Post implementation

The post implementation phase of the implementation covers snaglists, finalizing documentation, maintenance, and user training, as follows:

Post implementation

Finishing off the project and closure

It is critical that the action points of the project are resolved as quickly as possible. Action points may be to revisit some areas, to extend in certain areas, or to address issues which presented themselves that were not thought of. Usually this happens when the process that users actually follow is different from the design discussions, or when what users say and do are practically different, either due to their point of reference being a legacy system, or out of pure habit. Any issues with a business process must be resolved in the system and users must agree to the new process even if it is amended after go-live for some reason.

Change management of production environments

A well thought through and practical change management process must be implemented after go-live to ensure that the risk of breaking the business process and operation is mitigated and managed. A typical Compiere environment infrastructure after go live is as follows:

Change management of production environments

Production server(s): This is the main transactional processing environment.

Backup/Failover server(s): Should the production server fail, this environment would be a copy of the production server. In larger environments the costs of downtime could out-weigh the cost of a proper backup/failover server environment.

Development and Test server(s): This environment is where deployment files are deployed for testing by users, prior to loading onto the production server.

Training system: The training server is a stable environment in which a new user can be trained and gets to know the system prior to actually using it in the production environments.

Supplier Service Level Agreement (SLA) management

The critical part in the production environment is what aspects are maintained in-house and what is expected from external parties. Some areas to consider in the management of the environments are as follows:

  • Down time and vendor response times: How critical is the down time and how are responsibilities contractually disseminated between infrastructure, hardware, and Compiere vendors?
  • Fault reporting and follow-up: How will issues and bugs be managed, and who will take responsibility for these aspects? How will users report issues internally, and what types of problems and resolution actions will external vendors be responsible for?
  • Monitoring aspects: Who will manage the monitoring systems, log files, system issue reports and errors, and follow these up and report in a timely manner to management and external vendors for their response?
  • Strategic direction and enhancements: What aspects of the system are being improved upon internally, and how are these being managed against a timeline and goals of efficiency improvement and automation? Who, internally, will be responsible for managing this aspect, or will this be outsourced?
  • New version migration: With new versions of Compiere being released every six months, how will the implementation be migrated to new versions, and what planning is required to do this?

Some issues that the Compiere Partner and Consona Corporation. would incorporate into their SLA and Annual License are as follows:


Compiere Authorized Partner

Consona Corporation

Pre-Sales Support





Not Applicable

Enhancement / Customization


Product Roadmap

Access to Support, Documentation, Issue Tracking

First Line and Second Line Support

Product General Support

Support requests, Response Time support, Phone Support

Yes—Client instance related

Yes—Product General for Professional and Enterprise Editions only.

Source code

Commercial access

Commercial access

Upgrades and Service Packs

Responsible for service pack implementation and migration

Released every 3-6 Months

Infrastructure Support


Not Applicable

User Product Training


Online training

Database Support


Product General Support

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