 1 EndFraction right-parenthesis Baseline minus 1 right-parenthesis right-bracket

is used, where upper L equals upper T f Subscript upper S Baseline plus 1 specifies the length of the sweep in samples, and normal upper Omega 1 equals 2 pi f 1 slash f Subscript upper S and normal upper Omega 2 equals 2 pi f 2 slash f Subscript upper S define the instantaneous normalized angular frequencies at the beginning (n equals 0) and the end (n equals upper L minus 1) of the sweep [Hol09]. Additionally, an inverse sine sweep x Subscript inv Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis can be defined as

(7.24)x Subscript inv Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals x left-parenthesis upper L minus 1 minus n right-parenthesis dot left-parenthesis StartFraction normal upper Omega 2 Over normal upper Omega 1 EndFraction right-parenthesis Superscript StartFraction negative n Over upper L minus 1 EndFraction Baseline comma

where the first factor flips the sine sweep in time and the second factor is a correction factor that accounts for the equalization of the magnitude of the sine sweep. As can be seen in Fig. 7.9, the exponential increase of the frequency in the sine sweep x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis results in a higher magnitude for low frequencies. Because a simple flipping of the sine sweep in time will not change the magnitude response, a correction factor is included to change the magnitude of the inverse sweep, as shown in Fig. 7.9.

Schematic illustration of magnitude responses of the exponential sine sweep x(n), the inverse sine sweep xinv(n), and the convolution result x(n)*xinv(n).

Figure 7.9 Magnitude responses of the exponential sine sweep x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis, the inverse sine sweep x Subscript inv Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis, and the convolution result x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis asterisk x Subscript inv Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis. Note that the magnitude responses are scaled by 1 slash StartRoot upper C EndRoot.

The convolution of the exponential sine sweep x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and the inverse sine sweep x Subscript inv Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis results in a scaled and time‐shifted unit impulse

where n 0 equals upper L minus 1 depends on the length of the inverse sweep and the correlation factor upper C is given in [Hol09] as

Here, the approximation of the unit impulse delta left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis results from the band limitation of the exponential sine sweep x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis in the range of normal upper Omega 1 to normal upper Omega 2. Correcting the time shift and scaling using Eq. 7.25 yields the band‐limited unit impulse shown in Fig. 7.10. Furthermore, the magnitude response of the band‐limited unit impulse is shown in Fig. 7.9. In addition, the band limitation also overshoots and passband ripples can be seen in the magnitude responses, which can be reduced by applying fade in and fade out on the sine sweep in the time domain [Hol09].

Schematic illustration of result of the convolution of the exponential sine sweep x(n) and the inverse sine sweep xinv(n).

Figure 7.10 Result of the convolution of the exponential sine sweep x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and the inverse sine sweep x Subscript inv Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis.

When using an exponential sine sweep as an excitation signal during impulse response measurements, the recorded signal y left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis is determined as

(7.27)y left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis asterisk h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis comma

where h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis defines the impulse response of the system under test. Finally, the convolution of the recorded signal y left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and the inverse sine sweep x Subscript inv Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis determines the measured impulse response modifying above h with caret left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis as

(7.28)y left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis asterisk x Subscript inv Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals upper C dot modifying above h with caret left-parenthesis n minus upper L plus 1 right-parenthesis

with upper C being the correlation factor defined in Eq. 7.26. Owing to the characteristics of the exponential sine sweep, this convolution separates the linear impulse response and the harmonic impulse responses of a nonlinear system in time [Hol09]. Here, a given frequency inside the kth harmonic is reached

(7.29)normal upper Delta n Subscript k Baseline equals left-parenthesis upper L minus 1 right-parenthesis dot StartStartFraction ln left-parenthesis k plus 1 right-parenthesis OverOver ln left-parenthesis StartFraction omega 2 Over omega 1 EndFraction right-parenthesis EndEndFraction

samples before the excitation signal reaches this frequency. Thus, the kth harmonic impulse response will be visible at n equals minus normal upper Delta n Subscript k in the anti‐causal part of the measured impulse response. In Fig. 7.11, an exemplary measured room impulse response modifying above h with caret left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis is shown. Here, the parameters of the sweep are upper T equals 3 normal s, f Subscript upper S Baseline equals 44.1 kHz, f 1 equals 55 Hz, and f 2 equals f Subscript upper S Baseline slash 2. For a better representation, the maximum absolute amplitude of the impulse response is set to 1 and the linear impulse response is moved to n equals 0 by reversing the time shift n 0 equals upper L minus 1 introduced by the convolution. Furthermore, the impulse response is plotted in decibels rather than in linear scale. In addition to the linear impulse response at n equals 0, the first and second harmonic impulse responses arise at n 1 equals negative 15300 and n 2 equals negative 24250, respectively.

Schematic illustration of exemplary measured room impulse response including the first and second harmonic impulse responses at n=-δnk in the anti-causal part. The sweep parameters are T=3s, fS=44.1kHz, f1=55Hz, and f2=fS/2.

Figure 7.11 Exemplary measured room impulse response including the first and second harmonic impulse responses at n equals minus normal upper Delta n Subscript k in the anti‐causal part. The sweep parameters are upper T equals 3 normal s, f Subscript upper S Baseline equals 44.1 kHz, f 1 equals 55 Hz, and f 2 equals f Subscript upper S Baseline slash 2.

7.1.4 Simulation of Room Impulse Responses

The just described methods provide a means for calculating the impulse response out of the geometry of a room and for measuring the impulse response of a real room. The reproduction of such an impulse response is basically possible with the help of the fast convolution method, as described in Chapter 6. The ear signals at a listening position inside the room are computed by

where h Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and h Subscript upper R Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis are the measured impulse responses between the source inside the room, which generates the signal x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis, and a dummy head with two ear microphones. Special implementations of fast convolution with low latency are described in [Soo90, Gar95, Rei95, Ege96, Joh00] and a hybrid approach based on convolution and recursive filters can be found in [Bro01]. Investigations regarding fast convolution with sparse psychoacoustic based room impulse responses are discussed in [Iid95, Lee03a, Lee03b].

In Sections 7.2 and 7.3, we will consider special approaches for early reflections and subsequent reverberation, respectively, which allow a parametric adjustment of all relevant parameters of a room impulse response. With this approach, an accurate room impulse response is not possible, but with a moderate computational complexity, a satisfying solution from an acoustical point of view can be achieved, as shown in Section 7.4. In Section 7.5, an efficient implementation of the convolutions (7.30) and (7.31) with a multi‐rate signal processing approach [Zöl90, Sch92, Sch93, Sch94] will be discussed.

7.2 Early Reflections

Early reflections decisively affect room perception. Spatial impression is produced by early reflections which reach the listener laterally. The significance of lateral reflections in creating spatial impression was investigated by Barron [Bar71, Bar81]. Fundamental investigations of concert halls and their different acoustics have been described by Ando [And90].

7.2.1 Ando's Investigations

The results of the investigations by Ando are summarized in the following:

  • Preferred delay time of a single reflection: with the ACF of the signal, the delay is determined by StartAbsoluteValue r Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis normal upper Delta t 1 right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue equals 0.1 dot r Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis.
  • Preferred direction of a single reflection: plus-or-minus left-parenthesis 5 5 Superscript ring Baseline plus-or-minus 2 0 Superscript ring Baseline right-parenthesis.
  • Preferred amplitude of a single reflection: upper A 1 equals plus-or-minus 5 dB.
  • Preferred spectrum of a single reflection: no spectral shaping.
  • Preferred delay time of a second reflection: normal upper Delta t 2 equals 1.8 dot normal upper Delta t 1.
  • Preferred reverberation time: upper T 60 equals 23 dot normal upper Delta t 1.

These results show that in terms of perception, a preferred pattern of reflections as well as the reverberation time depend decisively on the audio signal. Hence, for different audio signals like classical music, pop music, speech, or musical instruments, entirely different requirements for early reflections and reverberation time have to be considered.

7.2.2 Gerzon Algorithm

The commonly used method of simulating early reflections is shown in Figs. 7.12 and 7.13. The signal is weighted and fed into a system generating early reflections, followed by an addition to the input signal. The first upper M reflections are implemented by reading samples from a delay line and weighting these samples with a corresponding factor g Subscript i (see Fig. 7.13). The design of a system for simulating early reflections will now be described, as proposed by Gerzon [Ger92].

Schematic illustration of simulation of early reflections.

Figure 7.12 Simulation of early reflections.

Schematic illustration of early reflections.

Figure 7.13 Early reflections.

Craven Hypothesis. The Craven hypothesis [Ger92] states that a human's perception of the distance to a sound source is evaluated with the help of the amplitude and delay time ratios of the direct signal and early reflections, as given by

(7.32)g equals StartFraction d Over d Superscript prime Baseline EndFraction comma
(7.33)upper T Subscript upper D Baseline equals StartFraction d prime minus d Over c EndFraction comma
(7.34)right double arrow d equals StartFraction c upper T Subscript upper D Baseline Over g Superscript negative 1 Baseline minus 1 EndFraction comma


StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column d 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column distance of source semicolon 2nd Row 1st Column d prime 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column distance of image source of the first reflection semicolon 3rd Row 1st Column g 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column relative amplitude of direct signal to first reflection semicolon 4th Row 1st Column c 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column sound velocity semicolon 5th Row 1st Column upper T Subscript upper D 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column relative delay time of first reflection to direct signal period EndLayout

Without a reflection, human beings are unable to determine the distance d to a sound source. The extended Craven hypothesis includes the absorption coefficient r for determining

(7.35)g equals StartFraction d Over d Superscript prime Baseline EndFraction exp left-parenthesis minus r upper T Subscript upper D Baseline right-parenthesis comma
(7.37)right-arrow d equals StartFraction c upper T Subscript upper D Baseline Over g Superscript negative 1 Baseline exp left-parenthesis minus r upper T Subscript upper D Baseline right-parenthesis minus 1 EndFraction comma

For a given reverberation time upper T 60, the absorption coefficient can be calculated by using exp left-parenthesis minus r upper T 60 right-parenthesis equals 1 slash 1000 according to

(7.39)r equals left-parenthesis ln 1000 right-parenthesis slash upper T 60 period

With the relationships (7.36) and (7.38), the parameters for an early reflections simulator, as shown in Fig. 7.12, can be determined.

Gerzon's Distance Algorithm. For a system simulating early reflections produced by more than one sound source, Gerzon's distance algorithm can be used [Ger92], where several sound sources are placed with different distances as well as in the stereo position into a stereophonic sound field. An application of this technique is mainly used in multichannel mixing consoles.

By shifting a sound source by negative delta (decrease of relative delay time), it follows that from the relative delay time of the first reflection upper T Subscript upper D Baseline minus delta slash c equals StartFraction d prime minus left-parenthesis d plus delta right-parenthesis Over c EndFraction, and the relative amplitude according to (7.38),

(7.40)g Subscript delta Baseline equals StartStartFraction 1 OverOver 1 plus StartFraction c left-parenthesis upper T Subscript upper D Baseline minus delta slash c right-parenthesis Over d plus delta EndFraction EndEndFraction exp left-parenthesis minus r left-parenthesis upper T Subscript upper D Baseline minus delta slash c right-parenthesis right-parenthesis equals left-bracket StartFraction d plus delta Over d EndFraction exp left-parenthesis r delta slash c right-parenthesis right-bracket StartFraction exp left-parenthesis minus r upper T Subscript upper D Baseline right-parenthesis Over 1 plus c upper T Subscript upper D Baseline slash d EndFraction period

This results in a delay and a gain factor for the direct signal (see Fig. 7.14) as given by

(7.41)d 2 equals d plus delta comma
(7.42)t Subscript upper D Baseline equals delta slash c comma
(7.43)g Subscript upper D Baseline equals StartFraction d Over d plus delta EndFraction exp left-parenthesis minus r delta slash c right-parenthesis period
Schematic illustration of delay and weighting of the direct signal.

Figure 7.14 Delay and weighting of the direct signal.

By shifting a sound source by plus delta (increase of relative delay time), the relative delay time of the first reflection is upper T Subscript upper D Baseline minus delta slash c equals StartFraction d prime minus left-parenthesis d minus delta right-parenthesis Over c EndFraction. As a consequence, a delay and a gain factor for the effect signal (see Fig. 7.15) are given by

(7.44)d 2 equals d minus delta comma
(7.45)t Subscript upper E Baseline equals delta slash c comma
(7.46)g Subscript upper E Baseline equals StartFraction d Over d plus delta EndFraction exp left-parenthesis minus r delta slash c right-parenthesis period
Schematic illustration of delay and weighting of effect signal.

Figure 7.15 Delay and weighting of effect signal.

Schematic illustration of coupled factors and delays.

Figure 7.16 Coupled factors and delays.

Using two delay systems in the direct signal as well as in the reflection path, two coupled weighting factors and delay lengths (see Fig. 7.16) can be obtained. For multichannel applications like digital mixing consoles, the scheme in Fig. 7.17 is suggested by Gerzon [Ger92]. Only one system for implementing early reflections is necessary.

Schematic illustration of multichannel application.

Figure 7.17 Multichannel application.

Stereo Implementation. In many applications, stereo signals have to be processed (see Fig. 7.18). For this, reflections from both sides with positive and negative angles are implemented to avoid stereo displacements. The weighting is done with

(7.47)StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column g Subscript i 2nd Column equals 3rd Column StartFraction exp left-parenthesis minus r upper T Subscript i Baseline right-parenthesis Over 1 plus c upper T Subscript i Baseline slash d EndFraction comma 2nd Row 1st Column bold upper G Subscript i 2nd Column equals 3rd Column g Subscript i Baseline Start 2 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column cosine normal upper Theta Subscript i Baseline 2nd Column minus sine normal upper Theta Subscript i Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column sine normal upper Theta Subscript i Baseline 2nd Column cosine normal upper Theta Subscript i Baseline EndMatrix period EndLayout

For each reflection, a weighting factor and an angle have to be considered.

Schematic illustration of stereo reflections.

Figure 7.18 Stereo reflections.

Generation of early reflection with increasing time density. In [Schr61], it is stated that the time density of reflections increases proportional to the square of time:

(7.48)Number of reflections per second equals left-parenthesis 4 pi c cubed slash upper V right-parenthesis dot t squared period

After time t Subscript upper C, the reflections have a statistical decay behavior. For a pulse width of normal upper Delta t, individual reflections overlap after

(7.49)t Subscript upper C Baseline equals 5 dot 1 0 Superscript negative 5 Baseline StartRoot upper V slash normal upper Delta t EndRoot period

To avoid an overlap of reflections, Gerzon [Ger92] suggests the increase of the density of reflections with t Superscript p (for example, p equals 1 comma 0.5 leads to t or t Superscript 0.5). In the interval left-parenthesis 0 comma 1 right-bracket, with initial value x 0 and a number k between 0.5 and 1, the following procedure is performed:

(7.50)y Subscript i Baseline equals x 0 plus i k left-parenthesis mod 1 right-parenthesis i equals 0 comma 1 comma ellipsis comma upper M minus 1 period

The numbers y Subscript i in the interval left-parenthesis 0 comma 1 right-bracket are now transformed to time delays upper T Subscript i in the interval left-bracket upper T Subscript m i n Baseline comma upper T Subscript m i n Baseline plus upper T Subscript m a x Baseline right-bracket by

(7.51)b equals upper T Subscript m i n Superscript 1 plus p Baseline comma
(7.52)a equals left-parenthesis upper T Subscript m a x Baseline plus upper T Subscript m i n Baseline right-parenthesis Superscript 1 plus p Baseline minus b comma
(7.53)upper T Subscript i Baseline equals left-parenthesis a y Subscript i Baseline plus b right-parenthesis Superscript 1 slash left-parenthesis 1 plus p right-parenthesis Baseline period

The increase of the density of reflections is shown by the example in Fig. 7.19.

Schematic illustration of increase of density for nine reflections.

Figure 7.19 Increase of density for nine reflections.

7.3 Subsequent Reverberation

This section deals with techniques for reproducing subsequent reverberation. The first approaches by Schroeder [Schr61, Schr62] and their extension by Moorer [Moo78] will be described. Further developments by Stautner/Puckette [Sta82], Smith [Smi85], Dattarro [Dat97], and Gardner [Gar98] led to general feedback networks [Ger71, Ger76, Jot91, Jot92, Roc95, Roc97a, RS97b, Roc02], which have a random impulse response with exponential decay. An extensive discussion on the analysis and synthesis parameters of subsequent reverberation can be found in [Ble01]. An important parameter of subsequent reverberation [Cre03] is, in addition to the echo density, the quadratic increase of

(7.54)Frequency density equals StartFraction 4 pi upper V Over c cubed EndFraction dot f squared

with frequency. The following systems perform the quadratic increase in echo density and frequency density.

7.3.1 Schroeder Algorithm

The first software implementations of room simulation algorithms were carried out in 1961 by Schroeder. The basis for simulating an impulse response with exponential decay is a recursive comb filter, shown in Fig. 7.20.

Schematic illustration of recursive comb filter.

Figure 7.20 Recursive comb filter (g equals feedback factor, upper M equals delay length).

The transfer function is given by

(7.55)upper H left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals StartFraction z Superscript negative upper M Baseline Over 1 minus g z Superscript negative upper M Baseline EndFraction
(7.56)equals sigma-summation Underscript k equals 0 Overscript upper M minus 1 Endscripts StartFraction upper A Subscript k Baseline Over z minus z Subscript k Baseline EndFraction


(7.57)upper A Subscript k Baseline equals StartFraction z Subscript k Baseline Over upper M g EndFraction residues semicolon
(7.58)z Subscript k Baseline equals r e Superscript j Baseline 2 pi k slash upper M Baseline poles semicolon
(7.59)r equals g Superscript 1 slash upper M Baseline pole radius period

With the correspondence of the Z‐transform a slash left-parenthesis z minus a right-parenthesis ring em-dash bullet epsilon left-parenthesis n minus 1 right-parenthesis a Superscript n, the impulse response is given by

(7.60)StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper H left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis ring em-dash bullet h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals 3rd Column StartFraction epsilon left-parenthesis n minus 1 right-parenthesis Over upper M g EndFraction sigma-summation Underscript k equals 0 Overscript upper M minus 1 Endscripts z Subscript k Superscript n Baseline comma 2nd Row 1st Column h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals 3rd Column StartFraction epsilon left-parenthesis n minus 1 right-parenthesis Over upper M g EndFraction r Superscript n Baseline sigma-summation Underscript k equals 0 Overscript upper M minus 1 Endscripts e Superscript j normal upper Omega Super Subscript k Superscript n Baseline period EndLayout

The complex poles are combined as pairs so that the impulse response can be written as

(7.61)h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals StartFraction epsilon left-parenthesis n minus 1 right-parenthesis Over upper M g EndFraction r Superscript n Baseline sigma-summation Underscript k equals 1 Overscript StartFraction upper M Over 2 EndFraction minus 1 Endscripts cosine normal upper Omega Subscript k Baseline n upper M even
(7.62)equals StartFraction epsilon left-parenthesis n minus 1 right-parenthesis Over upper M g EndFraction r Superscript n Baseline left-bracket 1 plus sigma-summation Underscript k equals 1 Overscript StartFraction upper M plus 1 Over 2 EndFraction minus 1 Endscripts cosine normal upper Omega Subscript k Baseline n right-bracket upper M uneven period

The impulse response is expressed as a summation of cosine oscillations with frequencies normal upper Omega Subscript k. These frequencies correspond to the eigenfrequencies of a room. They decay with an exponential envelope r Superscript n, where r is the damping constant (see Fig. 7.22a). The overall impulse response is weighted by StartFraction 1 Over upper M g EndFraction. The frequency response of the comb filter is shown in Fig. 7.22c and is given by

(7.63)StartAbsoluteValue upper H left-parenthesis e Superscript j normal upper Omega Baseline right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue equals StartRoot StartFraction 1 Over 1 minus 2 g cosine left-parenthesis normal upper Omega upper M right-parenthesis plus g squared EndFraction EndRoot period

For positive g, it shows maxima at normal upper Omega equals 2 pi k slash upper M left-parenthesis k equals 0 comma 1 comma ellipsis comma upper M minus 1 right-parenthesis of magnitude

and minima at normal upper Omega equals left-parenthesis 2 k plus 1 right-parenthesis pi slash upper M left-parenthesis k equals 0 comma 1 comma ellipsis comma upper M minus 1 right-parenthesis of magnitude

(7.65)StartAbsoluteValue upper H left-parenthesis e Superscript j normal upper Omega Baseline right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript min Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over 1 plus g EndFraction period

Another basis of the Schroeder algorithm is the allpass filter, shown in Fig. 7.21, with transfer function

(7.66)upper H left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals StartFraction z Superscript negative upper M Baseline minus g Over 1 minus g z Superscript negative upper M Baseline EndFraction

From Eq. (7.67), it can be seen that the impulse response can also be expressed as a summation of cosine oscillations.

Schematic illustration of allpass filter (M= delay length).

Figure 7.21 Allpass filter (upper M equals delay length).

Schematic illustration of (a) Impulse response of a comb filter (M = 10, g = -0.6). (b) Impulse response of an allpass filter (M = 10, g = -0.6). (c) Frequency response of a comb filter. (d) Frequency response of an allpass filter.

Figure 7.22 (a) Impulse response of a comb filter (upper M = 10, g = −0.6). (b) Impulse response of an allpass filter (upper M = 10, g = −0.6). (c) Frequency response of a comb filter. (d) Frequency response of an allpass filter.

The impulse responses and the frequency responses of a comb filter and an allpass filter are presented in Fig. 7.22 with a negative g. Both impulse responses show an exponential decay. A sample in the impulse response occurs every upper M sampling periods. The density of samples in the impulse responses does not increase with time. For the recursive comb filter, spectral shaping, owing to the maxima at the corresponding poles of the transfer function, is observed.

Frequency Density

The frequency density describes the number of eigenfrequencies per Hertz and is defined for a comb filter [Jot91] as

(7.68)upper D Subscript f Baseline equals upper M dot upper T Subscript upper S Baseline left-bracket 1 slash Hz right-bracket period

A single comb filter gives upper M resonances in the interval left-bracket 0 comma 2 pi right-bracket, which are separated by a frequency distance of normal upper Delta f equals StartFraction f Subscript upper S Baseline Over upper M EndFraction. To increase the frequency density, a parallel circuit (see Fig. 7.23) of upper P comb filters is used, which leads to

(7.69)upper H left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals sigma-summation Underscript p equals 1 Overscript upper P Endscripts StartFraction z Superscript minus upper M Super Subscript p Superscript Baseline Over 1 minus g Subscript p Baseline z Superscript minus upper M Super Subscript p Superscript Baseline EndFraction equals left-bracket StartFraction z Superscript minus upper M 1 Baseline Over 1 minus g 1 z Superscript minus upper M 1 Baseline EndFraction plus StartFraction z Superscript minus upper M 2 Baseline Over 1 minus g 2 z Superscript minus upper M 2 Baseline EndFraction plus midline-horizontal-ellipsis right-bracket period

The choice of the delay systems [Schr62] is suggested as

and leads to a frequency density

In [Schr62], a necessary frequency density of upper D Subscript f Baseline equals 0.15 eigenfrequencies per Hertz is proposed.

Schematic illustration of parallel circuit of comb filters.

Figure 7.23 Parallel circuit of comb filters.

Echo Density

The echo density is the number of reflections per second and is defined for a comb filter [Jot91] as

(7.72)upper D Subscript t Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper M dot upper T Subscript upper S Baseline EndFraction left-bracket 1 slash s right-bracket period

For a parallel circuit of comb filters, the echo density is given by

With (Eqs. 7.71) and (7.73), the number upper P of parallel comb filters and the mean delay length upper M,

(7.74)upper P equals StartRoot upper D Subscript f Baseline dot upper D Subscript t Baseline EndRoot comma
(7.75)upper M overbar upper T Subscript upper S Baseline equals StartRoot upper D Subscript f Baseline slash upper D Subscript t Baseline EndRoot comma

are obtained. For a frequency density upper D Subscript f Baseline equals 0.15 and an echo density upper D Subscript t Baseline equals 1000, it can be concluded that the number of parallel comb filters is upper P equals 12 and the mean delay length is upper M overbar upper T Subscript upper S Baseline equals 12 ms. Because the frequency density is proportional to the reverberation time, the number of parallel comb filters has to be increased accordingly.

A further increase of the echo density is achieved by a cascade circuit of upper P Subscript upper A allpass filters (see Fig. 7.24) with transfer function

(7.76)upper H left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals product Underscript p equals 1 Overscript upper P Subscript upper A Baseline Endscripts StartFraction z Superscript minus upper M Super Subscript p Superscript Baseline minus g Subscript p Baseline Over 1 minus g Subscript p Baseline z Superscript minus upper M Super Subscript p Superscript Baseline EndFraction period

These allpass sections are connected in series with the parallel circuit of comb filters. For a sufficient echo density, 10000 reflections per second are necessary [Gri89].

Schematic illustration of cascade circuit of allpass filters.

Figure 7.24 Cascade circuit of allpass filters.

Avoiding Unnatural Resonances

Because the impulse response of a single comb filter can be described as a sum of upper M (delay length) decaying sinusoidal oscillations, the short‐time FFT of consecutive parts from this impulse response gives the frequency response shown in Fig. 7.25 in the time‐frequency domain. Only the maxima are presented. The parallel circuit of comb filters with the condition (7.70) leads to radii of the pole distribution, as given by r Subscript p Baseline equals g Subscript p Superscript 1 slash upper M Super Subscript p Baseline left-parenthesis p equals 1 comma 2 comma ellipsis comma upper P right-parenthesis. To avoid unnatural resonances, the radii of the pole distribution of a parallel circuit of comb filters must satisfy the condition:

(7.77)r Subscript p Baseline equals const period equals g Subscript p Superscript 1 slash upper M Super Subscript p Superscript Baseline for p equals 1 comma 2 comma ellipsis comma upper P period

This leads to the short‐time spectra and the pole distribution, as shown in Fig. 7.26. Figure 7.27 shows the impulse response and the echogram (logarithmic presentation of the amplitude of the impulse response) of a parallel circuit of comb filters with equal and unequal pole radii. For unequal pole radius, the different decay times of the eigenfrequencies can be seen.

Schematic illustration of short-time spectra of a comb filter (M=8).

Figure 7.25 Short‐time spectra of a comb filter (upper M equals 8).

Schematic illustration of short-time spectra of a parallel circuit of comb filters.

Figure 7.26 Short‐time spectra of a parallel circuit of comb filters.

Schematic illustration of impulse response and echogram.

Figure 7.27 Impulse response and echogram.

Reverberation Time

The reverberation time of a recursive comb filter can be adjusted with the feedback factor g, which describes the ratio

of two different non‐zero samples of the impulse response separated by upper M sampling periods. The factor g describes the decay constant per upper M samples. The decay constant per sampling period can be calculated from the pole radius r equals g Superscript 1 slash upper M and is defined as

The relationship between feedback factor g and pole radius r can also be expressed using (Eqs. 7.78) and (7.79) and is given by

(7.80)g equals StartFraction h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis Over h left-parenthesis n minus upper M right-parenthesis EndFraction equals StartFraction h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis Over h left-parenthesis n minus 1 right-parenthesis EndFraction dot StartFraction h left-parenthesis n minus 1 right-parenthesis Over h left-parenthesis n minus 2 right-parenthesis EndFraction midline-horizontal-ellipsis StartFraction h left-parenthesis n minus left-parenthesis upper M minus 1 right-parenthesis right-parenthesis Over h left-parenthesis n minus upper M right-parenthesis EndFraction equals r dot r dot r midline-horizontal-ellipsis r equals r Superscript upper M Baseline period

With the constant radius r equals g Subscript p Superscript 1 slash upper M Super Subscript p and the logarithmic parameters upper R equals 20 log Subscript 10 Baseline r and upper G Subscript p Baseline equals 20 log Subscript 10 Baseline g Subscript p, the attenuation per sampling period is given by

(7.81)upper R equals StartFraction upper G Subscript p Baseline Over upper M Subscript p Baseline EndFraction period

The reverberation time is defined as the decay time of the impulse response to negative 60 dB. With StartFraction negative 60 Over upper T 60 EndFraction equals StartFraction upper R Over upper T Subscript upper S Baseline EndFraction, the reverberation time can be written as

(7.82)upper T 60 equals minus 60 StartFraction upper T Subscript upper S Baseline Over upper R EndFraction equals minus 60 StartFraction upper T Subscript upper S Baseline upper M Subscript p Baseline Over upper G Subscript p Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction 3 Over log Subscript 10 Baseline StartAbsoluteValue 1 slash g Subscript p Baseline EndAbsoluteValue EndFraction upper M Subscript p Baseline dot upper T Subscript upper S Baseline period

The control of reverberation time can either be carried out with the feedback factor g or the delay parameter upper M. The increase of the reverberation time with factor g is responsible for a pole radius close to the unit circle and, hence, leads to an amplification of maxima of the frequency response (see Eq. (7.64)). This leads to a coloring of the sound impression. The increase of the delay parameter upper M, however, leads to an impulse response whose non‐zero samples are far apart from each other so that individual echoes can be heard. The discrepancy between echo density and frequency density for a given reverberation time can be solved by a sufficient number of parallel comb filters.

Frequency‐dependent Reverberation Time

The eigenfrequencies of rooms have a rapid decay for high frequencies. A frequency‐dependent reverberation time can be implemented with a lowpass filter,

(7.83)upper H 1 left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals StartFraction 1 Over 1 minus a z Superscript negative 1 Baseline EndFraction comma

in the feedback loop of a comb filter. The modified comb filter in Fig. 7.28 has transfer function

(7.84)upper H left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals StartFraction z Superscript negative upper M Baseline Over 1 minus g upper H 1 left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis z Superscript negative upper M Baseline EndFraction

with the stability criterion

(7.85)StartFraction g Over 1 minus a EndFraction less-than 1 period
Schematic illustration of modified lowpass comb filter.

Figure 7.28 Modified lowpass comb filter.

The short‐time spectra and the pole distribution of a parallel circuit with lowpass comb filters are presented in Fig. 7.29. Low eigenfrequencies decay slower than higher ones. The circular pole distribution becomes an elliptical distribution where the low‐frequency poles are moved toward the unit circle.

Schematic illustration of short-time spectra of a parallel circuit of lowpass comb filters.

Figure 7.29 Short‐time spectra of a parallel circuit of lowpass comb filters.

Stereo Room Simulation

An extension of the Schroeder algorithm was suggested by Moorer [Moo78]. In addition to a parallel circuit of comb filters in series with a cascade of allpass filters, a pattern of early reflections is generated. Figure 7.30 shows a room simulation system for a stereo signal. The generated room signals e Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and e Subscript upper R Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis are added to the direct signals x Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and x Subscript upper R Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis. The input of the room simulation is the mono signal x Subscript upper M Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals x Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis plus x Subscript upper R Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis (sum signal). This mono signal is added to the left and right room signals after going through a delay line DEL1. The total sum of all reflections is fed via another delay line DEL2 to a parallel circuit of comb filters which implements subsequent reverberation. To get a high‐quality spatial impression, it is necessary to decorrelate the room signals e Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and e Subscript upper R Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis [Bla74, Bla85]. This can be achieved by taking left and right room signals at different points out of the parallel circuit of comb filters. These room signals are then fed to an allpass section to increase the echo density.

Schematic illustration of stereo room simulation.

Figure 7.30 Stereo room simulation.

In addition to the described system for stereo room simulation in which the mono signal is processed with a room algorithm, it is also possible to perform complete stereo processing of x Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and x Subscript upper R Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis, or to process a mono signal x Subscript upper M Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals x Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis plus x Subscript upper R Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and a side (difference) signal x Subscript upper S Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals x Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis minus x Subscript upper R Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis individually.

7.3.2 General Feedback Systems

Further developments of the comb filter method by Schroeder tried to improve the acoustic quality of reverberation and especially the increase of echo density [Ger71, Ger76, Sta82, Jot91, Jot92, Roc95, Roc97a, RS97b]. With respect to [Jot91], the general feedback system in Fig. 7.31 is considered. For simplification, only three delay systems are shown. The feedback of output signals is carried out with the help of a matrix bold upper A which feeds back each of the three outputs to the three inputs.

Schematic illustration of general feedback system.

Figure 7.31 General feedback system.

In general, for upper N delay systems, we can write

(7.86)y left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript upper N Endscripts c Subscript i Baseline q Subscript i Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis plus d x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis comma
(7.87)q Subscript j Baseline left-parenthesis n plus m Subscript j Baseline right-parenthesis equals sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript upper N Endscripts a Subscript i j Baseline q Subscript i Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis plus b Subscript j Baseline x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis 1 less-than-or-equal-to j less-than-or-equal-to upper N period

The Z‐transform leads to

(7.88)upper Y left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals bold c Superscript upper T Baseline bold upper Q left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis plus d dot upper X left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis comma


(7.90)bold upper Q left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals Start 3 By 1 Matrix 1st Row upper Q 1 left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis 2nd Row vertical-ellipsis 3rd Row upper Q Subscript upper N Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis EndMatrix comma bold b equals Start 3 By 1 Matrix 1st Row b 1 2nd Row vertical-ellipsis 3rd Row b Subscript upper N Baseline EndMatrix comma bold c equals Start 3 By 1 Matrix 1st Row c 1 2nd Row vertical-ellipsis 3rd Row c Subscript upper N Baseline EndMatrix comma

and the diagonal delay matrix

(7.91)bold upper D left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals diag left-bracket z Superscript minus m 1 Baseline midline-horizontal-ellipsis z Superscript minus m Super Subscript upper N Superscript Baseline right-bracket period

With Eq. (7.89), the Z‐transform of the output is given by

(7.92)upper Y left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals bold c Superscript upper T Baseline left-bracket bold upper D left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis minus bold upper A right-bracket Superscript negative 1 Baseline bold b dot upper X left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis plus d dot upper X left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis

and the transfer function by

(7.93)upper H left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals bold c Superscript upper T Baseline left-bracket bold upper D left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis minus bold upper A right-bracket Superscript negative 1 Baseline bold b plus d period

The system is stable if the feedback matrix bold upper A can be expressed as a product of unitary matrix U (bold upper U Superscript negative 1 Baseline equals bold upper U overbar Superscript upper T) and a diagonal matrix with g Subscript i i Baseline less-than 1 (derivation in [Sta82]). Figure 7.32 shows a general feedback system with input vector bold upper X left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis, the output vector bold upper Y left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis, a diagonal matrix bold upper D left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis consisting of purely delay systems z Superscript minus m Super Subscript i, and a feedback matrix bold upper A. This feedback matrix consists of an orthogonal matrix bold upper U multiplied by the matrix bold upper G, which results in a weighting of the feedback matrix bold upper A.

Schematic illustration of feedback system.

Figure 7.32 Feedback system.

If an orthogonal matrix bold upper U is chosen and the weighting matrix is equal to the unit matrix bold upper G bold equals bold upper I, the system in Fig. 7.32 implements a white‐noise random signal with Gaussian distribution when a pulse excitation is applied to the input. The time density of this signal slowly increases with time. If the diagonal elements of the weighting matrix bold upper G are less than one, a random signal with exponential amplitude decay results. With the help of the weighting matrix bold upper G, the reverberation time can be adjusted. Such a feedback system performs the convolution of an audio input signal with an impulse response of exponential decay.

The effect of the orthogonal matrix bold upper U on the subjective sound perception of subsequent reverberation is of particular interest. A relationship between the distribution of the eigenvalues of the matrix bold upper U on the unit circle and the poles of the system transfer function cannot be described analytically, owing to the high order of the feedback system. In [Her94], it is shown experimentally that the distribution of eigenvalues within the right‐hand or left‐hand complex plane produces a uniform distribution of poles of the system transfer function. Such a feedback matrix leads to an acoustically improved reverberation. The echo density rapidly increases to the maximum value of one sample per sampling period for a uniform distribution of eigenvalues. In addition to the feedback matrix, additional digital filtering is necessary to spectrally shape the subsequent reverberation and to implement frequency‐dependent decay times (see [Jot91]). The following example illustrates the increase of the echo density.

7.3.3 Feedback Allpass Systems

In addition to the general feedback systems, simple delay systems with feedback have been used for room simulators (see Fig. 7.35). These simulators are based on a delay line, where single delays are fed back with upper L feedback coefficients to the input. The sum of input signal and feedback signal is lowpass filtered or spectrally weighted by a low‐frequency shelving filter and is then put to the delay line again. The first upper N reflections are extracted out of the delay line according to the reflection pattern of the simulated room. They are weighted and added to the output signal. The mixing between the direct signal and the room signal is adjusted by the factor g Subscript MIX. The inner system can be described by a rational transfer function upper H left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals upper Y left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis slash upper X left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis. To avoid a low frequency density, the feedback delay lengths can be made time variant [Gri89, Gri91].

Schematic illustration of room simulation with delay line and forward and backward coefficients.

Figure 7.35 Room simulation with delay line and forward and backward coefficients.

Increasing the echo density can be achieved by replacing the delays z Superscript minus upper M Super Subscript i by frequency‐dependent allpass systems upper A left-parenthesis z Superscript minus upper M Super Subscript i Superscript Baseline right-parenthesis. This extension was first proposed by Gardner in [Gar92a, Gar92b, Gar92c, Gar98]. In addition to the replacement of z Superscript minus upper M Super Subscript i Baseline right-arrow upper A left-parenthesis z Superscript minus upper M Super Subscript i Superscript Baseline right-parenthesis, the allpass systems can be extended by embedded allpass systems [Gar92a, Gar92b, Gar92c]. Figure 7.36 shows an allpass system (Fig. 7.36a), where the delay z Superscript negative upper M is replaced by a further allpass and a unit delay z Superscript negative 1 (Fig. 7.36b). The integration of a unit delay avoids delay free loops. In Fig. 7.36c, the inner allpass is replaced by a cascade of two allpass systems and a further delay z Superscript minus upper M 3. The resulting system is again an allpass system [Gar92a, Gar92b, Gar92c, Gar98]. A further modification of the general allpass system is shown in Fig. 7.36d [Dat97, Vää97, Dah00]. Here, a delay z Superscript negative upper M followed by a lowpass and a weighting coefficient is used. The resulting system is called an absorbent allpass system. With these embedded allpass systems, the room simulator shown in Fig. 7.35 is extended to a feedback allpass system, which is shown in Fig. 7.37 [Gar92a, Gar92b, Gar92c, Gar98]. The feedback is performed by a lowpass filter and a feedback coefficient g, which adjusts the decay behavior. The extension to a stereo room simulator is described in [Dat97, Dah00] and is depicted in Fig. 7.38 [Dah00]. The cascaded allpass systems upper A Subscript i Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis in the left and right channel can be a combination of embedded and absorbent allpass systems. Both output signals of the allpass chains are fed back to the input and added. In front of both allpass chains, a coupling of both channels with a weighted sum and difference is performed. The setup and parameters of such a system are discussed in [Dah00]. A precise adjustment of reverberation time and control of echo density can be achieved by the feedback coefficients of the allpasses. The frequency density is controlled by the scaling of the delay lengths of the inner allpass systems.

Schematic illustration of embedded and absorbing allpass system.

Figure 7.36 Embedded and absorbing allpass system [Gar92a, Gar92b, Gar92c, Gar98, Dat97, Vää97, Dah00].

Schematic illustration of room simulator with embedded allpass systems.

Figure 7.37 Room simulator with embedded allpass systems [Gar92a, Gar92b, Gar92c, Gar98].

Schematic illustration of stereo room simulator with absorbent allpass systems.

Figure 7.38 Stereo room simulator with absorbent allpass systems. Modified from [Dah00].

The original Schroeder comb and allpass reverberator was further improved by moving the allpass filters into the parallel arrangement of upper K allpass upper A Subscript k Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis and delay z Superscript minus upper D Super Subscript k sections [Spin]. The principle structure is shown in Fig. 7.39.

Schematic illustration of simplified feedback delay network containing parallel allpass/delay branches.

Figure 7.39 Simplified feedback delay network containing parallel allpass/delay branches.

The feedback of each allpass/delay branch into the next parallel allpass/delay and feeding the last allpass/delay back to the first via a feedback coefficient g leads to a simplified feedback delay network with a sparse feedback matrix. The input state variables to the allpasses are given by

(7.96)x Subscript k Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals Start 2 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis plus g dot y Subscript upper K Baseline left-parenthesis n minus upper D Subscript k Baseline right-parenthesis 2nd Column for k equals 1 comma 2nd Row 1st Column x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis plus y Subscript k minus 1 Baseline left-parenthesis n minus upper D Subscript k minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis 2nd Column for 2 less-than-or-equal-to k less-than-or-equal-to upper K comma EndMatrix

and for the output of the allpasses according to

(7.97)y Subscript k Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals minus m Subscript k Baseline dot x Subscript k Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis plus x Subscript k Baseline left-parenthesis n minus upper M Subscript k Baseline right-parenthesis plus m Subscript k Baseline dot y Subscript k Baseline left-parenthesis n minus upper M Subscript k Baseline right-parenthesis comma

where upper M Subscript k and m Subscript k define the delay and the coefficient inside the k Superscript th allpass, respectively. It is effectively a loop of several allpass/delays with a decay coefficient and a possible additional HF shelving filter for simulating air damping. The input is fed into each parallel section and the output is a weighted sum of all parallel sections given by

(7.98)y left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals sigma-summation Underscript k equals 1 Overscript upper K Endscripts a Subscript k Baseline dot y Subscript k Baseline left-parenthesis n minus upper D Subscript k Baseline right-parenthesis period

For a stereo output, a second weighted sum with orthogonal coefficients can be applied. The feedback coefficient and the HF shelving filter adjust the reverberation time. The room size can be adjusted by scaling the delays inside the allpasses and delays accordingly.

7.4 Approximation of Room Impulse Responses

In contrast to the systems for simulation of room impulse responses discussed up to this point, a method is now presented that measures and approximates the room impulse response in one step [Zöl90, Sch92, Sch93] (see Fig. 7.40). Moreover, it leads to a parametric representation of the room impulse response. Because the decay times of room impulse responses decrease for high frequencies, use is made of multirate signal processing.

Schematic illustration of system measuring and approximating room impulse responses.

Figure 7.40 System measuring and approximating room impulse responses.

The analog system that is to be measured and approximated is excited with a binary pseudo‐random sequence x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis via a DA converter. The resulting room signal gives a digital sequence y left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis after AD conversion. The discrete‐time sequence y left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and the pseudo‐random sequence x left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis are each decomposed by an analysis filter bank into sub‐band signals y 1 comma period period period comma y Subscript upper P Baseline and x 1 comma period period period comma x Subscript upper P Baseline, respectively. The sampling rate is reduced in accordance with the bandwidth of the signals. The sub‐band signals y 1 comma period period period comma y Subscript upper P Baseline are approximated by adjusting the sub‐band systems upper H 1 left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals upper A 1 left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis slash upper B 1 left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis comma period period period comma upper H Subscript upper P Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals upper A Subscript upper P Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis slash upper B Subscript upper P Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis. The outputs modifying above y with caret 1 comma period period period comma modifying above y with caret Subscript upper P Baseline of these sub‐band systems give an approximation of the measured sub‐band signals. With this procedure, the impulse response is given in parametric form (sub‐band parameters) and can be directly simulated in the digital domain.

By suitably adjusting the analysis filter bank [Sch94], the sub‐band impulse responses are obtained directly from the cross‐correlation function

(7.99)h Subscript i Baseline almost-equals r Subscript x Sub Subscript i Subscript y Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline period

The sub‐band impulse responses are approximated by a non‐recursive filter and a recursive comb filter. The cascade of both filters leads to the transfer function

which is set equal to the impulse response in sub‐band i. Multiplying both sides of Eq. (7.100) by the denominator 1 minus g Subscript i Baseline z Superscript minus upper N Super Subscript i gives

(7.101)left-parenthesis b 0 plus ellipsis plus b Subscript upper M Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline z Superscript minus upper M Super Subscript i Superscript Baseline right-parenthesis equals left-parenthesis sigma-summation Underscript n Subscript i Baseline equals 0 Overscript infinity Endscripts h Subscript i Baseline left-parenthesis n Subscript i Baseline right-parenthesis z Superscript minus n Super Subscript i Superscript Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis 1 minus g Subscript i Baseline z Superscript minus upper N Super Subscript i Superscript Baseline right-parenthesis period

Truncating the impulse response of each sub‐band to upper K samples and comparing the coefficients of powers of z on both sides of the equation, the following set of equations is obtained:

The coefficients b 0 comma ellipsis comma b Subscript upper M Baseline and g in the above equation are determined in two steps. First, the coefficient g of the comb filter is calculated from the exponentially decaying envelope of the measured sub‐band impulse response. The vector left-bracket 1 comma 0 comma ellipsis comma g right-bracket Superscript upper T is then used to determine the coefficients left-bracket b 0 comma b 1 comma ellipsis comma b Subscript upper M Baseline right-bracket Superscript upper T.

For the calculation of the coefficient g, we start with the impulse response of the comb filter upper H left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals 1 slash left-parenthesis 1 minus g z Superscript negative upper N Baseline right-parenthesis given by

(7.103)h left-parenthesis l equals upper N n right-parenthesis equals g Superscript l Baseline period

We further make use of the integrated impulse response

(7.104)h Subscript e Baseline left-parenthesis k right-parenthesis equals sigma-summation Underscript n equals k Overscript infinity Endscripts h left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis squared

defined in [Schr65]. It describes the rest energy of the impulse response at time k. By taking the logarithm of h Subscript e Baseline left-parenthesis k right-parenthesis, a straight line over time index k is obtained. From the slope of the straight line, we use

(7.105)ln g equals upper N dot StartFraction ln h Subscript e Baseline left-parenthesis n 1 right-parenthesis minus ln h Subscript e Baseline left-parenthesis n 2 right-parenthesis Over n 1 minus n 2 EndFraction with n 1 less-than n 2

to determine the coefficient g [Sch94]. For upper M equals upper N, the coefficients in Eq. (7.102) of the numerator polynomial are obtained directly from the impulse response

(7.106)StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column b Subscript n 2nd Column equals 3rd Column h Subscript n Baseline for n equals 0 comma 1 comma ellipsis comma upper M minus 1 comma 2nd Row 1st Column b Subscript upper M 2nd Column equals 3rd Column h Subscript upper M Baseline minus g h 0 period EndLayout

Hence, the numerator polynomial of Eq. (7.100) is a direct reproduction of the first upper M samples of the impulse response (see Fig. 7.41). The denominator polynomial approximates the further exponentially decaying impulse response. This method is applied to each sub‐band. The implementation complexity can be reduced by a factor of 10 compared with the direct implementation of the broadband impulse response [Sch94]. However, owing to the group delay caused by the filter bank, this method is not suitable for real‐time applications.

Schematic illustration of determining model parameters from the measured impulse response.

Figure 7.41 Determining model parameters from the measured impulse response.

7.5 JS Applet – Fast Convolution

The applet shown in Fig. 7.42 demonstrates audio effects resulting from a fast convolution algorithm. It is designed for a first insight into the perceptual effects of convolving an impulse response with an audio signal.

The applet generates an impulse response by modulating the amplitude of a random signal. The graphical interface presents the curve of the amplitude modulation, which can be manipulated with three control points. Two control points are used for the initial behavior of the amplitude modulation. The third control point is used for the exponential decay of the impulse response. You can choose between two predefined audio files from our web server (audio1.wav or audio2.wav) or your own local WAV file to be processed [Gui05].

Schematic illustration of JS applet - fast convolution.

Figure 7.42 JS applet – fast convolution.

7.6 Exercises

1. Room Impulse Responses

  1. How can we measure a room impulse response?
  2. What kind of test signal is necessary?
  3. How does the length of the impulse response affect the length of the test signal?

2. First Reflections

For a given sound (voice sound), calculate the delay time of a single first reflection. Write a Matlab program for the following computations.

  1. Why do we have to choose this delay time? What coefficient should be used for this delay time?
  2. Write an algorithm which performs the convolution of the input mono signal with two impulse responses which simulate a reflection to the left output y Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis and a second reflection to the right output y Subscript upper R Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis. Check the results by listening to the output sound.
  3. Improve your algorithm to simulate two reflections which can be positioned to any angle inside the stereo mix.

3. Comb and Allpass Filters

  1. Comb Filters: Based on the Schroeder algorithm, draw a signal flow graph for a comb filter consisting of a single delay line of upper M samples with a feedback loop containing an attenuation factor g.
    1. Derive the transfer function of the comb filter.
    2. Now, the attenuation factor g is in the feed‐forward path and in the feedback loop no attenuation is applied. Why can we consider the impulse response of this model to be similar to the previous one?
    3. In both cases, how should we choose the gain factor? What will happen if we do not respect that?
    4. Calculate the reverberation time of the comb filter for f Subscript upper S Baseline equals 44.1 kHz, upper M=8, and g specified previously.
    5. Make a statement about the filter coefficients, and plot the pole/zero locations and the frequency response of the filter.
  2. Allpass Filters: Realize an allpass structure as suggested by Schroeder.
    1. Why can we expect a better result with an allpass filter than with a comb filter? Write a Matlab function for a comb and allpass filter with upper M equals 8 comma 16.
    2. Derive the transfer function and show the pole/zero locations, and the impulse, the magnitude, and phase responses.
    3. Perform the filtering of an audio signal with the two filters and estimate the delay length upper M, which leads to a perception of a room impression.

4. Feedback Delay Networks

Write a Matlab program which realizes an FDN system.

  1. What is the reason for a unitary feedback matrix?
  2. What is the advantage of using a unitary circulant feedback matrix?
  3. How do you control the reverberation time?


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