
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


Ad hoc commands 235, 236

advanced_host_list plugin 126

advanced workflows

approval nodes, using 219

artifacts and variables, using 216, 217

creating 215

marking, as failed or successful 220

nodes, creating for user review 218, 219


about 8

configuration, managing with 10-12

execution environments 13, 14

manual approach 9, 10

Ansible Automation

container registry values 25

hub values 25

Service Catalog values 26-28

SSO values 25

Ansible Automation controller

base variables values 24

execution nodes 19

hop node 19

ports 20

PostgreSQL variables values 24

Ansible Automation Platform (AAP)

about 3

Ansible content tools 7

Automation controller 5

Automation execution environments 6

Automation hub 6

Automation services catalog 6

installation, backing up 34

installation methods 22-24

installation, planning on machine 16, 17

installation, restoring 35

installer, issues 35, 36

minimal deployment 17

nodes 17, 252

nodes requirements 18, 19

operator 39

operator, installing on OpenShift cluster 44, 45

overview 4, 5

Red Hat Insights 7

relationship model 5

secret key redistribution 34

trial version 56

trial version, obtaining 16

Ansible Galaxy

reference link 6

URL 169

credentials, used for pulling collections 181

Ansible Navigator 13, 14

Ansible Operator

backup variables 53

restore variables 54

Ansible VS Code Extension, for Visual Studio Code

about 7

reference link 7

approval settings

approval processes, configuring 270

configuring 269

notification settings, configuring 269, 270

templates, configuring 270


overview 268, 269

Automation Analytics

about 245

Automation calculator 247

configuring 245

insights settings, configuring with roles/modules 246

reports 246

automation catalog node 252

Automation controller

about 18

backing up 53

backup, restoring 54

connecting, to Splunk 241, 242

container resource variables 46, 47

container variables 46

defining 49, 50

execution environments, adding with GUI 181-183

execution environments, adding with modules 183

execution environments, adding with roles 183

exploring 45

integrating, with RH-SSO 66-68

maintaining, through infrastructure as code with CI/CD 230-232

teams, adding without IdP 75, 76

users, adding without IdP 74

Automation controller dashboard

about 84

navigation bar 86

Automation controller RBACs

about 104

admin roles 105-107

approval permissions, for workflows 107

assigning 104

object roles 104

practical uses 108

Automation controller settings

authentication settings 56

Automation controller registration, with subscription manifest 56-58

configuring 56

updating 58

updating, with controller modules 59

updating, with redhat_cop roles 59, 60

Automation controller specifics, on OpenShift

about 47

base variables 48

miscellaneous variables 49

port variables 48

project variables 48, 49

secret fields 47

Automation hub

backing up 53

backup, restoring 54

certified and community collections, synchronizing 169-173

certified collections 168

community collections 169

connecting, to Automation controller 181

container variables 46

content sources 168

custom collections, publishing 173-176

defining 52

exploring 45

groups, adding without IdP 78, 79

high availability 21, 22

local EE, adding 179

maintaining, through infrastructure as code with CI/CD 230-232

overview 168

published collections 168

remote EE, adding 179

users, adding without IdP 77

Automation hub administrators

setting, with RH-SSO 65

Automation hub, execution environments (EEs)

published EEs 169 EEs 169

Remote Registry EEs 169

automation hub node 252

Automation hub RBACs

assigning 108

collection roles 109

container roles 110

group roles 109

namespace roles 109

practical uses 112

remote collection roles 109

roles, setting in GUI 110-112

task management roles 110

user roles 109

Automation hub specifics

about 50

base variables 50

port variables 51

secret fields 50

storage variables 51

Automation mesh

about 17-20

Global Automation mesh example 259, 260

instance groups, using 255, 256

overview 252

use cases 259

variables, setting for 30, 31

about 265

approvals 275, 276

configuring 267

interactions 266, 267

navigation 266

SSO configuration, for accessing 268

AWS EC2 plugin

about 132

filters variable 133

reference link 133

regions variable 132

strict_permissions variable 133

variable examples 133


about 5

installing, on minikube 40-43

reference link 5


reference link 40


built-in Automation controller inventory plugins

AWS EC2 132

GCE 133

Microsoft ARM 134, 135

OpenStack 138

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 139

Red Hat Insights 137

Red Hat Satellite 6 136

RHV 138

using 131

VMware vCenter 135, 136


CI/CD pipelines 230

CI/CD playbook

backup and restore commands 236, 237

for interacting with workflows 233-235

for launching jobs 233-235

for monitoring workflows 233-235

Cleanup Job Schedule management job 19

CodeReady Containers (CRC)

about 39, 43

installation link 43

installing, on RHEL-based Linux machine 43, 44

collections 8

components, execution environments (EEs)

Ansible 153

Ansible Collections 153

Ansible Runner 153

Python libraries 153

system dependencies 153

Configuration as Code (CaC)

about 8, 22, 58, 99, 161

benefits 8

container groups

creating, GUI used 257


objects, importing into 99, 100

control node 252

CRC instance

reference link 44


about 92

automation controller credentials 93

cloud inventory 93

creating, with GUI 95

creating, with modules 96, 97

creating, with roles 97-99

inventory credentials 94

secret lookup plugins 94

source code repositories 93

using 89

credential type

creating, with GUI 95

creating, with modules 96, 97

creating, with roles 97-99

injectors 90-92

inputs 90

using 89

custom inventory plugin

Ansible configuration changes 143

writing 143

custom inventory plugin script

about 144

additional Python functions 149, 150

documentation 144

plugin code 146

plugin examples 146

plugin options 145


dashboard 84

database node 252

definition file, execution environments (EEs)

base section 158

build arguments section 158

build steps section 160

creating 157, 158

dependencies section 159

galaxy dependencies 159

Python dependencies 159


ee_builder role

variables 162

ee_list variable

execution environment definitions 162

EE registry

synchronizing 178, 179

event collector

creating, with Splunk 240, 241

events, triggering notification

error 221

start 221

success 221

workflow approval 221

execution environments (EEs)

about 151, 152

adding to Automation controller, with GUI 181-183

adding to Automation controller, with modules 183

adding to Automation controller, with roles 183

best practices, for maintaining 180

components 152, 153

creating 157, 160, 161

creating, builder role used 161-163

creating, roles used 161

definition file, creating 157, 158

managing 176

modifying 157

Python virtual environments, converting from older Tower installations 164-166

simple job, running 155, 156

specific execution environment 153, 154

using 154, 155

execution node

about 20, 252-254

execution environments, distributing in restricted network 254


failure options, notifications

inventory sources 221

job templates 221

organizations 221

projects 221

workflow job templates 221

file readers plugins

about 127

INI files 127, 128

TOML files 129

YAML files 128, 129


Galaxy NG

about 32

installation options 33

installing, on machine 32, 33

Global Automation mesh example

about 259, 260

deployment details 261

inventory creation 262, 263

peered node connections 261

Google Compute Engine plugin

filters variable 134

projects variable 133

reference link 134

variable examples 134

zones variable 133


graphical representation, of nodes 30

group 114


credentials, creating 95

credential type, creating 95

execution environments, adding to Automation controller 181-183

organization, creating 87


hop node 20, 252, 253

host 114

host_list plugin 126

HTTP API endpoint 114

hybrid node 252

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 139


INI files

about 127

reference link 128

INItialization (INI) 114

instance groups

creating 256

creating, GUI used 256

creating, in GUI 257

creating, installer used 256

creating, modules used 258

creating, roles used 258, 259

settings for modules and roles 257

using, with Automation mesh 255

Internet Protocol 4 (IPv4) 137


about 114, 115

creating, with GUI 115-117

creating, with modules 117, 118

creating, with roles 119

populating, with GUI 115-117

populating, with modules 117, 118

populating, with roles 119

inventory plugins

about 125

custom inventory plugins, using 140

NetBox 140

popular inventory plugins, using 139, 140

pre-installed Ansible plugins 126

ServiceNow 142

using 125

inventory plugins, options

compose 132

groups 132

keyed_groups 131

use_contrib_script_compatible_sanitization 132

inventory sources

creating, with GUI 121-123

creating, with modules 123, 124

creating, with roles 124, 125

synchronizing, with GUI 121-123

synchronizing, with modules 123, 124

synchronizing, with roles 124, 125

using 120, 121


job slicing

about 210

for slicing job template, into multiple jobs 210, 211

limitations 211

job templates

about 87

creating 192

creating, with GUI 196

creating, with modules 197

creating, with roles 197, 198

options for GUI 193-196

options for modules 193-196

options for roles 193-196

slicing into multiple jobs, with job slicing 210, 211

surveys 198


LDAP integration, with Microsoft AD

about 69

authentication methods, setting up 73

bind and user variables 69

group variables 70

miscellaneous variables 71, 72

troubleshooting 73

log aggregator

troubleshooting with 242

logging services 239

lookup plugins

reference link 94


manifest file

reference link 57

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager plugin

about 134

conditional_groups variable 135

exclude_host_filters variable 134

hostvar_expressions variable 135

include_vm_resource_groups variable 135

reference link 135

variable examples 135


about 40

AWX, installing on 40-43

reference link 40


about 8

credentials, creating 96, 97

credential type, creating 96, 97

execution environments, adding to Automation controller 183

organization, creating 88


NetBox plugin

about 140

Boolean variables 141

group_by variable 141

query_filters variable 141

reference link 142

variable examples 141

node types

automation catalog node 252

automation hub node 17, 252

catalog_node 17

control node 17, 252

database node 17, 252

execution node 17, 252-254

hop node 17, 252, 253

hybrid node 17, 252

sso_node 17

variables, setting for 30, 31

non-peered execution nodes 20


about 220

adding, to activities 227

basics 221

configuring 220

email notification configuration 222, 223

failure options 221

notification messages 223, 224

notification template, creating with modules 225, 226

notification template, creating with roles 226, 227

options 222

options, for GUI, modules, and roles 222

Slack notification configuration 223

workflow approval notification messages, preventing 225



exporting, from controller 100, 101

importing, into controller 99, 100

OpenShift cluster

Ansible Automation Platform Operator, installing on 44, 45

OpenStack plugin

about 138

expand_hostvars variable 138

groups variable 138

reference link 138

organizational relation chart 86


about 86

creating, in GUI 87

creating, with modules 88

creating, with roles 88


Pinakes 265

plugin and script readers

about 130

auto plugin 130

constructed plugin 130

generator plugin 130

script plugin 130

plugin code, custom inventory plugin script

API results, looping over 148, 149

class invocation 147

file verification 147

imports 146

initialization 147

parse function 148


configuring 271, 272

editing 272

products, configuring 272, 273

pre-installed Ansible plugins

file readers 127

plugin and script readers 130

string interpreters 126

product configuration, portfolios

about 272

survey customization 273, 274

survey validation 275


about 186

creating 186

creating, in GUI 188-190

creating on Automation controller, modules used 191

creating on Automation controller, roles used 192

file and folder structure, playbook directory 186, 187

options, on Automation controller 188


about 248

configuration 248

graphs 249

installation 248

metrics logging 248

public API

reference link 144

published EEs 169


about 177

reference link 177


Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform plugin

about 139

reference link 139

Red Hat Insights

about 7, 137

reference link 7, 137

Red Hat products

versus upstream products 7

Red Hat Satellite 6 plugin

about 136

group_prefix variable 137

host_filters variable 137

reference link 137

variable examples 137

want* variable 137

Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO) 267

Red Hat Virtualization plugin

about 138

ovirt_hostname_preference [ ] variable 138

ovirt_insecure variable 138

ovirt_query_filter variable 138

reference link 139

variable examples 138 177 EEs

about 169

ee-29-rhel8 169

ee-minimal-rhel8 169

ee-supported-rhel8 169


managing 176

regular expression (regex) 122

remote EE registry

adding 176

setting 177, 178

remote registries EEs 169

RHEL-based Linux machine

CodeReady Containers, installing on 43, 44

RH-SSO server

Automation controller, integrating 66-68

Automation hub administrators, setting 65

configuring 60, 61

LDAP server, connecting to 61-65

SAML configuration, troubleshooting 69

values, obtaining from Windows AD server 61

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) key 66

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

about 5, 103, 268

assigning, to Automatic controller 104-107

assigning, to Automation hub 108, 109


about 8

credentials, creating 97-99

credential type, creating 97-99

execution environments, adding to Automation controller 183

organization, creating 88


secret key 34

service node 17

ServiceNow plugin

about 142

fields variable 142

host variable 142

instance variable 142

password variable 142

reference link 143

table variable 142

username variable 142

using 142

variable examples 142

Single Sign-On (SSO) 268

single SOT (SSOT) 120

Software as a Service (SaaS) 265


Automation controller, connecting 241, 242

dashboards 243, 244

download link 240

event collector, creating 240, 241

search queries 243

string interpreter plugins

advanced_host_list plugin 126

host_list plugin 126


definitions 198-200

for job templates and workflows 198

using 200


Tom’s Obvious Minimal Language (TOML) files

about 129

reference link 130


upstream products

versus official Red Hat products 7, 8



setting, for automation mesh 30, 31

setting, for node types 30, 31

virtualenv_migrate role

variables 164

virtual machine (VM) 16

VMware vCenter plugin

about 135

filters variable 136

properties variable 136

reference link 136

strict variable 136

variable examples 136


webhook 230

workflow job template

creating, with GUI 203

workflow node list

about 203

creating, in GUI 203, 204


about 200

basics 201

blue line of logic 203

convergence 203

creating 200

creating, with modules 208

creating, with roles 209, 210

green line of logic 203

job template options, for GUI 201, 202

job template options, for modules 201-207

job template options, for roles 201-207

red line of logic 203


YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML) 114

YAML files

about 128, 129

reference link 129

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