Chapter 8
Interleaver Design

In binary modulation all the bits receive the same “treatment” when transmitted over the channel, i.e., the L-values have the same conditional probability density function (PDF). The error probability is also the same for all bits, i.e., each bit is equally “protected” against errors. High-order modulations, on the other hand, introduce unequal error protection (UEP). This is an inherent property of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) and depends on the labeling and the form of the constellation. While previously we considered the use of quasi-random interleavers (which average out the UEP), in this chapter we want to take advantage of the UEP. To this end, we propose to design interleavers for BICM, which requires the analytical tools developed in the previous chapters to be refined.

This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 8.1 we introduce the idea of UEP and study a particular interleaver that takes into account the presence of the UEP: the so-called multiple-input interleaver (M-interleaver). In Section 8.1.1 we study the performance of BICM with M-interleavers generalizing the results from Chapter 6. In Section 8.1.1 we also study the problem of a joint interleaver and code design for such BICM transceivers.

8.1 UEP in BICM and M-interleavers

UEP may be easily explained using the communication-theoretic tools of Chapter 6 or the information-theoretic tools of Chapter 4. Let us revisit these concepts through a simple example.


Figure 8.1 UEP for 8PAM constellation labeled by the BRGC over the AWGN channel: (a) BEP for uncoded transmission in (6.26) and (b) normalized BICM-GMI and the bit-wise MIs c08-math-0016

Example 8.1 illustrates the concept of UEP caused by the binary labeling. In what follows we focus on its communication-theoretic analysis. Namely, we characterize the performance of the BICM decoder by explicitly taking into account the fact that the L-values calculated by the demapper for different bit positions have different distributions.

8.1.1 Preserving UEP in BICM

Let us consider a model for the BICM transmission, which generalizes the BICM channel in Fig. 5.1. This is done in Fig. 8.2 where all the elements appearing after the encoder and before the decoder are treated as a BICM channel with a vectorial input c08-math-0017 and a vectorial output c08-math-0018. In this way, the code bits from the c08-math-0019 different classes are explicitly shown in Fig. 8.2 as the inputs to the BICM channel.


Figure 8.2 Refined model of the BICM channel: the c08-math-0020 classes of code bits are identified at the inputs of the BICM channel


Figure 8.3 Zehavi's BICM channel: (a) each class of the code bits is individually interleaved and mapped to a given input of the mapper (multiple interleavers) and (b) equivalent parallel channel model defined by the conditional PDFs c08-math-0024, c08-math-0025 (parallel channel model)

As discussed in Section 6.2.4, if the interleaver complies with the conditions of quasirandomness (see Definition 2.46), the L-values c08-math-0026 may be considered independent. Using similar considerations, for c08-math-0027, we can replace all the elements of the generalized BICM channel by a set of parallel channels. This is shown in Fig. 8.3 (b), where each channel yields L-values having distribution c08-math-0028.

Let us now compare the conventional single-input interleaver (S-interleaver) c08-math-0029 with the M-interleaver shown in Fig. 8.3. The S-interleaver is the one we studied in the previous chapters and operates without differentiating the classes of code bits. For the S-interleaver, according to the considerations in Section 6.2 leading to (6.227), we have

For the M-interleaver with c08-math-0031, the c08-math-0032th L-values c08-math-0033 is the deinterleaved version of c08-math-0034, so we obtain

Thus, using the S-interleaver we average the PDFs of the L-values and remove the effect of UEP. Eliminating UEP was, in fact, considered useful in some works on BICM (as it simplifies the analysis). On the other hand, the M-interleaver considered above allows us to preserve the UEP introduced by the binary labeling. While the idea of using M-interleavers was already present in the early works on BICM, this concept was not thoroughly studied in the literature.

We will show that the M-interleaver we propose are a generalization of S-interleavers, and thus, with an appropriate design, we can only obtain performance gains. This is shown in Section 8.1.4. From now, we refer to BICM transmission with S-interleavers as BICM-S, and BICM with M-interleaver will be called BICM-M. Further, in order to exploit the presence of UEP, we will generalize the M-interleaver to deal with the case of c08-math-0036 and derive performance metrics that will allow us to design such M-interleavers.

The order in which we enumerate the classes of bits is arbitrary and so is the numbering of the mapper's inputs. Instead of changing the order of the encoder's output or the order of the mapper's inputs, we may modify the M-interleaver shown in Example 8.2. For example, we may pass the bits from the first encoder's output to the second mapper's input (and not the first one as we did in Example 8.2), those from the second encoder's output to the third mapper's input, and those from the third encoder's output to the first mapper's input. In general, there are c08-math-0037 possible permutations, each changing the structure of the transceiver. One of the questions we will answer in this chapter is whether such a permutation changes the performance of the receiver for a given encoder. Choosing the most appropriate permutation becomes a part of interleaver design.

8.1.2 The M-Interleaver

In order to deal with the more general case c08-math-0038, we propose a particular interleaver shown in Fig. 8.4, where we use c08-math-0039 interleavers at the input, the deterministic bit-reorganizing multiplexer (MUX) and c08-math-0040 interleavers at the output of the MUX.


Figure 8.4 The M-interleaver: the input sequences c08-math-0041 are passed through c08-math-0042 interleavers c08-math-0043 and the resulting sequences c08-math-0044 are reorganized by a deterministic MUX into sequences c08-math-0045, which are next interleaved into output sequences c08-math-0046

The role of the MUX is to reorganize the interleaved bits' sequences c08-math-0047. These sequences c08-math-0048 are first divided into subsequences as follows:

8.3 equation

where each subsequence c08-math-0050 contains c08-math-0051 bits and c08-math-0052 is constrained to be such that c08-math-0053. Next, the subsequences are concatenated into output sequences

8.4 equation

each of them composed of c08-math-0055 bits, as required to generate c08-math-0056 labels c08-math-0057.


Figure 8.5 Example of interleaving via the M-interleaver with c08-math-0065, c08-math-0066. The values defining the MUX are c08-math-0067, c08-math-0068, c08-math-0069, c08-math-0070, and c08-math-0071

The M-interleaver is then defined by a matrix c08-math-0072 with entries c08-math-0073, which have to satisfy two obvious constraints. The first one is that all the bits c08-math-0074 must be assigned to one of the mapper's input, i.e.,

8.5 equation

which translates into

8.6 equation

The second constraint is that each mapper's input is equally “loaded” with bits from the encoder's output

8.7 equation

or equivalently,

The matrix c08-math-0079 can then be written as

where the last row and the last column of c08-math-0081 take into account the constraints imposed on c08-math-0082. Consequently, when designing c08-math-0083, only c08-math-0084 for c08-math-0085 and c08-math-0086 may be freely set (considering also c08-math-0087 c08-math-0088).

The motivation behind the structure of the M-interleaver should be now clear: we would like to assign the code bits to the protected positions so as to improve the performance of the receiver. However, we cannot do it arbitrarily. For example, we cannot assign all the bits c08-math-0092 to the most protected positions (in Example 8.1 this would be the position c08-math-0093) as this will violate the constraints defined in (8.8).

We note here that the particular case of c08-math-0094, i.e., when the matrix c08-math-0095 is square and each row/column contains only one nonzero element, the double set of interleavers—input (c08-math-0096) and output (c08-math-0097)—is not necessary. When c08-math-0098 we may use just one set of interleavers as is shown already in Fig. 8.3. Having two sets of interleavers, however, is necessary for the more general case c08-math-0099.

8.1.3 Modeling the M-Interleaver

We recall that the S-interleaver in Fig. 2.24 is modeled as a random MUX assigning the code bits belonging to the class c08-math-0100 to the c08-math-0101th position of the mapper. The randomness comes from the fact that the interleavers are generated randomly, and then, the position c08-math-0102 is random as well, which we denote by c08-math-0103. For S-interleavers we considered up to now, this variable was uniformly distributed.

To analyze the M-interleaver and take advantage of the considerations in Section 2.7 and Section 6.2, we model the interleaving vectors c08-math-0104 and c08-math-0105 as random variables drawn with equal probability from the set of all possible permutations. Then,

8.12 equation

where c08-math-0107 means that c08-math-0108 belongs to the subsequence c08-math-0109, i.e., it is assigned to the mapper's output c08-math-0110. Similarly,

8.13 equation

i.e., for any position c08-math-0112, the bit c08-math-0113 is obtained from the c08-math-0114th code bits' class with probability c08-math-0115.

To adapt the model Fig. 2.24 to the case of the M-interleaver, we first need to consider a random switch indexed by c08-math-0116, i.e., we use c08-math-0117 instead of c08-math-0118. We also replace the values of the assignment probabilities as shown in Fig. 8.6. Now c08-math-0119 has a meaning of the probability that the bit belonging to the class c08-math-0120 is mapped to the position c08-math-0121 of the mapper, i.e., c08-math-0122.


Figure 8.6 Probabilistic model of the M-interleaver defined in Section 8.1.2: the bits c08-math-0123 are multiplexed to the position c08-math-0124 within the label c08-math-0125, where c08-math-0126 is a random variable with distribution c08-math-0127

The immediate consequence of the random assignment of the bits c08-math-0128 to the positions c08-math-0129 is that the corresponding L-value c08-math-0130 has a distribution that changes with c08-math-0131. Thus the PDFs for c08-math-0132 are given by

8.14 equation

Using the PDFs of the L-values in (8.15) we transform the BICM channel in Fig. 8.2 to a set of parallel BICO channels with channel transition probabilities c08-math-0135, which is shown in Fig. 8.3 (b).

In the case of Zehavi's interleaving in Example 8.2, using (8.10) and (8.15) we recover the formulas we already had in (8.2). In the case of the S-interleaver, the matrix c08-math-0136 should be chosen as

so using (8.15) we obtain the PDF

8.17 equation

which coincides, as expected, with (8.1).

We emphasize that in order to obtain the formula (8.15) and use it further to evaluate the performance of the decoder, we need to satisfy the conditions of quasi-randomness, similar to those we explained in Section 2.7. We do not dwell on this anymore and simply assume that such conditions are fulfilled.

8.1.4 Performance Evaluation

We have established a parallel channel model (see Fig. 8.3 (b)), which relies solely on the knowledge of the PDF of the L-values c08-math-0139 associated with the classes of code bits. To study the performance of the decoders, we should distinguish amongst the codewords according to the input they provide to the parallel channels. Assuming that the joint symmetry condition in (3.75) is satisfied, this input depends on the generalized Hamming weight (GHW) of the codeword c08-math-0140. Namely,for each codeword c08-math-0141 with c08-math-0142 the metric c08-math-0143 of the BICM decoder is given by the sum of c08-math-0144 L-values with PDF c08-math-0145, c08-math-0146 L-values with PDF c08-math-0147, and so on. This is what we showed already in (6.211), and consequently, the PDF of the metric c08-math-0148 is given by

Then using the same approximation strategies as in Section 6.2.4 we obtain an approximation for the word-error probability (WEP):

8.19 equation

where c08-math-0151 is the generalized distance spectrum (GDS) of the code c08-math-0152 in Definition 2.23, and

In analogy to Example 6.22, the following example shows the performance of BICM with convolutional encoders (CENCs), but now using M-interleaver.

In the following example we show how to compute the GIWD c08-math-0169 and the GWD c08-math-0170 for a CENC, which follow as a generalization of the procedure in Example 6.23.


Figure 8.7 Generalized state machine for c08-math-0171 used in the analysis of BICM-M

By using a vector of dummy variables c08-math-0191, the procedure shown in Example 8.6 (c08-math-0192) can be extended to any value of c08-math-0193, and in general, the GWD and GIWD can be expressed in terms of an c08-math-0194 dimensional vector c08-math-0195. Once the GIWD of the encoder is calculated, in order to predict the BEP performance of BICM-M via (8.22), we only need to compute c08-math-0196 in (8.20). This is done in the following section by exploiting the Gaussian simplifications we introduced in Section 6.4.

8.2 Exploiting UEP in c08-math-0197 Constellations

In Section 8.1 we defined the models to characterize the performance of BICM-M. In order to efficiently optimize the transceiver, we need closed-form expressions that relate the performance of the decoder to the multiplexing matrix c08-math-0198 and the channel model. In this section we turn our attention to the relatively simple case of c08-math-0199PAM constellations for which we obtained simplified forms for the PDFs of the L-values (see Section 5.5).

8.2.1 The Generalized BICM Channel

For c08-math-0200PAM constellations labeled by the BRGC, the results in Section 6.4.2 tell us that the conditional PDF of the max-log L-values can be approximated via a Gaussian function. After marginalization over all transmitted symbols (assumed equiprobable), we obtain

where c08-math-0202 is given by (6.386), c08-math-0203 by (6.387), and c08-math-0204 by (6.388).

As the L-values c08-math-0205 in (8.35) are modeled as a mixture of Gaussian random variables, and the L-values c08-math-0206 are a mixture of L-values c08-math-0207 (see (8.15)), the L-values c08-math-0208 are also a Gaussian mixture. The way the Gaussian PDFs are mixed is defined by c08-math-0209 in (8.9) and by the constellation bit-wise Euclidean distance spectrum (CBEDS) matrix c08-math-0210, which gathers all parameters c08-math-0211, as defined in (6.374). More specifically, if we define the matrix c08-math-0212 of dimensions c08-math-0213

the PDF of the L-values at the c08-math-0215th decoder's input is given by

From (8.37), c08-math-0217 can be interpreted as the probability of observing the c08-math-0218th Gaussian PDF at the c08-math-0219th parallel channel in Fig. 8.3 (b).

8.2.2 Performance Evaluation

The expression in (8.37) gives an analytical approximation for the PDFs of the L-values for BICM-M. In this section we study the performance of such BICM-M transceivers. From now on, we limit our considerations to the parameters defined by the zero-crossing model (ZcM) approximation (see Section 6.4.2), which proved to yield more accurate results than those obtained from the consistent model (CoM) (see Section 6.4.4). The next theorem shows how the pairwise-error probability (PEP) in (8.20) can be approximated.


Figure 8.8 BEP approximation in (8.22) based on Theorem 8.8 (lines) and simulated BEP (markers) for BICM-M, c08-math-0285, 4PAM (c08-math-0286) and the three interleavers defined in (8.51). We used the ODS CENC c08-math-0287 from Table 2.1 (c08-math-0288) and the TENC in Example 2.31. The interleaver size of the TENC c08-math-0289 is c08-math-0290 and 10 iterations are performed by the turbo decoder

We note that all combinations in (8.49) are in general tedious to evaluate (specially for large values of c08-math-0291 and/or c08-math-0292), and thus, we propose further approximations. One straightforward simplification is to consider, for each c08-math-0293, only the Gaussian density with the smallest mean-to-standard deviation ratio (e.g., c08-math-0294). The intuition behind this approximation is that the error terms related to other Gaussian functions decrease quickly with c08-math-0295. This approximation yields the following approximation on the BEP:

The expression in (8.52) is quite simple to evaluate compared to the original expression based on (8.45), and it still takes into account the optimization parameters (MUX and encoder).

We can also obtain the following asymptotic approximation

which we expect to be tight as c08-math-0298. This result provides us with a new criterion to select the optimum encoder and interleaver (see Section 8.2.3).


Figure 8.9 BEP approximation in (8.22) based on Theorem 8.8 (lines) and simulated BEP (markers) for BICM-M for the rate c08-math-0299 ODS CENC c08-math-0300 from Table 2.1 (c08-math-0301) and for the TENC in Example 2.31 for c08-math-0302 and 8PAM (c08-math-0303, c08-math-0304). The interleaver size of the TENC c08-math-0305 is c08-math-0306 and 10 iterations are performed by the turbo decoder. The asymptotic bounds based on (8.52) for the TENC and on (8.53) for the CENC are also shown

Analyzing the approximation of the BEP expression (8.22) together with (8.45), we can appreciate three terms: c08-math-0347, which depends only on the encoder; c08-math-0348, which depends only on the channel (see (8.46)); and c08-math-0349, which depends on the interleaver (see (8.36)). Assuming that the constellation and the labeling are fixed, the optimum performance of the system will be achieved by a joint design of the interleaver and the encoder. We study this in the following section.

8.2.3 Joint Encoder and Interleaver Design

It is well known that ODS CENCs in Table 2.1 are the optimum CENCs for binary transmission. However, according to (8.53), when UEP is introduced by the channel, the optimization criterion is different, i.e., a joint optimization of the MUX (i.e., how the code bits are assigned to different bit positions in the constellation) and the CENC should be done. More specifically, the expression in (8.53) shows that we first need to optimize the free Hamming distance (FHD) of the encoder and then we need to optimize the GIWD of the encoder and the MUX matrix c08-math-0350. To formally define the optimum design for a given constraint length c08-math-0351 and code rate c08-math-0352, we define c08-math-0353 as the set of encoders in c08-math-0354 that give MFHD, where c08-math-0355 is the CENC universe defined in Section 2.6.1.

Note that for given values of c08-math-0359 and c08-math-0360, the problem of selecting the optimum interleaver configuration (selection of c08-math-0361) is a continuous multidimensional optimization problem. For simplicity, however, the optimization is performed over only a limited number of points. Using Definition 8.11, an exhaustive search for pairs c08-math-0362 with constraint length up to c08-math-0363 was performed. Three different configurations were tested: code rate c08-math-0364 (c08-math-0365, c08-math-0366) with 4PAM (c08-math-0367), 8PAM (c08-math-0368), or 16PAM (c08-math-0369). The (simplified) optimization space for c08-math-0370 in these cases was c08-math-0371 for c08-math-0372, c08-math-0373 for c08-math-0374, and c08-math-0375 for c08-math-0376. The results are presented in Table 8.1, where we highlight CENCs found that are different (in terms of their IWD) from the ODS CENCs in Table 2.1. Among the 24 combinations studied, 6 resulted in new optimal encoders.

Table 8.1 Optimum CENC and multiplexers (MUXs) for c08-math-0377 wit 4PAM, 8PAM, and 16PAM. New encoders found, better than the ODS CENCs in Table 2.1, are highlighted

4PAM (c08-math-0378) 8PAM (c08-math-0379) 16PAM (c08-math-0380)
c08-math-0381 c08-math-0382 c08-math-0383 c08-math-0384 c08-math-0385 c08-math-0386 c08-math-0387 c08-math-0388 c08-math-0389 c08-math-0390 c08-math-0391
2 5 c08-math-0392 c08-math-0393 c08-math-0394 c08-math-0395 c08-math-0396 c08-math-0397 c08-math-0398 c08-math-0399 c08-math-0400
3 6 c08-math-0401 c08-math-0402 c08-math-0403 c08-math-0404 c08-math-0405 c08-math-0406 c08-math-0407 c08-math-0408 c08-math-0409
4 7 c08-math-0410 c08-math-0411 c08-math-0412 c08-math-0413 c08-math-0414 c08-math-0415 c08-math-0416 c08-math-0417 c08-math-0418
5 8 c08-math-0419 c08-math-0420 c08-math-0421 c08-math-0422 c08-math-0423 c08-math-0424 c08-math-0425 c08-math-0426 c08-math-0427
6 10 c08-math-0428 c08-math-0429 c08-math-0430 c08-math-0431 c08-math-0432 c08-math-0433 c08-math-0434 c08-math-0435 c08-math-0436
7 10 c08-math-0437 c08-math-0438 c08-math-0439 c08-math-0440 c08-math-0441 c08-math-0442 c08-math-0443 c08-math-0444 c08-math-0445
8 12 c08-math-0446 c08-math-0447 c08-math-0448 c08-math-0449 c08-math-0450 c08-math-0451 c08-math-0452 c08-math-0453 c08-math-0454
9 12 c08-math-0455 c08-math-0456 c08-math-0457 c08-math-0458 c08-math-0459 c08-math-0460 c08-math-0461 c08-math-0462 c08-math-0463

The cost function in (8.55) is shown in Fig. 8.10 as a function of the interleaver parameter c08-math-0472 for c08-math-0473, 4PAM, and c08-math-0474. The ODS CENC c08-math-0475 is shown with a thick black line. Analyzing this curve, it is clear that the performance of this encoder can be optimized by setting c08-math-0476, and that the curve has a maximum for c08-math-0477, which will result in the worst interleaver design for this particular encoder. The cost function obtained for the encoder c08-math-0478 (thick dashed line) attains the smallest value among all other encoders (including the ODS one). Consequently, if the MUX is adequately designed setting c08-math-0479 (best BICM-M), this encoder is the optimal encoder for this particular configuration. However, if the interleaver is not optimized, e.g., setting c08-math-0480 (BICM-S), the new encoder is not optimal anymore.


Figure 8.10 Cost function in (8.55) for all possible encoders in c08-math-0464 for c08-math-0465 (c08-math-0466, c08-math-0467), 4PAM, and c08-math-0468 as a function of the MUX parameter c08-math-0469. The thick solid line represents the ODS CENC c08-math-0470, and the thick dashed line the optimum BICM-M design based on c08-math-0471

We conclude by showing in Fig. 8.11 the performance of the optimum design c08-math-0481 compared with all encoders with c08-math-0482 and c08-math-0483 (enumerated using the variable c08-math-0484) using the best and the worst interleaver design (c08-math-0485 and c08-math-0486). The lines represent the range of variation between the best and the worst interleaver design, i.e., any other interleaver configuration will have a coefficient between the corresponding pair of markers. We note that the optimum design may significantly outperform other encoders, e.g., 16PAM and c08-math-0487 in Fig. 8.11. The improvement with respect to ODS CENCs is less evident but clear. Thus, the results presented in this section indicate that optimizing the interleaver and encoder should be a mandatory step in the design of BICM-M.


Figure 8.11 Cost function in (8.55) for all the 21 possible encoders in c08-math-0488, for the best and worst interleaver design: c08-math-0489 (‘c08-math-0490’), c08-math-0491 (‘c08-math-0492’), and c08-math-0493 (‘c08-math-0494’). The lines represent the range of variation between the best and the worst interleaver design

8.3 Bibliographical Notes

UEP in terms of BEP for uncoded transmission with c08-math-0495PSK and c08-math-0496QAM constellations labeled by the BRGC has been studied in [1] and for 16QAM and 64QAM in [2, Figs. 5.2 and 5.4]. Unequal power allocation for systematic/parity bits to impose UEP is an idea first used for turbo-encoded BICM in [3] and later analyzed in [4–8]. UEP for turbo-encoded schemes has been studied in [3 4, 6 8–10]. The influence of the block length and code rate for optimal power allocation was analyzed in [4 11] and interleaver design aiming to assign the code bits to different bit positions for high-order modulation schemes was studied in [12].

The BICM transceivers with M-interleaver we analyzed in this chapter in fact correspond to the original model introduced by Zehavi in [13] for BICM (and also for BICM with iterative demapping (BICM-ID) in [14]), where the application of parallel interleavers was postulated. Over the years, different names have been given to these interleavers: e.g., “in-line” 15, “intralevel” [16], “M” [17], “dual” [18], or “modular” [19]. BICM-M has been studied in [17 20], BICM-ID with M-interleavers in [14], BICM for serially concatenated systems in [15], and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-based BICM in [16] (see also [21]). BICM-M has also been proposed in the third-generation partnership project (3GPP) standard [18 22]. Nevertheless, most of the existing literature on BICM and BICM-ID still follows the framework set in [23] and assumes the use of one singe-input interleaver (BICM-S). This simplifies the analysis of the resulting system, but leads to suboptimality, as we have shown in this chapter.

The generalized transfer function of the encoder was briefly introduced in the original paper of Zehavi [13, eq. ((4.8))] and the GIWD in [19, Section IV-A]. As the PEP computation for BICM-M is not straightforward, the application of the GIWD of the encoder was not very popular. This problem was solved by the analytical expressions for the PDF of the L-values (and their Gaussian approximations) we introduced in Chapter 5. This was first done in [24] for Gaussian channels and later in [25] for fading channels. BICM-ID with M-interleavers was shown to outperform BICM-ID with a single interleaver in [26] (see also [27, Chapter 4]).


  1. [1] Lassing, J., Ström, E. G., Agrell, E., and Ottosson, T. (2003) Unequal bit-error protection in coherent c08-math-0497-ary PSK. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), October 2003, Orlando, FL.
  2. [2] Hanzo, L., Webb, W., and Keller, T. (2000) Single- and Multi-Carrier Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, John Wiley & Sons.
  3. [3] Hokfelt, J. and Maseng, T. (1996) Optimizing the energy of different bitstreams of turbo code. International Turbo Coding Seminar, August 1996, Lund, Sweden.
  4. [4] Salah, M. M., Raines, R. A., Temple, M. A., and Bailey, T. G. (2000) Energy allocation strategies for turbo codes with short frames. The International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC), March 2000, Las Vegas, NV.
  5. [5] Zhang, W. and Wang, X. (2004) Optimal energy allocations for turbo codes based on distributions of low weight codewords. Electron. Lett., 20 (19), 1205–1206.
  6. [6] Duman, T. and Salehi, M. (1997) On optimal power allocation for turbo codes. International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 1997, Ulm, Germany.
  7. [7] Mohammadi, A. H. S. and Khandani, A. K. (1997) Unequal error protection on the turbo-encoder output bits. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 1997, Montreal, QC, Canada.
  8. [8] Mohammadi, A. H. S. and Khandani, A. K. (1999) Unequal power allocation to the turbo-encoder output bits with applications to CDMA systems. IEEE Trans. Commun., 47 (11), 1609–1610.
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