• Absolute value, 910

    • equations involving, 158161

    • inequalities involving, 160163

  • Absolute value function, 255, 257

  • Acid(s), 490

  • Acid rain, 489490

  • Adams, Evelyn Marie, 778

  • Addition. See also Sum(s)

    • of complex numbers, 121

    • of fractions, 14

    • of matrices, 607608, 609

    • of polynomials, 32

    • of radical expressions, 6566

    • of rational expressions, 5356

  • Addition method, for solving systems of linear equations, 519520

  • Additive Rule, probability and, 781782

  • Air search, 158, 161162

  • Algebra

    • Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and, 377

    • medieval, 514

    • origin of word, 514

  • Algebraic expressions, 1416

    • defined, 14

    • value of, 1415

  • Algebraic numbers, 436

  • Algorithms

    • Division Algorithm, 352354

    • origin of word, 514

  • Al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa, 514

  • Alternating current, 119, 125

  • American Journal of Mathematics, 607

  • Annual compounding, 432

  • Annuities, 744745

  • Apollonius of Perga, 659

  • Apparent brightness, 497

  • Applied problems. See also Modeling

    • composite functions and, 288290

    • with ellipses, 684685

    • with exponential equations, 478479

    • with geometric sequences, 744745

    • with hyperbolas, 701702

    • inverse functions and, 301302

    • with linear programming, 574575

    • with matrix inverses, 628629

    • with polynomial functions, 359360

    • procedure for solving, 9293

    • with quadratic equations, 113114

    • with quadratic functions, 324326

    • with systems of linear equations, 521522, 534535

    • with systems of nonlinear equations, 554555

    • tracking moving objects, 324325

  • Area

    • maximum, finding, 325

    • of a rectangle, 220

    • of a transformed polygon, 643644

  • Arithmetic expressions

    • evaluating, 1112

    • order of operations for, 1112

  • Arithmeticorum Libri Duo (Maurolico), 754

  • Arithmetic progressions. See Arithmetic sequences

  • Arithmetic sequences, 729734

  • Ars Magna (Cardano), 376

  • Associative property of real numbers, 12

  • Astronomia Nova (Kepler), 332

  • Asymptotes

    • of a hyperbola, 694696

    • oblique, of rational functions, 395396

    • vertical and horizontal, of a rational function, 386388, 389, 391392

  • Augmented matrices, 590592

  • Average rate of change, of a function, 241244

  • Axes

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