18.1. Delivering the Offer

Remember that for a CRM program, the customer offer is always aimed at generating some kind of response from the targeted customers. We hope to persuade customers to act in a certain way. Persuasion, according to Jay Conger in his book on the topic, is

“Quite simply … to present a message in a way that leads others to support it.”

This response may be anything from buying a product to adopting a new service offering. Naturally, whatever the offer, we want the experience to be positive, improve the relationship, and increase loyalty. The steps to build the offer and get it out the door and into the arms of your targeted customers are outlined in Table 18-1.

Table 18-1. Deliver Customer Offer: Steps
Design the offerDescribe customer segments Define segment value propositionBusiness offer sponsor and/or manager
Prepare the offer message(s)Define offer details

Goals and measures

Offer value

Call to action
Depends on offer:

Project team

Business offer sponsor

IT department
Present the offerSelect communication media

Test offer

Transmit offer

Receive and capture response

Depends on offer:

Project team

Business offer sponsor

IT department

Be aware that the fulfillment activity usually involves much more than the front office functions, and it is absolutely critical to delivering a positive experience. Communication must be established and nurtured with the people in the back office who complete the fulfillment of your offer. Don't expect that they'll be able to ship 1,000 new S-800 products next week if they don't learn about it until the orders start to come in. We'll talk about fulfillment more when we discuss offer preparation. For now, let's tackle the first step, which is to design an offer that will provide value to the target customers and encourage the right behavior to occur.

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