Additional features

Unity also provides great support for audio in your application. Augmented reality apps are much more effective and immersive when sound accompanies what you see on the screen. There is a rich trove of audio clips on the Asset Store and elsewhere on the internet that you can use in your projects.

Everything in Unity can be scripted. Several programming languages are supported, but we recommend C# (C-Sharp) and use that in this book. If you are completely new to programming, there are some good tutorials on using C# in Unity on the Unity site ( Even so, no worries: we'll ease you into it when it's needed, beginning with the project in Chapter 5, AR Solar System.

So that's a quick intro to Unity. We'll dive in deeper in the coming chapters. In addition to materials, physics, and audio, there are lots more features. For example, you can further organize your objects using Tags, Layers, and prebuilt Prefabs. Please explore the Unity Manual ( and scripting API documentation ( If you're like me, you'll live there for a long time to come!

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