

ABB, Six Sigma approach at, 39

ABM/ABC (improvement program), 24

Activities, classification of, 7

Activity Based Management, 42

Activity classifications, IBM Credit, 8

Activity split, 123

Activity stats block, Extend, 247, 359

Activity symbols, 105

Activity times, x-ray process, 374

Activity-based costing (ABC), 291-293

Admissions block, 306

Admissions process, 279, 303-308

hospital admissions case, 303-308

Adoption process, modeling project, 320-323

Airline ticket counter, exercise, 264

Airport connections, exercise, 23

Allied Signal, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Alternative models, for optimization, 387-388

American Express, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Analysis, cycle time (process) 146-151

Analysis, software support, 299-301

Analysis phase, of Six Sigma, 47

Analytical models, for queuing, 172,180-222

birth-and-death processes, 191-200

expected value and, 190

exponential distribution, 181-187

Little’s Law and, 187-191


model, 200-205

M/M/c model, 205-209

M/M/c/∞/N model, 212-217

M/M/c/K model, 209-212

notation for, 187

notational framework for, 181

pipeline analogy, 190

process design and, 217-222

queuing theory and, 217-222

service rate in, 191

steady-state analysis and, 189-190

terminology for, 187

Animate tab, Extend, 259

Animation customizing, Extend, 258-260

Animation option, Extend, 259

Apple Computers, 159

Applications, number of, 153

Appraisal costs, 32

Arbitrary continuous PDF, 350

Arbitrary discrete PDF, 348

Arrival process, and M/M/1 model, 200

Arrival process, queuing process, 176-177

Arrival times, nonemergency patients, 372

Arrivals, hospital admissions case, 303

Arrivals block, admissions model, 305

Assembly factory, modeling project, 323-325

Assumptions, of optimization model, 380

ATMs, 78,91

Attribute assignment, in modeling, 274

Attributes tab, of import block, 278

Auto::Fit function, 338-339

Average delay time item, of evolutionary optimizer, 382


Balance equations, 194-195,198

Balking, 175,276

birth-and-death process and, 200

defined, 276

queuing, modeling of, 276

queuing process, 175

Bank tellers, exercise, 264-265

Batch block, Extend, 256-257, 287-288

Batch processing, 119

Batch sizes, 142

Batching, 142, 287-289

Belt levels, of Six Sigma, 46

Benchmarking, and creative process design, 85-87

Best practice, analysis option, 402

Best practice worksheet, 404

BestFit software, 328

Beta distribution, 329, 341-343

Better defaults setting, 386

Binding, defined, 288

Binomial distributions, 329

Birth-and-death processes, queuing models and, 191-200

M/M/1 model as special case, 200

rate in/rate out principle, 192-200

Black box model, of process, 393

Blocking, modeling of, 275-276

Bono, Edward de, 84

Bottleneck, 93, 157-159

Boundary analysis document distribution process, 34-36

initialization phase, 28-29

Box block, Extend, 257

BPR. See Business process reengineering (BPR)

Branch office bank, exercise, 233

Broken case picking, 132

Broken processes, and reengineering, 57

Buffer elimination, process design tools, 118-119

Buffers, process architecture, 6-8

Building permit process, exercise, 23

Burger King, 164

Business context, in case for action, 73

Business problem, in case for action, 73

Business process

defined, 1-3

design, 10-12, 16-18

generic, 3

ineffective, 18-19

inefficient, 18-19

Business process design, 10-12, 16-18

overall business performance, 16

strategy and, 16-18

Business process reengineering (BPR), 12, 24, 42, 49. See also Reengineering

Business-internal service systems, 174

Business-value-adding, defined, 6


Calling population, 176, 200

and M/M/1 model, 200

queuing process, 176

Capacity, increasing, 157-158

Capacity analysis, 151-155

multiple paths, 152-153

parallel activities, 153-155

rework, 151-152

Case for action, simulation-based framework, 72-74

Case picking, 132

Case team, exercise, 238

Cells, defined, 118

Centering, and cost/revenue rationale, 41

Chase Manhattan Bank, example, 78-79

Chi-square test, PDF, 332-335

calculations, 335

Cigna, 54

Claims-handling process, example, 13-16

Clear statistics block dialogue, 354

Clear statistics block, 353

Clients, number of, 152

Clone layer tool, 296-297, 382-383

Closed-loop work process, 89

Cognitive Research Trust, 84

Cohen, Steven L., 79

Commercial properties, exercise, 236

Commercial service systems, 174

Common cause variation, 41

Communication, SSM and, 112

Computer-based, simulation, 224

Conceptual design principles, 92

Confidence intervals, 356-361

for population mean, 357-359

for population proportion, 359-361

Conformance, measurement of control points, 32

Constraints, 158-163, 378, 385

categories of, list, 161

Evolutionary optimizer tab, 385

theory of, 158-163

Continual improvement, defined, 53

Continuous improvement, 16, 24, 51-53, 56, 61-63, 75, 81, 99, 101

Continuous processing, 139

Continuous simulation model, 224

Control phase, of process management, 31-33

control points and, 31-32

feedback and, 33

measurements and, 32-33

programs 31-33

of Six Sigma, 48

Control, into process, 90

Control points, and control phase, 31-32

Control points, and document distribution process, 31, 36-37

Convergent flows, 140

CopyCo Inc., example, 220-221


calculation, Extend software, 260

data, 292-293

of delays, list, 172-173

function schematic, 219

of inaction, in case for action, 73

by item block, Extend 248, 293

measures of, 32

stats block, 248, 260, 293, 359

Cost/revenue rationale, Six Sigma programs, 40-43

centering and, 41

cycle time, 41

dispersion and, 41

effectiveness rationale, 43

efficiency rationale, 40

predictability and, 41

yield and, 41

Cost tab, 291-292

import block, 291

labor pool block, 260

CPS. See Customer-producer-supplier (CPS) model

Creative process design, 84-93

benchmarking and, 85-87

design principles of, 87-93

Credit application process, Extend, 243

Credit applications, modeling project, 318

Critical performance measures focus, SSM and, 112

Cross and Associates framework, reengineering, 61

Cross-functional processes, defined, 3-4

improvement potential of, 4

Crossover operator, 377

Cumulative distribution functions (CDF), 183, 346-347

Customer issues, and reengineering, 58

Customer issues mapping, 58

Customer relationship management (CRM), 99

Customer understanding, of process, 83-84

Customer-producer-supplier (CPS) model, 28-29, 34-36, 83

initialization phase, 28

input requirement phase, 29

output requirement phase, 28-29

phases of, 28-29

production capability phase, 29

Six Sigma and, 43

Cycle time, 41, 139, 146-157, 313, 364

analysis, 146-151

calculation, 147-149

cost/revenue rationale, 41

efficiency, 150

hospital admissions case, 309,312

line plot, 352

management, 155-157

measurement, exercise, 313

process flow management, 144

process, 146-157

reduction, 155-157

reduction, list, 155

statistics, 309, 312

Cycle time analysis, 146-151

modeling and, 294

multiple paths, 147-148

parallel activities, 148-151

process flow management, 146-151

rework, 146-147

Cycle time statistics admissions process, 309

redesigned process, 312


Data analysis, input/output, 326-374

probability distribution, of field data, 328-343

random number generators, 343-346

random variates generation, 346-349

randomness and, 327-328

simulation output data analysis, 349-366

simulation project case, 371-374

Data Analysis Toolpack, 365

Data collection, Extend software, 247-251

Data envelopment analysis (DEA), 61, 86, 392-410

applications of, 406-408

Excel add-in for, 401-406

inputs, 392

new model creation, 401

ratio model analysis, 395-400

Data flow diagram, 131

Davenport, Thomas, 49

De Bono, Edward, 84

DEA. See Data envelopment analysis (DEA)

Decision model for, queuing theory, 219-220

Decision point, 90

Decision variables, 378

Decision-making units (DMUs), 392

Deductive vs. inductive thinking, 77

Definition phase, of process management, 30-31

documentation, 30

workflow, 30-31

Definitions, of Six Sigma quality programs, 39

Dell Computers, 100

Deming, W. Edwards, 53

Density function, Exponential Distribution, 183-184

Deployment flowchart, 116

Design, business process 10-12, 16-18

Design enablers evaluation, 76-81

Chase Manhattan bank example, 78-79

grocery industry example, 79-81

Design principles, 87-93

categories of, 61

of creative process design, 87-93

Design steps, Six Sigma, list, 43

Design team, configuration of, 82

Determinants, of process architecture, 5

Deterministic probability distribution, 181

Deterministic simulation model, 224

Detroit Edison, 49

Diagnostics, in case for action, 73

Dialogue window

approve block, 258

decision block, 277

stack block, 279

underwriting block, 253

Discipline, queuing, 176, 178-179

FCFS, 178

FIFO, 178

LIFO, 178

LPT, 178

M/M/1 model, 200

nonpreemptive priority, 178-179

preemptive priority, 178-179

SPT rule, 178

Discount cost, of delays, 172

Discrete event library, 247-248, 256, 287, 293, 352, 359

Discrete event plotter, 253

Discrete event simulation, 226-228

Discrete processing, 139

Discrete simulation model, 224

Disjointed incrementalism, defined, 91

Disneyland, 180

Dispersion, and cost/revenue rationale, 41

Distribution choice, and PDF, 339-343

Divergent flows, 140

DMAIC methodology, 39, 43-48

“Do Not Use Select Connector” box, Extend, 257

Document distribution process, management of, 33-38

boundary analysis, 34-36

control points and, 36-37

feedback and, 37

flowchart for, 35

interface analysis, 34-36

measurements and, 37

process definition, 36

process ownership assignment, 34

Documentation, 30, 295-297

Document-copying service, exercise, 237

Documented software support process, 298

Dominant flow design, 91

Dry cleaner, example, 272

Dupont, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Dynamic simulation model, 224

Dysfunction, and reengineering, 56-57, 75


Earliest-due-date-first (EDD), 127-128

schedule, 127

Early programs, and, reengineering, 50-53

Economic perspective, of queuing, 172-173

Effectiveness loop, 43

Effectiveness rationale, 43

Efficiency, analysis option, 402

Efficiency calculation, ratio model, 393, 396-398

labor costs, 393

office space, 393

Efficiency loop, 42-43

Efficiency matrix template, 410

Efficiency rationale, cost/revenue rationale, 40

Efficiency worksheet, 404

Efficient frontier, 396

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), 391

E-mails, 299

Empirical probability, 281

End time selection, discrete event dialogue, 268

Enhancements, modeling and, 295-297

Environmental computer models, exercise, 22-23

Equipment operation, exercise, 239

Erlang distributions, 329

Ericsson, Six Sigma approach at, 39

European Union, 55

Events timeline, 228

Evolutionary algorithm, 376

Evolutionary change model, 62-64

Evolutionary change tactic, 96

Evolutionary computation, optimization, 375-377

Evolutionary optimizer, 377-378,382

Evolutionary vs. revolutionary change theories, 64

Evolver, 376


airline ticket counter exercise, 264

airport connections exercise, 23

bank tellers exercise, 264-265

branch office bank exercise, 233

building permit process exercise, 23

case team exercise, 238

claims-handling process example, 13-16

commercial properties exercise, 236

CopyCo Inc. example, 220-221

cycle time measurement exercise, 313

Chase Manhattan bank example, 78-79

document-copying service exercise, 237

dry cleaner example, 272

environmental computer models exercise, 22-23

Extend software example, 245-247

facility relocation example, 223-224

fast food chain exercise, 237

gas station car wash exercise, 234

gas station opening exercise, 236

grocery industry example, 79-81

grocery store exercise, 265-266, 317

grocery store cashier exercise, 237

grocery store manager exercise, 238

hospital administrative processes exercise, 21-22

hospital admissions example, 302-312

hospital emergency room exercise, 237, 239

insurance policy requests example, 204-205, 207-208

inventory system exercise, 265

Longform Credit exercise, 137-138

machine repair process example, 215

machine shop exercise, 234

mechanic responsibility exercise, 235

mortgage company exercise, 369-370

movie theater exercise, 237

multiple queues exercise, 315-316

office hours case, 303

order fulfillment example, 224-225, 273

PaperCo Inc. example, 215-217

PCs and Productivity Paradox exercise, 68-69

pharmaceutical company exercise, 235

pooling resources exercise, 313-314

printing shop example, 220-221

priority queues exercise, 316

process improvement example, 13-16

process performance assessment exercise, 315

programs example, 33-38

queuing analysis example, 193

railroad company exercise, 239

receiving-and-delivery process exercise, 21-22

requisition process exercise, 21

rework rates exercise, 314

Safeway exercise, 265-266

scientific journal exercise, 135

seasonal merchandise exercise, 238

service facility exercise, 263

simulation project case, 371-374

ski resort exercise, 368-369

software support case, 298-301

Sola Communications exercise, 135

Speedy Tax Services example, 140-141

technical support call center exercise, 238

TravelCall Inc. example, 193-200, s211

variable resource availability exercise, 315

warehouse efficiency exercise, 409-410

workstation storage space exercise, 235

x-ray process at county hospital case, 371-374

Excel (Microsoft), 228-229, 333, 361, 365, 401-406

add-in, for DEA, 401-406

Data Analysis tool, 331

dialogue, population means, 365

functions, 333

histogram, 330

Solver, 160

Executive block, Extend, 242

Existing process, and process understanding, 81-83

Expected value, and analytical queuing models, 190

ExpertFit software, 328

Exponential distribution, 181-187,329,335

density function, 183-184

independent random variables and, 185-186

memory and, 184-185

Poisson distribution and, 186

Poisson process and, 186-187

properties of, 183

Export block, 242-243, 254, 280, 290

Extend model, hospital admissions case, 311

admissions process, 304

redesigned admissions process, 311

Extend simulation model, 270

Extend software, 240-267

animation customizing, 258-260

blocks of, 242-243

cost calculation, 260

data collection, 247-251

elements of, 242-244

Evolutionary Optimizer, 375-376

example, 245-247

flowchart view of, 260-262

labor pool and, 256-258

processing times and, 251-254

randomness and, 251-254

stat::fit package of, 337-339

statistical analysis, 247-251

tutorial, 244-247

underwriting process model, 247, 252, 257, 350

underwriting team (second) and, 254-256


Facility relocation, example, 223-224

Failure costs, 32, 36

Fast food chain, exercise, 237

FCFS (first-come-first-served), 125, 178

Feasibility, and reengineering, 56, 58, 75

Federal Express, 74

Feedback, and control phase, 33

Feedback, and document distribution process, 37

Field data, probability distribution of, 328

FIFO (first-in-first-out), queue discipline, 125-128, 178, 181, 209, 215, 231, 248, 263, 275, 299

File output block, 356

Fitted probability density functions, 340

5w2h framework, 86-87

Fixed cost, 292

Flow balance to bottleneck, process design, tools for, 120-124

Flow unit, defined, 5, 139

Flowchart, 110-113

building, 82

defined, 82

for document distribution process, 35

for process design, 110-112

telephone order process, 113

Flowchart view, of Extend software, 260-262

Flowcharting tools with SSM features, list, 115

Ford Motor Company, 39, 49, 53

Formal, vs. informal business processes, 56

Fortune 500, 223

Frameworks, for reengineering, 59-62, 71-72, 86-87

5w2h framework, 86-87

product/process design, 44

steps in, list, 71-72

Frequency distribution, cycle times, 312

Functional organization, defined, 4

Functional processes, defined, 3

Functional structure, conditions of, 25


Gamma distributions, 329

Gas station car wash, exercise, 234

Gas station opening, exercise, 236

General birth-and-death process, 195

General Electric, Six Sigma approach at, 39, 43

General Motors, 159

General probability distribution, 181

General process charts, 105

Generation, of items, in modeling, 270-274

Geographically dispersed resources, treatment of, 90

Global constraint, 385-386

Goldratt, Eliyahu M., 120

Goodness-of-fit tests, PDF, 331-337, 341

Goodwill loss cost, of delays, 172

Graphical analysis, of ratio model, 395-398

Gray-Judson-Howard, 112

Grocery industry, example, 79-81

Grocery store, exercise, 265-266, 317

Grocery store cashier, exercise, 237

Grocery store manager, exercise, 238

Group technology, defined, 118

GroupWare software, 90


Hammer, Michael, 49, 53

Handoffs, and process design tools, 124-125

Hierarchical block, 303, 305

Histogram, 330-331

completion times, 356

cycle time vs. simulation time, 295

cycle times, 309

Microsoft Excel, 330

sample interarrival times, 331

Histogram block, Extend, 252

History, of reengineering, 53-54

Honeywell, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Horizontal processes, defined, 3

Hospital administrative processes, exercise, 21-22

Hospital admissions, process design case, 302-312

admissions process, 303-308

arrivals, 303

cycle time, 309, 312

Extend model of, 311

lab block, 307

office hours, 303

patient type, 302

registration block, 307

rooms block, 308

Hospital emergency room, exercise, 237, 239

Humane Society, 353-354

modeling, 320-322

Hybrid orientation, 118

Hyer, Nancy, 102

Hypothesis testing, 362-366


IBM, 39, 54, 159

IBM Credit Corporation, 7-8, 55, 89, 91

example, 7-8

Icon class, Extend, 261

IDEF (integrated definition), 130-131

IDEF0 model method, 130-131

Idle employees, cost of, 173

Imagine That Inc., 388. See also Extend software

Implementation, simulation-based framework, 96-97

Import block, Extend, 242, 271-272, 282

Import dialogue window, Extend, 246

Importance, of reengineering, 56, 58, 75

Improvement methodology, product/process design, 46-48

Improvement phase, of Six Sigma, 47-48

Improvement programs, process-oriented, 24-69. See also Process management

Independent efficiency calculations, 395

Independent exponentially distributed random variables, 185-186

Individual processes, defined, 3

Inductive, vs. deductive thinking, 77

Ineffective business process, 18-19

Inefficient business process 18-19

Inefficient process projection, 397

Inflow/outflow rates, 141

Information capture, at source, 90

Information processing, merging of, 90

Information structure, process architecture, 9

Information technology, SSM and, 112

Informational transformation, 2

Initial value item, of evolutionary optimizer, 382

Initialization phase, of process management, 26-29

boundary analysis, 28-29

CPS model, 28

input requirement phase, 29

interface analysis, 28-29

output requirement phase, 28-29

process ownership, 26-28

production capability phase, 29

programs 26-29

Input data block, Extend, 272-273

variable processing time, 286

Input random number block, Extend, 251, 258, 287, 299, 305, 337, 347-349, 356

Input requirement phase, initialization, 29

Input/output data analysis. See Data analysis, input/output

Inputs, DEA, 392

Inputs, process architecture, 5

Inputs, transformations to outputs, list, 2

Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Smith), 10-11

Integer programming, 160

Integrated definition (IDEF), 130-131

Interarrival times pattern, 271

Interface analysis, document distribution process, 28-29, 34-36

Inventory system, exercise, 265

Inventory turns, defined, 145

Inverse transformation, arbitrary discrete PDF, 348

Items, in modeling, 270-275

attribute assignment of, 274

generation of, 270-274

prioritization of, 274-275

Items/values, in modeling, 270-275


J.P. Morgan, Six Sigma approach at, 39

JIT (just in time), 24, 159

Job, defined, 5, 139

Job tagging sheet, 101

Jobs in system, and M/M/l model, 201-204

Johnson & Johnson, Six Sigma approach at, 39


Kaizen, 53

Kelton, W.D., 366

Khoshnevis, B., 366

Kitting, defined, 288

Kodak, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, 334-337, 367


L.L. Bean, 86

Lab block, 307

Labor pool block, Extend, 256-260, 290-291, 378

Largest number of followers rule, 123

Law, A.M., 366

Lead time, 139

Lean Manufacturing (improvement program), 24, 42

Letchworth Community College, exercise, 239

LIFO (last-in-first-out), queue discipline, 178, 248, 275

Linear flows, 140

Linear programming formulation, of ratio model, 399-400

Little, J. D. C., 144

Little’s Law, 144-146, 187-191

and analytical queuing models, 158, 181, 187-191, 210, 216

process flow management, 144-146

Load matrix, 134

Load-distance calculation, 108

Loan applications, simulation project, 390-391

Locational transformation, 2

Longform Credit, exercise, 137-138

Lost customers cost, of delays, 172

Lowenthal’s framework, reengineering, 60

LPT (longest-processing-time-first), queue discipline, 178


M/M/l model, 200-205

arrival process and, 200

calling population and, 200

jobs in system and, 201-204

queue configuration and, 200

queue discipline and, 200

rate diagram illustration for, 201

service mechanism and, 200-201

as special case, 200

M/M/c model, 205-209

jobs in system and, 205-209

M/M/c/∞/N model, 181, 189, 212-217

jobs in system and, 214-217

M/M/c/K model, 181, 189, 209-212

jobs in system and, 210-212

steady state and, 209

Machine log, process design tool, 104

Machine repair process, example, 215

Machine shop, exercise, 234

Main window, Extend, 245

Makespan, defined, 126

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 39

Management, cycle time (process), 155-157

Management commitment acquisition, 76

Management systems, workflow, 9-10

Market constraint, 161

Market research focus, SSM and, 112

Marketplace demands, in case for action, 73

Markovian probability distribution, 181

Maytag, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Measurement(s) conformance, 32

of control points, 32-33

cost, 32

and document distribution process, 37

repetition, 32

response time, 32

service levels, 32

types of, list, 32

Measurement phase, of Six Sigma, 47

Measurement system, and product/process design, 46

Mechanic responsibility, exercise, 235

Memory, and exponential distribution, 184-185

Merge block, Extend, 256

Metaheuristics, defined, 377

Meter, utilization output, 296

Micro processed, term, 6

Micrografx, 115

Microsoft Excel. See Excel (Microsoft)

Mitigating strategies, in queuing process, 179-180

Model, of simulation, 224-225

Model validation, modeling, 270

Model verification, modeling, 270

Modeling, general concepts of, 267-270

items/values in, 270-275

model validation, 270

model verification, 270

queuing, 275-280

run length, 268-269

run number, 268-269

software support, 299-301

time unit selection, 268

Moore’s Algorithm, 128-129, 138

Mortgage company, exercise, 369-370

Motorola Corp., 38-39, 43, 59

Movie theater, exercise, 237

Multiple paths

capacity analysis, 152-153

cycle time analysis, 147-148

process design tools, 129130

routing, 280-283

Multiple queues, exercise, 315-316

Multiple resource types, 381

Multiple teams, with transition block, 255

Multiple-line queuing configuration, 178

Mutation operator, 377

Mutual Benefit Life (MBL), 49, 53-54, 58


NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement), 55

Network activities, process architecture, 6-8

“New Industrial Engineering” (Davenport & Short), 49

New model dialogue window, 402

Nokia, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Nonpreemptive priority, 178-179

Nonterminating processes, 269, 351-353

Non-value-adding activity, 7

Normal distribution, 329, 335, 361, 366

Notation, for analytical queuing models, 187

Notation, for waiting cost approach, 218

Notational framework, for analytical queuing models, 181

Null hypothesis, 363-365


Objective functions, list, 126

Objective, of optimization model, 379

Office hours, hospital admissions case, 303

One-at-a-time processing, and process design tools, 119

One-tail test, 363

One-tail hypothesis test, 363-364

Operation block, Extend, 243, 254, 274, 287, 291, 299

Operation reverse block, 283-284

Operational perspective, of queuing, 172

Operational variables, 139

Operations design, SSM and, 112

Optimization, of business process performance, 375-391

alternative models for, 387-388

evolutionary computation, 375-377

processes optimization, 377-381

tutorial, 381-387

Optimization model, 379-380

Optimization Value plot, 387

OptQuest, 376

Order fulfillment, example, 224-225, 273, 283, 285

Order profiling, defined, 132

Order-picking process design, 132-135

Original scope/scale, testing of, 82

Outcomes, work organization and, 88


data analysis, 351

DEA, 393

process architecture, 5

requirement phase, CPS, 28-29

statistics, 380

variables, 380

worksheet, 402

Overall business performance, 16

Overtime, 124


PaceStar, 115

Pallet picking, 132

PaperCo Inc., example, 215-217

Parallel activities, 148-155

capacity analysis, 153-155

cycle time analysis, 148-151

linking of, 91

Parallel paths, routing, 283-284

Parallel workstations, 124

Parameter settings, Extend, 386

Part tagging sheet, process design tool, 103

Patient type, hospital admissions case, 302

PCs and Productivity Paradox, exercise, 68-69

Peat Marwick and McKinsey & Co. Index group, 53

People-oriented design principles, 92

Performance comparison, 301

PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique), 355

Pharmaceutical company, exercise, 235

Phillips, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Phone support process, 299

Physical transformation, 2

Piece experiment, 84-85

Pilot project implementation, testing and, 94

Pipeline analogy, analytical queuing models, 190

Pizza Hut, 54

Plotter, discrete event, Extend, 249

Plotter block, Extend, 250

Plotter library, 294

Poisson distribution, 186-187, 329

Poisson process, 181

Poka-Yoke, defined, 91

Policy constraint, 161

Policy requests, insurance company, example, 204-205, 207-208

Pooling resources, exercise, 313-314

Population mean, confidence intervals, 357-359

Population proportion, confidence intervals, 359-361

Precedence diagram, 122

Predictability, and cost/revenue rationale, 41

Preemptive priority, queue discipline, 178-179

Preserve Uniqueness box, 288-289

Prevention costs, 32

Printing shop, example, 220-221

Priority queue selection, 275

Priority queues, 278-280, 316

exercise, 316

modeling of, 278-280

Probabilistic routing, Extend, 281

Probability calculation, exponential distribution, 332

Probability density function, 182

Probability distributions, 271, 314

Probability distribution function (PDF), 328-343

Chi-square test, 332-335

distribution choice and, 339-343

goodness-of-fit tests, 331-337

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, 335-337

stat::fit package, 337-339


defined, 2

as network of activities, 9

vs. product, 117

queuing, 175-180

Process activity charts, 109-110

Process architecture, 5-9

buffers, 6-8

determinants of, 5

flow units, 5

information structure, 9

inputs, 5

network activities, 6-8

outputs, 5

resources, 8

Process batches, 119

Process benchmarking, 392-410. See also Data envelopment analysis (DEA)

Process complexity, vs. individual activity complexity, 6

Process definition, document distribution process, 36

Process design

and analytical queuing models, 217-222

basic tools for, 101-138

buffer elimination, 118-119

cases, 298-312

flow balance to bottleneck, 120-124

flowcharts, 110-112

general process charts, 105

handoffs and, 124-125

hospital admissions, 302-312

IDEF methodology, 130-131

implementation, 96-97

machine log, 104

multiple paths and, 129-130

one-at-a-time processing and, 119

order-picking process design, 132-135

part tagging sheet, 103

process activity charts, 109-110

process flow analysis, 102-115

process flow diagrams, 105-109

process improvement and, 12-16

product orientation in process, 117-118

sequential processing and, 124-125

service system mapping, 112-115

software support, 298-301

tools for, 101-138

work processing system, 125-129

workflow design principles, 115-130

Process evolution, 19

Process feasibility, 58

Process flow analysis, 102-115

Process flow diagrams, 105-109

Process flow management, 139-170

capacity analysis, 151-155

continuous processing, 139

cycle time, 144

cycle time analysis, 146-151

cycle time management, 155-157

discrete processing, 139

Little’s Law, 144-146

theory of constraints, 158-163

throughput rate, 141-142

work-in-progress (WIP), 142-144

Process hierarchies, 3-4

Process identification/selection, 74-76

Process improvement, incremental, 12-16

example, 13-16

Process management, 24-69

core principles of, list, 65

phases of, 26

principles, list, 26

SSM and, 112

Process map, defined, 82

Process modeling/simulation, 93-96

Process ownership, initialization phase, 26-28

Process ownership assignment, 34

Process paradox, defined, 59

Process performance assessment, exercise, 315

Process time calculation, 150

Process types, 3-4

Process understanding, acquisition of, 81-84

customer understanding, 83-84

existing process and, 81-83

Process view, of improvement programs, 24-38

Process-driven simulation, of queuing models, 230

Processes optimization, 377-381

Processes vs. organizations, and reengineering, 56

Processes, types of, list, 3

Processing time, modeling and, 285-287

Extend software and, 251-254

ProcTime attribute, 287

Product orientation, in process, 117-118

Product/process design, Six Sigma program, 43-48

framework, 44

improvement methodology, 46-48

measurement system and, 46

stakeholder involvement, 45

top management commitment, 45

training, 45-46

Production capability phase, CPS, 29

Production lead time, 139

Production process flowchart, 323

Productivity paradox, 53

Program block, Extend, 273-274, 352-353


control phase, 31-33

definition phase, 30-31

example, 33-38

initialization phase, 26-29

principles of, 26

process view and, 24-38

Six Sigma quality programs, 24, 38-48, 97

Project activities, with random duration, 355

Properties, of exponential distribution, 183

Pseudo-random, term, 343

Purchasing process, original vs. evolved, 18-19


Quality Function Deployment (QFD), 43

Queue configuration, 177-178, 200

and M/M/1 model, 200

Queue discipline, 176-179, 200

FCFS, 178

FIFO, 178

LIFO, 178

LPT, 178

and M/M/l model, 200

nonpreemptive priority, 178-179

preemptive priority, 178-179

SPT rule, 178

Queue statistics, Extend, 249, 252

alternatives, 255

Queue stats block, Extend, 248, 359

Queuing, 171-239

analytical models for, 172, 180-181

discipline, 178-179

economic perspective of, 172-173

exponential distribution and, 181-187

idle employees, cost of, 173

modeling of, 275-280

operational perspective of, 172

process, 175-180

simulation, 222-230

stochastic models and, 171

systems, 174-175

theory of, 217-222

variability and, 171

Queuing, modeling of, 275-280

balking, 276

blocking, 275-276

priority queues, 278-280

reneging, 276-278

stack block, 277-278

Queuing analysis, example, 193

Queuing model, Extend and, 244-247

Queuing process, 175-180

arrival process, 176-177

balking, 175

calling population, 176

configuration, 177-178

discipline, 176-179

mitigating strategies in, 179-180

renege, 175

service mechanism, 179

Queuing systems, 174-175

business-internal service systems, 174

commercial service systems, 174

social service systems, 174

transportation service systems, 174

Queuing theory, 217-222

decision model for, 219-220

service cost (SC), 219

waiting cost (WC), 218-219

Quick Response (improvement program), 24

Quicker defaults setting, 386


R&D (research and development), 11

Radical vs. incremental improvement, reengineering, 52

Radical redesign, evolutionary change process and, 62

Railroad company, exercise, 239

Random model setting, 386

Random number block, Extend, 280

Random number generators, 343-346

data analysis, input/output, 343-346

pseudo-random, 343

runs test, 345-346

Random numbers tab, Extend, 269

Random Seed Value, 256

Random variates generation, 346-349


and data analysis, input/output, 327-328

and Extend software, 251-254

Rate diagram, 194, 197, 201

Rate diagram illustration, for M/M/1 model, 201

Rate in/rate out principle, birth-and-death processes, 192-200

Ratio model, 395-400

analysis, DEA, 395-400

efficiency calculation, 396-398

graphical analysis of, 395-398

linear programming formulation of, 399-400

Receiving-and-delivery process, exercise, 21-22

steps in, 22

Recommendations, software support, 299-301

Redesign, 124

Reduction, cycle time (process) 155-157

Reengineering, of business process, 49-62

broken processes and, 57

change programs and, 51

Cross and Associates framework, 61

customer issues and, 58

defined, 50-51

dysfunction and, 56-57

earlier programs and, 50-53

feasibility and, 56, 58

frameworks for, 59-62

history of, 53-54

importance and, 56, 58

Lowenthal’s framework, 60

and other programs, 51

processes vs. organizations and, 56

radical vs. incremental improvement, 52

revolutionary vs. evolutionary change, 62-64

Robert’s framework, 60

timing of, 54-56

“Reengineering Work” (Hammer), 49

Registration block, hospital admissions case, 307

Renege, 175, 275-278

Reorganizing the Factory (Hyer & Wemmerlöv), 102

Repetition, measures of, 32

Repository block, Extend, 242-243, 248

Request, number of, 151

Requirements, of optimization model, 380

Requisition process, exercise, 21

steps in, 21

Resource constraint, 161

Resource data, x-ray process, 373

Resource pool block dialogue, 384

Resource stats block, Extend, 248, 359


Extend, 260

modeling and, 289-291

process architecture, 8

Response time, measures of, 32

Restaurant service flowchart, 116

Revolutionary change model, of reengineering, 62-64

Rework, 146-147, 151-152

capacity analysis, 151-152

cycle time analysis, 146-147

Rework loop, 147

Rework rates, exercise, 314

RFFlow, 115

Roach, Stephen, 53

Robert’s framework, reengineering, 60

Rooms block, 308

Routing, queuing models and, 280-284

multiple paths, 280-283

parallel paths, 283-284

Run length, modeling, 268-269

Run model dialogue window, 402-403

Run number, modeling, 268-269

Runs test, random number generators, 345-346

Ryerson Polytechnic University, 102


Safeway, exercise, 265-266

Samsung, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Schematic representation, hospital admissions process, 303

Scientific journal, exercise, 135

Seasonal merchandise, exercise, 238

Select DE output block, Extend, 256-257

Sequential processing, 124-125

vs. parallel processing, 125

Service capacity, vs. waiting times, 173

Service cost (SC), queuing theory, 219

Service facility, exercise, 263

Service levels, measures of, 32

Service mechanism, 179, 200-201

and M/M/l model, 200-201

Service rate, in analytical queuing models, 191

Service system mapping (SSM), 112-116

bands of, list, 114-115

Set cost tab, 384-385

Set priority block, Extend, 280

Shewhart chart, 33, 52

Short, James, 49

Shortest-processing-time-first (SPT), 128

Simplicity, measurement systems and, 46

Simulation, of queuing models, 222-230

computer-based, 224

defined, 94

discrete event simulation, 226-228

models of, 224-225

process-driven, 230

single-server process and, 228-230

spreadsheet simulation, 228-230

Simulation based framework, 70-100

case for action, 72-74 creative process design, 84-93

design enablers evaluation, 76-81

implementation, 96-97

management commitment acquisition, 76

process identification/selection, 74-76

process modeling/simulation, 93-96

process understanding acquisition, 81-84

vision statement, 72-74

Simulation model, 300-301

Simulation output data analysis, 349-366

confidence intervals, 356

hypothesis testing, 362-366

nonterminating processes, 351-353

size calculation, sample, 361-362

terminating processes, 353-356

Simulation project case, data analysis, input/output, 371-374

x-ray process at County Hospital, 371-374

Simulation projects, 389-391

loan applications, 390-391

staffing, 389-390

Simulation setup, 268, 355

Single-line queuing configuration, advantages of, 178

Single-server model with queue, 276-277

Single-server queuing process, 194

Single-server process, of queuing models, 228-230

Single-server spreadsheet simulation, 230

Six Sigma quality programs, 24, 38-48, 97

cost/revenue rationale, 40-43

defined, 40

definitions of, 39


efficiency loop, 42

framework, 44

in product/process design, 43-48

rationale, 44

special cause variation and, 41, 75

success of, 48

Size calculation, sample, simulation output data analysis, 361-362

Ski resort, exercise, 368-369

Slider, 285-286, 295-296

Slider control, 286, 296

Slotting, defined, 133

SmartDraw, 112-116, 131

Social costs, of delays, 172

Social service systems, 174

Software support, process design case, 298-301

analysis, 299-301

modeling, 299-301

recommendations, 299-301

Sola Communications, exercise, 135

Sony, Six Sigma approach at, 39

Special cause variation, 41, 75

Speedy Tax Services, example, 140-141

Spreadsheet simulation, of queuing models, 228-230

SPT rule, queue discipline, 178

schedule, 128

SSM. See Service system mapping (SSM)

Stack block, 248-249, 273-278, 299, 359

modeling of, 277-278

reneging queue, 278

Staffing, simulation project, 389-390

Stakeholder involvement, product/process design, 45

Stat::Fit package, PDF, 328, 337-339

Stat::Fit software, 337

Stat::Fit window, 338

State variables, of simulation, list, 226

Static simulation model, 224

Statistical analysis, Extend software, 247-251

Statistical process control (SPC), 52

Statistics submenu, 359

Steady-state analysis and, analytical queuing models, 189-190

Steady-state conditions for queuing process, 189

Stochastic simulation model, 171, 224

Strategy, and business process design, 16-18

Structured analysis and design technique (SADT), 130

Suboptimization, defined, 4

SWOT analysis, defined, 17

Syntax, for IDEF0 model, 131

System dynamics capture,

simulation modeling and, 95

Systems, queuing, 174-175


Tactical routing, 282

Tardiness, 126

Target input and output values, 403

Target worksheet, 405

TeamFlow, 115

Teams block, Extend, 257, 259

Technical support call center, exercise, 238

Technology, vs. automation, 77

Technology,rules.and, 78

Telecommunications company, process map of, 83

Teller configuration, 264

Telsol, 99

Tension Software, 115

Terminating processes, 353-356

Terminology, for analytical queuing models, 187

Text tool, 295

The Goal (Goldratt &

Cox), 120

Theory of Constraints (TOC), 120, 159

process flow management, 158-163

Theory of queuing, 217-222

Throughput, 139

Throughput rate, process flow management, 141-142

Throughput time, 144

Time Based Management, 42

Time unit selection, modeling, 268

Timer block, Extend, 294, 384

Timing, of reengineering, 54-56

Toyota, 159

TQC (improvement program), 24

TQM (improvement program), 24-25, 52-53

Training, in product/process design, 45-46

Transaction block, 255, 278, 291, 300

Transactional transformation, 2

Transfer batches, 119

Transformation model, of process, 2

Transformations, of inputs to outputs, list, 2

Transient conditions for queuing process, 189

Transient entity, 5, 270

Transportation service systems, 174

TravelCall Inc., example, 193-200, 211

Triangular distributions, 329

t-test, 365-366

Turnover ratio, defined, 145

Tutorial, Extend software, 244-247

Tutorial, optimization of business process performance, 381-387

Two server queuing process, 197-198, 211

Two-tail test, 363


Unbatch block, Extend, 256, 261

Unbatching, 290

Underwriting process model, Extend, 247, 252, 257, 350

cost collection blocks, 261

two teams, 254

Underwriting team (second), 254-256

Uniform distributions, 329

University Federal Credit Union, 164

UPC labels, in-store, 79-81

Utilization plot, Extend, 253


Valley of Hope Hospital, modeling exercise, 318-320

Van Gigch, John P., 12

Variability, and queuing, 171

Variability reduction, in Six Sigma, list, 41

Variable cost, 292

Variable resource availability, exercise, 315

Variation, Six Sigma and, 40-41

Vendor managed inventory (VMI), 89

Vertical processes, defined, 3

Virtual output chart, 407 worksheet, 406

Visio 2000, 115

Vision statement, simulation-based framework, 72-74

Visual Thought, 115


Waiting cost (WC), queuing theory, 218-219

Waiting time vs. simulation time, 250

Wal-Mart, 89-90, 179

Warehouse efficiency, exercise, 409-410

Warehouse operations, 132

Warm-up period, 269

Waste reduction, 91

Wealth of Nations (Smith), 10-11

Weibull distributions, 329, 335, 366

Weighted shortest-process-time-first (WSPT), 128

Wemmerlöv, Urban, 102

WIP. See Work-in-process (WIP)

Wireless speech recognition terminals, 132

Work centers location, 108

Work processing system, process design, tools for, 125-129

Worker training, 124

Workflow, definition phase, 30-31

Workflow design principles, 62, 93, 115-130

Workflow management systems, 9-10

Workforce principles, 62

Work-in-process (WIP), 118, 139, 142-144, 351, 368

investments, example, 223

process flow management, 142-144

Workspace principles, 62

Workstation log sheets, 101-102

Workstation storage space, exercise, 235

World Wide Web, 55


Xerox Corp., 49, 54, 86

X-ray process, 318-320, 371-374

activities, 373

County hospital, simulation project, 371-374

flowchart, 319

modeling project, 318-320

resource data, 320


Yield, and cost/revenue rationale, 41

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