

2-switch topology, 162-163

2-tier campus design, 228-230

3-tier campus design, 230-232

10BASE-T, 43, 48-50, 220-221

10GBASE-T, 43

100BASE-T, 43, 48-50

802.1A, 416-419

802.1Q, 248-249

1000BASE-LX, 43

1000BASE-T, 51

? command, 136-137

:: (double colon), 681


AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting) servers, 175-176

abbreviating IPv6 addresses, 681-682

access-class command, 640, 813-814, 819

access control lists. See ACLs

access interfaces, 252, 292-293

access-list command, 599, 602, 611, 617-620, 640

any keyword, 602

building ACLs with, 608

deny keyword, 602-603

examples and logic explanations, 621

extended numbered ACL configuration commands, 621

log keyword, 606

permit keyword, 599, 602-603

reverse engineering from ACL to address range, 608-610

tcp keyword, 618

upd keyword, 618

access points (APs), 41

access switches, 228, 232

access VLANs (virtual LANs), 293-294

ACK flags, 110

ACLs (access control lists), 584, 594

comparison of, 596-597

controlling Telnet and SSH access with, 813-814

extended numbered ACLs, 616-621

implementation considerations, 630-631

location and direction, 594-595

matching packets, 595-596

named ACLs, 625-629

standard numbered ACLs, 597, 629-630

access-list command, 608

command syntax, 599

configuration examples, 602-606

list logic, 598-599

matching any/all addresses, 602

matching exact IP address, 599-600

matching subset of address, 600-601

reverse engineering from ACL to address range, 608-610

troubleshooting, 606-607

verification, 606-607

wildcard masks, 600-602

troubleshooting, 631

ACL behavior in network, 631-633

ACL interactions with router-generated packets, 637-639

common syntax mistakes, 635

inbound ACL filters routing protocol packets, 635-636

reversed source/destination IP address, 634-635

troubleshooting commands, 633-634

activating software. See software activation

AD (administrative distance), 449-450

Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) firewall, 814

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 84, 99-100

addresses. See IPv4 addresses; IPv6 addresses

adjacent-layer interaction, 24-25

administrative distance (AD), 449-450

algorithms, CSMA/CD, 57

all-hosts broadcast addresses (IPv4), 491

all IP addresses, matching, 602

all-subnets broadcast addresses (IPv4), 491

any keyword, 602

any/all IP addresses, matching, 602

anycast addresses (IPv6), 722-723

APs (access points), 41

application layer

OSI, 34

TCP/IP, 22-23

architecture (networking), 18

archive command, 841, 845-846

archiving configuration files, 841

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 84, 99-100, 415, 490

arp -a command, 490, 497

ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance) firewall, 814

authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) servers, 175-176

auto-mdix, 51

autonegotiation, 198-202

autosummarization (RIPv2), 454-455

auto-summary command, 454, 465, 468

auxiliary ports (routers), 398-399


backups, 840-842

bandwidth command, 397-400

bandwidth setting, 398

banner command, 810-812, 819

banners, login, 810-812

Berners-Lee, Tim, 22

binary/hexadecimal conversion chart (IPv6), 681

binary masks, converting

binary wildcard masks, 601

to/from DDN masks, 344-345

to/from prefix masks, 343-344

binary subnet analysis

binary practice problems, 364-366

Boolean math, 367

finding range of addresses, 367

finding subnet broadcast addresses, 364

finding subnet IDs, 362-363

shortcut for binary process, 366-367

binary-to-hexadecimal conversion, 892

blocking, 155

blocks (CIDR), 646

Boolean AND, 367

Boolean math, 367

Boolean OR, 367

boot sequence (IOS), 830-833

boot system command, 831-833, 845

bridges, 221-222

bridging table. See MAC address table

broadcast addresses, 53-54, 491-492

broadcast domains, 224-227

broadcast flags, 474

broadcast subnet, 518

browsers, 114

browsing web

DNS (Domain Name System) resolution, 115-117

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 114, 117-118

URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), 114-115


cables, 41

cable Internet, 76-77

DCE (data communications equipment) cables, 66

DTE (data terminal equipment) cables, 66

leased-line cabling, 64-65

physical console connection, 130-132

UTP (unshielded twisted-pair), 43-46

cabling pinouts for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T, 48-50

cabling pinouts for 1000BASE-T, 51

UTP Ethernet links, 46-47

cache (ARP), 100

CAM (Content-Addressable Memory) tables. See MAC address table

campus LANs

three-tier campus design, 230-232

topology design terminology, 232-233

two-tier campus design, 227-230

carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD), 57, 221

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)

configuration, 796-797

discovering information about neighbors, 793-796

verification, 796-797

cdp enable command, 801

cdp run command, 801

channel service unit/data service unit (CSU/DSU), 65

CIDR (classless inter-domain routing), 343, 645-646

circuits. See leased-line WANs

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) firewall, 814

Cisco Binary Game, 344

Cisco Catalyst switches, 128-129

Cisco Certification Exam tips. See exam tips

Cisco Certification Exam Tutorial, 868-869

Cisco Discovery Protocol. See CDP

Cisco integrated services routers, 387-388

Cisco IOS. See IOS (Internetwork Operating System)

Cisco Learning Network (CLN), 344

Cisco License Manager, 854-855

Cisco ONE Licensing, 854

Cisco Product License Registration Portal, 855-857

Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM), 263

Class A networks, 88-91

address formats, 330

calculating hosts per network, 331-332

default masks, 331

dividing addresses into three parts, 349-350

first octet values, 328

number and size, 329-330

reserved networks, 329, 334

unusual addresses, 334

Class B networks, 88-91

address formats, 330

calculating hosts per network, 331-332

default masks, 331

dividing addresses into three parts, 349-350

first octet values, 328

number and size, 329-330

reserved networks, 329

unusual addresses, 334

Class C networks, 88-91

address formats, 330

calculating hosts per network, 331-332

default masks, 331

dividing addresses into three parts, 349-350

first octet values, 328

number and size, 329-330

reserved networks, 329

unusual addresses, 334

Class D networks, 328

Class E networks, 328

classful IP addresses, 349-350

classful IP networks, 88-91

address formats, 330

before subnetting, 316-317

calculating hosts per network, 331-332

choosing, 316

classes in, 328-329

default masks, 331

network number and related numbers, 332-333

number and size, 329-330

private IP networks, 315-316

public IP networks, 313-315

subnet masks, 340

unusual addresses, 334

classful routing protocols, 454, 530-531

classless addressing, 350

classless inter-domain routing (CIDR), 343, 645-646

classless routing protocols, 530-531

clear ip dhcp conflict command, 486, 497

clear ip nat translation command, 651, 659, 665

clear ipv6 neighbor command, 745

clear logging command, 785

clear mac address-table dynamic command, 162-164

CLI (command-line interface)

accessing, 129-130, 390-391

password security, 135-136

physical console connection, 130-132

SSH (Secure Shell), 133

Telnet, 133

Cisco Catalyst switches, 128-129

command edit and recall, 137

common command prompts, 140

configuration files, 141-143

configuration mode, 138-139

configuration submodes and contexts, 139-141

help, 136-137

overview, 126-128

privileged EXEC mode, 133-135

security, 168-169

external authentication servers, 175-176

local username/password configuration, 173-175

simple password configuration, 169-173

SSH (Secure Shell), 176-179

user EXEC mode, 133-135

CLI skills, practicing, 879-881


NTP (Network Time Protocol), 789-791

Telnet clients, 133

CLM (Cisco License Manager), 854-855

CLN (Cisco Learning Network), 344

clock rate command, 66, 397, 400

clock set command, 788-789

clock summer-time command, 789, 800

clock timezone command, 789, 800

clocking, 66, 396-397

collapsed core design, 227-230

collision domains, 220

10BASE-T with hub, 220-221

impact on LAN design, 223-224

switches, 222-223

transparent bridges, 221-222

command-line interface. See CLI

commands. See individual commands (for example, access-list command)

config-register command, 831, 845

configuration, 717-718

ACLs (access control lists), 602-606

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol), 796-797

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 182-183, 478-480

dynamic unicast addresses (IPv6), 715

extended numbered ACLs, 621-624

IOS software

common command prompts, 140

configuration mode, 138-139

configuration submodes and contexts, 139-141

copying configuration files, 143

erasing configuration files, 143

initial configuration, 843

storing configuration files, 141-143

IPv4, 181-183


address configuration summary, 723-724

host settings, 735-741

login banners, 810-812

named ACLs (access control lists), 626

NAT (Network Address Translation)

dynamic NAT, 655-657

PAT (Port Address Translation), 660-662

static NAT, 654-655

NTP (Network Time Protocol) client/server, 789-791

numbered ACLs (access control lists), 629-630

overlapping VLSM subnets, 582-583


local passwords, 173-175

simple passwords, 169-173

RIPv2, 443-447

static routes, 422-428

static unicast addresses, 707

configuring full 128-bit address, 707-708

enabling IPv6 routing, 708

generating unique interface ID with modified EUI-64, 711-714

verifying, 709-711

switch interfaces, 190-192

autonegotiation, 198-202

description, 193-194

duplex, 193-194

enabling/disabling interfaces, 195-197

multiple interfaces, 195

port security, 202-208

removing configuration, 197-198

speed, 193-194

Syslog, 784-786

VLANs (virtual LANs), 252-253

data and voice VLANs, 264-266

full VLAN configuration example, 253-256

routing, 420-422

shorter VLAN configuration example, 256-257

trunking, 258-262

VLSM (variable length subnet masks), 531-532

configuration files

archiving, 841

copying, 143, 839-841

erasing, 143, 843

replacing, 841-842

running-config, 142

startup-config, 142

storing, 141-143

configuration mode (CLI), 138-139

configuration register, 831

configure replace command, 841-842, 846

configure restore command, 841

configure terminal command, 139, 143-145, 171, 256, 841

conflicts (DHCP), 485-486

confreg command, 836-837

connected routes, 403, 413-414, 753-755

connection establishment and termination (TCP), 110-111

connection-oriented protocols, 111

connectionless protocols, 111

console connection cabling, 130-132

console passwords, 169

Content-Addressable Memory (CAM) tables. See MAC address table

context-setting commands, 139

contiguous networks, 455

copy command, 391, 825, 828, 839-840, 846

copy ftp flash command, 828

copy running-config startup-config command, 143-145, 205, 831, 839, 841, 846

copy startup-config running-config command, 145, 838, 846

copy tftp flash command, 825

copy tftp startup-config command, 840


configuration files, 839-841

IOS images, 825-830

switch configuration files, 143

core design, 230-232

CPE (customer premises equipment), 65

crossover cable pinout, 50

crosstalk, 46

crypto key command, 177

crypto key generate rsa command, 176-178, 187, 818

CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access with collision detection), 57, 221

CSU/DSU (channel service unit/data service unit), 65

CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager), 263

current license status, showing, 857-859

customer premises equipment (CPE), 65


DAD (Duplicate Address Detection), 731, 734-735

data centers, 148

data communications equipment (DCE) cables, 66

data encapsulation

OSI terminology, 35

TCP/IP terminology, 30-32

data link layer

Ethernet, 44, 51-52

OSI, 34

data-link protocols, 66-67

data terminal equipment (DTE) cables, 66

DCE (data communications equipment) cables, 66

DDN (dotted-decimal notation), 27, 87, 342-346

debug command, 138, 783, 786-787, 801

debug ip nat command, 659, 665

debug ip rip command, 786

decimal masks. See DDN (dotted-decimal notation)

decimal subnet analysis

analysis with easy masks, 368-369

finding subnet broadcast addresses, 372-374

finding subnet IDs, 370-372

predictability in interesting octet, 369-370

reference table: DDN mask values and binary equivalent, 374

decimal-to-binary conversion, 889-891

decimal wildcard masks, 600-601

de-encapsulation of IP packets, 410

default gateways, 83, 93, 406

default masks, 331

default-router command, 496

default routers, 83, 93, 406, 489-490

default VLANs, 253

delete vlan.dat command, 156

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 816

denial of service (DoS) attack, 815

deny command, 596, 602-603, 626-628, 641

description command, 193, 210, 400

destination IP, matching, 617-618

destination port numbers, 107

device hardening

controlling Telnet and SSH access with ACLs, 813-814

definition of, 810

firewalls, 814-817

login banner configuration, 810-812

unused switch interface security, 812-813

device management protocols

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)

configuration, 796-797

discovering information about neighbors, 793-796

verification, 796-797

LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol), 797-799

NTP (Network Time Protocol), 787-788

client/server configuration, 789-791

loopback interfaces, 791-793

setting time and timezone, 788-789


configuration, 784-786

debug command, 786-787

log message format, 782

log message security levels, 783

sending messages to users, 780-781

storing log messages for review, 781-782

verification, 784-786

device security

device hardening

controlling Telnet and SSH access with ACLs, 813-814

definition of, 810

firewalls, 814-817

login banner configuration, 810-812

unused switch interface security, 812-813

IOS passwords, 804

encoding with hashes, 806-809

encrypting with service password-encryption command, 805-806

hiding for local usernames, 810

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 182-183, 323, 471-475

advantages of, 473

broadcast flags, 474

configuration, 478-480

DHCP pools, 478

DHCP Relay, 571

supporting, 475-476

troubleshooting, 481-482

DHCPv6, 736

compared to DHCPv4, 736-737

relay agents, 737-739

information stored at DHCP server, 476-477

pools, 478

server verification, 480-481

troubleshooting, 481, 571-572

conflicts, 485-486

DHCP Relay agent configuration, 481-482

DHCP server configuration, 482-484

IP connectivity, 484

LAN connectivity, 484-485

summary, 485

diagrams, network, 18, 29

digital subscriber line (DSL), 74-76

dir command, 826, 846, 863

directed broadcast addresses, 320, 491

direction (ACLs), 594-595

disable command, 145

disabled VLANs, 294

discontiguous classful networks, 454-455

disk file systems, 824

distance vector, 439-440

distribution switches, 228, 232

DMZ (demilitarized zone), 816

DNS (Domain Name System), 98-99, 109, 115-117, 488-489, 569-570

dns-server command, 496, 569

DoS (denial of service) attack, 815

dotted-decimal notation (DDN), 27, 87, 342-346

DRAM (dynamic random-access memory), 141

DSL (digital subscriber line), 74-76

DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM), 76

DSLAM (DSL access multiplexer), 76

DTE (data terminal equipment) cables, 66

dual stack, 679


configuring on switch interfaces, 193-194

duplex mismatch, 201

troubleshooting, 279-282

duplex command, 193-194, 209, 279-281, 297, 391, 400

Duplicate Address Detection (DAD), 731, 734-735

duplicate addresses, 734-735

dynamic configuration of IPv6 host settings, 735

DHCPv6, 736-739

SLAAC (Stateless Address Auto Configuration)

building IPv6 addresses with, 739-740

combining with NDP and DHCP, 740-741

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP

dynamic IP address configuration, 182-183

dynamic NAT (Network Address Translation), 650-651

configuration, 655-657

verification, 657-659

dynamic port numbers, 107

dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), 141

dynamic ranges per subnet, choosing, 323-324

dynamic unicast address configuration, 715

dynamic windows, 112-113


echo replies (ICMP), 100

echo requests (ICMP), 100

EIGRPv6 (EIGRP for IPv6), 679

enable command, 133, 145, 169-170

enable mode, 133-135

enable password command, 171, 806, 819

enable passwords, 169

enable secret command, 171, 188, 806-809, 819

enable secret love command, 136

encapsulation, 411-412

de-encapsulation of IP packets, 410

IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4), 83-84

OSI terminology, 35

TCP/IP terminology, 30-32

encapsulation command, 418

encoding schemes, 45

encryption, 805-806

end command, 145

end-user perspectives on networking, 17-18

enterprise LANs, 42-43

enterprise networks, 17, 307

enterprise routers, 386-388

enterprise wireless LANs, 238-240

EoMPLS (Ethernet over MPLS), 70-71

eq 21 parameters, 619

equal-cost load balancing, 453

equal-cost routes, 453-454

erase nvram command, 145, 843, 846

erase startup-config command, 145, 156, 843, 846

err-disabling recovery, 288-289

error detection, 55, 104

error recovery, 104, 111-112

Ethernet emulation, 70-72

Ethernet LANs, 29, 38-40

broadcast domains, 224-227

campus LANs

three-tier campus design, 230-232

topology design terminology, 232-233

two-tier campus design, 227-230

collision domains, 220

10BASE-T with hub, 220-221

impact on LAN design, 223-224

switches, 222-223

transparent bridges, 221-222

enterprise LANs, 42-43

Ethernet addressing, 52-54

Ethernet data link protocols, 44, 51-52

Ethernet frames, 44

Ethernet physical layer standards, 43

Ethernet ports, 46

Ethernet Type field, 54

FCS (Frame Check Sequence) field, 55

full-duplex logic, 55-56

half-duplex logic, 56-58

hubs, 220

LAN switching, 41

analyzing, 156

flooding, 154

MAC address table, 153-163

overview, 146-149

STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 154-155

summary, 155-156

switch forwarding and filtering decisions, 150-153

switch interfaces, 158-159

switching logic, 149-150

verifying, 156

physical standards, 233-234

choosing, 235-236

enterprise wireless LANs, 238-240

Ethernet types, media, and segment lengths, 235

history of, 234

home office wireless LANs, 236-237

table of, 234

port security, 202-203

configuration, 203-205

MAC addresses, 207-208

verifying, 205-206

violation actions, 207

SOHO (small office/home office) LANs, 41-42

switch interface configuration, 190-192

autonegotiation, 198-202

description, 193-194

duplex, 193-194

enabling/disabling interfaces, 195-197

multiple interfaces, 195

removing configuration, 197-198

speed, 193-194

troubleshooting, 573-574

analyzing forwarding paths, 286-287

definition of, 271

interface speed and duplex issues, 279-282

interface status codes, 278-279

Layer 1 problems, 282-284

methodologies, 274-275

port security, 287-292

predicting contents of MAC address table, 284-286

problem isolation, 275-277

VLANs (virtual LANs), 292-296

UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cables, 43-46

cabling pinouts for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T, 48-50

cabling pinouts for 1000BASE-T, 51

UTP Ethernet links, 46-47

VLANs (virtual LANs), 244-246

configuration, 252-257

default VLANs, 253

IP telephony, 262-267

native VLANs, 248

routing between, 249-252

tagging, 246-248

troubleshooting, 292-296

trunking, 246-249, 257-262

VLAN IDs, 246

Ethernet over MPLS (EoMPLS), 70-71

Ethernet WANs (wide area networks), 69-70

Ethernet emulation, 70-72

Ethernet over MPLS (EoMPLS), 70-71

Internet access, 72

cable Internet, 76-77

DSL (digital subscriber line), 74-76

Internet access links, 73-74

Internet as a large WAN, 72-73

EtherType, 54

EUI-64 (extended unique identifier), 711-714

exact IP address matching, 599-600

exam tips

assessing whether you are ready to pass, 881-882

Cisco Certification Exam Tutorial, 868-869

exam-day advice, 871

exam review, 872-873

finding knowledge gaps, 877-879

hands-on CLI skills, 879-881

practice exams, 874-877

subnetting and other math-related skills, 873-874

other study tasks, 883-884

pre-exam suggestions, 870-871

study suggestions after failing to pass, 871-872, 882-883

time management, 869-870

EXEC modes, 169-173

privileged EXEC, 133-135

user EXEC, 133-135

exec-timeout command, 185, 188

exit command, 139, 143-145

experimental addresses, 328

extended numbered IPv4 ACLs, 616

configuration, 621-624

matching protocol, source IP, and destination IP, 617-618

matching TCP and UDP port numbers, 618-621

extended ping

testing LAN neighbors with, 550-551

testing reverse routes with, 547-549

external authentication servers, 175-176


failed exam attempts, 871-872, 882-883

Fast Ethernet, 43

FCS (Frame Check Sequence) field, 55

feature sets, 851

fiber-optic cabling, 43

file system, 822-824

File Transfer Protocol. See FTP


configuration files, 839

archiving, 841

copying, 143, 839-841

erasing, 143, 843

replacing, 841-842

running-config, 142

startup-config, 142

storing, 141-143

management, 820-822

configuration files, 839-842

IOS file system, 822-824

IOS software boot sequence, 830-835

password recovery/reset, 835-838

upgrading IOS images, 824-830

transferring, 117-118

FIN bits, 110

firewalls, 814-817

first octet values, 328

first usable IP addresses, 332-333

flash memory, 141, 823

floating static routes, 426, 762-763

flooding, 154

flow control (TCP), 112-113

forward acknowledgment, 111

forward-versus-filter decisions, 152

forwarding packets. See IPv4 routing; IPv6 routing

forwarding path, 286-287

Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field, 55

frames, 29-31, 44

deciding to process incoming frames, 409-410

flooding, 154

transmitting, 412

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 828-829

full addresses (IPv6), 680

full-duplex logic, 55-56

full mesh topology, 229, 233

full update messages, 440-441

full VLAN configuration example, 253-256


G0/0 status code, 394

G0/1 status code, 394

GET requests, 23, 117

Gigabit Ethernet, 43

global routing prefix (IPv6), 693-695

global unicast addresses

address ranges for, 695

assigning to hosts, 700-701

definition of, 692-693

IPv6 static routes with, 758-759

subnetting with, 696-699

group addresses, 53

groupings (IP address), 83, 87-88


half-duplex logic, 56-58

hands-on CLI skills, practicing, 879-881

hashes, 806

HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control), 67


Ethernet, 52

HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control), 67

headers (HTTP), 23

hexadecimal-to-binary conversion, 681, 892

High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC), 67

history buffer commands, 184

history size command, 184, 188

home office wireless LANs, 236-237

host addresses, 331-332

host bits, 310

host forwarding logic, 82, 93-94

host part (of IP addresses), 330, 340, 348-349

host routing logic, 406

hostname command, 141-145, 156, 178, 188

hostname Fred command, 139

hostnames, 98

hosts, IPv4, 27, 81

analyzing subnet needs, 306-309

assigning addresses to, 700-701

calculating per subnet, 350-352

host bits, 310

IPv4 settings, 86, 179-181, 486

default routers, 489-490

DNS name resolution, 488-489

IP address and mask configuration, 487-488

troubleshooting, 566-570

hosts, IPv6

dynamic configuration, 735

DHCPv6, 736-739

SLAAC (Stateless Address Auto Configuration), 739-741

NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol), 730-731

discovering duplicate addresses, 734-735

discovering neighbor link addresses, 733-734

discovering routers, 731-732

discovering SLAAC addressing info, 732-733

NA (Neighbor Advertisement), 733

NS (Neighbor Solicitation), 733

RA (Router Advertisement), 731

RS (Router Solicitation), 731

verifying host connectivity

from hosts, 741-744

from nearby routers, 744-747

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 22-23, 114-118


10BASE-T, 220-221

autonegotiation and, 201-202

Huston, Geoff, 675

hybrid topology, 229, 233

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 22-23, 114-118


IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 645, 688

IBM SNA (Systems Network Architecture), 19

ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), 688

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 100

icmp keyword, 635

ICMPv6, 676


interface IDs, 698

IPv4 subnet IDs, 310, 320, 360-361, 513

finding subnets with 9-16 subnet bits, 520-522

finding subnets with 17 or more subnet bits, 522

finding subnets with exactly 8 subnet bits, 519-520

finding subnets with less than 8 subnet bits, 515-519

finding with binary math, 362-363

finding with decimal math, 370-372

finding with magic number, 515

zero subnet, 514

IPv6 subnet IDs, 698-699

VLAN IDs, 246

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), 20

ifconfig command, 487, 497, 566, 742, 748

IGPs (interior gateway protocols), 437-438

IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), 437

images (IOS)


with FTP, 828-829

to local file system, 825-827

with SCP, 829-830

one image per feature set, 851

one image per model/series, 850

universal images, 851-853

upgrading, 824-830

verifying, 827, 833-835

incoming frames, 409-410

infinity, 441

input errors, 282

inside global addresses, 649-650

inside local addresses, 649-650

installation of routers

Cisco integrated services routers, 387-388

enterprise routers, 386-388

Internet access routers, 389-390

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 20

interesting octet, 369-370, 515

interface command, 139, 145, 209, 253, 265, 391, 400

interface ethernet command, 392

interface fastethernet command, 392

interface gigabitethernet command, 392

interface IDs, 698

Interface loopback command, 800

interface range command, 195, 209, 255

interface subcommands, 139

interface vlan command, 187

interface vlan vlan_id, 421


access interfaces, 292-293

Layer 1 problems, 282-284

port security, 202-203, 287-288

configuration, 203-205

err-disabled recovery, 288-289

MAC addresses, 207-208

protect mode, 289-292

restrict mode, 289-292

shutdown mode, 288-289

verifying, 205-206

violation actions, 207

router interfaces

bandwidth, 398

clock rate, 396-397

displaying, 391-393

interface status codes, 393-396

speed and duplex issues, 279-282

status codes, 278-279, 393-394

switch interface configuration, 190-192

autonegotiation, 198-202

description, 193-194

duplex, 193-194

enabling/disabling interfaces, 195-197

multiple interfaces, 195

removing configuration, 197-198

speed, 193-194

interior gateway protocols (IGPs), 437-438

Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), 437

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 19

Internet access, 72

DSL (digital subscriber line), 74-76

Internet access links, 73-74

Internet access routers, 389-390

Internet as a large WAN, 72-73

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 645, 688

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 100

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 688

Internetwork Operating System. See IOS

internetworks, 85, 307

Inter-Switch Link (ISL), 248-249

IOS (Internetwork Operating System)

boot sequence, 830-831

choosing IOS to load, 831-833

configuration register, 831

verifying IOS image, 833-835


common command prompts, 140

configuration mode, 138-139

configuration submodes and contexts, 139-141

copying configuration files, 143

erasing configuration files, 143

storing configuration files, 141-143

file management, 820-822

configuration files, 839-842

IOS file system, 822-824

password recovery/reset, 835-838

upgrading IOS images, 824-830

initial configuration, 843

license management, 848

manual software activation, 855-860

software activation with Cisco License Manager, 854-855

software activation with universal images, 852-853


one image per model/series, 850

one IOS image per feature set, 851

universal images, 851-853

password security, 804

encoding with hashes, 806-809

encrypting with service password-encryption command, 805-806

hiding passwords for local usernames, 810

software activation

with Cisco License Manager, 854-855

manual activation, 855-860

with right-to-use licenses, 861-862

with universal images, 852-853

versions versus releases, 850

ip -6 neighbor show command, 734, 748

ip access-group command, 604, 611, 621, 631, 640

ip access-list command, 626-627, 640

IP ACLs (access control lists). See ACLs (access control lists)

ip address command, 182, 187, 394, 400, 413-414, 418, 421, 424, 531, 566, 582-583

IP ARP table, 415

ip default-gateway command, 182, 187

ip dhcp excluded-address command, 478-479, 496

ip dhcp pool command, 478, 496

ip domain-lookup command, 570

ip domain-name command, 178

ip ftp password command, 845

ip ftp username command, 845

ip helper-address command, 473-476, 480-483, 497, 571-572

ip name-server command, 182, 187, 570

ip nat command, 665

ip nat inside command, 653, 655, 660-662

ip nat inside source command, 657, 665

ip nat inside source list command, 656, 660, 663

ip nat inside source static command, 653, 655, 662

ip nat outside command, 653-655, 660-662

ip nat pool command, 656, 665

ip route, 403, 413, 422-424

ip scp server enable command, 829

ip ssh version 2 command, 178

ip subnet-zero command, 514

IP telephony, 262

data and voice VLAN concepts, 262-264

data and voice VLAN configuration and verification, 264-266

summary, 266-267

ipconfig command, 487, 497, 566, 742, 748

IPv4 ACLs (access control lists). See ACLs (access control lists)

IPv4 addresses, 84-85. See also subnet masks; subnets

address exhaustion, 675

address formats, 330

broadcast addresses, 491-492

calculating hosts and subnets in network, 350-352

calculating hosts per network, 331-332

CIDR (classless inter-domain routing), 645-646

classes in, 328-329

classless versus classful addressing, 350

comparison of address types, 494-495

default masks, 331

dynamic IP address configuration, 182-183

grouping, 87-88

host settings, 486-490

matching addresses

any/all addresses, 602

exact IP address, 599-600

subset of address, 600-601

multicast addresses, 492-494

NAT (Network Address Translation), 642, 647-648

dynamic NAT, 650-651, 655-659

PAT (Port Address Translation), 652-653, 660-662

source NAT, 648

static NAT, 648-650, 654-655

troubleshooting, 662-664

network number and related numbers, 332-333

number and size of networks, 329-330

private addresses, 646-647, 690-692

public addresses, 690-692

router interface IP addresses, 394-396

rules for, 86-87

scalability, 645

troubleshooting, 570

unicast addresses, 491

unusual addresses within classes, 334

IPv4 routing, 25-28, 78, 81, 405-407. See also subnets

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 84, 99-100

configuring on switch, 181-182

DNS (Domain Name System), 98-99

enabling IPv4 support on router interfaces

bandwidth, 398

CLI access, 390-391

clock rate, 396-397

displaying interfaces, 391-393

interface status codes, 393-394

IP addresses, 394-396

router auxiliary ports, 398-399

examples of, 408

choosing where to forward packets, 410-411

deciding whether to process incoming frames, 409-410

de-encapsulation of IP packets, 410

encapsulating packets in frames, 411-412

hosts forward IP packets to default routers (gateway), 409

transmitting frames, 412

host and switch IP settings, 179-181

IP hosts, 27, 86

IP networks, 85, 88-91

IP packet encapsulation, 408

protocols, 85-86, 96-98

routing logic, 81-83

data link layer encapsulation, 83-84

host forwarding logic, 82, 93-94

IP routing tables, 83, 94-95

routing tables, 83, 94-95

RIPv2, 437

autosummarization, 454-455

comparison of IGPs (interior gateway protocols), 438

configuration, 443-447

discontiguous classful networks, 454-455

distance vector, 439-440

equal-cost routes, 453-454

full update messages, 440-441

history of IGPs (interior gateway protocols), 437-438

key features, 442-443

RIP updates, controlling, 452-453

route poisoning, 441-442

split horizon, 441

troubleshooting, 461-466

verification, 447-451, 456-458

testing connectivity, 100

troubleshooting, 564

default router IP address setting, 570

DHCP issues, 571-572

DNS problems, 569-570

incorrect addressing plans, 579-583

IP forwarding issues, 575-578

LAN issues, 573-574

mismatched IPv4 settings, 566-567

mismatched masks, 567-569

packet filtering with access lists, 584

ping command, 543-553

router WAN interface status, 583

SSH (Secure Shell), 559-561

Telnet, 559-561

traceroute command, 553-559

verifying on switch, 183-184

ipv6 address command, 707, 711, 715-717, 726, 753

ipv6 address dhcp command, 726

ipv6 address eui-64 command, 714

ipv6 address link-local command, 718

IPv6 addresses, 674, 706-707

abbreviating, 681-682

address configuration summary, 723-724

assigning subnets to internetwork topology, 699-700

dynamic configuration of host settings, 735

DHCPv6, 736-739

SLAAC (Stateless Address Auto Configuration), 739-741

dynamic unicast address configuration, 715

expanding addresses, 682

global routing prefix, 693-695

global unicast addresses

address ranges for, 695

assigning to hosts, 700-701

definition of, 692-693

subnetting with, 696-699

hexadecimal/binary conversion chart, 681

history of, 674-676

interface IDs, 698

link-local addresses, 716-718

loopback addresses, 723

multicast addresses

anycast addresses, 722-723

local scope multicast addresses, 719-720

solicited-node multicast addresses, 720-721

NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol), 730-731

discovering duplicate addresses, 734-735

discovering neighbor link addresses, 733-734

discovering routers, 731-732

discovering SLAAC addressing info, 732-733

NA (Neighbor Advertisement), 733

NS (Neighbor Solicitation), 733

RA (Router Advertisement), 731

RS (Router Solicitation), 731

summary, 735

prefix length, 683-685

protocols, 676-677

representing full IPv6 addresses, 680

routing, 677-680

site local addresses, 693

static unicast address configuration, 707

configuring full 128-bit address, 707-708

enabling IPv6 routing, 708

generating unique interface ID with modified EUI-64, 711-714

verifying, 709-711

subnet router anycast addresses, 699

subnetting with global unicast addresses, 696-699

subnetting with unique local addresses, 701-702

troubleshooting, 741

verifying host connectivity from hosts, 741-744

verifying host connectivity from nearby routers, 744-747

unique local addresses

definition of, 692-693

importance of, 702-703

subnetting with, 701-702

unknown addresses, 723

ipv6 dhcp relay command, 738-739

ipv6 dhcp relay destination command, 748

ipv6 enable command, 718, 726

ipv6 route command, 756, 769

floating static routes, 762

global unicast next-hop address, 758

link-local next-hop address, 759

outgoing interface, 756

static default routes, 761

static host routes, 761

troubleshooting, 765-768

IPv6 routing, 752

connected routes, 753-755

local routes, 753, 755-756

static routes, 756

floating static routes, 762-763

global unicast next-hop address, 758-759

link-local next-hop address, 759-760

outgoing interface, 756-757

static default routes, 760-761

static host routes, 761-762

troubleshooting, 765-768

ipv6 unicast-routing command, 708, 726

ISL (Inter-Switch Link), 248-249

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 19

isolating problems with traceroute, 275-277, 553-559


knowledge gaps, finding, 877-879

known unicast frames, 150-153

L3 PDU (Layer 3 protocol data units), 84

L4PDU, 106

LANs (local-area networks). See Ethernet LANs; WLANs

LAN neighbors, testing, 549-551

LAN switching, 146-149

analyzing, 156

flooding, 154

MAC address table, 153-154

aging, 161

clearing, 162

finding entries in, 159-160

multiple switches, 162-163

showing, 156-157

port security, 202-203, 287-288

configuration, 203-205

err-disabled recovery, 288-289

MAC addresses, 207-208

protect mode, 289-292

restrict mode, 289-292

shutdown mode, 288-289

verifying, 205-206

violation actions, 207

STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 154-155

summary, 155-156

switch forwarding and filtering decisions, 150-153

switch interface configuration, 158-159, 190-192

autonegotiation, 198-202

description, 193-194

duplex, 193-194

enabling/disabling interfaces, 195-197

multiple interfaces, 195

removing configuration, 197-198

speed, 193-194

switching logic, 149-150

verifying, 156

last usable IP addresses, 332-333

Layer 1 problems, 282-284

Layer 2 switches, 181, 249

Layer 3 protocol data units (L3 PDU), 84

Layer 3 switches, 181, 249, 416

configuring routing to VLANs, 420-422

VLAN (virtual LAN) routing, 251-252

Layer 4 PDU, 106



data link, 44, 51-52

physical layer standards, 43

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), 33-35


adjacent-layer interaction, 24-25

application layer, 22-23

compared to OSI, 32-33

data encapsulation terminology, 30-32

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 22-23

IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4), 25-28

link layer, 28-30

network layer, 25-28

original versus modern TCP/IP models, 30

same-layer interaction, 24-25

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 23-24

transport layer, 23-25

lease command, 497

leased circuits. See leased-line WANs

leased-line WANs (wide area networks)

cabling, 64-65

connecting LANs via, 62-63

creating in lab, 66

data-link protocols, 66-67

HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control), 67

leased line terminology, 63-64

routing, 68-69

license boot module command, 861-862

license install command, 857, 863

license management, 848

Cisco License Manager, 854-855

Cisco ONE Licensing, 854

Cisco Product License Registration Portal, 855-857

IOS packaging, 850

one IOS image per feature set, 851

one IOS image per model/series, 850

universal images, 851-853

right-to-use licenses, 861-862

software activation

with Cisco License Manager, 854-855

manual activation, 855-860

with universal images, 852-853

License Manager (Cisco), 854-855

Lightweight AP (LWAP), 239

limited broadcast addresses (IPv4), 491

line aux 0 command, 399

line con 0 command, 170-171

line console command, 818

line console 0 command, 139-140, 145, 187, 391

line vty command, 171, 187, 818

link layer (TCP/IP), 28-30

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), 797-799

link-local addresses (IPv6), 716-718

link-local next-hop address, 759-760

links, 115

list logic (IP ACLs), 598-599

list of subnets, building, 320-321

LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol), 797-799

lldp receive command, 799-801

lldp run command, 799-801

lldp transmit command, 799-801

local-area networks. See Ethernet LANs; wireless LANs

local broadcast addresses (IPv4), 491

local routes (IPv6), 753-756

local scope multicast addresses, 719-720

local usernames, hiding passwords for, 810

location (ACLs), 594-595

log keyword, 606

logging with Syslog, 780

configuration, 784-786

debug command, 786-787

log message format, 782

log message security levels, 783

sending messages to users, 780-781

storing log messages for review, 781-782

verification, 784-786

logging buffered command, 781, 785, 800

logging command, 800

logging console command, 185, 188, 780, 800

logging monitor command, 781, 800

logging synchronous command, 185, 188

logging trap command, 800

login banners, 810-812

login command, 136, 145, 170-171, 187, 818

login local command, 187, 818

loopback addresses, 334, 723

loopback interfaces, 791-793

loops, avoiding with STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 154-155

LWAP (Lightweight AP), 239

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