23.4. Knowing What It Takes to Achieve Success

What does success look like? If you don't know that up front, how will you know when you get there? If you don't get agreement to the goals before you start (and keep reminding everyone of what you're doing), how will anyone else know you're successful? Communication is one key to success, but there are others.

23.4.1. Measure—Everything—Twice

Always measure the current state before you start changing things so that you can show the progress that has been made when you take another measurement after the project is finished. Some CRM results are highly intangible and difficult to measure, but those that can be measured should be. You can illustrate results from even small projects by demonstrating progress you have made relative to your original position (as illustrated in Figure 23-7).

Figure 23-7. Measuring everything twice

Changes in response rates, changes in web site hits, and changes in data quality levels and undelivered mail are all evidence of the impact of your CRM program. It's the change that's most important, not the absolute measurement.

23.4.2. Keep It Simple

CRM is not rocket science; keep your efforts practical and simple. Objectives must be achievable in a reasonable amount of time (six months or less) so you don't lose the attention and support of key sponsors and experts in the middle of the project. Getting a new sponsor on board at the start of a new cycle is easier than trying to swap sponsors mid-project.

The other advantage of simple projects is that everyone can understand what you're trying to do. Masking the project objectives in complex, obscure, or technical terms does not protect you from failure; it ensures failure. If people don't understand the objectives or what they are supposed to do, they will decide for themselves. The chances are slim that what they decide matches what you want.

And for heaven's sake, if the problem is so complex that even you don't understand it, stop right now!

23.4.3. When Have You Done Enough?

What is enough? It's the minimum needed to achieve project success. Don't ever do more than you have to, but invest any additional time and enthusiasm in doing a really exceptional job at building all the elements that are needed for success. It is much better to do what you said you were going to do well than it is to do more and risk the success of your project.

All kinds of opportunities will arise for expanding scope. Maybe the source system has more information than you require, but it might be useful some day. Don't forget that you have to maintain the data after it's in the database, or it will be garbage and you will spend more money cleaning it up than it's worth.

Sometimes, it will appear that if you expand the process scope just a little, you can really make a big impact. Beware: Almost every little process addition you encounter is really just the tip of a huge iceberg that will sink your project. Stay focused on the process that you identified and get it working right!

Sometimes, it seems like a great opportunity to resolve a major networking requirement or system hardware conversion as part of a new project. Resist this temptation. Sure, the business driver is a good incentive for IT investment, but the price tag could push your breakeven data so far in the future that it scares everyone away. Also, just getting all that new stuff up and running will probably take longer than your entire project. Do just enough to be successful. Your project can be the test case for some new technology, but just test your project requirements.

Many companies try to get support and buy-in by giving everyone an equal vote on all project decisions. This really doesn't work. Huge teams and committees are almost impossible to manage and keep on track. Have a small core team (more than four, but less than ten) whose members are responsible for making decisions based on input and involvement from their home organizations. They must have the authority to make decisions on behalf of their organizations.

During a project, don't gather every possible business requirement, just what's relevant to the project. Never analyze until you understand absolutely everything; you'll never get there anyway. Just do enough so that the team is comfortable with the approach and direction you've chosen. Do just enough that the team is confident in moving to the next step. Less really is more.

Finally, do not make CRM development a life-long career—at least not for the same company. There is no ideal CRM state that all companies must achieve. It depends on these factors:

  • Your customers

  • Your products

  • Your competitors

  • Your market

  • Your company size

And on any number of other factors. Never start a new project without testing whether there is a good business reason for doing it. If you can't find one, don't do it.

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