Developing AR with spatial mapping

Spatial mapping is the representation of all of the information the app has from its sensors about the real world. It is used to render virtual AR world objects. Specifically, spatial mapping is used to do the following:

  • Help virtual objects or characters navigate around the room
  • Have virtual objects occlude a real object or be occluded by a real object to interact with something, such as bouncing off the floor
  • Place a virtual object onto a real object
  • Show the user a visualization of the room they are in

In video game development, a level designer's job is to create the fantasy world stage, including terrains, buildings, passageways, obstacles, and so on. The Unity game development platform has great tools to constrain the navigation of objects and characters within the physical constraints of the level. Game developers, for example, add simplified geometry, or navmesh, derived from a detailed level design; it is used to constrain the movement of characters within a scene. In many ways, the AR spatial map acts like a navmesh for your virtual AR objects.

A spatial map, while just a mesh, is 3D and does represent the surfaces of solid objects, not just walls and floors but furniture. When your virtual object moves behind a real object, the map can be used to occlude virtual objects with real-world objects when it's rendered on the display. Normally, occlusion is not possible without a spatial map.

When a spatial map has collider properties, it can be used to interact with virtual objects, letting them bump into or bounce off real-world surfaces.

Lastly, a spatial map could be used to transform physical objects directly. For example, since we know where the walls are, we can paint them a different color in AR.

This can get pretty complicated. A spatial map is just a triangular mesh. How can your application code determine physical objects from that? It's difficult but not an unsolvable problem. In fact, the HoloLens toolkit, for example, includes a spatialUnderstanding module that analyzes the spatial map and does higher level identification, such as identification of floor, ceiling, and walls, using techniques such as ray casting, topology queries, and shape queries.

Spatial mapping can encompass a whole lot of data that could overwhelm the processing resources of your device and deliver an underwhelming user experience. HoloLens, for example, mitigates this by letting you subdivide your physical space into what they call spatial surface observers, which in turn contain a set of spatial surfaces. An observer is a bounding volume that defines a region of space with mapping data as one or more surfaces. A surface is a triangle 3D mesh in real-world 3D space. Organizing and partitioning space reduces the dataset needed to be tracked, analyzed, and rendered for a given interaction.

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