
@ (“at-sign”), 422

& (ampersand), 277

&= (ampersand equal sign), 279

* (asterisk), 35, 680–681

(backslash), 62

^ (caret), 278, 678, 680

$ (dollar sign), 678, 679

. (dot), 678, 689–690

** (double asterisk), 35, 133, 140

`` (double single quotes), 104

- (hyphen), 680

- (minus sign), 278

. (period), 678, 689–690

|= (pipe equals), 277

| (pipe symbol), 277, 678, 689

+ (plus sign), 35, 159, 176–177, 213–214, 233, 681

# (pound sign), 34, 62

/ (slash), 35, 130–131, 569

{ } (braces), 681

[ ] (brackets), 259, 679–680, 690

> , >= (greater than), 277

< , <= (less than), 277

<>, != (“not equals” comparison operators), 36


A (special character), 678

abs( ) built-in function, 143

absolute import statement, 494–495

abstract methods, 519

abstraction, 382, 516

access models, 115–116

access modes, 326, 327

ActiveX, 989. See also COM (Component Object Model)

adapters (database)

about, 932–933

definition of, 923

examples of, 934–945

Gadfly, 939–945

MySQL, 934–936, 939–945

ORMs, 946

PostgreSQL, 936–937

related modules, 958–959

SQLite, 937–945

add( ) method, 281, 282, 284

addition ( + ) operator, 35

AF_INET (socket family name), 716, 718, 730

AF_UNIX (socket family name), 715, 718, 730

aggregation, 517

all( ) built-in function, 310

alternation ( | ), 678

American Standard Code for Information Interchange. See ASCII

ancestors, 545, 546

and keyword, 36, 100, 101

anonymous functions, 439–441

any( ) built-in function, 310

AOP (aspect-oriented programming), 424

API (Application Programming Interface), 489, 922–923, 985–989

apilevel, 924–925

Application Programming Interface. See API

apply( ) built-in function, 414, 441, 442


class methods, 543

command-line, 338–339

for exceptions, 372–375

arguments (default)

functions, 49, 413, 429–442

GUI development, 824

Tkinter widgets, 824

using with instantiation, 532–533

arguments (function)

decorators with/without, 423–424

default, 49, 413, 429–442

dictionary, keyword variable, 434–436

formal, 428–432

grouped, 413–414

keyword, 412–413, 434–436

optional, 48

positional, 428–429

variable argument objects, 436–439

variable-length, 433–439

arguments (method), 532–533

arithmetic game (example), 415–417

arithmetic operators. See mathematical operators

arrays. See lists; tuples

ASCII, 144–145, 197–198, 497, 698

aspect-oriented programming (AOP), 424

assert statement, 389–390

AssertionError exceptions, 390, 391


augmented, 37, 65–66

dictionaries, 255

lists, 209

multiple, 66

“multuple,” 66–67

numbers, 121

operators, 64–67

set types, 273, 274

strings, 168–169

tuples, 231

variables, 37, 64–67

association (classes), 517

asterisk operator ( * ), 680–681

async* module, 741

atomic storage, 112

“at-sign” ( @ ), 422

attr( ) built-in functions, 560–561


built-in functions, 629

built-in methods, 632

built-in types, 536–537

class, 520–525

complex number, built-in, 126–127

definition of, 46

double underscore ( __ ), 586

file, 336–337

functions, 420–421, 629, 630

importing, 496

interfaces to data, 516

__metaclass__, 610–611

methods, 632, 633

module, 333

multi-platform development, 333

naming, 478, 513

object, 90

privacy, 585–586

Queue module, 811

simple lookup example, 554–555

socket module, 730–731

special class, 523–525

special methods for customizing classes, 566

user-defined function, 630

user-defined methods, 633

using files to store, 604

using local to substitute for module, 81

AttributeError exception, 363–364, 391, 590, 600

augmented assignment, 37, 65–66, 569, 574–575

authentication handler for HTTP, 867–869

auto-loaded modules, 496


,B (special characters), 679

backbone (network), 858

backslash ( ), 62

bank tellers server example, 713–714

base class, 50. See also parent/parent class

base representation, 143–144

BaseException, 371, 372, 391, 394

BaseHTTPServer module, 907–909, 911

bases argument, 504

__bases__ attribute, 524, 525, 548

BASIC language, 10

Beazley, David, 981

BIFs. See functions (built-in)

BIMs. See methods (built-in)

binary function, 447–448


methods, 540–541

namespaces, 480

bit operators (integer-only), 135–136

Boa Constructor, 849

boilerplate, 968–974

bool( ) factory function, 137, 138

Boolean operators (and, or, not), 36, 100–101, 292

Boolean types, 93, 123, 145–147

bound methods, 522, 541

brace operators ( { } ), 681

bracket symbols ( [ ] ), 679–680, 690

break statement, 304–305, 308

BSD Unix, 12, 14, 16–17, 715

buffering (file), 327, 328

building Python, 13

__builtin__, 480–481, 496

built-in attributes, 126–127, 336–337

built-in exceptions, 391–393, 1040–1042

built-in functions. See functions (built-in)

built-in methods (BIMs). See methods (built-in)

“built-in” names, 69

built-in types, 91, 536–537

__builtins__, 69, 480–481, 496

Button widget (Tk), 825–831

byte type, 116


C language

conversion to/from, 969, 970

“dangling else” statements, 293

extensions written in, 8

fopen( ), 326–327

Python and, 6, 8–9, 23, 26

varargs, 433

C# language, 27, 969. See also IronPython

C++ language, 8, 23, 25, 26, 969, 970

__call__( ) special method, 634–635

“call by reference,” 48

callable( ) built-in function, 636, 637, 831

callable class, 803–805

callbacks, 823, 824

calling functions, 49, 412–417

arguments, 412–414, 436–439

built-in, 427

default arguments, 413

example, 415–417

function operator, 412

grouped arguments, 413–414

keyword arguments, 412–413

logging with closures, 461–463

with variable argument objects, 436–439

calling modules, 52–53

Canvas widget (Tk), 825

caret symbol ( ^ ), 678

case statement, proxy for, 294–295

case-insensitive import, 496–497

case-sensitive identifiers, 68

casting of sequences, 165–166

CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

about, 875–877

advanced example of, 896–906

applications, 877–892

building applications, 878–892

cgi module, 878

cookies, 895–897, 900–901, 906

creating static form Web page, 879–881

file uploading, 894

generating form page, 882–886

generating results page, 881–886

HTTP headers, 882

multipart form submission, 894

multivalued fields, 895

setting up a Web server, 878–879

Unicode, 892–893

user inputs/error processing, 886–892

Web servers, 878–879, 906–909

cgi module, 878

CGIHTTPServer module, 907, 908, 911

char type (unsupported), 116, 207


accessing, in strings, 169

matching any single ( . ), 678, 689–690

removing, 169–170

character classes ( [ ] ), 679–680, 690

characters, special, 208

and ASCII characters, 698

escaping using triple quotes, 38, 192–193

regular expressions, 676–677, 682, 690–693

repetition/grouping and, 690–693

representing character sets, 682

strings, 192–193

Checkbutton widget (Tk), 825

child/child class, 545–548, 554, 555, 586, 823

chr( ) built-in function, 144, 145, 187

class attributes, 520–525

accessing, 537–539

__bases__, 524, 525, 548

__class__, 524, 525

data, 520–521

determining, 522–523

__dict__, 522–525

__doc__, 524, 525

instance attributes vs., 537–540

methods, 521–522

modifying, 540

__module__ attribute, 524, 525

persistence, 539–540

privacy of, 586

__slots__, 597

special, 523–525

class definition, 510–511

class keyword, 50, 504

class variables, 521

classes, 50–52

about, 504–507, 518–520

built-in functions, 558–564

callable objects, 634

composition, 544–545

creating, 51–52, 510–511, 519

customizing with special methods, 564–585

declaring, 50–51, 72, 518–520

definition vs. declaration of, 519–520

methods, 507–512, 521–522

mix-in, 556

as namespace containers, 506

naming, 513

related modules, 615–617

Web server, 909

wrapping, 587

classic classes, 503, 504, 542–543, 554–558. See also new-style classes

classic division operator ( / ), 35, 130–131, 569

classmethod( ) built-in function, 543

clause, 63

clear( ) method, 281, 282, 284

client data, 875–878


FTP, 752–754

GUI applications as, 821

Internet, 747–748

NNTP, 760–765

POP3, 775–777

SMTP, 775–777

TCP, 723–726, 736, 738–740

twisted reactor TCP, 738–740

UDP, 728–729

Web, 855–857, 859–875

Windows, 713

client/server architecture, 711–715, 821, 855–856

client-side programming, 989–991

close( ) built-in method, 332, 335

closures, 422, 456–463, 680–681

cmp( ) built-in function, 102, 103, 136, 137, 184–185, 215–216, 260–262


commenting, 34–35

indenting, 41

integration of, 963

interpreted/byte-compiled, 11

profiling of, 8, 84–85, 965

running example, 22

runtime generation/execution of, 642–649

skipping, 365

wrapping, in boilerplate, 968–974

code objects, 94, 635–636

code reuse, 7, 964

codecs, 199, 205

coerce( ) built-in function, 139, 143

collisions (key), 268–269

colocated servers, 857, 858

columns (database), 920

COM (Component Object Model), 989–991

command line

arguments, 338–339, 490

FTP client program, 755

options, 15

running Python from, 14–17

switches, 653

commands (database), 920

comments, 34–35, 62, 69–70

Common Gateway Interface. See CGI

compile( ) function, 94, 636, 637–638, 684–686

compiling, 11, 685–686, 964, 965, 974–975

complex( ) factory function, 137, 138

complex numbers, 37, 38, 126–127

complex statements, 62–63

Component Object Model. See COM

composite objects, 112

composition, 516–517, 544–545

compound objects, 112

compound statements, 62–63

concatenation ( + ) sequence operator, 159, 176–177, 213–214, 233

conditional code execution, 647–649

conditional statements, 291–296, See alsowhile statement (loops). See also loops

auxiliary statements for, 308

conditional expressions, 295–296

elif (aka else-if) statement, 294–295, 308

else statement, 292–294, 307–308, 378

if statement, 41–42

if statement, 291–292

multiple, 292

and pass statement, 306–307

single statements suites, 292

switch/case statement proxy, 294–295

connect( ) function, 925–927

connection objects, 927–928

connectionless sockets, 717–718

connection-oriented sockets, 716–717

constructors, 510, 511, 527–529, 532–533, 930–931

container storage, 112

context expression (context_expr), 384

context management (for exceptions), 382–385

continuation (exception handling), 361

continuation ( ) statements, 62

continue statement, 305–306, 308


ASCII functions for, 144–145

codes, 969, 970

factory functions, 137–138

sequences, 165–166

symbols, 178–181, 1029

cookies, 856, 895–897, 900–901, 906

copy( ) function/method, 240–241, 267, 283

counting loops, 297

couroutines, 467–468

cPickle, 349, 350

cProfile module, 85

CPython, 26, 27

credit card transaction data example, 375–378, 380–381

cross-product generator expressions example, 317

currying, 450

cursor (database), 920

cursor objects, 929–930

customizing and extensions, 964

CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica), 6

cycles (import), 497–500

cyclic reference, 79


daemon threads, 801

“dangling else”, avoiding, 63, 293–294

data attributes. See attribute(s)

data descriptors, 599

data hiding, 516

data structures, 223–230

database programming, 919–959. See also DB-API (Python Database Application Programmer’s Interface)

about, 920–922

adapter examples, 934–945

components of databases, 920

Gadfly, 923, 939–945

MySQL, 920, 934–936, 939–945

operations/SQL, 920–922

ORMs, 947–957, 959

persistent storage, 919

PostgreSQL adapter example, 936–937

Python interfaces for relational databases, 931–932

related modules, 958–959

SQL, 920–922, 946

SQLAlchemy, 946, 947–950, 953–955

SQLite, 937–945

SQLObject, 946, 951–953, 955–957

storage mechanisms, 919

supported, 932

Unicode, 202

database servers, 713

datagrams, 717, 727

DB-API (Python Database Application Programmer’s Interface), 924–945

about, 922–923

apilevel, 924–925

changes in versions of, 931

connect( ), 925–927

connection objects, 927–928

cursor objects, 929–930

exceptions, 927

function attributes, 925–927

layers in, 923

module attributes, 924–926

paramstyle, 925, 926

thread safety, 925

type objects and constructors, 930–931

DBM-style modules, 349

debugging, 10, 84, 181, 437–439

decimal floating point numbers, 147–148

decode( ) built-in method, 200–201, 204

decorators, 422–426, 460–463, 544

deep copy, 240–241

def keyword (statement), 48, 418, 421

default arguments. See arguments (default)

__del__( ) method, 528–530, 565

del statement, 78–79, 122, 210, 258, 276

delattr( ) built-in function, 560, 561

delegation, 587–595

__delete__( ) special method, 598, 599

derivation, 517, 545–546

descriptors, 598–610

destructor (class), 528–530

developer tools, 84–85

diamond shape inheritance hierarchy, 556–558

__dict__ attribute

built-in types, 537

class attributes, 522–525

instance attributes, 534–536

modifying, 535–536

__slots__ attribute vs., 597

vars( ), 563

dict( ) factory function, 263–265

dictionaries, 40–41

accessing values in, 255–257

assigning, 255

built-in functions, 264, 265, 267

built-in methods, 254, 255, 265–268, 1034, 1035

cmp( ), 260–262

comparing, 260–262

copy( ), 267

creating, 255, 263

dict( ), 263–265

exact match of, 262

fromkeys( ), 266, 268

functions for, 263–265

hash( ), 264, 265

and hash tables, 254

items( ), 265, 266

iteration, 311–312

key-lookup operator ( [ ] ), 259

keys, 237–238, 265–269

keyword variable arguments, 434–436

len( ), 264, 265

login/password programming example, 269–272

as mapping type, 253–258

membership operator, 259

operators for, 258–259

as Python feature, 7

related functions, 263–268

removing elements of/dictionaries, 258

setdefault( ), 266–268

sorted( ), 267

str( ), 260

type( ), 260

updating, 257–258

values( ), 265, 266

difference ( - ) operator, 278

difference update ( -= ) operator, 279

dir( ) built-in function

built-in types, 536

class attributes, 522, 523

classes, 54, 561

instance attributes, 534

instances, 561

lists, 220

local variables, 562

modules, 561

objects, 561–562

direct access model type, 115–116

directory structure, 493–494

discard( ) method, 281, 282, 284

disk files, 315–317

dispatch, static vs. dynamic, 992

distutils package, 974


classic, 1053–1054, 1062–1063

floor, 1053–1054, 1063

true, 1053–1054, 1062–1063

division operators, 35, 130–133, 569

divmod( ) built-in function, 140, 143

__doc__ attribute, 524, 525, 629, 630, 632, 633

document “doc” strings, 34–35


classes, 617

extended import, 486

extensions to Python, 982

file-access related modules, 353

FTP, 756

generator expressions, 319, 471

GUI programming, 851

list comprehensions, 314

method resolution order, 558

module, 71, 72

NNTP, 765–766

OOP, 617

Python, 22–23

set types, 284

SMTP, 771

style guidelines for, 70

dollar sign symbol ($), 678, 679

DOS window, 14–16, 22

dot symbol ( . ), 678, 689–690

double precision floating point numbers, 125

double quotation mark ( " ), 207

double type, 117

double underscore ( __ ) attributes, 586


IMAP, 772

POP3, 773–777

protocols for, 772–777

Python, 11, 13, 18–19

SMTP, 773–777

Yahoo! stock quote data, 986

dropping (dropped) databases, 920, 921

dumbdbm module, 349

dummy functions, 974

dump( ) function, 350

dynamic dispatch, 992

dynamic typing, 76


EasyGUI, 849

electronic mail. See e-mail

elif (aka else-if) statement, 294–295, 308

ellipsis objects, 95

else statement

exceptions, 378

try-except statement, 378

else statement, 292–294, See also if statement

“dangling else”, 293–294

for loops, 307–308

usage of, loops/conditionals, 308

e-mail (electronic mail), 766–777

components/protocols, 766–767

IMAP, 772

POP3, 772–777

receiving, 771–772

related modules, 778

sending, 767–768

SMTP, 768–771, 775–777

embedding, extensions vs., 982

encapsulation, 516, 585–586

encode( ) built-in methods, 200–201, 204

encoding, 205, 497

__enter__( ) method, 385

Entry widget (Tk), 825

enumerate( ) built-in function

iterators, 310

lists, 218

for loops, 45, 300–301, 303, 304

sequences, 167

strings, 185–186

equal sign ( = ), 64–65

equality for sets, 276

eric3, 850

errors/error processing, 47–48

about, 359–360

“cleaner” approach, 663

DB-API, 927

definition of, 360

hiding, 372

runtime, 361

“safe and sane,” 10

standard error, 337

try-except statement, 372

using CGI for, 886–892

eval( ) built-in function, 636, 638–639

events, 823

Excel, 991–993, 1000–1002

except statement, 368–370

Exception (root class), 370, 371, 373, 391, 394, 489

exception condition, 360

exceptions/exception handling. See also specificheadings, e.g., TryErrorexception

about, 10, 360–361

arguments for, 372–375

assert statement, 389–390

built-in, 391–393, 1040–1042

catching all, 370–372

context management for, 382–385

creating, 393–401

DB-API, 927

detecting/handling, 47–48, 364–382, 401–403

else clause, 378

examples of, 375–378, 395–401

except statement with multiple, 369–370

finally clause, 378–379

and os.path.exists( ), 81–82, 84

in Python, 361–364

raise statement, 48, 386–389

related modules, 404

robustness of, 10

skipping code, 365

standard, 391–394

with statement, 382–384

strings, 386

sys module, 403–404

try statement with multiple, 368–369

try-except statement, 364–365, 372, 378

try-except-else-finally statement, 381–382

try-finally statement, 379–381

unhandled, 365

Unicode, 204

upward propagation, 365

warnings, 489

Web servers, 401–402

and wrapping a built-in function, 365–368, 375–378

exec( ) built-in function, 640–641

exec statement, 636

execfile( ) built-in function, 651–652

executable object statement

built-in functions, 636–642

callable( ), 637

compile( ), 637–638

conditional code execution, 647–649

eval( ), 638–639

exec( ), 640–641

generating/executing code at runtime, 642–649

input( ), 641–642


callable objects, 628–635

code at runtime, 642–649

code conditionally, 647–649

code objects, 635–636

current process/user related functions, 666–667

file, 348, 662

imported modules, 73–74, 486, 487, 650–651

non-Python programs, 653–654

operating system interface functions, 666–667

other Python programs, 649–653

related modules, 668

restricted, 663

TCP server/clients, 725–726, 736, 740

terminating, 663–666

UPD server/clients, 729–730

__exit__( ) method, 385

exiting, 791

exponentiatial notation output, 180

exponentiation operator ( ** ), 35, 133, 140

extend( ) method, 214, 222

extended import statement (as), 485–486

extended slicing, 162–164

extensions to Python, 963–982

about, 8, 963–964

compilation of, 964, 974–975

creating application code, 966–968

documentation, 982

embedding vs., 982

Global Interpreter Lock, 980

importing, 976

main steps of, 965

multithreaded, 980

Psyco, 981–982

Pyrex, 981

reasons for creating, 964–965

reference counting, 977, 979–980

SWIG, 981

testing of, 976–979

Win32, 989, 990

wrapping code, 968–975

writing, 965–980


factorial functions, 807–810

factory functions, 136–145

built-in functions conversion to, 595–596

conversion, 137–138

definition of, 111

dict( ), 263–265

list( ), 218–219

numeric types, 1023–1025

sequence type operators, 1025–1028

set types, 280, 283–284, 1036–1037

standard type, 1022–1023

str( ), 186–187

super( ), 562–563

tuple( ), 218–219

type, 111

type( ) as, 102

fetching rows, 920

Fibonacci functions, 807–810

FIFO (first-in-first-out) data structure, 227

file( ) built-in function, 47, 326, 328

file extensions, 11

file objects, 325–326

access modes for, 327

built-in attributes, 336–337, 1038–1039

built-in functions, 326–329

built-in methods, 329–336

close( ), 332

file( ), 47, 326, 328

fileinput( ), 351, 352

fileno( ), 332

flush( ), 332

fnmatch( ), 351, 352

glob( ), 351, 352

input, 329–336

intra-file motion, 331

isatty( ), 332

iterating through, 312, 315, 331–332

line separators, 330, 333

methods, 335–336, 1038–1039

modules, 351–353

multi-platform development, 333

open( ), 46–47, 326–328

output, 330

read( ), 329

readline( ), 329

readlines( ), 329

related modules, 351–353

seek( ), 331

standard, 337–338

truncate( ), 332

Universal NEWLINE Support, 328–329

using to store attributes, 604

wrapping a, 594–595

write( ), 330

writelines( ), 330

file system, accessing, 339–347

File Transfer Protocol. See FTP

fileinput( ) module, 351, 352

“file-like” objects, 325–326, 353

files. See also persistent storage

command-line arguments, 338–339

example code for reading, 332–335

execution of, 348

as storage mechanism, 919

text file manipulation example programs, 79–85

transferring, 748–755, 759–766

uploading, 894

using to store attributes, 604

filter (warnings), 489–490

filter( ) built-in function, 313, 314, 441–445

finally clause, 378–379

findall( ) function, 684, 694

first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure, 227

flattening, 348

float( ) built-in function, 366–368, 374–375

float( ) factory function, 137, 138

float type, 117

floating point numbers, 37, 38, 125, 147–148, 180

floor( ) built-in function, 141, 142

floor division ( / / ), 35, 130–132, 569

flush( ) built-in method, 332, 335

fnmatch( ) module, 351, 352

folding, 448

for statement (loops), 43–45, 298–304

break statement, 304–305, 308

continue statement, 305–306

else statement for, 307–308

file iteration, 331–332

with iterator types, 301

and pass statement, 306–307

range( ), 301–303

with sequence types, 299–301

sequence-related built-in functions for, 303–304

syntax for, 298–299

xrange( ), 303

forking processes, 789

form Web page, 879–881, 883–886

formal arguments (functions), 428–432

format operator, 178–181, 205, 208, 1029

forms, 894

forward references, 418–419

FP. See functional programming

frame objects, 94

Frame widget (Tk), 825

free variables, 457, 458

from module import *”, 487, 586

from-import statement, 485, 487, 489, 494–496

fromkeys( ) method, 266, 268

frozenset( ) factory function, 280, 283

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 748–756, 858

function pointers, 426

functional nesting, 456

functional programming (FP), 439–453

anonymous functions/lambda, 439–441

apply( ), 441, 442

built-in functions, 441–449

constructs, 24

debugging/performance measurement example, 437–439

examples, 437–439, 450–453

filter( ), 441–445

map( ), 441, 442, 445–447

partial function application, 450–453

reduce( ), 441, 442, 447–449

functions, 48–49, 409–439. See also functional programming; methods; scope

about, 409–410

accessing pathname, 342–347

arguments, 48, 49, 412–414, 423–424, 428–442

attributes, 420–421

callable objects, 628–629

calling, 49, 412–417, 436–439

classes vs., 518–519

closures, 456–463

creating, 418–426

declaring, 48, 72, 73, 418–419

declaring vs. definition, 418

decorators, 422–426

def statement, 418

default arguments, 49, 413, 429–442

descriptors, 606

directory access, 340–341

examples, 415–417, 425–427, 431–432, 456–463

file access, 340–341

formal arguments, 428–432

forward references, 418–419

global vs. local variables, 453–455

grabbing Web pages example, 431–432

grouped arguments, 413–414

inner/nested, 421–422

integer-only, 143–145

keyword arguments, 412–413

lambda, 463–465

logging calls to, with closures, 461–463

numeric type, 137–143, 1023–1025

operator, 412

passing, 426–427

positional arguments, 428–429

procedures vs., 410

for re module, 684–685

return values, 410–412

standard type, 136–137, 1022–1023

variable argument objects, 436–439

variable-length arguments, 433–439

functions (built-in) (BIFs)

attributes, 629

callable, 628–629, 636–642

classes, 558–564

conversion to factory functions, 595–596

executable objects, 636–642

file objects, 326–329

functional programming, 441–449

instances, 558–564

integer-only, 143–145

lists, 165, 166, 215–219, 242–245

mapping types, 260–262

module, 491–493

new-style classes, 595–596

numbers, 136–145

numeric types, 137–143, 150–151, 1023–1025

objects, 558–564

operational, 139–143, 166–168

sequence types, 165–168, 185–186, 216–219, 242–245, 1025–1028

sequence-related, 303–304

set types, 280, 283–284, 1036–1037

standard types, 101–110, 136–137, 215–216, 1022–1023

string types, 184–187, 242–245

tuples, 165, 166, 232–234, 242–245

wrapping, for exceptions, 365–368

functions (user-defined) (UDFs), 629–630

__future__ directives, 489

FXPy, 850


Gadfly database, 923, 939–945

garbage collection, 79

generalization, definition of, 517

generator expressions, 315–319

cross-product example, 317

disk file example, 316–317

refactoring example, 318–319

generators, 467–471

enhanced, 470–471

simple, 468–470

yield statement, 468

geometry managers, 823

__get__( ) method, 598–600, 602

GET method, 880, 882, 895

__getattr__( ) method, 588, 589, 597–598, 600

getattr( ) built-in function, 560, 561, 588–590

__getattribute__( ) special method, 597–600

getopt module, 339

GIL. See Gobal Interpreter Lock

Glade, 850

glob( ) module, 351, 352

Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), 790–791, 980

global statement, 455

global variables, 453–455

globals( ) built-in function, 492

GNOME-Python, 850

Gopher, 858

grandchild class, 554, 555

graphical user interface programming. See GUI (graphical user interface) programming

greater than symbols ( > , >= ), 277

Greenlets, 27

Grid (geometry manager), 823

group( ) method, 685, 686

grouped arguments (functions), 413–414

grouping, 682–683, 692–693

groups( ) method, 686

GTK+, 840, 846–848, 850

GUI (graphical user interface) programming, 819–851

about, 822–824

class example, 452–453

documentation, 851

file system traversal example, 834–840

FTP client program, 755

GTK+/PyGTK, 840, 846–848

other GUIs for, 840–849

partial function application example, 831–834

Python MegaWidgets, 840, 843

related modules, 848–849

Swing, 1003–1006

Tcl/Tk/Tkinter, 819–820

Tix, 840, 842–843

Windows clients as, 713

wxWidgets/wxPython, 840, 843–846

gzip module, 351, 352


hardware, 712

hasattr( ) built-in function, 560, 561

__hash__( ) method, 269

hash( ) built-in function, 264, 265

hash tables (dictionaries), 254

hashable objects, 237, 253, 264, 269–272

Haskell language, 24

has_key( ) method, 256

header file, including, 968

heavyweight processes, 789

“Hello World!” program, 32–34, 483, 826–831, 1003–1006

help( ) built-in function, 34, 54

hex( ) built-in function, 143–145

hexadecimal output, 180

hierarchy, definition of, 517

host-port pairs, 716

hotshot module, 85

HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language), 875–877

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), 856, 867–869, 882

HTTP_COOKIE environment variable, 896

Hyper-Text Markup Language. See HTML

HyperText Transfer Protocol. See HTTP


id( ) built-in function, 113, 114, 117

identifiers, 67–68

names, 70

objects, 90

scope, 453, 454

special with underscores, 69

style guidelines for names, 70

identity comparison of objects, 96–100, 108

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), 17–22, 338

IDLE (Integrated DeveLopment Environment) (Unix IDE), 18, 20–21

if statement, 41–42, 291–292, See also elif statement; else statement

IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol), 772

immutability, 65–66, 113, 194–196, 234–235, 273, 552


of an abstraction, 516

hiding, 585

__import__( ) built-in function, 491

import statement, 484

absolute import statement, 494–495

at end of modules, 499

extended import statement (as), 485–486

from-import statement, 485, 487, 489, 494–496

loading of, 650–651

importing attributes, 496

importing modules, 52, 484–486

attributes for, 496

built-in functions, 491–493

case-insensitive, 496–497

definition of, 477

execution on, 73–74, 650–651

extension module, 976

features of, 486–491

__future__, 489

globals( ), 492

__import__( ), 491

import cycles, 497–500

loading vs., 487

locals( ), 492

multi-line import, 485

names imported into current namespace, 487

names imported into importer’s scope, 488–489

new import hooks, 490–491

packages, 493–495

path search/search path, 478–480

related modules, 500–501

relative import, 495

reload( ), 492–493

search path/path search, 478–480

style guidelines for, 72

Tkinter module, 821–822

from zip files, 490


for code blocks, 41

“dangling else” statements, 293

style guidelines for, 70

of suites, 63–64

IndexError exception, 363

indexing slices, 164–165

inequality sets, 276

infinite loops, 297–298

inheritance, 547–558

__bases__ class attribute, 548

definition of, 517

diamond shape hierarchy, 556–558

multiple, 553–558

overriding methods via, 549–551

subclassing with, 512

__init__( ) method

as constructor, 51, 510–511, 527–529

customizing classes with, 565, 634

instantiation, 510, 527–530, 533–534

overriding, 549–551

return value, 533–534

setting instance attributes in, 531–533

and tracking instances, 530

initModule( ) module initializer function, 973–974

inner/nested functions, 421–422, 456–458

“in-place” operations, 569, 574–575


file built-in methods, 329–336

raw_input( ), 32–33, 54, 186, 641–642

standard, 337

user, 875–877, 886–892

input( ) built-in function, 636, 641–642

inserting rows, 920–922

installing Python, 11–13

instance attributes, 531–540

accessing, 511

class attributes vs., 537–540

definition of, 506–507

determining, 534

instantiation of, 531–534

“on-the-fly,” 531

setting, 531, 532

special, 534–536

instances, 526–530

about, 504–507

binding methods to, 522

built-in functions, 558–564

callable objects, 51, 634–635

creating, 51–52, 511, 526–527

default values for, 532–533

definition of, 50

__del__( ), 528–530

invoking methods via, 511–512

keeping track of, 530


creating instances, 511, 526–527

default arguments with, 532–533

definition of, 506

__init__( ), 510, 527–530, 533–534

instance attributes, 531–534

__new__( ), 528

Thread class, 802–807

int( ) built-in function, 54, 142

int( ) factory function, 137, 138, 141

int type (unsupported), 117

integer-only functions, 143–145

integers, 122–125

bit operators, 135–136

Boolean, 123

format operator output, 180–181

long, 37, 38, 123–125

standard, 37, 123

unification of long integers/integers, 38, 124–125

unsupported types, 117

Integrated DeveLopment Environment. See IDLE

Integrated Development Environments. See IDEs

integration of code (Python/non-Python), 963

interfaces to data attributes, 516

internal types, 93–95

Internet, architecture of, 856–859

Internet client programming, 747–779. See also Web programming

about, 747–748

electronic mail, 766–778

FTP, 748–756, 858

newsgroups, 756

NNTP, 756–766, 858

related modules, 778–779

SMTP, 767–772, 775–777, 858

transferring files, 748–756

Usenet, 756

Web programming vs., 858–859

Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP), 772

Internet protocols, 858, 912. See also specific headings, e.g., NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)

Internet Service Provider. See ISP

interning, 100

interpreted languages, 6, 11, 23, 965

interprocess communications (IPC), 715

intersection ( & ) operator, 277

intersection update ( &= ) operator, 279

Intranet, 857

introspection, 518

IOError exception, 326, 363, 365, 373, 392, 394, 399

IPC (interprocess communications), 715

IronPython, 12, 27, 989

is keyword, 99

isatty( ) built-in method, 332, 335

isinstance( ) built-in function, 106–109, 559–560, 596–597

ISP (Internet Service Provider), 857, 858

issubclass( ) built-in function, 558–559

items( ) built-in methods (dictionaries), 265, 266

__iter__( ) built-in method, 576–579

iter( ) function, 313


file, 331–332

mechanics of, 309–310

by sequence item/index, 299–301

through a matrix, 314–315

through files, 315

iterators, 309–313

about, 309–310

any number of terms example, 577–579

creating, 313

dictionaries, 311–312

files, 312

for loops, 301, 309–313, 331–332

mutable objects, 312

related modules, 319–320

sequences, 309–311

itertools module, 319–320


Java, 8, 12, 23–26, 969, 1002–1003

JavaScript, 23, 24

JIT (just-in-time) compiler, 982

join( ) method, 159, 176, 189, 191

just-in-time (JIT) compiler, 982

Jython, 12, 24, 26, 1002–1006


Kanter, Brian, 756

KDE desktop environment, 850

KeyboardInterrupt exception, 371, 391, 394

KeyError, 257, 363

key-lookup operator ( [ ] ), 259

keys (dictionary)

collisions, 268–269

comparing, 261–262

as hashable object, 253, 264, 269–272

mapping type, 253, 254

restrictions on, 268–269

keys( ) built-in method, 254, 255, 265, 267

key-value pairs, 40, 254, 257

keyword arguments (functions), 412–413

keyword variable arguments (dictionary), 434–436


and, or, not, 36, 99–101

class, 50, 504

def, 48, 418, 421

identifiers, 67

is, 99

partial function application, 451–452

tables of, 68, 1022


Label widget (Tk), 825–831


anonymous functions, 439–441

callable objects, 630–631

inner functions, 422

and Lisp, 24

list comprehensions, 313–314

map( ), 446–447

reduce( ), 448, 449

return value, 439

scope, 463–465

LAN (Local Area Network), 857, 858


comparisons of, 23–26

compiles, 965

high-level, 6–7

interpreted, 6, 11, 23, 965

Lapsley, Phil, 756

last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure, 223

len( ) built-in function, 54

dictionaries, 264, 265

lists, 216–217

and range( ), 45

sequences, 166, 167, 185

set types, 280, 283

strings, 185

less than symbols ( < , <= ), 277

lexical variables, 458–463

LIFO (last-in-first-out) data structure, 223

lightweight processes, 789. See also threads

line separators (terminators), 330, 333

linking wrapper extensions, 975

Linux, 12, 14, 16–17

Lisp, 24, 25

list( ) built-in function, 165, 166

list comprehensions, 24, 45, 215, 313–316. See also generator expressions

list( ) factory function, 218–219

Listbox widget (Tk), 825

lists, 39–40, 208–210

accessing values in, 209

assigning, 209

as building blocks, 7

building data structures with, 223–230

built-in functions, 165, 166, 215–219, 242–245

built-in methods, 219–223, 242–245, 1034

concatenation of, 213–214

creating, 209, 223–230

membership operators, 213

operators for, 211–215, 242–245

other data structures, creating with, 223–230

queues using, 227–230

removing elements/lists, 210–211

repetition in, 214

sequence type functions, 216–219, 242–245

sequence type operators, 211–215, 242–245

slices of, 211–213

special features of, 223–230

stacks using, 223–227

standard type functions, 215–216

standard type operators, 211

tables of, 242–245

tuples vs., 237–238

updating, 210

load( ) function, 350

loading modules, 486, 487, 496

Local Area Network. See LAN

local variables, 81, 453–455, 562

localhost, 720

locals( ) built-in function, 492

lock objects, 795

logging function calls (with closures), 461–463

logging module, 84

logical errors, 360

login/password programming example, 269–272

long( ) factory function, 137, 138

long integers, 37, 38, 123–125

long type (unsupported), 117

loops, 296–308. See also iterators

auxiliary statements, 308

break statement, 304–305, 308

continue statement, 305–306

counting, 297

else statement, 307–308

infinite, 297–298

and iterators, 301, 309–313, 331–332

and pass statement, 306–307

performance enhancement for, 175

range( ), 44–45

for statement, 43–45, 298–308, 331–332

while statement, 42, 296–298, 304–308


MacOS X, 12, 14–19, 333

macros (for reference counting), 980

mail user agent (MUA), 771–772

main( ), 73

maintainability, 9–10

makefiles, 13

mangled names. See name-mangling

map( ) built-in function, 313, 314, 441, 442, 445–447

mapping types

access model category, 115–116

built-in functions/factory functions, 260–265

built-in methods, 265–268

dictionaries, 253–258

keys for, 253

operators for, 258–259

related functions, 263–265

special methods for customizing classes, 568

marshal module, 348–350

“Mash-ups,” 985

match objects, 686

matching. See also regular expressions

any single character ( . ), 678, 689–690

beginning/end of strings, 678–679

closure operators, 680–681

“greedy” operators, 703–705

grouping, 682–683, 690–693

more than one pattern, with alternation ( | ), 678

more than one string, 689

multiple occurrence/repetition using closure operators, 680–681

negation ( ^ ), 680

parentheses ( ( ) ), 682–683

ranges ( - ), denoting, 680

re module, 206–207

regular expressions, 680–681

repetition, 680–681, 690–693

searching vs., 675, 688, 703–705

special characters/symbols, 676–677, 682, 690–693

strings, 678–679, 687–689, 693, 701–703

word boundaries, 693

match( ) re module function, 684, 687–688

mathematical operators, 35–36, 130–135

matrix iteration, 314–315

max( ) built-in function, 166, 167, 185, 217

membership ( in, not in ) operators, 158–159

dictionaries, 259

lists, 213

for loops, 299

sequences, 158–159, 172–175

set types, 273, 276

strings, 172–175

tuples, 233

memory management, 75–79

dynamic typing, 76

garbage collection, 79

interpreter performing, 11

memory allocation, 76

reference counting, 76–79, 99, 977, 979–980

variables declarations, 75

Menu widget (Tk), 825

message transport agent (MTA), 767, 768, 772

message transport system (MTS), 767

Message widget (Tk), 825

metacharacters, 676–677

__metaclass__, 610–615

metaclasses, 610–615

method descriptors, 599

method resolution order (MRO), 554–558, 562

methods, 521–522

about, 507–512

arguments, 532–533

binding, 522, 540–541

callable objects, 631–633

class, 543

connection objects, 928

decorators, 422–426

file object, 335–336, 1038–1039

group(s), 686

invoking, 511–512, 540–541

naming, 513

for new-style classes, 597–600

overriding, via inheritance, 549–551

privacy, 585–586

for re module, 684–685

static, 542–544

strings, 188–191

methods (built-in)

attributes, 632

dictionaries, 254, 255, 265–268, 1034, 1035

files, 329–336

lists, 219–223, 242–245, 1034

mapping types, 265–268

sequences, 242–245, 1025–1028

set types, 281–284, 1036–1037

strings, 188–191, 242–245, 1030–1033

tuples, 242–245

methods (special) (for customizing classes), 564–585

any number of terms iterator example, 577–579

iterators, 576–579

multi-type example, 579–585

numeric customization (Time62) example, 572–576

Random Sequence iterator example, 576–577

RoundFloat2 simple example, 569–572

special, 564–585, 1043–1046

tables of, 565–568, 1043–1046

methods (special) (new-style classes), 597–600

methods (user-defined) (UDMs), 632–633

Microsoft Office

Excel, 991–993, 1000–1002

Outlook, 996–1000

PowerPoint, 994–997

programming, with Win32 COM, 989–1002

Word, 993–994

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) headers, 863, 877

min( ) built-in function, 166, 167, 185, 217

mixed mode operations, 127–129, 204, 278

mix-in classes, 556

modeling (OOD), 515

__module__ attribute, 524, 525, 629, 633

modulefinder, 500

ModuleMethods [ ] array, 973

modules, 52–53. See also importing modules

about, 64, 477

accessing module variables, 52–53

auto-loaded, 496

built-in functions, 491–493

__builtins__ vs. __builtin__, 480–481

calling, 52–53

case-insensitive import, 496–497

cProfile, 85

debugging, 84

developer tools, 84–85

“executed” when loaded, 486

executing as scripts, 652–653

executing on import, 650–651

extended import statement (as), 485–486

and files, 478–480

__future__, 489

hotshot, 85

import cycles, 497–500

importing vs. loading, 487

logging, 84

multi-line import, 485

names imported into importer’s scope, 488–489

namespaces, 478, 480–483

new import hooks, 490–491

numeric types, 148–149

packages, 493–495

pdb, 84

persistent storage, 348–350

preventing attribute import, 496

profile, 85

search path/path search, 478–480

separating, 64

sequence types, 238–239

source code encoding, 497

standard library, 148–149, 205–207

strings, 205–207

structure/layout for, 71–74

subprocess, 660–662

warning framework, 489–490

Web server, 909

modulus operator, 132–133

MRO. See method resolution order

MTA. See message transport agent

MTS (message transport system), 767

MUA. See mail user agent

multi-line import, 485

multipart form submission, 894

multi-platform development, 12, 333, 964

multiple assignment, 66

multiple inheritance, 553–558

multiplication ( * ) operator, 35

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension headers. See MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) headers

multithreaded programming (MT), 787–814

about, 787–789

accessing threads, 792

examples, 792–793

exiting threads, 791

extensions to Python, 980

global interpreter lock, 790–791, 980

processes, 789

related modules, 813–814

thread module, 794–799, 814

threading module, 793, 794, 800–814

threads, 721, 789–813, 925

multi-type customization example, 579–585

“multuple” assignment, 66–67

mutable hash tables, 253

mutable objects, 65, 90, 113, 222, 312

mutable sets, 273, 279, 281–282, 284

mutable types, subclassing, 552–553

mutex module, 814

MySQL, 920, 934–936, 939–945


__name__ attribute, 524, 629, 630, 632, 633

name lookup, 482–483

__name__ system variable, 73, 74

NameError exception, 362, 454, 455, 522

name-mangling, 516, 586

namespace(s), 480–483

__builtins__, 480–481

classes as containers for, 506

“Hello World!” example, 483

importing names into current, 487

modules, 478, 480–483

name lookup/scoping/overriding, 482–483

overriding, 482–483

scope, 454

types of, 480–481

useful features of, 483

variable scope, 465–466, 481–482

negation symbol ( ^ ), 680

.NET/Mono implementation, 27

network location components, 860

Network News Transfer Protocol. See NNTP

network programming, 711–742

client/server architecture, 711–715

functions/modules for, 718–731

related modules, 741–742

sockets, 715–720, 730–731

SocketServer module, 732–736

TCP clients/servers, 720–726, 732–740

twisted framework, 737–740

UDP clients/servers, 726–730

__new__( ) method, 528, 565

new import hooks, 490–491

NEWLINE character(s)

continuation ( ), 62

escaping, 192

POSIX systems, 333

print statement, 43

suppression of, 333–334

universal support for, 326, 328–329

write( ), 53

newsgroups, 756

new-style classes. See also classic classes

advanced features of, 595–615

classic classes vs., 504

descriptors, 598–610

documentation, 617

general features, 595–597

__getattribute__( ), 597–600

metaclasses, 610–615

method resolution order, 554–558

and OOP, 503

privacy, 586

__slots__ class attributes, 597

super( ), 562–563

next( ) built-in method, 335, 468–471, 576–579

NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), 756–757

client program, 760–765

documentation, 765–766

examples, 759–765

interactive, 759–760

nntplib.NNTP class methods, 758–759

object methods, 759–760

as original Internet protocol, 858

Python and, 758–759

non-data descriptors, 599

None type, 410–412, 533–534

non-keyword variable-length arguments (tuple), 433–434

non-Python programs, 653–654

“not equals” comparison operators ( != , <> ), 36

not keyword, 36, 99–101

NotImplementedError exception, 520

NUL characters, 192, 208

Null object, 92–93


assignment, 121

bit operators, 135–136

Boolean, 145–147

built-in/factory functions, 136–145

complex, 126–127

creating, 121

double precision, 125

floating point, 37, 38, 125, 147–148, 180

integers, 122–125

introduction to, 121–122

mathematical operators, 35–36, 130–135

mixed-mode operations, 127–129

numeric type functions, 137–143, 150–151, 1023–1025

numeric type operators, 127–136, 150–151, 1023–1025

operators, 35–36, 127–136, 150–151, 1023–1025

removing, 122

standard type functions, 136–137

standard type operators, 129–130

types, 37–38

updating, 122

numeric coercion, 128, 129

numeric customization (Time62) customization example, 572–576

numeric type(s), 37–38

Boolean “numbers,” 145–147

functions, 137–143, 150–151, 1023–1025

operators, 127–136, 150–151, 1023–1025

related modules for, 148–149

special methods for customizing classes, 566–567, 569


object(s), 89–95. See also specific types

assignment of, 65

attributes, 90

Boolean operators, 100–101

Boolean values of, 93, 96–97

built-in functions, 558–564

built-in types, 91

calling functions with variable arguments, 436–439

characteristics of, 90

classes/instances, 504–507

code, 94, 635–636

composite/compound, 112

connection, 927–928

copying, 239–241

cursor, 929–930

as default class, 504

ellipsis, 95

executable, 636–642

“file-like,” 325–326, 353

frame, 94

hashable, 237, 253, 264, 269–272

identity comparison of, 97–100, 108

internal types, 93–95

invoking, 526–527

mutable, 65, 90, 113, 222, 312

Null, 92–93

removing single reference to, 78–79

slice, 95

standard type operators, 96–101

standard types, 91, 93

traceback, 94

value comparison of, 93, 96–97, 108

wrapping, 588–595

XRange, 95

object-oriented design. See OOD

object-oriented language, 7

object-oriented programming. See OOP

object-relational managers. See ORMs

objects (callable), 628–635

class instances, 634–635

classes, 634

functions, 628–629

lambda, 439

methods, 631–633

oct( ) built-in function, 143–145

OOD (object-oriented design), 514–516, 545

OOP (object-oriented programming), 504–518, 520–617

about, 504–514

buzzwords, 516–518

classes, 518–520

languages, 585–586

new-style classes, 503

and real-world problems, 514–515

relationship OOD and, 514–515

open( ) built-in function, 46–47, 54, 326–328

operational built-in functions, 139–143, 166–168

operations (database), 920


assignment ( = ), 64–65

asterisk ( * ), 680–681

augmented assignment, 65–66

bit, 135–136

Boolean, 36, 100–101

brace ( { } ), 681

closure, 680–681

dictionaries, 258–259

difference ( - ), 278

difference update ( -= ), 279

division, 35, 130–133, 569

exponentiation ( ** ), 35, 133, 140

format, 178–181, 205, 208, 1029

function, 412

“greedy,” 703–705

intersection ( & ), 277

intersection update ( &= ), 279

key-lookup ( [ ] ), 259

lists, 211–215, 242–245

mapping types, 258–259

mathematical operators, 35–36, 130–135

membership, 158–159, 172–175, 213, 233, 259, 273, 276, 299

and mixed mode operations, 127–129

modulus, 132–133

multiple assignment, 66

“multuple” assignment, 66–67

“not equals” comparison ( !=, <> ), 36

numeric type, 127–136, 150–151, 1023–1025

overloading addition, 573–575

parentheses and, 36

plus ( + ), 681

question mark ( ? ), 681

raw string, 168, 182–184

repetition ( * ) sequence, 159–160

retention update ( &= ), 279

reverse quote (``), 103–104

sequence type, 158–159, 170–178, 211–215, 232–233, 242–245, 1025–1028

set type, 273, 274, 276–279, 282–284, 1036–1037

slices ( [ ],[ : ], [ : : ] ), 39, 160–165, 170–172, 211–213, 233

standard type, 129–130, 1022–1023

string format, 178–181, 205, 208, 1029, 1030

strings, 168, 170–184, 208, 242–245

symmetric difference ( ^ ), 278

symmetric difference update ( ^= ), 279

table of, 1046–1048

ternary, 295–296

tuples, 232–234, 242–245

Unicode string (u /U), 184

union ( | ), 277, 279

update ( |= ), 279

operator module, 616–617

optparse module, 339

or keyword, 36, 100, 101

ord( ) built-in function, 144, 145, 187, 204

ORMs (object-relational managers)

employee role database example, 947–957

related modules, 959

and SQL, 946

SQLAlchemy, 946–950, 953–955

SQLObject, 946, 951–953, 955–957

as storage mechanism, 919

os module

additional functionality of, 347

attributes, 667

examples, 343–347

external program execution functions, 654–662

file/directory access functions, 339–341

os. exec*( ), 654–655, 659

os. wait*( ), 655, 659–660

os._exit( ), 666

os.fork( ), 654, 658–659

os.kill( ), 666

os.popen( ), 655, 657, 661–662

os.spawn*( ), 655, 660

os.system( ), 654, 656–657, 661

OSError exception, 365

os.path module, 81–82, 84, 342–347, 352

Outlook, 996–1000

output (program), 32–33

output (standard), 337

output built-in methods, 330

overriding (overloading)

built-in names, 69

global variable, 454

methods via inheritance, 549–551

and mixed-mode operation, 128

namespaces, 482–483


packages, 493–495

packer (geometry manager), 823

Pango, 846

paramstyle, 925, 926

parentheses ( ( ) ), 36, 673–682

parent/parent class, 512, 545–548, 554, 555, 586, 822, 823

partial function application (PFA), 450–453, 831–834

pass statement, 306–308, 504

passing functions, 426–427

path search, 478–480

pathname, 14, 16, 342–347

pattern matching. See regular expressions (REs)

pdb debugging module, 84

PEPs (Python Enhancement Proposals), 53, 71, 617

performance enhancement, 8, 175, 965

performance measurement example, 437–439

period symbol ( . ), 678, 689–690

Perl, 23, 25, 26

persistent storage, 348–350, 919, 920

PFA. See partial function application

PHP, 25

pickle module, 202, 348–350

pipe symbol ( | ), 678, 689

pkgutil, 500

plain integers, 123

plus operator ( + ), 681

PMW. See Python MegaWidgets

Pmw (Python MegaWidgets), 849

pointer type, 117

polymorphism, 517–518

POP (Post Office Protocols), 772

pop( ) method, 281, 282, 284

POP3, 772–777

port numbers, 716

portability, 8–9

positional arguments (functions), 428–429

POSIX systems, 333, 792

Post Office Protocols. See POP; POP3

Postel, Jonathan, 768

PostgreSQL, 936–937

pound sign ( # ) (hash symbol), 34, 62

pow( ) built-in function, 140, 143

PowerPoint, 994–997

precedence, 35, 600, 602

precision, 117

print statement, 32–33

printf( )-like functionality, 208

privacy, 585–586, 965

procedures, functions vs., 410

processes, definition of, 789

producer-consumer problem, 810–813

profile module, 85

profiling of code, 8, 84–85, 965

programmers, 402–403


executing other non-Python, 653–654

executing other Python, 649–653

prompts (primary/secondary), 31

property( ) built-in function, 606–610

proprietary source code, 965

protocols (Internet), 858

Psyco, 981–982

“public” attributes, 585

pure virtual functions, 519

.py file extension, 11, 478

PyArg_Parse*( ) function, 969

PyArg_ParseTuple( ) function, 971

Py_BuildValue( ) function, 969, 971, 972

.pyc files, 11, 965

pyFLTK, 850

PyGTK, 840, 846–848, 850

PyGUI, 850

Py_InitModule( ), 973–974

.pyo file extension, 11

PyObject, 969–973

PyOpenGL, 850

PyQt, 850

PyQtGPL, 850

Pyrex, 981

Python Enhancement Proposals. See PEPs

Python FAQ, 617

Python Library and Language Reference manual, 617

Python MegaWidgets (PMW), 840, 843

Python version 2.0, 313

Python version 2.2, 526–527, 617

Python version 2.4, 316

Python Virtual Machine, 790–791

PythonCard, 849

PYTHONCASEOK environment variable, 497

PYTHONPATH environment variable, 479, 500

PythonWin IDE, 19–21


Qt GUI, 850

querying (databases), 920

question mark operator ( ? ), 681

Queue module, 793, 810–814

queue, using lists to build, 227–230

quotation marks, 207

quote*( ) functions, 865–866


race condition, 790

Radiobutton widget (Tk), 825

raise statement, 48, 386–389

raising an exception, 360, 361

random module, 149

Random Sequence iterator example, 576–577

range( ) built-in function, 44–45, 54, 219, 300, 301–303

range symbol ( - ), 680

ranges ( - ), 680, 682

rapid prototyping, 10

raw strings, 168, 182–184, 208, 698

raw_input( ) built-in function, 33–34, 54, 186, 641–642

RDBMS (relational database systems), 919, 920, 931–932

re module, 206–207, 684–698

read( ) built-in method, 329, 335

readinto( ) method, 330, 335

readline( ) built-in method, 312, 329, 335

readlines( ) built-in method, 329, 336

realm, 867

reason (exceptions), 373

rebinding, 480

receiving e-mail, 771–772

recursion, 466–467

redirecting output, 33

reduce( ) built-in function, 441, 442, 447–449

refactoring, 318–319

refcount, 76

reference, 65, 79, 239

reference counting, 76–79, 99, 977, 979–980

reflection, definition of, 518

regular expression engine, 23, 204

regular expressions (REs)

about, 673–676

any single character ( . ), 678, 689–690

ASCII characters, 698

beginning/end of strings, 678–679

character classes ( [ ] ), creating, 679–680, 690

compiling, 685–686

example, 698–705

finding every occurrence, 694

and “greedy” operators, 703–705

grouping, 682–683, 690–693

match( ), 684, 687–688

match objects/group(s) methods, 686

matching more than one pattern, with alternation ( | ), 678

matching more than one string, 689

matching strings, 701–703

matching word boundaries, 693

multiple occurrence/repetition using closure operators, 680–681

negation ( ^ ), 680

parentheses ( ( ) ), 682–683

ranges ( - ), denoting, 680

raw strings, 183, 698

re module, 206–207, 684–698

repetition, 680–681, 690–693

searching vs. matching, 675, 688, 703–705

searching/replacing, 694–695

search( ) re module, 688

special characters/symbols, 676–677, 682, 690–693

splitting on delimiting pattern with, 695–698

strings, 701–703

sub( )/ subn( ), 694–695

word boundaries, 693

regular integers, 123

relational database systems. See RDBMS

relative complement ( - ) operator. See difference ( - ) operator

relative import (packages), 495

reload( ) built-in function, 492–493

remove( ) method, 281, 282, 284


dictionary elements/dictionaries, 258

lists/list elements, 210–211

numbers, 122

set members/sets, 276

single object reference, 78–79

strings/characters, 169–170

tuple elements/tuples, 232


lists, 214

regular expressions, 680–681, 690–693

special characters/grouping and, 690–693

strings, 177–178

tuples, 233

repetition ( * ) sequence operator, 159–160

repr( ) built-in function, 102–104

REs. See regular expressions

restricted execution, 663

retention update ( &= ) operator, 279

return value(s), 222, 410–412, 439, 533–534

reverse quote operator ( ' ' ), 103–104

reversed( ) built-in function, 166, 167, 217, 222, 303, 304, 310

Rexx, 26

robustness, 10

root window, 822

round( ) built-in function, 140–143

RoundFloat2 customization example, 569–572

rows, 920–922

Ruby, 24, 25

running Python, 13–22

in an IDE, 17–21

code examples, 22

interactive interpreter from command line, 14–16

as a script from command line, 16–17

runtime errors, 361

runtime generation/execution of code, 642–649

RuntimeError exception, 392


scability, 7–8

scalar storage, 112

Scale widget (Tk), 825, 829–831

scope, 453–466

closures, 456–458

global statement, 455

global vs. local, 453–455

lambda, 463–465

name lookup, 482–483

names imported into importer’s, 488–489

namespaces, 465–466, 481–482

number of, 456

overriding, 482–483


communicating with MS Office using, 990–1002

generating/executing code with, 642–649

as modules, 64

running Python as, 16–17

Scrollbar widget (Tk), 825

search path, 14–17, 478–480

searching, 454, 675, 688, 703–705

search( ) re module, 684, 688

Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 866

seek( ) built-in method, 331, 334, 335

select( ) function, 741

self argument, 51, 507, 510, 541, 550, 551

__self__ attribute, 629, 632

semicolon ( ; ) (multiple statements), 64

sending e-mail, 767–768

sequence(s), 157–167. See also lists; strings; tuples

access model type, 115–116

built-in functions, 165–168, 185–186, 216–219, 242–245, 1025–1026

concatenation of, 159

conversion/casting of, 165–166

and iterators, 309–311

keys for, 253, 254

membership operators, 158–159, 172–175

methods, 242–245

operational built-in functions for, 166–168

operators, 158–159, 170–178, 211–215, 232–233, 242–245, 1025–1028

related modules for, 238–239

repetition of, 159–160

sequence-related built-in functions, 303–304

slicing, 160–165

special methods for customizing classes, 567–568

standard type operators, 158

for statement used with, 299–301

stride indices, 162–165

strings, 170–178

table of, 242–245


bank tellers as example of, 713–714

infinite loop for, 823–824

TCP, 720–723, 725–726, 732–738, 740

twisted reactor TCP, 740

UDP, 726–730

Web, 401–402, 713, 855–858, 875–879, 906–909, 911

window system as, 821

server-side COM programming, 990

__set__( ) special method, 598, 599

set( ) factory function, 280

set types, 273–276

accessing values in, 275

assigning, 273, 274

built-in functions, 280, 283–284, 1036–1037

built-in methods, 281–284, 1036–1037

creating, 273, 274

difference ( - ) operator, 278

difference update ( -= ) operator, 279

equality/inequality, 276

factory functions, 280, 283–284

frozenset( ) factory function, 280

intersection ( & ) operator, 277

intersection update ( &= ) operator, 279

len( ) built-in function, 280

membership operator, 273, 276

mixed operations, 278

operation/relation symbols, 274

operators, 276–279, 283–284, 1036–1037

related modules, 284

removing set members/sets, 276

retention update ( &= ) operator, 279

set( ) factory function, 280

subsets/supersets, 277

symmetric difference ( ^ ) operator, 278

symmetric difference update ( ^= ) operator, 279

table of, 282–284

types of sets, 273

union ( | ) operator, 277, 279

update ( |= ) operator, 279

updating, 275

using operators vs. built-in methods, 282

setattr( ) built-in function, 536, 560, 561

setdefault( ) built-in method, 266–268

shallow copy, 240

shell scripting, 23

shelve module, 349–350

short type (unsupported), 117

showname( ) method, 52

shutil module, 351, 352

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. See SMTP

SimpleHTTPServer module, 907, 908, 911

Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG), 981

single character ( . ), 678, 689–690

single element tuples, 236–237

single quotation mark ( ' ), 207

single underscore ( _ ) attributes, 586

site module, 500

sizes, comparing dictionary, 261

sleeping (threads), 789, 792–793, 796–799, 803–807

slice objects, 95

slices ( [ ],[ : ], [ : : ] ) sequence operators (slicing), 160–165

indexing, 164–165

lists, 211–213

stride indices, 162–165

strings, 39, 170–172

tuples, 39, 233

__slots__ class attributes, 597

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

about, 768

clients, 775–777

documentation, 771

e-mail, 767, 772

example, 770–771, 775–777

interactive, 770–771

object methods for, 769

as original Internet protocol, 858

Python and, 768–769

smtplib.SMTP class modules, 769

smtplib.SMTP class modules, 769

socket(s), 715–718

about, 715–716

addresses, 716

built-in methods, 719–720

connection-oriented vs. connectionless, 716–718

creating, 721, 724

socket( ) module function, 718, 730–731, 741–742

SocketServer module, 721, 732–736, 741, 814

SOCK_STREAM type, 717

software (client/server architecture), 712–713

Solaris, 12, 14, 16–17

sorted( ) built-in function, 167, 217, 222, 267, 303, 304

source code (encoding), 497

spacing and block delimitation, 63


processes, 789

threads, 721

special symbols, 676–677

specialization, 517

split( ) method, 190, 191

split( ) re module, 685, 695–698

SQL (Structured Query Language), 920–922, 946

SQLAlchemy, 946, 947–950, 953–955

SQLite, 937–945

SQLObject, 946, 951–953, 955–957

SSL (Secure Socket Layer), 866

stack, building using lists, 223–227

“stack trace,” 10

stackless Python implementation, 12, 27

standard error, 337

standard exceptions, 391–394

standard files, 337–338

standard input, 337

standard integers, 37, 123

standard output, 337

standard type functions

built-in, 101–110

dictionaries, 260

lists, 215–216

mapping type, 260

numeric, 136–137

set types, 280

strings, 184–185

table of, 1022–1023

standard type operators

Boolean, 100–101

dictionaries, 259

lists, 211

mapping type, 259

numeric, 129–130

objects, 96–101

sequence types, 158

set types, 276–277

strings, 170

tables of, 110, 1022–1023

tuples, 232–233

standard types

about, 91

by access model, 115–116

categorizing, 111–116

deriving, 551–553

by storage model, 112–113

unsupported types, 116–117

by update model, 113–114

wrapping, 592–593

StandardError exception, 373, 391

star operator ( * ), 680–681

“stateless” protocol, 856, 895

statements (Python)

comments, 34–35, 62, 69–70

continuation, 62

grouping multiple, 62–63

multiple, on single line, 64

rules for, 61

suites, 62–63

static data, 521

static dispatch, 992

static members, 521, 539

static methods, 542–544

staticmethod( ) built-in function, 543

stderr, 337

stdin, 337

stdout, 337

stock quote server, 986–989, 1001–1002

StopIteration exception, 298, 301, 310

storage (attributes), 604

storage model, 112–113, 116

str( ) built-in function, 54, 102–104, 136, 137, 165, 166, 260

str( ) factory function, 186–187

stride indices, 162–165

string format operator, 178–181, 208, 1029, 1030

string templates, 182

StringIO module, 351, 352

strings, 38–39, 168–170

accessing values of, 169

assigning, 168–169

built-in functions, 184–187, 242–245

built-in methods, 188–191, 242–245, 1030–1033

chr( ), 187

concatenation, 39, 176–177

creating, 168–169

debugging, 181

ending of, 208

enumerate( ), 185–186

exceptions, 386

identifiers, 67–68

immutability of, 194–196

len( ), 185

matching, 701–703

matching beginning/end of, 678–679, 693

matching more than one, 689

matching within, 688

max( ), 185

membership, 172–175

min( ), 185

no char type for, 207

non-NUL/ ‘0’ ending of, 192, 208

NUL characters, 192, 208

operators, 170–184, 242–245

ord( ), 187

quotation mark delimited, 207

raw strings, 168, 182–184, 208, 698

raw_input( ), 186

regular expressions, 206–207, 678–679, 688, 689, 693, 701–703

removing, 169–170

repetition of, 39, 177–178

sequence operators, 170–178, 242–245

slices of, 170–172

special/control characters, 192–193, 208

standard library modules for, 205–207

standard type operators, 168

str( ), 186–187

string templates, 182

string-only operators, 178–184

summary of, 207–208

tables of, 242–245

triple quotes, 38, 193–194, 208

unichr( ), 187

Unicode, 184, 186–187, 196–205, 892–893

updating, 169

zip( ), 186

Structured Query Language. See SQL

“stubs,” 974

style guidelines, 69–75, 513

sub( ) function/method, 685, 694–695


creating, 512–513, 546, 805–807

derivation, 545–546

multiple inheritance, 553–558

standard types, 551–553

using, 513

subn( ) function/method, 694–695

subprocess module, 660–662

subsets, 277

substrings, accessing, 169

subtraction ( - ) operator, 35

suites, 41–42, 62–64, 292

sum( ) built-in function, 166, 167, 218

summation functions, 807–810

super( ) built-in function, 562–563

supersets, 277

SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator), 981

swing, 851

Swing GUI development, 1003–1006

switch statement, 294–295

symmetric difference ( ^ ) operator, 278

symmetric difference update ( ^= ) operator, 279


comments, 62

continuation of lines, 62

decorators, 422

dictionaries, 254

ease of reading, 9

errors, 47, 360

identifiers, 68

mandatory symbols, 9

statement, 61

SyntaxError exception, 362, 392, 430

sys module, 337–339, 403–404, 479, 491

sys.argv, 338–339

sys.exit function, 791

sys.exit( ) function, 663–665

sys.exitfunc( ) function, 665–666

SystemError exception, 392

SystemExit, 371, 391, 394, 663–664, 791


tables, 253, 920, 921

tabs, 63

Tcl, 24–26

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 856

clients, 723–726, 735–736, 738–740

servers, 720–723, 725–726, 732–738, 740

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 717

tell( ) built-in method, 331, 334, 336, 641

telnet protocol, 858

tempfile module, 351, 352

templates (string), 182

terminating execution, 663–666

os._exit( ), 666

os.kill( ), 666

sys.exit( ), 663–665

sys.exitfunc( ), 665–666

SystemExit, 663–664

ternary operator, 295–296

testing, 74–75, 437–439, 976–979

text file manipulation example programs, 79–85

Text widget (Tk), 825

thread module, 794–799, 814

threading module, 794, 800–808, 814

daemon threads, 801

examples, 802–813

Fibonacci/factorial/summation functions, 807–810

objects, 800

other functions for, 809–810

producer-consumer problem, 810–813

Queue module, 810–813

thread class, 801–802

thread module vs., 794

threads, 801–802

accessing, 792

creating, 802–805

definition of, 789–790

examples, 792–793

exiting, 791

global interpreter lock, 790–791

modules for, 794–813

passing in callable class instance, 803–805

passing in function, 802–803

safety, 925

spawning, 721

TIDE + IDEStudio (Tix Integrated Development Environment), 849

tilde ( ) expansion, 352

“timestamp decoration” example, 425–426

Tix (Tk Interface eXtensions), 840, 842–843, 849

Tk, 24, 819–820, 823–826, 849


about, 819–820, 849

adding Tk to applications, 821–822

examples, 826–840

file system traversal GUI example, 834–840

installing/working with, 820–821

partial function application example, 831–834

as Tk port, 24

top-level window, 824

TkZinc, 849

Tool Command Language (Tcl), 819

Toplevel widget (Tk), 824, 825

“traceback” notice, 361

traceback objects, 94

transferring files

about, 748

client example, 760–765

documentation, 765–766

examples, 752–754, 759–765

FTP, 748–750

ftplib.FTP class methods, 750–752

interactive example, 759–760

Python FTP support, 750

typical FTP clients, 755

Transmission Control Protocol. See TCP

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. See TCP/IP

triple quotes, 38, 193–194, 208

true division ( / ), 130, 131, 569

truncate( ) built-in method, 332, 334, 336

try statement, 368–369, 378–379

try-except statement, 47, 364–365, 372, 378–379, 382, 383

try-except-else-finally statement, 381–382

try-finally statement, 379–383

tuple( ) built-in/factory function, 165, 166, 218–219

tuples, 39–40, 231–232

assessing values of, 231–232

assigning, 66–67, 231

built-in functions, 165, 166, 232–234, 242–245

built-in methods, 242–245

concatenation of, 233

creating, 231, 233

default collection type, 235–236

dictionary keys for, 237–238

flexibility of, 234–235

immutability of, 234–235

as keys, 269

lists vs., 237–238

membership, 233

non-keyword variable-length arguments, 433–434

operators, 232–234, 242–245

removing tuple elements/tuples, 232

repetition, 233

sequence operators, 232–233, 242–245

single element, 236–237

slicing, 233

special features of, 234–238

standard operators, 232–233

tables of, 242–245

updating, 232

twisted framework, 737–740

twisted reactor TCP, 737–738

type(s). See also standard types

built-in, 91

built-in functions, 54, 92, 102–103, 105–110, 136, 137

categorizing standard, 111–116

function to check, 106–107

internal, 93–95

module, 615–617

None, 92–93

object, 90–92

return values and function, 410–412

Unicode, 204

unsupported, 116–117

“wrapping a type,” 587

type( ) built-in functions, 54, 102–103

checking types with, 105–109

finding object types with, 92

numbers, 136, 137

table of, 110

type( ) factory functions, 102, 111, 260

TypeError exception, 187, 264, 374, 375, 393, 434, 522

typing, dynamic, 76


U’ access mode, 326, 328–329

UDFs. See functions (user-defined)

UDMs. See methods (user-defined)

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 717–718

clients, 728–729

servers, 726–730

unbinding, 480

unbound methods, 511, 522, 541–542

UnboundLocalError, 455

underscores ( _, __ ), 69

unhandled exceptions, 365

unichr( ) function, 187, 203


CGI, 892–893

codecs, 199

coercion for, 204

common codecs/encodings, 205

decoding, 200–201

definition of, 197–198

encoding, 200–201

exceptions, 204

ordinals, 204

regular expression engine, 204

rules for, 201–202

source code encoding, 497

standard encodings, 204, 205

strings, 184, 186–187, 196–205, 892–893

terminology for, 197

using, 198–199, 201–203

unicode( ) built-in function, 203

unicode( ) factory function, 186–187

UnicodeError exception, 204

Uniform Resource Locators. See URLs

union ( | ) operator, 277, 279. See also update ( |= ) operator

Universal NEWLINE Support (UNS), 326, 328–329

Unix, 697–698

availability of Python on, 12

compiling extensions on, 964

IDE for, 18–19

installing Python on, 12

Internet systems running, 858

line separators, 333

multithreaded programming, 792

running Python on, 14, 16–19

shell scripting languages, 7

UNS. See Universal NEWLINE Support

update model, 113–114, 116

update ( |= ) operator, 279


dictionaries, 257–258

lists, 210

numbers, 122

rows, 920, 922

set types, 275

strings, 169

tuples, 232

uploading files, 894

upward propagation (of exceptions), 365

urllib module, 862–866

urllib2 module, 866–869

urlparse module, 861–862

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 856, 859–861

Usenet, 756

User Datagram Protocol. See UDP

user input, 875–877, 886–892

user interface, 920

user-defined functions. See functions (user-defined)

user-defined methods. See methods (user-defined) (UDMs)

UserDict module, 615, 617

UserList module, 615, 617

users (application), 401–402

UserString module, 615, 617

UTF-8 encoding, 199, 205

UTF-16 encoding, 199, 205



accessing dictionary, 255–257

Boolean, 93

comparing dictionary, 262

comparison of object, 93, 96–97, 108

list, 209

object, 90, 93, 96–97, 108

set type, 275

string, 169

tuple, 231–232

ValueError exception, 374, 375, 393

values( ) built-in method, 265, 266

van Rossum, Guido, 6, 18, 23, 53, 295, 544

variable-length arguments (functions), 433–439


accessing module, 52–53

assignment of, 37, 64–67

declarations for, 72, 75

global vs. local, 453–455

multiple assignment, 66

“multuple” assignment, 66–67

naming, 69

scope, 453–466

underscores in naming, 69

using local to substitute for module attributes, 81

vars( ) built-in function, 563

versions of Python, 12

VisualBasic.NET, 27, 969


warning(s), 393, 489–490, 927

Watters, Aaron, 923

Web addresses, 860

Web applications, 910–911

Web browsers, 755, 855, 856

Web clients, 855–857, 859–875

Web crawlers, 860–875

Web pages, 432, 881–886

Web programming, 855–912. See also CGI (Common Gateway Interface); Internet client programming

advanced Web clients, 869–870

cookies, 856, 895–906

crawlers, 860–875

fully interactive sites, 886–892

Internet architecture, 856–859

Internet programming vs., 858–859

multipart form submission/file uploading, 894

multivalued fields, 895

related modules, 909–912

Unicode, 202, 892–893

urllib module, 862–866

urllib2 module, 866–869

urlparse module, 861–862

URLs, 859–861

user input/error processing, 886–892

Web clients, 859–875

Web servers

about, 855–858

CGI, 875–878, 906–909

as common software server, 713

exception handling, 401–402

processing client data with, 875–878

related modules, 911

setting up, 878–879

Web services, 985–989, 1000–1002

Web sites, fully interactive, 886–892

Web surfing, 855–856, 859–869, 886–892

while statement (loops), 42, 296–298

break statement, 304–305

continue statement, 305–306

counting loops, 297

else statement, 307–308

infinite loops, 297–298

and pass statement, 306–307

syntax for, 296–297

while_suite, 42

who command (Unix), 697–698

widgets, 822–826

Win32 platforms/systems

availability of Python on, 12

compiling extensions on, 964

multithreaded programming, 792

win32ui, 851

Windows clients, 713

windows servers, 713

Windows/DOS platforms

IDE for, 19–21

installing Python on, 12–13

line separators, 333

running Python on, 14–17, 19–21

with statement, 382–384

–without-universal-newlines switch, 329

with_suite (context object), 385

Word (Microsoft), 993–994

word boundaries, matching, 678–679, 693


adding initModule( ) module initializer function, 973–974

adding MethodDef ModuleMethods [ ] array/table, 973

an object with enhancements, 594–595

any object example, 588–593

built-in function (exceptions), 365–368

compilation of, 974–975

PyObject* function, 969–973

try-except, 364–365

using “stubs”/dummy functions, 974

“wrapping a type,” 587

write( ) built-in method, 330, 336, 594–595

writelines( ) built-in method, 330, 336

wxGlade, 849

wxPython, 840, 843–846, 849

wxWidgets, 840, 843–846, 849


X Window System, 821

XML processing, 910–911

xrange( ) built-in function, 95, 303

xreadlines( ) method, 330, 335


Yahoo! Finance Stock Quote server, 986–989, 1001–1002

yield statement, 468, 470

yielding (threads), 789


 (special character), 678

ZeroDivisionError exception, 362, 391

zip( ) built-in function, 167, 186, 218, 303, 304

zip files, 490

zipfile module, 351, 352

zipimport, 500, 501

zlib module, 351, 352

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