3.3. Understanding the Goal of CRM

Maximum customer loyalty, the goal of CRM, cannot be achieved overnight. In Figure 3-4, we see that, much like Maslow's self-actualization pyramid, you cannot jump right in at the top designing loyalty programs unless you have already addressed all the lower levels of the pyramid.

Figure 3-4. The CRM Hierarchy (Maslow revisited)

As we discussed earlier, CRM is definitely not a sorcerer's stone that will instantly change everything and make all your customers delightfully happy and loyal. CRM usually requires significant changes in your systems, information management practices, business processes, and organizational and employee behavior in order to be successful. Achieving the goal of loyal customers and increased profit takes time. You must move through the levels of the CRM hierarchy one at a time. Like Maslow, you must first satisfy basic needs such as integrating your customer information and application silos, redesigning processes (and maybe even organizational structures), and educating your employees. If the task looks overwhelming, remember that you will be dividing this work into small, achievable steps based on the priorities of your company and your customers. Each project will yield measurable benefits, so you don't need to wait until your company is customer actualized before reaping any rewards.

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