Compiere setup overview

The instructions for the file installation process are detailed in the installation guides that can be obtained from

After installing the database, Java run time, and Compiere, the Compiere environment setup can be started by running the program RUN_setup. This can be found under your main installation directory, as c:Compiere2RUN_setup.bat (Windows) or /home/Compiere2/ (Linux):

Compiere setup overview

Should you experience problems with the above, the following common faults and solutions may be identified:




Java Home

The system cannot find the fully qualified Java JDK path.

Check your Java installation and ensure that it is listed in your System Environment Variables. Make sure there is a JAVA_HOME entry pointing to the correct path.

Compiere Home

The system is not finding the Compiere instance path.

Check your System Environment Variables. Make sure there is a COMPIERE_HOME entry with the fully-qualified directory path.

Application Server and Database Server

The system is not resolving the application or database server.

Do not use direct IP references (i.e. and must be qualified in your DNS or system's host file.

Conflicting Ports

Ports are conflicting with existing services or processes

Try using different ports, and check possible restrictions on the firewall.

Starting and stopping the Application Server

The Compiere JBoss, Tomcat application server (required for your web interface, accounting, alert, and request server) is started through the command file, namely C:Compiere2utilsRUN_Server2.bat file (.sh for Linux). Stopping the server is done through the c:Compiere2utilsRUN_Server2Stop.bat file (.sh for Linux). Generally, this should take less than a minute. It is recommended that you set up a schedule in Windows or a cron job in Linux to start this automatically each time the server starts up.

Launching Compiere and logging in

There are two ways to log into the system:

Desktop launch

On the server or workstation itself, as either the System Administrator or a user, this is traditionally done through a launch file in your Compiere directory—namely C:Compiere2RUN_Compiere2.bat (Windows) or .sh (Linux). After the initial log in, the user has a choice to create an icon shortcut on the desktop linking to this file for future use. In this method Compiere itself needs to be installed on the Desktop.

Web launch

The recommended method for remote client/server login, where Compiere installation files need not be installed on the desktop is to run Compiere through the Java Webstart from an Internet browser launch page after you have started the Compiere Application Server. The access web page is accessed through http:// < server name > : < web port > /admin, where<server name> is your actual server name and <web port> is the web port defined in the RUN_Setup process followed by the /admin directory. An example of this would be Compiere will download the run-time files to the user desktop for use, and will always be of the latest instance avoiding possible version or maintenance conflict.

Click on the Webstart button to launch the Swing User Interface (UI) application (Community and Standard Editions), or access the Web User Interface (UI) through the Compiere Web Application Login selection (Professional and Enterprise Editions):

Web launch

Enter your System Administrator username and password (refer to the installation documentation for the defaults) for the Swing version, as shown below:

Web launch

Enter your System Administrator username and password (refer installation documentation for the default), for the Web UI version:

Web launch
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